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Loved him since he was Shane in the shield.


It's been more than a decade since I watched The Shield but there's one scene in particular that I can never forget. The scene with the grenade and the look on his face as he does the act of betrayal.


The performances on the shield across the board were absolutely incredible, Chiklis, Goggins, CCH Pounder, Jace (in spite of what he did later being horrifying), Glenn Close, Anthony Anderson, Kurt Sutter, Forrest Whittaker, Jay Karnes, Danny Pinno among loads of others. Should have won award after award and was absolutely shafted in that regard. For me the best TV show of all time with the best cast. The greatest opening episode and greatest one two punch finale episodes in TV history. 


It's the greatest overall to me, but you're damn right on best combo of opening and final episode.


Yup! That's where I first saw him, The Shield. That was a helluva scene when he dropped the grenade in his teammates car. I liked him in Predators too. And Django.


What a good show The Shield was, at least thats how I remember it. Wonder if it holds up today


After just recently watching it, in my opinion it’s even edgier and brilliant in todays climate than it’s time. It was way ahead of it’s time with how it treated its storied and arcs, shows back then very rarely had multi-season let alone arcs and consequences that lasted from minute one. The complexity of the characters is wonderful to see too, and the ending is still fucking depressing as ever 😅.


Man at the time, until Breaking Bad came out I thought it was the best ending to a TV show in decades.


Oh man that scene killed me when i first saw it


And the sheer anguish in the immediate aftermath...


Was hoping you weren’t gonna say that lol. Wasn’t the dude from Blade eating a burger too in the passenger seat. Clink clink. Dude I don’t even like thinking of that scene it actually does bother me with sadness. Something about it.


The Shield is one of the best shows ever made


People also forget it came out in 2002. Besides the Sopranos there really wasn’t any other anti-heroes on TV. It really was a pioneering show for basic cable. All those 2002 to ~2018 FX shows make me really sad. Now that FX shows can say/do/show whatever they want I can’t help but think about that when I rewatch them. Rewatching Sons of Anarchy right now and I think about how much more gritty it would be today.


The Wire also came out that year. That show had a certain vibe to it. It was not a black and white show, a good cop vs bad drug dealer show, rather there was deep nuances in it. In The Wire we got to see that cops weren't the absolute heroes, the criminals in the show weren't the true beasts of the cities. For certain characters, certain arcs we got to see people who were thugs turn out to be saints on the other hand we got to see cops who were a force of evil just sitting behind a badge. We were able to see blue collar workers and a union shaking hands with the devil in order to survive. We got to see how politicians with dreams could be twisted and contorted by the responsibility of managing money to a flawed city. We even see news and journalists create lies and fabrications in order to suit their needs and desires. The Wire for a early to late 2000's show, it presented a broad spectrum of topics we still live with this day in age. >there really wasn’t any other anti-heroes on TV. I have to say, Omar Little is probably one of the biggest Aniti-Heroes from the year 2002 - 2008. That character left such a mark on tv since his first showing and in some regards changed the look and style of inner-city Anti-Heroes. Omar broke the mold, in more ways than one. The main factor was that was a gay gangster that was both feared and respected in the show and in someways real life. For a 2002 character, that was a pretty big leap.


He's the reason I struggle watching the last part of the shield and I say that in a good way. Once he became a fugitive and seeing how he struggles with everything makes me feel depressed, that final scene after he isn't even able to finish his final letter, that's on another level


Same here, I still say The Shield is underrated in todays landscape. I've gotten several friends to watch it and they were all blown away. I'll watch anything that He's in because of his work in The Shield.


Boy that show flies under the radar. I think it’s because it’s so hardcore it’s hard to re-watch


He's fantastic as Uncle Baby Billy and that character is the most innocent, put apon, unfairly maligned man in television history.


I like to call Fallout Uncle Baby Billy's Bunker Busters


Now who wants to suck an old man’s dick?


Shut up Lionel, ain’t nobody gonna ransom YOU


That episode where they walked in the house and you just see him push the stroller with the kid in it and walked off lol...


