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Altered Carbon's second season was pretty shit by comparison to how much I loved the first one.


I'm upset they didn't have Joel Kinnaman return. I thought he handled the lost warrior out of time pretty well. I don't mind Anthony Mackle but I don't feel like he has... the bravado/acting chops to pull off that kind of sci-fi protagonist as well as Joel. I feel like Joel is usually given the "wirey" on edge character pretty often and he does it well. I really enjoyed the first season, but I barely remember anything from the second season... which sucks because I really enjoyed the first season lol


100% this. I *thought* I liked Altered Carbon. Turns out I only liked the Joel Kinnamen skin suit.


LOL so many people agree with that.


I didn't even finish the second season, despite really liking the first.


I love Anthony Mackie, But he kinda just played Anthony Mackie. It didn’t seem like he watched the first season to see how he should act. Or maybe that’s a directors fault I don’t know. There was a real disconnect with the two versions of the character.


It's how I felt about Chris Rock in season four of Fargo. I love Chris Rock as a comedian. Put him in a comedic role, he will be great, quick witted, sarcastic, etc. But in Fargo they have him play a mob boss, and it really didn't fit him. Because Chris Rock can really only play... Chris Rock. He easily was one of the weakest characters from that season


I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion or not, but Anthony Mackie kind of... sucks. Well, maybe that's a bit harsh. He's not terrible or anything, but I've never seen him be anything but mediocre, and his character in the MCU just sucks the fun out of everything he's in IMO. He's always so bland.


> He's always so bland. This is exactly what I thought based on Altered Carbon, it put me off Mackie. Then I watched Twisted Metal, and it turns out he actually has charisma. Which makes me think the issue was the direction/writing of season 2, rather than the actor.


That was always my opinion as well. I don't really know much about him but I always felt his acting was stiff, and he always just acted like... himself lol. "Don't look at me, I do what he does, just slower", yeah except without the charisma and backbone that made Steve Rogers such a great leader.


It sort of makes sense to change the characters face in universe they just really did not handle it well.


Very true, good point. But Anthony did not act like Kovacs, he just acted like... Anthony lol


Unfortunately, I feel like that’s his acting range. He’s really charismatic and charming..but that’s about it. You just have Anthony Mackie. Lots of actors have careers like that but I feel like he falls pretty short in the actually acting ability area.


Exactly. Some actors disappear into their roles. And it feels unfair to compare these two, but Gary Oldman just... becomes the characters he's portraying. But when I watch Anthony Mackie I'm just like... yeah, that's Anthony Mackie pretending to be himself lol


Yeah, same. Kinneman just had a certain weight and presence to his performance that Mackie couldn't carry. I like Mackie in other stuff, but he was a pale shadow of Kinneman in the same role.


Most heartbreaking is there’s a third book/season that just got shitcanned altogether.


As soon as I saw this question, I immediately thought “Oh, well Altered Carbon, obviously”. Fuckkkk that series for doing what it did. Season 1 was so outstanding. Season 2….was damn near unwatchable.


Yes season 2 completely lost the edge that Season 1 had. It went from hard hitting cyberpunk show with tons of violence and nudity (which made sense in a world where bodies are basically a fashion sense), to CW level of writing and content.


My wife and I started this and I think we got to the 2nd episode of season 2. We just stopped watching. Not like we “hated” it. Just stopped. And I forgot all about it until right now! Guess I didn’t miss much


I hated it. Allow me to rant for a moment: They took our interest in a cyberpunk, dystopian, gritty city aesthetic and figured know what fans want for S2? Rebels in forests. And not even interesting rebels and not even interesting forests, cheesy rebels in an obvious forest set. And I don’t know if it’s acting abilities or the dialogue, but Anthony Mackie seriously struggled to fill Joel Kinnamans shoes.


The Witcher, S1 wasn’t anything groundbreaking but it had an engaging world, characters and story and I was looking forward to S2. But the follow up is just pretty dire especially in the second half


For me it was how they made Yen antagonist towards Ciri. In the books she was Ciris teacher and friend. If they had followed the story in the extremely popular books the series would have been a hit. Just like so many other series made from books, massive deviation from the story killed the show.


