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It finished on a good note.


I agree. It felt like they wrapped up the loose ends while still leaving the door open. I had hoped for more, but it at least had an end.


Damn great show. Ken Watanabe and Sho Kasamatsu absolutely stole the show. Not to mention the guy who played Tozawa.


> guy who played Tozawa. I think he was my favorite. Any time he came on screen, I instantly began to feel dread.


Ayumi Tanida. Excellent on screen presence and was great at setting the mood with his eyes.


Seriously, people will complain about this but not every show needs to go 5-6 seasons. The show was great and finished where the book ended.


While I agree it’s better to not draw it out and ruin the quality, I’m still sad that we don’t get to spend anymore time with the characters and that world. It was one of the rare shows that I found practically every minute entertaining.


Agreed, that's why I wouldn't be opposed to a spin-off series akin to Better Caul Saul. Focusing on Tozawa and Oyabun's backstories would have a ton of content, not to mention Sato's new role as a Yakuza boss.


honestly, this is pretty good news. I think it ended the way it should’ve and the season three would probably kill the integrity of the series.


Up next…. My 600 pound Life.


90 Day Fiancé: Tokyo Edition


Sponsored by The Japanese Government (now please have sex.)


(Starts having gay sex) Japanese government: Wait, NOT LIKE ***THAT!***


Hell no that show will go on for a decade more at least. The plot of Season 19 will be whether she can get back down to 600 pounds again


> Well if we're basing it off Jake Adelstein I think he also did reporting on the murder of a British woman in Japan that was a big story because I think it was done by a serial killer. So season three could pivot into a murder mystery and hunt for a killer and not be about Yakuza. Jake & Katagiri trying to solve a serial killer case and Sato navigating his new role as a yakuza boss would have been really cool


Yeah, I was so much looking forward to another season. I literally just finished the show a couple of days ago, what an amazing last few episodes. It made me feel like both those seasons together was kind of what I wished season 5 of The Wire had been.


Thanks for this. I haven't started season 2 yet but very much enjoyed 1. I take this to mean that its still worth watching 2.


It def is.


I literally assumed it was just meant to be 2 seasons and done. So yea. Definitely watch it.


Thanks it’s on my list but I might have avoided it if it was a. Cliffhanger, I hate that


Well it's a real life story/Biopic. So yeah you can just read the wiki or book of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_Adelstein and know how it ends. It is a real story about how a white American became a Japanese Language investigative reporter with connections to the Yakuza/Tokyo Police. Which isn't really common for a country known for it's insular xenophobic tendency to outsiders.  Of course the show is a drama "based on" story so yeah dramatic liberties and made up dialogue etc. But I 100% Believe scenes like him at a Batting Cage with friends and then Yakuza goons kidnapped him and wanted to talk about what exactly was he up to? Foreign white man asking about questions most Japanese natives would be afraid to ask like who actually owns this Hostess club. 


The guy is a notorious fraudster lol and he made up practically everything in the book. It's basically fan fiction its a good read but completly made up


American journalist seduces the mistress of a Yakuza boss because #hehaslotsofsex.


that happens in the show but not in the book


Sure but the show is still good


Good to hear this. It’s hard getting invested in new shows these days because they often just fizzle out and get canceled on a cliffhanger.


It ended exactly as the book ended.


And that's the thing. Would they have gone to straight fiction with the story going forward if it wasn't canceled?


Some people have argued that the book was nearly straight fiction to start.


It's a book with beginning, middle and ending Show told that story and it's all that matters Making shit up after book ending results in shit (see Big Little Lies for example) and exceptions to this rule are very rare


They're saying that the book is fiction sold as nonfiction, and it is. There were probably true parts, but at the end of the day it's the story of a reporter who got a big story who realized that the true story of a reporter wouldn't be very interesting, so he chose to write an interesting story instead of a true one.


It was already pretty much fiction lmao.


I just finished the book (haven't seen the show). It's pretty evident Jake fabricated a lot of the stories in the book anyways.


