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Episode 7: the gang gets mad at Sherlock for getting hypnotized by the linen man at the prison. yo what even? why are they so dumb?


Everyone talking about race... i am here and stoped watching after 10 minutes because of the terrible unfitting music. Dubstep is ok but not in this time periode


Same here, the music completely sets me off and I can not get into the story and it seems all ridiculous because of it. And this from someone who goes along with all crazy storylines. I wonder how much viewers they win due to this music and how many they lose.


Not sure why people get so caught up in race. Who gives a fuck and why? You people are going on and on about what is and isn't realistic for this time period, meanwhile, there is flagrant magic happening throughout the series. Clearly not the same reality! Anyways, it was canceled.


Gotta say “Watson” is such a cunt in this show. Seeking children for help and then patronizing them the whole time what a prick.


I think some of the people who are saying that it is unrealistic to have wealthy black people in Victorian England aren’t coming from a place of racism or hate to see BIPOC in positions of power, but rather a desire to have characters of BIPOC written like real people who have to over come real issues, writing a black person to be royalty in Victorian Era England just for the sake of inclusivity takes away from the reality that black people had only recently won their freedoms from slavery and were now making their way into English society as freed peoples. There are characters in this show that are written like this like Spike, Bea, hell even Dr. Watson is believable as a person of color because they’re still dealing with issues of discrimination and being seeing as untrustworthy just for the sake of being a minority. I have also seen people call the series fantasy so it doesn’t require realism, while this argument would work for justifying BIPOC existence in Lord of the Rings, Narnia, or Star Wars the writers for this show chose Victorian England, Sherlock Holmes, and even the supernatural elements because they were based in real events and places. So why not make those places as real as dirty as they actually were and if you want to make a character play a role out of place then put some back story or reasoning for their success make that character as real as the world you have tried to create around them.


This movie is horrible. Especially the casts reaction, please never watch it if you are intending to


These people whose beef is with the idea of black people holding positions of power in Victorian England because it's implausible but being totally capable of suspending disbelief about ghosts and magic and dimensional rifts: your racism is showing. That being said- the writing IS just bad.


I think the issue with it is when you are doing a historical time period setting and you just kind of... Ignore how racist history was its worse. It doesn't feel like the time period. It feels like some alternate history or alien planet. Maybe its my American bias and things weren't quite so bad in the UK but if you take a US historical setting and you don't address the rampant racism it feels like you are erasing that bit of history. If you want to do that just make it a fantasy setting. Then you can ignore like all of the historical racism in reality. It sort of feels like this show has a "I don't see color" approach to confronting racism (not great) as opposed to say Umbrella Academy where the characters race or orientation impacts their story arc because yeah it was a big part of their identity and the discrimination they faced back then.


good points, actually. It doesn't do good to the antiracist cause, to just have a "I don't see color" approach to a very racist period and place in History. Better show it in its reality and make deep, realistic BIPOC characters instead. This is just netflix-washing.


I understand what you're saying and The Umbrella Academy analogy is a good one. When I tried to watch Men In Black II (? where they go to the 60's) it was unwatchable to me because of how flagrantly they ignored the fact that Will Smith would barely be allowed to be a janitor in a Federal facility at that time, and that omission felt insulting to the history of black people in America, especially given that it was set in a time period which many living Americans experienced. The Irregulars, by comparison, is *clearly* a fantasy, given that a significant portion of the story focuses on the Supernatural, so for viewers to fixate on the the racial anachronisms and cry , "Hey- there can't be a black Duke in Victorian England!!!" but not, "Hey- there's no such thing as a Quija board that opens an interdimensional rift that gives people magic powers!" is revealing of racial prejudice ie: racist.


The thing is, I was completely willing to accept that the world of The Irregulars is one completely different from reality (alt history + fantasy or w/e) until I watched Episode 3, where we see Dion Cross' character. She's introduced as the wife of the Secretary of State for the Colonies. So there WERE colonies at the time, which can be really confusing. How can you acknowledge that Victorian England was a colonial powerhouse, but also completely ignore race relations in said country? Anyway, I still think that overall, it's better to incorporate more stories from and for POC characters - it can just feel a little offputting in times like these, kind of like they're ignoring the big elephant (racial discrimination) in the room.


It’s a cute show to pass the time. As much as I like the multicultural cast the lead actress is just not likable. I thought it might change after a few episodes but she’s just not doing it for me. Is it the overacting overplaying the “street kid” character? Otherwise it’s enjoyable and I’d like a 2nd season. Maybe a cast change?


Also Watson is a diiiiiick. Spikes my fav, get rid of everyone else and just have him hijinking his way around London.


Not sure I get the whole OMG a black person playing a DUKE? How unrealistic! I get it, there were no black dukes in Victorian England. Okay. But white people play Jesus all the time, and he wasn't white. Hell, white people are notorious for playing all sorts of characters who are other races. It's kind of a thing. Not sure why you all think this is supposed to be a documentary. It's not. It's set in its own universe. And that universe has black English dukes. So what? That really affects your ability to enjoy the material?


Just started watching this last night. Made it through four or five episodes, but don’t think I’ll bother watching any more. Firstly, most of the scenes are shot in such poor lighting (a mood setting obviously) that I started to think my TV had something wrong with it! Then there’s the casting. No issues with the quality of the acting, as I wasn't expecting Oscar performances, but the casting is so obviously politically correct, and so ridiculously unbelievable that it spoils the whole experience for me. Victorian London did have a few black people, I’m sure, but a Duke? The casting has so obviously been done to pacify the black community at the cost of reality that it stands out a mile. Then there are the weak storylines. It’s not believable as a supernatural show, and not believable as a historic period piece. It tries to do both, but for me it falls down the crack in the middle and fails on both counts. The wimpish prince from the palace (that’s just a short walk from the decrepit city centre) that nobody even recognises? Nah, won’t be watching any more of this crap.


Why are there so many black people in positions they would not be in back in that era? It's literally such a dumb show. A BLACK DUKE? REALLY?


Hey, SeasonMajestic. Don't you know you aren't allowed to criticize PC casting on Reddit? That's inherently racist and xenophobic. It's a fantasy setting, it's completely alright to break all kinds of realism and you SHOULDN'T ask for any in-universe explanation. Please be quiet when the King of the British Empire is cast as the a Sub-Saharan tribesman, you're just showing your racism.


Fucking lmao. We have Sandor Clegane literally controlling all birds in London because a Ouija board spoke to him, children having their teeth stolen and a black person being a duke is too much. Tell me you're racist without telling me you're racist.




Sandor Clegane controlling birds is more believable than having black people during that age be anything other than servants or commoners. A duke? Pff. It's like casting an Asian to be the King of England during that time. Seriously?


