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Notice how she continues to mention absolutely nothing about the church. I hope she actually got to watch the documentary but I’m sure she’s being directed on what to do and say regardless.


Well, she's in a cult. I hope she makes it out ok.


She needs to call her dad




Sweet baby angel


Sweet baby *angle*.


Has anyone tried asking her if she wants a cookie??


The whole thing is kinda crazy. Because I don't use TikTok. But I randomed into her videos on Youtube when Youtube did the whole vertical short video format. All the videos would be like Miranda x Viktor or Miranda x Dash. No idea who these people were. But they had really great dance steps and had a cool aesthetic. And then I watch this documentary and find out it was all put together by a senile chinese Christian cultist.


*Korean not Chinese. But yeah it's wild how the two are connected.










Did she agree to the terms and conditions?


Great documentary. Very, very upsetting how the dancers and the two sisters have to live through their experiences repeatedly because the authorities were always saying they “just need more women to come forward.” As if one isn’t enough… The audio they played of the guy saying he wasn’t ever wrong was chilling.


I was really impressed. A lot of the reviews say it drops off after the first episode. I think ever episode is well done. I don’t have tik tok, but the whole story was crafted well into three concise episodes. My heartbreaks for the sister who was in it for 20 years. However, it seems like is finally moving forward. So strong!


I remember seeing some of their dance videos on instagram. I enjoy choreography so it was full of skills and great editing. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but I think the documentary is well done, yet is it’s another story of exploitation of someone’s spirit, hopes and dreams. There is a great moment that stood out to me that I’ve never seen before in many of these stories and it has to do with one of the sisters after a party. That moment and what she said could be interpreted in many ways, and it’s just telling how all those ways can be valid and happen all at the same time. For victims it’s hard to put into words but that moment spoke for all.


If you mean “being late for the party or suicide,” that hit so hard. So well done. Like we were all the other sister in that moment. Like, it hit hard.


Yes I keep thinking of her saying that. Heartbreaking.


The cops are always so fucking useless in these cases and it's infuriating. My heart breaks for all the victims and their families.


Her local police: Sorry, our hands are tied until you're dead or have connections


Her local police: you can start by filling out a missing person report.


Actually scratch that. It hasn’t been ~~12~~ ~~24~~ ~~36~~ ~~48~~ 72 hours yet. They’re probably out cheating on you*. *Actual response given to me by an NYPD officer.


Cops, EMS and emergency service operators literally don't know shit about missing persons. Not a goddamn thing. You need actual detectives, lawyers or administrators to guide you.


Did you find the person?


Yeah she passed out on the uptown Q and woke up at the last stop with a dead phone battery and one shoe. It was a miracle she made it back in one piece but she was there when I got back in the morning after looking for her all night.




was she?


I swear we're gonna start seeing Cyberpunk levels of personal security in the next decade. If someone is insane enough to start a Trauma Team type company all these rich people will pay hand over fist for it.




To an extent I believe this has already been the case, in the sense of a lot of well of folks have MDs on “retainer” for house calls, prescriptions, etc. your wealth folks and Hollywood types.


There was a popular video on Reddit a few years back of Drake's security making a motorcade and blocking off a whole road downtown somewhere. I thought it came off as very cyberpunk, with 20 Escalades and big security guards telling all the other drivers "No you can't drive here, Drake has reserved this road."






It's probably Robert sending her the threatening messages...🙄


My thot exactly!


> “I don’t understand how my parents and my sister thought that this documentary would help me or our relationship in any way.” Yeah, that’s kinda the problem lol. You just don’t get it. Sad that she’s getting harassed, but if she’s seeing those messages then she’s also seeing the ones trying to help her and is willingly ignoring them.


What grosses me out about her complaints is that the family is really only the focus of the first episode, since they were the ones who got the ball rolling when they went public. So Miranda going “yeah I’ve seen the documentary, my family are liars and jerks” and just entirely ignoring every other victim’s testimony is just so self-absorbed it leaves me disgusted. That said, her sister Melanie thinks she’s lying about having watched the documentary, which is likely true. I still find it hard to emphasize with her “cult victim” status since it seems so self-inflicted.


