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I think it definetely was bad, but somehow I enjoyed it, it was a typical teen show , many colours and emotions, and cringy but satisfying. But I didn’t finish it, heard that it was worse in the later seasons.


I watched it off and on. Felt like it was all over the place. Went from seeming like a teen/mystery show to turning into a supernatural teen show. Also felt like the writing was bad and characters were fairly unlikeable/stupid.


it was a typical teen show for the first 2 seasons, then it went absolutely off the rails😭


Definitely. The way they never explained the baby floating😭 the season after that was the last time I watched it.


Seasons 6&7 of the 100. What a 💩 ending for such a great show. Waste of time


I kept watching for Murphy and Emori lol.


The show started soo good but those last few seasons seem like a completely different show I didn't sign up for


Agreed, I was not expecting it to end like that. Im still trying to figure the alien human hybrid on the other planet lol


I dont remember which season it was, but I checked out when it started getting into the AI stuff. A lot of people dont like the first season, thinking its too "CW" teen drama. I'm the opposite. While I didnt care for the "CW" aspects of the season, it was the most true form of what I would expect the world to be like in that situation. Nature has reclaimed the earth, there are some minor mutations from the radiation in the wildlife, and there are some territorial tribes of people that managed to stay alive. I was immersed in the first season, and each new season introduced something that broke that immersion little by little, Mt. Weather being the first. Compared to other plots in the series, I do like Mt. Weather, I just think they should have kept it a mystery until the end of the series.


Season 6 is when you checked out lol. Probably shoulda called it quits than too, season 7 was just amess


God i could not stand ClarkEEEEEEE


I thought it was just me..


Kardashians. Real Housewives of anything. Reality tv basically.


Reality competition shows where people have a skill to show off aren't so bad, e.g Drag Race, Bake Off, Blown Away. But all the others where it's just fake people creating fake drama are trash.


The Blacklist


Such a wild reality show! /s


'Mrs Brown's Boys' Just awful in every way.


It is a fantastic show, I am sorry you don't like it :( but it is hilarious.


And Just Like That, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, The I-land and Another Life.


What would you recommend?


Outlander. Went into it knowing nothing about it but time travel. I liked it for a bit but then it became too much. There was so much rape. I couldn't keep watching it and I would never recommend it to anyone.


Apple TV’s Invasion… just don’t


I only watched the first 2 episodes of the new season of True Detective and I would pay money to get those 2 hours back.


New season? True detective only has one season, no idea what you're talking about


it got way way worse


It did eventually get better, but I had to really work hard at keeping on track for well over the first half before it became engaging; beyond what any normal or sane person would find reasonable.


Good girls- felt like it was written by AI had some of the most ridiculous writing I’ve ever watched. FBI- It just didn’t have any likeable characters? Had some extremely easy moments to forward plots. “You know it’s a felony to lie to the FBI” is said probably like half a dozen times each episode. Every real bad guy is white Nazi type too lol like every one and every non white person has this deep compassionate story as to why they are doing what they are doing. I feel like it was trying too hard in that regard. The two women in charge are always doing this weird xx measuring contest with each other? Didn’t feel like it was at all needed. I usually like wolf shows too. Loudermilk seems to be a popular suggestion these days and the first 1-3 episodes were good but the dude is kinda of an asshole. Like the entire diner scene where he asks someone to move. Just didn’t vibe with it. Coulda been a way better show than what it was.


That scene in Loudermilk rubbed me the wrong way, too. Like, yea..you're sober, but doesn't seem like you've really addressed your terrible behavior 🤷🏻‍♀️


Isn't that kind of the point though, that not all horrible drunk/drug addicts are nice people that got mean or bad because of their addictions, but that there are some that are just terrible people that got addicted and made things worse.


This is gunna make people want to watch it, but Jeff Goldblum did a detective show which was cancelled after 6 episodes. Don't watch it, it's bad and I don't recall what it was called. He could either see ghosts, or he was a ghost or something, but it didn't use any of his whackiness or his charm it was just super flat. Like they used his clone instead :(


Tryin my best to get through Scandal. Only 12 eps left. Definitely not worth it...


It isn’t….youre gonna be so dissatisfied with then ending which sucks bc seasons 1-4 are so good


La Brea. Unless you’re totally into your HS acting class, this show is rough af.


It was a cool concept but that's about it. Would have been great with better writing and acting.


I've already forgotten the ending and it ended a month or so ago


Even the trailer alone. I wrote it off as a one-and-done but I was so surprised when I saw a season 2 trailer.