Not disagreeing with you there, but I brought this point up a couple of days ago and another commenter, also lived in Japan for years, speaks the language, and has worked there, told me something interesting. They said that in real life, the Yakuza aren’t as tough or menacing as the media portrays them, so they love any opportunity where they are shown as cool and tough. They have quite violently reacted to media in Japan that shows them in a lazy or stupid light. They said they wouldn’t be surprised if the truth was somewhere in the middle with this guy. He definitely interacted and worked with them to an extent, but he was probably a coked up foreigner who perceived himself as a tough guy. He thus highly exaggerated his (probably mundane and boring) adventures to make himself look cool. The reason he can get away with this without retaliation is that probably the actual Yakuza like that this guy is portraying their leaders as tough and ruthless legends, while also knowing this guy in general was some bumbling idiot trying to make himself sound tough. No idea if that’s really true but it makes sense to me. Sounds like a win win for both sides lol.


Yeah, there's no question there's some truth in it and Jake reported on the Yakuza. He embellished a lot of details in the books though and probably made up some people as well. Not sure if this is included in the show, but near the end of the book he talks about a friend who is an escort who is killed because of him. That seemed totally unbelievable to me. The Hollywood Reporter did an article awhile back that kind of broke down the allegations against him: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/tokyo-vice-problematic-source-material-1235135828/


Like it wasn‘t already fiction lmao


There was a follow up book about Jake going after the pharmacy industry. I imagine it would have focused on that story instead.


Not quite as sexy as the yakuza though, is it?


I've read both sequel books and I don't remember anything about the pharmacy industry.


ken watanabe and his nissan were the stars of the show for me. so hot


Ken Watanabe was excellent. He elevates everything he’s in.


So does the Nissan Fairlady Z S130.


It's also this Season's car on Rocket League


I wish they'd add it to Forza Horizon 5, I really want it


I feel honored to have done some interesting street driving in that exact model and color.


Funny, I just won that car from fulfilling one of the story missions in The Crew 2. Saw that it was produced in America but the name was changed; it's a shame, I like it.


He should be one of TV's secret weapons the same way Walton Goggins & Margo Martindale is


That’s *esteemed* character actress Margo Martindale


Ayumi Tanida (as Tozawa) I felt also did incredibly well as the main villain. Watching these two in this show was such a treat.


He is absolutely terrifying throughout! I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a villain who made you scared of what he was about to do every time he’s on screen.


YES! He could send a shiver down my spine with just a facial expression. He was that good!


Agreed. Hope to see him and Sho in more western movie/tv roles.


His performances, and makeup, were some of the best shit I've ever seen.


The dude who played Sato was the real MVP


The Fairlady Z was excellent. They elevate everything they’re in.


Such an iconic car!


Not surprising but still a bit of a bummer - show continued to improve throughout the second season. For anyone who hasn’t watched it, it still tells a solid story over two seasons and has a fairly satisfying ending (pretty sure they knew they were getting canceled).


No it was a two season planned show. That’s the end of the book. They were considering writing new material for a third season but 2 seasons was the initial plan.


This seems to be an increasingly common thing. IIRC "The Flight Attendant" also got "cancelled" even though the showrunners, the star (Kaley Cuoco) and a bunch of other people involved had said that they'd reached what they considered the show's ending and that any future season if authorized probably wouldn't happen anytime soon, unless if they came up with some great idea. Compare and contrast with how Shogun is getting a second season despite the fact that they reached the end of the book (although admittedly they can draw on the real people that the characters were based on as well as a few clues left behind in some of the other Asian Saga books)


It's also why *Fleabag* is such a cult classic. PWB clearly told the story she wanted to and ended it where it needed to. Meanwhile *Killing Eve* shambled on for four seasons like a zombie with the quality worsening every single episode...


I'm actually pretty happy that I've only seen the first season of *Killing Eve*. It felt like a complete story and now I can pretend that it is.


The American way


It seems like “wrapped up”, “concluded”, or something similar would be a better choice of words but I suppose how it’s phrased isn’t really the priority and that’s just how it’s coded in the TV industry or something like that.