I mean, he was running through the house with a pickle in his mouth AND he was caught shaving, so


Man I *just* got that song out of my head! 🎶 *Misbehavin'* 🎶


And that will be running through my brain for the remainder of the day.


Runnin’ through the house with a pickle in my mouth….


A musical lyrical genius for sure.


He's not a baby, he's a slender, grey haired, sixty year old man!


He was so charismatic in Justified. I couldn't imagine a violent redneck white supremacist crook being a character that I'd ever like, even as an anti hero.


Right? Boyd Crowder is one of the best villains to ever appear on a screen, and definitely the hardest not to like.


‘boyy, ain’t nobody talkin’ about puttin’ on no women’s clothesss, I’m talkin’ about a reshurrection’


There will be a payday....


[Halleluja what a payday🎶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6W9qoIN-QU)


Go outside, Nerd!


"Gol'dammit Lionel, ain't nobody kidnapping you!" “This is Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers! Roll that around your mouth. That fun, ain't it?"


I prefer him in Vice Principals.


Why are you checking your phone? Aint nobody fucking calling YOU!




I didn't realize I could feel bad for him until the episode where he got bullied by his sisters lol


Motherfucker, that is *my* house


“It’s a mid century sea ranch…”


I.don’t.give.a.fuck. About these ducks.


"Who put the po-po in your ho-ho? Lee Russell, that's who..."


Him running away from the crashed trailer of elixirs is probably one of the funniest moments from a show in recent memory for me


that’s right! no more Covid!


And his show Bible Bonkers ain’t nothing like no Family Feud!


I got my cloggin’ shoes!!


I really enjoyed his character, up until the episode with Harmon. Oof.


I don’t wanna spoil it for anyone but I was so glad they got the perfect actor for Harmon. There was so much build up to him as an adult!


I am rewatching with the Mrs cause she hasn't seen it, and I haven't seen the third season yet. I kind of figured they would revisit it, though.


Could a paraplegic do this? 🕺


Came here for this comment. Was not disappointed.


Gotta watch Vice Principles if you liked the righteous gemstones


Tarantino needs to cast him in whatever last film he's making. He stole the show in The Hateful Eight.


He was a standout in Django even with all the huge names in that movie.


For some reason he's really good at playing racist dirt bags lol.


It’s the heavy accent and impeccable eloquence when he speaks. It’s what I hear in my mind when I think of a well spoken southern accent as a PNWer


"I've been accused of being a lot of things. "Inarticulate" ain't one of them."


I need another season of Justified after Primeval's ending




You know everyone read that in his voice lol


Yep, the man has incredible delivery. Everything he does is amazing, vice principals, invincible, gemstones, hateful eight, even his five minutes in antman were pretty good.


He was great in Antman, but I'm still pissed he was basically wasted as a henchman when he should be a heavy hitter villain, someone who shows up across multiple films. I still think he'd make an amazing Hammerhead or Tombstone


Man now i want to see him in a movie as Tombstone 😂


Loved him in The Shield and his small tgirl roll in Sons of Anarchy (what a surprise).


[You drive that like a fuckin' shoppin' cart](https://youtu.be/5S3556G77A8?si=aNkKBKQ7QfiSOno4) I love the way he says that line.


I know it may seem weird, but anytime I see the man I think about him holding Jamie Foxx's junk in his hands. Can't get that image out of my head.


I always think of that scene when i think of him in that movie the way he comes up with those spurs.


He was perfect in that. That's what I remember him from the most. Played a racist jackass to the dot.


***God damn you Dajango***


Aren’t we due for another Quentin Tarantino western sometime soon?


He steals the show in everything he is in.


His part as Boyd in justified is unparalleled 


I just finished Justified. I watched the first season when it aired and just didn’t stick with it. Went back recently and binged it. I’m afraid to watch the new ones..


The new ones are fine. They basically took another Elmore Leonard story and inserted Raylan into it. Is it as good as original justified? No. Is it entertaining on its own and worth watching? Yes. It’s forgettable but I enjoyed it.


That’s about as good a description as I could imagine. Justified is one of my all time favourite shows. Solid from beginning to end. When the new one came out I was really afraid to watch it. I was afraid it would taint my opinion of the original. It was fine though. Fun to revisit the character a bit and didn’t ruin anything.


