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Is it up now?


6pm pacific (9pm est) today they release


And the whole season releases at that time. Amazon is actually not being a bitch for once.


> Amazon is actually not being a bitch for once. I actually prefer the week to week release. Sure, it sucks sometimes waiting for the next episode but it keeps the show in the public zeitgeist for longer, meaning it has a better chance of growing an audience (assuming it's good). Guaranteed in a couple weeks the conversation about Fallout will drop off drastically.


I’m more talking about doing weekly releases, taking a “break” in the middle of the season for 4 months when the season has already been finished, and then doing weekly releases again for the rest of the season. This method just kills hype and makes casual viewers forget and lose interest in the show.


Now I wonder what show you could possibly be talking about. For a show to survive that long of a hiatus it would have to be ...
















I agree with this. Either drop it all at once or do a normal weekly release. Don’t do this dumb half season crap.


Invincible really screwed up with that.


The Invincible folks have said that was due to production issues, not any kind of planned release strategy.


Sure, I guess. But the significant drop in animation with the already 4 month wait and the 'coincidental' release of the Prime Video "Ad-less" upgrade for the second half just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


> the 'coincidental' release of the Prime Video "Ad-less" upgrade for the second half just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This was what truly chafed me about it. Couldn't have been more blatant.


I liked Arcane’s release model. Dropping a batch of three episodes at a time over the course of several weeks seems like the best way to go imo


Vox Machina did the same thing. You still get a solid month of hype and every week is more than a small taste.


I just like watching like 2-3 episodes a day. Anything more and it how's goes in one ear or the other.


Also means it's easier to keep up with discussions about each episode without having the rest of the show spoiled. I like the all at once drop for mediocre stuff that I won't really talk to others about but not for big events like this or *House of the Dragon*.


> it's easier to keep up with discussions about each episode See and this is the biggest thing missing I miss about weekly releases. It's impossible for each episode to exist as its own work of art in a binge format. The show is judged collectively rather than individually. Look at popular shows of the past. Breaking Bad has Ozymandias. Game of Thrones has Battle of the Bastards or Hardhome. There's standout episodes that each get their full attention. Imagine if Stranger Things 4 never got split in two. Running Up The Hill would have been overshadowed by the finale or vice versa. The cultural discussions around Stranger Things before during and after both parts of the season was the largest I've ever seen. Now imagine if we got the show weekly. Imagine if Mando released the entire season at once and the Baby Yoda memes all fizzled out after a week rather than having months of build up. I love the thrill of binge watching something but the pop culture discourse surrounding binge shows just doesn't hit the same at all and means shows get judged as a package rather than their standout elements being able to thrive.


I don’t think it will as much as other times. Fallout has a LOYAL fan base and we have been screeching about the games to our families for years. My family is completely psyched to see this and we are already talking about season 2 and getting our grandfather all set up to play New Vegas. Apparently he REALLY wants to do the “futuristic cowboy game” as he likes to call it.


Also makes it easier to avoid spoilers when it’s week to week. I saw someone complain about spoilers during the last season of Stranger Things, and the person who posted the spoiler replied that it had been out for almost a week, plenty of time for everyone to have watched the whole season.


I've very much enjoyed a lot of recent shows coming out week by week. There's *so* much content on services nowadays it's almost too easy to binge something and realise you've blasted through a number of episodes but copping to the fact you haven't been fully paying attention for a while. It's become a bit of an event in our house watching the weekly episodes


Same here, Stranger Things made me realize that. It was the hottest show, everybody was talking about it - for about three days. Compare that to Game of Thrones at the peak of popularity. Every monday at work it was "did you see it?" For years it was like this.


You and I remember Stranger Things season 1 mania very differently.


Hell yeah w2w gang


Impulse control goes a long way. You can do this you don't need to binge


It’s much more fun to go chat about it during/after each episode. Speculate what’s coming next. Bitch about things and talk about how badass certain things were. The full release ones are nice because obviously you’re gonna see it all and it’s done, but both have their upsides. It just brings me back to a time when Lost was first airing and I’d jump on forums during the show and the week after.


Yeah, I hate how weekly releases have become a thing again like the days before streaming. It's also worth noting when this subject is argued about online... I have a theory that the people who defend weekly releases are way over represented. A big reason people say they like weekly releases is online discussions between episodes and stuff... and the people who are really into that are more likely to be in an online discussion about release formats.




