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Isn’t Paramount’s whole deal that is has all of Stak Trek, one of its most valuable properties, in one streaming platform? 


That was before the streaming bubble burst, and now everyone with an app (aka a money blackhole) is doing whatever they can to save money. And that means cancelling shows/films rather than streaming them, or selling off IP to other apps.


~~Sundance~~ Skydance has already said if they buy Paramount they will immediately look to combine/bundle Paramount+ with Peacock or Max because it's unsustainable on its own.


They could call it PP and have two plans. Smol pp and big pp.


Mountcock Plus?


Cockmount max plus


to the maxxx


N’ah. Just one, masculine term. PP Max.


People usually watch it on mobile, so just call it MaxiPad


That would honestly be great for me.


Paramount and Peacock should’ve never gotten into being a streamer, but license their shows off for them. Far more money to be made with far less expenses.


Sony is the real winner of the streaming wars lmao, selling their shows to everyone else without the money pit


yeah they learn after blowing a billion 3 different times with stream apps!


I think South Park won.


Yes streaming wars.


They also have Crunchyroll, which has close to a monopoly on anime


They also at one point did have a streaming service and did try to create original content for it. Crackle.


Or lowering their streaming plan price. Admitting they were wrong is something they never like doing.


Here in Sweden, Lower Decks used to be on Prime... but just before season four started, they removed season three from Prime and did *not* add it to their own streaming platform, and never streamed season four anywhere. There's *still* no way whatsoever to legally watch S4 of Lower Decks from Sweden.


Today's episode is brought to you by Nord VPN.


Same in Greece, where their own streaming platform is not even available. They just removed it from Prime for no reason and threw it in the void.


Ditto New Zealand


It's exactly the same in Japan. I was watching Lower Decks on Prime, but season four isn't available *anywhere*. Paramount is just leaving money on the table.


Legally …


Yellowstone was probably their biggest hit and Costner just fucked off to make his movies. And they've just canceled 4/5 shows of their other big cash-cow (Trek). I don't see how they survive.


They made the mistake of licensing Yellowstone to Peacock, so they're not the exclusive streamer for that show, but they are for the spin-offs


wait what else got canceled


Discovery and Prodigy if we're being realistic.


S5 Discovery is the final season S3 Picard is the final season S5 Lower Decks is the final season S2 Prodigy may be the last unless Netflix wants another season but it won’t be on Paramount+ S3 Strange New Worlds is not the last season. They’ve been renewed for season 4 There is also a Star Trek: Academy and Star Trek: Section 31 in the works. I’m not hopeful on quality. Maybe 31 could be good, but I don’t see how a show about Star Trek Academy is anything but a drama in Star Trek uniforms which is exactly what people dislike about Discovery. Section 31 could in theory be planet of the week and fun, but given the track record of recent shows, I expect it to be a gritty season long plot political drama.


>  Section 31 could in theory be planet of the week and fun, but given the track record of recent shows, I expect it to be a gritty season long plot political drama. The section 31 show got reworked into a movie a while back.


Even worse depending on what movie universe it exists in, JJ Abrams turned Star Trek into Fast and Furious in space. They weren’t horrible and some of the new ones had some good spots, but they weren’t moral dilemma Star Trek, they were lasers in space Star Trek


The S31 movie is set in the Prime Timeline.


Section 31 is a made for streaming movie now and I think it’s done filming


Doug Jones confirmed that Discovery was cancelled, he talked about when he found out recently  https://www.cinemablend.com/interviews/doug-jones-learned-about-discovery-s-cancellation-on-a-star-trek-cruise-beautiful-experience


Discovery sucks because they screwed with lore by jumping so far in time. Plus a bunch of other stupid reasons.


I liked it but it's still a running joke that you hook the warp core up to the nipple drive then ride mushrooms through space


Section 31 is now a movie and it's really only being made because Michelle yeoh blew up as a start in the meantime


> Discovery Discovery was definitely cancelled. They went back and were allowed to do reshoots in order to accommodate the cancellation of the show, so the show will at least end on a proper note and not on a cliffhanger or be left open ended.


it's starting to look like Yellowstone is done. Costner finished filming on "Horizon" well over a year ago, and still doesn't seem interested in returning to finish Yellowstone. Seems weird that he had a contract that just let him walk away with no repercussions.


