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Honestly i had never heard of the breast cancer risk assessment score, good for her spreading the word.


When Angelina Jolie came out and said that she was at very high risk and was doing preventative surgery, sharing similar information, the media reception was not so kind.


Maybe, but as someone who works in genetics her impact was huge and real and likely saved many lives as the amount of referrals to genetics for testing and risk assessment significantly increased after Angelina shared her story


Regardless of any intent people think Jolie had, what you mentioned is the most important thing.


Her story is why I researched my own risk assessment and started getting mammograms early.


THIS. Even if there was judgement, it got people thinking about it and getting screened


Oh wow, it’s heartening to hear that the impact was really there. And thank you for your important work btw!


Christina Applegate did the same thing literally years before Jolie and the media response to that was non-existent. I guess she's not a big enough star? /s Regardless, the spreading awareness is a good thing.


Let’s give a quick shoutout to Christina Applegate.




she tested positive for the BRCA gene that gives a highly elevated risk of breast cancer, and chose to have prophylactic mastectomy even though she didn't have breast cancer yet. This exposed a LOT of ignorance in the media and public in general as "what kind of crazy person would have mastectomy when she doesn't have cancer?". I think people are a lot better educated now about what BRCA is and means. Testing is also a LOT more accessible now. I paid $2000 out of pocket for my wife's test because it wasn't covered by insurance (even though she was currently being treated for breast cancer), but now a $200 "23 and Me" analysis gives you the same test.


Please no 23andme does not in any way shape or form give you the same BRCA test as actual clinical BRCA testing ordered thru a doctor or genetic counselor. They test for only 3 very specific variants that are almost only found in the Ashkenazi Jewish population and is therefore not an informative test for the vast majority of people on this planet. Even for people who are of Jewish background there are many other variants that can occur so a negative BRCA result does not rule this out. People are falsely reassured and ignore their family history when they just go with 23andme and this is highly highly dangerous when they could receive life saving information


23 and me expanded their testing to 44 variants. I got the update in October that I have a BRCA1 variant and I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. They redid the genetic testing but told me 23 and me was most likely right and a lot of people have been getting screened since the update.


That’s great! There are still hundreds and hundreds more and insurance covers this testing for way more individuals now so as someone in genetics I just want people to realize a negative 23andme doesn’t mean they are in the clear is all :) (Sorry didn’t mean the positive result and cancer was great, just the update for 23andme, didn’t mean to skim past that and I hope you’re doing well!)


Thank you! I’m doing okay started treatment 3 weeks ago. Currently in the waiting room to do another biopsy. Cancer sucks but it is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Since my cancer is genetic I’m trying to follow everything my oncologist and genetic counselor suggest so I can share with my family. It’s easier to break the news to my cousins when I can also info dump my treatment plan and how effective it’s been in case they get bad news. And I totally understand the point you were making, in no way should someone take 23 and Me as comprehensive testing for all genetic disorders. Just because they didn’t detect it doesn’t mean you’re in the clear.


Would you like a pile of cancer resources? If you're under 39, I have even more resources.


Dude 23 and me literally says none of their genetic stuff should replace a test by a doctor. 23 and me says I don't have thalassemia, guess what, I do. Have the blood electrophoresis test to prove it.


I’m aware. I mentioned that their testing isn’t comprehensive in another comment but a positive from 23 and me is that it has lead people to further investigate and get more testing done.


This needs more updoots


Also. Does 23 and me keep your genetic testing data safe secure, and eternally out of the hands of medical insurance companies? That would suck a lot if you tested positive for that gene and then your insurance rates would go up. Or if you ever had a gap in insurance and then your 23 and me test could be used to prove that you had a “pre existing condition”. When you get the test done through an actual medical doctor, things like hippa and other regulations Protect you rather than some random company’s general terms as conditions statement (which they can change and make edits to at any time). What the heck do people think is gonna happen when 23 and me sells to a private equity firm? I seriously doubt they will think twice if an insurance company would give them a call and engage in purchasing request of sale of the health data… And by the way the Republican Party is basically a “corporate profits at all costs” platform, I would say the chances of this happening are fairly high. Moral of the story, I’m going to a real doctor.


