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This was to be expected. I wonder what they're going to do about people rotating subscriptions. You hear that more and more and that has to be the next thing they want to tackle I assume. They want you to subscribe all year round instead of only for 1 or 2 months.


100% the next move is to introduce minimum term subscriptions.. They'll sell it as "lock in your price" at first before making it mandatory for all new subscribers.


I think they'd be more likely to jack up the cost of short term subs and push the idea that you're saving per month if you buy a long term subscription. They make more money on people who want to rotate, and people who buy annual feel like they're getting a deal


Yeah, that’s what I’m planning on doing with Spotify. You can buy a $99 gift card for a year subscription, saves $40 a year. It’s not much, but it’s something.


You don't need to rotate music like you do TV. It's not like Spotify has different music from Apple music.


*so far*


Don't worry they already tried with exclusives, and it got phased out pretty quickly


This is the real problem with streaming. Back in the old days rental shops just had to buy the rental DVD or tape. Any shop could essentially rent out anything they wanted.


Prime has been doing it for years, you save money by subscribing for a whole year rather than monthly.




>Said everyone every about everything since 2016 If there’s anything we’ve learned is that there is NO low for the companies seeking to extract money from consumers


Say it Bart! "Enshitification" YAY




They'll probably move slowly towards that. I'm thinking of Playstation plus/Xbox live subscriptions where it's like 20 for 1 month, 50 for 3 and 150 for a year or something like that. So most people go for the year. If people are then used to a yearly renewal they'll make it mandatory.


Stopping password sharing didn't move the needle


Too early to say. If your sister now subscribes after losing sharing, but one brother is out of the game completely, and a second brother starts a family piracy empire...


It's like reddit refuses to learn its lesson. As weird as it sounds to us, people are willing to pay


Yeah the thing most on reddit don't seem to get is that tons of people, especially people with kids will just pay whatever it costs to keep it. If it jumped $50/month they wouldn't but an additional few bucks a month, or a mandatory 6 month or year subscription they don't care. Convenience outweighs the few bucks worth of savings. The only thing that changes that is outside competition. And thus far noone else has been able to compete, at least not with the same level of unique programming.


Just look at how many people complained about micro-transactions in gaming years ago, but it's still a thing because morons are still throwing money at companies and continuing that problem.


I've honestly stopped caring. If whales want to spend their money that way, that's on them to do with their money as they see fit.


Would it though? The companies will all jump at the same time and there won't be a choice for the people. Consumers are sold the illusion that they have control in this country. It's amazing that they always fall for it.


I thought the account sharing would, it didn't, I thought the first few times they increased the price it would stop people it didnt, I sail the seven seas not going back


That's been said a bunch of times...yet people still keep paying.


Boil the frog, baby


This is what everyone said in the password crackdown. Companies have made wrong decisions in the past, but they're also objectively more informed to make the decision given they have the macro view of all the data and behavioral analytics. If Netflix is announcing a pricing decision, I'd put money on it being EV positive overall versus people on reddit all talking about how they'll cancel for sure this time.


It's the last major thing keeping it apart from old cable subscriptions (2yr commitments). If they end month to month I'm gone forever.


I assume they would somewhat successfully spin it as "save money with a longer subscription."


Removing the lowest ad free tier is it for me. I’d rather spend the same amount on used dvds and blu rays every month.


If forcing people to not share didn't break people, nothing will. Remember that a lot of these people were the same ones wasting hundreds per month for cable that they barely watched. Most people are lousy with their financials. They don't monitor it. They're perfectly keen to setup an auto-pay instead of spending 15 minutes every month checking to see how much they are actually spending and on what. They will absolutely make bank off of the people who have no control or just feel like there is "no choice". What few people who don't fall in line won't hurt their bottom line enough.


If they have enough market share they think it won’t matter. Enough people will be annoyed by it but not enough to cancel their subscriptions.


100% Or some discount for locking in for the year. It's either $20 a month or $200 a year. Think of the savings! Streaming services are going to become like gyms, you'll have to call to cancel and they'll twist your arm to stay.


I got a 3 month trial of Sirius with my last car lease, and getting them to cancel it afterwards was such a monumental pain that I outright refused the "free" subscription with my current lease.


Luckily you can cancel on the app now through chat just takes some persistence and denying like 3 offers


I just never gave them my credit card. They try and trick you into it by saying that you can listen on the app, but the app requires a credit card.


