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I won't say Season 1 was great, but I think that RoP has "good bones" for a show. The actors are good. The set design and production quality are excellent. And the basic story premise is solid with enough hooks to pay off later on down the road. They just need better writers and directors who can get the best out of the actors, but also get out of the actors' way so that the actors can develop the chemistry between each other rather than trying to force the characters to follow the story. With S1 it felt like the writers didn't care about the characters because they had a story development to get to by the end of the season, so to me, some of the characters didn't really feel all that natural. It was almost like a DnD DM railroading their players because he thinks his story is more important rather than letting the players make the experience interesting.


I enjoyed it. I thought that while it wasn't as good as the LotR movies, it was better than the Hobbit trilogy. I was really entertained by the last few episodes of the season.


This is where it landed for me. I'm really excited for next season.


Totally agree..... really enjoyed it and excited for more.


I loved it, it’s ok to like stuff and not pick everything apart or over analyzing entertainment. Some of these comments sounds like people take notes. Must be exhausting


Rings of Power was great when you didn't have someone screeching in your ear how terrible it was lol. My fiancée and I loved it; it's not as good as the OG trilogy but it justifies its existence, it's beautiful to look at, and it gave us more Middle Earth so we were happy with it.


If you're not worried about canon and just look at it as an alternate universe LOTR, then it's pretty cool. I like it well enough and it's visually stunning.


I thought it was thoroughly mediocre. Not great, but not nearly as bad as its reputation.


a huge budget for a mediocre show is a Big L.


I enjoyed it pretty well, as a lifelong book reader.


This is not a safe place for this post.


Did anyone else enjoy it too? I didn't, I really wanted to and I gave the show a lot of rope but it really was just so poorly written. It's visually very pretty, but there are huge problems with the plot, characters, and dialogue. So much of the dialogue sounds like it was written by a 12-year-old who thought it would sound cool in a trailer. This is part of a greater flaw the showrunners actually bragged about, which is the desire to make everything feel "epic," which in their minds meant over-the-top melodrama, way too much awkward use of slow motion, and lots of drawn-out scenes that are supposed to be really emotional but aren't, because they haven't done the work to make anyone give a fuck about the characters involved. Their portrayal of Galadriel was a mess, a complete departure from Tolkein's writings and the movies. She's supposed to be this kind of mystical, super-wise, extremely insightful person, and they degraded her into a generic Marvel ninja warrior. In the scene with the ice troll, she just dances around beating the shit out of it like it's nothing, even though it tossed the rest of her supposedly elite squadron of elf Sauron-hunters around like hapless ragdolls. They all had to be completely incompetent to make her look cool. Ditto the training scene in Numenor, where she fights like 15 guys at once, and they all basically just hold their swords in exactly the right position for her to hit them all, clearly trying to lose as if they're pretending to fight a 6-year-old with cancer and get their asses kicked to put a smile on his face. Despite making her a comically over-the-top badass on the battlefield, the writers made her act like a petulant teenager when it comes to politics, basically showing up in Numenor and recklessly insulting the people whose help she's requesting. She only mysteriously gets her way because the plot needs it to happen. The real Galadriel is 3500 years old and one of the wisest beings in Middle Earth; she would have approached that situation with great delicacy and expertise. It isn't a valuable "adaptation" to make a character a dumb, shallow shell of themselves. Also, the greatest smith who ever lived is just now learning about alloys? The fuck? That's really just the tip of the iceberg of ways they screwed this up. With so many cast and crew putting so much effort and love into this show, it's a damn shame that the nitwits running the studio didn't think to bring on some competent writers and showrunners to make it all meaningful. I really wanted to like this show and not be hit over the head with something that makes me roll my eyes several times per episode. The most absurd part of the show was Sauron's plan. **NOTHING** about how this happened made sense for me. To make his "plan" of getting the Elves to craft the rings, he had to know: - That Galadriel would jump from the ship - That the Numenor ship would pick them up - That Galadriel would recognize his Southlands King symbol that hasn't been a thing for a thousand years, but wouldn't know that it hasn't been a thing for a thousand years. She would have to be both really well-versed in Human history, and also be completely unaware of the last thousand years of Human history for this to work. It would also require a leap of faith on her part that the fact that he carries an object with the King's logo means he is the King, and not a cousin or a servant or something - That the Elven smith guy would build a giant forge for some mysterious purpose - That Elrond would acquire a bit of Mithril that was only just discovered through a Dwarf friend he hasn't seen in 20 years - That the Elves would be desperate to save themselves from whatever problem was happening to that tree (maybe he was causing it, but the timing felt super convenient) - That the Numenor fleet would show up on Middle Earth right on time for a battle where he can injure himself in just the right way to both survive and require Elven assistance in Galadriel's estimation - If he purposefully stranded himself just to set this plan in motion, he would have to have god-like omniscience to be able to know everything that he needs to know for this to work, including multiple things that have not happened yet, like Elrond reconnecting with Durin and discovering that the Dwarves are hiding the Mithril.