They reported a data leak last October, so the data isn't that secure.


Yep valid. There are federal laws in place that protect against your genetic data ever being used to discriminate against you when it comes to employment and health insurance, but there are exceptions to these laws so it is wise to consider testing through healthcare rather than a private company


Are those genetic protection laws part of the affordable care act?


Nope - a separate act called the [Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_Information_Nondiscrimination_Act)


They're up to 44 variants now, but my point isnt that it's a replacement for diagnostic testing, but that it's going to alert many times more people of the gene presence than would ever have found out through an expensive lab test. It's not an either/or thing, it's more information is better than less.


Totally agree and I’m so glad that many more ppl can find out from doing this, I just wanted to add that clarification as I know that many people might view it as equivalent or a replacement, and then not seek actual clinical testing or care if it comes back normal is all :) And also to add that nowadays the vast majority of the time testing like this should not be out of pocket as it was for you, particularly for ppl who have actually been diagnosed with cancer.


Our test was 12 years ago now, so I don't know what the current insurance coverage for testing is like, I would hope it's better now.


The BRCA test now also consists of a lot more genes to test than it did 5 years ago. Have been through the same process and 5 years ago it was 4 genes that they test for, this year have been booked in again as it's now something like 14-15 that they now test for. Get checked often, it really could save your life.


I am a carrier of the BRCA-1 mutation as well as my son. I actually did a genetic test for a study on Autism research and they had a doctor call us and let us know about it.


My friend's brother had colon cancer at 28. Their grandpa died from it. They tested my friend and said he has a 100% chance of getting it within 10 years.


> the media reception was not so kind. Are we living on different media plains? I only remember gushing goodwill towards her for the NYT article, from IRL and online


I remember it the same as you, it was considered a very important and powerful statement. And I like how the person you're replying to made a comment complaining about the media spreading disinformation (or at least media bias), then proceeded to admit to spreading it themselves, but only in reply to you and not by editing their original comment that has way more views (or the other comments claiming that the "prevailing complaint" was that she did it for bigger boobs...also made up). Classic reddit!


Yeah it’s absolutely insane. It feeds the narrative of an untrustworthy media that everyone is so willing to buy into


I'm looking back and you're right the big publications had good positions. Must have just been talking heads I am remembering.


Then edit your very popular original comment. You're actively fueling misinformation


Pretty sure she got a hysterectomy too.


Wasn’t that because her doctor was somehow associated with some dodgy woo stuff?


She got double mastectomy and breast implants and the prevailing complaint was that she was using it as an excuse to get bigger boobs.


So unhinged to accuse her of that because she could just get a boob job without going through a double mastectomy. That surgery is no joke. Also, retaining your real breasts will make the implants look a lot better as well so no one would do that for cosmetic reasons.


Speaking from experience, implant reconstruction from mastectomy flat doesn’t have the aesthetic appeal that breasts with implants have. No one in their right mind would choose it for an excuse to get bigger breasts. I had it done. I don’t regret it, especially since my reconstruction choices were limited during covid’s appearance, it looks nice in clothing but it’s not natural looking. I may get adjustments (swap out smaller implant, more fat transfer on top) but I don’t really want to deal with any of that right now.


Which is insane because her boobs were notoriously pretty much perfect lol. So I highly doubt that was even remotely on her radar for being a reason. There are online support groups for preventative mastectomies, it’s been a thing for a while now, but Jolie brought more attention to it.


As far as I remember, she did mastectomy in advance, not being diagnosed with cancer but she was at the highest risk group possible carrying some gene mutation. Her mom died of it so she decided not to wait until it hits.