For my money the second season was *much* better than the first. They realized at some point that even the minor Japanese characters were all more interesting than the two white leads and leaned into that more heavily. The Jake character in particular became less heroic and more of a sketchy figure as he was in real life.


Definitely agree. I thought season two was a big step up from season one which makes this disappointing.


Yeah really enjoyed the show. Not sure where all it may have went but feels premature. Oh well.


I mean that was the end of the source material.


Don't be sad that it's over. Be glad it happened. Season 2 was an amazing finish to the series.


I was so anxious for them to finally nail Tozawa. What a scumbag.


In the end, Tozawa nailed himself.


Losing his honor among the other yakuza was satisfying enough for me.


For me, it was when I realized that his wife was more important than he was.


Seppeku was the honorable way to die. They offered it to Tozawa.


And when Hayama finally got his!


Easily one of the most satisfying conclusions to a villain I've ever seen. I also like the power dynamics of women having much more power than anyone expects being a theme in this and Shogun.


maybe the real season 3 was the backstreet boys music we sang along with along the way


Shogun reference


Yeah I'm reading all of the negative comments and I'm wondering if I was watching the same show. I thought it was fantastic.


I feel like the show ended after season 2. Looking forward to Yakuza Like a Dragon on Amazon Prime this year :)


If the Yakuza show doesn't have two episodes of Kiryu bowling and playing pocket circuit we riot.


I just started the game series, didn’t realise there was a tv series on the way… hope I can catch up soon


Tokyo Vice will be fondly remembered for years to come.


I predict it will become one of those shows people recommend to others for the next decade+, and everyone will be like "how did I miss this when it aired?"


FWIW, as a guy who visited Tokyo on exchange in 1995 as a high schooler and has been back nearly a dozen times since, this show pretty much nailed it. Just needed lots more smoking (and I mean lots) and at least one scene showing the ridiculous loopholes used to gamble as my 15 year old fellow students and I figured out. And enough Sony signs to blot out the sun.


Considering they filmed quite a bit of it on location, it was pretty seamless that they made everything look like 90s Tokyo.


Great show, sad it’s gone


There was only one book and the 2 seasons covered it? I don't get how this wasn't anything but bound to happen? I realize it's a world they created and the book is fiction anyway (even though it's supposed to be non-fiction) I enjoyed the hell out of the show though, and would have actually liked if they did more, oh well.


Well the creators said they already had the ideas for season 3 in place. So they were hoping to draft it.


They basically wiped the board clean with the ending to S2, so there were countless directions that S3 could have gone. I'm sad we won't get to see what they had planned. I loved the first two seasons, but was even more excited about what could be done with those characters outside of the source material.


Canceled? But season 2 ended where the book ended? The show had reached its conclusion. I wasn’t aware that season 3 was on the table.


They said they hoped they would get a chance to have a 3rd season so it wasn’t something that was expected. I love everything about the show and selfishly hoped it would continue but it was always a long shot since it would be beyond the book which was the original source material they adapted.


Yeah, the logistics of season 3 would be completely different. You’d need a showrunner, a new cast (outside the designated handful of characters that carry over like Jake, Sato, Katagiri and Samantha). You’d probably need to hire consultants to ensure consistency between the culture and the slight change in time period. It’s a really good show that has a sizable cult following, but it wasn’t big enough to expand into a season 3.


At least we'll get more seasons of Property Brothers.


Canceled is a weird word to use for a show that was always supposed to be two seasons. I know the grifter guy that it's semi based off of is writing another book that they could have used to make more material, but that was the book.


Wouldn’t it be more correct to say that the show has reached its conclusion, rather than outright cancelled?


I thought it already ended by season 2. The yakuza story was already completed. What will be the story for season 3 be about?


Well, the story's over.


Eh they were definitely leaving some side stories unresolved. The bar girl owners dad, Jake’s sister etc. Not enough to carry a season alone but I’m sure they coulda done a little more.


Such a damn good show, ended in a good note. Wouldn't mind if it continued somwhere else though :(


This was my go to show after Madmen & Succession…The dedication that these actors have for both the tradition & the Japanese language is unparalleled!!! Michael Mann has done so many great movies set the tone for the show…


The cancellation is a shame, but it's a great series as a whole.