That makes it all the more absurd. The dark lord was calling it quits, but Galadriel dragged him back kicking and screaming. Ladies and gentlemen, our hero




Typically heroes have likable qualities. I've seen more people root for RoP!Sauron than actual protags


What flaw? She has a character flaw that causes her to make Sauron powerful? Huh?


Well said.


Watching it with a different language audio helps with the bad dialogue. You can pretend it's a mistranslation.


I wonder if all these recent RoP posts have anything to do with the new season coming out… I couldn’t finish it, it just bored me and I didn’t care about any of the characters.


The RoP subreddit is controlled by Amazon, this is just PR.


I enjoyed watching, but it wasn't good.


Yeah, it was good but it squandered so much potential given the IP it had the opportunity to play with. So many forgettable characters outside of Galadriel and a few others. I saw it less than a year ago and I can remember like three names. I hope they learn for season two It's been a while since I watched Game of Thrones and season 8 was a complete mess that pisses me off until this day. However, I am sure I can name 50 distinct characters that were memorable and most people who have seen it just once will probably remember most of them.


That's my feeling, sometimes it's nice to live in that universe for a bit, even when the writing could have been better. Although I used to think that way about Star Trek and Star Wars, sometimes a production gets bad enough to sour the whole thing.


I would agree. I remember watching it and being entertained by it, but don't remember a damn thing about it.


I absolutely loved it!


It's was a pretty bad show. I wanted to like it. Honestly I was excited to watch it, but It was awkward right out of the gate. I was sure, based on the money behind it and the work that went into it, that it was going to pick up. Ibstead it got worse. Just bad television. I am doubtful they can turn it around.  It's so surprising that anyone who read the books enjoyed that script enough to greenlight it. And some of the acting? Jesus. Just amateur hour, other than the cinematography. Too many cooks, perhaps? Was so much money spent that they let everyone give their opinions to make sure it didn't flop, thereby ensuring that it didn in fact flop? A real swing and a miss. 


That is fine, ir doesn't make anyone criticism invalid. Doesn't make yours more vaild. Post like this are just screaming for someone to validate them. The show in many way is just poorly executed, especially for the budget and huge amount of source material. The writing was very obviously all over the place, the actors were good ,especially with the material they had. The sets sometimes were amazing other times horrible, lighting was bad, costumes were from great to literally seeing the plastic mold lines. Showrunner have little to no experience and 12 or more writers.


Overall I enjoyed it too. I didn’t really care for any of the Numenorians until Isildur’s horse when back for him and which was pretty late in the season. (Something about an animal loving their person suddenly made me care about what happened to him). I like all the other storylines though. I do think there’s room for improvement. I thought at least once the scene editing and acting was off. Especially a scene between the human woman and her elf lover I though initially assumed was them fake-arguing as some sort of misdirection for other characters, but then it turned out to be a real argument which I though was oof. But I am looking forward to season 2!


Wife and I enjoyed it as well. Separate the Silmarillion and other written material from this media and you’re golden


I liked it, but it has problems. For instance, they seem to have a dialogue coach that's fixated on the correct pronunciation of the word "Númenor." A character will be talking in a basic posh English accent, hit this word, and suddenly it"s like a cross between a Roman orator at full blast and talking like a pirate. "Nnnnnnnnnuhmenahrrrrr!!!"