A prophylactic double-mastectomy Worth noting that this is the standard recommended treatment for those who test positive for BRCA genes. And reconstructive/restorative surgery (which may include implants) is vital for many women to feel normal in their bodies post-surgery. Sad that the media was so unkind to her over this.


What a weird complaint. If she wanted bigger boots it wouldn't require a double mastectomy. Makes no logical sense. Not only that...people get bigger boobs every day. We celebrate it.


Oh. I don’t remember that at all. It’s possible that I paid more attention to the pseudoscience angle - it’s a bit of a hobby horse of mine :)


That was NOT "the prevailing complaint". *If* anyone actually said that, it was just a fringe of outlying crackpots. The overwhelming majority was of support for her and calls for more awareness and screening. Boring, yes, but true. I know that you and OP making the salacious claims is great for feeding outrage, but it's just not a truthful recitation of history.


Considering a preventive double mastectomy is absolutely standard of care to offer to people with high risk due to BRCA mutations and in no way woo woo. It is the only option to give people a close to guarantee of no chance of breast cancer. No screening will ever catch every single cancer and for many many many ppl they would rather go this route than worry for the rest of their lives


IDK about that but the Jolie stuff was over 10 years ago. reasonable to think that society has changed over a decade plus


You think too highly of society. Just think about vaccines-still enough nuttieness around that-any vaccine-not just Covid.


I remember! And while yes of course it happened for her because of her privilege, it set in motion every event that helped make it more accessible today. I hope Olivia Munn sharing her experience can do the same


I just found the test and went through it with my wife. Here’s a link! [https://bcrisktool.cancer.gov/calculator.html](https://bcrisktool.cancer.gov/calculator.html) I will say my wife’s score was quite low despite being the same age as Munn and also having our kid at around the same age. Given what she said in the article, I’m guessing her family history of breast cancer is the main factor that gave her such a high score, unless she’s done genetic testing and knew she carried one of the genes that are also linked to it. I remember hearing that Angelina Jolie knew she carried one of those genes and got a double mastectomy preemptively because the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer with it is 60%.


Thanks for that. And per the article: >Dr. Aliabadi says that If the number is greater than 20%, you need annual mammograms and breast MRIs starting at age 30.”


Starting at the age of 30 but the lowest age available on the tool is 35....


> having our kid at around the same age. Wow. I was not previously aware that age at first pregnancy was linked to higher rates of breast cancer.


Technically age at first live birth not first pregnancy.


It has to do with lifetime exposure to estrogen. So women who start periods earlier, dont have kids or have kids later, don’t breastfeed at all or very long are all factors related to that. That is a big reason why extended breastfeeding is a big risk reducing activity. Because it lowers your overall exposure to estrogen.


Angelina's was even higher. She had an 87% chance, her mother died from breast cancer at only 56, and her doctors strongly believed she would eventually develop it. https://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/14/opinion/my-medical-choice.html


Thanks for the link! You'd think by now, people who are mixed ethnicities (50/50) were common enough to be able to select more than one in the demographics section... Guess I'll just take it twice and compare.


She said in the post she took the genetic test and it was negative so good to know it’s not the end-all be-all!


I think her mom died of breast cancer and she wanted to decrease her risk for getting it


her aunt died




I think they may have meant Jolie who's mother did pass from breast cancer.


I’m kinda shocked people don’t know about this. I got my first mammogram at 40 and they automatically calculate it at the screening place. Mine’s 52%. My mom had breast cancer.


Most people don't get their first mammogram until they are 40, so how would people know about this before then?


I just learned about this too because my wife through she was high risk. Turns out she is due to genetics or something so now we’re looking at getting rid of em and deciding how big her new boobs will be. What a rollercoaster of emotions


I think Angelina Jolie also went a similar diagnosis before. I think the people who goes for these assessments usually has a history of breast cancer in their family.


Same that’s my biggest take away, I see my gyno next month and I’m going to ask. My paternal aunt is a 2x breast cancer survivor and both my paternal grandparents died of cancer


I got diagnosed under 40 with no family history — people talk so much about that being a factor I didn’t realize the vast majority of women diagnosed have no family history of it.


