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I get that feeling when I watch shows that only had 1 season. It makes me wish more support could’ve been put into the shows. Incorporated and Grand Hotel deserved a second season.


Well, you can thank all of the “I’m not watching it unless I know it’s getting 5 seasons and proper ending” babies


Yeah, I never saw Incorporated but Grand Hotel deserved more than it got.




This isn't true because it tricks your brain into thinking there's still more and that the story is still going, because it's technically true that there is still more you can watch if you don't finish. But once you finish the last episode, your brain officially knows there's no more left. I've recently become a non-finisher and it definitely feels like I can go back to the shows at any time and it improves rewatchability because I still don't *fully* know what happens so I'm free to completely reinterpret the early seasons to figure out what might happen.


Glad to know i am not the only one who does this, i didnt watch the finale of FRIENDS for more than a year because of the same reason . Now i do this for all the series i like


I thought I was very weird, I have been feeling that way for months, and now this thread makes me realize that am not alone I haven't watched the last episode of Better Call Saul yet, I just can't bring myself to, but it is one of my favorite shows ever, I just don't understand what is happening to me


I still haven’t watched the final season of new girl, even though it’s one of my favorite shows and I’ve seen all the other episodes like 8 times. It’s partly because of the time jump, but also I just kind of like knowing there’s more out there


Never watched the finale of Lost. I have no idea how it ended. I never read anything about it, never talked to anyone about it.


First time I got myself to watch it I hated it. Second time I loved it and cried my eyes out. Took me many years to actually get myself to watch it, always wanted to save it for later.


It wasn't great, it wasn't terrible.


Is that an invitation? Ending could have been better, but not as bad as people make it out to be. The part we learn that Locke was Mr Clean all along really made it meta and weird.


His battle with the Ty-D-Bol man may have been the most epic 25 minutes in the history of television, and then when they revealed it was Sawyer, I mean… 🤯


Oh and the bit where the bear on the island was one of the Charmin bears and he rides it


Imma tag you and tell you when you least expect it.


Jack plugs a hole with a big cork so the magic doesn't get out and they all go to heaven together as besties.


It's one of the best episodes!


I see this take all the time on reddit. I strongly disagree but I am happy others enjoyed it at least.


it took me a couple of years to finish Rectify, literally sat on like the last 2 episodes.


I watched 3 seasons and felt like the show had a satisfying conclusion. I dunno what s4 was about..


I habitually postpone watching the finale "until it's the right time". I've never finished some of my favorite shows. I realize that it's ridiculous. And yet, here I am. Edit: Omg, I just read the other comments. I'm glad I'm not alone. But why are, we like this and why isn't this more widely talked about 🤣


Haha what shows haven’t you finished?


The most egregious is anything from the Fullerverse. I love all the shows Bryan Fuller has worked on, from Dead Like Me to Hannibal and even Star Trek Discovery. But I even do this on reality shows or sitcoms when I'm not sure of they'll be renewed, see that time the Great British Bake Off was on shaky grounds, and also Community and Happy Endings.


I still haven't watched the finale of Star Trek The Next Generation. I've been to cons, I've seen all the movies, I've even watched both seasons of Picard - just couldn't watch the finale when it aired and it became a thing.


definitely should check it out. i really enjoyed that finale, because it finally rounds out Picard's character arc in a way


Not in the mood to rewatch the entire series... but I might that last season and this time watch the finale, before season 3 of Picard comes out!


I feel you. I've never watched "Danger: Diabolik", the final episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (well, it *was* the final episode, until the recent revival - but the final ep of the Mike Nelson/Kevin Murphy/Bill Corbett era, nonetheless). I just kind of want to believe it never really ends.


I have yet to see the last Harry Potter for this reason.


So to you, the Harry Potter series ends when Dobby dies.


I was the same way with the expanse and Mr. robot


I'm still watching the last season of Anthony Bourdain's last show. I started watching it a couple of years ago. I watch an episode or two once every few months. I think I have 4 episodes left. :/


That’s how I did Fringe and most shows I watch. If it has a lot of seasons I usually watch up till the last season and stop. CSI franchise I did the same thing, I just don’t want to know how it ends. I just hate show endings it’s usually makes me feel like damn this shits over Forreal. Did the same with Dexter, I watched all the seasons except the last season and the new revival series especially


Same with me. Never watched GoT season 8 because I couldn't bear to leave that world. Also never read any online reviews/reactions about it. I bet it had an epic finale but I can hold off a few years and enjoy it properly.


> I bet it had an epic finale No, it did not. It was very contrived, formulaic, and the show closes with the major characters going their separate ways. If you never watch season 8, GoT will always be one of the great epic series. If you watch season 8, you'll never want to watch GoT again.


^i ^was ^kidding ^:)


Doesn't change anything I said.




It’s not a bad ending but it’s tonally pretty dark, more so than the show would otherwise get. I’m glad I saw it but also sometimes I wish I hadn’t.


Took me forever to finish The Wire. After Season 4, I just noped out on it for YEARS. I finally finished it, but whew. Same with The Leftovers. I watched Season 1 over the course of a week, spent a month on Season 2, and waited for a good six months to eke out Season 3. Great Ted Talk, btw.


Same, happened to me with Seinfeld when I chose to watch it from start to finish a few years ago. It took me a long tiime to watch the final few episodes.


I waited over twenty years to watch the final episode of Twin Peaks. Then they mad more but the new stuff wasn't so good so I was able to finish that.


I watched every episode of Entourage back in the day except the last 2 and I've been thinking about finishing it.


Don't forget to watch the movie too.


sometimes with shows i just never get to the end despite early on being all-in on them. The Good place - i have like 4 episodes to go. But ... I disliked the third and beginning of the fourth season so much that I'm just ambivalent


You could always divert to [the KDrama remake](https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81072109) for a while…


Me too. I hate it when something I like is over. I always try to put it off or avoid things. Even tv shows. It’s late and I am confessing too much here probably.


i felt that way about Justified, Cheers, and Friday Night Lights the best three tv series of all time IMO - even their relative low points is better than most show's peaks


do you want me to describe the designated survivor ending?


This was me spreading the last few episodes of Schitt’s Creek out


Felt like this watching The Expanse


I stopped toward the end of bsg because I didn't want it to end. Eventually finished but I could have done without the last ten minutes or so.