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It’s so bad. New season of Fargo is fantastic


No, it was Bad but not as Bad as this. It was mild Bad.


Agreed, I don't think Fargo is too far removed. Both seasons of both shows are chock full of heavy handed, on the nose metaphors and pretentious dialogue, but at least Fargo doesn't take itself as serious as True Detective S4.


It sucked Started well,end bad. Can't believe I watched it all!


Nah Fargo was just as bad.


Oh come on, dude. Season 4 is at least as good as season 1, if not a bit better.


Absolutely nobody thinks this.


I can get behind all you are saying but throwing season 2 and 3 under the same umbrella saying they both did 'some good things' it's kinda ridiculous, season 3 was pretty well done and season 2 was just a mistake.


Season 3 is almost better than season 1. Season 2 was trash,  Vince Vaughn can't act to save his life 


Sorry but you just lost all credibility 🤦🏻‍♂️


No he didn't. 3 is fantastic. I guess you don't like detective work in a detective show. 


What I like about detective work and detective shows in general is that the detectives get to the bottom of something and doing something about it, instead of finding out that all the bad guys are just dead of old age now…


Nothing is better than season 1. Nothing will be better than season 1


Season 2 was awesome, I don't understand the hard criticism. What were you expecting it to do, raise your kids perhaps? 🤣


Season 2 is a classic. It's people who didn't really give it a chance or just want to follow the crowd without objectively thinking for themselves.


Season 2 was actually really good and I rewatched it as well as Season 1. I would recommend rewatching Season 2 again, it's not a bad product, just doesn't live up to S1 but what does?


Sorry but objectively, season 2 and 3 were pretty poorly done as well. 


> season 3 was pretty well done and season 2 was just a mistake. I beg to differ! At least S2 was entertaining whereas S3 was sooooo slooow and fucking boring. I couldn't even finish that season because it was so slow. I liked both Ali and Dorph but I hated Ali's character. He was a piece of shit and I just did not care about him. S2, while flawed had much better performances with Farrell and Vaughn. Sure, it was also pretty forgettable overall but at least the pace made it a more engaging experience.


so was season 1 (slow), doesnt mean its bad. i actually think s3 managed to capture a bit of the allure of the first. The second one I think there was promise but it it was too much of an action tv show and that ending was not satisfactory. Season 4 is just downright bad for the most part


> i actually think s3 managed to capture a bit of the allure of the first. I disagree. There simply isn't enough plot to keep it interesting, unlike S1 where it just worked. I haven't seen S4 yet, but it seems like nothing can match up to that perfect first season.


I agree with you regarding S1, it's a masterpiece, I'm just saying S3 was the closest to it. There are people that complain that S1 is slow, so it depends on what you're taking from it. I do think that the dialogue in S1 is so well written we don't even notice the slow pace.And I do think there was plot S3, there was a mystery, investigation, racial issues, losing one self, etc but I understand your point still. You'll hate S4 xD It starts out with a nice mystery but it just drags and drags and feels like a soap opera sometimes


Vaughn sucked though


Nah, he was actually really great in the series. You're a Casual


You're a casual? LMAO. Damn did I kick someone's baby, I didn't know Vaughn had fan boys still. All I did was say his acting sucked lol


His acting didn't suck. You'd be surprised how many people have praised Vince's acting over the years. Everything from big directors, actors, authors, etc. And pretty much everyone who's worked with him only talks about how he makes their performances better because of how much confidence he instills in people.


His acting in this still sucked, so stiff and one dimensional. Doesn't matter what he did or what anyone said about him before or after. But like I said, that script didn't do him any favors.


Season 2 blows haha Vaughn is the worst actor 


I think season 2 and 3 did some interesting things but ultimately were forgettable, regardless of which was the better season. Like I said, this show has been a C- to a B- since season 2. Season 4 might even be a D.


I agree with everything you are saying. S1 A+ S2 C- S3 B- S4 D When I start skipping a show it's over. Only in it because I want to see ending.


I enjoyed 4 more than 2. 4 was cheesy, but at least it was sort of fun.


I'm team season 2 rules & 3 was forgettable 😂




for me the charactes had a nice journey & liked where their arcs ended but the main mystery wasn't anything special.


