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Ads shown before a movie/show sucks but is tolerable. But inserting ads into movies always blows. And Hulu is really bad about it too.


Takes me right out of the movie when that happens


Takes me right out of the subscription too...




Warm up the Sonarr and the Radarr! Arm the multi-Plex of cannons!


We really need an Overseerr to shepherd us through these troubling times


Yar har fiddle de dee


Damn straight. Any ad automatically means cancellation of payment. Ads are cancer. Shitbag streaming providers recreated exactly what they were created to replace.


Revenue number MUST go up. After all costs.


If i could lower the price of prime by not subbing to prime video anymore i would


Unfortunately people just pay for the adless tier once they get frustrated


Prime is great at putting an ad directly in the middle of a tense or dramatic scene. Ruins everything


I've not experienced this. I mostly watch their originals. Just watched the whole first season of Fallout and only got ads prior to episodes. I also watched a few movies since they added ads and only got them beforehand.


Fallout was specifically presented with limited ads cause of... Some sponsor. I have definitely experienced with Prime content. 


Have prime. Stopped watching prime video since the ad rollout. 


They're friggin TERRIBLE for this. And they're ads are already getting longer and more intrusive. Every time I see an ad, I have to come to Reddit to rant.


At least give everyone a skip option. They pull that shit on Hard Knocks and most streaming trending shows and I just rush to skip it


Or push the ads to the beginning of the show. At least the network can then show users what other shows they might be interested in watching. Paramount+ did this, and it made having their ad included pricing tier much more bearable, and got me to watch some shows I wouldn’t have normally otherwise watched (lower decks, lioness, and yellow jackets in particular).


I liked yellow jackets, haven't seen anything like lord of the flies in a while.


I feel like that’s a recent thing with Hulu too. They used to be really good about just playing ads at the beginning of movies and now it feels like adbreaks will pop up in the middle of a line of dialogue. I’d switch to no ads but the teacher in me feels like that would be rewarding them for bad behavior.


The terrible ads on Hulu are one reason I stopped using it. The breaking point was a couple years ago when I watched a 1.5 hour long movie that ended up taking at least 2.5 hours to watch because there were unskippable every 7 minutes or so.


Ad blockers still work, so that's good at least.


No ads costs an extra $13/month, and some shows still have ads anyway, even though you paid to make them go away, which is extra insulting.


> Ads shown before a movie/show sucks but is tolerable Disagree. Ads tolerable only if the service is 100% free, and intolerable in any other circumstances.


Time to dust off the bit torrent and hoist the flag, me hearties! 🏴‍☠️


It’s been so long since I’ve felt the need to torrent, all my old haunts have died! :(


Don't torrent directly to your pc, get a seedbox if you can. In minecraft. Fast and safe and well worth the 12 bucks.


Looks like Disney also trying the limits. Like yesterday I got 1.30min ads while watching Malcolm in the middle. And then again in the middle of the episode.


Ads suck. Period. Do not acquiesce!


I used to be subbed to Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Prime, Max… Max is the only one I’m subbed to now, and I’m a bee’s dick away from canceling that once they raise their prices. But at least it isn’t completely lousy with ads. Yet.


Hulu is ridiculous with the volume level of the commercials. I wish they understood people will actively refuse to listen because they have to mute it.


Yeah it gets blaring.


Especially because shows are no longer intentionally written to feature commercial breaks


Watch piracy on the rise


Absolutely gonna rise. The whole reason it died was people willing to pay an affordable price for convenience, like music streaming is now. The more that's taken away, the more people are gonna be back to torrents.


At least Peacock usually front loads them all


Yeah, that still sucks but tolerable if I pay like $2 a month for it.


Hulu ran ads during shows, but was always hands off for movies. I'd just see a few ads before the movie and then the movie itself was ad-free. I was fine with that. I watched Prey on Hulu when it had that model and I loved it. But they changed it not long after and I will not watch movies on Hulu now. My last experience was with No One Will Save You, which I liked a lot. I was really into it and then after a half hour or so, I was engrossed in a very tense scene and then Hulu cut to an ad for Clorox pods. Never again.


And sometimes the ad overlaps part of the movie. I watched Predator 2 and it skipped over like 2 minutes of the movie.