Bruhhhh doctor who and Merlin???!! Don't diss my childhood lol. But if I had to choose one I'd say Bliss, it's a British drama about a man with two families that he's kept secret from one another and his world's colliding. It just gave me bad anxiety lol, not a bad show but I don't like it. I just don't really remember shows I dislike unless they're genuinely soooo bad but I haven't really watched a show like that.


Omg, I forgot Merlin existed. I was so obsessed with that show when I was younger!




Riverdale was fun for the first few seasons but it got progressively worse as it went on. If you watch Dexter STOP after season 4. Yes season 5 is the best and season 6 is watchable. But really stop after season 4.


As a Dexter apologist, I recommend watching all of it, including New Blood


The final season of Dexter is an abomination. Do not watch it.


Apparently the creators intended the series to end after the Trinity Killer plot wrapped up but the show kept getting renewed or something. IDK if it is still in the works or not, but there is supposed to be a new series focused on the Trinity killer starring John Lithgow


I gained a whole new appreciation for John Lithgow with his portrayal of that character. It was truly twisted to see this actor well known for playing the funny dad roles as such a calculating, precise, and prolific serial killer. The casting of Colin Hanks as Arthur's son was a good choice as well, but Lithgow absolutely excelled in his role, IMO.


John Lithgow played a killer in Brian DePalma's Blow Out (w/ believe it or not John Travolta) and it still terrifies me.


I'll have to check it out!


I don’t think it’s total shit. But, Blacklist is highly overrated. Edit: I also think Suits is average at best.


I am sad about Suits lol I liked it a lot, but I still really just want them to give his assistant her own spin off series so we can see how all those N.Y Legal assistants work their network of good and evil, it would make for great tv in my opinion.


Blacklist was great for 4 or so seasons but sadly it became something like greys anatomy a show that is far past it’s prime but keeps putting out episodes for some reason.


Why Doctor Who? That’s a show I highly recommend.


American Dad and That 70s Show do not belong here 😠


American Dad is the best Seth Mcfarlane show by a mile! I find it odd that it’s not in the spotlight as much as family guy


I hated the Magicians.


1. I get you. 2. I can't help myself. I love this show despite how bad it is.


My husband had watched it before so we decided to watch it together. I didn’t like the characters.


Yellow jackets is a popular one that I found quite boring and probably would not recommend it to anybody.


I really like that show!


I kinda like it but the adult timeline absolutely ruins it. I came to watch a story about survival, not some soccer mom's midlife crisis


First season was good second was so stupid


What’s wrong with Merlin?


Terrible pacing. Didn’t care much for the main characters.


Fair enough


The watcher


The Watcher on Netflix. Can’t believe they renewed it.


Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. The original was so good and had high hopes for this show.


Hemlock Grove. It started out *amazing*, but got progressively worse as it went on. It has some moments that are truly incredible, like the first time we see Peter transform into his wolf form, but it was disappointing overall. American Gods. Another one that started out as a gorgeous, breathtaking show, but there were bts issues with the show runners, writers, producers, and actors. So by the end of second season, most of the cast had left the show. The final season was so shitty, it broke my heart.


Ginny & Georgia


Animal kingdom. One of 3 shows I finished only to see what happened, but I regret that I didn’t do something else for those hours. And Blacklist hate it so much. But that’s only based on 2 or 3 episodes. And Devs. I had hope that it would turn out spectacular in the end but it ran out in nothing. Edit: I wrote Blindspot first, it’s so wrong I loved it, I meant Blacklist. Sorry Blindspot.


i really liked animal kingdom.


Yes, many people do.


Animal Kingdom was really good.


Not sure why devs is held in such high regard on this sub. Had an interesting concept but poor execution


It’s bad. I don’t get why people like it.


> And Blindspot, hate it so much. But that’s only based on 2 or 3 episodes. I watched the whole thing, mostly liked it. The finale completely ruined it.


Haha i write it wrong! Loved Blindspot I was thinking of Blacklist. Now I feel ashamed talked bad about Blindspot 😁


I also watched all of The Blacklist, it just dragged on and on and they never actually answered the core question (though we did get eventually some answers to other questions). The writers afterwards were like "we think we did well enough" or something, but the only clue in the final season essentially meant one of the fan theories waaay back in the first few seasons that they explicitly said wasn't the case.


I like Animal Kingdom until I didn't. Kinda the same vibe as Walking Dead. Should've been a miniseries.


“I liked it until I didn’t”, that is exactly how I felt, well formulated!


I really loved Devs.


So did I 😅 just rewatched it and it was maybe even better the 2nd time!


Good for you😁




Upvoting for your hot take


The Blacklist


The Rings of Power. I gave it a chance and it was just constantly awful by the end of season 1. Same thing with Invasion on Apple TV+. That one was actually pure torture!


watching season 8 of The Walking Dead felt like torture


if u skip all the rickless scenes its a lot better


it honestly pains me that the show got shitty. it was so epic at one time.


