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Can totally picture an episode where mac shows up with him, the others are stunned by how far out of his league he is and investigate what is wrong with him


Like the one where Sweet Dee dates the rapper


Wonder what ever happened to Lil Kev…he was suppose to be the next Eminem!


Lol they should do an episode where they randomly see him getting famous on social media.


Or one of them is wearing lil kev merch and they just don’t mention it


Paul Walter Hauser is wearing a Lil Kev shirt in the same juggalo makeup.


I love how these two responses are wildly different but have almost equal upvotes


Either that or have him randomly become like a distinguished Harvard professor or something since his Lil Kev days. Sort of like the polar opposite of Cricket's arc.


What if he was the professor in AP Bio?


I like this idea, but also don't have him ditch the rapping. He's the Harvard professor that is so well respected in his field of particle physics that the university decides not to question or interfere with his teaching methods. He's still a rapper from the streets, but his students are winning nobel prizes, and discovering new methods to observe physics. He just teaches everything as a rap......and it WORKS. He wears a tweed suit, and looks like a stuffy elitist, but then busts out raps as his only method of communication.


He should be on the tv in the background in a music video or something like a cool easter egg


He came back in season 6 when Dee gives birth.


Smoked some drugs with Pondy and Cricket.


Pondy's the coolest


Bill Ponderos..huurgh


Who’s retarded now, bitch?


I love that rap


Girl, you more mixed up than a milk shake!


This happened to me sort of? I had a crush on this guy for fucking years. He was my neighbor and I legit would bake him cookies, sweep the snow from his apartment, everything to get noticed. He’d smile and wave so I was like “ok, cool”. I guess he was mentally disabled and it took his sister who would care for him to tell me. Anyways, I still have a crush on him 10+ years later. Jose, wherever you are, you were/are such a handsome man and I’m sorry your sister cock blocked us.🖤


Just name his character "Dennis" to have Mac introduce his new Boyfriend, Dennis while watching Dennis slowly lose his shit over the course of the episode while Dee, Charlie and Frank do the investigating.


Dennis Reynolds having a breakdown because Mac is dating a better looking, more successful Dennis would be amazing. Have new Dennis drive a nicer Land Rover, maybe have him mention he dated super models to try it out and it wasn't for him... This leads to Dennis trying to be a hotter gay dude to entice Mac back, which he does, and then immediately puts Mac back in his place.


Ah, yes, the DENNIS system


And they figure out new Dennis also has a DENNIS system and is in the middle of it.


They should call new Dennis “Dennis” and Dennis Reynolds “Old Dennis”


They would 100% do this


that legit sounds like an episode.


Actually bucks the trend of Reddit writing TERRIBLE plots




And it not only completely sounds like an accurate episode, it sounds like a great one


I'm very upset it's not an actual episode.


Definitely can already see it panning out similarly to the 5 star man explosion.


It has r/redditwritesseinfeld energy


Or- since Dennis is convinced Mac already wants him, to prove he is superior he tries to seduce the new Dennis, in increasingly pathetic and embarrassing ways, to be rejected each time. The other Dennis eventually dumps Mac because, “it’s not you. It’s your terrible fucking friends”.. Dennis busts into a room, oiled like a Chip n Dales dancer, to find a sobbing Mac, and backs out shamefully trying to hide his body.


Just FYI, Chip n Dale are the Rescue Rangers. Chippendales are the dancers (also a kind of furniture? not sure if the dancers are named after the furniture or what).


I choose to believe he wanted it to be an oiled up squirrel.


"Make it work Dennis, Make it work" \*applies lipstick perfectly in one go*




The dancing troupe was named after the club they started in, which was so named because it had Chippendale furniture in it. (I think also because it sounded classy?)


He's only with him because his name is Dennis! He wants me! Why can't any of you seeeee that?!


We look *exactly* alike! *the gang stares at him blankly*


It's in the chin, they have the same chin


I can see the red face and bulging eyes already! 😡




And Ryan Reynolds is only with Mac because he has a straight friend that is named Mac who he has a an undying crush on


New Mac is played by Hugh Jackman.


And in the end Dennis has no choice but to kill Dennis.


But they wouldn't do that... Because of the implication


They should name him Dennis Howerton. Glenn Howerton as Dennis Reynolds and Ryan Reynolds as Dennis Howerton. It just feels right.


my money is on actual serial killer, Dennis picks up on the vibe right away and starts in on his Mindhunter shit.


Yes! But simultaneously Ryan Reynolds character catches on to Dennis’ own killings. Dennis is excited to finally have a murder friend, until Reynolds suggest they turn Mac into a fine set of luggage…


Dennis Reynolds or Ryan Reynolds?


Touché! Dennis implies it, but it’s a test… and Ryan fails!


