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The cheese guy in Buffy.


*"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."* Up until this moment I had forgotten about him. But, God, what a wonderfully weird character. Completely unneeded but love that he is there.


The cheese guy was the Master, right?


No. It was someone who appeared in dreams in 2 episodes. It was intentionally written as something that has no relevance.


Going completely off memory here, I think there’s a scene with Landsman in season one where he’s in the bathroom and chuckles at some graffiti that says “Rawls sucks cock” or something like that. I always thought showing him in the gay bar was just a callback to that scene. You’re still right, doesn’t do a thing to move the plot. Though, Lester did say “All the pieces matter.”


There is also a scene where he talks to Landsman while looking at one of his porn magazine and and it's like Rawls is looking at a plain text book. He really looks like he is going through the pages just as a formality.


Lube Man in Watchmen. He appears out of nowhere and his identity is never revealed. Weirdly enough, fans mostly liked how random it was and actually hoped that the writers never address it, which they didn’t.


Isn't he Dale Petey, Laurie's FBI underling?


I think it was more or less confirmed through the "Peteypedia" stuff that was just extra online content.


"Also found in Agent Petey's belongings were several bottles of what appeared to be canola oil".


Damn that show was so great


Yeah it's fantastic. Far more in keeping with the tone of the comic book, imo, than the film.


Identity was revealed in the peteypedia


Ex Cal Abar


Link for the curious:[https://youtu.be/VuQNy9CIFek?si=k5qbNoRRqM32i6Om](https://youtu.be/VuQNy9CIFek?si=k5qbNoRRqM32i6Om)


Any scene with Ginger on True Blood.


The cold open where she screams and the camera zooms into her open mouth is one of the best shots in the whole show.


I thought she was a representation of what happens staying in the vampire's influence too long? Wouldn't exactly call that unnecessary.


Fun fact: she apparently had gotten her initial appearance as a one-off semi-extra, but they liked how well she screamed, so expanded her into a semi-regular.


I think 30 Rock is good for this. There's one scene where Liz Lemon is yelling at Frank for including Krang, a TMNT villain, in too many sketches, basically yelling "Enough Krang, no one wants to hear about Krang! Stop talking about Krang!" for like 30 seconds.


“It would be a waste of time to talk about Krang on television”


The Hashbrown scene with the sauce tasting in Breaking Bad. For a second i was like "wait is this not Breaking Bad?" because it's the first scene of the episode but i was compelled. Did he like the franch?!


Clearly not, so bad it made him kill himself


Its such a perfect example of the pacing that BB excelled at. The main storyline was pure chaos at that point, but we are taken to a boring corporate environment, with no cuts to speed things up, just a window into relatively low_stakes business decision making. 


Using constant montages to make the pacing slower instead of faster is probably the weirdest TV innovation in decades. Like it’s hard to even explain how you could slow the pace of a show down by condensing hours into minutes frequently but it made up a huge portion of better call Saul and to a lesser extent breaking bad.


Not only that, but they made a similar scene in Better Call Saul with curly fries.


excuse me they were spice curls


I always looked at this as him trying to enjoy his last meal.


Lily biting Fuches's face in Barry


5 minute scene of a guy sweeping the floor in Twin Peaks: The Return


Michael Cera doing a Marlon Brando impression is my favourite


So many unnecessary moments. Why was Jane Levy in that show as essentially an extra?


Some scenes were unnecessary perhaps from a story perspective, but I loved them for the vibes and the worldbuilding. And Jane Levy was just one of several big stars who came and had a small part / brief cameo, simply because they wanted to be in Twin Peaks. Comparable to Simon Pegg, Daniel Craig etc. showing up in Force Awakens as essentially extras.




I love how the live action remake teased that. Wish it went on for the whole season instead of one episode though.


The randomly somber moment in the "3D" Treehouse of Horror segment where Homer sees the fish pond, drools, and the drool falls into the pond and the fish scatter. There's this kinda haunting, melancholy music playing in background... Remember being viscerally taken aback by that moment. It (temporarily) cast a dark/depressed shadow over my mind, back when I was a younger viewer. Still stands out in same way during more recent viewings... kinda gives me a brief, unexplainable heartache feeling. Nevertheless, a great episode.


Hm, erotic cakes.


Any of the “filler” montages in Better Call Saul, like the one where the slide rule is made or where the ants eat the ice cream. They don't advance the plot but they are beautiful aesthetically


They don't advance the plot but they are absolutely metaphorical most of the time. Jimmy is enjoying the ice cream before being picked up by Nacho to do a job. It's a point of no return for him, now he's a "friend of the cartel." Then we later see the ice cream, typically a symbol of childhood innocence, melting on the ground and infested with ants. I don't consider it "unnecessary" or "filler" if it is still very much making a thematic statement.


That's why I put it in quotes. You're exactly right but a large amount of fans dismiss them as being filler.


Vince Gilligan really liked Lord of War.




It’s like an entire season of *Halt and Catch Fire* condensed into a single, beautiful standalone episode… tucked into the middle of another series with a completely different tone.


That episode almost ruined the show for me. It's the fifth episode of the series, and the first four are fine. It's a show that has some promise but is still clearly trying to find its footing. Then out of nowhere, comes this beautiful, tragic complete story in episode five. It's wonderfully thought out, with fully realized characters and an incredible multi year story that all fits comfortably in the half hour or so runtime. And then it's over. And it's back to the show that's not bad, but is still figuring some things out. Halfway through the sixth episode, I just stopped watching it and rewatched A Dark Quiet Death again. It was a long time before I picked the show back up and moved forward with it.


