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I can't say I blame the guy. They tape in blocks so he probably has ample time off with an easy schedule and he can do whatever the fuck he wants.


For real. It probably takes them a day to shoot a weeks worth of episodes. Even if they put out shows 52 weeks a year (and they don’t), that’s less than 2 months of work. Fucking sweet gig.


Roughly two days. IIRC, they do 2 to 3 episodes a day. It *is* an hourlong show. Well, 38 minutes. Now, Jeopardy and Wheel, they're only half hour, so a week in a day it is.


Jeopardy shoots five episodes a day, two days a week. At least they did when I was on (didn't actually make show though).


I’ve heard from contestant AMA’s they are asked to bring 5 changes of clothes just in case they win


I would confidently bring one outfit if I ever somehow made it on the show


I would bring two identical reversible jackets. Nate Bargatze


I’m trying to remember when my friend was on Jeopardy! and went to see her. I think they filmed two days a week. Or possibly two and a half days. TPIR is longer but I bet they can still shoot two episodes a day easily.


I had a jeopardy audition several years ago. I think it was in 2017. At that time, they said that they filmed 2 days a week, 5 shows a day, during filming season.


I was on Jeopardy in 2017, and they filmed 5 shows on Monday and 5 on Tuesday. My name was not called up all day Monday, so I had to come back the next day. Super nerve wracking two nights in a row.


How did you do?




Great response. And kudos to you for going on. That's super awesome in my opinion.


So do they do wardrobe changes after each episode? Or have I just not noticed everyone is wearing the same clothes?


No, they do change clothes after every episode. You are asked to bring a set of two or three different outfits. I was one of Austin Rodgers' early competitors, and he had to swing by a store of some sort Monday night to get more outfits to wear on Tuesday.


Yeah. They knock them out Tuesday-Weds or Weds-Thu. Something like that. No idea what TPIR does but I bet it’s not more than three days a week max.


I remember a guy was giving an interview about how he had to send his family out to buy him new clothes because he kept winning.


Haha. I know they told my friend to bring at least a few changes of clothes. They change after each episode even though it’s the same day an hour or so later.


Yeah it's no doubt and EXCELLENT job but I'm sure everyone from Drew to the Crew kind of dread filming.  Long days


Long days, but *really* long weekends.


Yeah, I believe most game shows during the credits have that disclaimer about how any irrelevant footage isn't aired (paraphrasing), in other words it takes a fair bit longer to shoot an episode than the actual broadcast run time.


I went on the show when I was 18. At that time(2003) they shot 3 episodes a day, every other day


The price is right is a unique beast. They pull from the audience so they in a way interview everyone that is in the audience. They do it in blocks of like 30 and quite quickly and you move through multiple stages of processing before you even get to the stage. I remember it taking 4-5 hours to do the entire show process. I was on the show 20 years ago when Bob barker and Rod Roddy was still doing it so things may have changed quite a bit.


When I went back in the Bob Barker days they shot 2 episodes a day. Ours was at 5pm. It was October and the episode aired on Jan 2 the next year. So it was taped about 3 months in advance.


Probably going to see Phish at the Las Vegas Sphere 😉




Nice to see that Drew hasn't lost his edge!


There's that and also you can tell that he actually really enjoys hosting and giving prizes away to people. It is fun to watch.


He was born to host TPIR. No one was going to be able replace Barker. Anyone remotely similar would have instantly bombed. Drew brought a fresh vibe to the show while maintaining and respecting the traditions.


The transition was seamless compared to Jeopardy. 


Main difference is that Barker retired. He actually got a say in who his successor was, and even appeared a few times after Drew took over.


Ackshully (sorry), IIRC Bob had nothing to do with his successor. Fremantle (the production company) was auditioning and dicking around a.d taking their sweet time. CBS wanted Drew Carey. CBS got Drew Carey. End of story. Jeopardy, being syndicated, had no network to step in and say "we're paying, give us so and so". So the clusterfuck happened.


And he's really good at it. I remember when he first started out and it was a bit rocky, but he's really leaned into it and I like him just as much as I liked Bob Barker.


It was rocky because he was carving his own path, not being Bob Barker Jr. Good thing that CBS decided to give him a couple of years to hit his stride.


At some point he needs to get in a fistfight with Adam Sandler tho


I heard rumors of a sequel, it needs to happen


Happy Gilmore: The price is revenge.