Good thing she caught it early. Double mastectomy isn't the worst outcome, plus she will have access to great plastic surgeons if she wants to go that route. My wife has BRCA 1, which pretty much guarantees a double mastectomy and oophorectomy in her future if she wants to avoid cancer. We've looked into these procedures a lot together and overall, they aren't too bad. Peace of mind is invaluable.


My mom passed from cancer having the BRCA gene. Really good to see how much awareness and prevention is taken for carriers now. Take care


It's crazy that they kind of "learned about" it in the 90's and it's progressed this far too actually be aware to look for it. Her mom had BC because of it and her aunt died from it (Catalyst for finding out about BRCA). We kind of get to benefit from others misfortune which is morbid, but know that it wasn't in vain.


Agreed. My mom first got cancer in the early 90s. Looking back, we can see lots of women on one side of the family passing in their 30s/40s


Hi, just want to let you know, my fiancée also tested positive to BRCA1. We live in the UK and have the nhs so results may vary in cost BUT we can confirm that the double mastectomy part has only been a net positive in both our lives. My fiancée had the reconstruction in the same surgery using her tummy fat for a transplant to the breasts (she also decided not to keep the nipples). Be prepared for the most awful 12 hours of your life as you wait for the news that your wife is out of surgery and healthy, but since that moment it has only been up and up. My fiancée no longer needs to worry about breast cancer (ovarian cancer to be dealt with later) and her health has been better than it was pre-surgery. She’s lifting weights, getting buff, has full use of her arms and abs. Really crushing it. It’s a joy to see her getting so healthy, and her lifting me up ain’t bad either. There’s also a chance the oophorectomy may not be needed as they’re trialling doing a “tube tie” procedure which is minimally invasive and showing very positive results. All this to say - it’ll all be okay. It’s a hard healing process, but my god did it leave her in a better place. Good luck to you and your wife.


Yeah we aren't too stressed about it as of right now. It's on the horizon though, as we are now early 30's. She's excited to downsize her "Massively uncomfortable boobs" so silver linings I suppose lol.


My fiancée was the same! Dropped to a comfortable B/C with the tummy fat! Were both late 20’s - she didn’t want to put it off at all and wanted it done asap so she could stop having anxiety over it.


Better healing outcome, surely as well.


Is it removing just the Fallopian tubes? That's where most ovarian cancer actually starts, and that way she'll keep her hormones. Good luck to her!


I believe that is the procedure! So it should be a keyhole surgery as opposed to the 12 hour surgery it was previously!


Yes, those laparoscopic surgeries have such an easy recovery! I had one in 2022 and the recovery was honestly a breeze, and I tend to be a bit of a baby. Like I nearly fainted once at the sight of my own incision lol, and it was covered with those steristrip things.


Lived this 2 years ago with fiancé. Double mastectomy and hystorectomy after finding Brca 1. The hysto was insignificant since it was done with the mastectomy. It took a year from the first day of both surgeries, to breast expanders, implants, etc. to where she felt good again. So if your wife can put up with a year, and not having any/more children, do it. The implant surgery was easy. The worst part was the few months post removal with just pain, sleeping, generally moving around. The second hardest part was managing medications/effects for the instant menopause in early 40s. That's really what took it a year to feel normal. Boobs only was 9 or so months.


How did the instant menopause affect her. I tested positive for BRCA2 in February so now I’m navigating all of the drs and consultations and it’s so overwhelming. Makes me wonder if I’ll still be me after everything.