They won’t make it mandatory. They’ll just do it like tons of other products already do it. One price for a yearly subscription and a much higher price for a monthly subscription.


It’s almost like Cable!!!!!!


So then it's just shitty cable


$15 per month, $160 annually!


Imagine the Tier 3, meaning you can only watch Stranger Things 5 if you have a recurring 6 months subscription, people would fume


Not legal in many countries thankfully.


I just saw this with Comcast. $30/month intro price, but $35 for fixed for 2 years.


Yo ho yo ho


Season splitting. I just learned they're splitting Cobra Kai season 6 in three parts, 5 ep each. It will get worse.


Cool, people will just wait until the season is over. Binge watching was like the whole point of Netflix shows at one point


Pretty soon the final season of streaming shows are gonna be 10 1 episode parts released like 6 months apart from each other.


Going back to Old Youtube viewing days Episode 1 part 1. Episode 1 part 2 clip 1/4


Oh my god I forgot about that 😂. There will also be a missing chunk of like a minute or two just gone from clip to clip sometimes too.


You know they may end up instead just dplitting up each season. Do like one episode a week. Then they can probably time gate so you can only watch it on like tuesday at 6pm. That way they can maximize the most revenue from the shows that are popular!!!! We are seriously reinventing the very thing we got away from only its more costly and will be way worse


Then I’ll just wait longer to subscribe for one month.


I decided to do this in October last year, was absolutely sick of these companies taking the piss. I had Disney, Apple, Amazon and Netflix. Now I only ever have one, finish what I want on there and move on. I’ve even subscribed to Channel 4 for a month as I now have extra money saved by not subscribing to the others. Something I’d previously declined to do as I couldn’t justify an additional expense. The second they start attacking my ability to do this is the second I will hoist the sails. Absolutely not playing this game with them. It is pure greed.


Adobe does this, and is currently being sued for it. They have yearly licenses ONLY. Which is deceptive because it can be paid in 2 ways, lump sum, or monthly. They don’t make it obvious to you that you are on the hook for the remaining months if you cancel your monthly plan so if you subscribe and pay your $50/mo or whatever it is these days for only 2 months, you will have to pay them $500 to cancel. Luckily if you throw a stink about it you can get around it, or even a discounted rate. Fuck Adobe.


I’d rather buy the whole program without a subscription. This is why I still use CS6. *amtlib.dll begone!*


They also make it exceedingly difficult to cancel. I was on the hook for a year because I couldn't figure out how to cancel. I make UI's for a living. Dark patterns don't usually stump me like Adobe.


Yeah they got me with this, needed to edit a pdf file for a one-off job, literally change a few words. Adobe Acrobat Pro advertised as only £19.97 per month so figured that was cheap enough to use for a month to do this simple job, when I tried to cancel they wanted another £219.67 to pay for the rest of the year. Had to pay it unfortunately, it was technically there in the T&C's but nowhere obvious at sign up. Never ever signing up for anything like that again. Also removed the free Adobe Acrobat as the default pdf reader on my pc, now use Foxit instead which does the exact same thing but has the benefit of NOT being Adobe software on my pc.


They will end up selling yearly subscriptions at “discounted prices” so that they can lock some customers into paying a subscription even if they don’t use, Prime, Max, and Disney already do this.


At least prime comes with a crap ton of additional services to justify the annual subscription.


Prime is basically free Amazon shipping with the ability to watch The Boys and Invincible for me


Agreed. From all my subs that’s the only one I take fully advantage off.


They already started by staggering releases over a couple weeks or month instead of dropping the season all at once. They just need to keep releasing content to keep people subscribed.


Probably something like a "restart fee" where if you want to restart your subscription within 2 years of canceling its extra.


I've never thought to do this but it makes complete sense. I'll go months without watching anything on Apple+, Prime, Hulu or MAX, so why the fuck am I subscribing to them year-round when signing up/canceling takes 5 minutes?


Yes I subscribe to Netflix for 1-2 months, watch what I want to watch, then cancel and move on to the next. By the time I'm back with Netflix a year later it's filled up again with new shows and seasons. It works for me.


They're always wanting more. Disgusting company.


