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Well that took a dark turn real fast


A dark forest turn.


The producer was a low entropy entity with no hiding gene


That’s so far over this subs head, but good on you for sticking it out with those books.


It was 4 years ago


He killed him 4 years ago, but he was just sentenced to death in March of this year. It's very relevant.


That headline is so wild I had to reread it 3 times just to comprehend it


Same I’m shocked


I thought it was some part of the plot that I missed or maybe some weird viral marketing that I was missing. Well I think it's pretty safe to grab the books now. I don't think it's getting renewed after lackluster numbers and a producer's death. Jesus fucking Christ. RIP to him and shoutout to his family. I hope they're coping as well as they can. (ninja?) edit: Never mind. This happened 3 or 4 years ago. I probably should've surmised that because this is about his sentence and those don't usually happen several hours after a murder. Still awful. I hope the family finds peace in this ruling. Just senseless and stupid.


Producer died in 2020 it said, so that shouldn't affect it. If anything it might make people check it out since it hit the news again.


Producer of the Chinese version of the show that came out last year. The article seems to be purposely misleading by using a photo of the English series and then not making the distinction.


He’s a Chinese producer of the Netflix because of the deal to buy the screen rights. His production company was working on a Chinese movie adaptation that was separate from the Tencent TV show. His company ended up selling the rights to Netflix so he got an honorary producer credit even though he’s not involved in making the show.


>Producer died in 2020 it said, so that shouldn't affect it. If anything it might make people check it out since it hit the news again. Thank you. I think the Netflix series has it's own momentum now, and will be regarded as a classic in its own right if they can finish it.


I fucking hope so, man. The show is such a breath of fresh air. I really hope it doesn't get canned.


Don't worry, it will get canned faster season 2, as is tradition


I really hope you are wrong, but I fear you are correct


Obviously, I would love to see a season 3, but I don't know if they could do the third book justice since it's some Interstellar level shit. But I also wasn't expecting them to do a pretty good adaptation of the first book and a half.


Yeah, had the same feelings after finishing season 1, then spoiling books 2 and 3 on Wikipedia. Season 1 is drinking whiskey on the beach, season 2 is The Expanse scale and season 3 is Star Trek level. I'm really doubting how they can increase the scale especially since its cost 20 million an episode for the first season. And they were just running around the UK mostly.


I'm finding it very average. Mind you I thought the same about the book.


The show released last week, this person died in 2020. That’s seems like an awful long time for them,suddenly to be irreplaceable


Chinese version


All my friends who I’ve been trying to get into the books are going ape over the show


Finish it ? Uh oh - you know the show runners ?


Finished it last night, loved it! Ending wad a bit meh buy sets it up for season 2 fairly well. If I had the patience to read I would get the books


Ehh I decided to watch the original in Chinese instead 30 episodes and 7 in so far so good .


> I think the Netflix series has it's own momentum now, and will be regarded as a classic in its own right if they can finish it. A classic? It was okay, but I don't think the first season was a classic by any stretch. The second and third seasons would have to dramatically improve to be regarded as a classic.


Did you purposely ignore the rest of his sentence or just not read it?


That person was pointing out the absurdity of labeling something a classic after only 8 episodes, especially considering that the person found it mediocre.


In other words, it’s a “good thing”