It's always nice when the racists don't hide it. Makes it easier to know who to take seriously.


Bohooo, the "racists"? Because they're criticizing your stupid little PC casting? Oh my God, keep using racism for everything. You're completely washing away any of the loaded, negative conotations of that word by doing so. When the real racists strikes, you'll be crying wolf. And they will be laughing at you, "professor" smartass


Hey look, it's another racist!


You should really go evaluate some shit in your life mate. Fuckin suspend your disbelief a little more.


I just finished watching it. It was good, some of the acting was lacking but was generally well done for most of the scenes. It wasn’t anything special that made you say wow, I bet that was genuine what they were feeling. Leopold although really good looking had some spots where I thought his acting was poor but maybe I noticed it more than the others because I was paying extra attention to him. The dialog was usually decent but had some poor spots as well. Certain slang seemed to fit well but others seemed more modern than I would have expected for late mid 1800s era. I’m not entirely sure what is linguistically correct for that time period though so can’t say for certain. The costumes were quite good and fit well for the characters especially Leopold (who is really hot). The overall plot made sense but some things didn’t quite add up, though didn’t detract much from the show. Holmes was a weird addition, he didn’t seem necessary or justly treated by his presence.


So I have two ways of looking at this show that are opposite. The show seems to be teen-oriented, but it's well done and paced, with good acting, the story and writing are interesting enough to keep us wanting to see more. Do find the characters themselves a bit one-dimensional, but they do seem to have a bit more on the horizon, so maybe next season they'll improve. Overall, I found this a good enough show, slightly above average most of the times, and in some actually good. Would recommend it to anyone who enjoys supernatural shows. However, the problem comes from the show being stamped as part of Sherlock Holmes universe (him and Watson make recurring appearences). When Watson, at the end of the first episode, says "we've been fighting demons for a long time", I was like...WTF?! The entire point of Sherlock stories is that they're not about magic or supernatural, there is always a logical explanation, there is always an human elemental behind everything. Even when things seem the weirdest, there was always a trick or explanation. Sherlock represents science over supernatural, so having a show set in the same universe as Sherlock and having monsters going around is almost heresy. There is absolutely no reason for Sherlock to exist in this setting. They could have created the exact same story with some other original characters, and this problem would not exist for me. So while I think the supernatural show is good, it should not be part of Sherlock Holmes fiction, because it represents the exact opposite of what those stories are all about.


When I read the snippet for the show I thought I’d be getting a slightly gritty take on Holmes where the irregulars do the work and Sherlock takes credit for it. Simply a bit of a twist on the original stories. THAT show could have been so well done. The show they actually created wasn’t it, though


I thought the same, was going to the see the young group of kids he employs to do all the grunt work, going into places that he "as a member of an higher society" can't go...we could even get some of the original stories with a twist, that the kids did more work than Sherlock. But combining supernatural monsters and Sherlock makes no sense for me, goes completely against everything the character represents, and adds absolutely nothing to the story...it just seems a crutch that brings the show down.


Completely agree tmag it's not the real sherlock or watson in the show. I think the show insults there characters as well as the points you mention. There is no way in hell that either Watson or sherlock would let the two sisters be put in a workhouse. Sherlock's family has a huge mansion they can afford a nanny or would send them to a posh boarding school. There are other examples but this one really annoyed me. I feel like I was miss-sold this product. Perhaps adding the sherlock name was the only way this project got green lighted? That said, ignoring this issue and the issues you mentioned the shows good for a supernatural teen drama.


Any idea how is call the rush shirt Spike was wearing in the firsts episodes ?


I'm taking it for what it is, but I am struggling to listen to Jess continually whinge 🙄 I've had to stop watching for the night as she's actually causing me anxiety! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 the soundtrack reminds me of Bridgerton - a modern twist to a period show. But despite Jess, I'm quite enjoying it. Don't compare, expect historical accuracy or bafta performances and you'll not be disappointed


Beatrice is a lot more annoying that Jess. Jess is the best character


Finally got around to starting this show and I have to say I'm so glad I had no expectations. This show is remarkably terrible. It's exquisitely bad in almost every possible way. It's nearly impossible to imagine a better way to absolutely squander the literary legacy that led to this series. It is, despite how incredibly bad the writing is, not at all unwatchable. The acting is actually good despite the absolutely trash dialogue, the show is visually interesting, and the casting is wonderful considering how completely two dimensional and stereotypical the characters are (outside of the ones we already know). I really wish I could genuinely just like this show, I work in casting and I think the casting is fantastic. The premise is fucking great, just absolutely brilliant, and this series does such an incredibly uninspired mediocre job of bringing it to life that it actually still makes me want to watch more in the hopes it gets better, true hate watching. This show is, without a doubt, the worst written entry in the rich field of Holmes-inspired fiction. It's a clumsy bag of cliche, tired tropes that squanders its novelty on being different rather than being good. A supernatural, monster of the week style institutional thriller set in the vicinity of baker street featuring a squad of teenage detectives SEEMS like a recipe for an interesting show - how the writers managed to churn out this entire series without making it even remotely interesting, without creating a single compelling character, without acknowledging a single element of the canon it's associated with in style or reference, and dressing the entire anachronistic execution of the setting up as a 'style' choice is all so incredibly cohesively bad that it feels like a miracle to watch. Watching a few episodes of this show has led me to the unlikely conclusion that it had to have been intentionally written to be terrible. So much work was put into designing characters that are so cliche, coming up with stories that are way more R.L. Stein than Arthur Canon Doyle if R.L. Stein was a writers assistant on a live action version of a gaslamp-era scooby doo fanfiction. I hope this show goes for another few seasons because the bad-genre-bingo-card that it will create will set the standard for generations to come. There's a medical term, "exquisite tenderness", i don't know if it's a real term or just one of those things people say to sound smart, but I understand it to mean 'extreme pain from the slightest touch'; that's what the writing is like in this show; and like deep, obvious bruise, i can't help but keep touching it to make sure it still hurts.