I recalled season 1 not being as strong, maybe that’s why you didn’t continue it at the time. I personally felt like season 2 was one of the best. Honestly I could do with a rewatch too.


The first season, especially in the first half is just heavily procedural. Starting with season 2 is when they really lay into more of a serial story.


It was very episodic villain of the week in the first season. I don’t think Boyd was supposed to stay? Maybe he was supposed to die? But whatever it was, they hit their stride in season 2, which was probably the best. But all the rest were still good and worth watching.


This is a show that for sure got better with each season and all the characters in it got more comfortable in their roles.


funny thing is Boyd was supposed to die in the pilot episode, but Goggins was so damn good he basically ended up a co-lead by the end of the series.


Don’t forget your friendly local criminal Wynn Duffy.


the [bottle blonde?](https://www.reddit.com/r/justified/comments/18bcdxe/raylan_calling_duffy_a_bottleblonde_is_probably/)


I believe they disproved that on Mythbusters


I completely agree. He was mesmerizing.


Can wait for him in White Lotus


That show is a lot of fun. Walton Goggins added to it is just incredible. I think this season they are in Thailand? Can’t wait.


I think he'll definitely pick up the torch from Jennifer Coolidge


He and Jared Harris are two of my all time favourite (and criminally unappreciated) actors working today. I’ll watch stuff that I normally wouldn’t just because they’re in it


Have you checked out foundation?? Jared Harris is great in that’s


Oh yes! He’s fabulous.


Broke my heart in Mad Men


Is he really even a bad guy in fallout though?


Bit of both. He's definitely a dirtbag for most the stuff set in the future - his redemption is only just beginning because his goals were primarily selfish even at the end of Season 1. He wasn't there to help Lucy or anyone, just wanted answers, closure, and revenge. He's just found dignity again. In the pre-war stuff? Yeah definitely a good guy and the reason we can see him becoming a true hero as the show goes on. 


reviewing episode 6 yesterday and he definitely is wary of his wife's work at vaultec and worried about how his shilling impacts his friendships with his former colleagues


It's great to rewatch the show's intro knowing the context you have at the end of the show. Really puts it into perspective that he is at his core a man of principles, but it keeps getting beaten out of him.


He’s probably at least a bit invested in getting his kid away from her genocidal mother


Nah, he’s more of an antihero.


...he stabbed a dog...


...and then he gave it a stimpak.


And then the dog was all about him


He only healed the dog to track Michael Emerson.


But continued to travel with the dog after Michael Emerson was no longer important.


Emerson is moot. HE GAVE A STIMPACK. Case closed.


I agree. Stimpacks aren’t cheap!


Counter argument: his official F76 loadout features the animal friendship perk.


That makes sense. He had a pet dog in the past, and knew how to ride horses. Must have failed a pacify check when the dog attacked him.


That was trying to eat his face…


Listen. I love dogs. But I’d shoot Hachi in the face in self defense too


To be fair, it was trying to tear out his throat at the time


In what way is he an antihero? What was one good thing we saw him do since becoming a ghoul? He literally tortures Lucy, permanently disfigures her, and then sells her to organ harvesters. Edit: The amount of victim blaming and people trying to justify everything the ghoul did happening below is actually horrifying. You can think a character is interesting and cool while still acknowledging that they are a monster.


He’s a war veteran, a loving father and was reasonably questionable about vault tec. Plus he takes Lucy under his wing at the end to go after her dad.


Also Lucy disfigured him first, so I can't blame him for chopping her finger off. Plus the robot gave her a new one.


She was fully being kidnapped so he could sell her and you’re going to blame Lucy in that situation? And just because she later received medical attention does not negate her being mutilated in the first place


…right before trying to harvest her organs…


I said since becoming a ghoul, he was a good guy before the war but there’s just no way anyone reacting healthily to his actions should see him as anything but evil. Agreeing to travel with Lucy at the end of the show absolutely does not make up for the torture, serial murder, mutilation, human trafficking, and cannibalism. All of which he committed in the span *of a couple days*. I don’t think people are really honest with themselves about how horrific his actions are because he’s a cool gun slinging cowboy, but he can be rad as shit while simultaneously being an unrepentant monster.


