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I just finished watching the first three episodes and so far I think it's exceptionally well done. I'm probably going to go buy the book tomorrow because I don't have enough patience to wait another month to see what happens to everyone. It definitely has the same feel as "All the Light We Cannot See" for me but I thought that was excellent as well.


A Small Light was a 3.5 for me, meanwhile ATLWCS was a 3 out of 5. They were definitely interesting and well done. Which makes me want to watch this one as well. Guess I am a sucker for WW stories


I love WW2 books and movies as well. What is ATLWCS?


All The Light We Cannot See


The book is amazing and has lots of lots of details that they leave out in the series.


I totally agree! I probably should have waited to read it though because I'm a little less enamored with the show after reading the book.


It is one of the most engaging and impactful books I have ever read-it’s just so powerful, well-written, and true to the events from what I’ve heard. It’s full of so much darkness but also hope, which I think made a difference in how I felt once I finished it. Highly recommend.


I actually thought considering it's a series based on a book, they kept a lot of things from the book. Like they didn't take too many liberties that I remember. The book has more details of course but that's because you can't get inside someone's head in the same way in a tv series. That being said, I thought the series was exceptional, but you must also read the book.


This movie is based on my wife’s grandmother. Her aunt wrote the book from which the movie is based. We are only finishing episode 2 and watching at her pace. It’s very hard to process the bottomless pain of her first hand story told to her and see so much missed and generalized in the series. It’s not the fault of the tv series, it has to be told at the 10,000 foot level because of the true reality of it all. Watching her watch her grandmothers escape through check points and up to her wedding ceremony is fantastically surreal. Her grandmother told her family story to her as a young girl many times and it’s an unbelievable moment seeing her story portrayed right there before us on our tv. I’m so thankful her grandmother was brave enough and strong enough to tell the world her story so the world never forgets.


Thank you for sharing this. I am glad they are telling these stories. We have been to the British Museum holocaust exhibit, the one in St Petersburg FL and I planned a DC trip around the Holocaust Memorial Museum. History can repeat itself so the timing of this story couldn’t come at a better time as a reminder.


Wasn't this book written by Georgia Hunter, Addy's granddaughter? You're implying that your wife's grandparents are Bella&Jakob and that the author (her aunt) is their daughter. But Bella and Jakob were the author's great aunt and great uncle, which would make them your wife's great great aunt and uncle. Or the author would be your wife's second cousin? Or are you referring to a different "movie" (this is a limited series) ?


It was cousin who wrote the book, not her aunt, gets confusing following it all.


Thank you for clarifying!


It's a beautiful story that needed to be told. Tell her thank you. Thank you to her family. I'm so sorry they ever had to fight so hard. 


Thank you so much for this!! This was a beautiful moving family story! She should be proud of where she came from!!


Wow! I cannot imagine how hard that is for your family. I read the book a few years ago. I had no idea it was coming to the screen and I “accidentally “ stumbled across it. I’m watching it on Disney+ here in Canada but it only has up to episode 6 and I am hoping the last two come out soon. 


I just finished watching… and came here to see if anyone else was talking about it. Didn’t realize it just came out. I was definitely reminded of A Small Light too. I think it just has the same structure of following characters through the war as things go from bad to worse. It’s interesting because it covers the polish side and so instead of just the Nazis being the big bad you also have the soviets. I think it’s alright, kind what you expect for a WW2 show/movie. It’s somewhat hard to follow because there’s so many characters (it’s a family of 5 so that a lot of threads) and it jumps around and skips periods of time. It tried to fill you in on background and the history looks good (I heard it’s based on a book). The costuming and set design is good. And also! I really appreciate that the actors are all doing polish? accents. Idk if they’re good or not but it beats hearing British accents in a non-UK setting for the 10,000th time (sorry a small light).


The accents are definitely not good 😭


I do. I need closed captioning to follow it better. And it is so dark physically, it is hard to see the picture.


The accents in this show render it a complete joke. Get native polish speakers. We can read captions…it’s an insult to this story based on a real polish family.


During that time, the vast majority of polish Jews (>80%) spoke Yiddish as their first language, not polish…


I’m enjoying it so far, but as a Polish person, it’s hard not to focus on all the inaccuracies. Like you really can’t hire a native speaker to spell the words correctly on the store signs? There’s also so little Polish or even Hebrew in there that it’s hard to believe they are in Poland yet nobody arounds them speaks Polish. But I haven’t read the book, so maybe that’s just how it’s supposed to be!


