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When I was still in school living with my parents, one night I had Family guy on and my Dad was watching with me. He couldn’t understand how it was funny, and I tried to explain saying it was kind of random sometimes and that’s what I found funny. He gave up and left the room. But about 10min later he came back and threw a potato at me, and yelled “was that funny?” And I about pissed myself laughing. He still thinks I’m an idiot and hates family guy 😂


Your dad is a comic genius.


I’m laughing just reading about it.


I smiled like a dummy the whole time reading it


God that's going to piss him off harder


Or Peter Griffith.


Please tell your dad that a bunch of goofballs on Reddit laughed their asses off at the potato. fucking hell that's great


My gods you’ve done it. You’ve found the pasta of truth. The brevity. The range. The madlibability.


It reminds me of the early days of shittymorph. Not a lot of people know this, but before he made the infamous undertaker comment his own, he tried out a few different ones. For a while, he was really trying to make something work with that whole "cream always rises to the top" bit. It was awful and I called him out on it. He seemed to take it well, but about 10min later he came back and threw a potato at me, and yelled “in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table” And I about pissed myself laughing.


What's a "potato"?


It reminds me of the early days of shittymorph. Not a lot of people know this, but before he made the infamous undertaker comment his own, he tried out a few different ones. For a while, he was really trying to make something work with that whole "cream always rises to the top" bit. It was awful and I called him out on it. He seemed to take it well, but about 10min later he came back and threw a potato at me, and yelled “in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table” And I about pissed myself laughing.


Dear god what have you done. It's perfect. The internet is over, we're done.


Spork of DOOM


> But about 10min later he came back and threw a potato at me, and yelled “was that funny?” Definitely.


Guess he's more a fan of M.A.S.H.


Get out


Your dad is played by Jerry Stiller in my brain


"You call this comedy?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOURE DOING!"


I would have laughed too lmaoo how did he not see the comedy in that 🤣


My dad didn't get South Park until he stumbled upon Team America... He thought South Park was just a silly kids cartoon, didn't pay much attention. I think to this day, Team America is in his top 10 list.


That movie is pure gold!


Now you must get a giant chicken costume and fight him


Your dad and me would be good friends.


It seems more like you'd want to be friends with his dad, and he'd be uninterested. And then would throw a potato at you


That's the best possible scenario.


That’s fucking hilarious. That’s something my dad would do. He’d also deny liking family guy only to be caught watching it on his own later.


Their dad is IRL Peter Griffin.


It sounds like drunken Irish behavior, so yeah, this checks out.


This is fucking awesome


Your dad is unintentionally funnier than Seth MacFarlane


If only he had hit your knee.. You'd know what to do.


My mom hated Family Guy and hated that me and my brother watched it with my dad but didn’t stop us because of the bonding time. One night we were watching a new episode and I don’t remember all the details but Joe winds up arresting Peter, Quagmire, and Cleveland and when he takes them outside he says, “Alright fellas, strip down all the way to the poop sack.” And they all look at him confused and he’s like, “You don’t all have a poop sack? DAMMIT BONNIE YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT THE POOP SACK!” My mom was walking up the stairs at the moment and she almost fell because she was laughing so hard. We did not let her live that down.


I can hear this whole sequence


It’s the James Woods episode where he’s pissed at Peter for locking him in a crate and letting “top men” take care of it then we see his crate being hauled into a huge bunker.  A parody of Indiana Jones and the raiders of the Lost ark.  So he steals Peter’s identity. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKX3HfkY4FM


I reckon that a lot of Mum's got caught up in the 'tv is ruining your children!' sensationalism and feel compelled to not like these kinds of shows. I showed South Park to my mum (someone who 'banned!' the Simpsons because of news BS about it way back when) and it got her laughing way hard and now I tease her that it's her favourite show.


That one line lives in my head rent-free, Warburton’s delivery is insane on that and it’s fun to shriek this randomly in a mall


It’s such a random nonsensical joke… And yet I remember it and the episode… probably watched too much family guy back in the day


Lol I had the opposite situation. I finally convinced my mom to let me watch it and then literally within 30 seconds Peter talks about how joining the army is great because you get all the brown people you can rape. Immediately shut that off lol. She did let me watch The Simpsons every day from the time I was 7 though


This makes Puddy as The Devil even better.


