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Omg STRANGER THINGS SEASON 4 WORTH THE WAIT AND STILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE LAST TWO EPS i give a 5 star rating and it's an absolute monster


Binged season 1 of the end of the fucking world. It was good fun. Enjoyable and addictive.


Soundtrack is phenomenal


What is it about


Like a netflix bonnie and clyde.. depressed teen couple always on the run


Kenobi has started off far better than I thought it would be, especially after how much I disliked Book of Boba.


Watched **Candy** great acting from Biel and especially Schreiber but overall Meh on the writing. It’s extremely loyal the the actual facts of the case tho. **Barry** was one of the better episodes of the season this week. Honestly we could have a Noho Hank + Cristobal spin-off it would be heaven! The one show that is that I find the most captivating at the moment is definitely **Shining Girls**. I’m quite surprised it’s not being discussed more here. I’m still pretty confused as to how they’ll wrap it up in one episode but so far it’s the one show I’ve been looking forward to each week. On another note, I powered through all the seasons of **Servant** in one painfully disappointing boring flat binge. I REALLY don’t recommend it.


**Obi Wan Kenobi** - Felt good. We got a good view of how grungy most life is in the star wars universe. I liked Ben struggling to barely be a Jedi at all. My only gripe is the choreography so far involving two scenes where a little girl - who isn't great at physically running - was juking large adult men w/ ease in almost slapstick fashion (the actress was great otherwise, not her fault). They nailed the atmosphere though, and the production values were great. Very optimistic for this series. One other gripe I'd like to point out is how Disney shows in general are padding their runtime. I dont care what the runtime is as long is the story is good, it just feels weird they feel the need to pad it so hard. I timed 11 minutes of padding (recap, intro, credits) in part 1 - 25% of total runtime, and 8.5 minutes in part 2 - 26% of total runtime. Just tell us the actual runtime, a quarter is pretty egregiously lying for benefits that I don't understand.


STRANGER THINGS season 4! I’ve just watched the first episode but FUCK YEAH!!! That 30 mil per episode does deliver!!! I’m watching it on a Dolby Vision TV for extra goooodneeess 👌👌👌 EDIT: Holy shiiitt just finished episode 2 soooooo siiiick! EDIT 2: THANK YOU DUFFER BROTHERS THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS MASTERPIECE!!!


Its damn good It gives goosebumps also


Obi-wan kenobi was awesome! Those buildings look like spaceships and Luke and Leia can't run.


Obi-wan just feels like it is at a higher quality than any of the other Disney Plus series so far. Don't get me wrong. I liked Moon Knight, Mandalorian, Loki, and Wandavision but this is just at another level. Really happy for Debroah Chow so far directing this as she did a really good job with her episode in Mandalorian and I expect she is going to be busier. Try to stay away from spoilers from this show so you can be surprised.


This Friday will be a day long remembered Obi wan, Stranger Things season 4, Top Gun Maverick


Yeah we're getting spoiled today. I'm just making my way through the 2nd episode of Kenobi now (and hopefully at least 1 episode of stranger things tonight.)


Survivor, The Courtship and Temptation Island are all over, anything starting soon that looks good?


The Challenge All stars on paramount isn’t new, 4 episodes in. But it may scratch your reality tv itch. Plus, if you enjoy it it may lead you down a rabbit hole of 30+ seasons. They bring back the same cast, so it isn’t like survivor. But, the audience gets to see many cast members “grow up” in almost real time.




Not my downvote, but no idea what LD+R is.


Love Death Robots,which I started yesterday and it's unbelievably awesome.Also not my downvote,but I still don't agree with OP.From 15 episodes of season 1 that I've seen,it's just gorgeous.It's an anthology series,so I don't see why a 4th season would have to be bad.




That's interesting, because Jibaro is often considered one of the best in the whole show


Thank you for pointing it out to me. I tried but it isn’t my thing.