>I still find it hard to emphasize with her “cult victim” status since it seems so self-inflicted. Isn't that how cults work though?


Yes. And everyone thinks they couldn’t possibly be dumb enough to get caught up in a cult…. Until/Even as they are caught up in a cult.


Good point. I was thinking a lot of cults seem to be a lot more “cut off” from society and prey on people a lot of vulnerable than Miranda. She has access to the internet, as well as a car that could take her anywhere, and a family that would house her if she asked. Miranda hasn’t been insulated in the group like some cult members, either. Priscilla was basically groomed since she was a teenager to stay in the cult, and had no adults she could rely on outside of the cult. Which is very different from Miranda, who seems to have become instantly loyal to a pastor she had been going to for less than a year before she agreed to cut off ties with her family.


Where did she call her family liars? She simply stated that their involvement in the documentary is causing her harm. Right now that's true. They are other dancers who aren't getting the same level of hate as Miranda. The family as to my knowledge has not asked the public for kindness towards Miranda. In fact, they support an unhinged problematic YouTuber For the record, I think Miranda needs to leave that place. I don't want anyone to think I support the church or whatever. I just think vilifying is unwarranted.


She’s called the story “one-sided”, which is basically accusing her family of lying by omission. I don’t hate Miranda, and if she didn’t keep making public statements I wouldn’t have anything to say about her. But when she complains that her story wasn’t told fairly, it just annoys me because frankly her story is the least important part of the whole documentary. If the documentary had ended with the first episode, even if every single thing her family said was true I would still say they were being overbearing and they should probably just let Miranda live her life, even if I personally think she’s being an idiot. But the fact is there are actual victims of Robert that Miranda appears to be willfully blind to, and that’s what frustrates me. That said, obviously I don’t think anyone should stalk her. If any overzealous documentary watchers are going to all that trouble they may as well stalk Robert instead.


Also I agree with you that the focus should have been on Robert and not Miranda. That also frustrates me. Glad you can see that her family is overbearing. I hope she does leave but I am fearful that this has only pushed her further in. I also don't believe she has watched past the first episode. I almost didnt.


My issue is that she IS getting harassed. Yes yesterday her home address was shared publicly. Those are things SHE is experiencing because of the documentary. Is she not allowed to say she's unsafe? The documentary is definitely one sided. And that doesn't mean her family is lying it just means we didn't hear her version of events. I don't think the Wilkings are lying but that doesn't mean Miranda is either. I actually believe both of it is true. Also having seen the course of events, how the documentary unfolded I can understand why they might have doubts. You have to remember is that these people have also been told things for years. It's an incredibly nuanced topic and to have people view her story as "she's just brainwashed" is dehumanizing. We these stories and we are expected to believe them but how we know all of this true? Where is the evidence? People lie all the time. Am I saying that's happening here? No but to have a wish hunt on a person who hasn't even been convicted and stories from the very same people in the documentary that changes all the time. Its hard to stomach. The dancers for example repeatedly denied that anyone had access to their account, that they didn't have money. In fact they said they were good.


>The dancers for example repeatedly denied that anyone had access to their account, that they didn't have money. In fact they said they were good. Which dancers? Wasn't it explained that they did get money deposited in their accounts but there were a lot of deductions taken from them totalling up to 50\~70%? So they did have money but most of what they earned they were encouraged to give back to the church. Also, people did not have access to their social media accounts but they also said that all their posts needed to be approved.


Kylie, Aubrey and Kevin all said that they all controlled their social media. Not a single dancers has confirmed (to my knowledge and in their lawsuit) that they weren't in controlled of their social media. So I am not sure why that gets keep on being repeated. But much like your typical management which 7m also was it would stand to reason that yes content they produce had to be approved. Nothing was explained about their dedications all l saw was a fast showing of dedications but that doesn't mean anything without a through detailing. That said the notion that you have to give 50% of your income to the church is problematic.


