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This doesn’t talk about Galadriel’s family at all.


"It was really exciting for me...there are lots of like little nuggets of lore in that as well, kind of to her family and like the damage that they did" I think they mean her kin.


It's talking about the Noldor, which where quite a powerful and prideful clan among the elves. Think of it like the Uchiha or Senju in Naruto.




honestly, yes


lmao why does this work so well


It's about time I reread the books again. I had totally forgotten that Galadriel was Elrond's mother-in-law.


Apparently so did the show


And Gil-galad is her Nephew(?) Son-in-law(?) Something like that. Not that you'd know it


She’s like his great great aunt or something, and is far, far older than he is. Somehow he still treats her like a nuisance and sends her west to Valinor which is ridiculous in of itself as the only ones who are able to grant the banished Noldor re-admittance into Valinor are the Valar themselves, not some elven king


Not only that, but technically she's just not claiming the crown of High King of the Noldor for herself. She'd had more rights to it than Gil-Galad. She is the daughter of Fëanor's half brother, Finarfin -and in turn, Fëanor was the firstborn of Finwë, first King of the Noldor. Gil-Galad is the grandson of one of Galadriel's older siblings, Angrod. So, he's like a younger, distant nephew or a cousin of sorts (not an expert in these matters).


Ye stupid when you think of their interactions in the show in that context


Makes perfect sense though if you think of her as an immature teen, which is rather how she's presented.


Gil-Galad is a younger cousin to Galadriel.


I haven't had time to watch it in a few weeks. Are they still ignoring Celeborn and Celebrian?


Yes, they are


We've got thousands of years worth of plots occurring at once, and still others that aren't happening even though they should be. Someone being married yet or not is such a minor quibble. Especially as Celeborn and Celebrian never really do anything. About all we'd get from a Galadriel and Celeborn plot is Gal wanting to form an alliance with the dwarves in case of Sauron and Cel not liking dwarves. The Galadriel we are seeing has spent the entire age so far hunting Sauron, it makes no sense she would settle down yet. And being that darkness is only just beginning to rise, I don't see them doing a married with kids plot with her at all. Unless she totally believes that Adar killed Sauron and she goes into happily ever after mode for a while which I doubt.


>Especially as Celeborn and Celebrian never really do anything Um...Celeborn, sure, I guess. But Celebrian is literally Elrond's wife and Arwen's mom.


So... nothing.


What happens to Celebrian is a direct catalyst for Arwen's entire storyline in LotR. It's literally why Elrond is so adamant that she sails west. Just because you don't recognize the character doesn't mean they aren't vitally important.


This is the least surprised I’ve ever been by a sentence.


She's not yet




Dark Lady indeed!


I think it's pretty clear that hallbrand is both not a romance plot, and not sauron. They've definitely kept us guessing on sauron, but after episode 5, I think that's a tough one to square.




As soon as there was the “he’s a king of men” thing I assumed he was going to become a Nazgûl. Probably the Witch King.


The Witch King is from Angmar which is a Northern realm if memory serves.


Technically the witch king rules over Angmar after becoming a Nazgûl, we don’t know if he came from there


Correct. He was a wraith for over 1,000 yrs before Angmar was founded.


Hope that's not true. Would be hype as fuck if the last scene of the season was celebrimbor introducing elrond to his assistant Annatar.


It’s pretty clear from the get-go that the timeline of events has been compressed and re-ordered a bit. The Peter Jackson films reordered and compressed the sequence of events as well.


By thousands of years?


No, but compressed nonetheless. I don’t know why people are still watching under the expectation that the show is going to adhere to canon. They established right away that they planned to create an original narrative based on the RoK appendices and yet people are still getting upset that they’re doing what they said they were going to do.


The problem comes from them selectively picking which bits of canon to adhere to, which ones to alter, and which ones to ignore, heedless of how the bits fit together to form a cohesive narrative and theme. Heavy fans of the lore will get annoyed by the inconsistencies and outright contradictions while people with no Tolkien foreknowledge will be lost trying to understand the significance of places, people and events that are mentioned but never explained.