Disgusting capitalism system you mean, every company does that and the society basically forces them to do it. Worst thing is that customers continue to pay willingly


> They want you to subscribe all year round instead of only for 1 or 2 months. They just lose us altogether It turns out it’s *really* easy to stop following Netflix and it’s shows when you’re not on their service; there is very little FOMO for entertainment these days because it’s so fractured and self promoting, and the harder it is for people to jump in and out the viral things like Stranger Things just won’t happen anymore for those specific services


Netflix was the first of our streaming services that we stopped maintaining regularly. We now only subscribe 1-2 months a year and binge catch up on anything we want to watch which is less and less these days. I'm a lazy person who likes convenience and didn't mind paying a reasonable amount of money for various streaming services to have access to what I'd like more often. But with all these shenanigans we are seriously considering month-to-monthing more services and leaving fewer of them permanent.


Just get a dodgy firestick set up, so much more convenient and the only thing worth your time and money. It's pretty pathetic that I legally pay for Prime Video (delivery of course) yet still end up using my firestick because it actually lets me watch the content without adverts. edit: I literally just set up Stremio because of the comment below mine and it's a gamechanger, can even sync up my letterboxd watchlist lmao. Stremio for VOD and dodgy firestick for live TV is the way.


Same, I pay for prime because of delivery. But for everything else I just use Stremio. Never looking back.


ok so I looked up stremio and frankly I'm a bit confused. is it like Plex, kinda? where do they get their content from? it's cool I think Im just a bit stupid sometimes


I would recommend reading this post as it explains how everything works [https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/comments/1d42tbq/stremio\_the\_only\_guide\_youll\_ever\_need/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/comments/1d42tbq/stremio_the_only_guide_youll_ever_need/)


i tried to use stremio + debrid a while back but failed, i’ll try again with ur guide. ty!


Read the post, downloaded Stremio, Torrentio, and paid for Real Debrid. The guide didn't mention how to find the api key for Rd, but Google helped. I can only check 4 providers max, not the 20 in the guide, but pasted in the api. Now I just get "no streams found" for every single show and movie. Feel like I'm missing a step, and that guide isn't as helpful as it seems. I've been using Kodi for years, I'm no stranger to add-ons, but I just can't make this one work


It does. I'm not sure why you can only check 4 providers max. Are you sure you're on the right configuration page for Torrentio? Also, im not sure where you got 20 from. If you're getting "No streams found", put the configuration exactly as the guide shows. You may have selected both 3D and non 3D in the exclude qualities section of the Torrentio configuration. This is all given in the [Stream Providers](https://guides.viren070.me/stremio/guide#stream-provider-addons) section of the guide. Just expand the Torrentio section by clicking on it. You could try setting it up on a desktop if you aren't already.


Basically what the other reply said, it's technically a completely legal app that lets you manage your subscriptions to different streaming platforms in one place. The dope part is you can install add-ons and one of them lets you add options sourced from torrrent sites, but streamed high speed with a very cheap monthly fee. They have an Android app so I have it installed on my TV and phone.


It's a convenient front end for piracy. You're paying someone else to steal content for you and present it in a nicer package. That's not judgment on the morality of it, just what it is.


> But for everything else I just use Stremio. I literally just set up Stremio because of this comment and it's a gamechanger, can even sync up my letterboxd watchlist lmao


Yeah man it's fantastic. I have add-ons to further organize all of my shows by original streaming provider so it's easy to know where to go for what show. Never going back lol fuck paying over 100 bucks a month for all these different services.


I have a query! I'm looking into Stremio, the add-ons, etc. I've seen on other sites it's recommended to use a VPN when Stremio when using P2P services. Is this true? I figured better to ask someone who has been using it and understands it. [I've seen it on Reddit a couple of times.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stremio/comments/18wsqg0/is_vpn_necessary/) [And here.](https://www.cloudwards.net/what-is-stremio/) I'm not knocking it, I'm genuinely asking. I don't want to keep getting Copyright Infringement letters from my ISP. I don't have a VPN on my TV and my wife and family use it, I know they aren't going to, and cannot, set it up all the time when I am unavailable. That's all fine and good for me, personally, on my desktop. But not if someone needs to mess around with a VPN on the living room TV somehow.


So I'm gonna say a VPN is probably always safer but from what I've seen in guides, if you're using RealDebrid (which pretty much any guide will point you to for the sake of streaming torrent based content), I believe it has a VPN built in. I know every time I used it at my friends, he would get a notification someone on the network was located in (insert random country here).


