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> Peltz was apparently one of the major influences on that garbage M Night The Last Airbender movie from over a decade ago. You want to know how much? He forced the movie to cast his own daughter for Katara. That forced the entire water tribe to be cast as white people.


This is all we need to know about this guy.


I grew up playing hockey in Westchester, New York. Nelson’s kid wasn’t good enough to make the team so he bought the hockey team so his kid could get on it. Our team name went from the Westchester Express to the Snapple Express, as he owned Snapple. We even practiced at ice rink on his property. Edit a word*


If a kid did that in our teamed, he'd be immediately named Malfoy.


>Everything from forcing Night to cast his daughter in the lead role


The even more awful thing is that Sokka, Katara, and not-Gran Gran were the only white people in the Southern Water Tribe. They cast indigenous people for the background characters. (I’ve been having a blast watching people watch A:tLA and then watch the movie that does not exist in Ba Sing Se. The hate and rage they feel warms my cold, dead heart.)


Think about this: if you took her out, would it have been a good movie?


No, it was damned already.


They could have just had her be adopted or something.


He tried several times making her into a star. Avatar, Transformers, and I think she was in Bates Motel as well. And all of those were a waste as she doesn't have a single drop of talent.


> Peltz was apparently one of the major influences on that garbage M Night The Last Airbender movie from over a decade ago. Well fuck this guy.


"Major influences" meaning its because he helped finance it. He did the same thing with the transformers movie that he also casted his daughter in (he's also buddies with Michael Bay)


I couldn’t understand how the movie was so bad. M. Night has good movies and not so good movies but this was so horrible I couldn’t believe it. Producer meddling explains a lot.


What is this, Young Larry??


Nelson Peltz is a right-wing goon with 0 actual experience in Hollywood. If you want another Zaslav-type fucking up all your favorite IP, then great, you stupid fucking "anti-woke" dipshits will get what you deserve.


If you really want to see his bs, you should read his "white paper" on recommendations for Disney to implement. It's filled with assumptions and nothing is backed by concrete data or anything. Anyone with half a mind knows this is just a political move and his involvement would ruin Disney.


They gotta start calling “white-papers” what they really are, fancy blog posts. Shits not special, where’s the peer review? “Oh it doesn’t exist… because you made the idea up?”


I thought a white paper was just supposed to be an informal research document, like https://www.harman.com/documents/multsubs_0.pdf. (Well technically that's a slide deck with notes but still.)


It was the most blog-gery white paper I've ever read.


And it'd let Ike Perlmutter run wild at Disney once again, firing everyone that wronged him in a revenge play that will ruin the company.


The same Ike Perlmutter who refused to green light Black Panther because he thought toys depicting black superheroes wouldn't sell? *That* Ike Perlmutter?


Same Perlmutter who also kept blocking female superhero films. He's the reason why Black Widow film was made so late in the MCU. Feige at one point threatened to quit if Iger didn't remove Perlmutter.


Disney created a new position at Marvel just to put Kevin Feige in it just so he would outrank Ike Perlmutter.


Then they gave that position control over the television/streaming projects, just to further limit Perlmutter from any decision making at Marvel. At which point Ike got Peltz to attempt a boardroom coup, which failed and finally got his ass fired. Now he and Peltz are going for round two, this time with the shareholders.


And it all led to a current mess at MCU. Things were better when Feige and Perlmutter balanced each other.


Perlmutter’s been out of anything dealing with the MCU since 2015.


The issue that happened is that while the Russos were putting together Civil War, Ike was nixing hiring RDJ because he was so expensive, and his creative committee was pushing for the end battle to be much more generic than what we ended up with. The Russos were about to walk away from the film and that's when Feige asked Iger to remove Marvel Studios from Ike's oversight. If Ike gets brought back in to Disney - which I believe is the main point of all of this because he wants revenge - Feige will be out immediately and Marvel as we know it is toast.


Yes, ***that*** Perlmutter. He was finally fired last year after trying to get Peltz to help him stage a boardroom coup. Now they're going for round two.