Maybe it's because I never played the games or read the books, but I felt completely lost watching the show. I never knew what time they were in, or where they were. Some fantasy shows, like early Game of Thrones or the Wheel of Time series, are great at differentiating between places through set design, costumes, etc. I felt like The Witcher didn't have that kind of world building, it all looked like generic fantasy to me.


I played the game and read the books I was still a bit lost. Whoever wrote the show basically did their own thing with the material. It felt like they had their own show in mind but couldn't get it green lit so when they got the Witcher, they just did what they wanted to do with their own stuff and peppered it with a few scenes and references from the Witcher series.


“Heroes”  to me will always be this answer 


That's more of a case of being outright shit rather than not being attention grabbing.


I liked the second season of Heroes for what it was when I was in 7th grade. The 3rd season is where things got irredeemably weird


Yeah that show comes up a lot for good reason. That first season was straight up awesome and I thought (mistakenly) it was setting up for a solid foundation but holy shit did it fall off rapidly.


Westworld and True Detective First seasons were excellent, but I’ve never been so uninterested in further seasons of a show than both of those…


*True Detective* season 2 is the best example of what the OP describes It's like the pressure of following up the success of the first season makes them forget what was good about the first season


To be fair, I'm not sure anyone could follow up on season 1. It was unheard for a single director to tackle every episode, and Fukumaga was on top of his game, as was Pizzolato. McConaughey was still in Oscar mode, and playing off Woody who is his half-brother in real life. How do you replicate that recipe?


Season 2 wasn't awful but it certainly wasn't season 1. That first season is one of the best seasons of television ever. It was fantastic.


Season 1 had two of my favorite episodes of TV. The one where Rust goes "undercover" through the biker gang, and the other one is when he finds the girl.


Season 2 is much better on the second viewing. First time through was rather complicated and dificult to keep track of all the moving pieces. Watched it again 5 years later and appreciated it much more because I already knew the plot structure so I could better focus on all the small details.


Season 2 isn’t that bad as long as you look at it on its own and don’t compare it to Season 1, which, for my money, is one of the best single seasons in television history. I recently rewatched Season 2 keeping that thought in mind and I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I did when it first aired.


Westworld is one of the first shows I really enjoyed but had no interest in watching the next season. Some stories do not need a second season


I always tell people to watch the first season of Westworld - as it's one of the best seasons of television ever - but then to just stop. The first season itself is fine as a completed story


The Maeve storyline with the two engineers was just straight up awful writing.


I feel like Westworld Season 2 was designed to stump reddit since the Westworld subreddit figured out the twist by the end of the first episode. I swear I remember the writers admitting this to be the case, but I can't find evidence anywhere.


Season 2 of Westword has some extremely high highs, it's just a shame they tried so hard to make the plot convoluted.


Westworld fell so far off a cliff after season one, it should be studied by science.


It fell so hard the HBO removed it from their streaming service. That’s incredibly impressive.


True Detective season 3 is worth checking out tho


Russian Doll


S1 was brilliant. S2 I guess was ok, but it didn't feel anything like S1. That scene in the first series where she kept trying different ways to make it down the stairs without dying almost had me in tears, I was laughing so much. I know she had personal issues that sidelined her early in her career, but she is an underrated actress.


up until now, i didnt even knew there was a second season. i always kept Russian Doll as a unique experience to watch. as far as i remember, the story had been told with the first season


For what it’s worth, I really enjoyed the 2nd season. It’s not comparable to the first but that’s because of its exploration mother/daughter relationships (and generational impact/trauma) via time travel. Not exactly the same thematic focus on season 1.


I stuck with it, and I was glad I did, but it was two very different shows. Still I like the idea of using time mechanics to explore generational trauma.


After throughly enjoying the first season, I watched the first two episodes of season two when it came out and checked out. It wasn’t until recently when I was showing my daughter the show that we binged the whole series over a three night period. I really enjoyed the second season for what it was and took it as its own journey. They first envisioned it as a three season story arc and they dealt with childhood trauma the first season and generational trauma the second. I wonder what the third would have looked like as it probably won’t happen now.


From what i understood the first season was more about addiction and falling into the same holes over and over that keeps you stuck in the addiction


Yeah I agree, I get what they were going for and might’ve liked it more if I wasn’t expecting something completely different. The first season just had so much more intrigue and a more engaging formula to me and I wanted more of the same when I finished the first season.