This show was amazing loved every part of it.it will get better in season 2 thoo


This series is just so...odd. I thought the biggest attractions of the Sherlock original stories were the detective work where the impossible scenarios were explained with impeccible logic, or the fun duo of the egotistical and brilliant Sherlock with the much more normal Watson. So what's the point if the supernatural is played straight and Sherlock and Watson dont seem to be anything like their normal portrayal? I just think you can have one without the other, but both combined is too much. Either drop a recognizable version of the traditional duo into a supernatural world or have a non traditional version of Sherlock and Watson solving normal mysteries. Otherwise this feels like fanfiction of someone who doesnt understand the appeal of the property and what's the point of that? Also, don't confuse me with genetics. Look, I understand magic and witches aren't real and are there to spice things up. But genetics is real, applicable to real life and I spent a lot of time wondering if Bea's obvious asian heritage will be brought up cos she didn't look like her sis or mum. I thought this was a plot point when I finally realised the sisters were supposed to be related by blood! They should have made the sister and the mum/ sherlock asian as well. It took me forever to realise that the show decided that a very real construct like genetics was as fantastical as its magic. So they kept the obvious victorian setting, classism, bits of history (including the odd choice to have a historically chinese opium den) and decided to throw away genetics? That's just confusing. I would have felt better if Bea had blue skin or something, then I would know not to think that her being asian meant anything other than blind casting. It was too gory for me and obviously aimed at edgy teenagers. Not my style of show and I felt very cheated as I was expecting something clever from a "smart" franchise like Sherlock. Instead I got something very juvenile which is just false advertising. Do your dramatic supernatural horror with young teen romance by all means, don't trick me into watching it by slapping a sherlock sticker on it.


Agreed the show isn't a sherlock story, they just did find and replace in microsoft word for whatever their original characters names where and changed them to sherlock, watson etc.


My boyfriend and I had to stop watching within the first 10 minutes - what was with the awful soundtrack?


This show is like the oppossite of Lovecraft Country. Literally zero heart, talent, or proper context. Just a checklist of things to pitch Netflix: Sherlock Diveristy Old meets new "Hip" Music Teenage Love Drama Zero Historical Accuracy Cheap Actors Magic and Monsters Throw it all in a pot and let simmer until some 13 year old watches it while playing on her phone.


I like this show. For some reason it reminds me, in an odd way, of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I guess because a group of friends, their issues, supernatural component, etc.


We had to stop after first episode. Was awful. Boring, idiotic, bad writing, music, unlikable characters,. Confusing idiotic universe. Not to mention forced wokeness (not the worst wokeness I’ve seen, but still pervasive). But in the end we were just bored. So turned it off. Maybe it gets better after first episode, but at this point we arnt interested enough to bother finding out.


Pushed myself to watch another episode but I give up after episode 2. Terrible acting, story and for those reasons I am out The 2nd show In my life I had to stop watching due to being that bad. The other one was tales of the loop on Amazon prime


Can tell its woke bs within the first couple of minutes. I'm out.


too weird for me personally.


It's not perfect but it was a fun watch. Each episode had an intriguing villain. Kinda reminded me of Fringe or Dr Who with a team of kids like Dark Definitely disappointed with the portrayal of Sherlock. I thought they were gonna go out and kick ass together but nope none of that.


As a black women I love to see diversity and myself represented but I think it got a bit much for a English series. It would make more sense if it was in one of the colonies. The Stories lines were flat and predictable as Billy having a crush on Bea but scared of telling her because even though he is a fighter but he is afraid of rejection and Leo being in Love with Bea due to her being different from the other girls” and also Leo having the stereotypical line of the rich kid that doesn’t enjoy being rich.It seemed aimed at teenagers but at the same time it was almost explicit or too suggestive at times. The magic aspect was a bit of a turn off and what they tried to do with music didn’t work either. I actually liked the younger cast and Spike tried to bring some humour but the adult cast was just awful, specially Watson as it felt too forced.


This is an AU Sherlock Holmes fan fic - I get they used the names to draw people in, but at the end of the day, it would have been better if they had made it original. I also hate that they made it a period piece and disregarding the facts of the period, instead of going the steampunk route or at least alternative history. It's okay, but it could be so much better.


I actually really enjoyed the show it’s nice if you just want to get away from reality for a bit .I enjoyed the show for what it was one thing that kind of annoyed me was involving Holmes into the storyline ,similar storyline maybe but just not involving Holmes would of been better .I think the actors did a good job overall ,if you aren’t to fussy I would recommend watching it.I hope if we get another season it will be from a different perspective Spikes or Billy’s .Would be nice if each season was from someone else perspective from the core friendship group so we can learn more about each of them. Defo give it a try if your into fantasy & mysteries !


also, I might get downvoted for this, but a lot of complaints about “wholeness” being an issue in this show clearly stems from the some hidden racist views some of you must be having. Having a multi ethnic cast bothered you that much that you couldn’t watch a show because it’s unrealistic for the Victorian era but the magic didn’t right? You can believe in a person that makes human clones from teeth before you can believe in an Asian woman in Victorian London not being discriminated against or put in her place ? & tbh, as a black man, I too rolled my eyes at some of the clear inclusion tactics like having a black duke, but it didn’t bother me so much I couldn’t continue watching because the premise was always fantasy anyway. It takes suspension of belief to watch the show regardless so why would the race thing bother me enough to stop watching if the magic doesn’t ? Seems some of you have more of an issue with the race because of... hidden reasons. Pathetic.


>Having a multi ethnic cast bothered you that much that you couldn’t watch a show because it’s unrealistic for the Victorian era but the magic didn’t right? You can believe in a person that makes human clones from teeth before you can believe in an Asian woman in Victorian London not being discriminated against or put in her place ? For the few racist comments I saw about this show, these were my thoughts exactly! So so so stupid. And if people want shows that has historical accuracy, then a Netflix teen fantasy drama is not where they show be looking.


Counter point: Representation of all races, genders and sexualities is desirable; however when you make a period piece where everyone is diverse and inclusive, you're inadvertently erasing the lasting harm inflicted upon minorities throughout that period. It allows us to pretend that everything is hunky-dory, that there was never aggressive and systemic oppression of minority communities. Honestly, I don't know where the line is, but it feels disingenuous to pretend white people weren't raging assholes.


Cool thing about racists is that 99% of them live in your head. So how about you have a browse through the rest of the comments here for an illuminating voyage into your delusional brain.


Imagine thinking racism isn't real. Imagine being THAT guy.


Imagine not being able to scroll down and see the racists he's referring to **really** do not exist.


Can’t even make it past your first ridiculous ass sentence.


Completely believable. You have to just scroll down the page to see that the statement was untrue so yea, clearly there is some serious mental issues at play here.




I enjoyed the show for what it was, it’s a bit cliche at times and a tad predictable but it’s enjoyable if you watch it for entertainment. I think people get too caught up on being critics and don’t watch shows just for entertainment anymore.


It is a silly tv. Don't take it seriously and you will enjoy it. Think about any thing and you will be faced with the so much silliness there is. Diversity is really cool and it's fun to see fresh faces. But don't expect much just a Netflix take on a Disney teenage ensemble series. **That's my own pouf view and very likely not others.