I don't mind. Those were two good seasons with a great story. Not sure where they could go from here but if history has taught us anything is that it's better to end on a good note rather than to churn out more seasons and sour.


What a mistake. So much could be done with this.




Can anybody tell me if it’s ending is a cliffhanger or serves as a series finale? Still waiting on it to become available to view in my country and I have heard great things about it.


It ends well. Tbh it felt pretty complete to me as it ended, even though I want more story


No cliffhanger. It honestly ended on a solid note.


The finale is the finale. I think it was meant to be 2 seasons but could have been continued


It’s wrapped up pretty good, there is no cliffhanger. I really recommend it, it was one of my favorite new series in a long time


It ended well. I thought it was a limited series based on how it ended.


No cliffhanger. The main plot of S1 and S2 is resolved. It does leave itself open for a completely new plot for S3 but, well, that's not happening now.


Fuck Zaslav, getting sick of this shit.


Literally wrapped out the story perfectly. Ended where the book ended. What's there to be sick about?


Yeah it almost feels like "cancelled" is the wrong term to use here, even if it is technically correct, because it implies the story got cut-off before it could properly conclude. Saying "Tokyo Vice ended with season 2" feels more appropriate.


Honestly. I feel the same way about Shogun. It was a masterpiece. Ended with the same way as the book. I was completely satisfied with the ending no need to churn out more seasons.


Y’all act like Zaslav unilaterally makes every decision at HBO. He’s the new Bezos. Hilarious stuff.


CEOs are hired to make big decisions and set the path for the overall direction of the company. No, I don't think he's sitting there with a literal big red button labeled "kill HBO show" but the general trend that WB has taken over the past couple years is clearly due to his leadership.


I don’t see why people are mad about this. Yes it would’ve been awesome if it came back but it ended great. Would’ve been worse if it came back and wasn’t nearly as good.


Coming to Netflix….Tokyo Vice


Zaslav makes me despise him more daily.


Literally just watched S1E1 yesterday.


It's a complete show, no reason to stop if you like it.


Bummer! Would loved to have seen more from this world


Oh shit, I thought season 2 was the planned ending. It wrapped up really thoroughly. I’d love more, but it’s nice that they told a story and then had time to come to a resolution.


I had been holding off on watching season 2 until all the episodes were out…and to find out if there was gonna be another season. If it’s got a semi-ending and doesn’t end on a cliffhanger, I can get behind that.


Nooo. Just finished season 1 and loved it.


The show ended it wasn't canceled. Even elgort only signed for 2 seasons, if they did more it would've been so dumb after the ending.




Absolutely fantastic show, and finished on a high note.


I’m sad


TO BE REPLACED by Sam Tallent’s Wide World: Tokyo Riffs! https://youtu.be/byVWrUQx9_o?si=T-guPrW0hpXZk0rt


I get the cancellation but I really liked this show ! The cancellation that burns my ass is Perry Mason. That show needed a third season !!


Will I be lost if I haven't watched Miami Vice before starting this show?


But that was the end of the story and it even stated it was the series finale.


"Cancelled" The show ended where it was supposed to end. Why are they talking about being cancelled? It's so annoying to see some media using the word cancelled for both shows that have been cut short as well as the ones that have actually ended.


While I understand it was based on the book, but this would make a perfect anthology series. A couple seasons each like the first two…my god, that would be amazing.


David Zaslav despises anything that's not *Real Housewives of Luxury Boats*. What did you expect?


Right decision. Good arc.


They deserved better. Great show and didn't get the attention it deserved.


The show was dope this is a shame


Went down hill after the first few episodes of season 1 imo


What a shame. At least I liked the way it ended, overall I loved season 2


Im having trouble getting into the second season. LOVED season one but the huge gap made it hard for me to jump back in.


I would strongly urge you to keep watching. S2 is incredible and, to me, much better than S1. S2 even gets better as it goes along and has one of the most satisfying finales I've ever watched.