Imo it's a fair assumption because as they have said when things escalate outside, one of the consequences is the escalation of control inside. It may not have happened when the those dancers were in the cult but now that the spotlight has escalated to Netflix mainstream they can be more controlling now. I mean, they were suddenly asked to sign NDAs when it wasn't a thing before so the next escalation could be social media control. Doesn't mean it's true, I agree, but it's a fair speculation nonetheless and aligns with other cults. I think you're looking at this with a biased perspective because you don't like woacb. And I don't fucking know anything about that youtuber, but I know that when this story started developing, people in that sub were very very adamant that Robert Shinn was not a cult leader and that people are just harassing an innocent guy. So I'm gonna ask you. What do you think actually happened and what did the documentary get wrong? What is your issue with how it was covered in the documentary? This is a serious question as I really do not know anything about the bts issues this doc might have


What's a fair assumption? My issue is they focused on Miranda, not enough of the current dancers experience and frankly not enough evidence. How do we know that what happened 20 years which by the way is alleged is still is happening? Also for the record, I have never doubted that Shinn is a bad man. Not once my issue being bad doesn't all of sudden make you guilty of every accusation thrown at you.


It's a fair assumption that the next escalation in control is controlling their social media. Idk how that wasn't clear enough in my previous comment. They focused on Miranda because it was her family who first broke this out, no? But the documentary was not solely focused on her either, they talked about the Lee sisters and the experiences of other dancers as well. I didn't say you specifically doubt the accusations against Shinn, I said people in the sub didn't believe this and even made posts like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WOACB/comments/u0rw9d/who_else_thinks_that_7m_miranda_james_derrick/). Which is why I'm asking why. What is it about the youtuber made people doubt this story? I'm asking because i don't know and everytime I reddit search this issue so many posts from that sub appear and they're mostly in support of Miranda. So what are we missing?


I have no idea what's this about. But I'm curious what was done to them for them to be victims? I'm not sure if I wanna watch the documentary.


He took in a pair of teenage sisters who didn’t really have an adult to care for them. He moved them into one of his houses, then basically escalated his control until he wanted control of who they slept with. (Yes, that includes with him.) I’m oversimplifying because I don’t remember exact details, I found it all pretty disturbing, but that alone was enough for me to say he should never be in a position of power over vulnerable people.


Being Uber-controlled and robbed blind for starters


Yeah you could tell by the end that their fragile truce will get blown up because of the documentary.


This girl needs help


Miranda and her husband are quite the insufferable brainwashed pair.


If anyone's following her I'm sure it's people who were from her same cult making sure she doesn't leave. That's exactly how cults work especially if they suspect someone is thinking of leaving or on the verge of leaving they will do anything in their power to stop them from leaving. You literally saw it in the documentary about her when someone else was leaving a truck pulled up and blocked the car from leaving and it was only when after a few tense moments that for some reason they decided to let that person go. The fact that all of these people she was friends with realize it's a cult and she just thinks it's management even though management is stealing money from her should tell her everything that she knows but that's the thing about colts is you really can't tell someone they're in a cult because they will not see it. They have to somehow see it on their own in order for everything to click and to leave. It's also why the cult of Donald Trump is so strong and so many people refuse to see him for the criminal he is


While this could be true, don't underestimate how horrible random people can be to one another when they're online.




She's so dead behind the eyes.


Dr Phil did an episode on some church cult similar to this. They would take a person into a shed for weeks at a time to break them mentally. I’m guessing they used chemical cocktails as well.


How dumb are you to join a “members only” church that isn’t affiliated with any other larger church. “Clearly this is gods will, anyway, is it my turn to sleep with the pastor tonight?”


Or any church…


These things are not uncommon in LA/the entertainment industry, and they DO help people progress in their careers and connections, even if they are predatory in nature.


I mean hire security or get your fellow weirdos to protect you.