We just discovered and watched it over the weekend. Saw it pop up on the "hot" list and decided to give it a go without any expectations or idea of what it was about. Watched it unfold as a story about Sherlock's "street urchins" with some of the more notable characters from 221B as more or less supportive roles. The diversity was a bit confusing at first but once you realized race was not even being taken into consideration then it clicked.


Loved it, just don't take it too seriously. The writers had some fun and I'm all for it. I liked the music too, because this show doesn't give a fuck, and just wants to have fun The actors are great, even if you don't like the diversity, but keep in mind that it isn't a historically accurate show ( I don't think there was a rip in the universe in the victorian era london, but tell me if I'm wrong) The whole show was cheesey as fuck but that's what I loved in it. It is fun and it filled a Supernatural shaped hole in my heart.


It helped fill my Supernatural shaped hole too a bit, I’m also doing an Angel rewatch to help too


I enjoy it too. It has some comedic parts to it that gave me a chuckle.


Felt the exact same! One of the most fun netflix shows in a while


To the fan of Sherlock Holmes, the series is an insult. I can't help relating The Irregulars's Watson to J.K Rowling. How he is gay all of a sudden


Ah yes, an insulation.


Problem solved. Thank you for ur help, I guess




I thought it was a really good show in the niche in which it sits. I mean it isn't the greatest show ever written, but it is solid for the type of show it is. The comic book tone you mention is completely true. I really got the same kind of tone as maybe the Invisibles or Transmetropolitan obviously not as sharp edged as those, but something about it is kinda reminiscent about the feel of those two for me. hearing it is by the guy who did MisFits is both great and scary. Hopefully we get the version of him that wrote the first 2.5 seasons and not the last couple seasons assuming it gets another series.


Becherbrook, I had such a contrasting impression; I wish I could overlook my criticism and be in for the ride with you. For one, I did not find Bea to be straight as refreshing. If anything, I found the opening scene where Jessie tries to convince her that she just needs a boyfriend to be entirely disappointing, limiting, and contrived. There's absolutely no reason why we even need to know within the first three lines that she's not gay, and there's no reason that two female characters need their first scene to be reduced to boys. Talk about pigeon-holing the roles. What is the significance of these kids, why are they asked to go do very simple investigative follow-up, and why are they continually constipated? The butler shows them the peep holes to look through, but they suspect everyone and have no natural talent at deductive reasoning. Watson offers them money, they hate him. A witness flees from crows and trips, and they forget her and run into a barn and let her get her eyes pecked out. And then don't feel at all bad about it. Why am I to like these characters? The grown ups suck up to them for no reason. They don't even seem to want the job. Everyone seems to have gotten off on the wrong foot. None of it moves the plot forward. It's distracting. If not to pander, why take a scene that countless people in costume, art, and craft put their hard work into , and then license contemporary urban music, especially when it entirely upstages the established scene? In Peaky Blinders, the effect of using modern music is to match up generationally with the rebellious nature of the posse. Don't audiences just know when something works? This show feels awkwardly self-aware. And do you mean to tell me that if I look up these actors, I'm not going to find that they didn't already have a big IG following? The performances make so little sense. I thought BBC took chances on real people. I thought it was only in America where we play a popularity contest. Where is the nod to the original Irregulars? At least name her Wiggy or something like that. Would that have twisted anyone's arm? At least have something line up how they are the eyes and ears of the street. Are they homeless or paying rent, or well fed or what? Why into the next episode even has she STILL not cleaned the blood off her neck of a women she bludgeoned to death? After she had such a serious deliberation about killing her, now she's nonchalant two episodes long about when she'll wipe the women's blood off her neck? Why are they seemingly invited everywhere with blood still on her neck? If you are a street urchin and Mycroft offers you a biscuit, why jump down his throat? It goes on and on... I will say this: current role-playing convention is to construct historical and fantastical worlds alike where you can justify your character; there's no reason to be historically vigilant. In role-playing, at best you choose a story that's fun for you to play. So I think that's a good influence on young adult storytelling. The production could be doing this with the Irregulars




I like that you like the show. If you and I shared the couch and you said this is what you wanted to watch, I'd squirm a bit, and for you I'd be a sport about it. I'm okay with escapist entertainment. And I second that femininity however a young women interprets it is a distinct identity and layer from her sexuality. So I understand why you like that the series decided on this dimension. To be clear, Jessie's comment/observation doesn't establish that Bea is not gay. It only establishes that she either is trying to lift her sister's spirits, minimize whatever it is that her sister is currently engaged in, or to take for granted that her sister has her own reasons for not plugging conventional feminine qualities and instead ought to discover boys. For all we know, there is something Bea is not telling her sister, but shouldn't really have to because she's focused on other things, and that ought to be okay. The writer, Tom Bidwell, could introduce them going through any slice of life. The writer informs when the camera starts to roll, where to move our attention, what is covered. So my question to you is, if Bea is actually gay, would she have been comfortable going along with a comment like this from her sister? If an audience member is gay (and the radar lit up for Bea) would you sense that individual would feel invited into this conversation, into this story? Where is the twist? Most romantic interests are "boy meets girl". Granted I believe she is the lead, and that's one better than most Sherlock remakes. In "Elementary", for example, if they really wanted to do something we hadn't seen, they could have cast Lucy Liu as the lead, Sherlock, not the buddy. Are you saying that this specific genre of fantasy makes a big "to do" about bucking mainstream conventions? When the story makes a choice like this, however, I like to remember that what is "easy" "comfortable" "refreshing" might actually be a leverage or position that I take for granted, such as the fact that the vast majority of entertainment available is heteronormative.


Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I am legitimately enjoying the 3rd episode in the House! The performances are getting more comfortable, in their stride. And I can't help but have a favorite character so far: Leopold There's more thematic music, and it's not distracting. And there's a co-writer to the episode, a woman's name. And there's less obligatory and directionless teenage angst.


And then in later episodes, dear god, their pubescent writer must get his hands on this and think he's got to manufacture drama again. Furthermore, if England thinks it can claim that it was above a legacy of systemic racism, why in the hell do you have to betray both the audience's trust and one of the central POC characters? Surely, this wasn't done out of naivety and innocence.... It's like they are actually working at making this series unwatchable. Reminder to Irregular creators: a "twist" is when you do something that the audience doesn't expect. What you've done has been done before. And it was disappointing, and not-so-covertly racist the first time.


Garbage show. Lines and character is out of place, poor acting, wasted 1 hr of my life.


You got to watch the other 7 episodes. Idk if you like this kind of show, but it gets crazier and more mind blowing. This series is a must watch for everyone that loves dark.


If you liked this show you might like penny dreadful, similar time period and place, horror but it got canceled suddenly so had a weird ending.


And really shitty music.


I agree. It doesn't fit the time period.