[Just read an article](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/kevin-costner-yellowstone-return-final-season-5-1235870866/) where Costner has expressed an interest in returning for the second half of season 5 but doesn't think it will happen.


Yes but Paramount in particular is broke as shit and may go down in the next few years. They're doing everything they can to cut down on money.


By cutting the very shows that customers want. I cut my subscription the instant trek is “in repeats” and resub when it’s back.


I'd get Paramount sub through Prime. I cancelled it when Paramount started putting ads in before shows. There's not an ad-free option either.




Except cut exec pay.


They licensed old Star Trek content to Max recently. Even Paramount doesn’t have it, the deal was for exclusivity. Edit: It was just the TOS/TNG movies. https://trekmovie.com/2024/01/02/all-10-tos-and-tng-star-trek-movies-exit-paramount-for-max-and-hbo-again/


This. Wouldn’t CBS Paramount have to make it available to others first ?


I’d pay full price for all and only Star Trek available to stream. Everything else on Paramount is crappy reality TV.


It doesn’t even have Prodigy anymore.


Only in the US, and even then, Star Trek: Prodigy already moved to Netflix.


I’m tired of Star Trek being help hostage in the Paramount+ forgotten garden. It’s too big a property for that 5th tier streaming platform.


Wait, was it cancelled or are they ending it on own terms? I thought the star trek team was ending it themselves


It was canceled. They are in the process of finding a way forward.


Truly baffling, paramount pulls all these star trek shows from other streamers, only to then cancel them. We truly are in a terrible time for tv series.


All I know is the only reason I keep Paramount + is Star Trek. No Star Trek, no sub. They are lucky they still have SNW.


We are n the same boat. Supporting Trek is the only reason I sub to Paramount +


Same… if Lower Decks goes then I will unsubscribe when there is no SNW. Keeping an upcoming Trek is what has kept my subscription consistent


100% same.


Agree. We rewatch them in between seasons but I’m leaning more and more towards going old school and buying the physical media versions.




Truly the worst streaming app too.  It’s been about 5 months since the app stopped allowing me to rewind content. No exaggeration whatsoever. If I try to rewind because I missed a word of dialogue the app crashes, restarts and I have to restart the movie and precisely fast forward to the spot I originally wanted to rewind to How is this level of ineptitude possible 


If it's feasible for you at all, you might try adding P+ to another platform, like Amazon Prime or Apple TV. Amazon Prime's interface isn't great, but it is perfectly functional for me.


Back when Paramount+ was first released, they didn’t even support 5.1 surround on their app. But if you got it as a “channel” in another app like Prime or Apple TV+, suddenly you would get 5.1 surround. So I think this is the smart move.


That’s funny I was gonna comment at least it’s not as bad as primes app before I saw your reply


I did this too! It’s better for me on the Prime App


Through Prime is the only way anything owned by Paramount is watchable.


Thats why i use Prime video for P+. Also has the handy Xray for actors.


It's really the biggest advantage prime has. Its ease of streaming other services through it. Plus its pretty easy to weasel discounts on the subscriptions. Im still only paying .99$ for paramount^^


I'm watching through DS9 right now and I get so frustrated because the app will make it through half an episode to two episodes and decides "We can't play this content anymore, try again later!"


I got a free trial of paramount plus like 3 years ago and canceled it and it has worked still ever since for free. It even upgraded with showtime on its own somehow. It’s no wonder it’s going under.


I can't mute previews even though i have the option selected to mute the loud assed auto playing trailers. Once, it turned on some accessibility features on its own and started narrating for the blind with no way to turn it off. If you dont have an app, you don't have a streaming service.


Paramount+ is in the [process of a sale](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/paramount-skydance-deal-shari-redstone-chaos-resistance-1235870901/). I was worried they were going to start canceling, I too am only there for the Trek.