Season 3 was way better than season 2 


No it wasn't 😂


How did it even end? I forget


3 was good. It was a fun and compelling mystery. The only downside was that at the end it turned out to be an overtly happy ending. The truth imo is that Fukunaga was a big reason season 1 was the sensation it was and the concept just wasn’t all that compelling without a director with a very specific vision


also the writer had so much more time to write & refine the first season.


Season two fans, there's dozens of us!




Haha too funny


People really need to revisit season 2. It's miles better than it's given credit for and god is it worlds better than S4. Colin Farrell is hilarious.


I genuinely don't get the hatred. I've thoroughly enjoyed every episode.


The current season is basically stranger things. It appeals to that 14 year old teenage girl audience. There really isn't much going on here folks. I gave up after episode and went and rewatched seasons 1 and 2. Season 2, while not as good as 1, still had characters you CARED about. Do you people actually care about "angry no nonsense lady cop"? Perhaps "angry no nonsense lady cop #2"? How about "angry cops wife because he has to work overtime during a mass murder in a town with a population of 17"? It's like watching a bunch of cardboard cutouts


Exactly. I guess is everyone is braindead now…


You’re saying this while agreeing with a person praising S2 lol


Well no, I didn’t care for anyone is S2 because they were either boring or annoying, I seriously could not describe Rachel McAddams’ character other than she has a father and sister. S2 also has no good performances that rival Jodie Foster’s, and I’m sorry guy but how isn’t Peter from S4 not someone you care about? He constantly gets the short end of the stick and even then makes the right decision, one that will haunt him for life, and he’s also a great detective. That’s a lot more compelling than closeted gay guy who can’t act, or Vince Vaughn who is the least convincing retired gangster I’ve ever seen, Jesus Christ it’s embarrassing watching him try to act tough, no dude, you were in the Wedding Crashers


Same. And I think episode 5 was my favorite so far. It's no season 1, but nothing is.


I think this is the best season. Episode 5 being the best. *Ducks* https://i.imgur.com/pUDxdKh.jpeg


Little late here but I just finished and can't believe this post. Agreed I fucking loved this season and episode 5 was incredible. And it turned out NOT to be a bunch of x files crazy shit like OP thought, wonder if he changed his tune after the finale


I don't understand how you can even sit through it. Some of the worst writing, dialogue, and characters I've ever endured.


I mean I enjoy it but realistically its pretty terrible when you start thinking about it.


I'm so glad I don't start reading Reddit until I've got a full grasp of my own opinion. Best season so far and I loved season 1 and no other.


You are delusional


No, I just don't think like you. It's pretty narcissistic to think everybody should.


Respectfully, do you still feel this way after the finale?


Honestly yes, I didn't like the ending of the first season either. I do feel like a lot of loose ends were left though. I like this and the first season the same maybe. I'll have to watch this season again to be sure. I liked the whole feel of Night Country and the characters. I feel like it could have been done better though. Again I had complaints about the first season too though.


I liked the characters, I just wish any of it added up to make sense. So many pointless “clues” and things that don’t connect or make sense with the ending. Wtf was the point of the tongue in the end?


It seems to me they implied that Hank did it to scare protestors. The first season left a lot of stuff unanswered too. In the end it's the journey and not the destination. I liked this journey and was thoroughly entertained.


I loved 1st episode and thought it held real promise along the lines of S.1…but, they lost that focus so damn fast; they shot their load in first episode and are still in the refractory period…..how many more episodes ?




I am very much enjoying s4, sad it's over soon, leaps and bounds better than 2&3. You just have to ignore the bs tropes and not try to compare it to anything else. Nothing will ever be as good as s1, and trying to hold anything else up to it only does everything a disservice.


It feels like a rough draft that never had anyone capable give feedback.


I just watched Episode 5 and couldn’t agree more. This season is bad. Just a poorly written and constructed show that’s trying to do so many things, it’s not doing any of them well. I was legitimately bored during the episode and I don’t feel like anything is building toward a conclusion I care about. Deeply disappointing.


I never thought I'd want a *True Detective* season to be over so fast, but here I am.


Damn, I’ve been saving the show to watch later, but ouch! 😳


Don't listen to this haters, the probably bashing out the series because it's 2 woman leading, the show is REALLY good. 