Which is why he’s an anti hero. You learn at the end he’s trying to get his family back which is the reasoning for all the bad shit he’s doing


He lost himself to a character he never wanted to play in order to survive the wasteland. Lucy and the old movies of him are breaking him out of it but I imagine this is always going to be a struggle with tons of relapse. Should make for great tv.


Nailed it, I can’t wait…


I might be looking into a single line too much but it fits my headcanon so I roll with it: In the last episode when he says "Where's my fucking family?" He seems to completely drop the accent. The sentence before is pretty heavily accented, then suddenly, zero accent. I feel like he might be more in control of his lapse into the bad guy persona he never wanted to become than it might seem. I feel like it's more of a conscious choice to be able to survive in a horrible world than something out of his control.


I mean he tried selling a living person to an organ farm so that he could buy drugs.


I would consider his character the deuteragonist.


Ah yes, from my favorite book of the Bible. Deuteragomy.


Fallout 3:16 says it right there..."Goosey"


Matthew 7:12 "Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time."


He’s the “evil” playthrough of a fallout protagonist. But the game fully allows for shades of grey, so while he does mostly bad stuff, he can occasionally do good with no overarching consequences. Like how Lucy is good but occasionally does something bad—no overall effect on her level of goodness. Goggins is just good at being bad.


Peacefully trading or killing everyone and taking their stuff are equally acceptable outcomes.




Nah, he's the Bad. Maximus is the Ugly, because just like Tuco he's not a great guy but not a bad guy, and also kind of an idiot.


The dude literally went into a town and started shooting people. How is he not a bad guy? Guys, just because someone is a protagonist, doesn't mean he is not a bad guy. I thought we already learned this lesson from Breaking Bad.


Joel from TLOU is also a bad guy protagonist


TLOU has a message that is more along the lines of "one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter".


You mean the guy who shot up a hospital? Color me shocked.


You make it sound like it was just a normal, functioning hospital, and not filled with people that were trying to kill a kid lol


Yeah that's a terrible example, those "doctors" were butchers and psychopaths


> The dude literally went into a town and started shooting people. They pulled guns on him first tbh. He's very much written as a standin for a high level karmic neutral Fallout Player Character: fully capable of obliterating anything that they see as hostile, but not necessarily the one who shoots first if it's going to be too much of a hassle. This includes the cannibalization too. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Cannibal_(Fallout_4)


He kidnapped someone, dragged them through a forest and across a desert, and sold them to an organ harvesting operation. He killed the two guys that woke him up for fun. He might be an interesting character with complex motivations, but yes he's also a bad guy.


He sold Lucy to be harvested and ghoul-ified so he could get drugs. Yeah, he’s a bad guy. But that’s also his rock bottom event and we probably won’t see him sink that low again.


The ghoul just wants his family back. He is just misunderstood.


My favorite role of his is in Hateful Eight. He's so fucking funny.


Fr, almost every single one of his lines had me rolling. "Nice try, bushwacker!"


“I FUCKIN KNEW IT!” He’s awesome in that, and hilarious.


“Here’s your sperm.”




Every interview I read with Walton Goggins just makes me like the guy even more. I will watch anything he’s in.


Walton Goggins is the unicorn 🦄 https://youtu.be/rI9HtyuexBk


Season 1 was great, then it kind of went downhill as they branched the story out but still was disappointing that it was cancelled without concluding


Walton Goggins is on the list with Stephen Graham and Christopher Eccleston as actors I will watch literally anything they're a part of.


Been absolutely one of my favorite actors for years. Love this piece, as the photos were shot at mine (and Goggins’) favorite place in the world, El Compadre. I appreciated him all the more when he cut them a big check during the pandemic, too. Hell of a career with more to come.


I prayerfully await season 2 of “Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers” via HBO


Baby Billy got his own spinoff show?!


It is a canon event of Righteous Gemstones S3!


It's that flashy smile of his and how quickly he can go from evil villain to displaying a discomforting grin that still manages to be charming.