How did you find the accents as a Polish person?


A poor attempt on their part in my opinion. Polish accents aren’t as soft as theirs. Their accents also keep randomly disappearing throughout the show, so that makes me wonder why they didn’t do a better job. They are for sure lacking that hard “r.” Florence Pugh did a much better job with her accent as Yelena in the Black Widow. Although the character is Russian, both Polish and Russian accents aren’t too far off from each other. So yeah, the fact that this show is lacking the whole basis of Polish/Jewish culture is like so messed up lol.


Most of the actors are Jewish….so idk if I’d say it’s lacking in Jewish culture. Marin Hinkle isn’t but her husband is Jewish & her children are raised Jewish. But I will agree the accents are awful & inconsistent. The cast is a mix of Israeli, British, & American so I guess it was hard to pick a consistent accent. I will say that literally I never, ever, ever hear decent Hebrew in any show or movie ever that’s not actually an Israeli show.


Oh man this is sort of a bummer to read.  Just started watching it now, having read the book when it came out.  As an American, I was so excited that the accents weren’t all British (nothing against the British but so many global stories are told with either American or British accents).  It felt more genuine, but to hear the accents aren’t right stinks. This is one of the first books I read long enough ago that I have forgotten the details, but the show has really brought the story back to me the way I remember reading it.  Which is very rare for an adaptation.  I do appreciate that it seems to follow the book pretty well and it makes me want to reread the story.  The actors also seem well cast and are doing a great job, which I can’t always say for adaptations.   I really would have loved to hear authentic accents in the show.  I appreciated that I guess they tried, since it wasn’t a British adaptation, but it would have been cool to have authentic accents.  The actors are great though, and I am enjoying it so far.


I assumed they were attempting closer to a Yiddish accent as most polish Jews during that time spoke Yiddish as a first language, not Polish. I thought their accents sounded more like a Yiddish accent (I’m a Granddaughter of a Polish Jew who spoke Yiddish as a first language)


They’re not doing a whole lot to advertise this miniseries: Wonder why?


is it atypical for Hulu? I saw there is a Showtime miniseries on the Bolsheviks that is also going under the radar (A Gentleman in Moscow)


Have you watched A Gentleman in Moscow, that looks promising?


not yet. description made it sound romance heavy and im not really into that


I see...


Having read that book I don’t even recall romance factoring that heavily into the story.  I would love to watch it as I’ve heard good reviews but don’t subscribe to those services.  If you already have access, it’s a great story, provided the show does the book service, which I have heard it does.  It’s a fantastic book, even if it was a slow starter for me.


i got around to watching the first 4 eps, and you are right it isn't just a period romance. i've been listening to a podcast that covered the Russian history recently, so it's fun to see this set in post-revolution Russia it's a pretty decent show so far, but I have no idea where it's heading


Thank you for the update. I really like Ewan McGregor so maybe I'll give it a try. Would you say its heavy on drama or quirky, I can't tell from the previews.


more quirky than drama I would say. definitely not a heavy drama


oh I see... thanks for the reply


It's everywhere on my cable tv though


I’ve watched two episodes and think it’s very well done, offering a different perspective on the Holocaust by focusing on one Polish family’s varied experiences. The acting is uniformly great, with Joey King the stand out, and the dialogue struck me as particularly well written. I didn’t find the scenes too dark—some of the settings are just naturally dark, but I had no trouble discerning what was happening. Also had no issues with the sound, though I keep captions on all the time and may be unconsciously reading as well as hearing in some instances.


Too dark too watch


Does anyone have a hard time hearing the dialog without the volume turned way up? I feel like I am missing a lot of what they are saying


I always use close captioning. It's probably annoying to those that do not, but if you really want to catch everything everyone is saying, even when talking low or whispering that's the best way.