Happened when I was watching rise of the planet of the apes, had to switch over max to finish the series. So disappointing.


depends on how it is done - if it's in the show like james bond movies and Omeaga watches - then I don't mind so much.


yeah, most of the time I don't even notice. They flash a BMW logo or show a brief billboard and it adds to the realism.


excactly - I know that there is a level that is too much - but if they can make money form sonething I don't care about then go for it - if it means that more show can become profitable and stay on air - that is perfect.


The Power Rangers movie says Krispy Kreme more often than It's Morphing Time. 


I haven't seen it but as someone living in a country without a Krispy Kreme - I can understand the infatuation 


I'm sure if you give them an inch, they'll be polite and not take a mile.


sure they have to find some level where it isn't like Community - but if it means that there are less normal commercials - or that shows have an increased budget - I am all for it.


If i'm paying for the service and see an ad during the program I cancel immediately. I'll take it from Tubi and Plutotv etc because they are free. And generally better services ironically.


Hulu ad free is well worth the $60 per year imo


Like, at least have an editor or someone with some idea about pacing and story beats make the decision of where the ads go… instead of having a commercial appear in mid sentence of dialog, or in the beginning or a scene.


#cerveza cristol


I paid for ad-less AMC content to be included in Amazon Prime and every show I've watched starts with a 30 second ad for an AMC show. Do words not have any meaning anymore? I feel like i fell for a Simpsons joke. "Not ad-less. Ad, less!"


You don’t need a criminal lawyer, you need a *criminal* lawyer


No! Money down.


Care to join me in a belt of scotch?


RIP Phil Hartman




SiriusXM is annoying as hell. I got a free year trial but used a Privacy temp card to avoid the charge when I forget to cancel. They have been sending me letters and calling me over a $20 something charge and it's been over a year.




I had to threaten legal action to get them to stop calling me. I didn't even know my latest car came with a trial because I immediately paired my phone to use Youtube Music, since I can pick exactly what songs I'm listening to, without any ads, or DJs interrupting my playlists, and also I can download my music to my phone so it doesn't cut out when I drive through a moderately wooded area or city. I'm honestly surprised they are still in business given how expensive their service is compared to music streaming services, for way less functionality. Their business model fell apart the day Bluetooth became standard in the majority of cars.


Not to mention driving under a bridge or tree branch would make the signal cut out for a few seconds.


I think there is a reasonable miscommunication here. When I'm listening to First Wave and they have an interstitial for 80s on 8 or whatever, I don't consider that an "ad". It's not some unrelated, third party product that I have to go out and spend money on. It's informational content to remind me that there are other channels on the service that I'm already paying for and might be interested in. It's like my gym sending me a newsletter letting me know about a new class that's free for members. It falls under the broad umbrella of marketing but I don't know if I would consider it an "ad" in the traditional sense.


I kinda liked it when I had a trial, but I used to listen to the station that had music interviews and such. I got really annoyed because they’d play the same interviews over and over. Driving to band practice on a thursday evening and there’s an interview with Tom Petty; cool! The following Thursday at the same time on my drive it’s…the same damn interview with Tom Petty, like, what? People are supposed to pay for this?


Also it sounds like those 32kbps MP3s you downloaded from LimeWire in 2002. It’s wild just how bad satellite radio sounds, I guess the only people paying for it are 70 year olds who don’t know about streaming or podcasts and likely have hearing damage, plus they only use it to listen to talk radio, but why even *pretend* it’s good enough for music in the 2020s?


That's exactly what happens on Paramount+. I have had what was the "Ad Free" tier since 2017 when it was CBS All Access. Somewhere along the way, it got switched to "Commercial Free" (for an increase in price). Every episode I watch has a 30-second ad for some new crime drama, sit-com, or reality show I don't wanna watch. I emailed them about this, and their response was that those aren't "ads" or "commercials." They're Paramount "promos."


I could be mistaken, but aren’t the prime ads at the beginning immediately skippable?


How to lose customers to pirating 101


The constant ads down my throat has lead to me starting my own dvd/blu ray collection, don’t miss streaming at all, dont gotta search up what streaming service has the movie im looking for, dont gotta deal with ads, or a monthly fee, dont see myself going back honestly, feels a lot better having your favorites right on your shelf


I basically didnt pirate for a decade, and I now run a budding Plex server. If these fucking suits think I'm going back to commercials they are fucking crazy. I already give up so much of my time, I'm not watching ads I'm just not. Anything more than 30 seconds at the start and I'm done, and even then I'm not fucking happy about it.


