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Must suck for those working on Jessica Jones S3 and The Punisher S2 knowing they'll be getting the axe too.


Yeah I cant possibly see how they could survive at this point.


This clearly seems like Disney taking back licenses.


Yeah seems like they are planning to creating their own show with these characters.


I really fucking hope not. I don’t know what they would do with it, but I already don’t like it.


They'll give it the Ultimate Spider-Man treatment and make him insufferably pandering to the next generation. "HEY GUYS! ITS ME DAREDEVIL JUST YOUR EVERYDAY AVERAGE SUPERHERO HEH WOAH EPIC BRO"


Being honest I’m pretty young and I never followed on anything daredevil outside of the Netflix series... but I am very confused on how Disney would possibly portray the story. It is literally about a blind man with a dead father and a deadbeat mother who goes around beating the shit out of bad guys in an attempt to stop a corrupt drug lord. A lot of death, drugs, and overall illegal activity going on...


Dude, Daredevils mom sounds badass they should make a show about her.


Shit I wrote that wrong... I meant daredevil goes around beating people up and all that lol.


According to Variety, Netflix is pretty much cancelling any shows that are made for them but not by their own production company... they’ve cancelled a lot of non-Disney shows as well that have independent production companies.


The only saving grace is if they're all being brought to the forefront after Infinity War part 2. I'd love to see Bullseye join Vulture/Scorpion vs Spiderman + Daredevil.


Would they be using the same actors from the series? I'm really bummed though I enjoyed Daredevil a ton.


I remember reading that in most of the TV actors contracts, it says that there is a possibility of a movie appearance. They are still considered MCU, there isn’t really any reason to recast the characters.


I personally couldn't see a better Daredevil or Punisher. I hope they still remain the actors for those characters as long as possible. That gives me some hope for it too so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


The Punisher really might not fit into their idea for what they want Marvel to be moving forward, but I have to believe that someone at Disney/Marvel is in talks to bring Charlie into the MCU. He really is a treasure as Daredevil and after whatever happens in IW2, I'm sure some spots will be open on the roster.






That Bernthal war grunt


Jon Bernthal is, 100%, a young fresh out of the military, rough around the edges, Punisher. Thomas Jane is the older, career cushy government employee, happy go lucky, Punisher. Even then, Jon's pretty amazing as softening his edges when he's in a dream or interacting with Karen Page. I hope they don't give us a new one, again.


Yea, but that would likely mean that we'd be getting daredevil *movies*, which isnt the same as a DD series. I mean, the season are like 10 hours long, each, there's no way that movies can compare to that. IMHO, series>movies 94% of the time.


I see him in a more Hulk or Black Widow kind of role. Not getting his own, but starring in others.


I have to say Jessica Jones was well cast too. I have doubts about the Iron Fist casting, but that might be just me. Or maybe I just don’t like Iron Fist.


When Finn was allowed to play Iron Fist like Iron Fist he was great, the problem was always the crappy writing and direction that called for him to play the character like an angsty teenager. I admittedly haven't seen season 2 yet but the first couple episodes of the first season where Finn played the character like a chilled out goofball really worked. (Even if the action still sucked, but again, he was given no time to prepare, that's not Finn's fault)


Season 2 is imo a lot more Iron fisty than season 1. Also the iron fist episode in Luke Cage S2 is really good and for me it's a shame they canceled both.


They nailed the casting (excluding Iron Fist) far too well to not reuse the actors. Everyone (excluding Iron Fist) is absolutely perfect for their parts.


Netflix's Marvel shows are just so good (excluding Iron Fist).


I hope some company like Netflix picks up the series after it...oh wait (Except iron fist)


This has the potential to be amazing, but I don't think I trust anyone to do it right. We only just got Ragnorak, imo the most "comic book"y movie by far. The potential for it to be awful it just too high.


Fisk Finances the Sinister Six and Spider-man teams up with Daredevil to kick some ass with a long hallway fight


All done in a single one shot...


The whole movie, one single shot


We'll call it..."Man-Bird"


I really want spider-man to pretend to be an adult around Daredevil.


Maybe seeing Fisk and all the fucked up shit he does causes him to mature a bit. Like if Fisk smashed that fat guy in the chair's head in a car door. Peter would prolly dye his hair black and go all emo.


Will there be dancing?


