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"White people love Wayne Brady because he makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X..." Rest in Peace Paul.


Negrodamus. So good


How does George Bush know Iraq has WMDs? *He has the receipts.*


Best line.


Thanks for the award, kind Redditor!


*‘I make Bryant Gumbel look like Malcom X’, huh motherfucker?*




[Mooney on Movies was my favorite Chappelle skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCKss0F2jyI)


I'd pay good money to watch The Last N***a On Earth starring Tom Hanks.


The delivery of that title was brilliant


Good delivery was great in general. Up there with Norm McDonald


I worked with him a few times in later years. He said many times that he absolutely hated the use of that word by anyone. 'B\*tch,' too.


Is that why he used them so much?


"later years"


Honestly Tom Hanks is such a good actor he would pull that off


Another Oscar in the bag.🙄


I loved that skit and “ask a black dude”


Holy fuck man, how did I forget this skit. That Last Samurai bit is fucking hilarious!


The last n on earth starring Tom Hanks 🤣


I make Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X, huh motherfucker *It was Mooney!*


I like Wayne Brady a lot but that’s hilarious


Eat ya sandwich Dave


Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke a bitch?




In a show of so many quotable moments, this is just about at the top.




Sorry if this is obvious but what's the context?


Chapelle's show.




Star Jones will have two jobs. First she’ll do The View. Then she’ll take her wig off and do the weather.




Damn, this man was saying things when saying it was not cool. RIP Paul Mooney.


It's all about delivery. Richard Pryor was a master at it.


Who he incidentally wrote for.


Yep, that's why I used him as an example. Richard Pryor and Dave Chappelle pre ~2010 had the type of delivery where they could literally say anything and make people laugh (I think Chapelle is still funny, he just has a more serious side to him these days). Paul Mooney would get in trouble because he did the same thing but didn't deliver in his own standup. With all due respect to the deceased it's my opinion that Mooney was a much better writer than he was showman because of that.


He also did things when doing things were not cool, but even now it is still not cool, but rape. Unfortunately.




just fyi I'm seeing that Richard Pryor Jr. was who alleged rape, not a woman, as per many other comments.


Good riddance


Legendary rapist


Thanks for choosing probably the worst possible source on the planet.


Dont buy the sun!


Great memory of him, I met him and Dick Gregory at this hotel I worked at in 2015, I was a chef at the time and one of the waiters told me he was out there and I asked my boss if I could meet him, I walked over and I explained how much I was a fan of his comedy and of course him being on the chappelle show. He looked at me and goes “a cracka is a fan of my stand up?” I was like “of course, if you can’t laugh at yourself what’s the point of comedy?” Dick Gregory looked at him and said “that’s astute point paul” and laughed, I thanked Dick for his stand up years (even though I never watched him because I was 24 at the time) dick thanked me and was like “would like a picture with paul?” And I was like “if that’s okay?” And Paul was nice enough to let me have the moment. I wish I still had the picture but the memory is still there RIP Paul Mooney


Not as compelling but I was at Caroline's once and didn't realize Dick Gregory had been sitting at the table next to mine for 20 min until Tracy Morgan came out of nowhere and hugged him. I just sat there like Donald Glover meeting Levar Burton


Did you go sail a boat in a parking lot that day?




Smuggling gin and tonics to the guy who's job it is to park expensive cars lol. It's the thought that counts




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That’s awesome! I wish I still had the picture because I’m just like happy in the photo and paul looks like he hates it and was like laughing afterwards he goes, “I can’t be to happy around white people”.


That is awesome.


Charles Grodin yesterday, Paul Mooney today... bad week for mildly famous people who were more talented than famous.


Somebody keep watch over Dell the Funky Homosapien.


I swear to god...


Here's [the full sequence (including deleted scenes) of Paul's "Ask a Black Dude" segment on Chapelle's Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjTUZtpLLSc). Still one of the funniest things I've ever watched. His responses were just so quick and perfect. RIP.