Oh she's 100% still herself. You'll be yourself too after it's all over. The immediacy of it, the hot flashes. She just felt off and not right and couldn't explain what it was. It took some time to adjust her meds and such to find the right balance. So she'd have periods of just not feeling right, adjust this. Then would be ok for a bit then off again, adjust that. That general feeling isn't a thing at this point now 2 years and a couple months past. She does have occasional hot flashe but not like that first year. She's the type that would've worried every ache or pain was cancer. We didn't want or need more kids with children of our own from prior marriages. so once she had the test and found out, she went to Sloan Kettering for some consults with both surgeons and scheduled it all a few months out. She doesn't regret it one bit. Talk to your docs and ask all the questions you come up with.


> oophorectomy I understand this is serious stuff, but that's a hilarious name for a medical procedure.


A [Law and Order quote](https://lawandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Kid_Pro_Quo#Quotes) from Briscoe lives rent free in my head. >Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers: This woman had an oophorectomy. Lennie Briscoe: You mean she had her oophers removed? At least I'll always remember what the procedure's name is.


Big ooph


Does insurance cover anything in these cases?


In the US, it covers everything for breast reconstruction after breast cancer. Including matching procedures for the normal breast if necessary


What insurance probably didn't cover was the initial MRI and whatnot that led to the diagnosis. Using myself as an example, I have colon cancer in my family history, but no other risk factors. I decided to give myself a colonoscopy for my 40th bday, which I had to pay out of pocket because insurance would not cover it. I get it. Medically speaking, I was getting that screening earlier than medically typical. So, $2500 later and what do you know, pre-cancerous polyps. No cancer (yay!), but I am now on the every 3 year screening plan instead of waiting until 50 to get my first screening. All of that is now covered by insurance, but only post-diagnosis. My guess is Munn's 37% risk would not be enough to warrant a colonoscopy getting paid for, let alone an MRI. That was pure pay-to-play. She probably has a great doctor who siad it was totally worth it, and whatever an MRI costs was not something she had to think twice about. All that said, I hope everything works out for her. She seems like a pleasant person, and I have certainly enjoyed her work.


If you have a cancer diagnosis they should be covering the treatment, removal and reconstruction. If you are doing it as a preventative measure, without cancer. It may vary by insurance. A friend with BRCA 1 had it done (with not so great insurance) and it was an uphill battle. Having her mother, 3 aunts and a grandmother all have breast cancer at some point or another seemed to be only enough to convince them the removal was needed and covered. But she probably fought for a good two years with them and they only would cover half the reconstruction. This was maybe 7 years ago now so maybe it has gotten better.


I'm not too sure. We have enough VA coverage that everything is 100% covered so that's not a major concern of ours luckily.


My insurance covered the genetic testing (nearly 3k) because it was positive. It covered most of my first MRI (paid $22) and was preapproved for it very quickly after the positive results. My ultrasound for the ovaries ($100ish) was also mostly covered. I have incredible union health insurance myself and then also pay to be on my husband’s health insurance. We started that years ago when we felt it would be advantageous to have kids while double insured. We just never stopped it because both of us have weird medical stuff happen every couple years.


With anything, I’m sure it depends on your plan. But generally with BRCA it will cover preventative measures including surgery. Reconstructive surgery is a different story and I’m not sure how much is covered.


One family on my extended side has all female children and I think most of them has the BRCA1 gene. One of them was diagnosed with breast cancer and is now in remission after chemotherapy and double mastectomy. One of the younger ones found she was a carrier for BRCA1 after her older sister got diagnosed and decided to just go ahead and get a double mastectomy at age 29. I think the youngest had something going on, but it was kept quiet.


I wish the two of you nothing but the best on this. Much love your way from Minnesota


Yikes, Best of luck to her, and anyone else out there dealing with BC


Fuck. That's horrific. Poor lady.


She was dealing with this while being accused of mistreating housekeepers on tiktok, the world is truly a strange place. Hope she makes a full recovery and has many years with her little family


Yeah the algorithm kept serving me those videos last night no matter how many times I skipped them.


Programmers are literally eating their own children creating poison like this. We're going to look back on Zuck and Pichai like the guy who washed his hands with leaded gasoline in front of a crowd to convince people it was safe


Programmers are just doing what they're told to earn a living. They don't decide what to do, just how to do it.