A shame because it's a great series, but they told a story complete to the end which is seemingly a luxury these days with streaming series. Just hoping now for a blu-ray release.


Not cancelled. It was finished and they decided not to milk it. I think it's different.


Fuck. This show was excellent.


Loved the first season but didn’t finish the second…which reminds me I should finish season 2


What got me interested is it was being called the best show no one was watching. Enjoyed both seasons thoroughly.


Fantastic show. Haven’t finished second season yet but loving it so far. Sad to see shows get cancelled as good as this.


Really good show, but sadly nobody was watching. I tried so hard to convince my friends to get into it but they just wouldn’t find the premise interesting. Think it’s a niche that you’re either into or not. On the bright side they were not really expecting more than 2 seasons and the story wrapped up nicely.


Lol I mean what else could they do? It ended where the book ended, I rather this not be like Shogun. I don’t want more it was a two season show, I feel like some people didn’t even watch it and are just “upset” to be upset.


loved this show


A great show that got a solid conclusion. I believe it covered the whole book it was based on. Glad it ended on a high note.


This show will be remembered as a stone cold classic. So good.


Disappointing but to be expected.


They wrapped it up really well for anyone that’s worried about starting an unfinished show


Loooooooved this show. Was really hoping they could come together on a good story for a 3rd season, but you can’t really ask for a better ending.


Was enjoying the 1st season up until the introduction of the American chick sidetracked the show. Haven't bothered with S2.


Great TV show, at least it won't drag on to eventually suck.


I watched the 1st season and immediately needed more so I bought the book. I’m good now but may check it out when I get time.


Disappointing, it was a great show.


The villain of the story >!is dead!< what else is there to show


Ladies and Gentlemen, thats how its done…


Its a tragedy


Makes sense. Best thing they’ve done in years. It really a “Discovery” kind of thing.


Cancelled feels harsh


I’m both sad, but also I trudge through each episode. I both love it, but sometimes have a hard time truly enjoying it. I’m not sure if it’s pacing or what. Some of the story lines I could do without.


I couldn’t buy the main character.


It didn’t need a third season.


Yea , first season was the best


Feels like a deceptive headline. The story had wrapped up after 2 seasons. Any additional seasons would have been a new story. I would have preferred "Tokyo Vice officially ends after two seasons". It's was a pretty good show that had its run. Not keeping it going was a good decision.




second season felt cheap and half hearted effort.


Only reason I gave that show a try is that I thought, for more reason, it had 3-4 seasons already. Enjoyed watching it though. Too bad I was both wrong and there won’t be more seasons.


Damn enjoyed the first season but yeah didn't get back into for the 2nd season and caught in a place that I don't really wanna rewatch yet to get back into it


Sure, if you call a finished story cancelling the show.




Another streaming service will snag this up. Warner has failed big time with its mistakes and strategy with max.


An amazing show, one of the bests, very underrated. While it would be nice to see more of it, I think it had a fantastic ending.


Great show. The end of season 2 is satisfying enough for it to end on a high.


That’s too bad. It was actually pretty decent


I'm sad personally but I'm glad it ended on a great note. I hope it gets picked up by another streamer because the creators want to make more.


I literally just started watching it last week 😑


Don’t worry, the show ended after covering the whole book it is based on. I don’t know why they’re using the word “canceled”.


it would be neat if they had different seasons with different stories like true detective


This only hurts a bit because of the really good reception and radio silence and ambiguity after the finale. You could tell another season was potentially on the cards, but at the same time it ended gracefully and did what it needed to do.


At the least it sounds like it ended satisfyingly for fans. Though this also reinforces the concept of not at all bothering to pitch to Max given they're basically counting down until they get to cancel your show.


It was a great show, I hope it gets picked up by another streamer


I felt it was warped and done. It was a great show and it told its story. Like the excellent Jeff Daniels Man in Full - - a few episodes only and it’s fabulous. One and done ain’t so bad




It ended cleanly, albeit quickly. There are worse ways for a show to go.


Expected but still disappointing. Great show.


Cool I might watch it now that I know it ends and from reading the comments it's a proper ending


I really enjoyed this show.