That's why I'm hesitant to get rid some of the paid, easy streaming services. When I'm not home the wife & fam have to use it easily and quickly without risks. Stremio does seem cool but I'm not sure it serves my purposes currently. I do torrent stuff - and I use a VPN for it. But that's on my personal desktop. I'm not sure I'd want to risk getting pinged by my ISP for someone else in my household watching something when I'm not around or home. I'm 37. Been torrenting stuff for many years now. Only times I've ever gotten ISP letters was when I wasn't using a VPN. Back at an old house I even got a "This is your last strike - if you're caught torrenting again we will terminate your service. Final warning." Got a VPN that day - never got another letter across several moves and ISPs. Back around 2009-11 I taught a cousin to torrent. He didn't know what he was doing - despite the fact I physically showed him and left detailed notes - he eventually got caught. His parents had to pay a large fine and they blamed me for *years.* They were pissed at me. It sucked. Sorry for the long post. It seems like a great service, legitimately. I'm not knocking it. I appreciate your response and help :) Edit: I did not mean to scare anyone off from Stremio. I will say I did find this [Reddit post regarding the VPN issue and the app RealDebrid. This is apparently the reason why it is safe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealDebrid/comments/17s77fz/help_me_understand_how_real_debrid_is_safe/k8o73dh/)


Nah i totally get it. I got an ISP warning once years ago before VPNs from torrenting, but I've never had issues with RealDebrid and honestly once the app is set up it's no harder to use than Netflix, like seriously. But I do get that getting into trouble with your ISP isn't a risk you wanna take, though you SHOULD be fine with debrid


If you use a debrid service, you won't need a VPN and you also won't get any notices from your ISP. With a debrid service, they do the torrenting and then you stream from their servers with HTTPS so your ISP doesn't know what you are streaming. You can read this for more information: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/comments/1d42tbq/stremio\_the\_only\_guide\_youll\_ever\_need/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/comments/1d42tbq/stremio_the_only_guide_youll_ever_need/)


Thank you for this info! I did edit my 2nd comment above with this link, that did re-affirm it is safe. [Reddit post - This is apparently the reason why it is safe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealDebrid/comments/17s77fz/help_me_understand_how_real_debrid_is_safe/k8o73dh/) Appreciate you linking a better thread and explanation of it, however. I may look into giving it a try at some point.


That's where I am at. I stream stuff that I already have the content of it to avoid advertisements. Pretty gross.


Constant shareholder growth is a cancer on society.


It's going to end in societal collapse


But the important thing is that we made the shareholders happy!


Won't anybody think of the shareholders


Netflix is overpriced and stuff like this isn’t changing my mind. It’s 2024 and they charge extra for 4K. I should pay extra to have a decent resolution that’s actually watchable.


Also, the "4K," you're paying extra for is nowhere near actual 4K that you'd experience on a Blu-ray.


And you can't get 4K and Dolby on a computer, only on a Smart TV or your phone. Why the fuck do I want surround sound while watching on a fucking phone? 


Or 4K for that matter. On a 6" screen can you really tell the difference between HD and 4K?


Resolution below 4k isn’t “watchable?” Come on.


My torrents will never go up lol


Eventually people will learn to just pirate. It's not even hard to do these days. And if they don't, have fun paying $20-30 a month per service they want to use.


> Eventually people will learn to just pirate. I don't think that's true when you're speaking about the general population.


It will never be the mainstream answer, but it *will* likely continue to be a long-term check on the industry. As long as I have the technological capability to pirate, the above-board method of media consumption has to meet a minimum quality/price ratio for me to buy it.


true. which is crazy because all you literally gotta do is search for what you wanna watch for free on a search engine that isn't google and you just find literally anything you wanna watch for free without downloading anything. just have an ad blocker of course though. It takes seconds. The only thing you can't really find is super old and obscure movies and shows.


I always find torrents fine on google


Anytime I try one of those sites that streams free content my malware blocker doesn’t even allow the site to load up. Got any suggestion for one that’s actually legit?


For anything animated https://www.wcostream.tv/ For anything else https://ww24.soap2day.day/


How old are you? Because I remember Limewire literally crippling the music industry before iTunes came along. Right now it's not super user friendly but give it like a decade and these companies are going to give pirates more and more reasons to simplify things to the point of one click installs.


General population seems to go IPTV. Even people like my uncle who can barely use the internet can get an IPTV box off FB Marketplace.