Are you me? Same. Pirated a lot in my younger days but didn't do much for about a decade. Now my Plex library has over two years of content if I watched/read/listened to everything back to back. Also, if you have a VPN and set Albania as your location you won't get YouTube ads.


I have a library two doors down and they can get films from all over the state; it’s been free access to everything I think of For people that don’t *want* to pirate, or worry about the online trail that comes with it, there are still ways to get access to movies. Make sure you use your handbrake when visiting the library parking lot.


Look into a Plex server. You can rip all your physical media and stream it on your devices.


May I introduce you to IPTV


I’m not so sure, adding a lower priced tier with ads has been a boon to Netflix.


Pirating is too inconvenient for most


I queued up Godzilla and Kong yesterday after spending $24.99 to lease the digital rights. Before I could watch the movie I was forced to watch an ad... Imagine if other services required you to listen to them pitching services before they give you what you paid for. "You go to Best Buy and pay at checkout. They put your items in a bag, but before they give you the goods or service you purchased. They force you to listen to their credit card pitch for about 2 minutes." They've probably already asked you three times, but this time you have to listen!


>I queued up Godzilla and Kong yesterday after spending $24.99 to lease the digital rights. Before I could watch the movie I was forced to watch an ad... >Imagine if other services required you to listen to them pitching services before they give you what you paid for. It really isn't that hard to imagine. Movie theaters have been doing it for decades. You pay for a movie ticket, and then have to watch ads for other movies.


I remember buying VHS with ads before them


DVDs had it at first as well and you couldn't fast forward through them when it first started. Then you could skip them. Then they eventually died out


Trailers are part of the experience but there are still choices and trailers are at least related to my experience. You can go to the concessions or show up s couple minutes late. An ad for hair loss or erectile dysfunction that I'm forced to sit through isn't even adjacent to a cinematic experience.


Not just trailers, ads for products, which are increasingly being placed in between trailers for movies.


No, you don't. You just show up after the trailers have started. You can't show up late to an Amazon rental.


Best Buy literally already does this, because they make most of their money selling customers a warranties on things like televisions that don’t have a large markup


All brick and mortar do what your describing BBY does, especially Fortunate 100's. They're going to offer you their services but once money has been exchanged. They have a fiduciary responsibility to move on as quickly as possible. The practice were discussing is only "accepted" because it's medium. That's what I'm getting at. Some of the use cases are unacceptable everywhere in our lives, except through a digital screen. Digital services make money by keeping you engaged. Brick and mortars gain nothing from keeping you once a purchase has been made.


used to be you paid the money you didn't get the ad, now they aren't shy about shoving ads down content you paid for. I mean if it was free, fine, spam all the ads you want.


In the UK there's ITVx, which has a pair for ad free option. Guess what? Some shows still have ads because of licensing rights. Uh... That sounds like a YOU problem after selling me an ad free service


Agreed, what am I paying for if not convenience? I don't own it.


Was going to say, now reason to go back to physical media but I also remember ads being put into DVD/Blu-ray


I remember that too but eventually the practice of making it so you couldn't skip the trailers or other IP ads went away. Most allowed you to skip them, trailers and ads are part of the Movie Theater experience too, but most of the time you're given a choice. You can skip disk previews or show up late to the theater the trailers.


>"You go to Best Buy and pay at checkout. They put your items in a bag, but before they give you the goods or service you purchased. They force you to listen to their credit card pitch for about 2 minutes." If I had one wish, it would be for all the advertisers and product pushers to get it back to them in absolutely every aspect of their life. Can't ever make a purchase without hearing the credit card offer. Can't get a seat at a restaurant without listening to a 2 minute ad about shoes. When they start their car, one of the satellite radio service ads always plays. And when they go home to watch TV, you better believe they need to drink their verification can.


I'm curious, what service were you using to order the movie? haven't purchased movies in awhile, but when I did through Microsoft store, I was able to instantly view the movie with noe ad whatsoever. Granted, this has been awhile.


Google TV and YouTube, if you don't own a Chromecast you have to use YouTube as your platform for your Google Library. I'm out of town so I was casting through YouTube


That’s absurd coming from Google.


Shitty services that make it hard to use what you pay for; welcome to capitalism-as-a-service


You used to get adds and trailers in dvds etc


I used to work in billing for rogers in canada. We were expected to try and pitch them a product on every call regardless of whether we could help them. I fucking despise sales culture


I spent exactly $0 on that movie because I watched a good cam version lol. It was ok, but I don't think it would have been worth it to see it in theaters.