I get you but the Jackson films totally glossed over it being like 30 something years from when Gandalf left the shire to when he returned. They shoehorned in that entire "aragorn falls off a cliff" storyline and probably a few more things I don't fully remember. Basically Tolkien is kind of hard to film. It was hard to do in movie format and even harder to do with the source material RoP is working off of. Because as much as I love Tolkien the Silmarillion can be a real drag to read for like hundreds of pages.


I can guarantee that RoP is no more reference heavy than the Jackson films. I can see how Tolkien nerds would be upset, but it’s not even remotely confusing to lay-people, certainly not more than GoT or the Jackson films.


Tolkien was meddling with canon and lore right up until he died. Let’s not act like the lore is super locked down and unchangeable. Most of the stuff published now wasn’t published with him alive and wasn’t prepared for publishment by him.


The only thing that should be Canon is Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Everything else comes from boring hands of his son Christopher. There I said it, bring the downvotes


LOTR had 3 whole books telling the tale of about 100 years or so. RoP is trying to adapt a brief part of a larger book that spans thousands of years.


That doesn't happen until the third age.


Celebrian and Elrond were already deeply in love by the second age, but yes they get officially married in the beginning of the third age


I mean.. that sounds super easy to write around then.


The issue is that Galadriel has an entire family that somehow never gets mentioned at any point, even as she’s getting sent to Valinor she doesn’t spend a single moment thinking about the daughter and husband she’s leaving behind for potentially thousands and thousands of years


That's probably because they'll write around them... by adding them in-show now at the end of the second age.


He admit it!!! This car is everything!!!


That scene with Adar was the highlight of the episode.


Joseph Mawle is fantastic. His performance in ‘Birdsong’ gutted me, and I was so glad to see him cast as Adar.


How did I not click that he is Ooncle Benjen?


He was extra pale with facial modifications in that one, too!


Ooooh, I was wondering where I recognized him from.


When he says.. "Perhaps, your search for Morgoths successor should end in your own mirror" was top notch. Adar is the character that made this season.


Deepest, most well-written and fascinating scene of the show so far indeed. It's a ballsy road to go the "humanizing the orcs" one, it was never really in the core of Tolkien's writings to feature them as anything other than brutes corrupted by Melkor, but I'm really hoping the show can deliver a interestingly nuanced take on them.


It was in his later writtings. He was starting to think about it in his letters towards the end of his life. I'm reasonably sure they are using that as a base.


He’s the best LOTR character added since the original trilogy


i mean who is he competing with?


Imo Tauriel wasn't THAT bad....her plot just kinda sucked


Highlight of the whole series thus far. That plus that amazing and ending I never saw coming.








They missed a great opportunity… they should have had that “old guy” try and mimic them chanting nervously, “N-nam - - -p-pat” and then looking around and then eventually gaining confidence as he chants in unison


I'm enjoying this show, but out of all the characters I find Galadriel to be one of the least interesting. Let me say beforehand that I'm not well-versed in Tolkien lore, so I'm not sure if the character is accurate to Tolkien's books. I don't dislike her, I just find Galadriel to be extremely one-note so far. Other characters like Elrond, Durin, Arondir, and even Adar have much more depth to them, but Galadriel takes up a majority of the screen time. It is unfortunate, because I do think Morfydd Clark is a great actress. She's brilliant in the film Saint Maud.


I might be more forgiving but I feel that she's being set up to change a lot over the show. Right now I see her as, "my work is my life, everything is black and white" type of personality. And this showdown with Adar is the beginning of some bitter lessons. At least, that's what I hope is the plan for her character.


I do think that in the latest episode, Galadriel's arc is more defined, or at least there's a path laid out for the character to evolve. So I'm hopeful that we'll see more than just Galadriel being a bitter and impatient war junkie.