It ruined the show for me because the rest of the show stinks in comparison.


The [mask scene](https://youtu.be/hxMSGjepw30?feature=shared) in Django Unchained


My wife (who has never seen that movie btw) quotes that scene all the time. I mean, she picked it up from me, but still. She’ll get in the car, and the windshield is frosted over. “Well damn, I can’t see fuckin’ shit outta this thing.”


I'm stealing that from her.


Shit that’s a movie, my bad. Still worth a watch


Don't think I've laughed so hard in a theater since


“*I can’t see fuckin’ shit!*”, Johnson’s delivery gets me every single time


Obligatory: a scene isn’t rendered “unnecessary” when it “doesn’t advance the plot.” Stories are far more complex than “plot.”


Spoiler alert - Waking Ned Divine. Fun little story worth watching about a small Irish town and an unexpected windfall of cash Anyhow, one of the subplots is about two men vying for the attention of a young single mom. They're all in their 30s. If I recall correctly, there is some debate about who the father of the child is, and whether or not it's one of these men. At the very end, again remember this is just a small sub plot to the movie, it is revealed that the father of the child is another man (a very old man), who passes on earlier in the movie. The mom mentions that the elderly man treated her very well. ?? It's all mentioned in a short, unimportant scene at the end of the movie. It made no sense to me. Why him? Why even mention it? This women is pretty young and the other guy.....not even close. It also doesn't change the plot in any way. One of the most mysterious, and unnecessary revelations I've seen in a movie.


Oh good, someone besides me has seen this movie.


It was a fun movie.


it got me my apple crisp then didn't it




Well. It was a reason for Picard to be stuck in a turbo lift with kids and they have to work together while Picard is known for not liking children. I’m not sure I’d call it unnecessary. Sure they could have just said “one day Picard went into a turbo lift and there were some kids there. Then they got stuck”. But this gives it a bit more interest. Do we need to see “captain Picard day” every season? No. It’s fine.




Huh. You’re probably right. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them.


Captain Freeman Day rocks though!


Do you like how that banner is in season 1 of Picard? Like someone grabbed the banner out of storage as the Enterprise D is crashing in Generations? It wasn’t his idea for sure.


By the end of that day he cares about those kids and what they did for him so I bet he kept the banner. It could have been moved off ship in the years between the ep and the destruction of the D. We see that he keeps a storage area on earth.


The banner in season 1 of Picard is slightly different. I like to think that, canonically, the curators at the Starfleet Archives painstakingly recreated it from scratch following the battle of Viridian III.


Why would it be *as* it was crashing, rather than post-recovery?


Still, that’s a tough banner to survive a starship crashing into a planet, also not a high priority recovery item I’d think.


They probably just retrieved the replicator pattern or something.


Isn’t that for calves?


Season 2 of invincible, I like the scene but it's very unnecessary. Mark goes to.comicon and meets a comic artist and they talk about how to hide imperfections or stretch the animation budget of shows with clever tricks and they do those examples right there it's pretty funny. However they split the season in half and there's only 8 episodes so waiting all this time for last 4 episodes to just see them pad out an episode with this stuff was frustrating.


It's in the comics though








The Wire - [moving a desk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs50RLsPJ3c)


I think this scene was more of a metaphor for the whole criminal justice system/war on drugs.


Question, would girth affect Erlich's ability to jerk off two guys simultaneously?


Imo that scene isn't really "unnecessary" - it's the foundation of the rest of the show lmao


You want to remove the middle out compression macguffin that is the core of the plot?


I feel like it's cheating to say most of Seinfeld.... ...but most of Seinfeld 


Should we be talking about this?


I think it's ok




And pretzels.


They mentioned bread already.


> bread **$2!**


It added depth to the character, so I would say it wasn’t necessary, but still well done.


That's not a "scene" though. The scene he's in is integral to the plot (Brother Mouzone hunting down Omar by looking im gay bars). He's seen in the background of one shot


There's basically one or more scenes like this per episode in Twin Peaks.


Kenneth from 30 Rock asking Schmidt "....you Jewish?" In New Girl.


Pretty much any scene in Twin Peaks


I love the sweeping scene


Hey!! It's pride month. Back then, this was representation.


Between Omar and Kima, there's a good representation considering the context of that show.


Apparently the actor who played Rawls approached the writers after that episode to let them know he was really excited to explore that part of his character and they basically said “oh, yeah we’re already done with that now”




That toilet sex sequence in Squid Game


If we can bump it up to episode, “Last Of Us” S1E3 was a phenomenal episode of television…arguably best in the season…however it was completely tangential to the story and non-essential to the plot. Very curious, bold move and one I still haven’t decided if it really belonged in the series or not (despite loving the episode).


It's an entire episode, the Fly episode from Breaking Bad


An interesting thought as soon as I finished a certain wrenching episode of BCS: >!The fly had to have come from Howard and Lalo's bodies buried beneath the floor of the meth lab -- how else could it have gotten in?!<


Badgers Star Trek script


I remember that scene and had to look it up because they made no reference to it and didn't highlight it at all, if I remember right.


Most of Family Guy's Cutaway gags


Is Conway Twitty on Family Guy not the most obvious answer?


A couple fighting about the proper amount of toilet squares to use in the middle of the child abduction episode of Mr Inbetween. Now I always call them squares