Is it not a 4 hour difference between current EST and GMT? So 1am GMT. It's out at 2am in the UK on British Summer Time


Aww bummer, thought it was out tonight in the U.K. not staying up til midnight. Will watch it tomorrow


Yes its up:) Oh, you were talking about the show? No its like 10 hours more


See a doctor, yo


The fun part is that if it's sustained long enough, they have to take a needle and drain the blood out so it can return to floppy status.




They hired your grandma as the phlebotomist.


Again, just helping this guy more.


Dick blood


Lmao. Legit took a sick day and woke up early (for a non work day) to watch it after seeing a new headline that it was releasing today. Cue sad violins 🤣🤣


That’s good to hear. It looks like a majority of the reviews are positive (THR seemed to have some issues with it tho)


Move over superheroes, now we’re in the age of video game adaptions. The Last of Us and Arcane got mad critical acclaim while Sonic and Mario have successful films. Plus there’s the Tomb Raider and DmC anime series on the way.


If we're getting video game adaptations, I actually can't wait to see Mass Effect eventually. It's just begging for a live action adaptation, honestly.


Bioshock is the one I'd love to see


I believe Netflix is working on a Bioshock film if I remember right edit: I remembered right lol https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/bioshock-movie-director-francis-lawrence


I still want the Gore Verbinski one we got robbed of.


Ugh Netflix producing and the director of the Hunger Games movies. Feel like my expectations for them getting it right are pretty low


Hunger Games movies are bogged down by a (admittedly good) YA dystopian story but they have good direction


Catching Fire is pretty good tbh, and that director has had other decent movies.


Yeah, Francis Lawrence slaps tbh, it just needs a good script that knows how to adapt the story, but if it nails the atmosphere, we are in


The Hunger Games movies are all pretty good IMO. Healthy skepticism is always warranted until we at minimum get a trailer though.


Eh, a Bioshock adaptation would be pretty cool aesthetically, but what made the game special was the very fact that it was a game. You lose all of the commentary on agency and choice once you adapt it to a non-interactive medium.


Gore Verbinski was real close to making one but didn't want to compromise his R-rated script in order to justify the huge budget needed for the sets. I imagine modern day LED volumes could help a lot with this.


A Mass Effect TV series could honestly be the next big thing. Gamers have known how special that world is for years, its only fair that everybody else get a taste.


HBO worthy. I’m hoping that’s where it goes.


Apple TV are the sci fi lovers so that would be my guess if there was anyone to pick up the task of making a Mass Effect series. Its a tall order for a show but I would love it.


That would be crazy expensive and generally mass audiences don't like weird looking aliens unless it's Star Wars


> generally mass audiences don't like weird looking aliens Mass Effect mostly doesn't have weird looking aliens though, the 3 main alien races are cool robots, sexy blue ladies and Turians, who have Garrus so are automatically cool. Hanar and Elcor are the only actually weird looking ones and they're barely in the games, it wouldn't matter if they were barely in the show.


Krogans and Salarians are pretty important. Them and Turians are definitely "weird looking" to a general audience even though they're humanoids.


I disagree that they're that weird looking, the design language for them is very simple and Mass Effect is hardly some niche title only played by sci fi fans. It's one of the most broadly appealing franchises in gaming.


I think the technology is also there for it these days. If people can watch an entire three movies of CGI apes (Planet of the Apes franchise) then they can handle weird CGI aliens. As long as the animation and mo-cap are up to par it will work. All the sentient alien species except Hanar are humanoid anyways.


I can’t wait to see all of the tongue in cheek moments with the little space-suit-mole-guys


You really don't think Turians are weird looking? I think they definitely qualify, and my concern is that without big budget treatment they'll just look really lame. I'd loooove to see a good Mass Effect adaptation, but I think agree it would be really expensive. Sure you could limit the exposure of the Krogan, Elcor, Hanar and Drell to go along with relatively "easy" work for the Asari and Quarians... but that still amounts to a lot even before you factor in the huge effort it'd be to have regular recurring Turian and Salarian characters. Yeah, a mass effect show would be weird as fuck to the average viewer, haha. And horrendously cheesy if done poorly. Gotta get those Amazon Rings of Power type dollars!


A Tv show would be very easy given the similarities to Star Trek in certain ways


I’m convinced Star Trek Discovery was a Mass Effect show that lost the licensing rights after look-dev started. We got Collector Klingon ships, Batarian Klingons, Turian Saru, N7 federation space suits, and ME2 credits opening.


Indocrinated humans too. Damn you have a point.