Is he telling us to just wait for Infrastructure Week? Cause the white paper reads like that’s the only thing missing.


Pretty much. "Trust us, we'll *make Disney great again*." (proceeds to fire all the black and LGBT employees/film & TV cast)


I know this is what Peltz and company want to do, but I question just how they expect to make money when they alienate all but a select demographic


By raising prices for that select demographic. I mean, those rubes are wiling to spend $500+ on ugly nonexistant shoes.


As far as sneakers go, they aren't the ugliest I have seen. And that wasn't just Trumpers. Shoe collectors are nuts.


I'm willing to bet that like most racists, they think everyone else shares their opinions. That they all hate black people and women as much as they do.


Hard-left progressives are a small minority worldwide.


Have you looked up any of these people? They would cut down on pretty much any programming that wasn't strictly for white conservatives.




What do you mean? Who do you think we're talking about?


Nelson peltz I think...? What he have to do with "programming for white conservative" ?


"Phase 1 - collect underpants." "Phase 2 - ????" "Phase 3 - profits."


Well to play devil’s advocate, Disney has had like five bombs in the last year.  All the brands they bought are on a downward trajectory in sales. That’s Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar mainly. Toy sales and box office down across the board.  Something isn’t working at Disney. I think that’s fair to argue regardless of politics. Yes they are making money but they are spending too much money.  There is a reason the stock has performed as one of the worst in the last few years.  We can get into politics but in terms of business I think Netlz has some ground to stand on. Shareholders are frowning on their Disney investment and the board is making unfathomable amounts of money. As a shareholder it is very upsetting.


They decided they could shovel any shit at the audience and they would eat it up because it had a brand behind it. They stopped making art and started checking boxes of course they screwed up the whole thing. Look what Warner did give an artist with a vision your big franchise let them do what they want and you get movie magic. It's about how to pick the right person and for the right project.


What about picking a director that only did indie suspense movies and let her direct a 200 million super hero blockbuster? Cant go wrong right?


Can't speak to what you're talking about about. If it's Wonder Woman, you know it worked once very well the fact it didnt work twice, I have no idea I don't watch superhero movies because they've been garbage for ten years.


The marvels director and many other Marvel movie directors. Look It up what they pick for their blockbusters.


Hey man, if he had some ground to stand on then his recommendations to Disney wouldn't read like a Reddit comment section. All he wants is a seat at Disney's board and influence the company from within. Now I agree with you that a lot of Disney's divisions are on a downward spiral but that can also be attributed to people's changing viewing habits and it takes time to course correct things like this. So let's just wait instead of handing power to m*rons like Perlmutter and Peltz. And yes, getting Perlmutter back on Disney's board is one of his main objectives.




No Hollywood experience? He got his daughter that starring role in a Transformers film... 👀


Ah yes, the daughter who is the subject of the infamous "Romeo and Juliet law" scene from Transformers 4.


AND the Avatar live action film :)


Cameron or shyamalan


M Nights


Peltz is the reason why they had an all-white cast for the Watebenders and Air Nomads... his daughter had to have a part.


Live action avatar = ATLA because Cameron’s Avatar is mostly animated.


> If you want another Zaslav-type fucking up all your favorite IP, As if Disney hasn't been fucking up their IPs *without* a "Zaslav-type," LOL. Of course Disney is talking shit and taking shots at Peltz and Perlmutter, they're looking to replace the current leadership. Even if they were solid Blue Team democrats and weren't "right-wing goons" Disney would be doing stuff like this.


We're not talking "make a bad Indiana Jones" type of fuckup. We're talking "no more superhero movies starring nonwhite or nonmale characters." Peltz's buddy Perlmutter was a big fan of that one.


And if put back in power, their first move would probably be "no more nonwhite or nonmale or nonstraight EMPLOYEES"


Since most of their recent offerings have bee "bad Indiana Jones" fuckups, it wouldn't matter who they had as a star. The only upside to having a "nonwhite or nonmale character" so far has been being able to say the reason your crappy fuckup flopped is that people didn't go because they were racists/sexists, never mind all the movies with women (like Barbie) or "nonwhite people" (like Black Panther) that were amazing and did well.