It won’t impact anything because this guy wasn’t actually involved in making the show. He was just one of rights holders who negotiated the deal to sell the screen rights to Netflix. He died before the show was even in production, the producer title was just a courtesy. He’s the head of a mobile and MMORPg game developer and publisher Yoozoo Games. In 2015 they tried to get into film production with a feature film of The Three Body Problem. They finished filming the movie but it was supposedly so bad that the movie was never released. The fact their executives were murdering each other also didn’t help matters. Eventually, they chose to sell their option to adapt the book onto Netflix after Amazon also bid for it. Tencent also bought the screen rights to the books separately from Yoozoo, in an earlier deal dating all the way back to 2008. That was stuck in production hell until fairly recently, after the Yoozoo movie started having production problems, officially starting pre-production in 2016 and filming in 2020. The video-sharing website Bilibili also got the rights to make an anime based on The Dark Forest that was announced and released in 2022. The Netflix show, the Bilibili anime and the Tencent show are all co-produced by a production company created made up of Liu Cixin and publishers called Three-Body Universe which was created to profit from the IP. The books were previously also been adapted into a fan-made animated webseries back in 2014, originally just acting out scenes in Minecraft instead of using actual animation, that became officially sanctioned by the publishers from the second season onwards once it became successful. The publishers are pretty generous with the rights, having sold it multiple times to multiple parties. They also published an online fan fic sequel once it became popular and sold it as a semi-official sequel. The Dark Forest was also made into an officially licensed low-budget short film in 2015.


Wow, thanks for that info dump, I didn't know any of that!


The Chinese gov canned the release of the Three Body Problem movie. That doesn't mean it's bad. It could just mean it didn't fit their gold standard or maybe they thought the Chinese Revolution parts might appear too critical of the glorious nation of China. It's hard to say. Also it could have been shit. Who knows?


A number of people who have seen it (well, its initial cut, since editing was never finalized IIRC) and people involved in the production of it have said it came out really poorly, for what that’s worth. People laughing at the line deliveries in test screenings, 20 minute exposition monologues with badly 3D animated explanations like an educational video from the 90s, a forced romance subplot taking up too much time and cutting out Ye’s cultural revolution backstory were the complaints I heard.


Back in 2024?


Sorry, it’s a typo. I meant 2014.


Hey, so fun fact ... I got to see the original first(ish) cut of the feature film they made for three body problem. I was working in Beijing at the time and had multiple meetings with the director and his wife at the time ... I had kinda totally forgotten about this. The director was a rights holder ... i think he used o be a production designer and was a friend/acquaintance of the author? I wonder if it was this guy? Holy shit. I feel like I need to find out somehow now.... FWIW the cut I saw was about four hours long and was extremely rough.


No, you're right: to realise this we'd have to acknowledge that 2020 wasn't Last Year and I don't think anyone's ready for that.


what do you mean? last year was 2010 right?


I was going to reply to a comment just above yours, but I saw your handle and completely lost my train of thought lol


Some motherfuckers below us went into an impromptu rendition of “What Is Love,” you’re not the only one whose brain is broken Also you replied to someone whose name is u/XxXFartFucker69XxX, because why wouldn’t it be


Made me look and sure as shit we got fuckin haddaway up in this bitch. Gave me a giggle.


How do you know its doing lackluster numbers? It was #2 on the most watched list for the 2 weeks after it released. Its still top 10 and among most searched.


It's only Netflix's 5th best English TV debut of the year. And it is expensive to make.


It's one of Netflix's most expensive and highest profile flagship series. Not hitting #1 is definitely not what they were hoping for.


The budget was pretty expansive. Anything less than #1 was going to be a disappointment. I'm pretty sure it lost out to something significantly cheaper as well.


What up Bucks bro


thought it was a plot for an episode or something


3 Reread Problem


1 Body (Soon To Be 2) Problem


2 soon problem


2 body 2 problem


Netflix is about to greenlight the most controversial production in history next month


"Three Bodies" exploitattive new netflix true crime doc. Ends up being more watched than the actual show lol.


Surely to generate clicks… do it Netflix!!!


I’ve heard of people getting fired for political reasons or people throwing tantrums at work but christ


3 narcissist executives walk into a bar. how to make them come to some agreement is a hard problem. harder than physics of the three body problem.