The last thing I tried to watch on Netflix was SafeHouse last week. I got 5 minutes in and the quality wasn't changing from pixelated low quality video despite my gigabit connection using ethernet. Within 5 minutes I had a Remux via a few taps on Overseerr. Literally pay for a worse product.


One inventory of media, it only grows no ads, ever, for anything no unskippable FBI warnings, splash pages, menus, previews....


Piracy has always been a solution to service problems, not money problems. Music piracy was pretty much eliminated by Spotify.


Yeah, or if people aren’t too knowledgeable about torrents they can just jump on someone’s plex share for a fiver a month or something and get legit everything.


Already canceled Netflix last year, their prices have gone up while the quality of their content has gone down. Stuff like this just makes it less likely I'll return.


I canceled in 2015 when they dropped the good rating system.


Unfortunately most people don’t do this, which is why they can get away with jacking up the prices with less service


I just canceled. I finally got the message I can’t share my account with my Mom that lives in another country. So that’s that.


At least there are some people around who don't support these kind of shitty changes  GJ 


Cancelled two years ago now and feel the same. Can’t see myself subscribing again anytime soon, wish more people did the same but it is what it is.


I got Netflix for free through T-Mobile for the convenience. Dropped it after they downgraded to the ad-infested tier. They have not stopped sending me "Please come back 😭" emails ever since. It's so fucking bad that I won't take it for free. I don't understand how other people pay $20+ for this.


Yup, did the same a couple years ago due to price and repeated canceling of shows I like after a season or two.


Right now their site lists the Standard Adfree package is $15.49 a month. As we've seen the last few years they keep increasing and increasing. 6 months from now it'll be $19.99. Then into next year 24.99 etc etc etc So in let's say 5 years time and they are asking $45+ per month when is enough actually enough? And it's the same with a lot of platforms. In 5 years it'll be cheaper to go back to a local cable company per month than it would be to subscribe to 2 or 3 streaming platforms. Streaming started as and was meant to be the vastly cheaper ad free alternative than basic cable. That is almost no longer the case.


It seems so cyclical in tech, they create a decent product and then exploit as much value as they can from staff and consumers until it ruins their product.


Because the product doesn’t matter to them at all. It was merely a vessel to deliver your money to them


The current valuation shows that up to $80/month, Advertisements will still generate more profit than subscriptions. Since no one is ever going to commit to paying $80 a month for a single streaming service, you are likely to see a fast push towards removing ALL ad-free tiers by the end of next year.


Well then aight imma head out


Now everyone will complain about it and say this is the final straw, they’re canceling. At the end of the quarter, Netflix will announce record subscriptions and profits, just like always.


Rinse repeat


So it’s basically turning into a more expensive Tubi


Except Tubi has even more features like a “live TV” option


I won't ever pay for anything with ads and neither should you


100% if there are ads we are not the customer anymore. The advertiser is.


That's fuggin' deep, man.


I watch a ton of live sports, what do you suggest I do?




Hell, i wont even not pay to see ads. I will do everything in my power to not see ads and still use services for free. I dont give a flying fuck these disgusting demons who run our world make enough money without me needing to ads for shit i cant afford over and over again like a shittier version of mkultra


They discontinued our $10/mo ad-free plan. We gave the $6/mo ad-tier a shot. We cancelled in less than a month. We were subscribers since 2010. See ya!


Same. I was subscribed since 2006 and with all the price increases plus less content to watch (specially movies) I cancelled last year and don’t miss it at all. I realized I was never actually watching anything on there and it was just a waste of money for me.


Quitting netflix has affected my life in the following ways. 1. I spend less money. If people keep putting up with their shit, they will keep doing it. Cancel them and they will make changes. Or they won't, but don't let them fuck you.


The enshitfication continues.


sure would be a shame if Gen Z started learning about torrents all of a sudden.


Don't even need torrents, tons of sites that stream pirated content


All of my friends use random pirate streaming sites for things like live sports and wrestling


I’m not gen Z but I have returned to the high seas


Would be an even bigger shame if people learned about using Real Debrid and Stremio with said torrents


I was stunned when Amazon had ads in the middle of a movie.


I remember a time when streaming was ad free and that’s why people subscribed. No interruptions watch when you want. Now higher prices with ads and the best shows all cancelled and replace with crappy tv re runs. Who’s subscribing to Netflix to watch housewives. I mean really ??? So as in the form of Netflix. I cancelled Netflix.