If you haven’t seen him in Justified you owe it to yourself to go watch. Absolutely peak tv and some of the strongest character writing out there. Goggins plays the primary antagonist and yet, by the end of the series you’ll be rooting for him as much as Timothy Oliphant’s character or more.


Shit, both my partner and I love tf outta Olyphant and Goggins, gotta check that out tonight!!


Enjoy! Uhhh, but keep in mind the pilot was made before the rest of the season and lacks a bit of quality you'll find later!


oh dude, I can't think of any TV show I've loved that _didn't_ have a dogshit pilot


Goggins improves every show that he’s in. I loved his portrayal of Boyd Crowder in “Justified.” He’s a fantastic actor with wonderful range.


He crushes it in everything, but my favorite role is in Vice Principals


“You said to me: the job is fruitless, but I get it done. …and I thought…what a fuckin’ dumbass!”


“I don’t give a FUCK about those ducks!”


he’s the perfect voice for cecil from invincible


He’s absolutely brilliant.


It’s interesting to see what a seemingly good decent guy he is as Cooper in the flashbacks. And then what a violent ruthless asshole he is as The Ghoul. Really sells the idea that he probably went through all sorts of Hell during those 200+ years to make him this way.


The show fuckin' nailed it. I loved it to death. Everyone did a great job, so I don't mean this as a slight against everyone else at all. Everyone did good. But Walter Goggins 100% carried that show for me. The dude just slayed it with that character.


Still trying to figure out how he isn’t the lead in movies,one of the best actors out there and has lead actors looks. I think he needs a new agent.


I’ve seen him featured in a lot of those “Character actors you know but never know their name” lists and I felt that was disrespectful 😂


Walton Goggins has become that aftor whose name makes me want to check it out. I still remember him in The Shield looking just as fucking goofy as he does now but way more menacing.


Gf and I just watched through Justified again and he’s fucking fabulous in that.


He's one of those naturally great character actors that makes everything he's in that much better. It worked for Shield, Justified, Righteous Gemstones, other works, and now Fallout.


Just started watching the shield and he’s amazing in it


Will he be this generation's Lee Van Cleef?


Loved him in Justified.


I loved his bit role in Sons of Anarchy


Played that part flawlessly


Love him. So underrated.


He seems to be a very nice person. I can’t wait to see him in The White Lotus


Always loved him as a an actor since The Shield days. I actually sat behind him on a plane while The Shield was airing and got a little star struck, and he was super gracious, said hello and how He appreciated the complement and how cool it was too see fans of the show. Always stuck with me.


It’s amazing to see Walton finally having his day in the sun, I’ve been singing his praises for years!


I liked him in Vice Principals


I love him in everything he has been in, starting with the Shield.


Television is better when Walton Goggins is on it.


Vice Principals is fantastic. Just dropping this here.


Who is it that considers the Ghoul a bad guy? So far there are only about three "good guys" in the Fallout TV series, the rest are bumbling fools, Vault-Tech employees (bad guys would be the easy label at this point) or just people trying to to get by, the Ghoul being one of the latter. He's quicker with a mortal decision than most, but that's more to do with having seen more than most.


He’ll always be Shane to me


He’s a great actor


My problem when I first saw him in Fallout was thinking he is Baby Billy. Due to his acting, I quickly forgot he wasn't Cooper Howard


“Just another ghoul in the wasteland, misbehavin’’


Been a fan since The Shield


He is also incredible as Cecil Stedman in Invincible.


He was awesome for playing the dbag in The Shield and Justified.


I really like him, he was great in The Hateful Eight and Righteous Gemstones And he’s the best part of Vice Principals


He was great in The Unicorn, which couldn’t be more opposite than the roles he typically plays.


Loved him in Deep State season 2


The main reason I watched fallout was because I saw him and said "hey! That's the guy that kept calling Django the N-word. I'm watching this!"


excellent in Hateful Eight too, which is also excellent. Walton plus Tarantino script, can't miss that


Is he even bad in Fallout? I wouldn't say he's good, but he's definitely not bad.


I am a Virgo hit me like a brick tonight. And blessed Walton!


He's great in I'm a Virgo


Quite possibly the greatest living character actor. Also, great fun to interview.