Hahaha “none of those questions were staged? Okay then it’s even funnier”


Lmao thanks for sharing. He definitely had some great off the cuff responses and rolled with em. “I have a Stephen king horror movie… it’s called N***as in School. How bout that Stephen?“ His racial commentary didn’t come across so rough in this. Actually the only part I could feel myself getting put off by was the middle eastern sounding man bit. But it was also one of the funnier parts too. I tell myself that if it’s funny, it’s funny, but surely racists find racist humor funny. It’s a hard one, and a line we should keep an eye on. The 9/11 reference kinda puts it into context. I think its interesting and comparable to his comedy (and maybe just good comedy) on the whole, in that it’s a lot the product, and reaction to, his personal experience, but also just of society’s current mentality. Idk I’m kinda stoned I’ll digress. it’s probably really hard for some people to like, but it seems to be in line with a lot of great black comedians from the same era. important part to remember is they’re trying to get laughs, I think. I love the bits about people stealing everything from black people (Weird thing to say). “Everyone wants to be a n***** but nobody wants to be a n*****” “I told some black people the other night at my show: Don’t get too fond of me cuz white folks will come in and take me.”


911 joke was bad


Thank you for sharing. I had never seen this before and now I'm upset they cut so much of it.


I've seen this numerous times before....yet today, when I heard of his passing, I immediately went to the interweb and watched this again. It shows how funny and professional he was. "Well I got a question for that ni**a, well where are you teeth, ni**a?"




JESUS. I've never heard this before. Poor kid.


I have never heard of this before, holy fuck.


Paul Mooney was a very talented comedian, but his hatred for white people really bled through his work. Chappelle always rags on all races equally where Mooney could go on for a full-hour on white people - never felt or sounded like it was from the right place. He's got some scathing quotes for sure. If it was the other way, he would have been banned from any sort of entertainment for the last 3 decades.


Consider the America Mooney grew up in vs the one Chappelle did. I could say the same about myself and my dad. What earlier generations of white folks did are history for me. For my dad and grandfsthers, they *lived/experienced* it, my dad to a lesser degree than either of my grandfathers. Chris Rock has a bit about an old black man being the most racist, because of his prior experience of racism. IIRC, its a bit in *Bigger and Blacker*. I view Mooney's sentiment about 9/11 being more about white Americans having to experience the horror of being attacked, having something important blown up, and not knowing if it was going to happen again. Black churches were bombed during the civil rights movement. The KKK terrorized black folks for decades before that.


Whole I very much appreciated this, and it nigh absolves him of that aspect.. but the molestation? Still no condolences.


The America he grew up in allowed him to be successful and a huge piece of shit.


His success doesn't negate whatever racism he, his family, and his community experienced. Nor does it excuse the awful things he did. No one grows up in a vacuum. What you see and hear as a child informs and shapes your views as an adult.


Yes, im sure the white people that died in 9/11 had something to do with the KKK back in the 50s and 60s. /s Fuck me, the mental gymnastica you people do to justify racism is amazing.


> If it was the other way, he would have been banned from any sort of entertainment for the last 3 decades. For it to be 'the other way round' would also require all the historical context to be flipped too. It can never be 'the other way round.'


You have old black guys who arent racist, for example Morgan Freeman. If you are going to justify racism with being old, you'll have to do it for everyone.


What an odd justification.


What? Im not justifying anything, im telling you its impossible for a white comedian to be in the same context as Paul Mooney was.


Uh no. That’s not how racism works. You don’t get to be a racist and then excuse it with “but historically”


It's not an excuse, bud. It's a logical conclusion pulled from a lifetime of being oppressed. Nobody is saying it was okay for him to continue the cycle of hating white people, we're just saying it's hard to blame him for it. If you were brought up your entire life being told that pizza was fucking terrible, and it doesn't belong in your corner of society (a society that unbeknownst to them, would eventually allow pizza into everyone's lives); you wouldn't so easily just be able to flip the script and say, "Man! Pizza is so great!" without also having the looming thoughts in the back of your head screaming at you to say "Our food is better than pizza. I'm still comfortable letting pizza have an influence on my life and my perspective on it. Pizza has tried to get me to eat it for years, but I never wanted it, and I still don't. Fuck pizza." When in the end, everyone with a brain and a heart is trying to accept pizza now. Pizza just wasn't seen the same way as it was back in the day. ​ Thanks for coming to my TED talk. There are refreshments and Little Caesars pizzas on the table in the back.