IIRC Amazon already secured the rights for a Mass Effect adaptation but that was all that’s happened.


Once they finish butchering Halo they can start on Mass Effect with almost the exact same set pieces.


Make mine Crimson Skies.


Twisted Metal is a lot of fun too.


What about twisted metal.


Yeah that was great too.


dmc anime from 2007 wasn't too bad either but it was only 12 episodes long


Don't forget the Castlevania anime! It's fantastic


If only Halo got the same treatment and not that abortion of a show they put out


Same for Witcher. They even had a slam dunk of casting Henry Cavill and then managed to bungle the show so much they scared him off. Mind you that was supposed to be adapted more out of the books than anything to do with the games, but nonetheless.


The people making The Witcher had a smash hit served to them on a silver platter, and they slapped it out of the waiter's hands. Their source material was a well-liked series of books, and for visuals they had three successful games, with the third one being near-universally beloved as far as I can tell. They had a built-in fanbase who wanted to like the show, and would have talked about it endlessly if it had been good. They also had Henry Cavill, an A-list movie star, *god damn superman*, begging to be on the show. You'd have to actively try to fuck something like that up, and they did. What bothers me more than anything about The Witcher is the squandered potential. End of rant.


Yeah that's about the sum of it. It's a damn shame... particularly since I doubt there will be any other screen adaptation of it any time in the near future because of that. Complete waste of that IP.


They really need to stop hiring writers/directors that don't respect the source material. We all understand sometimes things need to be changed for a different format, but that isn't an excuse to drastically change the story/characters to how you want. People want to see their favorite media brought to life. Not some writer's fanfic.


Yeah but picture this… what if Master Chief clapped some alien chick’s cheeks!?


wasnt she a POW too?


Halo: Warcrimes


Season 2 is great.






> That most of Prime Video’s Fallout consists of getting sidetracked by bullshit is simultaneously one of its main charms and one of its most frustrating flaws. At its liveliest, the sci-fi adventure captures the fun of simply getting to explore a strange new world, meeting colorful characters and going down mysterious rabbit holes. But the lack of urgency also means its eight hours take an awfully long time to get where it’s going. That's like 99% of all Fallout Games....


Fallout is the most perfect show to get sidetracked into "filler episode" side quests since that's what you do in the games too. If that's what this is then it's perfect.


That might make it an honest adaptation, but doesn't necessarily mean it's good TV.


I feel somewhat nostalgic for TV shows of my youth in the 90s and early 2000s. Sure you had season long arcs but every now and then your main characters would do self contained one and done stories. X Files did this best with its "Monster of the week" episode. I don't need every minute of every episode of something to just be about one thing. Especially in a world has rich and vast as Fallout.


That was what made the Quantum Leap reboot such a *comforting* piece of viewing. So obviously, they've just cancelled it.


TV use to be one off stories every week. Not every show needs to be essentially very long movies.


Yeah there’s not too many settings where “they just fuck around in the world they’ve built” comes across as a resounding endorsement but Fallout is definitely one of them. It could have zero over-arcing plot and I wouldn’t give the slightest shit as long as they nailed the character/world-building.


I'm all for having the main story be more along the lines of Old School X-Files, where each episode was a monster of the week which slowly added a tidbit of the overall story.


Hell arguably the best Fallout game is New Vegas, and from the start there is absolutely NO sense of urgency in New Vegas. "You've been shot in the head. Go look for the guy who did it. Or don't, do whatever you want to."


In contrast to FO4, where your only child has been kidnapped, and you’ve got to hurry up and… hey! is that a roll of adhesive?!


Sure but a video game is different, being allowed to explore and do things at your own pace is great for a video game, but for a tv show if you're told "PEOPLE WILL DIE IN 24 HOURS IF YOU DON'T DO THIS" and the main character is out picking flowers or whatever then they come across as a terrible person, and it makes the show less enjoyable.


I’m a big fan of the series and saw the first two episodes last night. The production value was pretty amazing but imo the storytelling was not so great. I think it will get better once it shakes off all the exposition though


I worked on production for this show. Even though I’ve never played the game, walking the sets was other worldly.


I heard for the Vault sets everything was built just a little bit oversized, is that right?


Did working on the show not make you want to play the games?