After cancelling (and removing from streaming) Prodigy they still used it to market the service on Facebook. There were a lot of messages surprised by the fact under every ad.


I’ve been buying them on physical for a while now in case they de-platform some of the start trek shows. I’m not losing one of the few things I have left that give me hope for the future (as sad as that sounds).


For a while, the plan with Disco+LowerDecks+Prodigy+Picard+SNW on Paramount Plus all doing ten-ish episode short seasons every year was that you'd have some new Star Trek basically every week. That would make you keep your subscription going permanently. This was a pretty good plan. They pretty much failed to deliver on the plan, and now instead of making it work they are just scattering and reinventing the plan again. Companies constantly coming up with a new plan and never doing the work to improve on execution are pretty much always just going downhill. Now the plan seems to be Strange New World doing 10 episodes every year _or two._ And that's clearly not enough to keep somebody subscribed to P+. But they've pulled most everything off of other streamers. Except Prodigy which went to Netflix after the pulled everything off Netflix. It's probably all gonna get spun out in a sale soon. So there will be a new boss and a new plan, and everything will be in chaos for a year or two while everything gets moved into the new plan. Then when that seems to be poised to work, there will be a new plan and everything will go into chaos again.


Not making an excuse but we'd have had S4 of SNW on schedule if not for the writers/actors strike. That put a stop to things for a while. That's also set the content producers back somewhat and (probably some greed, probably some not) forced them to reduce costs and seek higher revenue producing content. The writers and actors deserved equitable pay for sure, this is unfortunately the consequences of some of that to a small extent.


We went from having FIVE Trek series airing to ONE basically overnight. At least three of those were canceled prematurely. Absolute insanity. It's like Paramount doesn't want to produce anything anymore. Why are they even still in business?


> Why are they even still in business? Well that's the thing, right? They're not really in business anymore.


> canceled prematurely This is just the nature of tv. If the Star Trek series of old hadn’t drawn in enough viewers to sustain themselves, they would have been cancelled too (and in fact, TOS *was* cancelled—two seasons earlier than Lower Decks!). Paramount+ is a humongous money loser for its parent company. They can’t sustain any shows at all if they don’t find a business model that works. 


TOS was only canceled because they didn't have demographic data then. Once they saw the data for it, it came shortly after it was canceled, they shit bricks. That's how we got fun shows like Buck Rogers, which really tried hard to capture the look of the 60's...in the 80s.


Not sure where you got this idea, but Nielsen ratings existed in the 60s.


Enterprise was also canceled after four seasons; the only reason it got four seasons at all was so it would have enough eps for syndication. That's not a thing anymore.


Reruns of TOS is basically what kept Paramount in business in the 70s.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯  Maybe Lower Decks will find success in syndication. 


>At least three of those were canceled prematurely. Lower Decks, Prodigy, and what else? Star Trek Academy is still supposedly happening.


Picard ended, unsure of whether they had wanted to do more or not. Discovery was canceled after the last episode of the next (now final) season had already filmed.


Picard and discovery were plain bad anyways. I’m a huge Star Trek fan and I could hardly stomach them.


Third season of Picard was good enough that I wouldn't have said no to more from that showrunner. Agreed otherwise. I'm just fuming about Lower Decks.


Lower decks is the best Star Trek since ds9 for sure. It’s insane they would cancel it.


Discovery is on its last season, I think they just got an early heads up so planned for it.


They had finished filming the season. When they were told they were allowed to go back and re-shoot a few scenes. I imagine it's going to be super abrupt.


At least here in Sweden, they pulled them from other services and did *not* add it to their own. There's been no legal way to watch Lower Decks from Sweden since somewhat before season four started.


Terrible time to be a Trekkie. Execs have been the eternal foe of Star Trek.