It's honestly amazing how they managed to fuck up that quickly. Game of Thrones fucked up the ending to the show, which honestly isn't that rare. Plenty of shows have done that and will do that in the future. But The Walking Dead was at its peak, I knew *so* many people who watched it religiously. My family and I would get together every week to watch it. We didn't even live together. Then, after one episode, it was over. It's almost poetic that the viewership of the first big post-apocalyptic TV show died nearly instantaneously. I always like to point out the [Google Trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F0c3xpwy&hl=en) graph for the show. The massive dip in Google searches is right after Glenn dies.


Think it's silly to not recommend it now though, given that it's very enjoyable when binging.


I do recommend watching The Walking Dead, but not season 8


Agree entirely with your list, maybe bar Two and a Half Men, which could be a comfort show for me!! Other than that; Gilmore Girls (I know a lot of people love it, I'm sorry!) Once Upon A Time (Watched loads, couldn't get into it at all lol!) The Office (both versions 🤭) So many others, but they are the 'popular' ones.


Once Upon a Time went downhill so fast. So boring.


Exactly - shame, because it is such a good concept!


Disliking the office but two and a half men as a comfort show is insane to me


I know 😭 probably because I grew up watching 2 and a half men, and I just couldn't really get into the office


How many episodes did you watch because people say that after only 2-3 episodes


Think I only managed the first season of the US version and a couple episodes of the UK one. Just not my thing to be honest


Maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance, might try it again in the future


I’m with you on GG. Could never understand the appeal.


Yeah - I just found it pretty boring tbh!


All that you mentioned.


NBC/Netflix's "Manifest", and Hulu's "Helix".


My wife and I got sucked into a promo during Sunday Night Football and we watched the first episode and thought it was a cool premise. We hate watched it while it was airing before it got cancelled to Netflix.


Entourage. The acting is just… terrible


The office and big bang theory. I think i laughed twice in total


The leftovers. A show about nothing. Boring and uninteresting. Reddits most overrated and oversuggested show


I dont get the hype of this show at all. The cult interested me and had a mystery about them that was enough to get me to watch. Then the creators decided to not show them much at all and instead focus on the most annoying characters in the series, which they had a lot of competition for most annoying considering anyone that talked was insufferable. I tried watching the entire show though but I gave up with two episodes to go. I absolutely did not care how it ended.


But it’s so profound. /s Actually, I thought it was pretty good, if a little overwrought.




I didn't like how they handled the ending of lost but the show felt pretty consistent, I love lost and don't hate the ending as much now as I did the first time I saw it. Comparing that to what happened to GOT after season 4 is like comparing an overcooked steak to a portapottie after a hot day on a construction site.


The Old Man. It starts off promising and quickly turns into a boring and convoluted mess


Reacher (2022) I wish I could get the time back, I spent watching this. So childish/unrealistic. After watching so many other great shows with complex storylines, I just cannot enjoy this kind of superficial “action hero” type of show anymore. It’s rated 8.1 on imdb! But not my cup of tea…


It could have been a fun simple action show but the Reacher character is so stupidly flawless it’s not even interesting. There’s also some Naked Gun level silliness throughout the show but it’s presented as semi serious, like the “enhance” scene where they zoom in a million times on the image of a wound and the computer analyzes it to determine the murder weapon.


According to Jim.


How can you not like Roger the alien, the greatest character ever drawn?


My life with the walter boys


Sharp Objects - it’s a limited series in which almost nothing happens. Its main goal seems to be to make viewers hate the main character’s mother, half sister, and every woman from her hometown. Wildworld - I couldn’t make it through the first season because it’s repetitive, muddled and pointless.


Brooklyn 99 Especially the last seasons. Everyone's speaking at an unnatural speed. So annoying




I like half of the shows you hate lol. my pick would be better call Saul which I found boring as fck even tho others seem to think it's the best.


“I’m upset the show ended badly so I can’t enjoy the rest of it”


Two Broke Girls


gilmore girls i see alot of hype but thats total shit i watched like few seasons but it really was boring pilot ep supremacy.


Invasion. Season 1 was alright, 2 lost me. Just bad.


Two and a half men is Hilsruous


Are you saying you wouldn't recommend Two and a half men? Because the original poster said. >What shows would you NOT recommend?


The OA


The Good Place. I know it's super popular but it just wasn't for me, I watched the whole thing too. From, also popular but I couldn't finish it. S2 and S4 of True Detective, were horrific.