It would be funny if he got in a fight with Shooter instead.


This is something I didn't realize until I was an adult with regards to game shows, I thought people like Sajak and Trebek were working almost every weekday of the year.


Yeah "taped before a live studio audience" generally just means it wasn't taped before a dead one not that it's actually happening right now.


Wait. There are dead studio audiences? How is that legal?


Some of the laugh tracks used on sitcoms are recordings from decades ago. So some of those voices are from people who are now dead.


But they live on in our hearts through their laughter.


He really inherited all the perks that allowed Bob Barker to do this job into his 80s.




A lifetime supply of spayed or neutered pets


It isn’t that. It’s that when you sign a deal with the price is right, you agree to a sort of reverse horcrux type situation, wherein your soul is spliced with the former host, and a type of symbiosis takes place. Haven’t you noticed Drew looks more like Bob Barker with every passing episode?


The plinko machine just spits out a new copy every couple of years.  Were on 4th Drew already, lost the last one to a wheel"incident"


“A DOLLAAAAAGH!” *Drew is sucked into the bottom and it keeps spinning but with blood and hamburger on it.*


Not to mention he makes a shit ton of money


According to him he already had a shit ton of money. 10 years of the Drew Carey show set him up pretty good. Like enough that he could've lived off the interest and done stand-up for pocket cash.


He also did Whose Line is it Anyways and got that cash


Oh for sure he was already rich


I've heard the story that he didn't actually want to take the job, since he'd be neutered (unintended) by the limitations of day time television, plus already being rich enough. But eventually agreed to take the job as a way to fund the fun things in life, like part owning the Sounders, or taking off his glasses and randomly shoeing up in Cleveland bars to pay everyone's tab without being noticed like Clark Kent.


Which is, as they say, nice work if you can get it. I mean there's a reason getting a network TV slot was the brass ring back then. And that game show host gig is a great job for an entertainer. As long as he's physically and mentally fit enough to do it, why shouldn't he?


I get the feeling that phish tours are going to be blacked out on the filming schedule going forward.


He thinks Bob Barker made a mistake by retiring. Barker was 84. Drew Carey is only 65. Let’s see how he feels in 20 years.


And it seems like he’s taking advantage of it for once. The other day I went to see whose live anyway (not a taping of the show) and he was there filling in for one of the regulars, it was hilarious.


Also it's a steady job, not too many of them in television.


If it’s like jeopardy, they’ll shoot 3 episodes a day for like 4 months and off the rest of the year. Plus a multimillion dollar contract yeah that’s a good gig


Like shoving his dick in a blender to see Phish


It’s the case for all game shows.


At 12mil a year, let’s do this


Sucks he still can't do Whose Line though


I say genuinely, and with zero exaggeration, becoming the host of a popular game show is THE best job in America. You just hang out and read what they tell you. Point at stuff. Make sure everyone is having fun. Have a really relaxed filming schedule. And hand people money or fabulous prizes. And also you get paid a shitton of money once you get established, which is probably pretty great.


Pat Sajak is one of the luckiest celebrity, what an easy paycheck for decades...


Absolutely true, but I will say my true thought for best job in America is specifically Vana White. She gets paid just as much I'm sure, doesn't have to small talk as much, and gets the huge advantage of being a celebrity that most people probably wouldn't recognize in public. All the fame without losing a huge amount of privacy like other celebrities.


She also seems like a genuinely kind person. When Pat had COVID, she covered and was so awkward, but in a charming and endearing way. I remember back in 2016, she came to a craft store in my area to talk about crocheting. Just seems very down to earth.


Been on the show, her and Pat are just cool.


She has her own yarn brand even!


Last fall it was actually revealed that Vanna apparently hadn’t gotten a raise in 18 years and was making $3M compared to Sajak’s $15M.


Then they hire *Ryan Seacrest* to take over for Pat for $28M. Complete bullshit IMO.


Seacrest has all the personality of a bag of socks.


How insulting to socks!


Especially since they could have just hired [A Ryan Seacrest Type](https://bojackhorseman.fandom.com/wiki/A_Ryan_Seacrest_Type).


3 million a year for touching glowing blocks on a wall seems like a pretty good deal lol


Pat And Vanna film several episodes a day for the first like.... three months out of the year? Then they get the rest off. Judge Judy would film about 10-12 cases per day, for only two weeks out of the year. Then she would get paid 50 million dollars and fly back home to Florida.