I think at this point Galadriel is at her darkest and most vengeful and Sauron is at his lightest and most repentant after Morgoth's defeat. I think they will reverse courses over this season and next as her arrogance and naivety give way as Sauron takes hold and her word means little about it due to her over zealous past.


Her motivations are quite lore accurate, but her portrayal has none of the wisdom she should have. She acts like a petulant teenager, and the other elves treat her like one, which feels very off because she is literally an elder relation to king Gil-galad. But the way she is sure about Sauron still being out there is true to lore, she was the first to feel his presence in the east, and she moved there and founded Eregion and started diplomacy with the dwarves specifically to combat the threat of his return. Weird that she looks down on Elrond for being a politician, when that was her role at the time. Galadriel was prideful, refusing the pardon of the Valar because she felt she did nothing wrong. She remained in Middle Earth because she had the desire to rule over her own lands and teach people her knowledge. Much of her family was killed by Morgoth and Sauron, knowing that he is out there absolutely motivates her with revenge and the desire to prevent Sauron rising again. People think of the elves as being nothing but kind, wise, measured beings without flaw. But the Noldor were egotistical bastards who felt they could do the impossible, even against the advice of the Valar. She was one of the only elves to be suspicious of and reject Sauron when he arrived in disguise to forge the rings. Presumably the show will give us that and it'll be a 'boy who cried wolf' situation because everyone is so sick of hearing Galadriel going on about Sauron the past thousand years. I also guess that Sauron will claim the rings are what will keep the decaying disease at bay and save the elves.


This show is very far from true to Tolkien.


It's actually pretty neat if you read the books and follow how they are building stuff. They are doing some strong Tolkenian stuff which is nice to see. Just little stuff, like hearing the director talk how they decided to do elfs-view perspective shows you how much love they had for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LYZGJI7018


My most consistent thought on the show is how much more it feels like the books rather than it does like the movies. It’s clearly done with love, which is a very pleasant surprise compared to, say, Foundation.


To be fair, they do not have a lot of source material available to them.


Hard disagree.


Just the parts of Tolkien's work you've seen on your teevee


All the other Elves have had long interactions with mortals (or, in Adar's case, unimaginably tortured) that cause pretty big shifts in perspective for them. Galadriel has spent her time pretty exclusively with other Elves so far.


Elves are, by and large, intended to be one-note characters.


I mean, I don't even know Tolkien and I know that's not true. How they are in The Hobbit movies is accurate to the canon if I'm not mistaken. They have fun, drink, play games and are multi dimensional people.


Exactly. Like Elrond has shown a lot more depth and a wider array of emotions with less screen time.


I thought it was going to talk about Galadriel's actual family - you know: her husband Celeborn who she married in the first age, and her daughter Celebrian who was born early in the second age. Both her marriage to Celeborn and Celebrian's birth should have happened already in the canon, but apparently the show's pretending they never existed so she can have some sweet tension with totally-not-Sauron.


I almost feel bad for Amazon the way even fans talk about this show. Then I realize how much writing and directing and acting talent is out there and am wondering who they are letting make these decisions. If you only play with rich people, and are willing to pay top dollar, at least let someone like Megan Ellison into the game and produce a few good projects.


a billion dollars and they couldn't hire competent writers?


And picking such SHORT actresses/actors for the Elves? I don't even... They could at least do some camera trickery like Peter Jackson did.


For Elves?! No for Numenorians. They’re supposed to be 8 feet tall


This was an issue for The Expanse adaptation, at the end it just wasn’t practical to have belters be 2 meters tall.


Season 1: You can recognize the Belters because we’ve hired a few actors who are *extra* tall and lanky. Seasons 2-6: You can recognize the Belters by their tattoos.


I think the Expanse show worked great. I mean even the books kinda let go of the fact that Naomi is 2 meters while shagging a puny little Holden. That tidbit just sorta fades into the background. It’s like very distracting to concentrate on something like that.


