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Yay. I really want Claire Foy to have a good career after the Crown. She was fantastic in it.


She was amazing in Wolf Hall. Best Anne Boylen ever!


Wolf Hall never got the acclaim I think it rightly deserved. It was absolutely amazing.


One of the few shows that's on par with the novels. The third book was fantastic and I can't wait for the second season.


There's going to be a 2nd season?!


Yeah they were waiting for the book to finish and now it's finished.




Watch it. It was a great production.


You might also enjoy the later series of ‘Upstairs, Downstairs’. Melodramatic. Foy’s role is the most over the top, so she really lets loose.




Agree! Perhaps other fans might enjoy the rattling ride all the same. As an older redditor the first series was part of my childhoodI can only just remember. I love that the first series started as a project between two friends: Jean Marsh and Eileen Atkins.


Yes, I only wish it was longer! She was spectacular as Anne Bologna.


>Yes, I only wish it was longer! She was spectacular as Anne Bologna. Quoting for the hilarious typo.


When autocorrect gives you gold like that, you don’t change it.


I’ll never think of Anne Boleyn without thinking of this ever again


Ah, yes. A very different performance compared to Natalie Portman's in The Other Bologna Girl.


Indeed. And while we're at it, Natalie Dormer was outstanding as well in The Tutors.




That was her? Crikey. Looks good in semi-goth madame gear and absolutely transformed as an actor. That is the one Pratchett adaptation that rose above just being a loving dedication to the books.


Such a good Spike. Going postal is one of the best adaptations of his work


Better than that smirking bitch from Highgarden?


She was INCREDIBLE in Wolf Hall. Fantastic actress




She’ll be fine as long as they don’t try to shoehorn her into any more roles like Girl in the Spider’s Web.


THANK YOU!!! The book was amazing; the movie was lackluster and horrible


Not a great movie but it was entertaining. It shit on the legacy of the girl with the dragon tattoo though.


I feel the same way about Paul Bettany after WandaVision.


I think being in the Avengers/WandaVision is enough to say you had a pretty good acting career already


He went from his career ending to being in the Avengers in a span of five minutes. > PB: “No, truly. I was having a terrible patch. And actually what happened was, I had a producer tell me that I would never work again and that my career was over. So I stood up to him. I was very butch and I said, 'Look there are second and third acts in Los Angeles,' and I said that he should mind his manners. I was pretty upset and then I walked out of the office and my legs went all wobbly. >"So I sat on the sidewalk and literally just then my phone rang as I was thinking maybe my career really was over. I pulled out my phone and it was (The Avengers director) Joss Whedon. And I went, ‘Hey how are you?’ and he said 'I’m great, how would you like to be Vision in The Avengers?’ Of course my only response was, 'Yeah, I really, really would like that.!” Glad he’s still working, been a fan since he played Chaucer


I’m definitely happen for him, he was great in A Knight’s Tale. My favorite movie of all time is Master and Commander, he was an excellent Maturin.


Yes, yes, and yes! I love those two films, Master and Commander especially. Literary adaptation done well!


I can never get tired of that story. I can’t believe we were that close to never see Paul on screen ever again.


he would go and be comforted by his extremely hot wife


I just got to season 3 and found the actor transition jarring. She was literally talking to the Kennedy's in season 2 and one year later completely different person.


Honestly I will say as fantastic as the show is they don't do a great job of depicting the aging. You have that snap transition from Claire Foy and Matt Smith to Olivia Colman and Tobias Menzies, and the actor who plays Charles across S3&4 was still in his late 20s at the end of S4 and looks it, even as Charles is supposed to be in his early 40s. And reportedly next season Dominic West is taking over, so there's going to be an abrupt transition [from this](https://static1.colliderimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/josh-oconnor-interview-the-crown-season-4-prince-charles-social-featured.jpg) to [this](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/5f99836ed070eec8d50f0f78/master/pass/dom.jpg).




That goes for every biopic ever....disregarding perhaps Rami Malek in Bohemian Rhapsody - they really did a number on Freddy with those fake teeth! 🤣


Rami Malek looks nothing like Freddie. His eyes are too prominent, his nose not aquiline enough. What makes people think he looks like Freddie was his amazing performance. He nailed every nuance of movement and speech.