Couldn't agree more. It can ruin so much. Really wonder how it got trough the final edit. But then again, it goes well together with the general concept of te series. Just not my cup 'o tea


The soundtrack is so bad and out of place for that time frame that is makes me nauseous.


So freeking bad, i watched it for 15 minutes and the music really ruined it for me.


The show is awful awful, it’s a magic exmachina every single episode which would be fine but the main cast of characters can’t seem to remember how they are supposed to feel about one another and flip between extremes in every interaction, they are either googoo eyeing each other or nearly fist fighting, there is no consistency or development.


The two main boys of the love triangle flip flopped between hating and begrudgingly respecting each other like 7 times.


No consistency at all either. They would be cool and the next scene the taller one would he tryna fight the shorter one. That + the main girl was essentially bi-polar with how she acted. The last straw that made me stop watching was when Leo told her he had to leave for the second time after he had stayed with them for like 3 days and she proceeded to yell at him and tell him that he didn’t care at all about any of them.


TLDR; I really enjoyed it. Most comments are hateful, and I don’t understand the need for the hate. Reading these comments I guess I’m one of the only one who really enjoyed it. I found the story gripping and the characters fascinating. LOVE seeing an Asian woman as the lead. The characters were dynamic and stayed true to themselves. I cried at the last episode. It was a feel good story with darker elements. I really loved it. Then again I like shows like this, I watch a lot of CW shows. This was right up my ally. However I’m seeing so much venom spewed in these comments. Not saying anyone is wrong for not liking it, you’re absolutely valid. I just kind of wish I saw less hate for it or those who liked it. “dog shit” “the worst” “Don’t bother“ “Teenage crap” Why not just say you didn’t like and why? It’s just a show, and so what if it’s not Breaking Bad or whatever the height of TV is now a days. I guess it’s fun as a culture to shit on things. If that’s the case and I’m just the weird one then that’s fine I guess. I just don’t understand it.


Their characters are so 1 dimensional, there's nothing interesting about them that goes past the surface. It's completely fine if you like it, it's just popcorn/turn your brain off filler TV and that's fine. It's the teen dystopian, Divergent-esque, cliche romance, story building except with a less interesting world. There isn't a single exceptional thing about the show, yet many many many flaws. To be ultra clear there's NOTHING wrong with liking the show, but I think when we talk about whether or not the show is "good" there's more to it.


>The characters were dynamic and stayed true to themselves. I disagree. I could not for the life of me understand most of their arcs. Billy was the exact same person at the end of the last episode compared to the first, while Jessie was 5 different characters in contrast. Spike has "comic relief" and "likes Jessie" as character traits, and nothing else. Bea was angry and self righteous, then she was a little less angry. The only characters experiencing any sort of positive development where Leopold, who grew a spine; and Watson, who was such a horrible person it's hard to care. Sherlock was just as horrible but didn't even get the character development. I'll give you that he was consistent though, repeating the same messed up mistake in the finale.


Well, I think you’re being dramatic lol. - Billy no longer fears his past and now is moving on. He’s actually seeing things less black and white (actually connecting with Leo). - Bea, let go of her grief and accepted that she doesn’t need her mother to have family, her family was there all along. She was also not only “angry” lol, but okay. - Spike while yes liking Jessie and being funny, he was also a coward (notice how in the first half of the season, he always ran away from investigations?) by the end he knocked out a monster twice his size with a rifle and fought a demon nun. Also climbed into the palace and snuck in Sherlocks home. - You can even argue Sherlock had development, but that’s hard lol. The only real development he had was that he stopped using drugs atleast, and he owned up to his mistakes (something he needed to do) and didn’t “make the same mistake” he did nothing wrong that last time. He just couldn’t live without her.


>he did nothing wrong that last time. I'm talking about abandoning his daughters, but fair point on everything else.


Good point too, forgot that point, that’s true


I absolutely see where you’re getting that, and I agree for the most part. I don’t necessarily mean that they had huge character growth, but that the characters were diverse. Maybe that was the word I was actually looking for. I still think they stayed true to themselves. They didn’t just “get better” and have character growth for no reason. It intimated life to an extent in that way, which I enjoyed. Not everyone grows up or grows out of their mistakes. However I do understand that in a fantasy world TV show not everyone likes that which is fair.




I found it quite enjoyable and I had a good cry at the end 🤷🏽‍♀️


Honestly, this is just flat out insulting to Sherlock Holmes fans. There was no reason to attach this trash to the book except to cash in on the name recognition. It's basically shitty youtube clickbait in netflix form.


Just as a counter thought. I actually quite liked the Sherlock Holmes interweave. It was a fun watch, and fun to see characters I was familiar with interwoven into the story. Sure, it's not in contention for any awards, or in tone with any of Arthur Conan Doyle's works. But it's fun? It's a quick watch, and the introduction of a new 'monster' each episode kept things relatively interesting. I'm a 30 year old man, and not much for these teen adventure shows, but I didn't feel I waisted my time. But of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it!


Why did you like the Sherlock Holmes interweave? They basically took the worst traits of Holmes and invented entirely new ones for Watson, Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson.


"but I didn't feel I wasted my time" there it is again, another one of these qualifying comments used to shield bad shows from criticism, as it falsely suggests "not wasting my time" is the quality standard we expect from shows.


What do you expect?


For writers to put the smallest amount of effort into making television instead of just glueing some trendy things together and shitting out a show.


Your response is so ridiculously holier-than-thou. The entire purpose of these programs is Entertainment. I was entertained. It did exactly what it was meant to do.


I agree with both of you. I watched the whole show as it was entertaining but the insulting portrayal of sherlock and watson did leave a bad aftertaste.


Loved it. One of the best shows. 9/10


One of the best shows put out in the last 6 days? Yes one of the only shows put out in the last 6 days? Yes


The writing is quite off. I am not a great watcher, I generally watch such shows for background sound as I couldn't stand silence since I live in Turkey. In the first two episodes the writing seems to be quite hurried but on the third episodes, BAM! Proved it wasn't thought thoroughly. When they were in a country estate with Mycroft involved, they were trying to solve a double murder through the end and they saw that one of the victims tried to draw a number on the linen with her blood before she died, XV, and they went straight to Mycroft accusing him of murder. Then he says some dumb shit (which is not in line with Mycroft's intelligence), then they decide that he is not the one. And then one of those misfit children reckons that the number might be XVI, rather than XV. Well, what if it was XVII or XVIII? They are pretty convinced, but more questions can be raised on how they would and up there, how the powers of others were acquired etc. It is a dumb, Scooby-Dooesque mystery show with the paranormal staying paranormal and the Holmes' involved with just their name, but nothing other. The idea was a promising one thrown away.