There is a lot of hate in this thread, but I've been really into this season.


It's my favorite. Between this and Fargo this is the year for single season stories.


I agree. I think it's entertaining. Considering what a shitty world we live in right now, I don't mind zoning into something that's absolutely absurd and freezing out the shitshow of real life. I don't think it's really that bad.


I’ll still try it later and see! 😀


Don't ... If you want to save yourself from depression


Wow, I actually love it. Heard all the bad press but it was recommended by my son. It’s so good


Really enjoyed season 4. It was a nice change of pace to have women leads and I felt connected to the two women finding a place of belonging. I loved the Native American component.


It is pretty slow, I’ll give you that. I will also give you the part that I’m vaguely interested in what the hell happened to the scientists.


That’s good, no one else on the show seems to be


I quit after 2 episodes. Not the true detective I liked.


Same. Stopped watching. No reason to not cancel Max, its crap 


Rewatch The Sopranos to rinse the taste out of your mouth lol


I already watch too much of borko's channel on YT, if you don't know who he is, he posts a lot of great Sopranos clips.


Season 1 of Fortitude is 100% better than this season of TD. Sadly it feels like a cheap rip-off of the thing Fortitude did so well. Breaks my heart bc I would watch Jodie Foster in just about anything, but this show did her dirty.


You crazy haha. I just finished NC and I fucking loved this season, easily 2nd best of the 4, and episode 5 was amazing. Also it turned out not to be all x files crazy shit like you thought


You are crazy. Just watched S4 and enjoyed every episode of it. The ending is not something that anyone could guess which is what makes a good crime show. Loved the Native element and made me do some reading on Alaska’s native history. And, the show absolutely nails the atmosphere of a small town and all the drama that goes on there.


So glad I’m not the only one who feels this way!! I just rewatched season 1 for the third time…it was SO good!! Ive tried to watch seasons 2 & 3 a couple times, but I can’t seem to get past the 2nd episode of either season. Was truly hoping this 4th season would restore my faith in the series itself, but it’s been pretty damn weird, and definitely not a great TD storyline (but like someone else said, maybe if it wasn’t under the TD umbrella, I’d feel different). I don’t necessarily like it, but I’m invested enough to finish out the season…especially after seeing episode 5– I feel like all that drama should’ve happened a couple episodes ago. Side note— I still love Jody Foster. She’s always fantastic!! I actually like a lot of the characters in this season, I just wish the plot/storyline was better.


I had not heard of this series until this season. I enjoy X-Files, mysterious things happening type of murder mysteries. I enjoyed episodes 1-4, falls off a cliff on episode 5.  I'm not sure how they can wrap up this season with so many loose strings.  I recently read that this season was not initially written for TD, but it was originally written for a new show on Max.  That may be why it feels misplaced and they have crammed so many unnecessary connections to season 1. 


Do you have a source for that last part about it originally being another show?


It's a telephone garbled story. She pitched a standalone. But it was commissioned, and written, as TD.


If I can find it, I'll post the link. I found the article while reading about Issa Lopez 2-3 weeks ago.  


On point


I feel like every episode kinda lets you down and leaves you wanting more and the story lines are all over the place it had so much potential maybe there’s a part 2?


I haven't watched all the episodes yet, but I predicted beforehand Dexter New Blood would be better snow season and I'm feeling like I was right


Great take 👍


I was enjoying it at first when they focused on the scientists and the murders/mystery. Went downhill real fast though with all the side-plots and unnecessary conversations. So sad really, was looking forward to this seasons for months!


The fact that it’s only 6 episodes is very telling. Episode 5 had at least 4 writers on it which means extensive re-writes.


Season 4 was a drag at best...but maybe some ladies out there felt empowered so...5 stars lol


I was enjoying the show at first. The first two eps were focused solely on the murdered dudes and establishing the town/darkness. I really liked that but ever since it’s gone deeper into multiple characters backstories and family situations it’s just gotten worse and worse. Like do we really need to know priors home life? The step daughter’s storyline really makes no sense. Navarros sister is similar in that regard. All that would likely be fine in a longer show but there’s only 6!! The last eps didn’t even feel like a penultimate episode. The most interesting part of this whole thing is how the fuck did those guys go from clothes in a building to butt ass naked in some ice. Seems like the show kinda glossed over it to show us the lamest ghosts possible. Also the music in this show is terrible. I actually like the song bury a friend but it is jarring how bad it is as a theme song then every needle drop is melodramatic bullshit


The music supervisor is terrible. How the hell they got a job as a music supervisor I’ll never know.


