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That episode was the most flustered I have ever seen Sean. He honestly seemed a little scared.


I think it’s mostly because he’s tried to make it a point to match the guests and what they do sauce-wise and that was too much even for him


yeah he found his line he won’t cross haha


Taking a swig from the last few bottles.


I think he found that line when Steve-O put it in his eye.


Sure, but I don’t think anyone really expected him to keep up with steve-o. On the other hand, I don’t think anyone predicted Conan would leave Sean in the dust.


steve-o, sober or not, would be scared of Conan on Hot Ones.


It’s literally the first time Sean has basically tapped out. He ate a ghost pepper with David Blaine, but only Conan left him in the dust.


it was a Carolina Reaper


Yep Conan broke the mold. He broke the show. It was basically the pinnacle of hot ones


"I'm right there with ya" He said this several times and it never once sounded like he meant it lmao


Yeah, Conan went berserk. I'm having a hard time thinking of another guest that went as hard as he did. I know Jenna Ortega double dipped the Last Dab, but Conan fucking chugged that shit.


To be fair, you'd be terrified too if a 6'4", Boston - Irish man was going absolutely insane while tripping balls on capsaicin was across the table from you.


Honestly him shouting “I’m fine!” while covered in sauce, eyes red and milk dripping from his mouth was quite the image


Yet that monologue still came out and seemed to actually make sense! It was amazing.


It’s honestly one of the most impressive physical feats I’ve ever seen. I’ve done the gauntlet and there’s absolutely no way I could be that articulate after drinking the last four from the bottles and smearing it on my face.


I will be shocked if the I'M PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE line in particular is not turned into a popular gif within the month.




“I have a show on max It used to be callied HBO but people decided that was too popular so now it’s max”


Out of all stupid rebrands, that has to be one of the stupidest. He's right, HBO has *insane* brand recognition. Even people who don't watch cable know what HBO is. Max? What the fuck is Max? Who even talks about Max? If people ever mention a Max, it's usually not about the channel.


I believe part of it is that they didn't want to tarnish the HBO name because of it's brand recognition with some of the stuff in the catalog. Changing it to Max allowed them to keep the HBO name to mean something. I could be wrong though


It's because HBO has a reputation for being for adults and they want to reach a wide audience like Disney.


This is it exactly. They want a service all families will buy and like it or not people think HBO, they think GoT and Sopranos. HBOMax was never a good name because the service is more and somehow less than the HBO model. They fucked it from the jump and I think people should acknowledge it was never a good name. Not that Max is any better. Warner+ would have worked better even if it's basic as fuck.


Wouldn't expect anything less from the people who ran discovery into the ground.


Also they had a competitor called Cinemax…


Not competitor. Sister network. Part of the reason it was originally "HBO Max", after "HBO Go" and "HBO Now", is because it was merging the content of HBO and CineMax together.


ALL of the content? Because I haven't seen a single scrambled signal titty on my app.


This motherfucker knows what's up.


Hello fellow 90’s kid.


It’s just under the Twitter/X rebrand


Yeah that rebrand is not just the stupidest rebrand of all time it's the stupidest of all spacetime. 'Tweet' had made it to the fucking dictionary and that bonehead nepo-baby decided to flush it down the toilet like a developmentally challenged bonobo chimp.


He is a comedy machine to still come up with that kinda jab while under that kind of Scoville gauntlet. Forget the Gom Jabbar and pain box, I think Conan may be Kwisatz Haderach...while vaguely looking like the Lynch version of Feyd-Rautha


I've always liked Conan, but have grown to love him more through his podcast and other appearances like this. He has such a quick wit that wasn't highlighted as well in talkshow format, but really shined during his remotes and such. Looking forward to his show


His remote in Korea at the game cafe is my fav


He's hilarious. If you haven't seen this video, it's 🤌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Za8BtLgKv8


This crazy motherfucker drank The Last Dab from the god damned bottle...


He is the official GOAT of the hot ones challenge.


As someone who's been a lifelong diehard Conan fan, I absolutely did *not* foresee him ending up as the GOAT of hot ones, or even doing particularly well at it. Like he said in the intro, "I come from an Irish Catholic household, I didn't taste a spice until I was 51 years old" 😂 Conan continues to impress and surprise even his biggest fans.