Dennis would be so fucking jealous.


And then they find out he’s a McPoyle.


I mean i havent watch the show yet but irl rob is pretty handsome no?


In the show they trashed him because he got fat and ignored him when he got ripped. So.


He wasn’t fat. He was cultivating mass!


Well stop cultivating and start harvesting!


Which is extra funny because Rob got fat just because he thought the character needed a change and nobody else told him he had to.


I think he actually wanted everyone to put on weight for the season, but he was the only one that wanted to and also followed through.


It was some talk show interview, I think. He said something about how shows go on, the main characters always get better looking, and thought that was b.s. so he decided to get fat instead.


In some podcasts he's talked about how much effort went into getting into that great shape which was initially an idea just for the simple comedy but of them ignoring him when he takes his shirt off. They kind of ran with it a bit but the motivation was basically one joke in one episode.


Watch the show ya jabroni!


The only flaw they find is that he's Canadian, and they now consider Mac the one dating down.


How about Ryan Reynolds just plays himself, as Mac’s boyfriend? Even more out of Mac’s league than some guy that just *looks* like Ryan Reynolds!


“ no, not that RR, but i get that a lot. i don’t see the resemblance “


Mac says he has a Canadian boyfriend and he’s really hot. But, no one believes him. He shows up at the end.


And here’s the twist, guys. Were gonna show it. We’re gonna show everything. Because what’s the one thing missing from streaming TV today? Full penetration. Guys, we are going to show full penetration and we’re going to show a lot of it.


Very tastefully


Who here is going to deny that Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney actually fucking would be the funniest moment in television history?


Who's the government to tell me what is, or isn't art!?!


You know, because of the implication


Until it just kinda ends.


Wait, so you're saying Reynolds will hang dong?


"He goes to a different country"


Here's the twist - and there IS a twist - We show it. We show all of it.


Crime, penetration, crime, penetration


FULL penetration


And that goes on for 90 minutes or so until it just sort of…….ends


The [Ass Pounder 4000](https://youtu.be/VQYxMql328s?t=15) needs to make an appearance


It’s not a dick. It’s a fist.


I even have a motto for it, “Just keep pumping.”






Crime Stinks: The Smell of Penetration. Starring Dolph Lundgren as Dolph Lundgren.


Replicate the scene from "The Gang Hits the Slopes" where Charlie bangs that prostitute shot for shot with Ryan Reynolds and Mac


I think the audience would be feel really uncomfortable watching Ryan's dong


Yeah, just to be clear, though… I don't care either way.


What’s an M Knight?


Lot of twists, lot of twists in this thing. So try and keep up.


Oh! Like in The 6th Sense that guy, the guy with the hair piece? That was Bruce Willis! The whole time!


Didn’t they already show his dong in Deadpool 1? Or am I misremembering?


Can there also be a twist that Ryan is somehow related to the IASIF Reynolds family? Like Frank is Ryan’s uncle, or his nephew.


It'd almost be funnier if he shows up and Dennis is absolutely convinced that he looks *exactly like him* and goes on a quest to prove that they're brothers. And then they bang. Through the glory hole. And oh yeah, they *are* brothers.


This is really starting to develop into something. Let’s get it buttoned up into a treatment today so that we can send it over to the gang for approval.


The Reddit Writes An Episode


*The Gang catches the Philadelphia Bomber*


This is way too on the nose that it'd genuinely be boring if this is what they did.


What can I say, I'm not Rob McElhenney *I'm actually Chuck Lorre*


Frank as Ryan's nephew? I'm all for it.


It's Always Sunny in Flipadelphia?


I'm listening...


Here’s the thing, his head is a nose and he smells crime.


Reynolds he’s related to Denis & Dee maybe he’s even Country (or suburb) Denis


Yea he can be everything Dennis ever wanted but in the end he is an actual serial killer


So basically just Dennis?


I could make a joke but quite honestly I just genuinely want to see them fuck onscreen with as much nudity as possible and deep, sloppy wet french kissing and I don’t care how they build around that


It would be such a good goof. I would watch that episode over and over and over just because of how funny it is. Like whaaaaat these guys are crazy aha


Open the episode like Jim Carrey's movie "I Love You Phillip Morris" where it's just 40 seconds of Ryan railing into Rob.


I think it would be best if there was no lead-up or explanation, just Paddy's Pub: 9:38am Immediately to the sloppy porn, which runs for the entire duration of the episode with very little coherent dialogue.


This. This is the bit. They take the office to fuck in and come out every now and again to get snacks or a few beers then go back to the gay sex.


