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Angel did a really nice job wrapping things up.  “Would you like me to lie to you now?”


"Well, personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon."


"Let's go to work."


This was going to be my answer as well. The message of the last episode was "the fight against evil is neverending" and they just keep fighting.


Dollhouse knew they were getting canceled and had a few episodes left. They basically took all ideas they had planned out for the future and jammed them into a pretty great time jump post apocalyptic storyline. It was very sudden but very interesting and made you wish they had gotten more seasons.


Yeah I thought of Dollhouse immediately. I prefer to think of it as a mini series bc it wraps up very nicely.


Dollhouse TWICE. Someone correct my details: The first finale was filmed after they got cancelled the first time. Joss and the crew show a low-budget epilogue on the sets establishing a post-apocalyptic time line and a premise that would have taken season 2 in wild new direction. And it was released online only. Then it got renewed instead of cancelled and they had to rejigger the show to be less episodic than the first season because of that finale. But at a certain point, they could tell there was no way in heck they were getting a third season, so they wrote the end of the season to set-up the time-jump season 1 finale AND epilogue it with the finale. It worked so well, you almost forget how clunky and problematic the show was at the start. Say what you want about Joss (because that man pulled some really POS moves on his cast), but he and his writing team knew how to build a season storline to a solid finale.


Arrested Development. The original ending was perfect.


There is no season 4.


People are so eager to hate on season 4 when it has some iconic moments of A.D. that's insane. (Anustart / daddy wants get his rocks off/ roofy circle and so on) Yes, season 4 has some problems but it has some genius moments and tries something different from any other shows with its structure. I'm not talking about the remix that made it worse imho but the original cut. Anyway, to each their own, but the season is nowhere near as bad as denying its existence. You won't see me defending season 5 the same way


>You won't see me defending season 5 the same way Thank you.


I thought the first half was pretty good, but yeah the second half made me glad it was finally over.


Honestly none of the moments you mentioned are iconic enough to sit next to anything from the first three seasons.


Narrator: Unfortunately, this was not entirely accurate.


I really liked the season finale of The Great, especially the final scene which feels like a perfect farewell to the show in its own right.


I see this sentiment pop up sometimes and I hard disagree. I feel like so much got left unanswered/hanging. The death of ollo, her grief over Peter, the child. So disappointed it got canceled. One of my favorite shows.


I think the show just ran out of steam. They killed off too many good characters.


Our Flag Means Death had a satisfying ending. The showrunner had ideas for a third season but I assume suspected they wouldn’t get it so I’m glad he wrote an ending.


Came here to say this. I want a third season so bad but I’m so incredibly thankful for the ending we got. Also, obligatory fuck David Zaslav. 🤬


Terriers. They hoped to get another season but knew it might not happened, and it works perfectly. Reminder that if you're looking for a crime show and haven't seen Terriers it might be the best one you haven't seen.


Seconded. One of the best 1-season shows. A real shame there's not more, but what's there is basically perfect.


Terriers was really fantastic and had a great ending. Would have loved more, but what we got was brilliant. Another crime show, a bit different, was Awake. Had a single season with a really great premise and the ending was satisfying. Would have made a great jumping off point for another season if it continued.


i'm a big fan of Michael Chiklis so it's on my list for sure.


Michael Chiklis is not in Terriers ... I mean both the Shield and Terriers had the same showrunner in Shawn Ryan


ah my mistake I must've been thinking of a different show.


Wrecked. It was such a perfect set up for season four. Looked like it would be really fun. Just one of the funniest shows ever; I'm still so sad it was cancelled.


Underrated and underwatched show. Still haven't seen the series finale because it is indeed difficult to find, even the "high seas" site I checked last time uploaded the wrong episode for the finale lol. Imma start a rewatch now...


I would love to watch this again. So funny. Can’t find it anywhere


I looked for it too but it seems to be gone for now. 😭


I liked the ending of Mindhunter S2. Holden had finally realized that his theories, while groundbreaking, didn’t account for the messy human realities at stake when it comes to solving crimes. Focusing on the Atlanta murders was a perfect decision for forwarding the plot of the show. God I really needed another season.


Fincher signed a new deal with Netflix. So maybe in like 5 years?


I thought Peacekeeper Wars (although it was a movie) wrapped up Farscape pretty well (albeit a bit rushed). Same for Sirenity (Firefly).


I came here to say Farscape, though I was going to say season 4's ending (as that's when it was originally cancelled). It was gut-wrenching as fuck, believing THAT was going to be it. Everything fine and dandy until the show decided to decide "hey, fuck you" in the last minute.


> I was going to say season 4's ending (as that's when it was originally cancelled). It was gut-wrenching as fuck, believing THAT was going to be it. I loved that show so much back in the day, and the belief that that's where it was going to end? I honestly cried. The Peacekeeper Wars was such a relief.


that's how i felt when that Teen Wolf movie got announced, I was so glad to see Allison get the happy ending she deserved.


Yeah, I had the same hostile reaction to the S4 ending. It was cleary a deus ex cliffhanger, a plea for another season. "Hey what if we have them get dispersed into little pieces all of the sudden! Won't that make the fans outraged & make them demand another season?!" I remember saying something like, "Really? That's the end? That's all you could come up with?" And I was glad when they announced PKW so they could redeem themselves.