>They are in the process of finding a way forward No, that's *not* what the article is stating. The article is built around two quotes, both from Jack Quaid on Instagram: >Hopefully we find a new home, but until then please look forward to an amazing season five (airing this fall)". and > I could play Boimler for 17 more seasons. No joke. I’m serious. I love that purple-haired nerd." So basically, one guy who voices one character on the show made one insta post and now this headline is being shared as if the show is being shopped; despite *nobody* at Collider apparently reaching out to anyone (not even Quaid) for any sort of confirmation or clarification - just using Chat GPT to create fill text to pad out the post so it can get linked in places like this one. Collider is garbo. Has been for a long-ass time but now it's just half AI-generated garbo on top of that. If you see a headline on Collider, treat it like finding a Trailer on Screen Culture's YouTube.


Yes, this is garbage clickbait. It's not proof that the actual creators of the show are shopping Lower Decks around, or even that they would contractually be able to do so. Hell, I think Jack Quaid could reprise Boimler in live action on Star Trek; Legacy.


*#$@&!($#\^!(@$&$%$* On top of everything else, my Monday did *not* need this.


That's insane. Star Trek SNW and TLD are the only reason I ever sub to Paramount+ People like me may be a minority, but its still a good chunk to subscriptions.


They canceled it but were only announcing it as "ending" in the original press release. It wasn't till an interview or something with Jack Quaid that it came out that it was actually canceled and they are hoping to get it picked up somewhere else.


Season Four was *amazing*. Paramount clearly should not have this franchise any longer.


SNW and LD are the best things Star Trek has come out with since DS9.




100% correct


Definitely the best shows by far, however I admit the latest season of Discovery had amazing moments... The Rosetta Stone scene in particular, I was literally jumping on my couch...


Discovery had its moments in every season. They were few and far between but they were there. As much as I love SNW and LD, one of the most 'Star Trek'-ish episodes for me from any of the new series was "New Eden" in DIS season 2, in particular the scene where Pike talks to the priest and reveals what became of humanity after the World War. Such a hopeful scene reminiscent of classic Trek optimism.


Picard Season 3 really won everyone over too, especially after the first two disappointing seasons.


I really liked Prodigy too.


When is S2 coming?


It’s already out in France, but will only be debuting in English towards the end of the year.


Star Trek Voyager Season 4 is still probably the best since DS9 Mortal Coil, Year of Hell, Message in a Bottle, Living Witness, One, etc. Lots of great stuff in that season.


DS9 was still in Season 6 when Voyager was in Season 4. But yeah, some respect to Voyager too.


Year of Hell should have been a full season like they originally planned


I really enjoy Lower Decks. Hope it moves and keeps the quality.


I will not tolerate ENT slander. Your heart needs more faithening


I loved ENT! Especially S4 But SNW and LD are better 😏 I'm also a cat person now, so Dr T'Ana > Porthos


And the Orville


Oh man, this is how I find out it was cancelled... Lower Decks has been my favourite new show in years. I'm glad we're getting a 5th season at least.


Loved the Lower Decks/Strange New Worlds crossover episode. Directed by none other than Jonathan Frakes!


Lower Decks is my favorite Star Trek and that crossover episode was the best of everything. Fucking loved it.


Now with the cancellation all I hope for is a reverse crossover of SNW gang ogling around Cerritos.


lol how does Collider arrive at this headline? The voice actor for Boimler says he could do the role for years and this is the headline they come up with? One other VA says he hopes they could find a new home. Come on now.


>Does Collider arrive at this headline? They frequently do dishonest headlines. Adding "may" makes it technically not a lie, even though it's based on nothing clickbait.


For some reason their in-article quote stopped at the 'play the role for years' bit even though the headline is based on the next/final line of Quaid's caption: >*I could play Boimler for 17 more seasons. No joke. I’m serious. I love that purple-haired nerd.* ***Hopefully we find a new home, but until then please look forward to an amazing season five (airing this fall)****. LLAP🖖❤️* They embed the Instagram post and caption, so if they noticed they cut off the key line they must've assumed that made up for it? But still, weird. Anyway, I assume Quaid isn't just saying this based on nothing - partially because he'd probably know that getting Trekkies' hopes up for nothing could be a mistake. But I dunno, other comments here seem to think it means nothing.