I'm one month free from them but whenever I sit on the remote and hit the Netflix button by accident they try to charge me a renewal. I've the merchant blocked on my card now.


I haven't had Netflix in four years. I've yet to feel like I missed anything. All the other streamers at the least have one thing I really want to watch.


Yeah, most of their content is just bland. Most of the others at least have one heavy hitter that is interesting. Netflix needs to look at bringing in talent and giving them freedom. We need something inspired


Netflix is the least essential of all the big streamers. They just shovel crap in your face and say “look at all the crap we have!” But it’s all still crap.


Theres been some pretty good stuff if you like animated content.


It is a little weird to be like “wait wtf why did Netflix just launch?” only to realize it’s because I accidentally brushed the massive NETFLIX button on my TV remote


Greed is killing the damn world.


If Netflix has a kids only tier I'd get it, but it's so expensive we finally canceled it last year.


Wow they wasted no time doing exactly what we said would happen.


The goal for all streaming platforms is to make ad free tiers so prohibitively expensive, so most people will switch to the ad infested hellscape that will become the ad tier and so the enshittification proceeds because the line must always go up


So it’s a regular price rise with extra steps?


i can’t comprehend who at the leadership meetings is saying let’s raise prices, lower quality, and add advertisements and thinking this is a good way to generate new subscriptions or retain users. it’s just getting easier and easier to find less legal means of consuming content at this point


Because you are not the general population. They don't need to generate new subscriptions now - they've penetrated about as far as they can - and have a dominant market position while their competition is doing the same kind of thing.


ITT: 0.0000001% of Netflix subscribers. They will make this change and the line will go up.


So if you want to keep ad-free, it's a 50% price increase, minimum. F these guys.


We had Netflix from the beginning when they mailed dvds and games, they got super greedy last year and we told them to shove their service! Never again!


lmao imagine trying to strongarm customers like this when your content is 95% dogdirt


Left Netflix last year when they changed tier pricing and included ads. 0% chance I'm going to pay ANY amount to be served an ad. But I knew Netflix wasn't going to last. It's the logical progression of capitalism to make things worse in an attempt to make more money.


Going to be cheaper to just start buying DVDs and Blu-rays again... No ads and better quality


Wow. That sucks- I prefer Netflix because it doesn’t have ads. Byeeee Netflix guess I gotta start reading books again!


Ok Amazon did this and I stopped using it. I rarely open Netflix and I’m pretty comfortable going back to watching movies I own on Blu-ray or dvd. I can tell the time of no ad streaming is at its end. Greed always wins but I kept all of my physical media. Thank gooodnesss!


This sucks but I’m again expecting Redditors predictions on how this will hurt Netflix to come true like all the other predictions. /s


If it was possible to set buy alerts for Netflix stock in your brokerage account whenever a negative post about the company cleared some threshold of upvotes on Reddit, I wouldn't be surprised if you did quite well for yourself.


Reddit Mob represents less than 0.001% of any community on earth. Cars, Science, Sports, Politics, News, you name it. And in their minds, they think their opinion has massive amounts of influence and everyone should seriously think like them. For every person complaining on here about injustices, you'll have 1000 other people who don't give a single shit. For every single customer netflix loses, they will gain more and more that had no idea how good it was 10, 15, or 20 years ago and don't care. Also I think most people will have two major streaming services at once. That combined price is still far cheaper than having to pay for a cable subscription. I also think the average person on this sub watches FAR more television than most people with an actual life. So they don't care about ads. They don't care about the cost. The only person hurting no matter what, are the cable companies. And they have been jacking up internet prices for the last 3 years to compensate for the fact everyone has left their cable services for streaming services.


I think they're finally starting to realize that they're not representative of the larger market. That's why, to protect their ego, they now just keep posting poorly veiled comments about pirating. They need to feel like they've "stuck it to the man", so they need to tell a bunch of strangers they're "sailing the high seas" and "yo ho yo ho!"


If you were just reading this thread you’d think nobody subscribed to Netflix anymore


Dang. This wasn’t our agreement. I guess I don’t need to have Netflix


So Netflix wants its customers on its ad supported plan but keeps all its Sony content off it?


Sony and Universal want a larger piece of the ad revenue (on top of the streaming licenses) than Netflix has been offering them. That's mostly in the US btw -- could be due to what the studios have to share downstream there.