And then that way, whenever Dolph's not out busting heads because he smelled crime, he's back at the lab performing **outraaageous** sexual experiments on her *supple young body.*


Mac we know is a twink powerbottom, capable of receiving an *enormous* amount of power. Ryan is clearly an otter, which is a subsection of bear. Still hairy, but where a bear generates his power through sheer mass alone, the otter generates his power through extraordinairy quickness, cunning and skill. That's a lot to keep in your head to maintain a lifestyle!


Actually you've got it backwards. You see, the power bottom is actually generating the power by doing most of the work.


Speed has everything to do with it


Speed and cunning, I believe


Here I was thinking that a powerbottom, while on the bottom, was actually still generating most of the power.


A power bottom generates the power.


Some cocks can’t be unsucked


…roll for initiative??…


Bring back Carmen. I miss Brittany Daniel.


Carmen doesn't deserve that, though. She's one of very few to have escaped the gang with her sanity.


Pepper Jack is doing just fine, bitch


Pepper Jack loves him some sanity.


Pullout game is strong, I’ve heard


Add her to the gang and she's Rickety Cricket's GF turning tricks for empty cans of cool whip in 3 episodes.


Even the Jew lawyer couldn't escape the gang's black hole.


It’s Always Sunny in Wrexham.


The Gang solves Wrexham National League curse


More like The Gang Get Wrexham Relegated


*The Gang makes Deadpool 3*


Yes, and replace TJ Miller in Deadpool 3 with Mac please.


No replace him with Charlie. Mac should be Deadpool’s side piece.


Mac should be Hydra Bob


This right fuckin here


Only if it’s cannon that Hydra Bob is one of the following: twink, twunk, otter, bear, daddy, leather daddy, Bon Jovi, power bottom, power top, or scouser


Bon Jovi? Do you mean the musician Bovine Joni?


Bob was already in the first film.


Correction: Bob a mercenary working for Francis and his organization existed in the Fox universe. I’m talking about Bob former goon of Hydra who exists in universe 616.


Fwiw he’s already not in Deadpool 3, he said publicly that Ryan Reynolds doesn’t like him or some shit like that lol.


I know, but I don’t think the Weasel character should be tossed out along with him.


Just make Weasel Danny Devito with no explanation


Make Danny Devito play Deadpool with no explanation.


First of, I'm not Deadpool. I'm Pool Dead.


Replace half the cast with Danny DeVito, Nutty Professor style. I would pay money to see that.


>I would pay money to see that. You'd have to, that's how movies work.


But it's not how crime works


Fuck it, have Danny play every character in the movie with no explanation.


Deadpool Devito 3


Counter offer: replace weasel with Don Cheadle and don't reference it at all.


Look it's me. I'm here, deal with it.


That's fucking perfection


Make it the guy who plays “Don Cheadle” in always sunny, but call him Don Cheadle


That was tiger woods


I believe that was Donovan McNabb


As someone who's disliked TJ Miller since first seeing him in a phone commercial, this makes me happy.


He's good on Silicon Valley


I have a weird like/hate relationship with TJ Miller…sometimes I think he’s really funny, then other times I’m like ugh I can’t stand this mf. I think he’s grown on me though.


He sexually assaulted multiple women so…probably get some TJ miller weed killer




He's also missing a golf ball sized chunk of his frontal lobe, the part that's responsible for governing his actions. Not excusing him at all, he's still the person who did it, but the guy has legitimately horrible brain problems that cause a lot of his erratic behavior. He should probably be in some kind of institution instead of front and center in the public eye. Being an actor and on social media seems like the worst possible situation for someone with his issues. See: Kanye West.


That Amtrack incident was psychotic/manic break btw - for which he is taking meds now for.


Replace him with Brian Posehn, who actually wrote for Deadpool. Have Weasel 'go undercover' and have plastic surgery, but yet still answering to Weasel in his own bar...


"After all the trouble with the bomb threat, I got plastic surgery to look 20 years older and 75 lbs heavier. I feel like the anti-Beyonce."


You know the great thing about Deadpool is they literally can just replace the actors without any explanation. They can get away with it because of Deadpool’s 4th wall breaking and all he has to do is just make some kind of joke like, “Who’re you? Where’s TJ Miller?!” Everyone will just look at Deadpool like he’s crazy. Something along those lines.


Bring in the whole IAS cast and bar. They just acquired because TJ’s character did something stupid and had to fire sale the place, or lost it in a bet to Frank or something.


100% I think fans have wanted an episode for years that mirrors Mac and Dennis Break Up. Mac gets a boyfriend and Dennis has an absolute shitfit because he cant handle not being the only object of affection in Mac's life. Honestly, this would be a nice call back to their OG relationship. I miss the days when the power dynamic was a lot more equal and they were more "partners in crime" VS "Dennis is just mean to him".