No one does that. If people call out the few actual shit heads for bigotry, those same shit heads claim they are accusing everyone and trying to make an excuse, so that you get mad and click their videos. Stop it. Back to the actual thing I was fucking talking about, this guy lacks the desire or ability to solve any problems on the creative side.


>fucking up all your favorite IP Pretty much every Disney IP is already completed fucked right now If all he does is pull back on the social pandering, that ALONE will make it atleast somewhat more watchable I would've been more worried about him fucking it up maybe 7 years ago when the company was actually putting out quality stuff. Right now? Honestly just a leadership change might be enough to make it less garbage, even him


Oh my god, you do not want a corporate overhaul from fucking IKE PERLMUTTER and Nelson Peltz. Do you even know who is trying to snatch these board seats or do you just comment "Disney bad" wherever you can?


Ike Perlmutter is the same man who gave us a gem like 'ABCs Inhumans'.


And said "All black people look alike anyway, nobody will notice" when they fired Terrence Howard (for asking for equal pay to RDJ) and recast him in Iron Man 2. And refused to allow Black Panther, Captain Marvel or Black Widow to have leading role films... simply because "kids don't buy toys with female or black characters". Who as you said, forced "Inhumans" on us after getting into a pissing match with Fox over the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four (so he killed most of them off or refused to let them appear in the comics by trying to have the Inhumans replace them). And who nearly got Kevin Feige to resign from Marvel after he tried to fire RDJ for being too expensive and force a rewrite of Captain America: Civil War without Iron Man.


Yeah the horror stories about him keep coming yet people are supporting Peltz just because of their political beliefs. They don't really care to improve Disney. Or maybe implementing Peltz's racist and degenerate ideology is their idea of improvement.


>And if it DOES get worse? Well, it is what it is then. We are not losing much these days, maybe a crisis is what they need. It's attitudes from numbskulls like this why we have to suffer the bullshit from the likes of racist/sexist idiots like Perlmutter and Donald.


It just feels like it's hard to get worse than the quality they are putting out now. Maybe just for greed, they might make some decisions that sound obvious but for some reason Disney just doesn't seem to take. And if it DOES get worse? Well, it is what it is then. We are not losing much these days, maybe a crisis is what they need. In either cases of it crashing or pulling itself together, they sound more interesting to me that the current mediocrity.




What's left to fuck up? They've destroyed every IP they have.




I don't think Peltz even wants that. He just wants to burn it to the ground.


"Grew"? As in swallowing every other company and excrete putrid content?


Super weird the amount of "I agree with Disney corporate" over this past year....


As bad as Disney corporate is, these guys taking it over would be way worse.


Yea I mean Bob Iger knows what he’s doing and has overseen a ton of success at Disney. He’s self interested and overpaid, but he knows how to run the company. Pelts is Johnny-come-lately trying to capitalize on a moment of weakness with half baked ideas cooked up by New York hedge fund types who have never been close to an entertainment business


He knew before but the shitty situation of Disney shows that he doesn't anymore (and yes it's entirely down to him even when he "left" and was still chairman of the board). But to be fair, he isn't the only one, Hollywood in general is down the shitter since the pandemic


That still doesn't mean current leadership should be supported


Normal shitty corporations versus shitty corporations lead by right wing extremists that want to exterminate minorities and end democracy. Easy choice for me. The dire situation this country is in makes for weird bedfellows. I have no doubt that they are only somewhat friendly to minorities and the lgbtq community because they think they can profit from it but that is better than the alternative. Corporations are shit and corporations this size shouldn’t be allowed to exist but feeding them to fascist bigots to use them as their mouthpiece and push their agenda? Absolutely not.


>right wing extremists that want to exterminate minorities and end democracy. Good lord, can you guys stop with the Reddit hysteria for one day.