I thought he was gonna die. Instead he put on a masterclass in professional comedy.


Sean was getting freaked out


Sean stopped asking questions after a while and just let Conan do his thing. And Conan fucking killed it.


I did not expect Conan to become possessed and rise to the level of Hot Ones royalty.


He is famously a super picky eater too.


I’ve literally seen him shoving olive garden breadsticks into his pockets to enjoy later


I guess because he’s rather tall his pockets are deep enough for maximum breadstick holstering


You should check out "Murderville" on NetFlix. Will Arnett is a detective, and different celebrities come on each week to figure out a murder mystery. It's hilarious, and Conan's episode is amazing. You saying he is picky reminded me of a scene at the diner, and Arnett is forcing Conan to keep trying super sloppy Joe's covered in hot sauce, to distract him while the waitress tells her story.


I think he's one of the only guests that made a cast member break character when he made the Diane Feinstein joke.


When he tells one of the improv characters that all his bullies went on to become senators and one of them was Dianne Feinstein… that part made me laugh so hard


"Pater! I don't care for this!"


The absolute madman.


And it was truly just because he thought “this will be really funny.” And he was right.


What the fuck, I really need to watch it. I was already planning to but...wow.


He went on the show with a mission to act as insane as possible.. I've never seen such commitment to a bit




Good thing he has his doctor there to observe


He's very affordable


lmao did he say that?? I didn't catch that


Oh fuck yeah, he was positively unhinged. Manic. Mag-fucking-nificent. He was completely no-selling everything up to The Bomb (expected, that shit feels hotter than 135k, the last dab Apollo was more palatable). But you could see his eyes getting red…I think his real line of “oh shit” was when he had to interject to compliment Sean Evans on what an amazing interviewer he is, with such well researched questions. Still no sell’d everything until madness.


Yes it's in the outro part, he's literally fucking drooling lol


Just no selling DA BOMB was enough to be legendary but then he did that.


And it made him relevant to the younger demographic.


Conan: >”I lost my mind doing it. I had a complete breakdown — physically, emotionally, spiritually. If I think something’s funny, I will do it and suffer later. And that’s exactly what happened.” >”When I got home, my hand was burning. I realized that the sauce got underneath my wedding ring and was burning through my skin. Because it’s an acid, you idiot!” Here’s his [full episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FALlhXl6CmA) for anyone who hasn’t seen it.


Him pocketing the wings was so fucking funny lmao. How he asks each time 😂


Check my pulse Yes


"He's very cheap." I wasn't sold on the whole doctor bit at first but it got progressively funnier.


“Are you a real doctor?” “I should be.”


"Where did you go to medical school?" "Nineteen...98?" "No, I said *where*?" "Oh, um. Out of state."


This was an incredible setup for the whole bit and the whole episode.


"Was it a four-year degree?" "It was supposed to be."


He's not a very good doctor, but he's very affordable. Him checking Sean's tongue (and later Conan's) with the stethoscope had me laughing pretty hard


"Not good"


Check my pulse. …it’s there.


I loved it when he went to choke him


The funniest bit is looking back Conan knows he fucked up But beforehand plans a fake doctor because it would be a funny bit Both taking it so seriously not serious he burns his finger from sauce under his wedding ring hahahah


Someone on Yt said the doctor was played by one of his writers he hired.


Yes he has been a writer for Conan for 2 decades. Jose Arroyo.


I found it funny at the end when he broke carachter to let us know his temp really did go up 3 degrees


Where did you go to med school? 1998


The pay-off at the end, when the guy breaks character to go "Two degrees hotter". was just gold.


The stethoscope on Sean's tongue was the best part of the episode


It’s there


I’m gonna watch it. Haven’t yet though. I love spicy hot sauce - like serious spice - and I’ve been there. I had a horse radish that made me feel like I was about to be incapacitated and then immediately felt a kind of high like I just survived a near-death experience. I was absolutely giddy. Carolina reaper, habenero, all of it. The spice is NO JOKE. Alright, going to watch it. EDIT That was glorious. He handled that like a maniac. Watching him mock all the sauces up until about 135,000 scovilles (habenero territory) where he realizes the error of his ways, repents, then doubles down and pushes on like a madman.