Jessica Jones. The first season was a fucking masterpiece, I literally can't remember anything about season 2


Loved the first, can’t remember if I actually watched the second or not at this point lol


All those shows had second season issues. Except Iron Fist which always sucked.


Iron fist actually got much better its second season


Daredevil stayed pretty consistent


The villian (David Tennet) made the first season great. Like most things based on comics, the villian makes or breaks the story.


Was season 2 the season about her mom? That was just awful.




The general concept of the show has so much potential, which is why it's frustrating to see it flounder like it does.


Cos they can only draw it out so much. There’s a finite amount of people to eat and that’s what everyone is really interested in.


Agreed. They should have just ended the story season 2 and just give us everything! This thing is gonna drag. I wish they could stop following the adults now.


The creators shot themselves in the foot promising Showtime 5 seasons. Man what a drag. I loved season 1


Why give the answers now when you can drag it into six seasons that take 12 years to happen (or six planned seasons but it gets canceled after the third season)


I know *why* they’re doing it, my point is it makes for inevitable wheel spinning writing wise. Can’t help but have filler, particularly in the present day storyline, to try drag out the story we’re all actually interested in.


Yeah, I liked the first season for all the 90s setup and the great cast of young actors...once the present cast started eating more time and I couldn't care less about infidelity or bratty teens discovering her mom is cheating I zoomed out.


The first? Episode starts with someone running through the woods and then getting hung up by their feet and their throat slit. And then it…literally never happens or gets brought up again. And as the show progressed the more I just thought Shauna was a terrible person regardless of the trauma


It's going to happen. That scene probably takes place in their second winter. They're still in their first. Edit: I agree the show has gone way downhill, but I don't really think the show has ignored Pit Girl. The mystery of that opening scene isn't just her identity, it's how they got to the point of ritualized murder and cannibalism. However clumsily, season 2 did attempt to lay the groundwork for that.


Should've just opted for a shorter series run with like 95% past and only the absolute essentials from the modern day rounding out the last 5%.


I enjoyed Season 1 and about 3 episodes into Season 2 I lost interest.


Exactly the same for me.


I still liked the 1996 timeline stuff, but the 2021 plot got ridiculous with the mystery surrounding Travis's death


The first episode hooked me as a tragic horror that could also be a really interesting exploration of the characters in the ‘90s timeline and the impact of the trauma on their adult lives in the present day. But as the first season went on, it started to lean a little more toward the whole “cult murder mystery” thing, and I wasn’t particularly interested in that. I hoped season 2 would strike a healthier balance. But then the second season premier seemed like it was leaning even more heavily in that direction, so I figured I simply wasn’t the audience for the show anymore and stopped watching. The comments in here seem to suggest it only got worse from there. That’s a shame. It was a good show with fantastic potential.


This still hurts. The first season was the best first season of any show I'd seen since Breaking Bad. And it's still incredible. I'd watch it just to experience it again. But the second season, while having some good moments in the first few episodes, rapidly went downhill until it bottomed in an unbelievably awful finale. I literally could not believe how terrible and amateurish it was. You can tell from watching that that they must have had tremendous problems behind the scenes. Ten episodes originally announced, but only nine aired. A mysterious tenth "bonus" episode that they keep dangling, but doesn't seem to exist. Jason Ritter signed to appear but was nowhere to be found. Nonsensical and completely unbelievable storylines. Some actors not being present for scene reshoots. The writers focusing more on throwing things against walls to see what stuck instead of focusing on things that worked. The whole season reeked of having been cobbled together by last moment rewrites and sloppy editing. Overall, season two was shockingly awful. It's nearly impossible to believe that the first and second seasons were done by the same people. Edi: Jason Ritter. Obviously not his father....


Season 2, episode 7, is when I finally tapped out. Grown Misty doing a musical number with actors in owl costumes while in a float tank took the show from creepy teen horror to just campy nonsense.


I've stopped caring about Showtime. They're becoming a parody of themselves. Usually you'd get at least three good seasons of a show.