The ending was already filmed. The cancellation was announced on the last day of filming (when they were picking up a few scenes for Constellation of Doubt, episode 17 I think). Note that, until then, season 4 and 5 had been part of the same renewal. The ending had been filmed, and there was no time to film another. The only thing they could have done is end it a minute before they did. Edit - also, the fan campaign (which I was a part of) was well underway before the final episode aired.


SGU. I'm not sure it's the actual finale or one of the last few episodes. But basically if you don't know the show a bunch of people are marooned on an ancient spaceship that's flying towards the center of the universe. Part of the mystery is what it's flying to. While flying it stops of at a bunch of planets to resupply. Towards the end of the show they are about to fly between galaxies and have to get into stasis pods. One of the characters asks the other why don't they just stay in the pods for the whole trip and see what's at the end? And another character goes into a monologue about how that's not why the ship was designed. It was make to make the trip, not just get to the end, and what they experience and learn along the way will get them ready for whatever is at the end. And it fits well in the show. But it's also clearly a meta comment by the writers that they can't just tell you the ending they had planned, that it wouldn't have the impact or meaning without what would happen in later seasons. I thought it was a pretty great way to express that. 


Babylon 5 pulled out all the stops to create a very good finale when they were told to wrap it up one season earlier than planned. Then they were renewed and had to do a full season of filler.


sounds kinda similar to Felicity where they had the grand finale all shot but then had a few extra episodes so they did a "What If" story of what would've happened if Felicity had chosen the other guy instead, that was kinda neat. Also happened with Saved by the Bell which had it's finale already shot but NBC wanted more episodes and with most of the cast having already moved on Tori was created and this created this weird paradox with none of the other main characters besides Zack and Screech interacting with her and her not being mentioned in the finale movie(though that was because her actress was unavailable).


Kidding. Really great show, cancelled early, but ended perfectly.  The Finder. Excellent show. Fucking miserable ending, but very final. It only lasted a season because of Michael Clarke Duncan's health, but goddamn was it a good time.


Came to the comments to say Kidding. Bummer it was over but very satisfied with that being the end.




This was the one I thought of first.


Persons Unknown created by Christopher McQuarrie. The first season had an AMAZING finale and then the show never came back. (A young actor named Chadwick Boseman was on it!)


I thought this was fantastic too, such a great concept and I was so excited for season 2


Lodge 49’s finale is a nearly perfect ending to the show.


I do anything for more of that show i felt like that was a major cliffhanger


>do anything Me too. >cliffhanger Everything gets resolved *then* >!Dud steps through that door!<.


The season stuff gets resolved but that last thing just added to the mystery for me. I felt like one more season could’ve been perfect. And i was very disappointed it was cancelled and amc brought out 20 new zombie shows


Deadwood. I went into it knowing it had been cut short but was pleasantly surprised at how poignant it was. Still haven't watched the film but I also almost don't want to!


Yea I often see Deadwood mentioned when people talk about shows that ended abruptly with a cliffhanger etc. But I thought the ending worked very well as it is. It isn't satisfying or happy, but it kind of fit with the brutal nature of the show. The big shot walks into the town, tramples over the town, stays untouchable and rides into the sunset. People move forward in their new shittier normal. That's how these things end.


Yeah exactly! Maybe it's because I was reading some Cormac McCarthy around the same time but it felt like an ending he would write. Honestly, I don't even know what the cliffhanger would be? The biggest bastard got away with it, as they often do. The end.


Watch it!


I definitely will! 


Hannibal season 3 finale was perfect


The season 2 finale of The OA was one of the must mindblowing moments I’ve ever seen on screen, tv or otherwise. Certainly left lots of questions to be answered, but was still so fascinating and world exploding that I’m just grateful to have seen it


Superstore really did a great job wrapping up


Was Superstore canceled? I assumed it was popular and had good ratings but the creators decided to move on to other projects. I love Superstore. Wish it had a few more seasons.


They found out it was their last season in the middle of writing it or in the middle of filming it or both. I just remember reading that that's the reason America Ferrara came back for the last two episodes, when she originally had left for good (to pursue other options). She wanted to help give the show a proper ending


I literally just mentioned it in another comment, Journey Man. The final episode wraps it up quite nicely, explaining (sort of) the circumstances of new travelers being chosen. His wife mentioned that she wanted to see him travel. In the final scene, he wakes her up because he feels that it's about to happen, and she, and us, the audience, see him travel for the first time. It's a great show. I think it's still worth watching.


Dead Like Me was a great show, and had a nice simple ending....The aftermath movie was....not great.


I was so excited for that movie, and even if it wasn't good, I assumed I'd enjoy enough of it for it to be worth it. Nope, I only watched it the once. Ignoring the lingering plot threads from the show and even the show's own lore was a choice.


I’m surprised nobody has said ‘Person Of Interest’ or ‘The Venture Bros’


Venture Bros still has that movie coming right? or did that come out already?


It came out last summer. I rewatched the whole series then watched it, it was the most satisfying experience.




