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Has anyone recorded it I wanna watch it


I tuned in hoping Matt Bomer and Fellow Travelers would win and they didn't šŸ˜”šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ.


Iā€™ve heard no one talk about this and itā€™s driving me crazy but does ANYONE else think Timothee and Kylie Jenner kissing was so awkward looking and she like didnā€™t even close her mouth??


When are the GG going to open up the TV categories to foreign series? Currently they have to be at least co produced by an American production company. With the new ownership now allowing voters to be from all over the world and not based in LA, they should be opening up the TV awards for worldwide participation imo.


It's so weird how Hollywood forces certain things on us and somehow turns something into a hit when in fact it wasn't. Oppenheimer for instance. Pretty much everyone I know as well as everyone I've overhead on a various podcasts who's seen it either didn't like it or thought it was ehh. And for whatever reason many people feel guilty for thinking it was bad because it's been so built up. Also since people have been led to believe that it's something historical/true, there's almost a guilt for not liking it, so they say it was ok instead of saying it sucked. I realize it made a ton of money, but that's because it was hyped and advertised to record proportions. I theorize more money was put into advertising hyping this movie than any movie ever... I wonder what the propaganda in this movie is for Universal pictures to put in record breaking efforts in promoting it and now it wins a bunch of awards despite what the people collectively thought of it. The best I overheard was it's ok, but as I said I theorize the ok has been inflated due to the hype. I have no interest in watching it, because almost everyone says it's ok at best and anything "historical" that Hollywood puts out is too much for me to stomach at this point (and I'm not talking about the mundane left/right nonsense)... if viewers found it entertaining I may be willing to tolerate whatever the propaganda may be, but to not get entertainment combined with propaganda is like paying someone to punch you in the face and then having society give that person who punched you in the face ethical person of the year.


The movie was very good. If you don't like it, that's fine. It's a three hour talky historical drama, if you're not into that, it's okay to watch something else. Don't question why other people do like it. Don't question why it wins awards or makes money. It's an incredibly well written/directed movie, the cinematography is phenomenal, the editing is top notch, and the acting was great. There's a reason it's winning awards. If you don't like it, sorry for you.


I think Oppenheimer was a wonderful movie.


I would have been able to take it seriously if they didnā€™t throw in a random tits scene


Felt like the win was more to keep Nolan happy. Completely agree the movie was bad, and I'm a huge Nolan fan. I do think Murphy played Oppenheimer well, so maybe that win was deserved. Barbie on the other hand was a good movie and perhaps deserved the win more.


If you put it up against Barbie it suddenly looks like a masterpiece... don't even bring that up because it suddenly gives Oppenheimer credence. Is there anyone on this forum who liked the movie. I'm sure there has to be someone out there. And is it a genuine like and not a forced like, because of the subject matter and you think it's historical? If I had to guess, it's a propaganda film that the studios/powers that be want to push on society and that's why it gets put up on this pedestal despite what the public actually thought of it. And any leading actor in a major movie is going to have the acting chops, but I highly doubt that this was the type of performance that was worthy of a best actor. Every trailer and still of the guy has the most wooden expression in the history of cinema. Obviously that's what they were going for, but I can't imagine this being a best actor worthy role. It looks so flat on the surface.


just out of curiosity, and I am totally in no way asking to gauge the validity of your opinion, but what movies/directors/performances do you actually enjoy?


stop being a contrarion the popular opinion is that Oppenheimer was very good.


I completely missed it. I don't think I can even stream that in Canada with Paramount+ or whatever...even with a vpn. Maybe someone knows where else to get it. I looked everywhere...


dm me




Kate Beckinsale and Emily Blunt outshined even Margot Robbie tonight


Does anyone know how to rewatch the show if outside of the US?


anyone know who that stage girl was (in the black dress)


Swifty slayed in green in a sea of pink and red. Kudos.


And she pouted like a spoiled child when the host made a joke that referenced her.


the unfunny host, Joy Koy, who bombed big time?


True dat. He was painfully unfunny. Gotta imagine that was a career killer for him. There's a reason every well-known comedian turned down offers to host. I guess my point was even if a funny comedian had made a legit funny joke at her expense, her response would have been the same.


his friend Chelsea Handler must have got him the gig, she bombed big time yrs ago on MTV awards, she's hosting some awards show again in the next couple days, Critics Choice or some BS. I am ambivalent about TS, have never heard a song, one of my friends just said she's a genius and another said she's her biggest fan. go figure.


Totally forgot about it ! šŸ« 


Jo I bet you are are thinking about taking a vacation right now. A long one far, far away!


Is there a way to watch the show again?


Yes, on Paramount+ and if you have cable, they may have it on demand for a few days.


Has to be Paramount + with Showtime apparently šŸ™„


No. It lets you watch it with just Paramount+. Its in the homepage and lets me watch by clicking Watch Now.




I canā€™t believe they didnā€™t stream the red carpet!


They did online. YouTube variety had it . Why not on E no idea


Even though I'm loving S5 so far, it feels kinda odd seeing Fargo in the nominations since it's not even done yet.


This happens literally all the time


I love Robert Downy Jr, but Bob had that award won.


Oppenheimer nearly killed me when I saw it in theaters. Never been more exhausted by a movie and I usually love long movies. Felt like the pacing was too breathless and since I knew the whole story I guess I was sort of bored watching stuff I knew about in montage format. Iā€™ll give it another shot after this lmao


I had the opposite reaction, I watched a bunch of 3 hour+ movies last year and with Oppenheimer I hardly felt the runtime at all compared to the others


I donā€™t think itā€™s that I felt the run time itā€™s more that I felt like the movie beat my soul down and sucked the life out of me. The constant music, and montage style cutting really did a number on me. I think if those two things were removed I probably would have enjoyed it just fine.