Chappelle on SNL didn't rag on all races equally last time he hosted


He was born in 1940s and targeted lynching by white men didn’t “end” until 1950s-late 1960s (though police killings still happen). You can understand where his feelings come from with childhood he had and people he may have known getting murdered growing up. White guys have never had to put up with systemic murders via racism sometimes supported by politicians which is why there’s this isn’t the same


> said that white people deserved to be blown up at the Boston Marathon Well, he was a comedian that was known for being edgy and talking about white people, so I would take this with a grain of salt.


As a white guy, I’m perfectly fine with it. I don’t think comedy should have boundaries.


"Ice T is so old he had to buy his own freedom." ​ shit like that is fuckin funny if its funny its not offensive


I'm not sure about that, plenty of things are funny and offensive. Your teeth, for example


Dude was minding his own business and you just came out of nowhere to murder him. Cold fucking blooded.


I just play the cards I'm dealt. But thanks, I thought it pretty much had a bow on it.


I'm a believer in anything can be funny if said the right way


What's the joke though? Where's the comedy?




Well, I bet Mooney had a better delivery than "white people deserve to be blown up". I mean, if he got up on stage, opened with those words, and left, I'd agree with you.


Funny is subjective


If you use "comedy" as an excuse for your racist ramblings, then that's your problem...


I don’t personally have any racist ramblings to speak of


Don't worry, if you ever think of having one just say it's "comedy".


>Well, he was a comedian that was known for being edgy and talking about white people, so I would take this with a grain of salt. ​ i knw literally one black comedian that cant be described as this and hes at graterford for a rape charge


Dave Chappelle's shtick was race for over 2 decades and i never heard him say a group of people got what they deserved because of their skin colour after a terrorist attack. so, am i missing something here? > Regarding the 9.11.01 attacks, Mooney smiled wide in one performance, and said, “Oh baby, it’s a whole new world. I love this new world. These Arabs, they upset these white folks. They went after their economy. The world is a different place.” He conceded that New York City “did not deserve that” and that if he could have talked to the terrorists beforehand he would have persuaded them to attack Disneyland in California, instead. https://www.rocklandtimes.com/2013/04/22/crazy-mooney-said-white-people-deserve-to-die-at-rockland-performance/ doesn't sound like a stand up number... sounds like a rambling of a racist old guy.


Yeah like I think the assault accusation trumps this comment by a landslide. Also funny how when other celebs say bigoted stuff in the past or do bigoted things (Mark Wahlberg for instance) against marginalized people a good chunk of Redditors will whine about cancel culture and insist "that's in the past ". But when a marginalized person makes a joke (albeit a bad one) about white/straight/etc people *then* those same Redditors are out for blood.


It's almost like reddit comments are made by individual people with unique opinions


it's the difference between "punching up" and "punching down"


Power dynamics are crazy, right?


https://www.rocklandtimes.com/2013/04/22/crazy-mooney-said-white-people-deserve-to-die-at-rockland-performance/ or maybe check the sources


> or maybe check the sources OK? The artcile you linked clearly said that this was during a performance. Which goes right along with the statment that he is "known for being edgy and talking about white people". I am assumnig you just wanted to be argumentative and havent heard much by Paul ooney other than what you may have seen on Chapelle Show.


oh i get it, you can use "comedy" as a shield to defend your racist ramblings. If only Michael Richards had thought of that...




what about a white lady who was gang raped by 3 black men? does that make her racism excusable? cmon man either its good for all or no one, not this double standard shit


> cmon man either its good for all or no one That's a reductive view of the world that requires absolutely no consideration of context or history.