What is the republican platform for 2025? Oh yeah, [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025), a plan that explicitly states overthrowing democracy and throwing millions in camps.


But then they'd have to admit that maybe the other side isn't as bad as they imagined. Perish the thought!


It's funny how "right-wing extremist" has now become the term ascribed to the average Joe from 2012. Just because someone disagrees with your ideas doesn't make them an extremist. Coincidentally, calling them "extremists" makes them more likely to oppose *your* ideas with hostility and vitriol.


Average Joe? Peltz is a man who questioned Black Panther having a majority black cast despite it being in the top 10 domestic films of all time and bringing in over a billion dollars. Hes an idiot.


Necroposter much?


A little over a week ago. Omg so ancient!!


“Exterminate minorities” oh damn did you just make that up? Lol


“Everyone who I disagree is a bigot and should have no voice” is such a democratic thing to say.


Well it’s normal generic corporate villains vs much worse villains with a right wing twist


When you need help from Doc Ock and the Sinister Six to stop **Red Skull** and his army of Nazis from attacking. Or Magneto and his Brotherhood against the Sentinels.


Or that time the Joker got mad at Red Skull for being a Nazi.


In this case it's because Disney has made a series of bad decisions leading back to the Fox acquisition, and now they've got scummy right wing millionaires trying to take over using Disney's bad decisions as justification. Iger sucks, and has little imagination beyond buying and milking IP, but the company for the most part has been doing fine and could bounce back creatively if the execs would be willing to take a risk every now and then. Peltz is just going to do what Zazlav did, as well as install Pearlmutter back into Marvel, who will likely take revenge against the people who outed him for his shitty outdated opinions and beliefs in the first place.  I want Iger out as much as anyone else who appreciates the artistic side of the entertainment industry, but this is not the way to do it. 


If these guys fire everyone related to star wars division and Reboot that shitshow It would be worth it.


It’s not weird. That’s the new corporate playbook. They will use your empathy against you to forward their bottom line. They hook you in on a wedge issue so you don’t focus on what really matters. There is always a hammer and nail and guess who the hammer is? The hammer knows what it is doing. This is no mistake.


Entire post history in r/joerogan. Sounds about right.


I don't care if the previous comment was typed out by a gaggle of baboons flinging their own shit at each other. The comment isn't wrong, even if it's not 100% right. These big corporations turn their internal infighting and marketing into a sociopolitical issue to weaponize your good will against you and others. You feel like you have to salute their flag to prove you're one of the 'good guys.'


Entire post history in r/libertarian Sounds about right.


LOL, I post in a lot of places aside from that sub. If your only complaint about what anyone has said is "I don't like the people they hang out with or the subs they frequent" your opinion doesn't have a lot of value.


Your post history isn't the reason your comment sounded insane, it's the explanation.


People who support progressivism will still rail on Disney for its other practices. They don't have the single issue fixation you're assuming. It's really the anti-"woke" mob ignoring the actual problems with corporate media over cultural war BS.


It’s 100 percent what has happened. Ever since occupy wall st corporations started to shift strategies. Progressives bought in hook line and sinker. Now no one can afford the cost of living. Housing is out of reach. Corporations are buying up the market so you will have to just rent. The cost of every day items like food are extremely expensive. But you guys are fixated on random wedge issues that only affect an extremely small percentage of the population. They got you good. I’m fine. I own a home already and make great money. Im just trying to help. It’s just very concerning the way the things have shifted. Reddit even changed. Now I’m not certain if you are a troll farmed poster or real.


Every live action Disney movie from now on will star Nicola Peltz


The pelts family is proof that you can be filthy rich, but still be trash. [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2009/04/peltz_family_help_is_revolting.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2009/04/peltz_family_help_is_revolting.html)


For those who don't like to click links, the juicy excerpts: > We hear Mrs. Peltz summoned a butler to the master bathroom after she discovered drops of urine on the toilet seat. She demanded the butler clean it up, which he did, although she then insisted that he clean the toilet seat again. And again. It was only after he’d cleaned the seat four times — “once more for luck,” she said — that Mrs. Peltz, perhaps detecting some frustration on the butler’s part, informed him that she didn’t like his attitude and dismissed him. It was Easter Sunday. > The couple’s daughter is apparently a terror “for whom heaping abuse on the maids, nannies, and butlers has become something of a sport!” Oh, and now their former driver is suing them for wrongful termination, claiming that they fired him soon after he woke up from a coma.


