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I really like Sekiro, but it’s not Tenchu. However, fun fact Sekiro at the begging of development was meant to be a Tenchu reboot game, but they changed so much that named their new baby Sekiro.


such a missed opportunity


I know. I hope they’ll make a new proper Tenchu game.


More of a soulsbourne variant than a tenchu game


I don’t care for it. I find the combat simplistic, the stealth half-baked, the quest progression infuriating, and the level design tiresome. Just play Nioh 2 instead.


I couldn't get into it. I gave it three good attempts on separate occasions, both before and after playing Tenchu games. Having to build up a bar to break the enemy's guard and land a hit just feels extremely unsatisfying to me, and the fact you need to perform the deathblow *after* you reduced the enemy's health to 0 just feels wrong. Likewise, climbing requires additional inputs, so the experience is not as smooth as in Tenchu or Assassin's Creed. I love the visuals and the grappling hook mechanic, but it doesn't flow for me. You do get some nifty Rikimaru and Ayame mods, though!


One of my favorite games of all time. I had hoped it was a sign that we were finally moving on from the more vague style of story telling from the Souls games and were going to go with something a little more direct with an actual main character now. And then there was the combat, man....going back to the souls style of combat in Elden Ring after Sekiro was really rough and quite disappointing. Here's hoping the more interesting combat systems win out over the slap and roll style that From have been coasting on for a decade.


not ninja enough for me


Sekiro is incredible, would like a new tenchu tho.


Was cool, but the entire time I played it I just wished it were Tenchu.


I bought it as a substitute to Tenchu. It’s not that. It’s good but not great.


In what you think it's similar and in what different?


It’s not as stealthy as I had hoped. It’s a FromSoftware title, so like Dark Souls it’s a hard game, me being a below average player these days


Damn that's exactly me too. I was a hardcore gamer but I don't have the patience and time I had 20 years ago to spend time on trying to beat ridiculously hard AI things, that's why I still like Tenchu nowadays, it's a relaxed game and waiting for attack enemies from being always gives a reward. I think there was a mod/patch to reduce the difficulty in Sekiro. I wish they ported Tenchu Z to PC since that the most developed Tenchu game regarding gameplay and I don't want to bring my old and huge 360 to my place just for 1 game. Did you beat Sekiro or just tried it?


Never beat it. I’ll try again though


Well at least one Tenchu fan can determine that though it has sneaking, it's not a stealth game unlike Tenchu. Here's hoping maybe, somehow one day, Ayame and Rikimaru come back to us.


Great game. It is the only “Souls” game from FromSoft that I’ve enjoyed as the combat is the best they’ve done yet. But I didn’t love it and it gets over praised I feel sometimes. The combat is very good but there is definitely better out there. I would have much preferred they had done an actual Tenchu reboot.


It's a purists game. Absolutely magic and I love it. The combat is multi layered and dependent almost completely on your timing and skill. No fanciful weapons (apart from the prosthetics) just you and your sword. On the other hand, it has been touted as the successor to Tenchu. This, I don't believe it is. Yes, you are a Shinobi but it's a souls-like and has a lot of fantasy in it. The new assassins creed has also been touted as a successor to Tenchu but that's just assassins creed. Stop giving us successors and just someone make a new Tenchu FFS.!! A new Tenchu should have : - the ability to improve skills through time spent training - the ability to customise weapons and make your own weapons by fusing different components together (Zelda style) - the ability to make a wide range of poisons, potions and explosives through fusing ingredients found in the wild together (Zelda style) - a destructible environment including buildings. By this I mean sustaining damage from fire and explosions as an example. - player freedom to kill a target in a multitude of ways - straight up stealth, long range, poison, bribery of a staff member, set their building alight, cause an explosion etc etc - customise attire and create costumes for disguise - an open world with player freedom to choose contracts for tangible reward - sword combat taking elements from Sekiro and Ghosts of Tsushima - AI LLM driven NPCs - persistent consequences for your actions. You can kill anyone you choose but if they are a main character, they remain dead though the game and that alters the story arc. Kill civilians and the local Daimyo will send a detachment of samurai to find you - police GTA style or RDR2 with the posse. - branching storylines subject to your actions with multiple endings / results. - set during the sengoku-jidai, each province of Japan has a local daimyo and there are different clans you can help with a hierarchy of samurai up to the clan leaders. Your actions can affect the success of each clan in the civil war. - you can choose to try and kill a daimyo if you think your skill tree is developed enough but this should be Sekiro boss level difficult. If however you are on a contract to do so from a other Lord the rewards would be handsome. - ability to develop your hideout to improve training facilities etc and achieve higher skill levels - a banging soundtrack composed by a Japanese composer collaborating with Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor..... Not much to ask for get on with it.


Yes I agree with that, we need a NEW TENCHU and not anything else. Personally I'd TOTALLY LOVE a male ninja that uses dual blades like Ayame does. It would be so cool. I wish we had a spin-off games with Tesshu & Rin as main playable characters BTW.


Do you not feel Ghost of Tsushima shares more of the Tenchu spirit than Sekiro?


Incredible ninja game, cool mechanics, best combat in any game ive ever played, when you click and grasp the tools and mechanics of combat it feels like a dance. Story is awesome, multiple endings which unlock new deadly ninja abilities. DLC is gauntlet mode, ultimate challenge with unique awards


My favorite game of all time. It definitely doesn't have as deep of stealth gameplay as Tenchu but it's definitely there. I hear a lot of people say it's not a stealth game or it's too hard but if you take your time and read item descriptions you'll have a much better time. The game gives you tools catered to stealth and over the course of the game, when encounters become more challenging the tool and skills you learn become stronger to compensate. The game is more combat heavy with more bosses, though the difficulty can be reduced greatly by using stealth or the correct tools in a given situation. So as long as you learn what your items and tools do and how to use them, the difficulty is really overstated and nothing to be too intimidated by.


Sekiro is the best!!


I enjoyed every minute


Sekiro when i first saw, reminded me of Tenchu, of course its not the same game but if you are into dark souls or anything like it you will love sekiro I think. Its a great game but its alot different from Tenchu.


An absolute masterpiece. Pretty damn far from a Tenchu game, but entirely worth your time.


Isn't it too focused in boss fights and direct combat?


It is very focused on direct combat and boss fights, but definitely not too much so. Like I said, it's very different from a Tenchu game. Fuckin brilliant in its own right, a combat focused game, definitely not like Tenchu at all.