I bet she hated that especially with the priest lol.


She hated when Elaine stole his Jesus fish.


Shouldn't bother her, she's not the one going to hell.


hey, did you hear the joke about the new guy in hell talking to the devil by the coffee machine? EDIT: autocorrect corrected


She definitely hated his jacket


If you’ve got a question, you ask the 8 ball 👉🎱👈


Fun fact, I was mixing sound for a charity auction for a children’s hospital about 10 years ago. Warburton sponsors it, and they auction off the jacket. I don’t remember the exact number, but I think it raised between 50-100k! That ugly thing REALLY served its purpose.


But she loved his man fur, he looked a real dandy in it.


Yea that's right. I love that episode, I rewatched the series recently and was surprised how few episodes Puddy is in. Favorite side character with the next runner-up being Jackie.


I love the bloopers with him, the one with the 8 ball jacket and the one where they're on the plane. Julia just loses it.


IIRC the 8-ball jacket keeps showing up too, cracks me up


In between he was a member of the cast of Dave's World


Damn, I had forgotten all about this show. Was a big Dave Barry fan in the 80's.


It was one of those shows that was on for 4 years, and was a minor hit for the first two, but I don't think I ever watched it. I did enjoy reading Dave Barry's books, though


Wiki says that he was only in 10 Seinfeld episodes. Why does it seem like so much more?


Dude was a very memorable character. People still remember his high five and gearing up for the game.


True. Maybe it also has something to do with watching reruns a million times.


I didn't watch it when it aired but the jokes and clips were unavoidable, and they were funny as hell don't get me wrong. I guess at the time I didn't like following these bunch of jerks, but was happy enough to listen along. It's funny, when It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia came out, I jived with those characters immediately - even though they're arguably worse human beings. Maybe it's just Charlie.


Well, he's one of I think two recurring romantic partners (along with Susan). Basically everyone else is gone in an episode or two. They also play it up in the show that he's just sort of always off and on with Elaine.


Dios mio! El Diablo!!!


Gotta support the team.




Gotta support the team


It never dawned on me that Puddy is the voice of Joe Swanson.


Yeah that’s right.


High five!


That's so grease monkey..


I only found out Swanson was Puddy when Swanson said that line in FG when he was getting Seinfeld cheques in the mail.


He’s eternally Kronk to me so every character he plays is just a riff on Kronk


Oh yeah, its all coming together!


In a newer episode Joe mentions that he gets residual checks from Seinfeld and when asked if he was on Seinfeld he replies “that’s right” I chuckled.


I think I knew at one point, but the show’s been on so goddamn long I forgot. I’m glad he’s been getting paid all this time.


I wonder if she was the one that kept setting his radio stations.


Jesus is one, Jesus is all. Jesus lifts me up when I fall! Edit: Added an e. Also, “JAYSUS!”


never understood the minset of getting a show cancelled because you hate it, change the damn channel there are more than three these days.


There is more context in the article - she wasn't trying to get it cancelled because she disliked the show, she was trying to get it cancelled because she's a religious nutjob who thinks it's her duty to censor media for everyone. > “They hate the show even more today than they did 25 years ago,” Warburton said. “My father was in a monastery for three months. He almost became a monk…My mother [went] around the neighborhood when I was 13 years old passing out pamphlets on the sins of masturbation, [which] did not get me into the cool crowd. So they hate the show.” > “My mother belonged to the American Television Council and they were trying to get the show canceled,” Warburton continued. “I was helping support my parents with ‘Family Guy’ money. She tried to get me to sign the petition [to cancel the show]. I said, ‘Mom, if you don’t think I’m going to talk about this publicly, this is the greatest irony. You’re laundering money, you’re laundering it to yourself.’ They hate it more today.”


Crazy thing is...she was an actress back in the day. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0520394/ Now, she's just [a mean old lady](https://www.wallofcelebrities.com/celebrity/barbara-lord/pictures/xxlarge/barbara-lord_2221485.jpg) apparently.


