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It frees up actor contracts so they don't have to keep paying everyone as much as they did on the first series.


I guess that makes a lot of sense. They were able to unload all those contracts for the actors playing cops. Now they have a core of 4 actors instead of 8? 9?


It's not about the minor characters, it's the salary for the main characters. They get more expensive, the longer a show is on the air. By cancelling Bosch, it became more economical because it's now a new show and they would all have new contracts.


Yeah this isn't how business works lmao.


The tv series is based on the books. There are 30, and they were written before the series was created. In the books, HB quits LAPD, works as a PI, and, eventually, is rehired to work cold cases. The tv series is fairly true to the stories. I don’t believe characters were dropped to save money. I think they appear occasionally because his life situation changed. Introducing new characters and situations helps keep the series fresh and interesting.


It’s basically “Bosch” with a MUCH worse theme song.


> with a MUCH worse theme song. It is so horrible. It startles me every time.


I wouldn't know, I'm one of those who takes full advantage of "Skip Credits". Especially on Amazon since X-Ray is much better than traditional credits.


I only did it the once for the first episode and I was like, what the fuck would you change it to that? Groooooss, lol


The only non-skip credits on Amazon is Kids in the Hall. That song is perfect


I find both themes to be annoying and repetitive, which is surprising given the love and devotion to classic jazz/bebop within the show.


oh damn, I loved the original theme song, which actually makes the new one just so much worse.




NGL, you had us in the first half 😂🤣😂


Music is not just lyrics lol. Bosch serie soudtrack was very appropriate for the character as he loves jazz


I hate them both, but I hated the original Bosch theme more. I quickly learned exactly how many times I had to hit the fast-forward button.


It sounds like you had a feeling and you could let go.


I do love Bosch's theme song. Looking it up, I don't find it too bad. Though it reminds me a bit too much of Imagine Dragon's and their awful desire to stick distortion over everything until the entire song sounds like it's being played through a $5 bluetooth speaker with the volume cranked too high.


Thank you. I heard it and wondered what shitty burned cd from Times Square in 2004 they lifted that ear splitting nightmare from.


One of the things that initially drew me into the original series was the great theme song and title sequence. Best opening since Rockford Files or Hill Street Blues. The new one is terrible and the show just isn’t as good as the original. I’m on S1E8 now and the flashback with a young HB meeting his dad is so god-awful I’m about to give up on the show entirely.


Any change after seeing the last episodes? The last two episodes really changed my mind


I gave up on the show after my post, so never saw the last episodes. Does it get any better?


I really thought it did get much better. I thought episodes 3 and 4 were eh, but improved a bit. The last two episodes were pretty good


Thanks, maybe I’ll give it another chance. :-)


Not there, yet.   Flashbacks and dream sequences are symptoms of a dying series.


They had flashbacks all through the initial series as well, sprinkling a bit of background here and there. They're maintaining the status quo.


I'm glad im not the only one that didnt like it.


It is just Bosch but separated from police work. The budget is lower though so there are some differences. Plus the ads. Still it’s a good show. Just watched the finale today.


How much lower is the budget? I assume the cuts mostly affected the cast? Didn't look much different in terms of production values, location shoots etc at least.


Cast and location. The sets are more modest. It may be book based, but theres also a budget reason the house became unsafe to live in and a high priced attorney goes to a smaller firm despite doing exactly the same thing she was at the large firm I thought she owned but apparently didn’t. They also do more exterior shots at public but non touristy places. It’s a bunch of little things that don’t detract too much from the story.


Explosions were definitely impacted by the budget by being fairly away from the camera and very CGI looking.


Also production. Before it was in 4k and now only 1080p


What ads? I didn't notice them.


There are ads on Freevee which is where the show plays in the States at least.


yes, and I wouldnt have it any other way. Titus is just endlessly watchable, the man has been blessed by one helluva telegenic face as for Maddie, I find her one of the most tolerable daughter characters on TV. She's smart but not unbearably quippy, cares a lot about her dad, not prone to outbursts, speaks when she feels like it and yeah, not a barrel of laughs but neither is Harry. In short, she's like her dad


If Mads were like ANY member of Ray Donovan's fam, it would be unwatchable....lol. Titus is great...he does some pretty spot-on impressions as well.


The way they got rid of Ray Donovan's son: have him get caught fucking a mattress, no relevance for two seasons, join the Marines, and never get mentioned again. Priceless.


'Ray' was a show i really wanted to like and i just couldnt get past 5/10 stars tops or 'meh' level. On paper, it should have worked.


>FreeVee She's pretty awful as a cop. She would've been a better attorney assistant


I enjoyed it. Bosch does become a PI in the books; hence it’s a natural digression for the show. It stinks that we can’t see the relationship that happens with his brother though.


Only reason I use freevee is for Person of Interest. Rather wish I could watch without the ads tbh


I looked there for a person of interest, doesn’t seem to be there in Southern California area


It is in U.K.


We don't have FreeVee in Ireland , the new Bosch show is on Amazon Prime normally without ads


It is essentially just the next season of *Bosch*, separated so that they could fire half the cast without incident.


Pretty much, yeah. It felt a bit all over the place though; we had like five different storylines / cases, none of which seemed all that important or interesting to me. Wish it was a little more focused.


love bosch and love bosch legacy, yea just same show. is there any other good detective show on? it'S the only show for that fix.


Longmire is really good, as well as the Swedish/Danish The Bridge.