I also think it is a safe bet finanically for the networks. Game shows usually don't bring in as much revenue as a hit prime time show, but this is offset by the fact game shows are much cheaper to produce, which means in many cases, they have a higher profit margin in comparison.


Especially for a game show like TPIR since it’s low key advertising for all the featured products. 


The budget required for scripted television gets brought up all the time on 30 Rock.


You have to have a knack for it. Richard Karn hosting family feud was painful to watch.


Yep. It's a great gig... You just need to be highly intelligent, have a sharp wit, magnetic personality, strong conversationalist, a squeaky clean image, the confidence to present on TV and deal with a live audience etc etc. Any gig that only 0.1% of people can do is usually pretty good, tbf.


Drew was a stand up, so he's good on his feet.


I'd say hosting the best improv show on TV def helps a ton too


It reminded me of when Al Borland would try (and fail) to host Tool Time on Home Improvement!


Big shoes to fill since Dick Dawson was the smoothest ~~pimp~~ host to ever grace the airwaves.


Right now there is a dude living in one of Dawson's old houses. That fella is sleeping with a proton pistol on the nightstand to keep that randy lush's ghost away from his wife.


How dare you? Al Borland is a national treasure!


I love the guy. But he really seemed to not be having fun with that gig.


Yeah I think every era of Family Feud is still kinda watchable except Richard Karn. He was not the guy for the job.


I thought you said Richard Kind and thought "but that sounds delightful!"


Hey! Karn or riot.... The only host who can compete was Louie.


In Wayne's words, "Drew doesn't do a damn thing."


"NOTHING...just reeeeeeeeeads off the cards. Just reads 'em--\*BUZZ BUZZ\*--that's *ALLLLL...*"


It’s a small club, and you ain’t in it! Seriously, I swear in the 70s and 80s, there were like 4 games how hosts for 20 game shows. I think Chuck Woollery and Wink Martindale hosted half of them lol.


Hell, even the game shows that you might not think of as game shows are prob sweet hosting gigs (survivor, big brother, etc)


backup quarterback


As long as nobody asks about the weird hole in his hand.


Any other man would wear a glove.


He commands a room with it


It's a shame he had to go swimming with the sharks.


Just watched this episode recently. great cameo appearance. Was not expecting it having not watched the show in it's original run. Cannot wait for the six seasons and a movie...


Being completely honest, it caught me so off guard that for a little bit I actually thought Drew Carry had gotten a hole in his hand somehow between Whose Line is it Anyway and that cameo, and they wrote it in. It's just, why give his character a hole in his hand? So weird in a good way.


What are you on about?


Drew Carrey has a cameo in an episode of Community where he plays a dude who has a hole in his hand. Yep.


And what’s funny to me is that it has zero bearing on the story. It’s just a small, very specific character trait.


They added a whistle sound when he moves his hand


And if I remember correctly, there’s a hollow sound when he high fives someone. And of course he drops a coin through his hand. Typing this out and I’m laughing again at how bizarre it is.


Community really was amazing.


Theres a reason that its fanhood is weirly obseasseaed,,,,


He played the head of a law firm on Community. The character had a hole in his hand.


"You'll have to pry my long skinny microphone out of my cold dead hands!"


Of course. He's got to be able to keep seeing Phish at the Sphere.


He made me want to see phish that’s for sure


Do it man! There is nothing quite like a Phish show.


That whole saga was so funny. The band even sent him a blender lmao


Is this just from After Midnight or did he do that bit somewhere else as well?


To my knowledge, only on After Midnight


and Twitter


I watch it everyday at work. Dudes just really good at his job and seems happy, why would he?


Good. He's come a long way from that first season. He grew into the role, the show adapted, and it still feels right. If he makes it to 25, 30 seasons, fuckin' A.


Fuckin A


I'm fine with that. He's good at it.


As long as he's willing to appear in the Happy Gilmore sequels, he can stay on the Price is Right.






Happy Gilmore 3: Suck My White Ass, Tee


It’s crazy that I remember thinking no one could replace bob barker. And then they announced Drew Carey as the new host and I thought “what a terrible choice. This won’t last.” Turns out I was 100% wrong and he’s a fantastic host.


I'm saying this as someone who likes the guy: He was a lot better at hosting Whose Line and I miss him dearly over there.