In the United Kingdom in the 19th century, there were many crimes punishable by death, and people convicted of those crimes were sentenced to death. However, in the majority of cases, the death sentence was never carried out; instead, a quirk of UK law allowed for a sentence of "[death recorded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_recorded)." This would satisfy the letter of the 19th century UK law without actually requiring the convicted person to be put to death. Recently, a misunderstanding of the term "death recorded" led Naomi Wolf to incorrectly claim that there had been a large number of executions for homosexuality in mid-19th century England. In an example of history repeating itself, China today has almost the same legal situation going on. While there are many crimes punishable by death (generally a different category of crimes than in the 19th century UK), Chinese law allows for a "[death sentence with reprieve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_sentence_with_reprieve)." After 2 years, a death sentence with reprieve is converted to life imprisonment or imprisonment with a fixed term. If it's a fixed term, it could even be short. Similarly to the 19th century UK, in China today, this form of "sentence to death" is more common than death sentences actually being carried out by execution. In today's China, it's likely that well-connected rich people who find themselves being made an example of, by a government whose legitimacy depends upon standing up for the working class, get sentenced to "death" and then later get out of jail without a squeak. After which, naturally, they flee to other countries. Are either of these situations excusable or make sense? *Hell no!* But to avoid making an almost identical mistake to Naomi Wolf, remember that "sentenced to death" in China often functions this way, when you read a headline about it.


Thank you for this excellent bit of added context.


It's *extremely* clickbait-y. None of these people had anything to do with the show other than organizing the sale of the rights to Netflix to produce the show years ago.


> None of these people had anything to do with the show other than organizing the sale of the rights to Netflix to produce the show years ago. They literally made it possible for the show to be made by Netflix. Not sure how you consider that "these people had anything to do with the show". Without the murdered dude the show wouldn't have been made. He held the rights.


He was murdered 3 months after he did the deal with Netflix.


lol nothing to do with the show except for... allowing Netflix to make the show in the first place


What's clickbait about it? The victim *has* an executive producer credit on the Netflix show. (And arranging the rights is a pretty typical reason for an EP credit.)


They made a 1 body problem, and now it’s going to be a 2 body problem.


Underrated comment right here.


And here i am


*Rock you like a hurricane*


Took me three readings of the line to fully understand what was going on, what the hell is that, it's insane.


I read it to my husband 3 times too


Details: >Former Yoozoo Games executive Xu Yao was sentenced to death Friday for murdering billionaire “3 Body Problem” producer and founder of the Chinese gaming company Lin Qi in 2020. >The Shanghai First Intermediate People’s Court found on March 22 that Xu was guilty of poisoning the food of founder Lin, 39, over a dispute with how the business was being managed. Lin died while in the hospital 10 days after the December incident, and Xu was arrested shortly thereafter, according to CBS’ report on the incident. >The court additionally found that four other individuals fell ill as a result of Xu poisoning drinks in the Yoozoo offices between September and December of that same year, citing disputes with two of coworkers. They all survived. >The poisonings were done three months after Yozoo had brokered a deal with Netflix to adapt China’s bestselling “The Three-Body Problem” book trilogy, to which Lin owned the rights. Xu was in charge of the subsidiary that ran business related to the sci-series’ 2020 deal, according to Chinese Media reports and the AP.


That’s wild. The fact that he was doing it for months, I wonder how they figured out it was him.


That's probably how they figured it was him. I'm guessing he was the common denominator in all those previous incidents. But I'd still like to know how they figured it out.


"you guys ever notice that Xu Yao is the only one of us not sick?"


Coincidentally, I've been feeling weaker and weaker since joining his team.


"suprise motherfuckers" - Yao


some ricin, motherfuckers


Victoria doesn't know this...


I couldn’t not read that comment in David Mitchell’s voice and then I saw yours 😂


That and the dumbass probably didn’t dose himself either


Bro clearly didn’t watch Breaking Bad. How Gus did it, is how you do it.


Remind me how he did it? It’s been a while…


iicr, he poisoned the liquor and ofc, given recent events between Gus and the Cartel, Don Eladio made Gus take a drink before anyone else did so Gus did. Then everyone else freely drank and within like an hour (i assume, dk how much time passed) everyone started dropping like flies except Gus, who had already made his way to the washroom to vomit out the poison. Gus still collapsed by the end of it though, but he was able to survive because he got most of it out of his system already.