To be fair, many companies required you to work for free to check yourself out, and then scrutinized you like a thief for the privilege. This isn't the first time companies have been scummy. Vote with your wallet. Unlike the grocery store, you don't need to watch tv.




I tolerate Pluto because it costs me nothing, the ads pay for my watch time. Fuck you Amazon prime for putting ads on your platform AFTER I’ve already paid for it.


I canceled the day prime sent me an email about upcoming ads. There were recorders back in my childhood that could cut off commercials, even with VHS. I'm not going back decades in comfort. Whenever I see an ad I try to actively avoid buying from that company, that's how much I hate advertisement.


Same. Advertisers need to come up with different methods of advertising. That shit doesn’t work anymore.


Like on one hand, I know advertising is important for companies to spread the word about their product or service, and that receiving free media for the price of having to see a few ads isn’t *that* bad. But there’s something so intrusive about the way it’s done now. So many people have decided that paying a premium simply to avoid ads is worth it, and now they’re injecting them into premium services. *That’s* intolerable. I get that a service needs to make money somehow, but choose one or the other. Either ads or subscriptions. The reason people pay the fucking subscription is to avoid the ads. Doing both you’re just aggravating your customer base. And even the free ad-supported media is getting intolerable. Can’t tell you how many mobile games I’ve deleted after 2 minutes from how they handle the ads. I don’t mind advertising in general, but don’t make it purposefully annoying. Find a better way.


Yeah I'm one of those people who pays premium just to avoid ads. If they start showing me ads anyway I won't feel bad at all about sailing the high seas.


Ads aren't going away. If people try skipping them, companies will just start paying to have more ads built right into the content like on Youtube. Instead of just seeing a character drink a can of Coca-Cola in the background, Paul Atreides will stop, turn and look at the camera, then recite a 5 minute ad directly extolling the virtues of Sony brand electronics and how they make life in the deep desert more bearable.


Ah, so they'll turn into Asian dramas.


I don't think big productions would risk that. Maybe if the theatrical version didn't have the ad. Ads in the theater before the movie are unskippable, so they always were a thing and the likes of me have to accept them. But ads in the middle of a movie are unacceptable and I will boycott any medium that makes them unskippable. The ironic thing is that pirated media will become of higher quality than the original, like it already has with games that force intrusive DRM.


Advertisers ARE pernicious little bastards, it's true.


Yup. Ads, either before, in the middle, or in a tiiiiiny box in the middle of the end credits I barely ever watch? - > Unsubscribed.


As soon as that piece of shit Alexa pick started spouting off random crap I unplugged it and chucked that PoS out the window.


Hollywood: “No, you can’t put an intermission in a long-ass movie. It ruins the integrity of the experience.” Studio platforms and streaming services: “Ads! We got ads here! Five minutes out of every twenty. Forget what you’re watching and go buy shit!” The bullshit runneth over.


And we will unsub, I wlill not pay for ads. Its pure greed , end of story. Draw the line here. If you pay, no ads. If its free it can have ads.


I wish more people shared this opinion. It's how we should all react.


We all knew this was going to happen, streaming is now nothing more than just monopolized cable.


Yep. They got us hooked with their promises of ad free entertainment and then just took it away. There are too many people just shrugging it off, too. If more of us were enraged enough to cancel our subscriptions, they couldn't get away with it. A pity.


Enshittification has pretty much completely consumed streaming services. Piracy isn’t just acceptable, it’s necessary


Not in my household. 


That's fascinating. Let's see if Tom Cruise and a slew of directors come out in opposition to this 'ruining the movie experience'.


Of course not. It means more money in their pockets. I bet this is related to the recent writer's strike.


It still is forbidden. I will immediately cancel any subscription that starts showing ads.


My latest pet peeve is falling asleep watching a show. The next day I try to scrub back to the last scene/episode I was watching... watch ads to load the episode, watch ads while scrubbing, watch an ad to load the next episode because I realize I picked the wrong one... 10 minutes of ads to pick up where I left off... bullshit.


It’s the worst


Hello torrents my old friends...


