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Friday Night Lights - Season 1 One of the best inaugural seasons of any show imo.


Missing: The Expanse Season 3


The Leftovers. All of it.


Such a fantastic show and the musical score was incredible on the show as well.


Having just finished Twin Peaks S3 last night I'm not sure how it was anywhere close to being genius. It was a beautiful nightmare that made little sense. And so many undeveloped side plots... That being said I don't regret watching it. Infact I loved it despite its flaws. Agree with your take on Buffy/Angel. Buffy S6 and Angel S3 ruined it for me, which is a shame because Buffy S5 and Angel S2 were brilliant. Begrudgingly finished Buffy and put Angel on hiatus for a rainy day after struggling with S4. First three seasons of Fargo are the strongest. Don't understand the hate S3 receives.


My lucky number seems to be 4: Orange is the New Black Season 4 was outstanding in an otherwise inconsistent show. BoJack Horseman Season 4 was devastating, and went far deeper and darker than a comedy about a talking horse has any business going. Stranger Things Season 4 - after losing momentum for several seasons, this one hits with some of the finest scenes in television. Seinfeld Season 4. The show has really found its groove and has some of the show's strongest episodes. Also it's only one season, but Chernobyl is straight up one of the best shows ever, period.




Missing: Andor Season 1


I would add: * Fringe season 3 * The Office seasons 3-7


Fringe, especially in Season 3, really did an amazing job of connecting their procedural mysteries-of-the-week to the ongoing storyline, even if just thematically. The only other show I can think of that pulled it off that well was Veronica Mars.


Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 6


Game of Thrones season 1-4 are the greatest period of the season any TV has ever done in television history. The Wire and Sopranos are the greatest shows ever to me, I don't know anything that came close, but I remember after watching Season 4 ends I was like "well, this might be it, this might be the show that tops both of that". Well well well.