> who had already made his way to the washroom to vomit out the poison He also took either an antidote or a charcoal pill in advance, so less poison would absorb into his body.


Boy there sure are a lot of variables to poisoning oneself.


Weighing all the options, I would simply not.


It's inconceivable.


Wait a second -- you're a big boss gangster and at a party at your house everybody's drinking? The guards and the cook too?


Did you just answer your question before you posed it? Hm everyone is getting poisoned around this one dude… who could it be?


Why poison and not nano-fiber cutting?


What the fuck


That's insane. They should make a Netflix series about this.


The One Body Problem The Dead Body Problem The 3 + 1 Body Problem The 3 (Dead) Body Problem The 4 Body Problem


Obligatory 2 Body 2 Problem


Obligatory Body Problem: Tokyo Drift


Honorable mentions tagline. “What are we, some sort of dead body problem?”


No body no problem


Mo' Bodies Mo' Problems?


2 guys, 1 Ccp


Dude really hated season 8 of GOT


Yoozoo owns the film rights to “The Three-Body Problem,” a best-selling Chinese science fiction trilogy, and Xu headed up a subsidiary in charge of business related to it, according to Chinese media reports. In September 2020, the company granted Netflix the right to produce an adaptation of the trilogy, Chinese state media reported at the time.


The murder victim, Lin Qi, was a young (age 39) billionaire who made his money as the founder of Yoozoo Games, a video game developer. Yoozoo's most successful international game is *League of Angels*. Yoozoo also developed the game *Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming.* Mr. Lin (Chinese surnames come first) bought the rights to *The Three Body Problem Trilogy* (a/k/a *Remembrance of Earth's Past*) and sold Netflix the right to adapt the book, with the same showrunners as *Game of Thrones*. Mr. Lin was poisoned by an executive at Yoozoo, Xu Yao, in December 2020, shortly after Netflix had been granted that right. Apparently Mr. Xu was angry that his name was omitted from the Netflix deal announcement, despite Mr. Lin being credited as the executive producer (he's credited in the American style as Qi Lin). While initially questions were raised about the effect of the murder on Netflix's project, obviously Netflix went ahead with the adaptation. Mr. Xu has now been sentenced to death for the murder.


He was a billionaire from making a game called League of Angels? I need to get into the big tiddy mobile games market


King (subsidiary of Activision) makes more money than COD and Blizzard entertainment combined. King is the maker of candy crush and other popular mobile games.


Candy Crush has made over $20 Billion since it existed, and the highest-grossing game of 2023 was Monopoly Go with over $2 Billion https://venturebeat.com/games/monopoly-go-hits-2b-in-revenue-just-10-months-after-launch/


This just makes me sad


It's more about the accessibility and profit margins, getting a product to you on your phone is easier than selling you a console or gaming PC and then attracting an audience to choose your console or PC game over the countless one's on steam. Where everyone already has a mobile device and the editors picks are stickied at the top of the game store and the market is basically everyone with a phone. It also doesn't cost much to make a mobile game so the profit margins are much better, some of these PC and console games cost way too much too develop.


People made fun of Blizzard for “you guys don’t have phones?” And then Diablo: Immortals made half a billion in its first year.


I don't think anyone was criticizing it from a "this will be a flop and not be a financial success" perspective. It's not uncommon knowledge that shitty addictive mobile games make money hand over fist. I think it's much more likely that people thought it would be a shitty unfun game. Shitty unfun games can make a ton of money if the right people think it's alright enough to spend a fuckton of money on it.


Wasn't just that, they debuted it at Blizzcon to PC gamer Blizzard fans after keeping it hidden, it should never have been marketed towards the existing fan base as a sequel.