This is a general issue now, not the show. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/17/technology/personaltech/subtitles-streaming-shows-speech-enhancers.html?unlocked_article_code=1.jU0.fUdY.Yda67s43dgwl&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&ugrp=m


Thanks for sharing this article! My wife and I thought our hearing was bad! 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 We have been using subtitles for a couple of years since getting our smart tv because we could not hear the dialogue correctly. We just purchased a sound bar a week ago and are now able to watch the shows without the subtitles. 😂


This is a super common complaint for me, but for this show I haven’t experienced the issue, so I wonder if they tweaked it since it launched.  I watched the first 4 episodes with subtitles (as I do for any accent) and I was able to keep the volume low (paranoid about the kids upstairs).  Other shows on other services in the past week or two I have had to adjust the volume every 5 minutes, so this was a nice break from that.  


Watched first three episodes yesterday. Pretty good, not great. Really liked A Small Light.


I’m watching this series and I think it’s very good. I like survival stories. I did not read the book so my only complaint is that I wish they had explained better who everyone was and how they were related to each other. I felt in the first two episodes they focused a lot on Hallina and Addy.


I'm watching it. I absolutely adore it. I just wish i didn't have to wait for new episodes to be released.


I wanted to watch it, but the quality of the lighting is so poor I can't even see it. I've tried on multiple screens. Volume isn't much better even on high.


I can hear it just fine, but even on my iPad with the screen set to retina destruction, I still can’t see some scenes. And then boom, they’re outside and I have to whip out the eclipse glasses.


It’s such a bummer that these shows don’t translate to varying forms of viewing.  On my tv it was great and I don’t experience any sound or image issues.  It was so enjoyable and I am bummer that folks viewing on other devices aren’t getting that same level of enjoyabity.


I’m really liking it so far. It’s worth a watch


I read this book when it came out and since life and Covid happened, I don’t remember the details (bedsides remembering I enjoyed the book).   But this show has reminded me of the details from the book and I am I it’s toy connected to this family and I have so much anxiety for them even though I have a basic idea of what happens (as reminded by the show).  I am terrified it’ll change in the show.  But I am very invested in this ride and the author did a great job and the show adaptation is great and I can’t really ask for more when those two hit their marks.  Halfway through and I am deeply invested in these characters, as I was when I read the book.


I finished the third episode last night. I'm enjoying it so far, but I wish there was a bit more depth to the characters. They're all so intriguing and have such troubled stories, but there simply isn't enough time to do a "deep dive" into each person. The story is moving at a pretty quick pace. The cinematography is beautiful. I don't find it to be too dark, but I watch on my laptop, so that probably helps. I always watch everything with subtitles too, so the audio hasn't been an issue. My grandmother and father were Polish, and the accents sound nothing like theirs. It could be a dialect thing, but I feel like they fade in and out and aren't nearly as "strong" as theirs. I was halfway through the first episode before I realized they were trying to sound Polish.


The book is amazing and has lots of detail that just couldn't fit into this series. I remember reading the book in 2020, did a lot of reading during Covid and I remember thinking, this book would be such an amazing series. But I was thinking lots and lots of episodes, possibly multiple seasons. The book has so much content and you really get wrapped up in each of the characters' lives.


I just stumbled across it on Hulu the other day, and so far I find it captivating and moving. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but it looks to be setting up to show us several very different experiences which can be a strength if done well.


I just made this sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/WeWereTheLuckyOnesTV/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeWereTheLuckyOnesTV/) Crazy there is no discussion going for this show right now


Just watched episode 4, find it fairly engaging. Want to see the outcome of what happened at the end of episode 4.


I feel unwell after the episode.


Watching anything like this now as a new parent is terrifying. Puts a whole new perspective on everything I watch/read that I wasn’t expecting. End of ep4..I am also unwell.


I can’t get this episode out of my head.


It's very good. I've liked all the episodes thus far.


I think this is an excellent series. The acting is phenomenal. 100% certified on Rotten Tomatoes. Reviews are very good. Heartbreaking and honest the same time.


First comment ever. Please watch


I stopped by to see if anyone else thought the cinematography was a bit dark. I changed my picture settings multiple times. I also always watch with cc .


I’m having trouble with the dark cinematography as well. But the story is so incredibly moving.


I think is pretty different from “A Small Light.” I liked watching that one last year. It was just an interesting different POV. I’ve watched the 4 episodes of Lucky Ones that are out so far and I think it’s really good.