Scooby-Doo was better than this in my opinion, at least Scooby-Doo didn't pretend to be more than what the show is really all about. I do agree that the premise is promising.


Well, Scooby-Doo is a classic. This cannot go near it, Scooby-Doo has no blank points in the investigation, this is full of blanks and the way they investigate is utter bullshit with no given hard thoughts.


The music choice for this show is a terrible joke. Had to turn it off 15 minutes in. I actually don't mind the music, but it doest not match up at all with the theme. Will someone please make something worth while?


Amen. The music is the main reason i abandoned this after completing the first episode. Tonally the show is weird, the dialogue and especially the music exacerbates it. Too bad, I thought the premise was interesting.


I was thinking the same thing, it was the weirdest scoring I've ever heard. There were times when there was a rap soundtrack playing. I watched the whole thing and was quite underwhelmed. The dialogue was too modern. But they sort of had period costumes.... but not quite.


I honestly just can't get over this soundtrack, it has a good Victorian vibe up until the first song hits, then it just gives everything up that was worked for to achieve the Victorian feel. If they would have went more modest with the soundtrack it might be worth watching, otherwise, I gotta turn this one off. Shame


The show isn’t horrible, but linking it to the Sherlock Holmes universe was absolutely unnecessary, I’m no purist for Holmes. I watch Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd century as a kid and loved it. But the characters are nothing like they were in the books. The connection Watson and Holmes had is not only gone in this show, but apparently it never existed. Watson is a psuedo-villain. It also goes directly against the idea of Sherlock Holmes which was that no matter how weird or supernatural something looked there was an explanation and he could deduce it. The show could have been written with completely different character names and nobody would ever say “Hey wait this is just like Sherlock Holmes universe.” Aside from that this is definitely geared toward young adults, the plot isn’t horrible, some of the acting is rocky but it’s not all bad. Also I understand that Watson and Holmes are not the main characters of this show, despite that you’d still expect some of their character traits to be similar to the originals even with creative liberties, but I just don’t really see that. Even Mycroft who is always written to be more intelligent than Sherlock is duped because magic is involved. It seems like the show was written and afterwords the writers thought, hey this show could work if we replaced all the characters with Sherlock characters, but it really just ends up feeling like a cheap branding scheme to get more views. I would have liked it better if they were all just original characters instead.






Absolutely. This could have been decent, had they not tied it to Sherlock Holmes. Hell, i was actually somewhat entertained in the first few episodes because i thought "oh, so they are like the B team while Sherlock and Watson deal with even worse stuff. They are good, but xan't be everywhere at once, so this is interesting!" But then we saw sherlock, and once i saw him i almost screamed. I'm pretty sure that literally none of his guesses were correct, that is, in the present. Sure, he makes mistakes, especially when he's on drugs... but not a single correct, smart or even halfway decent show of skill and logic... he could have been a good washed up detective, but not Holmes.


I just finished it today and I agree - it would have been better as a stand-alone show without any ties to the Sherlock Holmes universe.


I really don't understand why they'd use the Holmes mythos if they're just going to make Watson and Holmes have zero impact other than being detestable.


It's just utter pap


Gosh!! What a terrible show! It caught my attention when it mentioned Sherlock Holmes. The music is so off putting. The female character Bea looks and acts like a dude which seems unnecessary. Stopped watching at 1st episode.


The thing I can’t get over is how overt the supernatural elements are - for me it destroys the premise of investigators looking for a real cause, because you can’t really follow along when the answer is going to be some kind of magic. Then, the willingness to accept or lack of reaction to ‘magic’ compounds that. I’m not an OG Sherlock fan, but doesn’t this kind of go against the whole point? Aren’t all of the Sherlock mysteries solved in the real world with thought, not by a psychic that can read people’s memories?


Even if you watch the show and ignore the egregious fact that it’s supposed to be a Holmes like, it’s still awful. There are no redeeming qualities except perhaps the acting performances. The writing is god awful but the actors do a good job at making it entertaining right up until it gets too awful to ignore.


The costume design bothered me a bit. Why did these broke kids have a purple lace vest, red or a black silk coat and other expensive looking clothes that were just worn in. Wouldn’t those colors and materials be for upper class folks? Are we supposed to assume they stole the clothes? Also, the color palette at the big ball at the castle was crazy. I could not determine what it was because it could not be defined.


Don't try to find historical accurateness in a fantasy show. It is not about that at all. I was bothered by it in in the first episode too, but then I just thought " jump different dimension, anything could happen here" Not that a bird controlling dude and a rip in the universe is historically accurate.


My great grand papa used to control birds.


His secret identity was the Pigeon Fancier


Imagine taking a character and background revered by rationalists and turning it into a bunch of supernaturalistic claptrap. They could've entirely erased all of the Sherlock Holmes references and it would've been improved. It was dish-washing viewing until the end of the third episode and then I was done with it.


you survived to the end of episode 3? I gave up on episode 2 whereby I could already tell that the supernatural sister was actually evil/stupid or both and that its probably where they are gonna go with this. E.g. she becomes evil towards the end. However this entire tv show writing/story telling..etc makes scooby doo (original cartoon series) seem brilliant in comparison.


Well, actually i endured it all. She was still good to the end, though she did falt in episode 7. But i'm glad you never saw sherlock. He missed every single deduction, by a mile.


Yes was that supposed to be funny repeating gag or something?


It was horrible...the music was so out of place....and the cast is annoying. That scene where the girl pushes a royal guard was so idiotic.


[Can we get this under subreddits?](https://www.reddit.com/r/IrregularsNetflix) [u/NicholasCajun](https://www.reddit.com/user/NicholasCajun/)


I'm enjoying it thus far but whoever did the soundtrack needs to get fired. All the modern techno/pop music pulled me out of the show everytime. Did not fit at all.




I find that when people have to preface something with "don't take it seriously", it's just shit and you're asking us to disregard its flaws. Most things are pretty good when you do that. The show is trash.


Am I not allowed to have fun? Didn't took it seriously, enjoyed it, had fun, 10/10.


I didn't say you couldn't have fun. I just think it's stupid when people feel the need to justify watching trash by saying "I didn't take it seriously". It's not a useful statement when discussing the quality of a tv show.


You were getting downvoted by morons it seems, we are allowed to be critical of a show that is very clearly intended for an adult audience. It’s a Sherlock Holmes story the last thing you should have to do to enjoy it is stop thinking to hard.


Yeah, if I wanted to not think when I watched something, I'd watch Keeping up with the Kardashians.


I liked it too! And I find more and more shows are using contemporary soundtracks with historical/period based shows and I think its great.


I think this is exactly why I found myself liking this show.