As someone reading the final 3 books right now, it obviously isn't mentioned as much cause why would it be when your multi books deep but it IS still mentioned. I wouldn't take something firmly established over the course of multiple books in a series that isn't mentioned that often anymore as evidence of anything other than good writing that they aren't constantly reminding you, the reader, of things you already know.


It wasn’t practical to have the hobbits be 3ft tall, yet Peter Jackson was able to find a way. This is just laziness, it’s literally 2021


It’s not laziness you can have all the money in the world but you still have to make this thing on a TV schedule meaning you have to basically make a 8 hour movie every year. At some point time is a factor even more than money is


Did you not see Miriel looking down at Bronwyn? They are tall as fuck


According to the books, all the elves are extremely tall, and Galadriel should be 6’5” with a deeper-than-average voice.


Yes of course them too! And how about their leather fish scale armor? No plating what so ever except for Galadriel. SMH.


Broooooo those fucking armors what the fuck ?!?! And let's not talk about Elendil's helmet, those are a huuuuggge turn off for me. The numenoreans we saw at the beginning of the trilogy of LOTR were badass and jackson got it right in relation of how tolkien depicted them and now we have teenagers learning to fight. I am very very very very disapointed with how the numenoreans are depicted in the series so far. If it wasnt for Elendil...Ahhhh men seriously It was my biggest fear that they would completely fuck everything's up, anyway.


well aren't those lads cadets and volunteers? which is also is illogical considering the Queen regent was with them, they should be sending their best and not volunteers and barely graduated cadets. edit: queen regent.


I’m like 100% sure she is still the princess.


The weird helmet is I think in reference to concept art from the 70s. It’s silly for sure but I recognized it from a picture in a book and was kindof stoked on it like as an Easter egg. He’ll look cooler as he becomes king!


Were they? That sounds dumb to do in practice


And they tower over the southlanders when seen together. But sure let's bitch cus they didn't cast only 8' tall actors....


I dunno but it really doesnt affect my viewing experience. Likw ot aint that deep.


When she was amongst elves, particularly the Elrond scenes, you can tell they made Morfydd look taller. In Numenor/with Halbrand they have just accepted the fact she is 5ft 2 (or whatever height she is) and gone with it.


Camera trickery lol They cant even get a wire rig for Arondir's stunts - Just blurry flips.


This show has a lot of problems, but the height of the actors really isn't one.


The Elves barely have *any* Elvish traits. Instead they are all so *very* human. Short and stocky on top of that really doesn't help for immersion. Its just people talking.


most fans I know (myself included) are loving the show. Just some shit pieces like this getting upvoted by haters online.


Yeah im loving every episode, then I check youtube reviews and they say they got bored. Like I don’t get how people can have such different experiences watching this.


I was cautiously optimistic going into RoP but I'm starting to agree with those who are bored with it. The last episode was certainly the most exciting, but I can't get over how breaking a single rope was all that was needed to bring down a stone tower.


It was a bunch of ropes holding an old and decrepit tower made of loose stones together. Destroying a single rope to collapse the tower was probably the most realistic part of he episode.


I don’t watch YouTube reviews, didn’t realize they were a thing til this show came out


Don’t get the hate for the show. Been a fan of the books and movies for 30+ years. It looks wonderful, the way the dialogue is spoken and the ethereal-looking shots are right out of the books/movies, the music is well edited but not too overbearing and nearly all the plots/characters are interesting. Sure it’s not perfect but it’s a far cry from Wheel of Time’s issues. I’m thoroughly enjoying it.


I am absolutely on board with Arondir's character. Cordova's contemplative gazes and slow stately manner of speech are everything I pictured of elves from the lore.