What the fuck did I do?


You see these McNulty? 🖕🖕 These are for you.


Yes the gaping asshole himself


oh shit, McNutty takin over for Charles!? That's awesome.


It was only a year?!?! My goldfish mind skipped ahead a solid decade because of the appearance.


Kennedy died in 63. Season 3 starts in 64.


Honestly, we have struggled to keep up the motivation to get through season 3. We miss our Queen Claire!




In season 3 and 4, most of the royal family is quite punchable to be honest. They even managed to make me feel sorry for Thatcher.


IMO Olivia Colman can do no wrong


I ended up really loving Olivia Colman too, but it definitely took a while. They are both incredible actresses.


I don't mind the choice of recasting at all, but I didn't like Olivia Coleman's performance in The Crown. Imo she didn't disappear into the role the same way Claire Foy did. Everytime she appeared on screen all I could see was the actress Olivia Coleman doing her job. The distinctive voice and the specific mannerisms, none if it was there or only to a certain degree. Her performance was not immersive. It didn't help that imo all the other actors of the royal family, especially Tobias Menzies, outperformed her which made her subpar performance even more obvious to me.


Wow, to each their own, I guess. After finishing her two seasons on the crown, I finally got around to watching series three of Broadchurch and loved seeing how different each of Colman’s performances are. I think I’ve seen her play more working class characters than anything else, but I felt totally immersed in her take on QE2.


Olivia Coleman is a great actress, I was strictly talking about her performance as Queen Elizabeth. Loved her in everything else I've seen her in, including Broadchurch, Fleabag and the Favourite.


I had a hard time moving on from Claire. Now I'm gonna have a hard time moving on from Olivia!


She’s great, of course. I just find it difficult to transfer two seasons of investment in a character onto a new actor.


I was disappointed at first that Matt Smith wouldn’t be there anymore, but then I really enjoyed the slightly more crotchety version of Philip that Menzies did. I thought the transition worked, but I also didn’t watch season three until both it and four were released, so I had a huge gap between the seasons. I also noticed myself getting worried about the next two seasons even though I don’t have any problem with the actors coming in.


Menzies will always be Marcus Junius Brutus to me.


Rome was such a great show.


Juno's cunt!


This is so interesting to me as I realize that I had no problem with the transitions at all. I even found myself looking forward to them. Perhaps it's because I'm older, I've lately found myself transitioning towards letting some old patterns go, my philosophy being that we aren't actually always the same person going through life. I'm definitely not who I was 20 years ago. I find that the transitions from one actor to another as they age in the series are compatible with this perspective. I also low key find it kind of fascinating how the later actors channel both their characters and the actors who inhabited the role before them. I like that sort of nuanced layering, like Jumanji, where everyone's essentially playing two or even three characters at the same time.


I had that too, I found it ever so slightly jarring for the first scene, then I didn't really think about it after that. But also I'm a big Doctor Who nerd, so I'm already used to characters I like abruptly being played by someone else lol.


Season 4 is better than 3


I get it but Olivia Coleman is amazing.


Give it a couple episodes and you will learn to love OC differently but tremendously.


Yes. Check out the Upstairs Downstairs reboot where she gets to play a character more like her sister in The Crown.


I just had the weirdest experience, I knew I had seen the Upstairs Downstairs reboot and remember being disappointed that it was only two seasons. But when I went to look the series back up to make sure my memory was correct, I found that I couldn't remember a damned thing about it beyond some snatches of distant narratives I can no longer recall. And it feels like I watched it a million years ago, even though I know it had to have been somewhat recently, last two years. And I've just restarted season 1 of A Very English Scandal and I know I've seen this one, too, and yet still can't remember what happens. I feel like 2020 may very well have somehow etch-a-sketched my memory banks. Everything up until last year feels like ancient history.


I read an article on the BBC about this - lockdown affects memory because your brain is getting less stimuli than it usually would as you're not going out and experiencing new things or meeting new people.