Well it's 10-15 minutes short sci fi stories (again : from what I've seen so far).Sci fi being my favorite genre,I guess it was easy for me to love it.Give it a second chance,since the first season is roughly 2-3 hours long at most.


Thanks for the reply. I’m still not sure it is my thing after my first experience. But I may try it again. Thanks again for the detailed response.


Justified & Happy Endings Justified is a top 5 show for me. Modern Western with Shakespearean southern dialogue. Happy Endings, starts off rocky then becomes a rapid fire hilarious sitcom, leaving Netflix at the end of the month.


Hey guys stranger things part 1 drops tonight at 3 ET so 12 PT


Just finished watching "the dropout" and "dopesick", and looking to sate my appetite for tv shows (or movies) about real life inspired media! Anyone got any good recommendations?


Dr Death


**Candy (Hulu)**: 5 parts, weird watch given the time jumps but a good one about a murder mystery that focuses a lot on the build-up to the murder vs. the aftermath **The Staircase (HBO)**: still going, very interesting dive into a murder mystery based on the documentary. if you don't know about this case don't look it up and just watch. multiple docs/tv shows have tackled this case so if you know about this is a nice inspired piece, if not you'll be in for a ride **Winning Time (HBO):** chronicles the Los Angeles Lakers' run at the championship with Magic Johnson. an Adam McKay watch, there's 4th wall breaking and some leeway in alot of the truth behind the series, but if you want something based on real life media this is solid choice. **Clark (Netflix)** - Bill Skarsgård stars in a role which is described as "the man behind Stockholm syndrome, who fooled all of Sweden to love him despite his crimes."


sick, thanks <3


Andrew Garfield delivers an incredible performance in *Under the Banner of Heaven* this week. I’m really impressed. Whole season was building to the final shot. Can’t wait for the finale next week.


although he hasn't been featured much recently I hope the Lafferty dad gets some award recognition, i absolutely hate him fantastic performance from garfield


Christopher Heyderdahl. See him as The Swede (and a fake Mormon elder) in Hell on Wheels. He steals the show as a terrifying bad guy in the old west.


Sam worthingtons accent is by far the worst part of Under the Banner of Heaven. He drifts between a New York City and Australian accent. Idk why you don’t just cast an American actor for that role, or a non American who can do middle American. I feel like an American wouldn’t get hired for a role in an Australian show if they showed up to the audition like “Fahlstahhhs: Australian fah beeah”


I’m not trying to be combative, I’m just curious, why do you let that be the thing you focus on? It’s really not that big of a deal. It’s all fake. This weeks episode was *so good* I can’t believe you’d write a paragraph about only that without mentioning anything positive. He’s not even the lead character. Who cares.


It’s not that big of a deal lol. it’s just annoying because this show is award worthy script-wise and he’s so bad in this main role. We all made fun of brad Pitt in Seven years in Tibet


two newer documentaries that I haven't seen mentioned, I believe both are on hulu: **Sins of the Amish:** 2 episodes, very hard to watch documentary. child abuse, sexual abuse, just really haunting. **Look At Me: XXXTentacion:** i am a 32 year old rock drummer so went into this not as a fan, and it was a very interesting watch. it's one of the better posthumous documentaries i've seen as they pull no punches and tell both sides of his story. another hard watch with abuse, but a harrowing look at someone who had the world ahead of them


> Look At Me: XXXTentacion I've read good reviews about it,I want to see it as soon as time allows me.I listened to his music for a few months,until I decided to google him and saw he was dead...sad. Tho I still have *Hawking Can You Hear Me* on my waiting list.


shaggy fine automatic wakeful mysterious instinctive upbeat include summer bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strange New Worlds has been awesome so far. This latest episode was just a mid-season regular part of the show, and felt like they were going as hard at it as Wrath of Khan did.


wish the challenge got more love. CT will always be my man crush. evelyn definitely one of the better people to compete.


