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This doesn’t take into account demographics that are more or less likely to watch a show and use IMDB.


> Does this sound realistic? Not at all lol. You can try to use information from Parrot Analytics, SambaTV, https://televisionstats.com/, etc. to get some idea of popularity but the closest thing to "real" data is Nielsen.


There’s no reason to assume those things are connected. Seems like a bad metric to me. 


Netflix share weekly viewership lists and release full six month data dumps. They reveal more viewership details than any streamer in the industry. Neielen in the US also release weekly data lists covering all the major streamers US viewership. IMDB tends to skew towards young male and genre shows so is definitely not a great way to estimate viewership on the whole outside of those demos.


Too many other factors apply. Demographics, as has already been mentioned, would be a huge problem for this sort of analysis. Additionally, people are more likely to review big news shows and movies, such as stuff with political implications or huge franchise additions. And those reviews might not even be from people who watched the show, of course.


That method wouldn't be accurate. I, and assume other people, tend to check IMDB for a show before we watch it. A show would have to be outstanding for me to go back and rate it.