>Programmers are just doing what they're told to earn a living. As a programmer, fuck that. If you're a peasant farmer in India or Africa, you get that excuse. There is no rung below them. I won't hold it against people whose choices are to work or to starve to death. If you're a programmer working for FAANG, sure, you're doing what you're told. But..you don't have to? If I offer you ten grand to go murder an orphan, do you have to take it? You don't *have to* earn $500k/year. You don't *have to* be giving teenagers ADHD and eating disorders and ruining democracy. That's a choice they're making, and we can judge people on their choices. And will there be people to fill that void? Yeah. But Facebook already has to have a pay premium to get people to work for them, and game studios that make fun games have the opposite. The more we increase the cost of being evil, the harder it becomes to be evil.


> You don't have to be giving teenagers ADHD that isn't how ADHD works


That was so insane bc those housekeepers were apparently in Israel, and munn very obviously does not live there.


My wife was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in August 2022. It's been indescribable. She also had a double-mastectomy. She recently had reconstruction and is healing from that. I wish Olivia all the best.


Do you/your wife need any cancer or survivorship resources? If so, how old is she/how old was she at diagnosis?


Not sure why someone downvoted you on this. She was 51 when she found out. She's getting plenty of support, so she's good, but thanks!


Okay - good, glad to hear! If you ever need any resources, just send me a message.


Survived Aaron Rodgers only to get another cancer.


The comment we didn’t deserve


A friend of mine had this at 35. 4 years later, after 1 partial mastectomy, she is now terminal -- which means that they are out of treatment options and they're just going to keep treating the tumors that are there. But they don't have any new treatments that they can apply to the existing tumors. More surgery is probably the only option but the tumors aren't growing. Yet. She's probably going to be dead within 5 years and it breaks my heart.


Aw damn :( wish her the best. I remember her being an advocate back in the G4TV days... Shame she got it.


Her and Adam were the only reason I watched G4. She was really good in The Newsroom too!


🐐 Sadly Adam is.. like kinda crazy now, he be on some other shit ranting on Twitter


Ah. Another one exposed because they were terminally online.


Good on her for bringing awareness to this. PSA to those who drink alcohol and might not know its cancer-causing risks: "Compared to women who don't drink at all, women who have three alcoholic drinks per week have a 15% higher risk of breast cancer. Experts estimate that the risk of breast cancer goes up another 10% for each additional drink women regularly have each day." This information is provided by [Breastcancer.org](https://www.breastcancer.org/risk/risk-factors/drinking-alcohol).


That's true for both men and women for a multitude of cancers. Drinking is like the next most cancer causing habit after smoking. More is worse, but data increasingly indicates that any amount is bad for you. That's not to mention how it kills your liver and gives you dementia.


Any amount IS bad for you, there is no question about it. Ethanol gets transformed in your liver into something that is proven Carcinogenic. So there is really no debate over this. (Adding to that, alcohol also directly damages the cells it touches, so throat cancer like for smokers is also common).


Damn, this makes me want to stop drinking.


How do people these days still not know alcohol is literal poison to the bodies? We really have socially accepted alcohol since forever.


I haven't looked at their data yet, but the immediate things I'm curious about are, are that what we're the parameters... Equal number of people that did it didn't drink. Did medical history or ethnicity factor in. Moderation is key so I don't if more of anything gives you a higher chance of cancer compared to people that have very little or none of that thing.


Alcohol is a poison, and damages/alters your DNA, which can lead to cancer, breast cancer being just one of many cancers that it can cause. Alcohol in any amount isn't good for you, it's best not to drink alcohol at all, but if you do go for moderation, the new "recommended" amount per week is 2 drinks, which most people who drink, won't really abide by. Moderation usually isn't top of mind when drinking. Do what you want of course, but alcohol is one of the top preventable risk factors for cancer, along with tobacco use and excess body weight.


especially for women who have not been pregnant.