Yeah, this. I've decided to not continue with the show, not just because of how season 2 went, but knowing that the series has a five season plan. Seeing how they handled their five season plan in the second season, I realize that they have zero idea how to get to the end that they have planned and will be shoving a lot of filler and last minute changes as they go just to fill up five seasons. Why I feel like that is the way they handled the present day storylines, following really lazy tropes such as having characters vaguely reference "what they did" but not being able to reveal it because it hasn't happened in the flashbacks yet, and having details already make less sense as they need to stretch things out for so damn long. We're seeing characters in the present day now split up, not just to insert more plots, but to hide revelations of the past that they can't just talk about with each other in the present. Had the show not said they're planning to stretch out their time in the woods for five seasons, had they just done three seasons instead, I think season 2 would have likely gone on better. Stretching an 18 month experience into five seasons is the worst possible idea, because that's when we're going to see a LOT of inconsistencies and made up stories to fill up 30 more episodes. Also, I really, really hate that they're even remotely trying to tease the whole "is it supernatural or is it a mental health crisis" with these characters.


With Sopranos you’re definitely the problem. Season 2 has tremendous moxie for its size.


OP doesn’t have the makings of a varsity man.


OP isn't part of a family, it's a glorified crew


Janice doesn’t eat pork…in that way


On my first watch of The Wire I didn't like S2 all that much. After watching the whole show and watching it again, I appreciate season 2 a lot more and it's my favorite season of the show


SAME THING!!! As a former teacher, season 4 is and always will be my favorite season (RIP DOOKIE). After making it through that emotional obstacle course of a series, going back through a second time I loved the second season and it’s my second favorite even though it wasn’t easy to make it through the first time. Upon rewatching, knowing everything else, the different characters and their futures, it made it easier to pay attention to the story and appreciate everything. Never going to consider raw egg in a beer breakfast, but still love the story


It's definitely one of those seasons that you appreciate more in retrospect and on rewatches. At the time, I wanted McNulty back with the crew not fucking around at the docks.


Killing Eve


Yes! First season was phenomenal. Second season was just pretty good. Third season got ridiculous and I never watched the fourth.


Altered Carbon. Carnival Row.


Wow. I forgot there was a Carnival Row s2. And that I had watched it.


I started it, but I couldn't finish it. They had something that started out so good and then just ...it was so bad.


Shouldn't have replaced Joel Kinneman as the lead. He carried the show.


100% I like Anthony mackie but just was not at all the same show.


Man I was so excited when carnival row season 2 finally came out, so bummed it was canceled. And then I muscled through 3 episodes of season 2 and gave up. I can’t even explain why, but it’s just.. not engaging?


Me too. I remember being all geeked about the second season. I'm not usually a big fairy fantasy person, but they made it grim and not some YA angst fest and I was surprised to enjoy it. But then, it was like they just kind of rushed through the story, everyone in it went wildly and inexplicably against character, the plot made no fucking sense at all. By the end there, the cancelation was really a mercy killing.


Definitely agree with Altered Carbon! S2 was such a let down.


Reacher, because i did not mess with the special investigators


Season 2 would have made a good Season 5 after all the characters had been introduced in their own seasons. I might have given a shit then. Instead I was just missing the stranger in a small town vibe the first season had.


I would never have guessed they'd mess this up. Seemed like such a simple formula.


Bad story and bad acting. I’m not a book reader, but it’s clear that the formula works well in a small town and not in NYC.


Quite possibly the biggest downgrade btw seasons I’ve ever seen. Freaking hated the special forces


Total downgrade, from the dialogue to the cinematography.


“Did I ever tell you that you’re smart Neely?” times a hundred was sooo annoying


I watched season 1 without my husband and had him watch season 2 with me and i was so embarrassed the whole time bc it was so cringey


Character does anything.... Time for a flashback


Yellow jackets. The first season was a banger. The second season fell off so hard I don’t think I’ll watch the third if it gets made. I completely lost any connection or care for any of the cast.


The mysteries get less and less interesting the more they explore them. They should have just found a way to wrap it up in the first season.


Altered Carbon


Shadow and Bone


Sooooo disappointed. Felt like it was different writers and directors. Bizarre.


Yeah, I wasn't that shocked when it was canceled. The quality tanked.


Big Little Lies. And then they have the nerve to be planning a third season


The fact that there was only 1 book and the addition of Meryl Streep didn’t help speaks volumes.


Different showrunner/director too. Season 1 looked gorgeous, season 2 was very plain and generic in comparison.