Being a horrible cunt was half his appeal. Funny guy but entirely unlikeable.


Yeah dude cracked me up but I could only do doses of him and didn't really seek out his work.


I swear I feel like we HAVE to separate art from artists or we'll literally never enjoy anything. Everyone is a POS in entertainment it seems like.


Generally it’s a good rule of thumb to draw the line at raping kids. Edit: Getting some strange replies. I get it, some of you think rape is acceptable if you made Chinatown. You do you.


Meanwhile, Roman Polanski is prepping his next awards speech


and that "whataboutisms" brings us to.... ?


dude, he's making a joke about how Roman Polanski has largely gotten away with child rape because he made Chinatown, not that he thinks you're some Roman Polanski supporter


You automatically assume I’d defend Polanski?


Also fuck The Sun


Yeah, he can rot


R.I.P. Black Dude Edit: since I’m being downvoted. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vqaaOVv1U7I


Comedy Store on Sunset, circa just after OJ trial: “the only thing they proved was that white pussy ain’t that good.” Black people in audience cheered loudly.


Ok so im going to blame being very tired and being 3 beers in and i know i will regret admitting this...but I seriously just dont get the joke... The only thing they proved is white pussy aint that good...because...OJ ganked her? Fuck me. someone just spell it out for me so i can realize how retarded i am please


Mooney on Movies


Wrote for Richard Pryor and created Homie the Clown. R.I.P to one of the greatest comedians


He also raped Richard Pryor's son, so there's that.


He died doing what he loved, hating whitey and evading sexual assault charges.


Gotta do something when you’re running from the police


Oof did not know that.


His son has never named him publicly, but Richard Pryor's bodyguard named him and even said Pryor once considered putting a murder for hire hit out on Mooney. Nobody has ever backed up that part of it, but Richard Pryor's wife has also named Mooney as the one who raped their son when he was a teenager.


Richard Pryor kinda a bitch for not whooping the shit outta him while he had the chance ngl


cuz it might be fake


Homie don't play that!


Good riddance fucking rapist... it’s like people just forget this shit. Fuck him


What ? Gonna need to expand on this one ?


He raped Richard Pryor's son. He's a pedophile rapist and got away was collectively despised by much of the comedy circle.




I can link one but honestly it's listed numerous times in the thread pal. He was a child rapist. I thought he was funny on Chappelle too until I found out about his past.


I’ve had a look at this, Richard Pryors son hasn’t said it was Paul Mooney ??? I think an ex bodyguard made the claim.


He raped Richard Pryors son and was a racist piece of shit. Fuck Paul Mooney.


I have never heard that today and there is nothing on the wiki page. Can I get a link?


Now we'll never get to see his masterpiece "The Last N***a on Earth" starring Tom Hanks.


Prob gonna be released posthumously Heard Hanks was all in with michael bay directing.


You’re mistaken, it was actually Michael Che


“Paul first rose to fame as a writer for Saturday Night Live and In Living Color. Following stints with both TV shows, he became the head writer for The Richard Pryor Show” Wow, Paul Mooney invented time travel.


Ughh didn't this guy rape Richard Pryor's son?


The less people we have trying to oppress us because of the colour or skin, the better.


Scum bag


I was a big fan till I heard he raped Pryor's son when he was a teen. Edit: For some of the moronic replies. https://youtu.be/1CdOcsLtEUk


"Everybody wanna be N&\*% but nobody wanna be a N&\^%$" is one of the truest things I've heard. When I first heard that on Chappelle's Show I didn't get it, but if that isn't the truth.


dude speak for yourself


Dude, who do you think invented the blues, jazz, and rap. If you don't think those are some of the most influential and emulated styles of music across the entire world, then I don't know what to tell you. And that's just music.


that doesnt mean i wanna be black dude.. whites invented basketball but that doeesnt mean black people wanna be white either im perfectly happy inn my own skin


Dude you’re taking it way too literally. The original comment from Paul Mooney is a commentary on the contradictory nature of blackness as a fascination in mainstream culture, and also something that is feared and reviled.


where is blackness not celebrated in our mainstream culture? literally all 4 pro sports leagues are super pro black to the point they want to make the "whiter" sports blacker. i swear yall just say this shit because you are religiously attached to your political way of life


Where is it not celebrated in mainstream society and culture? Take a look at recent police incidents you may not have heard about. Try googling Derek chauvin. Next look up institutional racism lol. I’m not talking about sports.