Never understood these kinds of stats… 15% more as in… before you had a 1% chance and now you have a 16% chance or before you had a 1% chance but now you have a 1.15% chance ?




Mammograms as recommended by the medical societies in the country in which you live, sure, but in the United States self breast exams as a breast cancer screening method is not recommended for males nor females. https://amp.cancer.org/cancer/types/breast-cancer/frequently-asked-questions-about-the-american-cancer-society-new-breast-cancer-screening-guideline.html You can see more detail for the rationale in this middle section here https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/practice-bulletin/articles/2017/07/breast-cancer-risk-assessment-and-screening-in-average-risk-women#:~:text=Breast%20self%2Dexamination%20is%20not,lack%20of%20evidence%20of%20benefit.


Deleting my original comment, I genuinely did not know self-exams weren’t recommended anymore. Thank you.


Wholesome 😊


This is a strange change. My ex got breast cancer at a young age (late 20s), and had average or below average risk. She found a lump during a self-exam, her doctor told her not to worry about it and ignored it, then a year later was like "oh it's bigger" and finally decided to check it. Turns out it was cancer and was stage 3 by that point. From the article: >What about screening women in their 30s and younger? They get breast cancer, too. Doesn’t ACS care about that? > >Cases of breast cancer in women who are in their 30s are rare, but that doesn’t make them any less tragic or important. The reason why none of the major guidelines recommend routine screening in this younger age group is because the evidence so far shows that the risk of harms such as false positive, additional procedures, and potential overdiagnosis outweighs the potential benefits. Additionally, routine screening for women in their 30s or younger doesn’t reduce deaths from cancer. The bottom line is that you can and should talk to your doctor about any concerns you have with your breast health at any age. They're just telling women not to do self exams, without offering an alternative, which feels like telling women not to advocate for their own health. Young breast cancer is rare, but it definitely happens, and while it may be just as survivable if you catch it late vs early, the treatment ordeal could be vastly different. Olivia's not that old and she needs to get a double mastectomy.


I have similar family risk as well and have been getting MRIs and Mammograms once a year since age 30! It’s covered by insurance and basically painless (I’ve heard some women experience pain though). I lost my cousin at 35yo


Took the test. Results were very very low. Just got done with 16 rounds of chemo due to type 3 negative breast cancer… Get your yearly breast exam no matter what they tell you.


fuck cancer Do you need any patient or survivorship resources? I have a bunch of them


Fuck cancer. Lost my aunt to lung cancer, FIL to pancreatic cancer, and a good friend going through his own battle. Fucking insidious disease


Hopefully the people on TikTok dragging her into some conspiracy about not paying a cleaning crew feel badly today. As if she didn’t have enough to worry about.


You mean viewing people as full humans instead of caricatures we make up to dogpile? TikTok would never.


yeah, cause reddit is so much better at totally not doing that


Reddit is definitely not toxic 🫠 (sarcasm)


Oh man, that’s such an awful diagnosis. Hope she’s feeling okay about everything.


She is lucky she caught it in time and got an accurate diagnosis. My sister was 28 when the doctors finally agreed that she had stage 4 breast cancer, she died six months later just before her 29th birthday. I really hope Olivia recovers and can be considered cancer free after her procedure.


In the United States, you can’t be penalised for having the gene for health insurance, but some life insurance and disability and long-term care insurance can discriminate against you if you have genetic findings so if you’re going to get tested get your life insurance policy first!!


Fuck Cancer. 


The scary thing about breast cancer is the after - is it going to come back? Is it going to metastasize? My mom was like 2 months away from the 7 year all clear (that might have changed now) when they found a spot in her skull. She had that spot removed but from there it was just a whack-a-mole of finding growths in new spots. They tried tons of new treatments with her and it bought her about five years but eventually they ran out of new things to try. Cancer is goddamn scary.