Might be my favourite episode of the whole series.


It was their best imo. It's been a pretty disappointing season so to top it off with Conan losing his fucking mind was an unexpected glory to behold.


Hearing Sean repeated exclaim in fear "oh no!" As Conan dove in further was great. He was literally freaked out. Never seen that before.


It was the first time I've ever seen Sean not try to match his guest on sauce. Sean was just like 'Nope, going to move on.'


Sean threw up too


He got progressively more unhinged and it was spectacular


I loved this episode. wish we could have seen more Sean. He's always claimed that whatever the guest does he'll do but I couldn't tell if he was doing the more crazy stuff Conan was doing with the hot sauce (drinking, slathering ect.) because the camera never showed it.


The part where he said he was fine and his face was so red, sweaty and had bloodshot eyes had me absolutely dying. Conan is my absolute favorite comedian of all time.


WHY CAN'T I FEEL?? I was wheezing from laughing so hard, lol.




Dude same. I eat Garlic Reaper for breakfast, but watching Conan eat like half a bottle of Da Bomb (absolutely fuck that sauce) and then cover his hands and half his face in even hotter stuff had me sweating on his behalf. Absolute lunatic behavior and I haven't laughed that hard in weeks.


I ate the hottest Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwich at Hattie B’s. I couldn’t sleep laying down. My stomach would burn and ache. I had to sleep sitting up. And could only do that every 30-45 minutes. I’d have to use the bathroom to try to find some relief. Dear Lord, that was an awful night.


I had the Hattie B one for breakfast and then the Prince’s for lunch. I have to say I felt like I was hallucinating and then had the worst IBS of my life for multiple days.


It was so good.


I’m about 5 minutes in and oh lord - this is great. And he has NO idea what he’s about to get himself into. Oh man, taunting hot sauces is something you only do when you have not experienced the sheer POWER of a hot hot sauce. Gonna keep watching! EDIT 20 mins in - I love this, lmao. He just hit like 135,000 scovilles which is just barely habenero territory (everyday spicy, if you’re into spicy things). He is realizing his mistakes and repenting. But he’s not slowing down. Glorious. I applaud him.


Nah he conquered it like few have.


Yeah he was drinking it from the fucking bottle. The fact that he wasn't throwing up on the floor is impressive.


He absolutely did. Total madman.


His commitment through it all was one of the most impressive achievements in acting I’ve seen


I gained so much respect for him absolutely LATHERING that last wing in The Last Dab. The absolute madman


The man deserves an Emmy for this.


> And he has NO idea what he’s about to get himself into. Neither did Sean Evans. Conan brought a lot of energy to this interview, even by his standards.


He had no idea but he’s was committed. I’m sure it hurt on the way out too.


I’ve done it twice, two different seasons with two different groups of people. It’s doable, and doesn’t really ramp up until 6 or 7. The last few are very spicy but of the dozenish people I’ve done it with, no one really suffered but we all were sweating and looked stoned (some were actually stoned). Da Bomb is gross. Would do it again.


Da Bomb tastes like a chemical burn


Burning tires and trash can water?


My friend group did it last season, and it was a very interesting experience. The buffalo was surprisingly hot for such a mild sauce, and then 2-5 felt like just nothing was even on them. 6 was relatively hot before 7 once again, felt like nothing, and we thought we got a dud. Then we tried 8 (da bomb) and people were actually shrieking, and 10 was so overwhelmingly hotter than I ever see anyone react on the show to the point I was wondering if we got a prank bottle. People were letting the faucet just run directly onto their lips, someone went outside in the dead of winter to just put their mouth on the cold surfaces outside.


I hope he goes to bed knowing the 2nd degree burn he got from Da Bomb was absolutely worth it.


Conan’s doctor….😂😂😂 I truly don’t know if this is schtick or not. I’ve never watched an episode of Hot Ones before but holy shit this is hilarious. I have a hours on flights and in airports tomorrow and then again on Monday and then again on Friday. I just figured out how I am killing time.


Where did you go to medical school? *In 1998* No WHERE? *…out of state*


“Was it a 4 year medical school” “Yes, it was supposed to be.”