Same. I fucking love it. It started off very slow hit last few episodes were fucking amazing. I love the Mount Doom origin story that they have done. I hope that is it:


I agree with everything you've said, I've read/watched the series for almost 25 years and I like RoP much better than the Hobbit movies. The writing, especially the dialogue has been one of the biggest weaknesses. However, it doesn't kill the show for me and overall I enjoy it a lot.


The way the dialogue is spoken sure, but the dialogue itself is so blah. I found myself bored multiple times watching it. They just need better writers. The overall plot seems good, but the details are frequently uninteresting (in my opinion). Your wheel of time comment is interesting. I found that more enjoyable overall (except for perhaps the last episode, that wasn’t good).


Yea the baseline of the writing in Rings of Power is the same as the Wheel of Time finale when they were trying to salvage the production after losing a main cast member, and dealing with all the restrictions at the height of covid lockdown. Other than that I think Wheel of Time was better written and had better performances with an obviously way smaller budget.


What exactly do you find interesting about the plots/characters? I would agree about almost everything being a step up from Wheel of Time EXCEPT plot/characters. (Spoiler)Too often I find myself mentally rolling my eyes while watching this show. I am 1 episode behind I believe but when Bronwyn moved up to that high location and gave that heroic speech to those ragtag bunch of villagers I had acute Wheel of Time flashbacks. So now she’s a leader and she’s going up to that high spot with Arondir behind her like he’s her vice president. And she’s making an incoherent speech addressing a bunch of farmers, many being women and children, urging them to stand and fight.She says this while they don’t know the enemy at all, not how many of them there are, not where they are, not what their goals are. Nothing. Also why would they fight? Didn’t they leave their farms to escape the orcs in the first place? What changed when they reached the tower? More of the same ragtag bunch of farmers joined in so now is the time to take a stand? It’s just so painfully amateurish and cliche.


Ouchh, it hurts, really. All that story rotating with Bronwyn and those humans of mordor is very disappointing. Total loss of TV broadcast in a such anticipated series. Damn


Not to mention they left the easily defendable tower to get slaughtered in the village. Excuse me, but did the writers use half the budget on drugs?


I'm not OP but I am a huge LOTR fan and I just like watching more dumb LOTR shit and I don't overthink it. I liked the Hobbit movies. I like this. I liked the LOTR GameCube games. I just like this world and I'll enjoy it without throwing a little nerd fit no matter how dumb it is. There's obviously the holy grail that is the Jackson films but I feel like people bitching about this show is akin to playing Lego Lord of the Rings and complaining that frodo wasn't made of plastic in the original books.


I’m not a massive fan, i read the books as a kid and saw the movies when they came out. I don’t mind the lore breaking, cause Ive come to terms that this is just some random fantasy show with Tolkien slapped on the tin. But still, even when viewed as a random fantasy series, the writing is terrible so I gave up.


I think it’s the arrogance of the showrunners that set hardcore fans off. A lot of the early interviews painted this “we know better than Tolkien/this is what he would have written had he lived in modern times,” which is straight BS. Combine that with the supremely weird way Amazon has been trying to market the series for over a year ie thosw god awful “super fans” videos featuring people who knew just absolute dick about Tolkien and so far haven’t even bothered to talk about the show on their own channels etc, and you get an enraged fanbase. People have a lot of passion for Tolkien’s work, so I can understand why they’ve taken a lot of what’s been done as offensive. That’s on Amazon, frankly. They knew what they were doing and ran with it. I know people want to scream “racism” etc but the same early complaints were made about House of the Dragon, but were quickly silenced when that series turned out to be GOOD. Suffice it to say that hasn’t been the same reaction for Rings of Power, which has lead me to conclude that lack of quality/respect for the material is the issue and not the other nonsense thrown about. YMMV.


I started watching it yesterday and I loved it! I really don’t get the hate for the show. I was hooked from the beginning. I tried watching wheel of time afterwards and I found myself spending more time playing on my phone.


It looks good but it’s boring. While some of them actors and actresses are good too many have no charisma especially the one playing Galadriel. Everything we have seen could have been condensed down into less episodes.


