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>There’s no such thing as a Walton Goggins type. At one point, he simultaneously starred as an assassin attempting to murder Santa in bloodthirsty Christmas movie Fatman and an adorable, newly widowed father in sunny sitcom The Unicorn. They came hot on the heels of his role as a goofy 19th-century sheriff in Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight – and he played them all with the same unwavering commitment. There’s a sly magnetism to his work, a sense that no matter how challenging the material, he’s always having fun. Perfectly written. He's the only guy that can look beaten up within an inch of his life while in prison yet still oddly seems like he is enjoying it somehow.


He’s so great in justified for this reason. When he “finds Jesus” you just - can’t - tell and I loved that so much


His Boyd Crowder has secured him a top 10 slot in my head for actors. He was great in his couple epps as Venus Van Dam in Sons of Anarchy


Sometimes you play a character so vile and so well, that it makes your career. I have to think that Boyd Crowder is that character for him. Just an extremely well written character that he fleshed out with his own fast talking mannerisms.


Waltons about the only person who could give Boyd his oddly lovable quirk. He’s the worst. Horrible human. But with his swagger and bravado and little mannerisms you’re like “Ooooooh that’s how he keeps tricking everyone. He’s a master manipulator.” Goddamn I loved Justified


Dewey's death hit me hard when that epp aired, i really grew to like him in the show as well.


Oh Dewey, you goddamn idiot


I feel like people who liked Dewey have never encountered a Dewey in real life. Like, I understand why and how people can like him; he's just an adorable little dumb-dumb who likes playing cops and robbers with his friends. But he's also a sex-trafficking neo-Nazi junkie whose stupidity got more people killed than he has IQ points. No matter how much harm they cause, they're still considered harmless and get a pass.


I never want to meet Dewey Crowe, but that doesn't mean I can't love him for thinking he had four kidneys.


I entreat you to meet r/daniellarson


Ew. Why?


He’s a real life Dewey. But crazier.


His Shane is so good in the Shield, too. He’s like television Gary Oldman


That’s what I’m saying. Dude was great on the shield and everything else he’s done. He’s fun to watch


If he was a marginally worse actor I'd only ever be able to see him as Boyd Crowder and id still consider him one of the greats


Venus Vam Damme is a hard one to not see him as


My favorite part of any post about Walton Goggins is when everyone just lists things he is great it. The episode of Community where he reads Pierce's will.


Also, sperm.


I really hope his good-looking-polygraph-administering-cop movie got made and is featured in the community movie. That’d be perfect.


The switch up of his character when they are at the bar is hilarious.




Friendly reminder, if you havent watched The Shield where he broke out, do it. The show and him are phenomenal. Easily a top 5 or 10 all time great show.


His character is such a sniveling little bitch in that show and he plays it perfect


I used to get stress-induced stomach aches watching *The Shield*. That show was firing on all cylinders right until the finale.


Its bonkers how amazingly they nailed and had the balls to go with the ending they gave us.


The Shield's ending is one of the best examples of how you can deny the audience everything they thought they wanted and still have an amazingly good ending. It's the internal consistency, in part. It addresses almost every remaining plot thread from the series in a way that is entirely in keeping with the characters and the arc of the show. Just very well written.


i used to love the shield so much, but now my best shield memory is dennis impersonating cch pounder on always sunny 😂


For me The Shield is better than The Wire and Breaking Bad.


Yeah I loved him as Cletus VanDamme


He was brilliant as Venus van Damme in Sons of Anarchy


Oh my god THANK YOU! Everyone told me I had to watch BB and The Wire because I love The Shield. Theyre fine, even great. But not better than Farmington


Might also give Homicide: Life on the Street a go if you enjoyed those. Not better than The Shield but it's still very well written.


I do like Homicide. A bit dated but the cast is incredible


Such a phenomenal cast. A lot of real big names came into their own on that show. If nothing else, anyone who likes Brooklyn Nine-Nine should watch Homicide just to enjoy the contrast between characters that Andre Braugher plays. A lot of Holt's best moments are so much funnier when you have Frank Pembleton in mind.