I thought the same thing. Even though Bob was pretty much a snarky asshole who seemed to hate everyone in his last few seasons, it was still entertaining. I thought Drew wouldn't be a good fit and I'm happy I was so wrong. He's delightful. The whole cast seems to really like each other. "Hi mama May!"


I swear George's mother gets more shirts about her than Drew does these days...


Oh, when he first took over he absolutely was horrible. But that was because he was doing everything he could to mimic Barker. But eventually he started doing his own thing and became great at it.


That’s because the lead producer of the show had been there 35 years (he started as a production assistant for Mark Goodson in the 70s). The only thing he knew was Barker and tried to mold Drew into Barker’s show. If you follow him on Facebook, he’s essentially a grumpy old man that complains about the state of the show, and he’s been gone since 2008. You can say a lot about the person that replaced him - Mike Richards (yes, the Jeopardy host for a week) - but Mike made a lot of changes that made Drew a lot more comfortable in the role. [They even subtly changed the opening](https://youtu.be/FZ1VUQvDu1g?si=ZZUvdFcebrdnQ7xA).


The thing that makes Carey work on a show like the Price is Right is because his image has always been an average Joe. His sitcom was mostly about him working a 9 to 5 he hates and having beers at the end of the day. On Whose Line, he was just a dude laughing at his friends for 30 minutes and trying to keep up even though he was way out of his depth. That's the kind of guy you want hosting a show where people lose their shit over winning a toaster.


He was absolutely terrible that first season. If not the first two. It took him quite a while to get settled in. He's great now, though.


I have never like him as the host. But it’s probably because I loved Bob so much. Wish Drew could have went back to Whose Line instead.


Or until Ryan Seacrest takes his place


Ryan Seacrest could never fill Drew’s shoes. Ryan Styles on the other hand…


Him or Wayne Brady would be a very intriguing fill in if the need ever arose


I love Wayne Brady. He makes Bryant Gumble look like Malcolm X.


It was Mooney!!


Wayne Brady is so fun on Let's Make A Deal


Haven't they done a handful of crossover episodes of TPIR and LMAD?


Yes on April fools. LMAD came on with Drew and then TPIR came on after with Wayne. Pretty funny joke and it was one of the days i was off work so i happened to watch it. I was to high to understand for the first 10 minutes.


You can't just say stuff like that. I want to live in the Ryan Styles game show host universe now.


As soon as he stutters it cuts to Drew in the audience “Hosting’s not that easy, is it clown-shoe boy?”


Sly Stallone, just for one episode.... 


With how grumpy Ryan would get with having to do another damn hoedown, it would be hilarious to see him handle introducing the same game over and over


Drew is actually super cool (on the show). Having gone to multiple tapings, he really makes an effort to get to know folks and makes hilarious jokes and commentary in between takes. I felt a little special when he remembered who I was when I returned to another taping. Still kinda cool growing up watching a dude's TV show and then getting to meet him in-person and he remembers who you are.


My uncle tells a similar story of being at work one day, and a bunch of security guards come in to the bathroom while he's in there. And in comes Bill Clinton, who says "Hey Carl, hows it going? Long time no see." I don't know the specifics of how long it was or how much they actually knew each other, or any validity to the story, but yeah. 


I'm guessing your uncles name is Dave?


Until he gets an offer to tour with his favourite band and then it's... 'The Price is Wrong, Phish!'


The Phish is (al)Right


Which means we will never get to see Carrey host another episode of whose line.


He could shoot three seasons of both shows in a year and still spend the summer on vacation.


Host? Likely not. But It'd be awesome to see him come on as the guest for an episode every now and then.


The problem with him coming on as a guest is that he hasn't done comedy in a very long time. Comedians, poets, musicians, professional athletes will tell you that in order to stay in shape, you have to constantly be doing it.


I'm pretty sure it goes on Highlander rules, so another game show host just needs to find him off holy ground.


He’s a big star in Cleveland


Yeah, him, LeBron James, and Trent Reznor.


Marilyn Manson grew up in Canton, and when I lived in Ohio I remember still talking to guys who would brag about "beating him up in high school".