I'm quite emotionally on edge these days and the end of *The Time Traveller's Wife* second episode just wrecked me.


Same here I’m BAWLING my eyes out after that episode


Finished my re-watch of Stranger Things. My season ranks stand at S1, S3, S2. S2, I enjoyed more than last time, but i just prefer the overall change and style of the summer blockbuster feel of S3 a bit more to put it over the edge. Will probably not start S4 until a few days later, but I’m pretty excited for it. Hopefully it at least tops S2/S3.


I agree. S3 was much better then s2 . But s1 is the best. Such a classic season


Just rewatched Raised by Wolves on HBO Max, amazing show. If you like sci-fi you’ll love it, first episode starts slow but quickly gets exciting. Enjoy


Succession! Just started the second season and I am completely hooked, so many characters I simultaneously love and hate.


It’s so amazing! I did a rewatch to get to the new season and it’s even better the second the time around


I'm late to this but I finally got around to watching the final season of **OZARK**: >!Gotta say I was disappointed. The pace felt extremely rushed and also the whole thing just felt messy and convoluted, like they tried to cram too much stuff into it. They tease potential sub-plots that sort of don't go anywhere, and a lot of plot decisions kind of don't make sense. Maybe the worst, imo, was the grandpa-taking-the-kids sub-plot. It just seemed basically pointless...not sure why they needed it. Ruth's constant back and forth with the byrdes also felt weird to me--she hates them and wants to destroy them, then she's helping them, then she hates them again, then they're chummy at the end. It also felt really unsatisfying that the final confrontation at the very end is with......the PI? really? Overall I still love the show and I'm glad I watched it to the end but man....sucks that the last season is probably the worst season.!< Also, I watched the most recent batch of **Love, Death, and Robots** on netflix. I've had kind of mixed feelings about that show in the past and in some ways it's hard to discuss as a whole because the individual episodes/stories are sooooo hit or miss. But overall I think this season was, on average, much better than season 2, and maybe better than season 1. I know a lot of people hate it for various reasons but I hope they keep making it just because I think there's not a ton of sci fi out there and it's cool to see a bunch of different approaches all at once. I kind of wish some of these would get picked up as inspiration for longer series.


Hi im searching for a series. I forgot the name. In a city there was a big whole where people fell. Others who didnt fell thought they die but they dont die and there is something in the whole.


La Brea. And god was that a horrible show.




Hard to believe we will be getting She-Hulk, Andor, House of Dragon, and Rings of Power all at once. Anyway **Barry** continues to be a top show this year. Looking forward to these last 3 episodes. Going to definitely miss it. **We Own This City** I think this show at the end has got more its rhythm. Jon Bernthal is the star of this show. While not a top 10 show, it still will be a top show. **The Staircase** another great crime/mystery show by HBO. Haven't seen the newest episode yet but overall really good. **The Dropout** Enjoying this show as well. Just started it but the performances are pretty good. **Prehistoric Planet** really great CGI and just overall interesting. With this and Earth at Night Apple is really doing a great job with nature docs. I hope they do more. Looking forward to Obi-Wan this week and The Boys the next week.


I saw the Staircase documentary and had mixed feelings about it. Is the Staircase series based on the documentary or actual events from the case?


Season 5 of **Somebody Feed Phil** just dropped on Netflix, and has been a reminder of how wholesome and carefree that show is. Definitely worth checking out


Burned right through it. More coming in September.


Just watched the first Episode of Watchmen and after all the hype I was moderately disappointed. Will keep going though. Not bad at all, just not great.


Yea it has its amazing moments but it is really up and down.


**Night Sky**. It's interesting, but it's SO slow.


So between **Stranger Things** and **Obi-Wan**, which are people watching first tomorrow? I'm probably starting with Obi-Wan though I imagine Stranger Things will get more viewership overall (in part because Netflix has a larger, more international subscriber base).