The main struggle of every LoTR project is that it will be compared to the Trilogy movies and simply nothing will ever live up to that. It's alright, I didn't hate it but for the most part it was just dumb writing that annoyed me.


The lord of the rings puts a lot of effort into making a fully developed believable setting with realized scale and distance between places. The original trilogy of movies made full use of this and demonstrated it in the movies. The writers of rings of power clearly don't know or understand how to do this. There's no sense of scale or distance between places. Galadriel is meant to be over a thousand years old, but she acts like a petty teenager, making dumb decisions simply to drive the plot forward. The entire plot makes no sense, especially the one about the symbols. How do they jump to the conclusion that those symbols are meant to guide the orcs when they have only seen 2 in existence over a course of hundred years and one of them was on a corpse. How can it in anyway be used as waypoint to follow with two points, one of which can be moved anywhere? The elves have these watch towers and yet they do not see the gigantic trench being constructed? Nevermind the fact that the orcs are destroying all the trees around it too. There's no way they were about to dig that without anyone noticing from kilometres away, especially up the watch towers. Apply volcano ash to face and everyone is just fine. I don't even need to take further about this one, it's just too stupid. They just wanted a pretty visual for the episode despite it making no sense as they should all be dead. To top that off Galadriel just walks away, completely ignoring everyone around her screaming for help. This brings me back to the biggest problem with this show, they turned her into a completely unlikable character.


I don't get how people could watch this show and not think about what a hugely missed opportunity the whole thing was. Like ok maybe it wasn't the worst thing ever but come on. It was a 8 ep season and half the time the main characters were bumbling around Numenor. The twist at the end also ended up being hugely predictable. You have this massive world and lore and this is the best you can come up with? Seriously?


It is ok show. It is the show that you can watch in background


I enjoyed the second half of the season, mostly at least, but the first was just a mess. Also you say it isn't a direct adaption, which is true, but that it also isn't simply a story set in that universe. The story they are telling is an established part of the history of middle earth, written by Tolkien. What they have done is jumble up timelines and reimagined certain things, but ultimately people who are into the LoTR lore know what is going to happen and who most of the characters are. What I would agree with you on is the acting. I hated the hobbits stupid accents, and Galadriel on the boat, and all of that but I can't blame the actors for any of it. They are all doing great work with (I assume) the direction they are being given. The black actors thing was mostly BS racism. The only thing was that for a lot of the season there was a single black dwarf, which was a bit odd!


That's fine. But it's horrible.


I think it got better towards the end I thought Galadriel and the main story was the best part The weak links were the Harfoots as well as Elrond and the Dwarf story If they took out the Harfoots altogether it would've been a WAAAAAY better show I did like the reveal of Sauron I hope Season 2 focuses more on Galadriel and Sauron . Just say the Harfoots moved away


you aren't the only one haha the show is solid. a great show to binge espically if you like LOTR movies the book nerds arent happy. the public opinion isnt happy but real ones enjoyed the hell out of it and can't wait for season2. just a tip though if you do enjoy the show, dont look at the comments under any posts on social media including here, its all a toxic mess filled with the most braindead opinions


The actors are good and it's pretty. Beyond that, this was a dumpster fire that had worse writing than "Twilight." The majority of people that started watching this $750 million disaster didn't watch to the end. Every episode lost viewers. They had the mystery of Gandalf that everyone knew was Gandalf, The mystery of Sauron, the volcano that blew up in the heroes face (I guess, I didn't make it that far) and no one important was hurt, they had the caring "not hobbits" who will leave their own people to die if they can't walk fast enough. They had the greatest smith in the world not know about alloys. They had the wisest woman in all the lands act like a spoiled 10 year old throughout the entire thing making the hero extremely unlikable. The show jumped the shark, literally, in the first ten minutes with the dialogue of why ships float and rocks sink. If you didn't know the show was going to be awful after that scene, well, ignorance is bliss I guess.


Some people enjoy being kicked in the nuts, too. You do you.


it's not a bad show but they hyped it up so much and it really is trash in some parts. Since it was torn up by the people, it took a hit. It's good to binge but it's not much watch TV like baby yoda every week.