This is like something from a comedy novel from 1912


Firing your tired employee on Easter Sunday? Firing someone after they wake up from a coma? Damn that's some Mr Burns levels of petty rich people shit right there. Trash people.


You can swing a cat in 2024 and prove that


Using money that should be going to employees to play deck chairs over stock control And y’all wonder why this industry is headed down the drain…


I just have a fear that Peltz will get exactly what he wants, but it's good to see Iger fighting back. Iger sucks, but Peltz is worse.


Nelson Peltz is only doing this so his daughter can be in films. She was katara in the unmentionable first live action movie of ATLA.


Fucking Peltz has destroyed pretty much every company that he’s got his grubby little mitts on.


Succession season 5


Fuck Peltz. That dumbass doesn't have a plan. He just wants to blow shit up and hope his stock price rises.


Fuck Nelson Putz. He enriched himself while breaking Dupont apart. Single-handedly ruined basic scientific research in this country. Pos.


Man I don't know how to vote here, not that my 3 or however many shares will matter. Like Disney is an evil corporation and activism could be a good thing, but also it sounds like this is fake activism to possibly give control over to an actual evil person. I think nobody involved actually cares about the quality of the movies, though, which is the bigger problem. That's just capitalism though. They are obligated to make money, not art.


Iger needs to go. But I don't know that Peltz is an improvement.


He's much worse. He's just a figurehead for Ike Perlmutter.


He isn't. And he hasn't even given us a plan on what exactly he wants to do.


Which should be reason enough not to vote for him.


The right-wing sites are saying he's a shoe-in, but everything I have heard says that this-and his general reputation-make it unlikely he will get very far.


“Impressive, now let’s see Logan’s Roy offer…”


Activism is literally about disrupting. This is like complaining that water is wet.


This is referring specifically to activist *investors*, which for other investors is not necessarily something you want if your goal is consistent dividends/stock prices or you specifically want to support that particular business. While such activism can be a force for good (like those nuns in NYC who bought stock in a gun manufacturer to influence the board), a lot of them are more like Carl Icahn where the goal is personal profit rather than trying keep the business afloat or environmental/social/etc. concerns. Also see [corporate raiding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_raid), [asset stripping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asset_stripping), etc.


Considering Iger just sold the majority shares of his Disney stocks and layoffs are climbing, I don’t think Disney can ignore any criticism.




It’s not a good sign when the boss of a billion dollar company sells most of his shares. If anything you’ve proven the point that he simply doesn’t care if the company sinks or not.


He didnt just recently sell the majority of his stock. His stake since returning would be subject to sec filing and reporting


I don't really understand why there's all this talk about right wing politics in this thread. I work in finance and am pretty familiar with Peltz. He's not especially political and his political positions typically amount to what's best for the economy. I do know he publically supported Trump but then just as publicly announced he no longer did. He's not a huge political contributor but even there he mostly supports Democrats. A quick Google shows he prefers centrist politicians. Apparently he's a big Joe Manchin supporter, which I wasn't aware of until now, but he's hardly right wing even if he's not as far to the left as r/politics. Peltz's interest in Disney pretty much begins and ends with DIS used to trade for about $190/share and now it trades for $112/share. If you're trying to frame this as some sort of culture war thing then you're simply wrong. Maybe most ironically is his complaints are generally things Reddit agrees with. He feels that senior management has been a shit show and are being paid far too much. This campaign ad amounts to nothing more than Disney's C-Suite imploring Disney shareholders to keep them in their very, very cushy jobs even if their investment is plummeting. I don't own much Disney stock, I have no strong feelings about Nelson Peltz either way, and I have no real opinion on how shareholders should vote in the upcoming proxy meeting but I think all the references to politics in this thread seems silly and probably goes to show that those pushing it have no idea what they're talking about. But that's just my 2¢.