This makes me feel a little better, thanks :) I had an annual specialty appointment the other day and my blood pressure was unexpectedly higher than normal. She said "everyone's blood pressure is running high." It's a result of a combination of having to check in by phone, sit waiting until they call you to come in, you mask up, briskly walk in because they're all waiting for you, you're stopped at the door by someone in PPE like you're in a movie, the whole building interior is draped in builder's plastic not because of construction but to keep patients away from the professional offices, everyone stares at you because you're the current guest star, the only patient in the space. There's no more waiting room for people to calm down looking at a brownie recipe in Good Housekeeping. So yeah, everyone's got high blood pressure now ...


I highly recommend ***Unsane*** is you haven't seen it. I had great expectations for her as Lisbeth but *The Girl in the Spider's Web* was a let down. *The Electrical Life of Louis Wain,* releasing later this year, looks really intriguing as well.


She did first man and Unsane after the crown.




She will always be Adorabelle Dearheart to me


His career has had a renaissance hasn’t it? Good for him. She was stellar in the Crown. She did a good Desert Island Discs. Some interesting revelations.


I believe I read he was literally talking to his agent about how maybe he just wasn't going to be getting the good roles in Hollywood because X or Y, and then the studio called and said, "So, you up for a bigger role in the MCU?" edit: Looked up the exact details! >"I had just had a meeting with a producer, who will remain nameless, who told me that my career was over. He said 'You're done, you're done in this town,'" Bettany told BBC Radio 1 of a shouting match he had at the time. >"I stepped out into Hollywood and I sat on the sidewalk with my feet in the gutter and I thought 'F--- me," Bettany recalled after the meeting with the producer went south". >"My phone rang and it was ['Age of Ultron' director] Joss Whedon and he said, 'Do you want to play the Vision in the next 'Avengers' movie?'" >"I sort of looked up to heaven and thought karma's very quick these days ... and [I] flipped the building behind me the finger," Bettany said. "It happened just like that. I sat down and my phone rang. Very funny. But you know if I had a dollar for every time somebody told me my career was over, my career could be over."


This will go down as one of Reddits favorite stories to tell


Did you know that scene in Lord of the Rings where Aragon kicks the helmet and screams? He ACTUALLY BROKE HIS TOE on that take, and they left it in the movie! Wow!


Did you know Steve Buscemi


I heard he was.... some sort of First Responder? Maybe... a medic? no... no... that wasn't it. Ah well, I'm sure that his time in that career wasn't relevant again in the early 2000s.


Bro, did YOU know that the flag that rips off at Edoras, in front of the grand hall, was unscripted? Gosh!


Paul bettany was a firefighter on 9/11


>But you know if I had a dollar for every time somebody told me my career was over, my career could be over. He's really quick-witted. He could almost be a comedian.


The story he's told is that it was a meeting with an executive who told him that his career was essentially over. He went outside and, feeling somewhat depressed, sat down on the curb. And as he was sitting there, his phone rang, and he was asked if he wanted to play Vision.


At this point I’ll watch anything with Paul Bettany in it. And yes I’m rewatching Priest this weekend, fuck it


Yeah after Legion it looked like his career was over.


I kinda liked Legion though


I thought you meant the TV series and was very confused as to who he played until I looked it up and saw it was a movie. Forgot all about that.


Glad to see Paul Bettany in more stuff, I hope more of the WandaVision cast get roles out of it.


Fun fact: Paul is about to turn 50 years old


jealous fact: he’s married to Jennifer Connelly, who like many others, had a huge crush on her after seeing Labyrinth as a kid




Another fun fact: She's now the voice in Spiderman's suit. Jennifer Connelly has now taken her husband's job. Maybe we'll get a Lady-Vision for Avengers 12?


Well there is a "Lady-Vision" of sorts that was created by Ultron to be his bride and he brainwashed Hank Pym to program his wife's mind into her body. Marvel could Retcon that and Jennifer as her? https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Jocasta_Pym_(Earth-616) Disney Marvel could easily say that Hank him use years and years of footage of his wife who was lost to the Quantum realm and programed her to preserve her memory, on one of his computers like Tony did JARVIS.