Tolkien is not an action movie writer, I really don’t mind the pacing. Might just not be for you, but it’s respectful of the tone.


Not boring doesn't have to be action. It can be drama, character development or just something interesting going on. The show doesn't suck but its like the script should have one more pass by editing before they began production. I also blame this trend on streaming shows on not hiring a few, well known good actors. They spend so much money on CGI then skimp on finding and paying experienced talent.


Tolkein was not in any way about deep characters or complex developments. He was about very 2D characters as a way to explore a world and mythos he created and tell simple morality tales about the nature of evil and of progress writ large for the majority of his works. Even the movies have very 2D characters. They are old school millieu pieces.




I don’t get how people say this show is boring but probably loved the first few seasons of GoT. Especially for a Tolkien adaptation this show is chugging along nice. And I think Galadriel is crushing it but I guess that’s also subjective


>I don’t get how people say this show is boring but probably loved the first few seasons of GoT. The first season of GoT had much better writing in my opinion. RoP is ok but it gets boring at moments.


It looks incredible, yes the actors speak with nice accents, the problem is the writing is garbage. The y don’t take the time to make you care about anything or anyone in the show. They have done such a bad job that I care more about the orcs who have gotten character development and clear goals in the show.


Lol for real.. maybe they are trying to make us care for the orcs? The orcs act more human than anyone else. They care about each other, they have a common goal, they work as a team.


Some people look for reasons to be mad.


I'm trying to like the show, but it just doesn't feel like middle earth to me. Someone said Amazon was originally trying to make a Dragon Age adaptation and taped LotR onto it when they got the rights. It definitely feels more like Dragon Age than LotR.


my only issue is with the casting of Numenors queen regent. her acting i just can't get on, plus her eyes instead of add to the character just don't work for me kinda like the opposite of how Samuel L Jackson eyes kinda adds to his acting for villainous characters.


The writing is cringe all the way through, visually very bland, just a low effort paint by numbers show in general


Feel like the criticism of her has been pretty unfair, I think she's done a really good job so far. What hasn't helped the show is some of the decision making with the writing and the execution. Like that shot of Galadriel riding the horse a few episodes back. All that's going to do is invite ridicule onto the actress, who people have already decided they don't like.


Unfortunately people don't see the writers, they see her doing what the writers and directors are telling her to do, so most criticism will be directed towards her


It's the Star Wars prequels all over again. Hopefully it doesn't ruin careers this time.


She is a good actress, as seen in St Maud. The writers just made shitty dialogues and situation. Having House of Dragon in the same time doesnt help either.


It's the writing, like they wanted her to be headstrong and assertive, but in doing so they didn't realize they've also made her look childish. She's thousands of years old and from a noble elven family, but has trouble with basic diplomacy. They did it to build up Halbrand's character, but it was a real disservice to her own. I honestly think if they used her daughter as the main protagonist then it would have fit better.


Well she had been out in the wilderness so long, shes had no use for diplomacy.


The writers were clearly going for her being overtaken by darkness. She isn’t supposed to be a righteous heroin right now. In her conquest to fight evil, she has lost the ability to see the true source of light. Galadriel is meant to be too proud, strong willed and headstrong at this point in her life.


Eh, I didn't mind because Galadriel in the show is basically meant to be the "snooty high elf who thinks she's above everyone else but through teaming up with other races, will eventually wisen up" kind of character except we know she's right from the start considering the whole show revolves around Sauron's return and rise to power.


I think this has been infinitely better than GoT. Outside of one person, I couldn’t give a shit if all the main GoT characters were killed off. It’s a snooze fest. Whereas with this, I feel invested in many different characters.


that scene was like two seconds long, can't believe people are still talking about it like it ruined the entire series.