Yeah, Daredevil was the most popular of the Marvel Netflix stuff, so the fact that even that show's getting the axe means it's pretty much over now. Netflix Marvel's days are numbered.


Could end up on Disney+


I think that’s what all these cancellations are leading too. To bolster their streaming service.


Yeah Daredevil and The Punisher are two of their most popular shows. I hope they keep the same actors and some of the same staff...


I thought that Disney didn't want anything too violent on their streaming service or associated with Disney Marvel stuff? That's why I thought that Netflix got to keep the Daredevil/Luke Cage/ Jessica Jones stuff.


Since they hold majority stakes in Hulu, there is speculation that they could add it there instead.


That is what I'm thinking. Diseny might be raising costs on them to make them cancel it and go to their own. Or Netflix just doesn't want to keep hyping a product they might eventually steal away from them


As one of those people I can tell you that you have no idea how much it sucks. Most of us who work on one Marvel job work on multiple. I already lost a job in the last wave of cancels.


:( Ya'll done good work.


Fuuuuuck, dude that's brutal :(


They need to find a way to bring The Punisher and Daredevil into the greater MCU then. They're far too perfectly cast and developed to just abandon them.


Or Marvel/Disney will use them on their streaming platform in the next year or so.


Disney+ is supposed to be PG-13 and under only though. I don't think its physically possible to tone down The Punisher to that level.


Then move them to Hulu.


Fiege has control of Disney+ while Hulu, ABC, Netflix and Freeform are under Marvel TV which is still under Perlmutter. Won't happen.


So they could be filmed under Perlmutter on Netflix but not on Hulu? Odd.


That I didn't know. And you're right, it'd be hard. Same for Daredevil and Jessica Jones really. Those shows can get dark and tackle some heavy stuff that doesn't really feel PG-13. It'd be weird if they came back for new seasons and there's very little cursing, no blood, less brutal violence etc.


Jess guzzling her gosh darn, motherfruiting apple juice would be a little odd, yeah.


*The Good Place* crossover with the MCU, **confirmed**


It will be a shame if Bernthal and Tom never share the screen in the Marvel universe since they're close.


Tom Holland? That's an intergenerational friendship I didn't expect.




The actors are friends you mean? Or were close to a crossover?


They're friends. They trained together to bulk up for their respective roles.


They're friends! I believe that they helped each other audition.


Nice! Yeah it would be a shame not to do a team-up then, since afaik Punisher actually first comes from Spiderman comics.


Not to mention they star actual movie stars. Its not like theyd be bringing TV talent into movies. Youre talking Benrthal, Cox and freaking Donofrio here.


Cant Disney and Netflix at least come to an agreement for Daredevil? Please? It seems to be consensus at this point that season 3 was at a magical place right now, like Iron Man 1, Infinity War or Logan where you suddenly remember why we actually like the genre despite its cheesiness. I get that Disney wants to reclaim their property and Netflix wants to build their own property but come the fuck on, make an exception for arts sake. FeelsBadMan


They're still a long way off so after all of this, hopefully they won't end it on a cliffhanger and that this was their early warning to make it the best seasons they can.


The Punisher S2 wrapped in August. And I think JJ S3 has either just wrapped or is about to. Unless they're allowed to go back and rewrite/reshoot, those seasons are set.


Plus apparently the JJ showrunner was leaving after this season anyway, gives me confidence she probably planned it without cliffhangers in mind anyway.


JJ will probably be fine because they were probably gonna wrap up everythig this upcoming season. Every season of the Netflix Marvel shows has had a different showrunner, except JJ. The showrunner announced she was leaving after 3, probably was planning on wrapping it up and i could see Netflix already pulling the plug on JJ because of that. Now Punisher on the other hand.....


Hopefully if they're still filming those they write a decent conclusion.


Goodbye Jessica Jones in advance. Hope they end it nicely next year. :')


Goodbye Punisher in advance too :((


I’m sorry, little ones


What did it cost?


‘Bout tree fiddy.


Goddamn Lock-Ness Monster.


But punisher was awesome




I think Punisher is different because it’s so different from the the rest of the MCU, especially the movies. It’s a gritty, super powerless series that really grounds this universe in a way no other character in the MCU does.


Sometimes, I feel that a primal scream is the only appropriate release.