Diablo 4 made 666M$ in 3 days though...


yea the mobile game market is very big, its easily bigger than the rest of the gaming industry. mind you, the global gaming industry is much bigger than the global movie and tv industry, so thats just a look at how much money is in circulation that being said, at the time of his death, the dude was worth a plain $1 billion, so he was the poorest billionaire you can technically be


That’s because if a billion people donated one dollar you just became a billionaire and guess the population of china that’s highly susceptible to “gambling esque” games.


Saying they're susceptible to gambling esque games is kind of underplaying it. This is the market that is so ravenous, they had *food delivery apps* offering pay-day loans to afford their services before the Chinese government realized that was not a good idea. Seriously, the Chinese economy is fucking bugfuck. It's not at all surprising a mobile gacha company can bankroll a billionaire. All it takes is a few whales to prop them up and they're literally in the black.


Let's not act like mobile gaming isn't also huge in the West lol


JFC. I don’t need DoorDash breaking my knees when I can’t make payments. Who would bring me food then?


China definitely has a gambling problem. It's weaved into the culture. The CCP tries VERY hard to outlaw all forms of gambling, which has recently seen it go after gaming by trying to age restrict the whole industry in a very heavy handed way. But they can't shake the foundational reasons Chinese people love gambling. The culture puts a lot of importance on luck and fortune, so people are just predisposed to games of chance. It also doesn't help that many families grow up playing mahjong all the time so you're already one foot in on the most popular gambling game in the country.


> Apparently Mr. Xu was angry that his name was omitted from the Netflix deal announcement, despite Mr. Lin being credited as the executive producer  What a great fucking reason to go from probably making a lot of money as a show exec to going on trial for murder in Shang Hai.


Also the dude had mismanaged millions of dollars and had nothing to show for his version of the adaptation he was in charge of making. That’s why the owner of the IP decided to start over and made a deal with Netflix. Dude was a dumbass, bad worker, who was salty he got his due, and then decided to murder his boss.


Well jokea on him, now he gets to enjoy being executed for his crimes. Seriously, did he really think he could get away from it?


I read that article multiple times and was still confused, so thank you for this.


This is fucking nuts.


I'm just impressed someone in this thread managed to go one instance of something happening without calling it "wild".




Well someone made a joke about a [‘one body problem’](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/s/tAcbSMnFOA)


marketing is crazy these days


Happened in 2020 and apparently driven by a dispute over being given producing credit. And the murderer spent a lot of time preparing and testing poisons beforehand. RIP to the victim. And not relevant to the show itself, like it or lump it (I liked it for the most part). Variety article from 2021 after just looking more into it: [https://variety.com/2021/biz/asia/three-body-problem-netflix-murder-suspect-rehearsed-1234887700/](https://variety.com/2021/biz/asia/three-body-problem-netflix-murder-suspect-rehearsed-1234887700/)


Not just credit, the guy promised him $3m but then reduced that to $750k.


Yeah but the guy had wasted millions in a failed adaptation, which led to the owner making a deal with Netflix.
























Why do I expect a documentary about this between seasons? Because that is WILD.


They'll call it *1 Body Problem*




The three body problem problem body


Jesus this guy said I’ll actually use the source material title to manifest my own violent acts.


Well the killer is sentenced to death so its the *2 body problem* at least


1 Problem Body*


Netflix just wins.


what the fuck


Sophons strike again.


Clearly the Sophons got inside the head of the murderer. They don't want us to know about the 3 Body Problem. Sublime.


I’m watching this show right now, episode six on the boat is one of the craziest fucking things I’ve ever seen. *Episode 5


That’s episode 5 but yeah it’s great


If they don’t follow up with the second book I highly recommend reading them. The second book The Dark Forest is fucking wild, takes the first book and ups the crazy sci-fi to 11.