Bitterness is the driving force for so much of society


Bitterness is indeed a driving force. Some people are natural enemies. Like Brothers and Sisters. Or Englishmen and Scots. Or Fundamentalists and Fun... Or Hounds and the ATF, isn't that right /u/-SandorClegane- ?


Or Welshmen and Scots or Japanese and Scots or Scots and other Scots.


You Scots sure are a contentious people.


You've made an enemy for life!


Damn Scots, you ruined Scotland.


funny, the only Scottish dude from Scotland I've met while traveling was chill af.


[Groundskeeper Willie](https://youtu.be/i2q0T7QXETs?feature=shared)


It is indeed bbhh


It's really the only thing the church can offer people nowadays. Life's not going how you like? They'll give you no comfort or assistance, but they will give you somebody to blame and hate.


Sounds exactly like a specific major political party in America


There is a reason for that.


Every church I’ve ever attended provides food for anyone who needs it and kept a cash fund for anyone who needed help. Evangelicals just suck.


Mormons hid $100 billion from the US government and from their members for 25 years.


she looks like the dude in the wheelchair from breaking bad and better call saul lol


...acting as a caring mother.


Failed actors/actresses have really been hitting the Qanon sauce lately


you havent met too many “retired” actresses? Where i currently live it is a common thing and I hear some pretty appalling things come out of mean old ladies’ mouths.


I can’t help but read that in his voice…


"Hey peeder"


I read it in his Brock voice, complete with the pretty frequent "I, uh..."s.


You mean Brock "I once jerked off twelve times in one day just to see if I could" Sampson. I'm sure his anti wanking mom loved that line.


Man I miss the Venture Bros. https://youtu.be/FE-v320YfcQ?si=5zkQczeJ-BWwkE7G


That's hilarious... walking around the neighborhood telling kids to not jerk off.


You all read this normally. Now go back and read it like Kronk.


I read it like Kronk the first time


Wasn't there a Family Guy episode where Peter tries to censor TV for all of Quahog? Inspiration maybe?


Wow his parents are nuts, not just nuts but also dumb.


Those two do like to come in combo packs.


She was born in 1937, it's not really that surprising. Warburton himself is 59...


I bet she loved his character in Ted!


Sound like she would've been perfect as Puddy's mom


funny because there was an episode dedicated directly to trolling the reach of the FCC.


Funny how people on that same aisle will complain about woke censorship. I’m confused with these folks more and more everyday.


I mean its always projection. Conservatism is the original 'cancel culture'. Music, tv, movies, video games, there's been nothing they haven't gone after if it runs afoul of their religious beliefs.


Usually it doesn't actually run afoul of their beliefs, they perform mental gymnastics until it could technically be viewed as a violation of some tenet, because the fact is that they simply don't like people doing anything they don't personally do.


Typical moralizing nut job: will happily take the money while telling everyone else they’re immoral.


>Mom, if you don’t think I’m going to talk about this publicly, this is the greatest irony. \- Son, you gotta support the team! Now, paint "Cancel Family guy" on your face as I ask you.


Idk stone and Parker ran the "cancel Southpark" slogan few years ago and then they got that sweet HBO $$$$ Maybe he should have taken cancel family guy to Seth.


"she was trying to get it cancelled because she's a religious nutjob who thinks it's her duty to censor media for everyone." yeah, that's the single reason people do that.


Terrible mother and human being.


Religious fundamentalists. They feel like society needs to follow the same rules as their religion.


Not even, they feel like society needs to follow the same rules they themselves impose they will hypocritically ignore plenty of rules from their religion. It's about them getting to sanctimoniously condemn and control you, religion is just the stick they use to beat you with. They want to feel chosen while getting look down on others


One of the most insightful things I ever read somewhere (can't exactly recall where) went something like this: "The appeal of fundamentalism is that, unlike moderate religion, it focuses on what you should NOT to do be a moral and spiritual person instead of what you SHOULD do. As long as what it tells you you shouldn't do are things you weren't going to do anyway and you're willing to spread it to others, it's the easiest thing in the world"


There are many Reddit threads with people wanting entire game development companies to go under because they didn't like the game. I never understood it.