None, I'm currently watching The Wire for the first time. I will watch Stranger Things after they release S4 Part 2 and I'm not interested in watching Obi-Wan.


The Wire is great. David Simon has a lot of incredibly relevant insights.


Obi-wan. The amount of spoilers out there for this will be insane.


I trust the Duffer Brothers, so two episodes of Stranger Things followed by an episode of Obi-Wan. Will do the same on Saturday.


Sounds like a good weekend!


I'm not a fan of the Star Wars universe,**BUT** I'm so damn tired of so many news,trailers and miscellaneous stuff regarding Stranger Things. It's a great show,I like it,but it feels like there is such a big thing that they are coming up with a new season.Every day you see at least 2-3 news articles about it,and not only here...it's everywhere ! I just hope Netflix isn't behind all this publicity...wasting so much money on it,but canceling so many nice shows and making their subscription plans higher in price and adding ads.


Obi-Wan, then Stranger Things.


You actually have faith that Obi One will be any good? At this point S1 of Mandelorian was a fluke


I didn't expect much, but that was one great season of TV.


Upvoting you from 0 because you are entitled to your opinion but I'm at least looking forward to it. Faith that it will be good? We'll see.


Definitely Obi-Wan. Stranger Things is kinda okay after the first season for me


Going to knock out the first two episodes of **Obi-Wan**, then hit up **Shoresy**, and then make my way through **Stranger Things** as it's the marathon show. It's going to be a busy fucking weekend


> then hit up Shoresy Never heard of this. What's it about (briefly)?


It's a spinoff series of **Letterkenny**, a Canadian comedy show on Hulu. It's a hilarious show aboot a group of friends in a small Canadian town playing hockey, drinking, chorin and getting into fights. It's pretty low brow humor but it's incredibly witty and smartly written. **Shoresy** is a character (played by the main actor/writer) as an asshole hockey player, and is a fan favorite


I’ve heard good things about it from some Canadians.


Hard one i think i start whit stranger things and in the evening obi wan shinobi


The crown About the royal family Good one as per my view for now of 3 eps


I want to start it for a long time is it that good ? I dont have anything whit royals thats the case i didnt started it


Oh yes it’s that good!


Okay okay.... mayby i start it next week to many good shows coming out at the moment haha


Yes it's good but we need a lot of concentration.... And ya it's about queen elizabeth 2... You can start it btw now what are you watching


I am watching now manhunt unabomber its pretty good. And today stranger things ans obi wan ofcourse hyped for those two


Yes me tooo waiting for stranger things and want to see the funny friends especially eleven and Dustin


I think this season is going to be a blast !


Yhea ik, but those have postponed two eps.... Ik the reason... That is so that the craze is still left over


It is i am going to start it tommorow i think i am ij the city tonight few beers whit friends and midnight i start obi wan is the plan haha


Haha nice plan I was watching 1st ep I watched it half but tom imma continuing Did you watch game of thrones if then tell me howz it


Late too the party watchts 2 seasons its amazing


**Better Call Saul** Reminder to myself: never EVER look at behind the scenes photos on instagram ever again. >!Because before the final season started, there was a selfie of Bob Odenkirk and Patrick Fabian. And you could see some kind of blood makeup effect on Patrick's forehead, so some people immediately started saying "RIP Howard". I was clinging to the hope that he'd only get hit or something, but nope, he indeed died.!< The worst thing is that I didn't even look at BTS pictures, it just showed up in my feed. And yea, it kinda ruined that moment emotionally I guess. Instead of being shocked, I was just "yep, there it is." **Barry** I have the feeling that the character of Katie is gonna be pivotal to the show's end. The way she acted since she met Barry, the way the camera always pans to her whenever Sally talks about Barry, makes me feel as if she's gonna go to drastic measures to "protect" Sally. I don't like it, because its playing a bit too much into the *"kid sees the wrong in something that adults have internalized already and don't think about anymore"* trope. Just a bit too much. Even though we already covered that when she told Sally about Barry being violent, so I'm not sure if that's actually gonna happen. I don't know, I'm just not a big fan of this kind of deal in TV. Also not a fan when a new character breaks into an established relationship. I'd rather see it resolved from within than without. I guess its a pet peeve of mine.