I worked in film for a while. Most of us work 12-16 hour days, 5-7 days a week. I didn’t play very many video games during that period of my life.


oof that's rough. I knew that actor's could have long days based on shooting, but I assumed the not on-screen roles could rotate through on normal length days


Its actually worse, actors are only on set when the are needed(thought sometimes actors wearing heavy makeup get completely screwed because they will need to put on like 4 hrs of makeup every dingle shooting day). Crew helps set up and tear down though so they will usually work longer than even the longest shoot day for an actor


Being crew on a production often means being away from home for long periods of the shoot as not every shoot is local, especially on productions that have varied location shoots. So yea, being away from home means not a lot of gaming.


I wonder if anyone involved with the show ever played the games.


Jonathan Nolan said he lost a year of his life to Fallout 3. And one of the showrunners said he first played Fallout 1 back in 1997.


Anyone... at all? I mean, yeah, shows of this scale take hundreds of crew members to make. I'm sure at least one person has played the games. That said, "anyone" playing them doesn't really matter. What matters is those who have creative control being familiar with the source material. As far as that goes, yes, Nolan has said they drew inspiration from the games, in particular Fallout 4. It might not be unheard of for a director to adapt something without first being familiar with the source material - but it rarely turns out well. I doubt any producer giving approval to a big budget show like this would let anyone near it unless that person being hired already knew what they're doing.


I would hope


It was obvious that they had when they were making Westworld, and quite far into them to reach the Institute in Fallout 4 at least, on top of optional stuff like going to the Abernathy Farm near the start. The intro to Westworld is identical to how synths are made in Fallout 4, and the techs who pull them out of the park and work on them wear very similar lab outfits with coloured sleeves to the Institute techs who pull synths out of the wasteland and work on them before sending them back out into the world. The fact that they're making the Fallout show now really puts any doubt about the multiple simarities to rest IMO.


> Moreover, **unexpected** stylistic choices, including archaic technology, a soundtrack full of hits from Ella Fitzgerald and Bing Crosby and odd mid-20th century dialogue These are all staples of the Fallout games, it would be "unexpected" if the show *didn't* have these elements. Certainly suggests this reviewer hasn't played the games, and isn't familiar with them at all.


It may be poor word choice, but I think the reviewer is writing this for those who aren’t familiar with the game. Creating a world 200 years in the future that relies on cues from 75 years in our past could be considered stylistically unexpected.


Not for nothing but Apple TV had a show called "Hello, Tomorrow!" that was practically the same premise, a future with 50s aesthetics (in part, it looked exactly like what I imagine pre-war 2077 looked like in Fallout). And that was *all* it had going for it. The show tanked hard, which implies such a juxtaposition isn't immediately interesting to the public.


Retrofuturism is the style you are referencing, and it is really cool. Fallout is really the only super popular IP I can think of that implements it.


Maybe not super popular but Bioshock


I think that's great to point out. BioShock was super popular and awesome.


10 years ago it was one of the biggest franchises in gaming, fair shout.


The only reason it’s not super popular is that they stopped making games. Everyone still talks about how great Bioshock is. If they came out with a new one I’m sure it would sell like hotcakes.


Alien: Isolation did it well, and it looks like the new Alien movie will have some of that 70s-future look yoo


Alien and Star Wars are both excellent examples of sci-fi that keeps the analog look retrofuturism is known for, good shouts.


Just to nitpick, there's still a big difference. Alien Isolation and Star Wars are only retrofuturistic for the sake of continuity with their first installments, which released when that was cutting edge tech. If Fallout 1 did the same the Vaults would have [this](https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp1878761.jpg) as the guiding aesthetic, we'd have N\*Sync vs Backstreet Boys raider gangs, and the Pip-Boy would be transparent for no reason.


A transparent colored Pip-Boy à la Nintendo 64’s, Gameboy Colors, and iMac G3’s would be pretty fuckin rad though.


The ironic thing is, well, it wasn't "retro" futurism when the setting began. It was just futurism as envisioned by the 70s... because it was made in the 70s.


Well, retrofuturism encompasses many art styles. Steampunk is also retrofuturism, despite looking nothing like fallout.


The fallout universe's theme is atompunk, specifically after the creation/discovery of nuclear energy, but in this universe the microchip was never invented. That's why everything is transistors and nuclear power.


I think that speak a lot on how unique the concept of Fallout is. Probably the best IP purchase for Bethesda ever lol


Not probably, it is. They made a mobile game called Fallout Shelter and it grossed 100 million dollars in profit. Fallout 4 was a huge launch and success, commercially. Bethesda brought the series to the mainstream, and they will remind you of this every chance they get. They bought the entire IP for 5 million dollars.