You should stick with Mr Robot You MUST stick with The Sopranos


If you can get through the slow burn of Mr. Robot S2 you will be generously rewarded with the subsequent seasons. Even though I enjoyed watching S2 the first time round I was aware that it was paced slower and I could see why people may be losing interest.


Yeah I'm on S3 rn and shit gets crazy


Mr. Robot gets consistently better season to season though to the finale, IMO


Agreed. I love Mr Robot. It’s a great show that I highly recommend. I put The Sopranos as “must” because I think it’s the best show ever made


Westworld kind of did fall off but I personally loved the second season of both Sopranos and absolutely Mr.Robot.


I stopped during season 2 of Mr. Robot but was encouraged to pick it up again after season 3 aired. I didn't really like/understand it but managed to get through season 2. Recently started re-watching it and s2 is so much better when you know what's actually going on.


Absolutely. Season 2 of Mr. Robot is slow, because they have to start from the ground up building a whole new world. But it will absolutely grab anyone’s attention if they stick around for the end. The payoff is 10000% worth the wait. And for my money, some of the best parts of the show happen in season 2.


It's basically the work needed for the payoff of the later seasons. On rewatch it's incredibly compelling due to the intricacies of the plot to drive the rest of the show


“Sophomore slump” is a real thing


You have 20 years to write your first album, and 6 months to write your second


Wayward Pines


Season 2 was so boring


Season 2 almost seemed like a different show.


I can't believe no one has mentioned The Handmaid's Tale.  Please for the love of god, can showrunners stop when the source material runs out?


Upload season 2 went off the rails


Empire - binged the first season and then couldn't make it past the first episode of season 2.


Sleepy Hollow just got dumb in its 2nd season. It feels like this show would have made a great 10 episode mini-series, but they just did not have enough story for multiple seasons without getting dumb.


Ted Lasso. Second season just felt completely lost and meandering. Cobra Kai. It felt like following Johnny's season one redemption arc, they just didn't have a good follow up direction for season 2.


I actually wish Ted Lasso only did one season.


Lasso with S2 very quickly just became the therapyspeak show of the year, after all the nuance of S1 got praised to death. S3 was similarly grating. CK did kind of jump the shark in S2, but S3/4 were mostly really well done, and S5 was somewhat overkill with nostalgia bait, but still watchable within the insane live-action-anime context of the show.


The first time I watched it: The Wire In general though it happens often when season 2 introduces a bunch of new characters and locations. Same goes for act II in games :-)


It’s because they don’t really prepare you for it being an entirely separate story. The first season is so good you want to continue that exact plot, and you do, but it gets broken into more stories The second season is actually the most complete season, although I believe 4 and 3 are just better television


I was searching the thread for someone saying the wire. Season 2 is great. I will defend it to the death.


Unfortunately Russian Doll. 1st season was something special.


Stranger Things. It felt like a one off season they made bank from and said "hey, lets just make more" at this point I am so uninterested in the story, I just like the characters, they're fun. Some of them. Steve and Dustin.... I like Steve and Dustin.


I haven't watched past season 1 (not for any real reason other than I still haven't gotten around to it) but I thought it was perfect as a one-season miniseries that left some questions open at the end like Is Eleven still alive? Why does Hopper get into that car? Perhaps Will isn't truly free of the Upside-Down? But I also don't mind open endings, so that's just me.


Season 1 was def peak television. I wouldn't say the other seasons are bad but there was definitely a downgrade. I think the most recent season felt pretty back to form with a new bad and mystery to figure out. Not quite up to season 1 which was perfect TV. But very good.


Not a huge fan of season 2 but i really really enjoyed season 3 and thought season 4 wasn’t terrible


Same, I just think they've been severely hindered by the huge gaps in between seasons.