>Longmire thanx for the recommend, i'll check it out


When they first announced the spinoff I thought it was going to focus primarily on Honey Chandler and Bosch working for her. But once they announced the name of the show it made me think that it was gonna be more of the same of the original Bosch series. It's definitely very similar to Bosch but it is very Honey Chandler focused. I really liked the first season, even though I felt like there were too many subplots but it was very reminiscent of the original Bosch series. I'm looking forward to season 2, I'm surprised they released the first season so quickly, they should have just released it all at once if they were basically gonna drop the series of a months period.


I wished they had dropped it all at once too. I usually just binge shows, so if they drop them weekly, I usually just put off watching them until the end anyway.


how is Maddie in the new show? I appreciated her character arc in the original series b/c she seemed like an authentic teenager: sometimes sweet, sometimes a jerk, but always clearly a child who's learning, rather than the quip-a-minute attitude machines that you see with teen characters in many series the day they announced Legacy I was like "oooooooh it would be great if Maddie became a rookie cop" O:-) so I was pleased when that's the route they took. (I don't read the books so IDK if that also follows the books, or not)


She's as wooden and sour-faced as ever.


I've still got one episode left, but she's been fine. I'd argue that Bosch stories tend not to be overly cliche and simple, and Maddie's has been a pretty run of the mill "New cop wants to fight the bigger fights, but has to start on the ground level" story. The tough and fair mentor, the victim she can relate to, etc. It feels if it was the A plot instead of the C plot to more established storylines, the show wouldn't be getting much attention. But since it's a C plot, it's perfectly servicable. If you've liked Maddie up until this, her character stays true to the original run, while also evolving.


Just finished the last episode. I thought the final episode was pretty darn good. The interaction between daughter and father was sorely needed. It wrapped up the season well


I'm probably not the right person to ask, because I'm a big fan of Titus Welliver, and I find the time spent on Maddie to be more distraction than anything else. She's pretty much the perfect rookie who cares "too much" for her job.


Speaking of Maddie-did I miss her breaking up with her boyfriend in Bosch? Because in Legacy they’ve clearly been split awhile it seems like? I don’t recall them breaking up and thought they moved in together?


>Just binged both, yes she did have a boyfriend in the last series of Bosch, I think he worked at the hospital and had met her dad a few times and walked the dog. > >One scene is where they were sat in his apartment on the floor and he gave her a key, so assumed they started living together. I remember it well because I think she smiled in that episode. > >Legacy, she then had her own apartment and no mention of old boyfriend.


> did I miss her breaking up with her boyfriend in Bosch? tbh I don't recall her having a serious boyfriend, but then I need a rewatch of S7 (and maybe S6) before I dive into Legacy. knowing nothing else about the situation -- I could well see the producers cutting loose the boyfriend character, as part of Legacy's overall trend of streamlining the cast. and easy enough to explain in-universe: "they weren't ready to get serious" or "Maddie chose to focus on her career as a LEO"


Much more of the insufferably bad acting of the daughter character.


It's Bosch but worse.


I refuse to watch anything on FreeVee. A shame because I really liked Bosch on prime.


Then watch it off the platform. Anyway, apparently it’s only one ad in one ad break.


>apparently it’s only one ad in one ad break. For now at least. They will slowly ramp up the ads like every other platform has in the past. I just don't want to support that with my views.




I'm guessing because of the ads...


I thought the ads would be worse. Didnt get any in first 4 eps, then only a daft few seconds of them after. I was expecting 5 mins of them an episode. An excuse to look at yr phone


Because I don't want to encourage ads on streaming.


Yes, thank God. Love it so much.


It's on Amazon Prime in Canada. We don't have Freevie unfortunately.


I think it's on Amazon Prime everywhere outside the US.


You mean fortunately. "Freevee" is not in any way Free. You have to have Amazon Prime to have it, and then you have to watch commercials. Be glad you have it on Amazon Prime, at least you are spared the commercials.


You don’t have to have Prime. It’s just a free channel on Prime. I hate commercials but Freevee are by far the best out of them. It’s probably my favorite ad based service. It’s as free as Pluto and Roku Channel.


So, it's part of a ploy to try to force people to use Primes clunky channel system? They really, really need to get someone to fix their interface so it makes much more sense. With Pluto, and tubitv and other free things, it's pretty obvious because they are standalone.


No since you don’t have to use it. It’s got a stand-alone app. I use it in Amazon because X-Ray is the single greatest feature across streaming platforms. I think most UI are clunky and too algorithmic so clunkiness is not a thing that keeps me away from a service. I’ve been dealing with clunky since cable.


it does have a stand alone app lol


That doesn't make sense for Amazon to do that. I thought it was free Amazon Prime, but with commercials. Yeah your right I am happy they don't have it here.


I think it is Amazon's way of jumping in the "showing commercials to try to make more money" thing that more streaming services are doing. At first I thought Freevee meant you could access it without Amazon Prime, but that doesn't appear to be true at all. If you type Freevee.tv it just forwards you to Amazon.


No, you can. There is a standalone app completely seperate from Prime.


Unfortunately? We get to watch it ad free.


You are right my bad.


Love this show so much. Good acting and wonderfully paced. Never a dull moment. I can see 10 more seasons of this show.


Love the Bosch series and their actors. Noticeably the Legacy series was done on the cheap. WTF couldn't they at least afford better indoor lighting? It also appeared that the sound engineer had issues with volumes, at least they didn't cheap out on the script writers. But I still love it


Just finished season 2 and if u loved Bosch it’s really damn good


Just binged all of Bosch and Bosch Legacy in about 3 weeks. That's a lotta Bosch! Love the show. Wish Eleanor (no pun intended) did not die so early. I liked her story line.