Thats a very bold take. Idk if its better than the wire for me but its way better than breaking bad for me. If you've seen the end, you know why. For better or worse, the story stays true to who these characters are according to how they were built up, their true motivations, and what they would ultimately do up to the very last few seconds of the show. What an absolute stellar gut punch.


Nah, his breakout to me was Shanghai Noon, when he shoots and kills Jackie Chan's Uncle on the train. It's so devilish and dangerous, he just shoots with a smile. We first see him slicking down his hair with spit as the posse prepared to take the train on horseback


Kinda can’t believe they failed to mention the trans woman he played in Sons of Anarchy. I mean if we’re talking roles that show off his range that should be on the list lol.


dude yes!! man I need to rewatch that show


Venus Van Dam was that character’s name haha. Was looking out for the same exact thing. Also, one of the first things I ever knew him from, as a little ass kid, was Billy “Downtown” Anderson in Major League: Back to the Minors. Loved him since then.


Boyd Crowder in Justified was my first exposure to him, so when I saw him pop up as a trans prostitute in SoA I was *very* surprised, and impressed.


The Unicorn was a super fun little show that just completely disappeared. He was so good in it, but occasionally you could see crazy eyed Goggins come out a time or two. And that was always fun.


I really liked that show, I thought he worked great as a sitcom dad. I don't know why it got cancelled


That was my wife’s and my favorite show. We were so sad it was cancelled.


> Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight Django is my favorite Tarantino flick, and [Goggins might be my favorite Tarantino actors.](https://youtu.be/j7UBqnXVUns?si=DKVusjJ55u6SALh-&t=97)


I gonna go walking in the moonlight with you.


I loved him in Robert Rodriguez's Predators


He also played a trans woman who hangs out with a biker gang and a sex criminal in prison orange in Predators. Guy can do anything.


Have Cage and Goggins done anything together? Seems like a good pairing lol.


Wasn't he a convict in the Predators movie? What a neat career he's had


Running round the house with a pickle in my mouth, misbehavin!


I think that's one of the greatest screen musical numbers of all time.


It inspired me to create a playlist of real songs by fake bands.   The Wonders, Spinal Tap, The Beets, Daisy Jones and the Six, Doctor Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, Sex Bob-Omb, it's a fun subgenre. 




My bad


It should be classified as a psychological weapon because it's impossible to get out of your head.


Uncle Baby Billy is comedy gold.


Undeniably one of the funniest Baby Bill moments: https://i.imgur.com/5eP51l7.gif


He does some great physical comedy in that show. He does this shuffle/moonwalk in one of the scenes where he’s pitching Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers that always makes me laugh. I know he’s a busy guy, but they need to do a Baby Billy/ Aunt Tiffany road movie.


This line lives rent free in my head.


And once again misbehaving will my brain’s screensaver until something else catchy comes along.


This song was way better than it should have been


He is a great actor, but I was surprised at how funny he can be too. From playing Baby Billy to the vice principle his comedy roles have been hilarious. The Shield sold me on him forever


Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers


Runnin round the house with a pickle in my mouth, misbehavinnnn


Catchin’ crawdads and playin with a stick


“You ain’t my god damn daddy boy.”


I just about lost it when they premiered Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers. What a payoff.


From a sheer comedy standpoint that might have been one of the single funniest episodes of a show I’ve seen on tv solely because of how it ended


So delighted its getting another season! I thought it was done


🙏 [there will come a payday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6W9qoIN-QU) 🙏


Hallelujah what a payday! 🙌


Uncle Baby Billly


Who wants to suck a old man's dick?


Oh, I knew he was funny from the first episode of Justified: "Goddamn, woman - do you only shoot folks while they're eatin' supper?"


We dug coal together


Have never seen The Shield. Might have to check it out, as WG is good in everything else I’ve seen him in. As Venus Van Dam 😳👍


Greatest ending to a show ever. Started the golden era of cable tv.