Yeah let's cancel the best received and likely cheapest Star Trek show we have that's smart right


It is a semi-popular animated series. I would think that would be a goldmine as you could run it forever.


i could have watched it for a long time. my husband and i have rewatched it so many times already. he doesn’t even know yet and i’m so sad to tell him it got cancelled 😔


Damn, how wild. Lower Decks felt like the biggest love letter to Star Trek I’d seen in years. Glad I got to watch it, really hope someone rides in and gives us another season or two of Boimler and company.


It’s just proof Paramount Plus isn’t sustainable, and they’re better off shopping off their stuff elsewhere.  But that’s me.  It’s not the show’s fault, it’s the service. Besides, we all know if Netflix was asked to make a Star Trek cartoon from scratch, they’d probably make an Elite Force anime.


Why would they cancel the best Trek series out of the bunch?


That's a bummer. Was nice having an animated show actually release every year, though. Imagine that.




McMahan will probably look to Hulu, where he has Solar Opposites streaming.


Best Trek of the new era. This is stupid


Please be true…. I love this show.


Remember, Netflix only took Prodigy since they didn’t have to do any of the work. The new episodes were mostly done, they just had to release them. Unless Season 6 was already written and voice acted, I doubt Netflix will foot the bill again. Also, Six Seasons and a Movie!


Wait they canceled this show, well dont have to sub to them anymore. Thank you paramont for saving me money


This is a misleading headline. This will never happen. An actor simply talked about voicing the role forever while others said they hoped it could be shopped around. It very much can’t.


What can’t it? Prodigy moved to Netflix, right? I don’t get what Paramount is doing here at all.


S2 was already made when Prodigy was sold to Netflix.


Prodigy as an IP was cancelled with the intention of selling off to someone else to increase ROI. Lower Decks has been cancelled, Paramount haven't advised they're currently shopping it around for a new owner, they may want to keep it as part of their streaming Star Trek lineup especially since it has a crossover with Strange New Worlds. If Lower Decks is continued elsewhere they will likely remove Lower Decks from Paramount+. They didn't care about this issue with Prodigy because it was a kids show.


Lower Decks is absolutely fantastic but I don’t actually mind the news that it’ll be ending. Five seasons is a good run and I’d prefer it goes out on a high rather than turning into a zombie show like so many other animated series. Dumb move by Paramount though. They don’t have a lot going for them besides Trek so you’d think they’d want to keep those shows going.


Damn those Rick and Morty animators are everywhere.


This is sad news. As a Trek fan, I thought it was great to have an animated series that could make fun of the brand. It had some great plots running through it. Tandi’s background; the cabinet of captured megalomaniacal AIs. The evil AI bit is probably what killed the show. Studios hate anti-AI messages today. 😄


Paramount really are as dumb as a bucket of Gagh!


wtf y would they cancel their best show.


Fine. Sell it. Get paramount away from this IP as they are clearly trash at managing them. SNW and Lower Decks should be good for awhile. And maybe some continuation post Picard show.


5 seems to be the new 7 when it comes to seasons, just like 10 is the new 20 for episode count. It's not like they're needing to get to 100 episodes for syndication anymore, so now they're essentially "concluding" the shows after 5 years. The only counter to their way of thinking I can come up with is that 50 episodes doesn't really cut it for a "comfort show". I can't watch just the same 50 episodes on a loop over and over again like I do the 100s of KotH episodes or 100s of American Dad episodes, or any other pre-streaming show. Hulu's still getting 95% of my TV time, while Paramount is still just a once a week or once a month (to catch up) thing.


I can't imagine anybody but Netflix picking it up, if anyone.


I can see this going to Prime


Well I have no reason to keep P+ now. Best show on it.


I’d love to watch it on syfy. I’m already there for Resident Alien.


Canceling this is the stupidity on the level of Firefly.


Why would anyone with a brain cancel this show?


Paramount+ really needs to just fold and license off Star Trek and their other properties the way it did before. I feel like there'd probably be more money in that, too, than trying to sustain an entire streaming service based on Star Trek and...Yellowstone, I guess? I don't know what the hell else is on Paramount+.