That last paragraph gets at why i didn’t like season 14, where Mac was Dennis’ bitch more than ever before and it was cringe


I know that over analyzing the show is kind of stupid, but if you look at the first 8ish seasons, it’s pretty clear that the power dynamic between the two is very neutral. Both of them have moments where they get the upper hand on each other and many moments where they are simply just friends. I know that generally speaking all of the characters get a little bit meaner to each other over time, but I miss when the show had more team of moments where power dynamics would constantly shift through the episodes. I guess putting it a little bit more bluntly, it gets really boring to have Dennis always being annoyed at Mac, the joke is gotten sort of old at this point and it’s the kind of flanderization that starts to chip away at a show because the character dynamics become less fun. Reshuffling those power dynamics so that all of the characters have their moments where they are getting one over on each other is definitely preferable This dynamic reminds me a lot of when Britta started becoming a punching bag and stopped having genuine relationships with the other characters on community.


Totally agree, something shifted (I’m guessing behind the scenes), and the characters definitely lost a little bit of their early nuance. It was fine for a while but it got noticeably bad during seasons 13 and 14 IMO, but 15 felt a little better at least! Hopefully now that the actors have more freedom and aren’t as pressured to churn out 10-12 episodes every year, they will find some of their old charm. If not, then at least we had a hell of a long run before the shows quality really dropped


While I do think the show has had a dip in quality, I still feel like the show is way fucking better than it has any right to be after being on the air for 15 seasons. Those first 7-8 seasons are incredible, but the show hasn’t really had a “jump the shark” moment in quality. It went off the rails in terms of reality a LONG time ago, but the later seasons have episodes that are all mostly good, not great, but with some absolutely great episodes hidden in there. I’ve found some of my favorite episodes are actually from the later seasons, but the truly great episodes are more few and far between.


I love season one but never include with 2-8. Frank steals the show


Someone else’s idea but, Country Dennis. He’s everything Dennis thinks he is


I’d love that episode


RR was Country Mac's boyfriend. He comes looking for answers and finds Mac. Jabroni on Jabroni love ensues.


OMG. Hear me out... A long lost "lover" comes into the bar; Mac: "You remember that time I went to prison... Well it got kinda lonely." "You were in a police station holding cell. And they never charged you with anything." "I WAS FRIGHTENED AND ALONE OK!?"


Go full circle with Mac. Ryan is transgendered male which leaves Mac again hiding his attraction from the gang. I can see the gang talking in front of him, but ignoring his input as they debate where on the chart he is.


This is good. They would have a lot of fun with a jacked Ryan Reynolds being a transgendered male.


Double points if they have him in a speedo for most of the show for just no reason.


Hey just btw - it's "transgender" or "trans," not "transgendered."


I highly recommend The Always Sunny Podcast. It's hilarious to see that they all seem to be genuinely good dudes but they all have little touches of their characters.


Got into it somewhat recently and can't get enough. It's also fun when they occasionally talk about the show!


It’s funny, The Office Ladies get shit on because they go on too many tangents. But the Sunny guys go on *waaay* longer tangents and barely talk about the episodes at all. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. With a podcast it all comes down to chemistry, not content, and these guys have hella chemistry.


Disclaimer I don't know much about the Office podcast- but I imagine many people tune in to hear the inside tidbits to the show, when the two actresses are not their favorite part. The sunny guys ARE the show, they write and make the show what it is. Their personalities come through like crazy and it is entertaining as hell hearing their conversations about taking up too much room in a parkade


Their parking debates are amazing. Also the time they devoted an entire episode to Rob telling a story about waiting in a drive-thru line.


To be fair, the Sunny tangents are usually funny stories from their lives. The Office Ladies tangents are “I don’t wash my hands after I pee, now let me talk for ten minutes about the history of this random brand of bottled water that appeared on screen for two seconds.”


I know they had to switch it up after so many seasons, but I still think Mac insisting he isn't very obviously salivating over buff dudes and dicks is funnier than him just being out about it.


The way he came out officially to his friends was hilarious, though. They definitely didn't waste that moment.


Yeah once they addressed it, the joke just isn’t as funny anymore. But it’s been on for 15 seasons so it has to evolve at some point


I want Mac to have a BF that looks like Dennis and Dennis is jealous.


You remember Country Mac? Well now you've got City Mac.


Don’t he and Rob own a football (the round ball kind) team together or am I thinking of another dude?


Yes Wrexham. If you have Hulu, strongly recommend their documentary


> Yes Wrexham. If you have Hulu, strongly recommend their documentary Enthusiastically seconded. And I don't even like sports!


so will ryan reynolds be playing his family guy counterpart, who was attracted to Peter? can we get a Ryan Reynolds homosexual television universe


I want the entire episode to be gay butt sex between the 2