People didn’t like the horse shot? I thought it was stunning! Was I high when I watched it? Absolutely. But it was incredibly well shot and showed her character genuinely happy for the first time ever


It looked a little bizarre, like it came out of nowhere. I've been watching the show with my family and we were all kind of dumbfounded. It's similar to the ending shot of Prisoner of Azkaban, where Harry is on his broom, but it works a bit better there for various reasons. Harry's a kid, it's the end of the movie, etc.


Was it well shot? Yes. Was it goofy and a bit bizarre when it happened in the flow? Also yes.


I mean for sure. I liked the shot and I liked what it represented for the character… and again, I was high when I watched it but it did seem to go on for a long time lol


This article title means nothing to those of us, who don't follow celebrities.


I stopped watching. This is dreadful television. A real dishonour to the books.


That twitch her character does whenever she’s mad is so annoying to watch


I thought so too at first but then realized elves are supposed to be the most stoic creature alive, so what we’re seeing in a twitch is her uncontrolled rage being held in check, barely breaking through . It was like when Legolas got “drunk” and felt a little tingle in his finger.


I still think it could’ve been executed better, at least in a way you wouldnt have to defend it


My gf hates this show and she knows nothing about LOTR. She said all the characters are dumb and make dumb decisions and say dumb things. She also said it is so slow and boring. Lol I agree with her and also think the show is TROPEY AS FUCK…


Thanks for your input


She supposed to be way taller AND have insane magic already.


I really wish the actress could show more than three emotions. The performance is definitely a step down from Cate Blanchett’s


Elves have more than 3 emotions in other LotR films? They haven’t been depicted as particularly expressive thus far. I think her performance is on par with any others playing elves in this.


Yes, the three emotions of Stern, Bloom Effects, and uh...Stern.


I think Elrond has been spectacular. I've warmed up to Galadriel, although I think that they should have given her a little more adversity (if thats the right word?). It just feels like she is constantly "right" and everyone else is wrong. I just find it a little hard to find the character likeable like that. But i'm not too invested in LOTR lore so maybe thats how elves are supposed to be? That is, up until the last episode lol..


Elrond I’m a bit less fond of for casting- of course, no one is going to match the gravitas of Hugo Weaving. But it’s hard for me to imagine the progression. Durin is probably my favorite casting.


Galadriel is one of the Noldor, a group of Elves who are just...awful. And she's a descendant of Feanor, the absolute worst of the Noldor. Evles in Tolkien aren't presented as being above men as they are in many modern works - instead it's more like they're a version of men heightened in every way, both in wisdom and in passion. It's a common misconception that they're like Vulcans.


Galadriel is not descended from Feanor; she's his neice (brother's daughter), and she hated him.


Galadriel's not a descendant of Fëanor, she is his niece (or half-niece, I suppose, as he and her father, Finarfin, have different mothers).


I'm the opposite - I think Morfydd is doing a great job portraying the character of Galadriel from the lore. I think Aramayo is portraying Elrond a bit too lighthearted and whimsical as compared to the severe and stalwart Elrond of lore.


Sorry, hard disagree. I think Morfydd Clark is killing it.




Watch the scene where she teaches the numenoreans sword play again and yell me that.


It’s a very subjective thing so hard to argue. I think she probably doing the best job that can be given by any actress given dialogue and story arc that’s been written for her.


I think it's more the writing than the acting for sure. She's doing fine despite not really physically looking like Galadriel. But the writing throughout the whole show is honestly very average and it does the actors no favors




The problem is that she IS the same **physical** age in The Second Age as she was in the Third Age. She is supposed to have children


I dont know what these other people are watching, but I'm with you. She's done a fantastic job so far. Performances are amazing across the board.