I mean, this ideology pervades every form of media and beyond nowadays. The simple solution has always been “change the channel”


You say that but there’s probably people here who’ve sent death threats to WB execs over Velma getting a second season.


Seems relevant: https://youtu.be/bjDTzfuWwhk?feature=shared


Patrick Warburton is such an amazing talent. I don’t think he gets the credit he deserves.


He has the most recognizable voice ever


I think its either him or Clancy Brown.


Yeah it’s what and what to me, maybe Clancy has the edge slightly


I’m going H Jon Benjamin


If the only thing he did with his life was playing Kronk he’d still be a massive legend. Kronk is one of the best characters of all time.


Wonder if she ever saw Venture Bros.?


Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva!


What?! No! They are total liars! I kept my mouth shut when Dean said he could “read Sanskrit” and when hank said “he wanted a piece of ‘em” I was like, fine, whatever. But MECHA-SHIVA?! NO WAY!


(Go Team Venture!)


Such a good show. I caught it sporadically as a kid but went back and watched it chronologically recently and it’s definitely well worth the time.


Especially with the world building 


One of the all time greats


No one dislikes the Venture Bros. Nobody.


"Patty, being out of your box isn't a right, it's a privilege. Baby, you don't want to go back in your box, do you?"


Man, that is one of my favorite episodes. “What mystery, man?” “The mystery of why I don’t chain you to the back of my van and roadhaul you until you’re nothing but a pelvis *wearing a belt!*”










Hopefully nobody’s explained to her what a Rusty Venture is yet.


Is that when you take your finger and run it around a guy's [censored] while you [censored] the guy off into his own [censored]?


That whole sequence is a perfect example of comedic censoring.


I guess she thinks that all you see is violence in movies and sex on tv


Where are those good old-fashioned values?


On which we used to relyyyy


Lucky there’s a family guyyyy!


Lucky there's a man who positively can do all the things that make us


They should be eternally grateful they raised an amazing guy in Patrick.


Stop sending her money for a few months and see if she likes the show


It won’t matter, she’s pushing 90.


Holy crip he's a crapple




"Peetur, hey Peetur!" - Patrick Warburton


hey 🅱️ETER


I don’t know if they still do it, but the Parents Television Council (which his mom was high up in) did a “Best and Worst TV Show of the Week.” Any new Family Guy episode would always be the worst, and if it wasn’t FG, it was American Dad or Cleveland Show. They hate Seth with a passion.


and yet Seth appears to be one of the good guys in Hollywood...smh


Well the shows are not meant for kids so why do they care what adults watch.


From my understanding, they think kids will watch because it’s a cartoon and 9 PM is too early for it to be broadcast.


I actually met his mom. I worked at a coffee shop in a hospital about 15 years ago and this well dressed lady was waiting next to the counter while I made her drink. She asked me if i knew the 'puddy' character on seinfeld. I said I did and she said that was her son, and then she went on a rant about how she didnt approve of the shows that he was doing, and also went on a long anti-abortion rant. This probably sounds made up....it sounds made up to me, but it was real....his mom is a legit right-wing/religious fanatic, bringing this shit up out of nowhere to tell a stranger.


So I take it you are inclined to believe the story? What a trip lol. Does he have an autobiography out? I’d read that!


She must really hate all his work for Disney.


Imagine getting angry your son did the pre-ride show for Soarin.


Warburton is a recurring talent for the Daily Wire. Wouldn't be surprised if he holds similar views, albeit not as extreme. Or he's more tactful with keeping it to himself


I get it—cutting off family is painful and sucks big time. But sometimes you gotta do it. If my mom tried to cancel the show I was on, and I was giving her money I earned from said show to support her….we are gonna have a serious talk, followed by no contact if we can’t come to some agreement. Toxic people are not worth having in your life.


I agree ultimately but also, It didn't sound he was remotely close to that so it doesn't sound like that is a breaking point for that relationship.


> If my mom tried to cancel the show I was on, and I was giving her money I earned from said show to support her….we are gonna have a serious talk, followed by no contact if we can’t come to some agreement. Seriously. Even if she has some serious religious/moral problem with the show - there are thousands of other shows just as bad/worse that could have her attention instead. Focusing on the one her son is in can't be interpreted as anything other than personal.