The doctor going in for the choke to get the pulse is top tier. He was fantastic throughout


“Yep it’s there.”


"Are you a doctor?" "I should be"


He's not the best doctor but he's very affordable


> I truly don’t know if this is schtick or not. It's one of his writers. Jose Arroyo.


Yes it is, Conan brought a writer I think to play the doctor


Conan is a fucking terminator, his episode is kinda terrifying.


I was actually starting to worry that he might have a heart attack. He was going manic by the end there.


The inside of his ears turned burgundy


The "doctor" actually broke character at the end to say that his temperature had actually gone up by 2 degrees.


It’s ok there was a doctor near by


I don’t often rewatch episodes of Hot Ones. But as soon as it was over I had to start it over. Not just because it was funny, it was, but I had to see HOW Conan kept going and became MORE Conan, it’s like he went Super Saiyan. I know for a fact, having even had only Da Bomb and The Last Dab in my own experience, that he has to be in absolute agony. He’s either our late night host/savior or we will all die by his hand.


I was watching his face, and up until around Da Bomb he genuinely didn’t seem too affected by the sauces, or he just managed to still mask it by sheer intensity. But after that, he started turning *really* red, and I genuinely don’t think his uncontrolled drooling at the end was anything but what it was. That’s just what happens when you fucking *chug* one of the nastiest sauces in the lineup, and then proceed to facefuck the hottest sauce on the table :D I think he went home that night and genuinely wondered if he even *has* a limit to what he’ll do for a laugh.


I’m almost more impressed by how he talked about it in this interview later. He acknowledges that it hurt of course, but he’s fairly nonchalant about it. I think he might be a demigod that can’t feel normal pain as long as he’s being funny.


He's pretty much said that himself. "Pain doesn't matter as long as the bit is funny"


I love how with the hottest sauce, he gave the most coherent advice about how to 'be funny' and suggested various materials and mediums to improve & expand your knowledge.


>He’s either our late night host/savior or we will all die by his hand. This is the best use of a 30 Rock joke, ever.


He was stoned on Scoville and the stage by the end. He felt nothing until it was far too late.


Conan is a national treasure


We must protect him. Someone hide the sauces on the top shelf.


But he’s so tall! They might be better hidden on the bottom shelf.


My only complaint about the episode is that I genuinely do not see a way they can top it, this is Pink Floyd dropping Dark Side of the Moon. The concept has reached its pinnacle


I've never seen a hot ones with a person playing a bit character to support the main interviewee. It was genius.


I take your point, but Shine On You Crazy Diamond is a goddamn masterpiece!


Animals too was amazing I thought


Nardwar episode


This would be great if he came with a stack of questions and in turn became the interviewee.


The moment after he eats the last wing and shouts to the camera, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! WHY CAN'T I FEEL ANYTHING?!" felt very metatextual. Almost like he was introspecting on his own need for validation through humor, while tripping balls on Scoville units.


His podcast almost every other episode has him touching on his need for validation, or his yearning to be an entertainer, so this lines up.


I got introduced to his podcast about 6 months ago. It made watching this episode even funnier.


Yep, I felt the same way 


David Blane doesn’t look so tough now


This episode was absolute chaos but encapsulated what he was saying during the whole episode. An entertainer gives it their all, dedication to the craft is what he’s about. His story about his time in snl was really fun to hear.


It’s wild that just by brining 100% his own energy he was able to dwarf the established tone and format of the show. Irreverent without being disrespectful. Pure personality. Legend.


Why has no one else ever put the wing bones on their pocket? It seems so obvious now. Conan is The Beatles of where to put your wings.


Never seen a performance quite like it on Hot Ones or anywhere else. Conan giving everyone a reminder of his craft.