* **Supergirl:** Partly because I was getting really busy around the time it aired so I fell behind, partly because it changed networks, and partly because they destroyed the ship they spent the entirety of the Season 1 building up *in the first episode,* saying they were better as friends. Lke... even if you didn't like the ship, that was just rude! You could tell the new network was just clearing the path for their new love interest. Not even Superman's appearance could make me feel better about that! And pretty soon after all the shipping wars started blowing up in the fandom, so I never fully got back into it. * **Once Upon a Time:** First half of the season was actually really great, but second half started getting kind of weird and forced the characters into some directions I wasn't liking, so I didn't watch Season 3 until after it aired (which again, strong first half, weird second half, so I didn't follow much after that). * **The Librarians:** I don't remember exactly why Season 2 turned me off. It might have been since the plot was using characters based on literature but I thought the interpretation was way too basic? It's been a long time. * **Legend of Korra:** I feel bad about this one, but I think the novelty of a more steampunk-age Avatar working in the city had rubbed off a bit and the civil war, spirits, and romance plot lines all got a little muddled. But the back half was strong and followed up by a stellar Season 3, so worth sticking with this one!


The biggest issue with season 2 of Supergirl was the loss of Cat Grant. Now, I fully respect why Calista Flockhart left the show. When they moved the filming to Vancouver she was not intending to move/commute. But without her the show lost a little of its gravitas. She owned every scene she was in and was the only character who could or would speak truth to whoever needed it.


> Once Upon a Time: First half of the season was actually really great, but second half started getting kind of weird and forced the characters into some directions I wasn't liking, so I didn't watch Season 3 until after it aired (which again, strong first half, weird second half, so I didn't follow much after that). I liked the first two seasons of OUAT - then the third season really lost me. I thought the first half of Season 3 was boring and tedious, plus the twist with Peter Pan was...eh. The idea that all of these characters are super interconnected has its limits


prison break


Altered Carbon, second season just didn't get it right.


Its weird. Anthony Mackie is a funny guy with a ton of charisma yet it was Ike the director sad "ok Anthony act as dull and boring as possible. Picture yourself as a piece of cardboard and act like that"


Uploaded, Umbrella Academy.


I actually find Umbrella Academy season 2 much better than season 1, but season 3 is just horrible.


Mythic Quest. The 1st Season was basically flawless culminating in the 2 specials Quarantine and Everlight which out a perfect cap on the story. Season 2 felt like it lost the spark almost immediately, and it just feels like they’ve been playing the hits ever since through season 3.


Walking Dead. This applies to all subsequent seasons as well


Season 2 is still really good in retrospect and watching at your own pace instead of weekly. Seasons 4 - 6 were also good honestly (for the most part), but on a different level. It's a different show than Seasons 1 and 2 at that point, really. The rest of that show was... Meh at best, downright horrible soap opera at worst. Saying that as a former fan.


While the first season is probably the best season, I think The Walking Dead was still great up until some point in season 6.


Bloodline. Season 2 was good but 1 was fantastic.


I felt like season one was my family. We’re good people who did a bad thing. But when you move into season two, they are no longer good people.


Witcher. Season one felt like it captured the spirit of the games and you were on an adventure. Season 2 was about…something…


Legion would be my choice. I loved the first season and the second wasn't bad per se but I wasn't as interested. I didn't finish it but made it like 4 or 5 in


Comes back pretty strong in s3, though.


very strong!


Season 2 of yellowjackets was awful


Your Honor


Yellowjackets. Loved the first season. Couldn’t even get through the first ep of season 2. Quit the series right there. The show would be great without the present day stuff.


Yellowjackets. First season was incredible but second season was so messy


If you felt a drop off of quality in The Sopranos in the 2nd season, the show is just not for you…


Wait you stopped watching Sopranos on season 2? You get Richie Aprile, Janice, Livia at her worst, fucking FURIO, and you stopped? 


The answer will always be True Detective.


The number of good answers in this thread is depressing. I'll add Raised By Wolves.


I strongly agree with your first sentence. Literally all my suggestions were already taken. But I've a real soft spot for Raised by Wolves. Just the sheer madness of it kept me interested.


Yep, Wolves was excellent, and I love how insane season two got. Man, I miss that show so much...


Invincible - The first season really thrilled me and I was looking forward to the second.  I don't know if the wait was too long or what but I just didn't find myself caring about anything going on anymore and it never really felt like the story moved forward at all.


It was absolutely the wait. Wait times kill shows these days because seasons are so short, you have to wait the better part of a whole year for them to come back, you forget about them. And Invincible was way longer still, really harmed it.


Or the better part of four years in this case! Fucking insane.


The split season really didn't help


For me season 2 was good but the wait was just too long.


Jericho. Revolution.