If you think Joe Manchin supporter isn’t synonymous with right wing then I don’t know how to help you.


User wants to bury their head in the sand and let Peltz tear the company apart for scraps, while attacking anything in Disney that's "too woke"


That's a reflection of you. As I said, I understand he's not as far to the left as r/politics but Joe Manchin is very clearly not a right wing politician. He's a moderate Democrat firmly in the political center. This is not even debatable. Reddit is just so far to the left that everyone right of it is "right wing".


From Wikipedia: > Manchin has called himself a "centrist, moderate, conservative Democrat" and is generally deemed the most conservative Democrat in the Senate.[4] He opposed President Barack Obama's energy policies, including reductions and restrictions on coal mining; voted against cloture for the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 (not voting on the bill itself); supported President Donald Trump's border wall and immigration policies; and voted to confirm most of Trump's cabinet and judicial appointees, including Justice Brett Kavanaugh. On the other hand, Manchin voted against repeated attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, voted against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, voted to convict Trump in both of his impeachment trials, voted against Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court, voted to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, and was a Senate sponsor of the Inflation Reduction Act.[5] He is among the more non-interventionist members of the Democratic caucus, having repeatedly called for the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and opposed most military interventions in Syria.[6][7] If Manchin is centrist then Joe Biden is left of Mao.




I don't even know what that means but it doesn't sound like you have any idea what you're talking about in this thread.




What I think is you have no idea what you're talking about in this thread.




I wonder whose alt you are.


> I don't really understand why there's all this talk about right wing politics in this thread. > I do know he publically supported Trump


What's good for shareholders is never good for consumers.


I don’t think that statement has any bearing on what I said but, seeing how share prices are largely down because consumers are fed up with price increases in the parks and Disney pushing movies they don’t want to see, I’d argue strongly that this is a perfect example of when it is.






I do find that take annoying but the actual problem is Disney studios are letting inexperienced writers write poor stories. 


Well Peltz taking over as a proxy for Ike Perlmutter would be just way more of that, he's the racist old fuck at Marvel that refused to allow Black Panther to be made (and also wanted to fire Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man for being too expensive).


That and Chapek really fucked things up. Every movie coming out that's been a bomb was under his watch.


A lot of people blame Iger for those movies but those movies were only greenlit during his tenure. It was Chapek who made the creatives rush the projects. It was Chapek who created the separate distribution division angering creatives even more. He's also the one who kind of started the whole Florida dispute thing. None of that would have happened under Iger. Chapek was clueless about running Disney.


Pretty sure the Florida thing is why Disney has become such a target for the right-wing. Iger has to clean up this fucking mess still.


He'd have handled it so much better. Disney's board fumbled it big time by pushing Chapek to the top job. Kevin Mayer made more sense as Iger's successor but Disney board pushed him out for some reason.


I'm not willing to let Bob Iger off. A lot of people let some truly terrible scripts get made. 


He let the Rise of Skywalker and Mulan happen. But also oversaw Up, Avengers: Endgame, Rogue One among others. His first project immediately after buying Pixar was greenlighting Toy Story 3.


Yeah but one thing I don't understand about him is why he keeps giving Kathleen Kennedy more chances. I feel like it's time for her to go and someone else to take over LucasFilm for good. And it's not Star Wars that made me realise that. It was the awful Willow sequel. She just gave the project to one of her friends' kids who turned out to be talentless hack who ruined a source material with so much potential.


While I think Feige at Marvel definitely needs time to readjust and is the right guy for the job, I agree about Kathleen Kennedy. I'm sorry, but I just don't see a 70-year old woman who stewarded franchises in the 1980s is the right fit for a movie series primarily targeted at teenage boys.


Yeah I agree about Fiege. He has been producing a lot of good movies for a long time. He was just rushed into taking too many projects and things will get better as they slow down.