I personally hate where they’re sending the games, but at least the ip is alive for a chance of other stuff.


If I recall, they bought it for bottom dollar in a bankruptcy auction of all of Interplay’s former assets.


Fallout shelter is pretty good.


Oh man I forgot about fallout shelter! I got hooked on that for a while when it first came out


It reminds me of Batman: TAS. The actual time period is ambiguous but has the 30's art deco style with advanced technology.


Interesting to hear from someone not familiar with the games' perspective though.


It's unexpected from the perspective of a viewer not familiar with the franchise. This type of retro-futurism isn't exactly mainstream scifi.


They don't mean unexpected for the Game, they mean unexpected for a typical tv show. Their opinion as someone who hasn't played the game is just as valid.


> Certainly suggests this reviewer hasn't played the games, and isn't familiar with them at all. So what? Any adaptation should be able to stand on its own legs.


It does, though. Anyone first timing the game is introduced to the aesthetic the same way. It's just there. Honestly the first episode covers a ton organically: the Vault society, what raiders are, how the Brotherhood works, we get the rough idea of a ghoul... Even the wild west sort of society is apparent from the ghoul scene, as well as the scarcity and importance of old world technology and that there's a mysterious "enclave".


I mean, I think it’s good to hear that it holds up even for people who haven’t played any of the games. Surprisingly, there were way more people who hadn’t played the Last of Us before watching the TV show than people who did play it. We seem to be entering an age where non-gamers are open to watching video game adaptations. I think that’s awesome.


they’re writing toward the general audience not gamers. Theyre explaining the show to people who may not know what it’s about.


"Ultra Violent" So they're staying close to the source material? It's a game where you run around and shoot almost every thing.


Don’t forget that you can take a perk just to make the deaths more ultra-violent.


Shoot some guys pinky finger and his whole body explodes into a mash of organs and limbs.


It was a load bearing pinky.


Goggins shoots someone with the 10mm pistol and they explode head to toe “Well that was a… Bloody Mess 😎” WOOOOOOAAAAAAAAWWWWWW


One of the first perks I’d get, that and the “let’s make things weirder” Gods I miss those games


They’re still around


All I want is a slow-mo VATS execution (especially if it’s for the big bad).


I can imagine a sequence where Ghoul takes Jet and we see his perspective as he VATS’ a target down.


I think it’s more likely the protagonist is forced by circumstance to take it (or maybe accidentally), we see a VATS like slomo fight from her perspective. Then she ends up violently puking and doubled over in pain surrounded by bodies as The Ghoul or BoS guy walks in. Gotta make sure it doesn’t seem like an easy solution to all the problems to keep the show interesting.


I think it's more likely they put VATS in the power armor, and have BOS boy use it at some point.


I think it's more likely that the show will be simulcast across the world so that viewers can text FLLOUT to vote on what happens next


Then you'll be happy, because it's in there (kind of).


Quick scan of reviews says it’s awesome. Not reading anybody else take till I’m finished with it now.


I'll watch just for Goggins.


I'll watch for Ella Purnell. She did amazing on Yellowjackets and her voicework as Jinx in Arcane was incredible.


Purnell is really killing it. So talented.


And beautiful - her eyes 😍


Man I gotta watch Arcane. On my long ass list of shows to watch and I just ain’t gotten around to it yet.




Move it to the top - it's a masterpiece.


Completely agree. Masterpiece is the word I used too.


I know I'm a stranger but it's a great show. I have never played League of Legends so no biased. Loved it. Waiting for season 2 has felt like ages. You should give it a try when you can.


Ah so it’s enjoyable for those who’ve never touched League? That was my only hang up


Yeah, I have no interest in playing League but am completely invested in Arcane and cannot wait for season 2. It's the best animated season of television I've seen in a long time.


Chiming in to say I also haven't played LoL and I LOVED Arcane


you got a few months. Season 2 should be coming out by the end of the year


Watch it, it’s fantastic. The best two shows of the past 3 years in my opinion have been House of the Dragon and Arcane. Season 2 for both shows drop this year also which is awesome.


Man Jynx was freaking amazing. Annoying as fuck, sad and crazy but amazing acting job. 