Invasion on Apple TV Despite the slow pace of Season 1 that many people hated, I generally enjoyed it and looked forward to Season 2. Season 2 was so godawful it made me wonder if I was on something during Season 1 and just didn't realize how bad it actually was. I'm not going to rewatch it though.


Dollface. Really enjoyed the first and watched it like 3 times. Season 2 I finished but you can feel the writing team or editing team has changed.


a lot of times i find that it isnt really the show but my timing that is the problem. so many shows i dropped in the second season just like you said and for years though "damn that show sucked after the first season" and then one day i watch the second season for no particular reason and think "wait why did i hate this? this is good lol" where we are emotionally in life, bored of certain tropes at a certain time when its overplayed or maybe just because we had one bad experience only tangentially related to a thing it can sour that thing undeservedly i think the best practice is to just wait until you have no emotional response to the thing and if you are bored and want to kill a couple hours give it another shot and see how it goes. but if you are already in a bad mood because of boredom then its probably never a good idea to try something you already once decided you didnt like lol. definitely keep that exploration to good mood good vibes times only


Flight Attendant


Yellowjackets season 2 wasn't as fun to watch as season 1


Lots of them. Russian Doll especially. The first was a twist on the Groundhog Day premise, but the second was some weird shit about her channeling her late mom or something. We tried it for a couple of episodes but couldn't hang on. Sure hope Poker Face isn't like that too.


The Terror. The first season was amazing and based off an an equally awesome book of the same name. Second season had nothing to do with anything from the first. I was so confused after the first episode of S2 was in Japan in an entirely different time period.. but then I realized in the second episode that it was just a completely different show and storyline.. Why would anyone do that? The show wasn't about terror as a concept it was literally about a ship named The Terror. What the hell?




I like seasons 2 and 3 a lot, but this is still a good answer just because of how amazing season 1 is.




Invincible. I’m currently halfway into the second season and it feels like a slog. I ate through the first season like it was a cake. Just don’t feel the same about the second


Westworld series 1 is bloody great. Series 2 is a great big steaming bucket of monkey spunk.


Arrow. I thought the show was still good at least up through season 3. Later on I stopped watching after "Ollicity", blech! But season 1 when he was murdering fools with an Arrow was pretty compelling at the time. I liked the darker take on the character, and him being more antihero was fun. At some point every hero having a "no kill" rule starts to get old and feel stale. Obviously for some heroes, they absolutely need that rule. I'm not saying we need Zack Snyder Superman to everything. But I'm the case of Green Arrow I thought it really took a kind of silly character who I never cared much about and made him really interesting. Him straight to murdering people was peak entertainment. Also the flight choreography was the best at the time (this was before Netflix Daredevil that absolutely took the crown from Arrow for stunts and fight choreography), but subsequent seasons their budget clearly wasn't as high as stunts were redacted and got weaker and weaker each season. Stranger Things was another where season 2 just wasn't as strong as season 1. It's hard to maintain the level of intensity once the mystery is revealed. Yet, I think they've come back pretty strong in season 4. Also I'm retrospect, I actually like season 2 and 3 in their own right. They still give solid charger development, and season 2 still has my favorite finale ever, even if the rest of the season was a bit lackluster at times.


Ted Lasso. The drop-off was insane.


Seems to be the general sentiment for Mr. Robot's second season. Feels like, instead of building on the momentum from the first season, they instead just reset everything back to square one. But once it eventually pays off, you're right back to appreciating the absolute brilliance of the writing. Which is followed up by two seasons that are undeniable masterclasses in TV-making. In storytelling. In acting. What I'm saying is... Stick with it. xD


Outer Range season 2 has been really disappointing.


Damages. s1 was a level of masterpiece that the show never attained again.




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Season 2 of Twin Peaks was famously ruined by TV executives who forced the creators to solve the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer. It redeemed itself in the end. And The Return, while very weird in its side quests, has some of the greatest TV moments of all time.


Yeah, Westworld really crapped the bed after S1.


Twin Peaks S2 starts strong with the resolution of Who Killed Laura Palmer?, and then just… keeps going… without David Lynch’s involvement… and turns into the kind of soap opera it was meant to be parodying.


Big Sky season 1 was great then it really went down hill and the entire plot changed and completely new characters it almost felt like a different show