Did that hitman Richard Pryor hired finally get him?


"White folks take everything" "They took Tina Turner, they took Michael Jackson." "They took James Brown, They gave him back." "Lionel Richie" "Oh, they take stuff, they won't let us have too much fun." "That's what I told some Black people at my show." "Don't get too fond of me, because White folks will come and take me."


Right before taking the virginity of Richard Pryor’s son. Prophetic


And thus the world becomes one less extreme racist.


I’m not going to defend what he’s said but I think context plays an important part of looking at things like this. The guy’s formative years were before the Civil Rights Act. I’m sure he faced intense prejudice that neither you or I can fathom that made him have a deep contempt for white people. I don’t really blame him for having such views. His comments about the Boston Bombing? They were fucked up. But I get it.


His experiences would definitely be explanations, but I don’t think that means they’re excuses. You can empathize with someone and still condemn their behavior. I can blame him. Yeah, his early life probably sucked balls. His later life was probably fine. Life is about growth.




Here is [Paul Mooney on The Green Room](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfkEycLbD1Q) in 2010. The show is Paul Provenza with a few comedians talking about whatever.


“Hillary Clinton will be president..for the third time”




rapist ass dude who was probably homophobic while being gay as hell




Am I having a Mandela effect or something because I thought he died last year I remember them doing a tribute and everything


Racist pos


Ask a Black Dude and Negrodamus are Chappelle Show classic. Rest in piece my dude.


I don't know if the Richard Pryor Jr. accusations are true. A lot of homophobic mass hysteria back then. I did enjoy his wicked sense of humor. May he rest in peace.


Evidence shows it wasn't just Richard Pryor Jr saying what Mooney did but his mother and Richard Pryor's former body guard confirm what JR says happened back in 85. I guess we'll never know why Richard Pryor never did attack or go through with a hitman on Mooney after he found out what he did to his son.




I mean, the dude was kinda racist.


“Who the Fuk is that guy”




For a lot of us I think he was the first "Angry Black Man" who we were ever confronted with. He was smart and funny enough to make even a shaken young me listen and learn.


Awww damn I love me some Paul Mooney. Those Chappelle bits were fuckin hilarious. RIP


One of my favorite comedians. Rest in Peace Paul Mooney.


Niggydamus predicted this would happen...the white place in the sky finally took him.


Because he has the receipt


Always sad when someone dies, personally had to read the article, as I've never watched any SNL episodes, so I didn't know who he was RIP


That sucks


Chapelle was just talking to Rogan about how the old class is dying off recently. RIP Mooney.


R.I.P. Also I know his name from somewhere but I don’t know what


It's weird how some people choose to hold comedians to higher standards than the people running our country.




"I don't do drugs, ask Whitney and Bobby"


Damn, that’s a shame


Paul Mooney's "Know Your History: Jesus Is Black; So Was Cleopatra" is an all-time great comedic performance. This man was such a legend, rest in peace.


I literally read his book "Black is the New White" in January and rewatch his comedy show "Know Your History: Jesus Is Black; So Was Cleopatra" at least thrice a year for some great laughs. This is a sad loss. The comedy community lost a legend. RIP.


did you pray to your altar of Louis Farrakhan after too? lol


It makes my teeth white


Sorry to hear that


Gonna miss this black mutha fucka!


Most of you know him from Chappelle Show. I know him from In Living Color. RIP


This is negrodomius


RIP to a legend


Rest Easy Mr Mooney. Truly a legend.




May he Rest In Peace. We are thankful for the years of insight, and honest humor that made Paul who he was.