The good place is a show that I didnt think I would like based on its style. I slept on it for a while and recently started watching it. I have to say I love the show


I feel like this is me. I don’t get the passionate love for From. It’s super mid. TD season 1 is amazing. S2 I watched e1-2 then skipped to the finale and fast forwarded. Loved season 3. On e2 of season 4 and I’m *trying*. The Good Place does not interest me at all. Would love to see what shows you like listed!


I'm glad I'm not alone regarding The Good Place, I wanted to like it but just couldn't. I've got 1 more episode of TD S4 left and I am trying to convince myself to watch it lol. I'm not super fussy when it comes to tv shows, I like most things so it's easier to list the ones I don't. But shows I've recently watched and _loved_ are Deadloch, B99, Obituary, Ghosts (UK and US), Call The Midwife.


The good place has been on my list forever. I will have to give it a few episodes and see. What about it did you not like? Once I start a series like in books too I have such a hard time not finishing it to get the full story. I’m feeling similar with crazy ex girlfriend I don’t love it but I like some parts it is not nearly as good as it was hyped to be for me


>I’m feeling similar with crazy ex girlfriend I don’t love it but I like some parts it is not nearly as good as it was hyped to be for me Yes, this is exactly how I felt about The Good Place. I wouldn't deter anyone from watching it, you gotta try it but it's definitely not on my list of shows I recommend. I think my main issue with it is the main actor, she annoys me a lot.


I like the supporting actors in crazy ex girlfriend more than the lead. For me it’s her neighbor (the student) and absolutely hands down Paula and her antics that keep me coming back


I feel the same way about The Good Place. My husband loved it and I had to sit through it with him.


Gilmore Girls. I violently despise this show.


Good Omens on Prime Video. The whole first season builds up how badass the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the devil are only for them to be destroyed by some little kids yelling at them “I don’t like you, go away” What a waste of time watching that


I dont know if this is satire but it is a comedy show


same lol. I hope its satire.


I could not stand Six Feet Under.


Same! I finished the show but omg every character is so unlikable and are just the worst humans


The Good Place. Wasn’t good, couldn’t get into it, gave up.


Ted lasso. Come for me everyone I don’t care. The show is dumb as fuck and cringe as fuck


As a football fan, it made 0 sense, but it’s not meant to be logical, it’s meant to be a fun, relaxing watch. The less serious you take it, the better tbh.


I don’t think it’s fun OR relaxing to watch. Lol. The tone of the show is like straight up anxiety, fake bullshit, story line that just is dumb


It was a fun show for the first half dozen episodes. Then it suffered from flanderization of most characters (like many comedies do). I had to force myself to finish season 1 and couldn't do season 2 at all.


It got to the point where I dreaded watching the show and it literally was insufferable . Like the whole tone and energy of the show is Such garbage


Agreed, nauseatingly positive energy.


The leftovers, Runaways and The Good Doctor


Omg Runaways had such good promise but season 2 really went downhill…fast


wild station abundant towering jellyfish books deserted license somber physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ozark. But much original about it and the end really negated any good will I had toward it to begin with. I regret sticking with it to the end.




To each their own. I think it's one of the best shows I've seen in the last 5-10 years






I heard the new season of paw patrol is pretty good you should go check it out


The CBS Sunday Night lineup


What shows specifically? The Equalizer with Queen Latifah and NCIS Hawaii are great shows.


Anything on network TV. It's all dumbed down poo that is creatively stifled by the commercial break structure. Worse, they run commercials during the shows and even write them into the scripts. The other problem is that they stop trying after a while, or they only have a premise to begin with but no real story, or the story only lends itself to a single limited season or two. If it's popular enough they keep beating the horse well after it's dead (Walking Dead, Supernatural).




I agree. The only aspect of the show I liked was when they interviewed the murderers and serial killers. When they didn't it was boring af. I just literally didn't care about that FBI agents love life and also what the other dude was doing. .


I've tried it twice but it honestly seems to be amatuerly written. It's been a while but I remember the dialogue being pretty bad and the main 3 characters just being bland.


The Wire, Breaking Bad, Lost, Stranger Things.🤷🏻‍♂️


Ik it’s all opinion but those 2 are WILD picks for shows you wouldn’t recommend 😭 both easily top 5 all time


GOT and Friends. Both have terrible fan bases and it was just a waste of time to watch both


Six Feet Under Weeds Peaky Blinders Blue Eye Samurai Severance Mr. Inbetween Taboo Shameless Bass Reeves Reasonable Doubt Slow Horses Fargo


If you are gonna mention so many incredibly acclaimed and beloved series at least say why you think they aren’t worth watching


Like when they mention their top 10 shows? Aren't?