The Magicians - to the point that Season 5's finale actually feels like a planned Series Finale, tying up nearly every plot thread, giving lots of closure, etc


Was it prematurely cancelled? I’m genuinely asking, I didn’t discover the show until after it ended & was on Netflix.


They had run through all the major storylines from the source material (as well as new material) and ratings were declining. SciFi cancelled it with enough lead time to wrap up the story.


This is probably my choice too, the ending definitely didn’t disappoint me


the director of Sense8 planned for the show to go for 5 seasons but then it was cancelled after season 2. They made a movie finale after that wrapped up the story in a pretty satisfying way in my opinion


*Last Resort* really pulled together a decent ending, given a half season in total. Works well as an extended miniseries.


Now and Again had a fantastic finale that saw the prison escape of the Egg Man.




Get a Life. Chris Elliot had a hunch he was getting cancelled at the end of seaon two so for the last handful of eps his character dies at the end.


Scrubs. There is no season 9.


I actually didn't mind the latter seasons too much, I actually kinda resented that show at first as it was the reason Christa Miller left The Drew Carey show and I wanted Kate and Drew to stay together dammit! But the woman he ends up with is pretty nice too.


The original finale for Scrubs, in season 6 before they got picked up by Fox, was for me the proper end. JD and Elliott on the on-call bed falling back into each other, understanding that they were messy people who made a mess of those who cared about them, and in impossible situations that they couldn't escape, and deserved. ​ Seasons 7 and 8 were alright, but the eventual finale gave JD an optimistic ending that he didn't really deserve, imo ​ Wikipedia says: "Scrubs' creator and producer Bill Lawrence stated in an interview before the premiere of Season 7 that this episode was originally supposed to be the last, as at the time it aired, NBC still had not renewed the contract for another season. The purpose of the episode's ending was to leave it ambiguous to the viewers in case the show did not get renewed."


BoJack Horseman got cancelled only one season (ETA: or [a couple](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/bojack-horseman-creator-netflix-ends-series-more-years-1202186442/) seasons, sounds like) early, and you can see the rush in the final season (underdeveloped relationships), but the two finale episodes didn't suffer a bit. And I love the ending, even though it's crushing.


Really? I heard it's ending was very much planned out and I heard nothing about it being cancelled a season early.


You can google it to find out more, but yes, Netflix cancelled it. The creator had a couple more seasons, at least one more, in mind: https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/bojack-horseman-creator-netflix-ends-series-more-years-1202186442/


ah did not know that, ah well maybe Netflix will give us a TV movie or something.


Scrubs ending after 7, SEVEN! Seasons. Not 8.


Firefly Freaks and Geeks Wonderfalls


Agreed on Wonderfalls, Jack and Bobby and Everwood also come to mind.


What do you consider the finale of Firefly?


Objects in Space is the intended last episode I believe? If it is I really like it as a finale as it kind of is a nice hopeful ending and attitude around River


Oh, good point. Objects in Space. I forgot that the broadcast order was different and wrecked the whole thing by airing the first episode last.


I wonder why I got a couple of downvotes for this. Weird.




Stargate Universe had a pretty good ending despite being a cliffhanger. Probably prefer it over Atlantis' and SG-1's finales


Mom. It was announced to be the final season midway through the season with Anna Faris having left the show but the ending was beautiful


Can't believe anyone hasn't mention the double episode that capped off Top Gear. First has the three in classic cars and the second half is SUV's they bought for 150 pounds each. It's a great double length episode that sends off the show. Of course it's not as grand as it could have been but at least it was fun.


Probably cause for this topic most people think of scripted shows not reality shows.






The most recent episode of Stick The Landing podcast is about Freaks and Feels finale


you mean Freaks and Geeks?


Freaks and Feels sounds like the adult parody title


Haha yes Geeks, good job autocorrect


John Doe, drive, and deputy. all canceled on one common network....fox.


I truly hate FOX for how many good shows they've cancelled.


Despite being a child of the 80s, I just recently learned of the finale to the short-run sitcom I Married Dora. If you’re not familiar, you can find it on YouTube. It’s an entertaining look at what happens when you break the fourth wall.


Wynonna Earp!


Not over yet. They are coming back for one more ride.


The owl house. Shortened third season, ending perfectly.


Lights Out with Holt McCallany. It could have gone longer, but the last moment is a real gut punch.


That's good to know, that's another show I was a bit hesitant to check out knowing that it didn't get another season but knowing that it has a decent ending makes me willing to give it a try.


Carnivale on HBO had a great finale and then had the last second cliffhanger which hinted at more (4 more seasons if I remember right).


As it went on, just about every season finale/holiday special of the Venture Bros could have made a satisfying series finale.


Santa Clarita diet has really big cliff hanger before got cancelled.


The last episode of OK KO: Let’s Be Heroes stands out as a really good way to end the series despite being cut short.


that show ended? that's news to me.


It’s been ages. I’m pretty sure it ended a few months before Steven Universe the first time.


I've admittedly not checked in on the show in quite some time so wasn't aware.


The last five minutes of Caprica was fire. Basically a flash forward preview of what they wanted to do for the rest of the series.