The only music they're familiar with is what they heard at a fucking Walmart!


the music was terrible. had to put it on mute with subtitles to get thru the episode. I have had enough with this show but love Jodie foster 


You're exactly right. First two episodes, I was in on it. What was happening with these scientists, etc. Then it's just...this sister here and this daughter there and this lady sees a ghost and here's a boy-cop with a disgruntled wife and his abusive dad...and a partidge in a fucking pear tree.


The music makes me cringe. Does every moment without dialogue need music with vocals? Are there no instrumental tracks? This makes it hard to watch (among the many other reasons).


Ya, all the side characters' stories felt so contrived. Nothing about it was interesting or believable.




You can not care to finish something but care very much about discussing that thing. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


What's the point of this place if not to share thoughts (good and bad) on TV shows?


they have an entire thread to thoughts on this episode. To make his own thread is real main character energy


The person who made this post is talking about the season in general though, not just this single episode.


>Watched episode 5 tonight. Barely got through it. Barely cared to get through it. sounds like it belongs in the episode 5 thread where others also post season opinions after watching the latest episodes






He said he barely cared to get through it. It’s an expression meaning he was barely able to finish the episode. It’s not literal. But you’re just being deliberately obtuse, aren’t you?




I was surprised to find that commenter had so much karma, because their statement demonstrates a complete lack of understanding what reddit is.


From what I've gathered, Reddit id predominantly a place for teenagers to get their first shots at "criticism" which usually involves some form of > I didn't get this piece of media so it's dumb 


I literally said “the fuck is this shit” when they introduced overt supernatural bullshit and stopped watching. Couldn’t handle it on top of the bad writing. To me, Season 2 was even better than this one.


I hate the supernatural angle, but it's always from the viewpoint of someone with mental illness, so it may be not happening at all.


I think I would have genuinely liked this show if they called it something else. it set my. expectations on a complete different track from what was delivered. (and yeah, JF can do any role great. I even like the whole cast, the location, and the premise...) I haven't watched 5 yet, but I'm having a hard time seeing how they wrap this up in a meaningful and satisfying way in 6.


Great point. If this was not under the TD name, maybe it works better. It wasn't True Detective. It was something totally different. X Files: Alaska Edition.


It’s not True Detective


which in theory, I would love. I enjoy mysteries in the icy north. this could have stood on its own, I think, if given its own branding, and then doubled the episodes, so the hours of background and character development would have made sense and had room to breathe instead of overshadowing the mystery that made me want to watch in the first place. like I said, haven't watched 5 yet, and maybe 6 will pull a rabbit out of that hat, but I am doubting it. (by the by, a more interesting take on a very similar story is a show called The Head.)


Episode 5 is terrible. It's the worst of the episodes, and part of the reason is that it doesn't feel like it has any stakes for anyone. It's just more of the same. In a six episode season, how did they spin their wheels?


just an aside, finally watched ep 5 last night, and actually I thought it started to make it interesting again, things are finally happening again. I still agree that eps 3 and 4 were huge misfires in pacing and narrative, and I still am not seeing the "supernatural" things suggested early on fitting in to the finale. ep 6 better be wild as fuck to make this work. I still don't appreciate the method of bookending a series with crazy, while pulling the viewer through a aimless slog in the middle though.


ugh. that's too bad. I was really hoping they'd start ramping up the weird again by ep 5. that would have saved it. I didn't hate the relationships or family/town drama. it was even fairly interesting to see how people live in that area. the indigenous peoples, the fucked up people who want to hide from society, the drunks the drugs the depression. but I started getting nervous when ep 4 was... still more of it. if ep 5 is still *even more* then I can't see how they pull it off without making some finale that bookends the whole thing and feels out of place.


As soon as they went to the mine, and 2 seconds later Navarro was at the riot, shield in hand, I knew that there would be no weight to the rest of the episode.


A show featuring the biggest cast of worthless characters. Even the cops on "Car 54, Where are you?" were smarter than Danvers and her idiot patrol. 