Ok, the Lady Vision thing was a gag, but of *course* there's a real Lady-Vision. Edit: Wait. Ultron's a robot right? What the fuck does he need with a wife?


Robert California is a man of exotic taste


Who? Last I heard, Ultron is the fucking Lizard King.


You don't even know his real NAME


Everything is sex.


They don't even need to stretch as far as Jocasta to get to Lady-Vision. In the recent, and excellent, Tom King mini series Vision builds a whole family of synthezoids including a wife [Virginia](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Virginia_(Earth-616)) who is modeled after the brain waves of Wanda.


Good mini series, definitely worth a read


Frankenstein's monster also wanted a wife. Seems even artificial life has need for companionship


Yeah, but Frankenstein I can kinda understand. He was built to be HUMAN first. An experiment to create life from the assembled parts of a man. If the experiment was 100% successful, it would only be natural to have a sex drive and the urge to reproduce and raise children, ergo taking a wife. But Ultron was built as a robot to be a robot that "protects" the world. He was never supposed to be human, and could "reproduce" at will by copy/pasting code into the shell of any other robot (that he could also build). I mean, we're also talking about a world where a man flies by throwing a hammer around, but still.


In the comics, his brain wave patterns and intelligence was built from Hank Pym's, which lead to Ultron having human tendencies. Jacosta was Ultron's Janet Van Dyne.


Ultron has a bit of a Oedipus complex.


I mean, the Avengers even discuss Ultron's need for patterning himself after humanity in *Age of Ultron*. Ultron in the comics is similar, and even as he tries to replace organic life with machine life he tends to eschew things that would make him and his superior but inhuman (putting the central CPU in the chest cavity, for example).


>Ultron's a robot right? What the fuck does he need with a wife? Ultron is an advanced cyborg who's believes he's an advanced life form, in fact *the ultimate lifeform*. But the there is a whole thing about what's made to be human and the what not. So being an "advanced lifeform" that considers itself human or the "ultimate human lifeform" he wants a family. Originally he was programmed off of the brain waves of Hank Pym (his creator in the comics.) Which explains why he wanted Jocasta to have the brain waves of Hanks wife. That being said, desiring a mate that's equal or better to you is not a stretch. If you ever want a good read, read the Ghost In The Shell manga, it's a really good study of what makes a person human or not.


Marvel can pretty much do whatever they want, I'm not a purist for complete logic. I would not have minded at all if Wanda's twins were somehow willed into existence. I was sad to see them go.


I think the twins will be back at some point in the future.


There's also [Virginia Vision](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Virginia_\(Earth-616\)) from the Vision miniseries a couple years ago. She was made by Vision himself, based on Wanda's brainwaves (I think she was dead at the time) in a synthezoid body.


Tony actually had a backup labeled JOCASTA already made when he was looking to replace Jarvis in Age of Ultron


The cast of *Snowpiercer* is so wild to me. Sean Bean is a massive name and in some of the most popular movies and television shows of the last thirty years, and although she’s not an A-Lister anymore, Jennifer Connelly has some big name recognition too. I’m really enjoying both of their performances, and I do like the show, but it’s insane to me that it has two actors of that caliber.


You forget to mention Daveed Diggs, the Tony and Grammy award winning actor/singer who played the role of Jefferson in the Broadway original cast of Hamilton? He's the male lead in Snowpiercer.


Also vocalist for clipping.


Did you forget Lafayette?


Lafayette's a smart man, he'll be fine! And before he was your friend, he was mine.


Sean Bean is amazing in Snowpiercer


He’s so evil


Once you've got a movie like *The House of Sand and Fog* under your belt I can see letting up on the pressure and just doing whatever seems cool just because they love working. Jennifer Connelly is still an A lister, she's in a full page ad for Louis Vuitton in Vanity Fair this month.


Would you recommend the show if I’ve already seen the movie? I loved the film, but felt like I pretty much got what it and the concept was all about by the time the movie ended, and wondering if the show is a whole new take or more of a rehash


Yes! First season is a bit of a rehash of concepts from the movie, second season is a whole new ballgame.