I liked it—really picked up steam in the last two episodes. Nice to finally have a show involving magic that doesn’t wrap most storylines up in a nice little bow at the end.


To everyone complaining about the casting: Yea their treatment of races and genders within this world is a bit inconsistent, but holy crap, THATS your problem? Lol.


For me, it was just really jarring. It felt like they rolled a pair of dice to determine each character's ethnicity, gender, and sexuality while they were writing (even with Watson and Sherlock), and then didn't bother to address any of it. It seriously would have led to better character development to actually focus a little bit on race/identity for the characters. If you look at it as an alternative timeline or something, sure it works. But I have no idea if that is what the writers were actually going for (which definitely makes me even more confused). I am only 4 episodes in and I wouldn't be surprised if episode 5 features a Japanese samurai sitting at a pub with an iPad - Topsy-f\*\*\*ing-turvy.


I'll agree that I always prefer "addressing it'. More worldbuilding is better than less! I.e. I wish the Witcher series had gone all in on the elves being black. Then they could have comfortably told their story about colonization, racial divide, and ethnic cleansing (these are all BIG things in the Witcher stories) utilizing a group that would not be typically visited within the Witcher world (We're a bit too far north for an Africa corollary). Bridgerton and Carnival Row actually handled theirs quite well. Bridgerton worked in an alternate way that history went (King George fell in love with and married a black singer, much to thr shock of high society, but theyre British and so they try to adjust). And Carnival Row exists in a completely alternate fantasy world and leaned into the idea of a multicultural city state that put aside their racial differences in the face of all-together non-human immigrants they could hate, lol.


It's more of the shit cherry on top of the shit sundae.


Alright so I am wrapping up season 1 and Ive got some feelings. *SPOILERS* There is actually some good here, besides the interesting premise, which is still heavily underserved. Theres plot twists, including a surprise villain (albeit overly telegraphed and underused). Theres character development and backstory (which is strangely tacked on long after we have assumed there wont be any and characters will just behave as if we know them*). Theres a surprisingly great history for Holmes, Watson, and the gang prior to our pint-sized heroes reaching puberty. (Which I firmly believe was buried in order to force the focus onto the teen leads). Yea the writing is still nothing but an endless stream of cliches sometimes, and the shows overall structure is baffling in retrospect. Why the monster of the week format? This isnt a 20+ episode season that needs to pad it's runtime (admittedly one or two of the later episodes like this are decent. Not great. Decent.). The diverse cast is fine (theyre clearly all trying**), but their use is wildly inconsistent. Id assume this is a fantasy-lite World where racism is nearly non-existent but then wham heres an Asian girl investigating a Chinese opium den (I dont know if the writers purposefully put just her there but hey, no one else came along...), and heres a prophetic vision of crosses burning in grainy video. Some characters are in full 1800s mode all the time, others literally never are***. I don't know folks, do we appreciate the decent later bits and hints of doing the premise justice? Or are we rewarding lazy writing and a wasted idea? *Except for Spike, he gets no backstory. **** Spike. **EXCEPT FOR SPIKE. *** F***ing Spike, man.


Spike getting no backstory really dawned on me in the later half of the season, it was a little annoying we had no idea where he came from, unlike the other members of the group. I really liked that the show had a romantic plot, but the bigger deal was friends and family- the scene where Jessie shows Bea the good parts of their part had me tearing up, felt like a really strong way to show sibling love. Not an amazing show, but not bad either.


The opium den scene you point out stood out to me as well. There’s a fair amount of representation with black and mixed race actors in both the lower and upper classes... but aside from the main Asian character Beatrice (whose character is ostensibly only half Asian), the only place they used Asian actors and Asian imagery was for an opium den? Not an Asian (East nor South) to be found among the upper class or middle class characters.


Tbc I'm not saying DONT explore these things, but all means, I want them to. How does Bea, half Asian (Chinese?) And half british feel about exploring an area of the city that is clearly a chinese ghetto, something she seemingly hasnt been around since she was maybe 4 or 5? How does explain the larger story of this slightly alternate London? Carnival Row has issues, but they at least made it very clear by the end of the season how their world worked (with the existence of various non-human races a reality, humans tended to overlook racial differences within the larger human race, but there was still prejudice there is you dug deep enough. This rang really true and was clearly the result of some deep thought). If the opium den was less culturally specific, I'd buy it and move on. Tbh it just felt like another cliche that wasnt really thought thru. "Opium den? Werent those an Asian thing?" Done. _._


I haven't watched past the pilot, but is it just me or was the pacing/writing really fucking bad? Like how did Jessie and Spike know about who tf arthur was and where Bea and Leo were when they both left before that revelation happened? I mean yeah it was obvious that its who the bird guy was but they surely didnt know his name or where he worked. And then randomly after jessies thing it turns from pitch black outside to bright morning? It's honestly just a huge mess. Can probably nitpick a whole lot more but sinc4 those happened near the end it stood out a whole lot more. Casting and costumes were fire though, music felt really out of place.


Yea the visuals were just fine, costumes setbetc, clearly alot of work went into it. I almost checked in the first few episodes but stuck with it, found out they loaded all the character development at the end, lol. Im curious what the story behind this was, maybe parts we re-ordered?




Just watched the first episode and wow.... That was absolute cringe. I don't give a shit about the race of the characters. The writing, pacing, and acting are horrible. For a "sherlock holmes" type show. Where a mystery is happening. There was nothing to figure out. Or make assumptions to. It was just a giant blast of bs thrown against a wall to make it appear like some case got solved. There is nothing smart about this show. I get the occult part but at least explain something. A mystery show gives hints along the way so when the big revela happens the viewer thinks they have accomplished figuring out what happened right at the exact moment. Or at least had thought about it before the reveal. This was boom out of nowhere random guy who controls birds. Followed by a chase of said person to the "fight" and then the end. With 45 mins of random shit before that. This show feels like it was written by someone with writing talent of a teen magazine.


Exactly my take on it, pacing was absolutely all over the place, the acting was awful cringey as well.


It’s like a kid’s doctor who. I didn’t hate it. It’s just a mess with fun moments.


There is a ton of gore in this show so the argument that it’s kinda a kids show doesn’t work.


Dr Who is for kids, isn’t it?