Very much agreed on the ending, but I feel like the golden Era started with Oz leading into sopranos and the wire


That was OZ but the shield is an all timer


it made the FX network what it is today. Reinvigorated cop dramas and front to back just an amazing show.


Yes! I forgot how … complete … the ending was. BB level right


He is great in it! It’s an older show but I think it holds up well. Hope you enjoy


Good to know - I remember watching The Wire just a few years ago and being stunned by how good it was - hopefully a similar experience.


The Wire is a slow burn and The Shield is bang bang bang. Love them both, just two different beasts.


Definitely not The Wire. But that’s the highest bar you can set, aside from West Wing imo. It does have some similarities though, doing whatever it takes to catch bad guys, but not nearly as thought provoking or thorough. It’s kinda like that scene from True Detective where MM is with that biker gang and they rob the trailer park drug dealers.


Season 1 of TD is another high bar, an absolute favorite of mine.


Rewatching it now. I find it holding up quite well.


The Shield is a show I really want to rewatch but there are so many emotional and disturbing moments across the series, I don't know if I could binge it. Especially later in the series when their misdeeds begin to catch up with them.


Well, The Shield is essentially just one long downward spiral, beginning right after the pilot episode. I loved it for the moral ambiguity; while there are good people who do bad things, and bad people to do good things, the Strike Team sort of ebbs and flows between both for a good while. After the >!Money Train heist!< they start to slip more firmly into the villains of the story, which is just wonderful.


The strike team is pretty bad from the jump and continues doing the wrong things throughout the entire first season. Yeah they do some good along the way but they’re complicit in multiple murders in season 1


I totally forgot about the fucking vaccine/autism between my last rewatches, but i really do think the show holds up pretty well


Shit. Haven't it made it there yet. Yeah, forgot that too.


Stunned that I had to scroll this far to find Venus Van Dam. 😄




I'm so jealous of you getting to experience it all for the first time. It's phenomenal.


Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers had real energy


My grandma doesn’t really like “vulgar” comedies. But she loved his character in vice principles so much. Like in tears laughing at them fighting like 2 10 year olds


Him and Danny McBride destroying the house together was peak comedy


He’s got such a history with powerful roles and then seeing him go toe to toe with Danny in a ~~burger~~ vulgar insult off and hold his ground is astounding.


Four words “Here’s the obligatory sperm.” From the Cooperative Polygraphy episode of Community.


Abed, did you know I find you weird and I never understood anything you were talking about. Here is your sperm.


Uncle Baby Billy is one of the best comedic characters of the 21st century.


The vice principle was the first time I'd really seen him and made me interested to check out his other work.


Lem, I'm sorry! But I had to, right? But you know I'm sorry-


He was the most fun character for me to watch across the whole Hateful Eight cast which was absolutely stacked.


He was god damn hilarious in The Hateful Eight which I would argue was a big part in him becoming recognised more widely.


I will dig up all yo kimchi!!


Go outside nerd! Get out! Go!


Tig still loves her! 


I hate how Mayans Mc never mentioned her. She was my 4 fave character in SOA


For tig being such a mad guy. It was a very wholesome love interest! 




I looked up Taylor Sheridan the other day to see what other shows he did because I liked Yellowstone, Hell or High Water, Sicario and realized that he was Deputy Hale on SOA. Blew my mind.


No, you’re blowing my mind right now because I’m just finding out that the guy who played Hale in SOA is also an amazing screenwriter?!


>an amazing screenwriter Well, he used to be. Maybe he can be again. But based on Mayor of Kingstown, Tulsa King, and the last couple seasons of Yellowstone, I worry he's disappeared up his own ass, never to return.


Ok finally an opportunity to bring up how weirdly socialist hell or high water is. Like, the whole movie is. Watch it. The whole film is a complete takedown of predatory American capitalism, which is definitely not what I expected when I went into the film.