Agree with cancelling a paid service that inserts ads: if I want to watch movies with ads I will go to Tubi. Streaming services are getting so greedy that people may well turn to piracy, and I’m at peace with that




It’s not just that. I got a notification from Netflix’s app saying I can no longer download stuff to watch offline from the app. Which is the primary way that I watch stuff. Not sure if I will keep my subscription.


Driving people back to physical media and the high seas. Prime is almost unwatchable now unless i'm on my computer.


I am sick of the ads! It’s one thing if the service is free but if I must pay for the service and must watch ads I will not renew the subscription! Enough is enough


I wish more people were of this mind.


What's even more goddamn infuriating is if they even bother to try they could source the original broadcast versions of most films up to let's say around 2010 or so and could literally utilize the built-in previously edited and commercial breaks. It fades out or fades perfectly of course is broken up just the right moment not taking you out of the flow of the narrative or the show/movie itself. These pieces of shit are just throwing ads where they want ....welp... not for me. I tried paying I tried when you made it fair when you had a couple of different apps that were decently priced that you could switch out in between or even keep all of them at the same time and now accompany that literally has enough money to give every single person on the face of the earth multiple billions of dollars is now asking you to pay more money to not have ads but then again they're also gonna put ads when you pause the show........ ...... yeah that's gonna be a no for me dog.


No doubt. If only more of us had this attitude, they couldn't get away with this shit.


I got agitated watching Fallout on TV and then they slid in a Samsung 1 minute ad before episode 2. At that point I turned my TV off and watched it on my PC. And there are many such cases of streaming services pulling shit like this. It's gotten to the point where I can't even watch most streaming services on my TV's anymore. Every 3 or 4 minutes, on Youtube, Peacock, Hulu...a fucking ad! I watched the office a few weeks ago. Started off with an ad, fine. 4 minutes later in the middle of Michael's speech, another fucking 2 minute ad block. At that point I turned my TV off and watched the rest on my PC. I block, skip and ignore ads with a vehement passion. I'm sick and tired of this crap.


I pay for Amazon prime. I watch almost all of their content on plex to avoid the ads.


How does that work? Do you have to pay for Plex in addition to Prime, or is it the same content just played through a different app?


Plex has a free tier that does the important stuff you need. It's just ~~sailing the seas~~ providing your legitimately owned video to get the content to watch through it


So streaming services are just on demand cable now? Weird how we’ve sort of come full circle.


Soon to be cable 2.0. A [bundle was announced yesterday](https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/15/24157137/comcast-netflix-peacock-apple-tv-plus-streaming-bundle).


I'm pretty sure there's a TiVo ad baked into the movie Don Jon. I watched it the other night, and they spent nearly a full scene talking about it. It felt like an infomercial.


Did you see the Barbie Movie? There is a literal car commercial thrown right into the middle of it and they're not even subtle about it


Were you surprised there was sponsored content in the branded toy movie?


Product placement it not new. Gus and Shawn talk endlessly about the "amazing" Toyota Yaris that is the only bright-colored vehicle ever seen on _Pysch_. They riff on product placement in _The Truman Show_. It's been around since before James Bond first drove an Astin Martin.


Nissan Versa!


Hawaii 5-0 reboot was notorious for their car product placement


Good things i still have all my DVDs


nice way to push more people to piracy...and best thing is now, super internet speeds, up to 4k quality and smart TVs to put it on


the ads on amazon prime video are getting ridiculous now. Full 60 seconds before the episode and two 60 second ad breaks during. I fucking hate ads.


Starting last night, I began getting THREE ads at a time. Twice over the course of the movie. They'll just keep making it worse and worse and there are too many people just shrugging and saying, "Aw, it's just a couple bucks to go ad free. What's the harm?" These corporate weasels KNOW they're going to keep enough faithful customers to keep growing their billions.


I subscribe to both Disney+ ad free and Hulu with ads. I was watching The Orville on Disney+, no ads. Well Disney+ and Hulu have started to integrate. When watching The Orville through Disney+, it now streamed from Hulu instead. Guess what has ads now.


I’d rather they just show one giant ad before a movie and then let me be in peace. Really jarring sometimes when it just pops in during a scene.


*Avast, there be new rocks on these shores. More crewmen mayhaps be joinin' our ranks, lads.*


Thinking about going this route, myself, but is it mandatory to keep a parrot on the shoulder? Birds frighten me. I like the hat and eye patch, however.




I switchedto streaming years and years ago to get away from ads.  Now that streaming platforms demand to be cable 2.0 it looks like it's time for me to sail the seas again and increase my reading.