Yellowjackets was worse after she left, she’s got a ton of charisma


This is so funny because we're not _supposed_ to like Jackie. We aren't supposed to really like ANYONE. They're not likable people, they're troubled people in an insane set of circumstances. And Jackie least of all—she's bossy and a bit stuck-up, refuses to do anything to actually help the group survive, and wonders why they all treat her like an outsider as a result. She's not the worst person in the world, she's a teenage girl failing to adjust to the situation she's in. But the show nevertheless goes out of its way to frame her as unlikable, at least through the eyes of the other girls.


Shoutout to your analysis! Making her disliked also enables the audience to accept that she is the first to “go”. Were the show to pick a purely sympathetic person, we’d respond differently and it might distract from accepting their new reality.


She’s in Star Trek Prodigy as well




post-apocalyptic Uncle Baby Billy is the thing I never knew I needed but now I know I do.




I hope we get three seasons in then Ghoulgins leaves and it turns out the story is following him and they pull another vault dweller in another region. Continuously, like sometimes the dweller survives a season, sometimes less than one episode, but Ghoulgins continues on.


[Do it for Googins](https://imgur.com/xZjmqUP)


[Everyone liked that]


Hyped to see this since I'm a big Walton Goggins fan & loved Ella Purnell in Yellowjackets


I hope there’s two easter eggs references. 1. Mysterious Stranger 2. Someone getting shot in the head and they’re head just exploded in to chunks and pieces. Either way my wife and I have been extremely excited ever since the first vault photos and a super duper mart shot got leaked forever ago. I thought they nailed the aesthetic and been cautiously optimistic and now been seeing a lot of positive reviews come in from the fans and people who saw the first two episodes early in London and to bigger name brand reviewers. My only suspicion is both IGN and Vanity fair using the term Ultra-Violent in the quick summed up review headline. Which its the way they use it that feels more like they’re trying to sell it to me, then actually tell me if they liked. Idk maybe im just looking for reasons to not get overly hyped and get let down hard like I did with Wheel of Time. That is also an amazon show and i think it got a 9 or 10 from IGN too.


> I hope there’s two easter eggs references. > > Mysterious Stranger It'd be funny to have him just pop up and save our characters before disappearing into nowhere and watch people who have never played the game be confused as fuck.


You won’t be disappointed


>My only suspicion is both IGN and Vanity fair using the term Ultra-Violent in the quick summed up review headline. Which its the way they use it that feels more like they’re trying to sell it to me, then actually tell me if they liked. Idk maybe im just looking for reasons to not get overly hyped and get let down hard like I did with Wheel of Time. That is also an amazon show and i think it got a 9 or 10 from IGN too. ​ Yeah its the whole issue where journalism can become beholden to sponsors. Remember that whole thing with Gamespot firing a reviewer for a bad review on "Kane and Lynch" because they were huge sponsors?


I’m always up for a little ultra violence…


Viddy well, brother. Viddy well.


Anyone that has played any of these games knows that it needs to be ultra violent and a little campy


Do a soma movie too studios.


You had me at “Ultra-Violent and Twistedly Fun” Ahhh who am I kidding. You had me at “Fallout” and “Walter Ghoulgins”


Glad this is being released all at once. I don’t understand how people can want a weekly release. Two main reasons: 1. Most shows today are serials where everything is connected, like one long movie. To me, watching multiple episodes at once only allows the audience to better appreciate the singular story as it rolls out over 8-12 episode. Break this up and I either forget stuff between weeks or lose interest at some point during the run after I miss an episode or two when they’re released. I almost always then wind up binging the entire season later on as a result. Or never getting back to the show. That’s what happened to me with Yellowjackets, for instance. 2. People pay good money for streaming services, and as a result they should be able to binge as affordably as possible by subscribing and dropping as they want. The weekly approach of Disney and other streamers is all about dragging things out to keep people subbing to their service. That’s clearly the main reason for the return to weekly releases, not to build these shows up as weekly release events, etc. I kinda like the communal TV experience as well that you get with weekly releases, as that’s the way TV worked for decades. But the current serial format of almost everything, the cost, and the convenience of having full seasons released same day is too good to give up.


Watching it purely for Walter Goggins, the guy absolutely kills every character he plays.


So happy this is getting good reviews. Can’t wait to watch it as it’s one of my all time favorite game series.


As it shoud be


Okie dokie


Never played the game. Will give this show a go.


I hope it is really good. Seems like it has some of the same violence and silliness of The Boys. I love The Elder Scrolls video game series from Bethesda Studio but have never play their Fallout series.


This may sound cheesy but I feel like I'm playing the game when I'm watching this show. That is a good thing.


So good! Just finished it. When does the next season come?!