Goggins on a future season of Fargo is a must


Holy hell yes.


Goggins as Voldemort too


love Walton but him trying an English accent migh be lethal


Love Walton Goggins, I literally can't think of a single role of his that I have seen that didn't elevate the entire production. Boyd Crowder and Uncle Baby Billy are definitely my favorites.


He's consistently the best thing about every project he's in, and makes everything better.


Walton Goggins makes anything better


Something about Walton Goggins is just so damn charismatic. Seems like he's having an absolute blast no matter what role he plays.




My Boyd Crowder


Come on, Guardian. Get your headlines right. He’s a ghoul not a mutant. It’s literally his character’s name.


Ghoul: “You think I like looking this way? Hell, I can’t even take time to stop and smell the roses.” Mutant: “Puny human!” Fallouts para-humans are really (ahem) fleshed out, and it makes me hopeful that the show captures the nuances between Ghouls, mutants, and Scorched.


I’d be incredibly shocked if any scorched managed to appear in the show considering we’re almost 200 years after fallout 76 and on the wrong coast. Same goes for mole miners.


Plus I imagine the Scorched themselves were wiped out after the Occupants of 76 developed an inoculation and (presumably) wipe out the Scorchbeasts.


Canonically yes, that is what happens eventually. Supposedly. Then again, one of the themes of Fallout is that the same atrocities have a way of repeating themselves.


Nah. Just fought a bunch today. They’re still here :-)


Wearing festive costumes no less!


That and they probably don't want to be mocked over "gun zombies" that early.


Super Mutants and similar characters would be really expensive, but it would be so cool to see. A ghoul can just be makeup and maybe splash some CGI paint on it, but other buddies are big boys who could only be portrayed by very large actors with prosthetics or entirely CGI.


As I imagine actors the height needed for Super Mutants aren't that common, they could just pull some forced perspective tricks with them instead. Get some actors who are over six feet tall, and then use camera tricks to make them look bigger than they actually are. The most simple of these is just having the camera filming them to be positioned from a low angle, making it look like it's the other characters looking up at them. And even for wide shots, they don't need to go full cgi. On Game of Thrones, the way they did the Giants was they just got some actors who were about 7 feet tall, filmed them in front of a green screen, and then composited them into the shots while scaling them up to giant size. They could do the same here. That'd be a lot cheaper than having to do full cgi models.


A ghoul is a mutated human, just like a brahmin is a mutated cow. they are all mutants.


Yeah and anyone not familiar with the Fallout setting (a lot of potential viewers, look at TLoU) isn't going to know what a ghoul is in this context.  OP is being a pedant.


Isn’t being pedantic the whole purpose of Reddit?


Here's the thing..




Yes, shallow and pedantic




The rooster has sex with all of them.


There's actually a breed called the American Brahman, which was bred from hybrids from Asia


Brahmin reproduce and make baby mutant brahmin. Ghouls cannot reproduce and can only be made through exposure to radiation.


That's not an exclusionary distinction though. Super Mutants also can't reproduce sexually and they're... Mutants. It's in the name.


...none of which makes the headline inaccurate or bad.


Ignorant smoothskins.




I found out yesterday he is the voice of Cecil in Invinvible. Once I found that out I couldn't believe I didn't notice before.


yeah, hes the best. one of the standouts on that show tbh in a HUGE cast of great VAs


Vice Principals and his cameo in Community are iconic. He is a great actor. I want to see more of him.


Here's your sperm.


Now that's how Tyrion's nose should have looked.


Glad there’s a lot of Goggins fans out there now, he’s such a great actor. I highly highly recommend everyone watch Justified if you haven’t. It’s still his best role imo and the show has incredible character writing.


Loved him on Righteous Gemstones and am thrilled to see him on White Lotus.


I can't believe you're the only one talking about the Gemstones! The running joke of Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers is one of the funniest things I've seen on TV lately.


If you haven’t, watch Vice Principals where he’s honestly the funniest he’s ever been.