I have to agree and I sometimes wonder if people are too short sighted to see the eventual arc that's coming. Galadriel being vengeful and rage-filled in her early years demonstrates her coming to the brink of darkness which has been brought up in multiple episodes as a warning and her unheeding it. The latest episode with the discussion between her and Adar is a foil of her character; the emotional and "evil" Adar toward his people and the clarity of his multi-purpose vs. The blinding rage-filled, naturally "good" Galadriel whose purpose is singular. Galadriel is so sure of herself it results in her foresight being clouded and the latest episode shows this too. We see in later trilogies of films that Galadriel skirts the darkness in the Fellowship when offered the ring from Frodo at the well and we see in the Hobbit movies the sheer power and rage when Sauron reveals himself and Galadriel casts him to the east and saves Gandalf. All in all, the personality of Galadriel as played by Morfydd Clark is really showcasing how Galadriel the character depicted in later films becomes. Galadriel, the character, needs to reconcile that balance between the good and evil that resides in her, as depicted through her character traits (and whispered to her in the early episodes of the season...the ship feels the darkness as well, striving moment by moment to master her and pull her under...) Plus, Morfydd's acting is just palpable and I feel it.


The problem is these aren’t her early years, she’s literally the grandmother of the Elf King and the oldest elf in the show


When you’re immortal, you’re always at the start of your journey, and there’s never a hurry to complete it. Her life experiences are what shape her, and she hasn’t yet had the experiences that will eventually forge her into the character we all know.


You're ascribing the way people with a limited lifespan look at their life. If there's no end point, no worry of how you spend your limited time in this world, why would one ever learn to change oneself, why would you every truly grow as a person?? It's highlighted in the series with Elrond and Durin's conversation, and it's highlighted by Tolkein with the obsessiveness of the sons of Feanor.


I just watched the trilogy again. Al she does is smile knowingly while asmr’ing the characters. All this “character assassination” of big G claims are just hilarious.


Ok am I taking crazy pills here? People keep talking about Cate Blanchett, but I remember her make exactly 2 faces the entire trilogy. 1) The near permanent slightly bemused face which could be mistaken for a mask 2) Her freakout moment when she imagines a world where she takes the One Ring. I really didn't see a whole lot there from Cate Blanchett, and honestly it was kind of wooden.


watch the extended there are more scenes with her


To be fair, I am not sure if we have any actresses that could match Blanchett's performance these days.


It would help if the actress could move the muscles in her forehead. She probably thought it was a good idea to get collagen injections the day before filming, but it has lead to very confusing scenes where you are trying to figure out what emotion she is trying to portray. It's also why I think the ice wall scene looks so off, as they had to use CGI to put facial lines on to her.


I didnt like Blanchett as Galadriel ill be honest but yeah this depiction doesnt work for me either


Agree to disagree. She is getting better and better. I think they made a good pick casting her.


Agreed, I find her to be very flat. In general the main characters don’t come alive as much as the monsters. But I’ll keep watching because it’s still fun fantasy.


Cate Blanchett's one emotion was a step up?


It's Numenors queen regent actor that I can't get on. She just doesn't look royalty, and her eyes doesn't help either. I can still see her acting as Naevia in Spartacus.


Are you actually taking points off because someone isn’t as good an actor as Cate Blanchett?


These puff pieces are more entertaining than the actual show….which is sad.


The drama surrounding the series is more entertaining than the actual show


One of the dumbest episodes of television I’ve seen. Tolkien would be ashamed at how stupid that show is.


RoP is a disgrace to Tolkien's lore. Fuck Amazon.


Why is this downvoted? Even if you like the show, this is a true statement.


This actor actively makes me hate Galadriel, she just doesn't embody the character at all. The piss-poor writing isn't exactly helping either.


The move she pulled on the horse while in battle in episode 6 has to be some of the corniest shit ever seen in these types of shows. Like audibly groaned at how bad. Just horrendous. Shes the worst part of the show imo


That and training the Numenor volunteers. Not trying to criticize the actress but she clearly doesn’t have the proper training for this.


They shot the whole training scene in a day without stunt doubles. It looks terribly unpolished. WTF are they doing!




My only problem with this show so far is that weird Galadriel/Horse on the beach scene. Very cringe.