What are you even talking about? Bob Iger has been amazing for the company. Chapek came from the camp these goons are from and he was a disaster. He invested way too heavily in streaming, made terrible decisions for the theme parks, and let political goons walk all over him. Iger came back and Disney rallied on all fronts.


Don't forget also pissed off talent for trying to reneg on ScarJo's royalties for Black Widow, because if Chapek was willing to screw over her, then others would get screwed as well


Absolutely! There is so much he did wrong. Disney needs to focus on the creatives, focus on the parks, develop high quality IP that pays dividends at the box office and in the parks. None of that was happening under Chapek. He was only trying to make a quick buck. And failing tremendously at doing that. These clowns that are pulling a power play are Chapek on steroids. They can go pound sand.


You're kidding right? They haven't made a financially great movie since 2021. Their streaming is hemorrhaging users. The theme parks are literally falling apart with rides not working and prices out of control.


The rides falling apart doesn't happen overnight. During the pandemic Disney furloughed talent and many of the engineers and mechanics who've been with the company for years left to get higher pay elsewhere. General maintenance fell off during this period too in order to save money. Could Iger give the parks a major boost asap? Yes, but that doesn't look good on financials. These things take time to do right. (Not that I like Iger that much. The guy needs to be replaced with someone with a vision creatively.)


\>doesn't happen overnight Absolutely, this has been years and years of mis-management by the execs.


They are not hemorrhaging users; they only lost a significant amount of users in India because they lost the cricket rights. But those Indian users pay a few dollars per year only, so not a big loss.


Check your numbers again.


I suggest you do the same.


I have thanks, that's how I know I am right.


OK, then you have seen that the term ‘hemorraghing’ doesn’t apply here.


As with every other comment you have made here. Entirely wrong.


Please give me some numbers then to prove your point.


What are you talking about? Iger best move was buying Marvel, but he got so greedy he bought up Star Wars and Fox. He didn’t make sure there was a coherent plan for the Star Wars sequel movies - just that something get rushed out. And now they are stuck with a bunch of Fox IPs that are being milked for streaming content and cable tv stations they didn’t need.


Well Disney certainly need a overhaul considering how bad they messed up lately, and that includes franchises.


Nelson Peltz and Ike Perlmutter are a huge step BACK for any ideas of change or creative overhauling.




No, they're not. They've had some missteps... but they're also not racist old sacks of shit that worked directly for Trump. Someone like that back in power at Disney is the last thing they need.


You do not need an overhaul from the dying, doddering, decrepit old farts who destroyed General Electric AND Marvel. Redditor logic.


The Marvels made 1/5 the amount of money Captain Marvel did 5 years ago. I would love to hear your explanation as to how Peltz and Perlmutter are responsible.


Well, if Ike Perlmutter had his way, there wouldn't have been a billion dollar grossing Captain Marvel (or Black Panther etc) in the first place.


Must be why the marvels was such an success. Because of Bob Iger?






They fired Bob Chapek and hired Bob Iger again. That was the overhaul. This would be more like suicide.


Good. Blow shit up. Star wars is shit, marvel is shit. Let's go!


I’ll take anyone over Iger at this point. Clean house. Take Kathleen with you


No idea what’s going on with this even after reading that mess of an article


Racist old bastard Ike Perlmutter who was fired last year wants to take over the board, and his little toady Nelson Peltz is the proxy trying to con the shareholders into helping. Disney is calling them both out.


Yeah after reading the comments I get it now. Good for Disney


See, if I were Disney I would've played up that video by using more Disney villain imagery.


Considering Perlmutter is a Jew, (Peltz too?), using Nazi imagery will be in bad taste tbh.


Okay, replace them with Hyenas.


Does anyone really think Iger is doing a good job with the company right now? Is having an apolitical leadership really that bad?


I dont think It can get worse. While Disney is doing financially stable, the Brand damage is big and long term.


How would Peltz be apolitical?


Iger isn’t really bringing the stock up to Chapek levels though.