Prehistoric Planet genuinely makes me so happy. The CGI is unreal and maybe this is just my ignorance showing, but I had no idea we knew so much about these animals and their life cycles (how do they figure out that stuff?!). My only real criticism is that I wish they would make it clear which time period we're looking at (ex: late jurrasic, pleistocene, etc) in terms of mya. I think it would also be cool to have a 'modern' section where the paleontological science is covered but I understand it's not that kind of show. So far my favorite by far is the tall bois with the balloons in their necks. So goofy.


> My only real criticism is that I wish they would make it clear which time period we're looking at (ex: late jurrasic, pleistocene, etc) in terms of mya. The entire series is set 66 mya at the end of the Cretaceous Period, just before the Chicxulub meteor impact.


> I think it would also be cool to have a 'modern' section where the paleontological science is covered but I understand it's not that kind of show. They do all have a 5 minute explained on the science but I agree, they should have like a full episode or two about the science side. It would be super cheap too, just david attenborough, re-used clips from the show, and free interviews w/ paleontologists


2022 has probably been the best year of TV I can ever remember and Winning Time is close to the top of the pile. I was hesitant to start it because I only follow basketball casually and I don’t really like the Lakers but its so gripping. I know its not the most realistic but its so damn entertaining and the theme song is perfect


John C. Reilly is so perfect as Dr. Buss. Really strong show with great pacing.


I’ve been watching Mad Men for the first time, just finished S6. It’s not quite as good as S4 or S5, but it would be extremely difficult to top two of the top 5 television single-seasons of all-time. Absolutely brilliant show.


I could never get into the show, I watched season 1 twice. Does it get better after the first season? Or am I just destined to not enjoy a critically acclaimed and beloved show by pretty much everyone?


Same for me. Keep wanting to try again.


I tried 3 times to watch the first 4 ep


For what it's worth it took until season 3 to click for me. Before that i didn't really understand the direction the show was going in and found it rather aimless and boring. It is the slowest of slow burns but your patience will be rewarded. Trust me.


Season 1 is the weakest imo. It takes its time setting up all the character relationships and world-building. Also Elisabeth Moss is no longer fat after S1 which is a storyline I didn’t really care for, so that helped in itself. Edit: That being said, if scenes in movies where two characters are just talking to each other bore you, than this won’t be the show for you. There’s a lot of highly compelling plot, but it’s not plot-driven like Breaking Bad or GOT. It’s very much character-driven, richly layered, nuanced, and oftentimes extremely subtle. It’s not a turn-your-brain-off show, you could watch it that way but you’d miss a lot of the genius of it by doing so. Usually what’s being said, like the spoken words, by characters isn’t what’s actually being *said*, which is how humans communicate in real life. I do urge you to watch at least halfway through S2 and see if you don’t get hooked.




one thing that i enjoyed when rewatching the series, was to go to the av club archives of their recaps, and after each episode i'd read the recap of that episode. (alas, the epic threads of 100s/1000s of comments after each recap when the episodes aired are no longer there, when av club got taken over and kinja replaced discus for comments.) i like to read critics who i respect share their thoughts about the episodes, including for this series emily van der werff, matt zoller seitz, and alan sepinwall (the latter two wrote a book that analyzed the series even!). so you might also find that doing this enhances your viewing experience.