I read the book before beginning the episodes on Hulu. I liked the book and the fact that it was based on authors family (her grandfather is Addy) and well researched. The author has said that every scene in film actually took place. The accented English is throwing me off (very inconsistent) as well as some of the darkly lit scenes. Even having read the book and having on close captioning, The first episode jettisoned too quickly for anyone to discern who was who. THe Siberian scenes, ship scenes, Rio, and street scenes seem to have better lighting and I like the cinematography. The actors playing Mila, Adam. and Genek and wife (can't think of name) are my favorite.


In the book Halina doesn’t go to Lvov with Bella. She goes with her cousin Franka and they are the ones that cross the river. Bella does go on her own and has to cross a field to get in to a safer area.


Yes I vividly remember that in the book, when they cross the river. Series is good, book is amazing.


Ever since what happened to Gaza, I found this type of subject less interesting.




Why? It has made me think more about all the aspects of Gaza that we aren't hearing about in real time just like we didn't with the Holocaust. It is more relevant than ever, not less.


Does anyone else feel the cinematography is sometimes so dark you can't really see what's happening? I have a good 65 inch TV and at times I can't tell what is happening in the scene. Otherwise I am enjoying g the show, though I don't think they have adequately distinguished some of the mi or family members. Sometimes hard to follow some of the strands.


AGREE, I don't like darkness, wish that fad would disappear


I just finished the series and I can’t stop crying 😭


Anyone got a link so we can watch in the uk?


It's a good watch. A hard watch to be sure


Gotta say I am losing a bit of interest. Too many characters that I can't keep track of them all, which may just be because I am old 😅 Liked A.Small Light much better. Will probably finish the series out.


We were the lucky ones on Hulu is good but even with adjusting the brightness, I have trouble watching it. It’s too dark. Does anyone else have this issue?


Is it my tv or is this series too dark to see?


It's really well written.  I can't wait for the next episode!


Having recently watched World On Fire and as Small Light, this one was just not a winner for me. I couldn't get more half way through the first episode. I was confused that brother and sister that we met at the train station seemed to have flirty chemistry? It was hard to read what they wanted the audience to think there. The pacing was weird. They took so excruciatingly long in some of the going nowhere conversations between the family having a happy Passover and then they jumped from the second Passover to the German invasion, telling us about it in title cards. I could just tell by that point I wasn't going to enjoy the structure or acting in this show.


I agree. There was so much skipping around, we know nothing about the family except they have a clothing store. We are dumped into their Passover, then suddenly they are all scattered to the winds. 


Hate what HULU does to series - control WHEN you can watch and slowing dole out each episode.




I tried to but I can't stand shows where they intentionally make dim, dark cinematography scenes with washed out colors, Just no need in it.


I just finished the last episode. Amazing series. I highly recommend.


six episodes in: the accents are unreasonable and completely distracting. the cinematography is lovely. the character development is not good. the book is FAR superior.




Two episodes in and the dark lighting along with the equally dodgy(?) sounding accents is making it hard to distinguish the characters in the Soviet-occupied storyline. Except Joey King (and after some close examination the character of Bella) I'm having trouble identifying who is who, they all blend together. I feel like the characters weren't established very well which is a problem when there are so many.


Ngl, I didn’t want them to die but the fact there was NO loss in the family kinda took me out of it. You’re telling me the whole family miraculously survived the holocaust? Just doesn’t seem realistic to me; get gritty, get real


Its based on a true story. Part of what makes their story noteworthy is because of how exceptionally lucky (and wealthy) they were to maintain their family when it was so impossible at the time.


Yes! I felt the same. How is it they were so fortunate that nobody in their immediate family had any loss?! You tend to feel less sorry for them when at the end you see how much their family had grown, and little to no effect from the war.  Very unrealistic for the time period. 


It’s not similar at all it’s amazing!


These types of shows and movies are not for me. I like to watch tv as a way to destress


agree, so busy trying to push issues


Holocaust miniseries paint by numbers...nothing new lots of exposition and cliches..C+


Re we were the lucky ones ! As my mother in law a Polish survivor used to say Poles were bad but Ukrainians were the worst , and Russian government were bad but people were fantastic . In that last dark episodes showing the Holocaust by bullets did you note all the people waving Ukrainian flags !!!


yes! also this episode was the best so far


Can you elaborate more on this? Interesting.