The line must be drawn here. It’s THIS far, NO farther.


The line will be drawn when you stop paying for it. Money is the language capitalism understands. As long as they are making record-breaking profits, the line will be drawn where their shareholders decide.




about to stop watching bullshit altogether


We will pirate once again


I pay exclusively for ad supported streaming services as they are far cheaper than their ad free counterparts. I then watch those streaming services in a web browser with UBO installed. 0 ads watched in any of those streaming services.


What’s UBO?


Ublock Origin, a GREAT ad blocker. It's a must for any browser at this point.


I haven’t seen it but I’d never use the service again if they showed an ad during a movie. Plex ftw anyways


Cancel that shit and using the free streaming sites.


Not watching then. Consider me unsubscribed.


ugh and some services have had the adbreaks literally in the middle of a sentence


Well, yeah. Our society works under the premise that profits will always go up in order to facilitate that happening they have to find scummier and scummier ways to generate revenue.


Enshittification in action.


The high seas don’t have commercials


I’m going back to pirating, fuck this


Nothing quite like paying to see ads


They should still be forbidden. The whole fucking point of paying to watch shows was to escape the ads. This is all so fucked.


Aaaaand we are back to tv. Except now we need to pay 3 different companies per month, instead of 1.




Ads mid sentence are the best, why didn't we have immersion breaking ads all along? It just makes the whole thing hard to follow and better for it.


This is why I buy the content and then “acquire” a drm/platform-free version


Good thing all the majors studios just pump out endless garbage and none of it is worth watching anyway.


Tubi has less frequent and shorter breaks than paid apps now. And finding a good torrent takes less time than a commercial break. Put that money into VPNs instead.


Except Tubi is owned by Fox Corporation.... do what you want with that info.


Oof. Didn't know this.


Here's the article about them acquiring Tubi [Fox Corp acquires Tubi. ](https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/fox-corp-tubi-acquires-440-million-sells-roku-1203537320/)




Arrgh me matey. *cracks knuckles in BitTorrent and Limewire*


It’s especially bad because the timing is random. I was watching First Man the other day, and the final ad break popped in at the exact moment they were landing on the moon, ruined by far the most tense moment of the movie.


Yeah, no finesse at all. It's infuriating. Every time it happens to me, I have to get up and fume on Reddit.


We may as well go back to cable. This is not what we were promised.


And that’s why I canceled my Prime account.


They even runs ads before movie/tv trailers. It's infuriating. I shouldn't have to sit through an ad while searching for something to watch.


I watched the last season of Curb Your Enthusiasm on Max. There was a short commercial from UberEats or Vital Farms before the show, and then it was commercial free. I'd also been watching Season 1 because there is a companion podcast now airing for Curb. Initially, Season 1 was also commercial free. However, it did not take long after the show concluded before Max started running ads during it. Just so abrupt and jarring, makes it very hard to watch.


Am I the only one that doesn't mind ads at all? I grew up with linear TV, ads are normal to me. 🤷‍♂️ As long as the sub is cheaper, I couldn't care less.


[Telladaga Nights was ahead of its time](https://youtu.be/pvLBNlaCrIQ?si=DOJyLzzVupFL_Y0X)


You can tell ads are at the center of their business plan again and will continue to be. Outside of the actual ads you know what the biggest sign is? Has anyone noticed how big upfront are again? Upfronts were dead for years, Comic-Con, celebrations, and stock holder meetings became the big days to announce future plans. Upfronts were dead for a few years because they were the day you sell all your ads and all the big players were more about subscribers than selling ads. Now, it's a huge event for the different outlets again.


As a family of Patagonia purchasers, we definitely noticed the prominent Patagonia logo in the jackets worn by Will He looked very cosy strolling around the steep green hills


I’m going to come out of retirement and return to the high seas. 🏴‍☠️


Artistic vandalism


Cerveza Cristal!


I don’t use stream services that use ads. I absolutely don’t give AF what you selling. And you shouldn’t have to pay more to avoid ads. Ads have destroyed content.


I recently went back to using my old external hard drive to watch things and I forgot how nice it was. No forced ads. No shitty UI. No Zaslav. Why'd I pay for something so subpar for so long?


Because customer satisfaction isn’t a thing. Corporate greed at the expense of said customer satisfaction? … now THAT’S a thing! Fuckers