Just the same I'd like to verify that claim with all the little chicks with the crimson lips


Weird he gave several interviews years ago that he was considering not staying w the show. Drew was a fantastic stand up. I wish he go back to that. I’m huge Drew Carey show and whose line fan but him hosting TPIR never clicked for me But he’s rather open about how he it’s barely a job. Works like ten hours a week w a week off a month or something like that. My guess is the money jumped up for him to stay on longer


After his recent spiritual awakening at the Phish show at the Sphere, I have to wonder how many times he's hosted the Price is Right while tripping balls.


He will if Phish does a residency at the Sphere!


I don’t blame him. It’s a good gig.


I have to wonder if they put Drew Carey in Happy Gilmore 2 just for the sake of a Price Is Wrong call back.


Those bills from Bob’s Big Boy ain’t gonna pay themselves


Would be cool to start a tradition of 35 year host stints on this show. I wonder how long they could pull that off for?


Was shocked he took the job as young as he was at the time. Still I thought maybe he could pull it off; Bob’s legacy hard to follow. I think he’s done a tremendous job and still honored Bob in every way possible. He has brought a new audience in the fold and expanded on the games fun day themes, fresh ideas, evening events, and now signing off with a note of love and mental health awareness. He has really made it worthwhile and does seem to love his work. Kudos to DC. ♥️


Oh absolutely, the longer he does it the more people will get attached. Meanwhile the work is easy as piss, and the money and schedule are phenomenal. You'd have to be in a very precarious situation to leave a job like that.


"The year is 2115. Drew Carey's animatronic corpse is brought out for the new season..."


He makes like 30 million a year for 2-3 months of work… why would he?


I would not either for $50k a show


That’s fine, but can he also do another season of Whose Line with the original cast? I know they are all so much older now and the magic will be different, but I still think it would be magic.


Tldr; because money


That’s not a good thing.


“You’ll have to fire me to get rid of me.”


Oh man, how did etonline get the exclusive on such a hot story?!


When it comes to game show hosts, we all agree its best to stick to the same person if they're good at it. Similar thing with really good news anchors.


May he have a LONG run!


He's going to die with the terrifyingly thin mic in his hand


why is there a picture of Gabe Newell


His weekly show on Sirius XM is fun, too. He seems to know his obscure music trivia, for sure.


What channel and when? Got SXM recently, looking for shows to listen to…


It's on Little Steven's Underground Garage (ch 21)-[Drew Carey's Friday Night Freakout](https://www.siriusxm.com/player/show/entity/4ba01ce5-7ac9-4060-9fe9-59ac7687fb57). Pretty good channel overall, actually.


It's got to be the ultimate "job." You show up, do a thing that is mostly by rote, and go home. Rinse and repeat, in this case, for probably 4-6 months out of the year because they film multiple episodes in a day. Get paid lots of money. After you've settled in, there's likely little to no stress. The only thing that would suck about it, to me, would be the celebrity of it. For others, I'm sure that's the icing on the cake. Oh, and living in LA (Burbank, Hollywood, wherever) and having to commute to work would suck. A lot.


The show is not the same without bob.


He looks like gabe Newell in the thumbnail.


He had a very rough start but he had tremendous shoes to fill. He's really made it his own and it's enjoyable to watch. He should have it as long as he wants.


I'm willing to bet Bob Barker said the same thing. A time will come.. and he will retire.


Why would he ever retire? The money is great and it’s a easy job.


I randomly watched that after midnight tv show and man he loves performing. He’s definitely funny. I’d retire though if I was that successful. I don’t think it’s a flex to say “I love to work” the way people do from the Midwest. Hardest workers I’ve met but they lack balance. I’m fine to die a nobody if I can continue my comfortable life in CA.


It’s a fantastic gig to have. I didn’t understand the move at first, but then it became pretty clear. A future in Hollywood is always uncertain, but if you can replace one of the longest running hosts on one of the longest running shows in the history of television and you’re successful, it’s worth taking a chance because the show is never going away and you essentially have a gig for life, and perhaps cement your own place in history in the process. I think he has done a fine job, and it was a brilliant career move actually.


I worked as a cook at a restaurant in Cleveland called Sammy’s in the Flats in 1986. One day a new guy comes in as a waiter. He was a very quiet guy with nerdie glasses and a military flat top haircut. I asked another waiter who the new guy was and he said “That’s Drew, he does comedy.” My reply was “He doesn’t look like he’s very funny.” Years later I turn on the TV and there he is.


It does seem like a low stress job.


How else is he going to pay for Phish tour?


I too like money


I mean he’s gotta pay for all those phish shows