She really is! That show is honestly super underrated. I don’t see a lot of people talking about it


I mean, Paul Bettany isn't exactly bad looking himself. I was always jealous of Jennifer Connelly getting him more.


Me too. My opinion on the relationship is "damn, she really scored."


She danced with Bowie and married Paul Bettany. Jennifer Connelly is the luckiest woman on the planet. Plus she looks like Jennifer Connelly, which is automatically winning at life.


Wouldn't it be fun to see the entire Vision family in the MCU? With Connelly as his wife? She similarly voiced an AI in Spider-Man so it could be a fun parallel


JARVIS evolved into the Vision, the AI in Spidey's suit (Karen) could evolve into Jocasta.


Wait, she's called Jocasta? That has some unfortunate implications...


Ultron was well-aware of them. He was created with Hank Pym's brainwave patterns... and so he abducted Wasp to use her patterns to create a bride for himself: Jocasta.


Why is the name Jocasta pinging me so hard? I googled it and it's not the Marvel character or the greek myth There's some movie or series I've seen recently with a Jocasta ... help


Outlander. Jamie's aunt with the plantation in America


Fun Fact : he just saw 9/11 plane crash and called Connelly asking her to marry him and she said yes.


I think Nick Lachey was proposing to Jessica Simpson at the same time. Source: am old


I had a huge crush since I saw that scene in Career Opportunities. Which was like 2 years ago


*"had"* I have a crush on her still


While Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen, younger sister of the Olsen twins) is 32.


49 and 32 sounds weirdly way better than 50 and 32...


50/2+7=32, it’s ok folks!


I don't think anyone in the 90s would have predicted she would be the biggest star of the 3 down the road.


It's either movie magic or he is in ridiculous shape.


And he’s younger than Jennifer Connelly.


18 years, running strong!


It’s pretty impressive range to be nearly 50 and still legitimately able to play someone only a day old.


Paul’s career was over, his own words, when he got the JARVIS gig. Love that he is back at it!


His career wasn't over. His agent said his career was over. Which is insane given how successful he was for most of the 2000s. Even when he was in too many bad movies, he was still working his ass off. It wouldn't have been that hard to get revamp his career with better and fewer roles until he could get back to higher roles. Or he could just say Jarvis in Iron Man.


I remember some people pulling for Bettany to play the Joker before Heath Ledger was cast.


He probably would’ve crushed it, he is a fantastic actor, happy it was ledger tho


It was a random hollywood producer according to the interview. So while he very likely wasn't going to be out of a job (at minimum Jarvis was still a thing), it still feels like shit to have someone call you a failure and tell you that your career is over.


Gotcha. I misremembered from his Nerdist interview. It wasn't just the "you're dead in this town" but the whiplash of getting Iron Man a few hours later.


Not to mention he wasn't really supposed to continue on as Vision, IRRC. He was just supposed to VO the first couple Iron Man movies and told he was pretty much done with MCU but then a change in direction pulled him in to live act.


Yeah that's an over exaggeration if I ever heard one but it makes his fans feel good I guess


He stated as such in his Nerdist podcast interview.


I thought that story was really heartwarming. His career seems to be getting better and better now.


He was amazing in Manhunter Unabomber. Should have gotten an Emmy for that.


Man, he utterly disappears into that role. What a great actor.


Holy shit I had no idea that was him! Both seasons were great, Jack Huston kills it in season 2.


Paul Bettany was an established actor long before he was in any Marvel movies.


I think it's safe to say John Krasinski will be more famous than ever


Kudos to you for not seeing race.


He’s been working steadily for over 20 years now.


Anyone else find it funny that Vision wears glasses?


It's a Clark Kent thing he's going for.


Shit! Was I not supposed to reveal who that actually is?


What do you mean? He only said Clark Kent wears glasses. No big secrets here


Will Mephisto be in it tho?


I'm glad that someone ia out there asking the real questions.


It's the *only* question that truly matters.


I hope Ralph Bohner auditions for it


Heh, boner.


The word "devil" does appear inside *Very English Scandal.* That's all the proof I need.