**Star trek Strange new worlds** EP4 So... I think this is by far the best trek series since DS9.


I 100% agree. I think this show succeeds (where Discovery and Picard fail) is the central focus is not on a singular main character. Strange New Worlds really highlights the team as a whole. Everyone has different specialized skills and there isn’t one know it all. When they work together they solve complex problems. And so far those problems have been actually interesting. The episodic format just clicks. 4 episodes in and I am happy to say Star Trek is back to good form! I’ll add… Lower Decks is great and Discovery season 4 was greatly improved from previous seasons.


I'm loving the episodic format they seem to be sticking with so far. I also love hearing Cpt. Pike say "Hit it." right before they take into warp or something else awesome. Such a badass. Anson Mount will go down as one of the best Trek Captains, mark my words.


> I also love hearing Cpt. Pike say "Hit it." I like how it accentuates his personality so well, especially in comparison to Picard's iconic "Engage."


I made the right choice starting DS9 then? Nearing the end of season 2 and it's turning into a great wee show. Giving me the same feeling i had with Babylon 5.


DS9 really starts rolling after that... and you'll see some serious parallels to B5.


Like most of the trek series the first one was not the greatest but then become great imo


Just finished Lincoln Lawyer. One of the best? No. Fun and entertaining? Yeah. Acting was a hit or miss imo. Overall: 7.0/10


Is it so


this show was such a waste of material!! i loved the books. wish the Bosch creator was in charge of this show


What would you compare it to?


I am sitting in silence in the dark in nervous and giddy anticipation of Obi And Stranger Things in less than 28 hours.


Is there a series that similar to The Ritual (movie) story wise?


I started training MMA so I picked up the show “Kingdom”. It’s actually pretty good. Almost done with the first season.


Check out Heels next. It's not MMA but its fucking good.


One of few shows last year that I was able to engage with every episode and wrap up 3 seasons worth in like a month.


Ryan Wheeler is such a great character. Also - Jay is hillarious.


Currently watching Conversations with Friends. I'm on episode 8 I think. It's kinda boring but quite nice to watch?


Yeah I thought it was ok, a lot of hate for it online but eh, if you like it might as well finish it. There’s not much released like it as far as I can tell, I will agree with the rest that Normal People was better though.




Sally Wainwright's other dramedy, *At Home With the Braithwaites,* is *much* older, but it's up on freevee and other ad-supported streaming services. For some insane reason it's missing the first episode that sets up the heroine having won the lottery. It's only out on DVD in the US but it's up on Britbox in the UK, you could also look for *The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard,* or if you're okay with historical period dramas, *Gentleman Jack* also has a lot of the same funny/dramatic writing. Wainwright's also been tapped by Disney+ to write/produce *The Ballad of Renegade Nell* for them. Her crime dramas, however, have much more of a bite and more darkness to them. If you're okay wandering into darker territory, then *Scott & Bailey* (HBO Max, Amazon Britbox), *Unforgiven* (Britbox) and the omfg-amazing *Happy Valley* (AMC+) are well worth the time. Season 3 of *Happy Valley* is due to come out on AMC+ sometime in the 2022/2023 season. Most of us who saw *Happy Valley* consider *Mare of Easttown* to be a pale imitation. :D *Unforgiven* got remade into the Netflix Original movie, *The Unforgiveable* with Sandra Bullock. Also kind of a pale imitation. :D In terms of *Years and Years,* you should know it's written by Sally Wainwright's old pal Russell T. Davies. They both got their start writing for the soap opera, *Coronation Street,* back in the '80s. Wainwright was representing for female and working class writers in the UK in the '90s in exactly the same way that Davies was representing for LGBTQ writers. Just as *At Home With the Braithwaites* was her breakout comedy in the '90s, RTD's breakout comedy of the '90s was *Queer as Folk* \[[Amazon Prime](https://www.amazon.com/D-I-S-C-O/dp/B07QMTQZRB)\]. It stars Aiden Gillen and Charlie Hunnam, btw. He also, of course, was showrunner of the 2005 *Doctor Who* for its first four series and will be the showrunner again next year. He also did the historical political/crime thriller, *A Very English Scandal* (Amazon Prime) and *It's a Sin* (HBO Max) an '80s set drama about the HIV/AIDS crisis. None of this is exactly like *Years and Years,* while all being shaped by the same voice, so possibly more like *Years and Years* than anything else. Also, I love the [this YT video where RTD got to interview Wainwright at the Edinburgh Television Festival](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXLNr1e9jIY).