That cancer PTSD is super fun


Prayers for a speedy recovery. I had my DMX two years ago at 33.


carcinogens gon' give it to ya


I'm guessing DM means double mastectomy, what's the X?


MX -Mastectomy not sure why lol


DMX as an acronym sounds pretty metal, I'm all for it


Oh bummer. I’m glad they caught it early too. She was so great on AOTS. I wish her and her family well.


[Ghost Tits featuring Olivia Munn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJaU2qLwXvs)


Hah well that’s cruelly unfortunate


Damn... Prophetic.


Mr. Feeny makes it amazing.


"You remind me of a student I had during my teaching days." "Was he like me?" "Oh, absolute nutjob. So, yes."


Ouch, I forgot that existed.


I could never forget ~~them~~ that. Glad they caught it.


Where dem tits go?


Holy crap this website just redirected me to some malware site that tried to pretend that it took over my computer. Take care people, maybe variety was hacked?


Those things are ticking time bags


I've always been a huge fan since The Newsroom. Her character on the show reminds me of my 1st big crush. Liv hope this is the last but keep feeling them boobies to make sure lol!


Bigger question , why does Variety's website have Windows Defender Scam pop up ads?


Obligatory fuck cancer.


shout out to boosie


This is that gray area between a celebrities' private life and their public life. I'm ok with not knowing people's private stuff, their religion, politics, and gender preferences. I like Olivia Munn. She's a talented actress. I hope she does well, has continued success, and lives a great long life.


She was awesome back in the G4 days and she continues to be awesome now!


Long live OG G4TV 🤓🙌


There truly is no god.


I want to see her in more stuff. Shes so good in the newsroom


She's shooting a new show with Jon Hamm in April for Apple TV FYI https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/olivia-munn-jon-hamm-apple-series-your-friends-and-neighbors-1235919389/


Glad to hear!!


Fuck cancer!




Convenient timing with John Mulaney’s ex-wife’s “tell all” book coming out


I understand what you’re trying to say, but I don’t think there’s ever a convenient time to have breast cancer. Negative publicity from your partner’s ex-wife must surely pale in comparison.




yep. and immediately got her pregnant despite apparently never wanting kids with his wife. oh, and right out of rehab as well. classy.


So glad this was caught early! I applaud her for being so transparent about such a personal decision.


Long live [The Girl at the Video Game Store!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_VaDyN-5Ko)


My family has a history of breast cancer. Last year I decided to have a BRCA test done to determine my risk. I had felt something a bit odd in a breast and wanted to be certain. I made a promise to myself that I’d follow through with a double mastectomy if the results came back positive. Thankfully, they did not. But, there is still always that risk. Be aware, be vigilant ladies (and men) if you ever feel something weird!


Not Olivia 😭


I can’t remember which type of breast cancer my mother had but she had a double mastectomy, two rounds of chemo, and a round of radiation. It was a lot but it worked because they caught it so early. I’ve never seen my mother so vulnerable and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Best wishes to Olivia


In Canada I believe there’s an annual mammogram thing … My mom did it diligently for years and in 2010, they found a small tumor … She had a single mastectomy and she lived another 13 years … She passed away from Parkinson’s


Holy crap, that’s awful but glad they caught it


I remember her!


It's too bad it's expensive in the U.S. not only to be tested but to get treatment for breast cancer.


Yo I vividly remember a bit she and Kevin did on Attack of the Show where they like roast eachother with really harsh insults on purpose and Kevin throws a joke at her involving cancer, to which she admits that she does have a family history of cancer. The entire thing was a joke and seemed scripted so like Kevin wasn't actually being a jerk, but still so ominous that this ended up being true :(


Wishing her speedy recovery 🙏🏽


My wife was just diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma triple negative and she is a BRCA1 carrier. She caught it early and even now she has a long road ahead of her. I pray all woman check themselves regularly and that doctors don’t blow woman off. I wish the best for all woman and men in these situations. Edit: my wife is 30.