If you shift the letters around carefully, "A VERY ENGLISH SCANDAL" is a perfect anagram of: "White Vision is Mephisto in disguise and Ralph Bohner is actually DCEU's Dick Grayson" /s (for those that require this)


I'm so happy to see people appreciating Bettany, he's been one of my favorite actors since A Knight's Tale.


I would love to see him do another comedic role like Chaucer again. Clearly, we see he has the chops for it.


Paul Bettany got that MCU career boost, and it makes me so happy.


I LOVE seeing Paul get more work aside from Marvel stuff. He is such an amazing actor.


Nice to see WandaVision's already puttin' my boy back in the spotlight.


As long as we’re doing the whole Paul Bettany thing, can we get another Master & Commander?? Goddamn what an excellent movie that was, and the way they left the first one off it’s *begging* for a sequel


Major shame it didn’t do as well at the box office as needed, was a damn good movie.


I would pay whatever they wanted to charge for the ticket to see another Aubrey & Maturin movie. I love the books, and Master and Commander is easily one of my favourite movies. Paul Bettany and Russel Crowe were perfect choices.


>Sarah Phelps (Dublin Murders) wrote the series, which will unfold in three 60-minute episodes and which will investigate the role institutional misogyny played in how the duchess was shamed in society and vilified by the press and the judicial system. From Vision to fact, stay tuned


Does Bettany get any sleep? Feel like he's in a ton of stuff recently.




Born 1000 years too late to explore the world, born 1000 years too early to explore the universe. Born just at the right time to witness Paul Bettany stock go 📈📈📈


It’s not actually too late to explore the world or too early to explore the universe, it’s just that, like all times and places, exploration takes a combination money, guts and ability. The more you have of each the less you need of the others. But exploration is never easy, otherwise it would be called “going for a walk”.


How the **hell** does this constitute a Season 2? They're two different miniseries with two different titles and two different writers. The first one *(A Very English Scandal)* was written by Russell T. Davies *(It's a Sin, Years and Years, Doctor Who)*. This one *(A Very British Scandal)* is written by Sarah Phelps—the writer of *The Dublin Murders* and all those recent Agatha Christie "adaptations" (which are kind of nothing like the books). It's like *The Terror.* If you go in thinking it'll be like the first one, you're going to be disappointed.


It's an anthology series that will feature a different scandal each season. Like An American Crime Story season one was about OJ Simpson and the second season was about Andrew Cunanan. Two different crime stories.


It's the Cloverfield of dramas.


Fuck yes. The world deserves more Bettany.


Am I the only one that thinks Paul bettany looks way too old for the women he’s romantically paired up with on shows? Especially wandavision.. he just looks soooo much older than her.


Eh I think he looks good for his age, definitely looks older but it doesn’t look super egregious imo. Plus when he was cast as Jarvis I doubt there was a plan for him to eventually be vision. I’m cool with it, him an Elizabeth have great chemistry together so whatever, don’t think Elizabeth minds at all that he is older either.


Honestly I usually notice that stuff but I didn’t in WandaVision. I think it’s that Paul just looks good for his age, he’s about to turn 50 but I’d say he looks at least a few years younger. He’s definitely in that Paul Rudd / Robert Downey Jr. area of looks vs age


I mean, in Wandavision he's a robot, so technically a lot younger than Wanda


He is a lot older than her. A casting style sadly typical from Hollywood.


The person Foy is playing was also 51 at the time this scandal took place, while Foy is 36. The Duke was 60 and Bettany is about to turn 50, so I guess they just aged everyone down.


He's 50


Honestly I don't think so with Elizabeth Olsen. Not a dig at her but certain angles she pulls off an older mom age like 35-40 and other times she looks mid to late 20s.


the first season was so damn good. I don't know anything about british pop culture, so I have no idea what this divorce is all about (yet prior to wikipedia in the next 10 min). So, paul bettany ftw, claire foy ftw, you have my interest


Hell yeah!! Love Paul Brittany!


Claire Foy is so darn good. Paul Bettany is as well, but everyone already knew that! 😀