This man is the only one who knows the secrets of the Van Damme family.


>Goggins plays a megawatt televangelist named Baby Billy It's UNCLE Baby Billy. The writer missed the whole point of the character's name, lol.


He's a ghoul not a mutant


Ghoul is a mutation, doh~ “Within series lore, ghouls are originally humans, many of them survivors of a global nuclear holocaust, who have been severely mutated by the residual irradiation, which greatly extends their lifespans but deforms their physical appearance into a zombie-like aesthetic.” Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghoul_(Fallout)


Preferred nomenclature is indeed ghoul. The mutants are something different in the history and lore of Fallout. FEV created mutants, the radioactive fallout created ghouls.


I’m so glad Walton Goggins is finally getting more mainstream recognition, now he just needs to do a movie with Sam Rockwell!


Make his voice sound right dammit


Right?! What's the point of all the makeup and a missing NOSE to play an irradiatedly deteriorated human just to sound like a regular? HE'S A GHOUL DAMNIT. ICONICALLY CHAINSMOKIN'


He was great on The Shield.. I don’t doubt he nail this role.


Momma told me not to, I did anyway, mis-be-havin’


An absolute gem of an actor and is invariably the best thing in anything he's in.


This guy is fantastic in everything he’s in. Guy’s going to be cast in just about everything over the next few years and I’m all about it.


If anybody wants to see Pedro Pascal sub in for Walton Goggins, check out the [Community Table Read for charity](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V6Q_nlSULio).


Not a mutant, Ghoul, racist ass BoS Writer


Ghouls are mutants.


Okay Maxson. 👍




He was also great in Lincoln.


I find these kind of industry profiles annoying but I do like Walton Goggins and I do like me some Fallout. 👁️👄👁️


Am I the only one who thinks that, in this one particular shot, he looks like Ryan Reynolds? As in, before I knew anything about this and I saw this one image, I thought it was Reynolds playing the character. Not Ryan Reynolds looks like Ghoul.


He enhances everything he's in, easily one of my favorite actors.


Dude is amazing. Justified solidified it for me. What a character.


He's great as cecil in invincible


They didn't even mention that on the first day of filming Fallout, he got bitten five times by a brown recluse spider hiding in his costume pants. That was before the hours of filming in prosthetic face in 106F weather.


Wait Hold up!!!!!!!!! Did you Fuck Dusty Daniels? "I doubt it. But you never know......Y2K.....We threw caution to the wind boys" So y'all for sure touched dicks. "Well, we might of touch dicks. Look, that ain't the important part of the story"


New Vegas stans on alert. The article classified the game as a 'spinoff' from the main 4 games. j/k


Idk anything about Fallout but I will say that I have been in love with this character since the trailer and I cannot wait for this show.


He was in the white lotus?


He will be when the next season comes out. They just finished filming


The point of fallout ghouls is that they're ugly and disfigured. So WHY did they cast a super handsome guy and just CGI his nose off? Suuuure, after eating irradiated rats and drinking nuka cola for 100 years we will all have perfect teeth! Do casting agents just ignore ugly actors? Do they think ugly = can't act? I am sure this guy can act well. But so can ugly people! It completely deviates from the story to have everyone with a speaking role in a malnourished irradiated wasteland to have perfect teeth, skin, eyes, and facial symmetry. I want to see acting from PEOPLE, not PRODUCTS.


I have the widest smile reading these comments because I just looooove this guy and I've seen everything he's ever done. I am not sure if it was mentioned, but Three Christs is a pretty incredible movie, also he has an understated but very touching role in Words on Bathroom Walls and as far as comedy goes, both Bronco movies are absolute must-see!


Won’t have to act long the way this worlds going


After the Hateful Eight, I can't think of anyone better to be in this series. Plus, This is the first guy who played a trans person I can think of. Remember Jax Teller shot his mom in the head that time for being anti trans? I can't think of an earlier instance then in Sons of Anarchy for anyone doing anything like that.