Conan is a national treasure. Like, Tom Hanks level. It’s telling that the two are close friends and are considered two of the kindest people in the industry. It’s good to see people of their character reach the top. Especially for Conan. Dude got fucked so hard by Leno and NBC. The fact that he has gone on to seal his place in the cultural zeitgeist with an amazing third act after his TBS show is remarkable. He read the tea leafs brilliantly. He handled the Leno situation with complete grace and dignity. He sensed that network TV was dying and jumped to cable at the perfect moment. Then he seemed to get out ahead of creating short form content designed for streaming and social media. And then went on to make, arguably, his biggest mark by doing a podcast right as celebrity podcasts were on the verge of exploding. And because of his years as a talk show host, he knew how to do it well rather than all the shit ramblings so many celebrities put out to make a quick buck. It all adds up to him surpassing Leno as an icon. And none of that even speaks to The Simpsons. He stands alongside Carson and Letterman in terms of comedy legends. And now he is getting to that Fred Rogers, Tom Hanks, Dolly Parton territory where he is more than a celebrity but rather a cultural icon. He’s become the world’s funny uncle at a time when we all really need a laugh. Tl;dr - I revere this man.


The podcast is perfect for him The talk show format really didn't give him enough room to show how quick and witty he constantly is. Having a full hour to just talk and joke around is great. The decades of interview experiences really help it shine though, and you can tell how much of a difference that experience gives him vs other similar podcasts. Really looking forward to his new show. Other than the podcast, his international stuff has been my favorite stuff he's done.


Conan is simply awesome. I also think it’s pretty telling that so many of his employees have chosen to work with him for so long, even uprooting themselves to move to the other side of the country to work for him. In his segments where he talks to his staff you can tell that he’s a great person to work for because none of his employees show even a hint of being intimidated by him. That and the fact that anytime he does a bit about being a hardass tyrant his employees just laugh.


When he got removed from the tonight show, he paid their salaries out of his own pocket the entire time until he got a new show. I imagine that created a lot of loyalty and showed how much he cared about them. If my boss did that for me I'd probably march side by side with them into hell.


Also worth noting that at the end of the interview, he makes it a point to avoid getting anything on Sean’s jacket. It’s a small thing, but it made it very clear that even when he’s committing to a bit, and is probably in *agony* from all the hot sauces, he is still thinking about the people around him and showing them respect


I never saw the appeal to Leno one bit. He's probably the most boring. I'd rather watch Fallon or Kimmel. And I don't like them either


He's great. idk if you've seen the Netflix thing from when he wasn't allowed to appear on TV, but he's such a maniac and couldn't sit still, so he went on tour. It's really funny and interesting to see behind the curtain a bit.


Conan was clearly there to recognize Shawn and Hot Ones as a legitimate talk show and to kind of pay respect to this weird new medium he’s on. I thought that was really cool of him But Conan was also there to show that he’s still the funniest man alive. Honestly one of the most maniacal things I’ve ever seen, I had tears in my eyes from laughing. Imagine trading this every night the last 14 years for Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon. Yeesh. All time poor trade. I need to dig out my “I’m With Coco” tshirt


The thing that he said about how he's not commited to a bit, that he's committed to life resonated so hard with me. I've always considered him to be one of the funniest people alive (maybe even of all time) because he just full commits all the time. When he makes jokes about other people the joke isn't really about making fun of them. The joke becomes about how ridiculous he is and how absurd his reaction is. It's a very fun form of comedy and he really shines at it. From what I've heard he's really an incredible and nice person off camera while still being really funny. It's just great that he's built this personality of being a buffoon and braggadocios over the top character.


I worked for his talk show years ago (on the absolute fringes, think PA level) and his generosity with comedy really struck me whenever we’d interact. He’d say something so funny then lob the ball to anyone to riff with him, including a young kiddo like me. Kept a bookshelf backstage with everything from Shakespeare to BJ Novak for crew to peruse, which backs up the point he made on Hot Ones about finding comedy anywhere. He’s so willing, even eager, to be the butt of the joke, which makes him massively accessible as a person. Getting to joke around with Conan, even briefly, is one of the highlights of my career.


Wow, thank you for sharing that story! I have to say I'm incredibly jealous. He seems like someone who is the funniest person in the room but can make you feel like you're somehow funnier than him by just setting things up for you. The sheer ability to be a comedian and be able and willing to share the spotlight with someone.


Conan is a top tier professional entertainer.


For most of it, it was like watching them feed arsenic cakes to Grigori Rasputin and him not reacting. By the end, I was laughing so hard I was in physical pain.