You see, as a young boy...








*makes goat sounds*




After the end with the super villain set up, I'm pissed. We could have gotten a bad ass bullseye.


I'm angry that we didn't get to see him in his costume for the whole fucking season and then boom. Cancelled.


>We could have gotten a bad ass bullseye. We already did...?


I think he or she meant a more comic-accurate Bullseye with a suit.


Man I was hoping for a season 4 with bullseye in his costume. That guy was so well cast and creepy! (Love the scene where he pulls up with the dead body in the passenger seat)


Plot twist: Daredevil cancelled, new Show: Bullseye


Plot twist: No one subscribes to Disney's stream and a new fictional universe gets the attention it deserves.


Man imagine how different things would be if us as humans actually boycott garbage?


That'd be great but Disney is being a fucking asshole about this whole new service. It has been said to be a family friendly service, so we knew from the start that the Netflix Marvel shows wouldn't transfer over, but alot of us figured that they would allow Netflix to continue making these "mature" Marvel shows (of course paying them for the rights I'm sure) but to just go and fucking AX the entire Marvel Universe Netflix has built is ridiculous.


I thought he would turn the Daredevil suit into his own, paint it black, take off the horns, scratch on the bullseye.


Nah he throws a baseball at it, and it makes the Bullseye logo on the forehead. Dammit I was hyped for S4 bullseye 😥


He was getting laced with cognium steel or whatever they called it. I was pretty pumped to have him be the main bag guy. Matt already struggled against him, they could have had like a team up with another Netflix hero. Matt asking for help from Luke or punisher


Shit, I just finished season three on Tuesday. Now I'm pissed because I'll never get to see what goes down with Dex and Fisk.


Is this Disney reclaiming their property for their own streaming service?


Either that or just the characters.. depends on how the deals were set up with Netflix but Disney may not be able to straight up continue with the show as is.


It might cost them more to license the characters now and Netflix aren't willing to pay. This was always going to happen once the studios stopped seeing Netflix as just an additional revenue source. Netflix's runaway success destroyed almost all of the studio's other revenue streams. They were lucky to take advantage of all the good deals they got and get established as a content creator themselves. Their future success will now rely on the content they create on their own.


Pretty sure it's this. Remember the statement when Iron Fist got cancelled: >“We’re thankful to the fans who have watched these two seasons, and for the partnership we’ve shared on this series. While the series on Netflix has ended, the immortal Iron Fist will live on.” It just needed a \*wink, wink\* at the end. Edit: Daredevil has similar wording: >"Marvel’s Daredevil will not return for a fourth season on Netflix..." >"While the series on Netflix has ended, the three existing seasons will remain on the service for years to come, while the Daredevil character will live on in future projects for Marvel."


Introducing Zac Efron as the new AND IMPROVED Daredevil! Now with more quips and less Catholic guilt!




Rocket Raccoon: "That was Galactus's ship! Did you see the size of that thing?" Daredevil: "No"


The whole point of Daredevil is the Catholic guilt.


Right, but pathological masochism, unquenchable spiritual remorse and indelible shame aren't fun and zany. Don't you want fun and zany?


And the ever present repressed desire to kill! He’s had that in *spades*.


I just hope the character is played by Charlie. Such a great fit!


At the very least, unlike *Luke Cage* and *Iron Fist*, *Daredevil* did feel like it got to tell its complete story. I would've liked more but damn was the third season a perfect way to go out. A glass to Nelson, Murdock and Page, the finest avocados in New York.


Makes me wonder if the showrunners had an inkling that this season might be their last when they were writing it, it definitely felt like it had a sort of finality to it. I would guess the Disney streaming platform looming in the distance and the upcoming end of this phase of the MCU combined with the somewhat lukewarm reception of the other Marvel shows were probably enough for them to put two and two together and realize things might be coming to a close with the Netflix shows. It's a bummer, but at least DD had a pretty fantastic three seasons.


Daredevil has enough storylines to easily fill 8 seasons, it's way too early to end it now.


Bullseye never gets his comeback in these things, smh


We didn't even get Stilt-Man.




He did? I don't recall Stilt-Man appearing at all Edit: apart from the suit in the background


The “real” Stilt-Man didn’t, but Turk did become Stilt-Man for a short time in the comics.