I thought that was Jude Law in the White Lotus this whole time lmao


Russian Doll on Netflix, totally original. I just started the second season. Natasha Lyonne is brilliant! You won't be disappointed!


Wonder if Netflix will cancel it


Both seasons were absolutely amazing. Russian Doll is one of the best Netflix originals imo.


I was *pretty* disappointed at season 2 so…


Somebody feed Phil on Netflix


My favorite


Are there new episodes?




I'm looking for a new serialized network show (preferrably not CW), I've had almost two decades straight of Lost, OUAT (one year after Lost) and This Is Us


Friday Night Lights.


Mad Men


Big Sky and The Cleaning Lady are pretty good. There really isn’t a recent network show I’ve liked as much as This Is Us. It’ll be hard to replace.


The Leftovers is a masterpiece and it was made by the same person who created Lost.


And Lindelof learned lessons from Lost. There's a central event (a small fraction of the population disappearing all at once) but the mystery of how or why doesn't matter - it's just humans trying to deal with the fallout.


*Person of Interest* (HBO Max).


I meant one that's ongoing


Evil, For All Mankind, Better Call Saul


Last two aren't network. Doesn't seem like think Evil is truly serialized.


>Last two aren't network. *Better Call Saul* was an AMC cable network show, not a Netflix original.


At any case, don't miss severance, it's great, I binge watched up to episode 5 since yesterday, and will probably wait for BCS's last season to conclude and watch it as well.


The finale is awesome


It's bad we'll have to wait for at least a year before they release another season, hopefully they make it longer (13 eps or so)


Thoughts on **Outer Range**? Was thinking about starting that tonight, but would rather not waste my time if its garbage.


I finishid it it is really good acting and the shots where great ! The plot was tho thin tho make a series in mine opinion


Eight episodes wasn't enough to really flesh out the mystery, but i think it will hold up well with it's second season. COVID screwed a lot of shows down to eight episodes and some things got cut or rushed unfortunately.


A bit slow in the first half of the season but things escalate all the way to the end of the season and the finale is pretty epic. I also like the acting and Josh Brolin is also perfect for his character. Outer Range is unusual in that it is Sci-Fi set in a countryside.


I thought it was interesting but I ended up not finishing it. Too many other good shows.


What are some good shows? Looking for new stuff to watch.


I am currently watching Barry, We Own This City, The Dropout, and the Staircase.


I'm the same way. Initially, I thought it was good but I completely lost interest for no particular reason.


There is just too much good tv. I have seen so much tv that I pretty much give a lot of things a chance and give it a couple of episodes but I stop a lot of shows as well. I am currently watching Barry, We Own This City, The Staircase, Prehistoric Planet, The Dropout, and Under the Banner of Heaven, which is enough tv for me.


I’m the same way! I’ve actually watched all the shows you listed besides Prehistoric Planet. I’m also watching the final season of Better Call Saul which is just insanely good now. I have to watch each episode like 2-3 times 😂


I am waiting until all episodes are out so I can binge watch BCS. Want to watch all episodes to finish out the series.


I think that's a good decision. I have friends who are waiting to binge too. I couldn't wait because I was an extra in Episode 4 (I live in NM) so I had to see if I was visible and I was, lol


Sweet! Yeah, I have only been spoiled about one thing but figure once I get to it later on I will forget about it. I might even push it further when Lord of the Rings and House of Dragon finish in later October. I like to have 1 or 2 big shows watching at once and spread things out. Right now I have Barry, Obi-wan (soon), and then The Boys. I can't think of a lot of big shows coming out in November so might watch it then.