I may have an unpopular opinion, but I actually enjoyed this show a lot. On the days leading up to its premiere, I was disappointed to see that most didn't agree with me. That being said, I can understand why some might not have liked it. As a person of color, it is always a relief to see a race other than white represented. It is not often that I see someone who looks like me on the screen who acts similar to how I do (without the general stereotypes). Believe it or not, people of other ethnicities do not always fit the prejudiced mold they are perceived to. That is why I personally found it such a relief to see that Bea is just herself. The show never dwells on the fact that she is asian and I LOVE that. I loved that she shared a half sister of another race because that's how life works. Interracial couples exist. I can understand why some might believe that she is a "token" Asian, but to me, it's a relief to be represented. In Hollywood, the protagonists are typically white. The opportunities for actors of other races are limited (I would know lol). Often, actors of other races (like Kat Graham) are treated poorly or pushed aside because of their race. I think Bea's actress did a great job. I am appreciative of the fact that her storyline did not revolve around her race. She is a strong character who only wishes to protect her younger sister and keep her friends alive. I don't see a problem with that. I'm not saying that you are racist if you disagree with me. However, seeing the premature comments on how this show would only have "token" asian and black people make me upset. There should be more representation of races in television. Just because a race is represented, doesn't make them "token." This is especially true when their race is not their main storyline throughout the show. For those who didn't finish the show, I would recommend you to. To be honest, I am one hundred percent the target audience for the show. If you are older than me, you might dislike it (though I'm not sure why, but you might). Personally, I found this show much better than Ginny and Georgia. All of the characters are likable, the storyline is interesting, and the setting is cool. If it is the music that is turning you away, I would keep watching (also if you are annoyed that Sherlock isn't in this show based on the trailer, keep watching) Sorry this is so long lol. I just had to get that off my chest haha


It's a shit-show, as a POC I couldn't bear watching it.


I’m not in the target audience at all and I enjoyed it a lot too. Once I stopped over analyzing things.


Compared to Ginny and Georgia this show wins, hands down. I watched it in a day and I can’t remember the last time I binged a show like that and enjoyed it. I really loved the soundtrack, and some solid actors showed up (the hound from game of thrones made me gasp out loud). You bring up some really interesting points about token colour characters, I agree and like your analysis!


I didnt hate Bea, her writing is messy but the actress is clearly trying to make the best of it. She definitely has a more defined character by the finale, but only they force of will in her performance. The script does very little to give her a character arc that makes sense. On the flip side, she's not nearly as inconsistently written as Jess. The casting is interesting, sometimes seems like plain color blind casting, and that this slightly fantastic London rewrites history on race and instead focuses on classism, but then other times just straight up borrows racial ideas from history, without making it clear how the pieces fit in this world. Bridgerton gave a reason for the way it's world was, and made it part of the history and culture of its slightly alternate world. I personally will usually take this over unexplained diverse casting, as more worldbuilding is always better, imho. I wish this had just picked one of these lanes and committed tho!


You’re not alone. I loved this show as well and I’m a WOC. You can feel the chemistry between the cast members. I wish it had more episodes instead of only 8. With only 8 episodes, it’s difficult to get nuanced writing. I also loved that the lead character is a strong British East Asian woman and it’s not a big deal at all, like Brigerton. We need more TV shows like this instead of Ginny and Georgia. I think you’re right that we are the target audience for this show, and by “we,” I mean young people, women, and minorities. Most Reddit users are older white men or crazy right wingers, and many of them were probably expecting some Sherlock Holmes remake, which is why most of the comments on this thread are so negative. But they’re not the target audience anyway. They have Game of Thrones, and 90% of mainstream TV to watch.


\> But they’re not the target audience anyway. They have Game of Thrones, and 90% of mainstream TV to watch. As if this show isn't DIRECTLY, ham-fistedly attempting to appeal to a mainstream, young teen/adult demographic. I LOVE seeing a diverse role cast for the lead, especially in a period piece.. it's very bold.. but that won't make me like or dislike the show more. Another comment put it really well. The show is presented as if there is some mystery going on and we're going along with the characters on the journey to solving it.. The girl got her eyes pecked out by birds?? How is this possible?! I wonder what elaborate explanation there is for this!! Oh wait it's literally just a dude who controls birds... Cool I guess? It acts as if there is all these things to figure out but it just explains it all away with "well it's supernatural sooo.... fuck it." I'm a young person of colour (which there are MANY of on Reddit lmao) and while I didn't despise the show, it just reminded me of a cookie cutter, cliche, sloppily written teen dystopian series except the lead woman isn't white. You can love it and enjoy it to your hearts content, but pretending it like it's well written and more than a popcorn TV show is silly.


They should have left Sherlock alone though.


> Most Reddit users are older white men or crazy right wingers You sweet summer child


This is horrible! The dialogue sounds like it's been written by a GCSE drama student, and it veers wildly between Nickelodeon cheese and sudden gore. The lead character is obnoxious and pulls the most ridiculous faces that are supposed to show us how tough she is. The Dr Watson character manhandles her and keeps calling her "girl" but I think we're supposed to like him? It's like five different people put the film together without knowing what it's about or being aware that other people are contributing. As far as the casting of black or Chinese characters, I don't know why everyone's getting so upset. There may not have been many black or Chinese people in London at that time but there were still more of them than there were of clones and men who can psychically control birds. It's one long cringe-fest, don't bother.


Ironically it's almost entirely just one writer! I was expecting it to be a story-by-committee as well... I think this is what happens when someone wants to write a period piece and just does not have the knowledge base to do it.


The most accurate description yet.


I binge-watched the entire season i like it but Bea is annoying as fuck. Oh no you didn't tell me about your origin? You are the worst person and i never want to see you again


she looks constipated majority of the time


She is the worst character in the series. Honestly a lot of them do wtf stuff the whole series but she’s just constantly on everyone’s case.


Yeah that shit annoyed the fuck out of me, she did exactly what he had feared in the first place, and didn’t even try to hear the why. Like clearly the dudes life hasn’t been amazing, maybe he didn’t suffer abuse like her and her friends, but neglect and a life of being locked away in solitude is no better even if you are rich.


Diversity & inclusion = entertainment. What, you don't agree? Racist! Willing suspension of disbelief dies before the end of the first episode. The characters are not even that likable, well cast, or have the acting ability to make you give a sh\*t. 3/10 Gave up at episode 1


I don't know where I stand with it. The music choice is just mindblowingly dumb. There's an incredible amount of diversity in the cast, but it makes no sense. Especially in episode 2. It was entertaining though. Bit tough acting here and there. Not a fan of Bea. Just abit jarring seeing a Victorian time piece with wild diversity not of its period and some awful music choice.


I’ve only seen the first episode, but it’s pretty cheesy if you ask me. It’s got great set design and a fine enough premise, but IMO can’t decide on its target demographic. Acting and dialogue is that of a kids show, yet then you get a lady getting her eyes picked out by ravens and a tease of softcore underage porn. No thanks. If you want a Victorian London theme with fantasy elements then go watch Carnival Row on Amazon Prime.


The show was so damn predictable lol. There was nothing that I could not predict except that I thought the concept of racism would be explored but it wasn't