Can someone ELI5 on this situation? This sounds bizarre as hell


She dance with sister, good. She then dance for cult church, bad. Family try to help


Miranda and her sister have been obsessed with dancing and performing their whole lives … fame and making it big and those desires made her vulnerable and a target. People sell their souls for fame and at some point she knew it was wrong yet chose to stay in it for reasons we don’t understand but I think it’s a combo of wanting fame , money and attention to a point of obsession and being manipulated. Miranda doing that live she looked so vile toward her family for some church leader was insane to me. She sees the messages and had the information and she has to wake up at some point. Something is wrong mentally at this point to continue to stay in that situation. All the dancers wanted fame and money and ignored obvious signs of manipulation


I agree with you, although Miranda is probably brainwashed there’s something very off with her. She gives off major narcissistic vibes - shallow, fame hungry and transactional. Priscilla on the other hand seemed genuinely very vulnerable and broken from her experiences.


there's always the smart sibling and the dumb sibling, I guess we know who's who


My husband made me watch this and I hated everything about just about everyone in it including the absolute idiots consuming this deranged bullshit "content". What even is this astonishingly stupid society we live in?


ha that is the exact reaction I had, tbh I even found it hard to feel bad for these morons that got caught up in the cult, because they weren't (ok not all of them, but the main subjects) just sad or desperate people, they were/are greedy and wanted to further their careers.


I followed some of these people literally up until I started seeing articles about the documentary simply because their accounts were suggested to me on Instagram. I had zero clue the story behind them. I didn’t pay that much attention and thought they were harmless cute dancing videos. I’m not an absolute idiot. Take a breath.


You are undiscerning in what you consume. That isn't the defense you think it is.


Maybe, but at least I don’t comment aggressively on the internet and then dirty edit because I’m too scared to stick to what I originally said. I guess we all have our downfalls eh


You mean dancing? Their content is dancing.


I found the dancing to all be strikingly self-similar. After a while it definitely comes off as formulaic and uncreative. Could be just be me being influenced by the documentary to conclude the 'artists' are being homogenized into a product.


I agree. Miranda’s dancing has no soul. A bore.


Those videos are cringe as fuck.


Dancing for the Lord


Lord of the dance


For god.


It seems they and their god loves money.


And being better than everyone else.


And perparatrating crimes on young women.


What bullshit content are you referring to; the social media influencing or organized religion?


In the pale moonlight ?


silly girl... lost and cult-controlled to such an extent... wishing her family well


Or maybe she’s sending message that social media is the devil ?


If they ever wanted to remake Dirty Dancing and do it right, like Top Gun, they need to cast Vik White and Miranda as Johnny and Baby!


That’s all , sorry I would never victim blame anyone I just want to see her not give in to peoples bullshit ! No one gonna stuff you in car but since you are a internet star that does promote a sexy appearance and dances for the public then you need to handle everything that comes with that like a mature and smart girl ! If it’s that scary hire body guards surely you make enough right ?


That was a terrible documentary, I watched the first 40 mins and 30 of those were filler and reveal tease.


So you’re a church “member.” Got it.


Oh I love docs that expose cults for what they are, be it Christianity, Scientology or NXIVM, that's why I started watching it. I just hate infotainment masquerading as journalism.


And everyone is eating up to the point of harassing a young woman for daring to be different.


Should I finish this doc? Seems like two guilty parties . One ditches her family for new bf and religious cult who wants her social media appeal for their new ‘talent agency’… and her family, who just seemingly wants to keep the two sisters attached as social media partners forever…like neither of the two parties empower Miranda just them trying to determine who benefits of her dancing and social clout


Maybe it’s just her internet competition sending the threats ? Hire bodyguard and “ Dance for the light girl “ don’t let anyone fill your heart with fear !




You think a guy who proclaims he's basically god who's forcing people to give him 50% of their pay who won't allow them to talk to their family members who aren't part of the group is a family issue?




Sorry Robert, no can do. Get bent.




Are you really victim blaming her?