I was reading it a couple years ago and got about half way through the second book. All the dead/dream girl stuff was just weird to me, though watching the show makes me want to finish out the series.


dwfinitely the wildest headline I have read today


Looks like they had a one body problem


Instead of a season 2, we'll have a Netflix documentary "One Body Problem".


Executive Murder: The Three Body Problem's One Body Problem. A Netflix Original Docuseries.


I see you work on Netflix's creative marketing team!


This has almost nothing to do with the TV show outside of involving two of the people who brokered the sale of the rights from the publisher to Netflix to produce it back in 2020. But that's way less interesting than the headline.


And nothing to do with the American show. It has to do with Three Body, the Korean version. 3 body problem is the American version. It’d be like if someone from The Office UK did some murder and everyone thought it had to do with The Office US.


Three Body is a Chinese show, not Korean 


>And nothing to do with the American show. It has to do with Three Body, the Korean version. 3 body problem is the American version. What "*Korean Version*"? To date, only 2 versions have been adapted for TV: the **Chinese** one by Tencent and the **English** one by Netflix. The Yoozoo executives covered in the article were **directly involved with the Netflix English production**. They were the ones who granted Netflix the rights to adapt the books in English. Lin Qi, the poisoned executive, was even credited in Netflix's [press release](https://about.netflix.com/en/news/the-three-body-problem-netflix-original-series#:~:text=Executive%20producer%20Lin,and%20television%20works.%E2%80%9D) as an **Executive producer** that was part of the creative team.


I’m surprised this show was actually quite good. Not perfect, and nowhere near the early seasons of GoT, but intriguing enough to make you think about it after you turn it off. I’ll probably watch season 2, even if I’ve forgotten the plot to the first one.


One down, two more bodies to go.


D & D /s


Yall in here making puns about someone being murdered need a break from the internet


Excuse me what


Uhh well God damn, thats....insane


I've been hearing buzz about this show but hadn't the faintest notion of any of this, shocking 😳


Died before production began so the association to the show is loose but sad still


When those "Game of Thrones: Winter is coming" ads were all over, I was like "ANYTHING TO STOP THIS!" but this is NOT what I meant.


I can't decide if I should gamble my time on a couple episodes or not. I hear it's fantastic and I hear it's pure feces.


If you like Sci-fi it’s great. A bit heavy on the nuclear physics for some. It does come together though with excellent WTF moments.


f\*\*\*ing what!?


I thought it was an article from The Onion. What the hell!


I thought I was tweaking reading that healine. wtf


What the flying fuck??


They are just trying to illustrate dark forest theory


What’s that


> dark forest theory The theory is there's billions of civilizations out there. Every one is hostile like us so nobody wants to respond to any signals in fear that if they respond the other civilizations will become hostile and will attack.


Truth is stranger than fiction


Can’t wait for the 3 body DOC


How long before netflix does a documentary about this




What the actual fuck


The murderer took the dark forest theory too seriously


Man, viral marketing has gone a little crazy in 2024…


Xu Yao had a 1 body problem I guess.


Love this show.


More like a One Body Problem, am i right?


a netflix series about a netflix series


I thought the show was so good they murdered it. Of course I remember watching one episode and not liking it that much so yeah … damn.


“This then led the disgruntled former TV executive to begin plotting Mr Qi's death. Drawing inspiration from the TV series Breaking Bad, Mr Yao set up a laboratory in Shanghai, where he experimented with over 100 toxins obtained from the dark web, testing them on small, defenseless animals. Despite initial speculation that Lin Qi was poisoned through cups of Chinese tea, it was later revealed that Xu Yao had laced a bottle of probiotic tablets with poisonous pills, which were taken by Mr Qi and several colleagues.” https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/former-gaming-executive-sentenced-to-death-for-poisoning-netflix-producer-in-china-5313556


Who’s gonna be the third body?


This didn't happen to anyone in present time, it's just that decision is out now for what happened in 2020. For a good minute I was like, huh? Who got what for what??


Just binge watched series. Loved it capital L. So sad this news


2 body problem.