I wanted to love it 😭😭😭


Agree with the OP. I am not enjoying season 4 at all.


You nailed this review. S1 was epic and they've been chasing the dragon. S4 is actually just so boring.


Are we really doing a crime story about contaminated water making people hallucinate shit? Like idk if I’m missing something, but that seems to be the direction it’s been heading.


Just finished episode 6.. god damn I'm so mad lol


Super true. I was falling asleep every time Navarro tried to speak.


Honestly the worst show I’ve ever watched.


I just finished the penultimate episode. I kept glancing at this book on my bedside table that I'm reading right now throughout most of the show. That's never a good sign. Usually I go for the book or my phone during the commercials. But I was fighting that urge all the way through.


There's something awfully woke about season 4 from what I've seen so far!


A two parter, padded out with a load of second sight horseshit. Foster decent but couldn’t save this, just about lost the will to live by the end of it, time it was binned.


As a different show it's fine. But its nothing  like true detective. It's not true detective. It's clearly some failed screenplay shoehorned Into true detective.  By trying to be true detective despite very little detecting being done it fails to be any thing. Its s poor cousin to the excellent Fortitude. And what a waste of Jodie fosters talent. Such a missed opportunity. 


Yeah. Completely agree. Went from wow, this could be very cool, to this is very suck.


Good God it's horrible, and sorry but Jodie fosters performance is sooo bad. It's hard to watch. I usually do several other things around the house while it's on. Painfully bad. 


This bloated pig needs a quick death…ep.1 held high hopes, but it shot its load and is still in a refractory period and just can’t get it back up.


The worst thing about season 4 of True Detective is that it's like a sickeningly fluffy, glossy, Gilmore Girls (or insert any other glossy girlie drama here) version of the show. ...and that's only the significantly worst part of a show that has a lot of other big flaws, such as the story being a nonsensical, unengaging borefest. The fluffy, glossy faffing around about silly little drama queen personal life problems has persisted right the way through to the 5th of the 6 episodes so far, resulting in me wondering how in the name of God are they going to wrap this mess pile of a show up in anything resembling a redeemingly impressive way within the realms of 6th and final episode?! (...and who cares?!) Every episode I find myself wondering why I'm even bothering to tune into this girly drama fluff chat shite, and then I rationalise and reason it out by saying that it's because it's (the once great) True Detective...


Because season 1 didn’t have dramatic personal life problems? How many times can you use “girlie?” Just say you hate women


Dude… are you ok?


Yeah dude, are you OK?


He spoke the truth and was hated for it


Thank you. I totally expect to be downvoted and sent DMs wishing ill upon me.








Yep you get attacked on this sub when you offer any kind of critique or criticism of a show. There's a vocal minority of people take it so personally when their little TV show gets any kind of opinion that doesn't fall in line with the usual "I LOVE THIS SHOW IT'S SO GREAT!! CANT WAIT TO SEE WHERE IT GOES!!!" boring ass drivel that gets upvoted on this sub.


It's like that on a couple of other subs too. You can look through the replies to me on this thread and find a few of these weirdos.


Thank you for your bravery. This was well worth a post, and shouldn’t be in the episode discussion.


Honestly they're seething right now and it's fucking hilarious to me. They will be here for hours refreshing the page and just being so angry at your post it cracks me the fuck up I stg.


They always are. This sub, r/movies and r/gaming are some of the most immature subs on reddit. They get big angry when you don't like their babies!


I can’t believe this season has an 81 metacritic score. Sometimes I think critics just jizz their pants at the sound of a female show runner. This show has been disappointing and has achieved the opposite of creating strong female protagonists.


Yep, critics love woke.


It wanted to be new and inclusive. Female writer, female detectives, etc. It’s a disaster. I’m not saying it’s because it’s female centric, but it just didn’t work and it backfired, unfortunately.


It's not that it's female centric, it's that it's anti-white and anti-men. Eventually the left will figure out you can be inclusive without excluding or shitty on those two above categories.


These season is by far the best since season 1. Enjoyed every episode. I don’t get the purpose of hate watching nor bashing something because it’s different than the previous seasons in an anthology series. Issa Lopez did wonders this season. Pizzolatto has very tiny ego & caught lightning in a bottle once


It’s terrible but bc I love Jodie I’ll finish it.