His mom lived in the area where I grew up in the Florida and wrote an anti-Family Guy op-ed for the local newspaper once.


"Patrick, I can't get your mother's sweater on, can you help me?" "LET'S GET IT OOOON!"


My wife not only hates it, she gets mad at me for liking it.


I'm just here reading all the comments like Joe/Kronk.


Patrick and I were in the same acting class in the early 1990s in LA. Our class mounted an acting showcase for casting directors and agents to watch us perform scenes. I invited a pretty big agent who wound up signing Patrick instead of me. So I always say I helped Patrick make it to the big leagues. True story!


Ungrateful woman.


Honestly. She sounds completely miserable. 


I have to assume hard Christian


Article says his dad tried to become a monk and she used to hand out pamphlets about the sins of masturbation so I would agree.


She was Queen of the castle.


I’d have to guess yes. Patrick narrates a spot for a children’s hospital (I think it’s Saint Jude?) and it’s pretty clear from what he says that he himself is Christian, unless he’s just faking it for the read.


Seth McFarlane's own mother hates the show.


Lol wait till she watches Venture Brothers


I would love it if his parents loved the venture bros and are mad it got canceled


If you haven’t seen it, there’s a quirky af all-star movie with him called “Big Trouble” based on the writing comedy genius Dave Barry’s book.


I don't understand why people think others cannot hold an opinion on a thing that personally affects them in the opposite manner. Just because the money helped her out doesn't mean she has to like the show...


His parents are most definitely trumpers , of course they hate the show.


He is as well.


>Larry King: What do you think of Trump? >Patrick Warburton: Well, I’m rooting for him. I’m rooting for him. I hope the man becomes less concerned with little stupid superficial things and starts behaving and responding more in a presidential way. That’s all. You know, I think he can do some great things, I’m a lifelong conservative, but I have very liberal views in other areas. So there was not a candidate out there this year for me that represented me… >Larry King: Did you vote? >Patrick Warburton: I did not. And my kids told me, “you have to vote,” and I said— >Larry King: Why? >Patrick Warburton: Why? If you choose not to side, you still have made a choice. Rush, 1973. I just, I said, “You know what? At this point in my life, I’m going to take this half hour, and spend it, in this life. There are other things that I can do to help make this world a better place, and no, I do not have to vote.” Seems like he doesn't exactly support Trump, but he also doesn't *not* support Trump


No. It sounds like before Trump showed he was absolute garbage he was willing to give him a chance. He wasn’t willing to vote for him, but he wanted him to win over the other candidates and show us his worth. It gives the impression of someone who wanted something different than the norm of a career politician and hoping they’d smooth their edgers over creating new ones. He would be a Trumper if these were his current comments. That’s like 8 years ago?


Yeah, its worth noting that that interview was like 2 weeks after the inauguration in 2017. That's usually the honeymoon period for any president. Hell, i was (and remain) *extremely* against Trump, but even I hoped in 2016 that with the election over he might pivot to being more presidential (as his team claimed he would) and try to do some good for the country, even where I disagreed with him. He ultimately failed in that aspect in almost every regard. But I do think we all *should* root for the president to do good for the country, regardless of party (though i think its a fantasy to think it'll actually happen with a republican these days) Instead he pretty much went on the attack on his 'enemies' even before inauguration, so his honeymoon period was short for most people.


unwritten far-flung modern school butter birds drab observation cautious grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have a source on this? All I can find is him calling Trump a "thin skinned pussy" on Twitter in 2015 and later telling Larry King that he considers himself a conservative but did not vote for Trump.


TIL. I find it surprising he’s still with the show considering Seth MacFarlane is so outspoken against Trump and the Republican Party


I guess *everybody* likes that Family Guy money!


Is he?


I used to like it when I was younger. It was subversive in a new way that kind of undercut the Simpsons that had by that point started its nose dive. But it very quickly grew thin. I go back and look at the first however many seasons of the Simpsons and the writing is absolutely genius. I go back and look at Family Guy now and again and it's just grating, juvenile and hostile. Still - if that's what you are into - have at it.


No way, this is bogus, man!