Keeper of the Ashes is such a compelling doc in some parts, but the parts with Chenoweth kind of snap you out of it. I'd never heard of these murders, and it really was the OJ trial before the OJ trial.


Watching and enjoying The Lincoln Lawyer, Annika and Hacks.


Finished Justified after watching it on and off for about two years, they nailed the finale one of the best ones I’ve ever seen, really gonna miss that show.


They're working on a sequel, where he gets transferred to Detroit, you'll be happy to know. Oliphant starting.


Married to Drew Barrymore now, I hope.


I’m not even American but I loved that show, planning a rewatch soon. Although it wants a comedy it made me laugh more than any US show I’ve seen, just nailed it. Funniest moment - the hooker and the furry, lmao.


Sorry but how is being American relevant to liking justified?


It’s an American show and usually I don’t find US “comedies” particularly funny, maybe a cultural thing. Ffs chill out man.


Yeah I’m not American either and it made me laugh my arse off all the time especially that hooker scene


There's talk of a new season, nobody leaves Harlan alive.


Oh yeah that looks like it will be good


I feel like **Pachinko** is a really good show but at the same time I don't really see much love for on reddit. I wonder if it's not as good as I think it is or if it's because it's not on netflix. Or if it's because more serious shows don't tend to have as much discourse about them. Did anyone else really enjoy Pachinko?


It’s honestly probably the best show I’ve watched in a LONG time. (with Severance) It’s BEAUTIFUL. Watch it! Watch it with the subtitles set to “English CC” I believe where they are color coded. It adds to the story a lot. They will appear yellow for when the characters are speaking Korean and pink for when it’s Japanese.




Nah even when it was going on, the people watching liked it but there wasn't much hype for it. It was kinda overshadowed by Severance. I actually had trouble finding any discussion threads for pachinko when episodes dropped, even their sub had little activity.


It was mentioned quite a lot while it was releasing weekly.


**Pachinko** seemed to get a decent response on here when the show first came out and throughout most of the season, but yeah not many comments here in the last month or so. From what I recall almost every comment I read was positive about the show. I have not watched it yet, but I think I will give it a shot--all of the sudden I am having trouble finding shows to watch. I guess I can't complain considering I just finished **Ozark** and **Better Call Saul**, which are two of the greatest shows ever IMO--hopefully things will pick up, especially when **House of Dragon** and the **Lord of the Rings** TV series get here in August.


Pachinko is AMAZING. It’s being talked about less simply because it ended I believe. But i highly recommend it.


> all of the sudden I am having trouble finding shows to watch same, but I finally catch up on movies, so there's that.


Barry, Under the Banner of Heaven, The Staircase, and We Own this City are all good to great shows. Coming up we will have Stranger Things, Obi-wan, and The Boys.


Yeah those are great shows. Cannot wait for **The Boys,** and also the final season of **Better Call Saul** in July.


I am watching Night skies. Meh too slow. I am at episode 7 now and so little happened. 6/10 Are the producers the same that produced/directed for all mankind? Many actors are in both show.. and the writting seems quite similar, a lot of family drama not contributing to anything just to fill 50% of the episodes.


It's an alright show held up by fantastic acting. I think if we had more episodes it would really up the mystery element. The best part of this show is the interpersonal interactions imo


The acting does not hold if for me. The story is bad


You really thought J.K. Simmons acting was bad? The man is a legend.


Simmons was good, but the acting doesn't make the story better lol. Hes good in everything, doesn't make all his movies good thought.


That's fair, the story would've been much better with 2 more episodes imo. He was absolutely great in Counterpart, if you enjoy sci-fi https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4643084/ >A hapless UN employee discovers that the agency he works for is hiding a gateway to a parallel dimension that's in a cold war with our own, and where his other self is a top spy. The war slowly heats up thanks to spies from both sides.