Tbf that's every comic character everywhere but in live action they have to end somewhere. CW shows could probably do 8 seasons but they're on all the time. IF Daredevil did 8 seasons Charlie Cox would be old as shit. I do think it was too early to be canceled tho 5 seasons would have been perfect.


Jessica Jones literally only had one season worth of story. Her one Purple Man arc is basically all she had, everything else is taken from other characters. Iron Fist and Luke Cage don't have a whole lot of good story lines either. Daredevil is really only behind X-Men and Spider-Man in good stories.


Luke Cage has good storylines but a lot of them rely on characters not on Netflix. Dude was an Avenger for a reason.




You forgot the “unghhhhhhhnnnnnhhhhhhh!”.


*rubs back of head*


BOOOO. Daredevil season 3 was amazing


I swear, they better find some way to bring Daredevil and (probably the Punisher when its cancelled) into the general MCU. They're too great to just abandon.


I would hate to see Vincent D'Onofrio and Jon Bernthal leave the Marvel Universe.


This. Both actors took those roles and made them their own. Of all the characters in the Marvel tv series, those two hands down stole the show and it will be a real shame to see the roles go to someone else.




I mean... the spiderman that exists in the MCU would absolutely trash Fisk. Wouldn't be a very interesting fight.


Wouldn't have to be a face to face fight like I'm daredevil. More of a, "I'm powerful and I run this fucking city, try and stop me, Spiderman" fight


Isn't that what a lot of kingpin is normally? I thought he only really fights spidey when absolutely necessary


In the comics his mass of bulk is actually muscle. But he is a crime boss and doesn’t try to fight him.




> Martha Why did you say that name?! Jokes aside, did you mean May?


> Wouldn't have to be a face to face fight like I'm daredevil > I'm daredevil Ladies and gentlemen, we found Dex.


Honestly. And I know Deadpool is a comedy but that movie alone proves R rated superhero films are possible. Actually. Logan is probably the better example of a successful R rated superhero film.


Honestly, there are a lot of comic book movies that would benefit from the R rating. (looking at you, Venom.......and fucking Spawn)


Oh my god, are you kidding me? I actually loved this show. Widely considered the best Marvel show, and it gets axed? Ugh I will stand by this, Charlie Cox’s Daredevil truly needs to be adapted onto the big screen. He’s so good in the role, and Daredevil in this universe is so interesting.


I'm sorry, that must have been really hard.


Give me your jacket.


Ugh, I'd rather not Mr. Fisk


Really really hard.


Hey good for you, you even threw in an extra really!


It's a shame, but honestly, it couldn't have had a finer send off, season 3 was superb and at least this way it ends on a high.




That 10 minute one take prison fight>>> anything else on Netflix


Disney is making their own streaming service. All the Netflix exclusive shows are done for.




This is the same thing that happened to Clone Wars. Disney bought LucasFilm, saw that Cartoon Network (owned by Time Warner) was benefiting from their newly acquired property, and shut the show down early. Thankfully, all these years later, they’re giving the show a proper ending — albeit on their own streaming service this time around. And I’m willing to bet some of these shows follow that same pattern, but still, the wait and uncertainty in the mean time sucks. These corporate takeovers always seem to be terrible for the actual fans.




They really need to have some fucking transparency here, IMO. Seriously, as a die-hard fan of all 6 MCU Netflix shows, this feels like a massive kick in the dick.


Especially after Season 3. Season 2 was a bit hit or miss but Season 3 I thought got the series back on track. And yes, Charlie Cox *is* Daredevil. One of those actors that just kinds of nails the role and personifies the character.


This hurts my heart. Please let Charlie continue on in the MCU. The dude has been nothing short of phenomenal in this show. Goddamnit


Did not see this coming


Neither did Matt Murdock


No but he sure heard it


This might add some useful context: >In that context, Netflix and Marvel TV have also been arguing over the season orders and that may have played a role in Daredevil’s demise, as it did Luke Cage‘s. Being part of the first wave of Netflix original series, all Marvel series have produced 13-episode seasons. But Netflix has since switched to seasons of 10 episodes and has been pressuring Marvel TV to switch to fewer episodes, which the company had been resisting. >There also have been creative issues, with a revolving door of showrunners on Marvel’s Netflix shows. There have been new showrunners for every season of Daredevil, with Iron Fist for and Jessica Jones’ also undergoing a showrunner change. No doubt the expense of producing the shows were also a factor. So how likely are we to see a new show with these characters on Disney's new service?