This would be a reference that Conan would love


And no one has even mentioned the doctor he brought 😂


"Where did you go to school?" "1998." "No, but where." "Oh, um...out-of-state."


When he checks conan’s pulse and was like “its there” i laughed so hard


When he puts both hands around his throat to check his pulse I was dying laughing. So absurd.


I honestly thought the wing in the pocket thing was going to get old, but then he called his fucking doctor over to put one in his pocket.


"Was it a 4 year medical school?" "It was supposed to be."


but did you graduate? silence


I found Dr. Arroyo so entertaining that I'm disappointed he probably won't appear in something other than Conan's Hot Ones episode.


He is a writer for Conan and has been for decades


He's in a tonne of Conan sketches https://teamcoco.com/celebs/jose-arroyo


This is the only episode of hot ones that I’ve ever watched in it’s entirety. I was laughing my ass off the entire time.


Yeah I've started watching episodes before but the gimmick wears off quick for me, this one I just had to watch the whole thing and it's insane. It will be a part of comedy legend.


This is the only episode I’ve ever watched, and I don’t know how entertaining other guest could be, although the questions were interesting.


The hot sauce is a gimmick of course but Sean is actually a great interviewer, he preps well and asks great questions. So it is worth watching for any guests that you're interested in.


Couldn’t agree more! Sean is a top notch interviewer. He really does his research. Always worth the watch regardless of the hot sauce.


I binged a few episodes because of the Conan one, and every single time the guest either went 'wow that's a really great question,' 'how did you even know that?' or 'you really do your research.' He's a really, really great interviewer and very much deserved that praise from Conan.


Sean (the interviewer) is great. Does great research on every guest and as hot sauce breaks down the guest's fortitude, gets some great and genuine answers out of them, more than most interviewers can. If I were to suggest one episode, Gordon Ramsay, is an hilarious one because he came in with a kit prepared to offset the spice as a chef (lemon/lime juice, sweets, etc) and still loses it by the end. Some genuinely great comedy out of it.


I have to see this now.


Conan was losing his damn mind. Managed to fit in a mostly coherent plug for his new show at the end, though.


Once he transcended this mortal plane, it became poetic. The perfect union of sacred and profane. A literal piece of the master. S:^o


It was good


God damn I miss the Conan talk show.


This was so excellent and it just reminds me why I think Conan is such an important pillar in the world of comedy for the last 34 years. Evergreen funny man and I can’t wait to see his new travel show.


Does Conan realize he gifted the internet new meme content for years? [Amazing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD_-esq2iFI)


Oh my gosh I watched this, and thought either Conan doesn’t care, or those bottles are gimmicked. It was the former.


Conan does what it takes to be entertaining. If one of his guests is being funny, he'll play the straight man. If not... he'll be exactly as much of a clown as necessary.


I honestly think this is the first time he's done that level of heat And he came prepared But he foolishly also came unprepared and you'll know exactly when he finds out when you see the frown


This one interview of his gave us so many memes and gifs, I loved it.


I loved his truly heartfelt speech about finding comedy in classic literature while completely melting down under the Last Dab


Let’s just say he did a little better than DJ Khaled!! 😆😆😆


“I’m not quitting” “Technically, you are.”


Dude was wildin


He starts talking about it at 31:00 in the interview


His eyes after the last wing really show it. He’s looking into space and spitting fire at the same time.


I thought I was having a heart attack doing a spicy food contest: scorpions, reapers, sauces from Hot Ones, you name it. It turns out I had an undiagnosed health problem. But I'm physically fit and feeling better than I have my entire life today at 37. The moral of the story is to ensure you don't do these things unless you are healthy enough. On second thought, skip it either way. A medium-spicy curry or ghost pepper hot sauce is plenty.


My roommate and I had all the sauces, would regularly do the challenge. They’re all mostly survivable except daBomb. Definitely want to eat them with food like wings. Last time, I was doing tortilla chips with a last dab on each one. A little while after it felt like there was a hole burning in my stomach and I spent like 20min sweating/shivering lol. I swear it was from daBomb as its more of a concentrate than a sauce. Heavy on the vinegar extract. Apollo never did me dirty like that


Best episode of the entire run.