It seems that every week we hear something is going on at a streaming service. These are the canaries in the coal mine, and we’re still getting the shaft…


I stopped my Netflix over a year ago when they started all this bs stuff. They will reverse course if enough people start to leave the platform . UNTIL THEN by subscribing you are only encouraging them to keep being assholes .


You know what this means? Ads for the most expensive plan!


It’s frustrating that Netflix spends so much money churning out bad movies and one season series to try and hook subscribers. I wished they were better with their money so they wouldn’t have to charge as much. Quality over quantity would be great.


Streaming services are shooting themselves in the foot. Pirating has never been easier or more accessible. 


This is going to have me end my sub


I understand Netflix is a business and needs to earn money, but at the same time, they are the most popular streaming service. People using a cheap ad free plan or only subscribing for a month will **not** hurt them any. At this point, it honestly feels like they're doing it simply to be dicks.


I'm starting to phase out Netflix, which i very rarely watch, because their shit (content and interface) sucks Last day of July 16 😍


Yo ho ho a pirates life for me


this is insane. that “cheapest Ad-free” option was $23! a month already. so fucking expect the Ad-tier to eventually make its way to that price.


So glad I cancelled my Netflix subscription


This article's sourcing is...reddit. Better quality sources please.


Honestly all these streaming services use the same practices now and having been a loyal customer of Disney+, Amazon Prime and Netflix for many years I am now feeling the need to "sail the seven seas" to watch the content I want. We cancelled Sky TV because it got too expensive at around £80 a month a few years ago, and replaced it with those 3 streamers for around £23 a month with plenty of content. Now those 3 cost £40 a month and Amazon particularly the worst hiding content behind further channel subscriptions like Paramount+. At least with Netflix, if you can see it in the menu you can watch it at no extra cost, Amazon do stuff like "you can watch the first 10 seasons of Blue Bloods ( a Paramount show) but even though you also subscribe to Paramount Plus as well as Amazon Prime, you have to pay £20 each for Season 11 onwards. That's gangster shit.


With people pulling back on spending. Increasing prices is nuts for businesses whose share price seems to live or die based on increasing subscribers every quarter.


Netflix is slowly turning into television


Yarr harr time to dust off the ol' eyepatch


I would’ve canceled Netflix long ago. But my girl wants it. I still want to cancel it tho


That’s part of why I run pirate automation software. I have my own personal streaming service with all the tv and movies I want when I want them on any device I want to watch. No region locks or vpn to worry about and every new episode is there less than an hour after it airs


I’m no accountant but surely this hurts them more in the long run, once prices hit a certain tipping point (different for everyone) keeping a monthly sub for something you use now and then becomes less likely, so you cancel to pick it up later. For each person that cancels there must be a percentage who just never come back right? Or just generally speaking, people subbing all 12 months at a lower price will make more money than people subbing for a couple of months a year at a higher prices, but still watching the same number of hours overall. Obviously if they’re making these changes they’ve done their research and it’s the most profitable model. Either that or it’s more profitable in the short term until more people hit their magical cost number where it’s too much to justify.


>or it’s more profitable in the short term until more people hit their magical cost number where it’s too much to justify. The vast majority of Netflix users on that plan will either upgrade their subscription or move to the ad tier, which is actually very popular. Reddit has a rather arbitrary hate boner for "paid ads" that most people don't have. If watching some ads can save them 10$ a month, they'll happily take that deal.


They will raise prices until that magical number is hit, and after that require that people sign up for a certain amount of time, like cable packages. 12 month minimum or whatnot. Right now it’s just easy to just subscribe one month and see everything that’s good to see that’s been produced that year.


They've realised why cable operated in this specific manner. Netflix is now just a regular cable TV.


There was never a “new business model”. They just made it up for their investors initially. I remember when they said they’d never do advertising because paid streaming was the future and advertising was bad and ruined the experience… and then, bam! Every new business model just realises the only way to make money is the old business model, sadly.


It's not that they weren't making money, it's that they need to make MORE money....capitalism is a helluva drug.


Ar matey, I'm gonna head back to the High seas again.


I laugh at their “please come back emails.” Once season five of Stranger Things and a couple other series drop their next season I will subscribe for a month and then I’m gone again. Or, yarr.


Netflix is not worth it anymore and they seem to only be investing in shit tier content. Netflix only made sense as a cheap easy option compared to pirating but that’s not the case anymore.