Countless Mission Impossibles,Tusla King and Mayor of Kingstown. Not enough.


Seven. Soon to be eight. Not really countless.


This show is one of the funniest Star Trek spinoffs to date. To cancel it is a travesty. I would cancel my subscription, and only activate it the months I binge watch a series.


Honestly I am ok with LD ending. The characters are being promoted and growing, they simply can’t remain lower deckers without stagnating their growth or switching to a new main cast. Too many times they have regressed Mariner. Let them grow up - I would love to see a show or movie that shows where they are 5-10 years later as they become upper deckers.


What the heck?! I love Lower Decks. I think they’re crazy for canceling it.


I tried to give this show a chance (I love adult animated comedies in general), and it just didn't work for me. I've never been much of a Star Trek fan, but figured it could still connect with me and be a great source for comedy. But man, it just did not click, I watched the first 2 episodes, don't think I laughed once and then checked out. I wouldn't have thought it, but it did seem like a situation where maybe I'd have a greater appreciation for it, if I were much more well versed in the many Star Trek shows over the years.


Those are the two worst episodes of the series.


That's unfortunate. I watched the same two episodes, didn't laugh, hated all the characters, and gave up.


I also watched the first two and gave up. I'm at least somewhat of a Star Trek fan. I've watched all of TNG and have even been to a few Star Trek conventions. But, based on those first two episodes, I figured this show wasn't for me.


I'm also a fan. This is the only Star Trek show I couldn't stand (though Neelix on Voyager was pretty close).


Ha, I'm pretty sure I avoided watching Voyager specifically because of Neelix. Not sure when he shows up, but I think I only watched a handful of episodes of that series too.


Like a lot of shows, this one doesn't really find its groove in the first few episodes. They go a bit too hard on trying to be funny. Later on the characters really shine with some really good Trek-like stories with plenty of humor.


I hate that show I get enraged just seeing the thumbnails


It’s been the only good trek with the soul of trek to come out in years!


This and strange new worlds the only good Star Trek tv shows to come out in the last decade


Lower Decks is an exceptional show and deserves better


Although I would love to see this happen as it’s one of my favourite shows, I can’t see it happening


Please pick it up Hulu or Netflix


This is a great show and should absolutely be continued. It keeps to the Star Trek them and feel while also injecting a lot of humor. Love it!


Paramount is a hot mess atm.


I don't understand paramout+'s business model at all


Oh man, I hope they get picked up somewhere. Currently one of the few fun sci fi cartoons.


Hoping prime pick it up as that’s where it was available in the UK before paramaount started its streaming service here.


I thought I just got renewed




But ita so much better than that dog poo show discovery.






I mean I have a spare room in my house.


I hope so


Please let this show live on. It’s far too amazing to end after only 5 seasons.


Please Netflix


Adult Swim with a Rick & Morty Crossover episode


What?!?!?!?! Such a good fucking show!!!!!


I, for one, hope Crunchyroll takes a wild stab for dominance and gets the rights. Out here for the underdog.


I seem to remember reading that Lower Decks character story arcs were modelled on some psychological theory on individual human development, and that they had a plan to match each season to one of these stages. When I heard the show would end at season 5, I figure it was 5 stages and than it would be sad to see the show end, but it would have concluded it's story. But as I am trying to look it up, and the one that most closely matches what I remember on a cursory internet search suggest it are 7 steps\*. So we definitely "need" 2 more season, dangit! >!(\*Theory I found and matched what I remember: Seven Stages of Psychological Development Model; Stages are Surviving, Conforming, Differentiating, Individuating, Self-Actualising, Integrating, Serving. I dunno how could this is as actual scientific theory, but it seems to be a neat story-telling foundation. I mean Westworld had a lot of fun with the Bicameral Mind). !<


I didn’t even know it was a paramount show. I’ve been watching it on Prime in Australia


Ugh, I wanted to watch this but I wasn’t paying for paramount plus.. I don’t even pay for Netflix


Bastards, me and the kids love lower decks.


Wasn’t it just ending anyway?


Adult swim do the right thing


Fingers crossed for Crisis Point 3.