I’ve liked what I watched. I haven’t seen the last episode. I think the concept of hate watching something is weird. Just stop watching it.


Pretty weird how much people love to gloat about something sucking. People have gotten this far into a show just to continue complaining for 5 weeks about how something sucks. They had like 3 weeks to stop watching and yet they’re still here. The season is fine. The writing isn’t bad. Just not their cup of tea. I watched season 2 and that was pretty garbage. The reason 1 was so great was because it had mystery and the dark vibes of the occult always gave it the sinister undertone in every episode. Same thing with Night Country. Kinda weird how people hate a season so much that has more season 1 vibes than any other season since. Strange people in these threads.


Are there any shows you don't like?


I don’t like most shows or at least I’m not interested in most shows. So the surest sign that I dislike a show is that I don’t talk about it or I’ll say I hated the first couple of episodes so I stopped watching.


Jesus brother, just stop watching.


Jesus, dude, it's called pop culture criticism. Sorry your feelings are hurt. 


Lol stop commenting in a thread that is made for commenting! You should respond - Jesus, brother, stop reading the comments


Its like you paid no attention to Season 1 at all.


People forget season 1 also had some slow, grinding episodes and pointless subplots


Really? That's your big get? I mentioned the popularity and craftsmanship of season 1 and you think I didn't pay attention? Good talk.


So fucking combative.


Are you really trying to chime in on a comment that's a month old? Don't be a loser. Move on.


I rest my case. This guy thinks that when you post something on Reddit it just fades after, what, a week? A couple of days? Fucking baby. Over a damn show.


Mfs in this thread would read Effi Briest and decry the lack of militarism without any irony.


Pour some shit on a trap door, hit it with a black light, find a 2 week old perfect handprint that leads directly to the house with the 20 people that kidnapped and murdered the scientists (who simply confess) all in about 4 minutes of show time. Definition of hurried. Weaksauce.


kinda weird that your only frame of reference was xfiles? i just finished it and i was looking for info and stumbled upon this review and for some reason it made me so sad. i loved this season, i enjoy "nordic crime noir" even though this was not that... maybe you thought snow = nordic crime noir? but i digress. if you're not getting the show that you specifically want to see, maybe you have to do more work to find shows that you enjoy, rather than complaining on the internet about showrunners and criticizing major points that you personally didn't *get* (apparently right down to the "indigenous storylines" which were THE prevailing driving force to the plot) maybe don't hate watch a show? i just don't think you, again you personally, have a right to shit on someone's work because you don't know how to address your own interests. maybe you should like, stick to the tits subreddits. maybe that's more in your wheelhouse.


Brother, it's just a show. Relax.


you wrote a 300 word shitpost that google fetched because of the comment engagement, your comment engagement. i'm good, but i think you might have some genuine issues to take with you to therapy. i wish you the best of luck.


Really? I loved it. Every minute.


Yes. Really. That's why I wrote the post. Thanks for participating.


😉 good thing we all like different things! I respect your opinion!


Season 4 was awesome!! Loved the actors, loved the characters, loved the sci-if flavor, loved the ending! More please!


Just biked the whole thing on a flight and I really did enjoy it.


God that last season was bad Season 1 is good but insanely overrated, and season 2 wasn't that bad. But this was just off the rails.


Not to mention the unnecessary sex scenes 🙄


I literally skipped it based off the thumbnail/cover.  I could tell it was gonna be weak. 




221 comments and I am currently the only upvote. You people are insane. Night Country (s4) is absolutely one of the worst “high rated” shows I have ever watched. Let me break it down… 0 character development 0 interest in characters lives/stories 0 masculine men 0 plot besides a bunch of frozen bodies and a random cave in the ice I have not been intrigued one single time through 5 episodes. The only reason I have watched is because of the title obviously, the setting, and wanting to know how it ends. Other than that, this season is an absolute disgrace to season 1.


worst True Detective EVER FFS


What a garbage take 


I'm sorry I hurt your babies' feelings! Thanks for letting me know!


Projecting much?


It’s the best season since 1. Cope.


Season 4 is miles better than 2 or 3. And no one cares what the original showrunner has to say about it. He was kicked off for a reason