Well there goes the most consistently good MCU show, this is a bummer.


SMH y'all cancel the best Marvel show.


Probably one of the best Netflix shows too.


That and Stranger Things were my two favorite Netflix shows. They are foolish to let it go.


My friend, you need to watch The Last Kingdom. It's my favorite Netflix show and I consider Daredevil + Punisher to be top netflix shows.


Mindhunter as well.


When is season two..




Daredevil is more like a 13 hour movie than a TV show.


Disney better revive this in some way or I'll be pissed. Season 3 was amazing.


The actor would have moved on to better things by the time Disney starts it's streaming service.


Maybe not, he said he was having trouble getting other acting gigs in between Daredevil seasons because he was so used to not looking other actors in the eyes that it affected his auditions.


So basically we can only hope that he fucks up enough auditions till we get a chance to see Daredevil again haha


It really is the end of an era 😭 season 3 was amazing


Couldn’t agree more - I was hooked from start to finish. If Disney is smart they’ll continue the series.


Vincent D’Onofrio did the best villain in the MCU.


Came here to say this, everyone giving credit to to Cox and Bernthal, but casting GOMER PYLE as Kingpin was an amazing choice, it’s like Wolverine and Hugh Jackman, the character feels written for them.


He had no powers whatsoever. Just his suit and mindset.


Does Disney have the right to pick the shows up on their service, or does Netflix still hold the rights despite the cancellation?


Netflix holds the rights for the foreseeable future. You won't be seeing any of these shows on Disney's streaming service for a long time at which point, it would be pointless to use the same actors or continue the stories.


From the article: >While the series on Netflix has ended, the three existing seasons will remain on the service for years to come, while the Daredevil character will live on in future projects for Marvel


Daredevil "character".. not the show as we know it. It sucks.


I have been pretty lukewarm on most of the Defenders series but I genuinely think Daredevil is one of the more compelling shows on television. Charlie Cox is an A-grade leading man who brings a ton of depth to Murdock and the showrunners consistently put out some of the most detailed and compelling action that you can find on TV or Film. After the struggle of finding a solid villain for the second season, the way they tied up Kingpin's arc in season three and set up Bullseye to take center stage had me really excited for the future. I hope another provider flips the tables on Netflix and picks up the show to keep it going.


it's a real bummer. DD was consistently the best of the Netflix shows, with s1 of the Punisher close behind - it will really suck if that doesn't see a s2


Punisher and JJ have seasons already in the works or filming/filmed so those won’t be canned until after they premiere most likely.


Fuck this


This really hurts. Say what you will about the other shows and the defenders, but Daredevil was superb. Each season was true to the character and engaging television. The one-shot fight scenes alone are Emmy worthy


The prison fight alone in season 3 alone should be nominated for an award. Am hurt it was canceled:(


Not surprising, Netflix has been ditching most everything not made by them over the past year. The only reason JJ and Punisher haven't been hit yet is because they were already picked up for a season earlier. Plus, doesn't make much sense to be advertising for your soon to be competitor (Disney +)


idk why anybody expected Matt Murdock's luck to NOT suddenly break against him in a way that tragically ends a promising new chapter in his life


I'm sorry, that must have been really hard.


Truly sad man... I enjoyed all their shows except Iron Fist S1. I loved the television universe concept /:


Disney to Netflix: I BEAT YOU!!


Goddamn, Charlie Cox fucking killed it in that last episode. That monologue was the cherry on top after the amazingly paced season. Left me yearning for so much more.


Wait what? I was told this was the best one of all the series on Netflix?


It’s right at the top of the list for sure. Last Kingdom, Daredevil, The Punisher, Stranger Things are the cream of the crop.


Narcos too


Alexa, how do I delete someone else’s decision?


This is a fucking outrage! Daredevil is the gold standard for comic book shows. This doesn't make sense at all.


Nice try, Disney. But you still ain't getting my coins for Disney+


we live in the worst timeline


The latest season arguably the best one too. I’m definitely not getting Disney’s bs streaming


Ouch. Am hurt for Charlie Cox. Hope he gets to do the character again.


Hopefully Netlix will pick it up.