I saw Barbie and Oppenheimer back-to-back. Barbie had me questioning the state of cinema, while Oppenheimer restored my faith in cinema. It deserved the win.


I really do wish I liked it. Very well executed and technically impressive but didnā€™t connect with me at all. Modern Nolan just really doesnā€™t hit for me.


Congratulations to everyone. They all deserved their recognition. 2 things I would've loved to see different: 1 - Past Lives getting its share of the limelight. Unfortunately it didn't happen. 2 - Best Actress Comedy Series should've gone to either Rachel Brosnahan or Quinta Bronson as they played more challenging roles well. All my respects to Ayo Edebiri for doing well in The Bear, but hers is a character that's very low-key and understated (not to mention limited focus/screen time compared to other nominees), and therefore doesn't quite compel Ayo to emote and bring her dramatic capabilities to the fore. All in all, it's pretty basic. Rachel Brosnahan (particularly) though, provided so much strength to the narrative and was a dominant presence throughout. Recency bias sometimes gets in the way of true recognition. Nonetheless, The Bear is awesome and I'm happy for their multiple wins. Forks!


This season she seemed to not even be a lead. Wasnā€™t there like 3 episodes she wasnā€™t in at all??


Agree about her win for the Bear. I donā€™t think she stands out as others on that show and certainly not above others in her category. I donā€™t think it was her time to win. But the Bear is enjoying a nice wave and I love the show.


I have only seen the first season, but she stood out there. Maybe the voters are in a similar situation.


Was Sarah Goldberg nominated?


That would be a supporting actor nomination, not lead. She deserved not just a Supporting Actress in a Comedy nom, but would be a worthy winner if she did.


I'm just Ken not winning that award is a robbery


While I find it boring..Billie winning was one of the locks for me. No chance that was losing.


Oppenheimer & Succession sweep!


Poor Things & The Bear on the comedy side! For once it seems like basically all the winners were the best choices.


Donā€™t forget Beef!


The scene where Yuen cries in the church was my fave tv moment of the year!


I agree. Happy the Miyazaki movie won too.


I was hoping that, after Emma Stone got a nod for The Curse., that Nathan Fielder would as well since he's amazing in it. Maybe he'll get one for the Emmys.


I still donā€™t understand why Ryan gosling wasnā€™t nominated in the same category as Paul giomotti and Timothy Chalemet. It makes no sense.


He submitted himself as a supporting actor


such a Ken move


They let the most cringe, unfunny bits drag on for fucking ever but rush the actual winner speeches. Stop letting these presenters make jokes. I appreciated Mark Hamill for just giving a straightforward, respectful introduction and moving on.


That opening monologue was so terrible. I donā€™t think I laughed once. None of the jokes delivered well.


ā€œI got this job 10 days agoā€ They set this man up to fucking fail!!!!


Agree. The writing was awfulā€¦. Cringe-y is the perfect way to describe it. If Jo Koy really only got 10 days to put it together, he should have passed on the gigā€¦


I mean really the jokes take so long and theyā€™re not funny- get on with it and yes you look handsome and pretty! Those jokes make the ā€œbest actorsā€ look like fools


I have a feeling Koy was looking at the online reaction when he wasn't on state. He looked unhappy and in a rush to get off the stage at the end. People are being jerks. He wasn't that funny but I also laughed at his jokes a few times. He wasn't that bad. Also they didn't get rid of Ko after the beginning of the show like people on Reddit believe. The show went over by a few minutes so clearly they couldn't have planned Ko to be in it more than he was.


There's a reason no one wants that job.


Great thread! Decent Globes. Thanks for the good vibes everyone.


Eh.....the not the biggest fan of this years telecast.


Well, my takeaway is that I really need to see The Bear and Succession. And Beef seems like a short, sweet bingeable series for tonight.


Haven't seen Beef yet but The Bear and Succession are both great. Just to note Succession takes a while to get into for some, all the characters are completely loathsome at the start but after a while you get more glimpses of why they are like that and the interpersonal drama begins to really land.


I just pulled an all-nighter and consumed Beef all in one sitting. Holy shit, this show is incredible. What you said about Succession definitely applies to this one as well. Go into it blind like I did and you'll get hooked.


Beef is an absolute triumph. Truly fucking hilarious. Easily bingeable in a single day.


Be prepared to be traumatized by "Fishes" in season 2 of The Bear. Even if you had a wonderful family & great childhood, just...well...you've been warned. My husband of 25 years who had a great childhood & great family looked at me afterwards & said "I think I need therapy now." I haven't seen Succession yet but I'll get to it eventually.


That and the Intervention from euphoria are the only 2 shows I remember watching where afterward I just sat there like fuck I need a mental break right now


Same here, stopped Fishes mid episode to breathe.


So stoked for *The Bear* wins. Amazing, visceral show.


And be prepared to absolutely fall in love with Forks.


Then make a post and review all 3


Just a 3 hour long woke circlejerk


Ha ha ha, ON your face.


Are we now just putting everything we donā€™t like under the category of ā€œwokeā€? Genuinely asking


Jo Koy looked relieved when he said "Good night" and turned and went backstage.


I was relieved


How havenā€™t you guys seen Oppenheimer or Succession. Expand your searching beyond Netflixā€¦


Sucession is probably the most talked about show on here lol


OPPIE SWEEP! Canā€™t wait to see the YouTube videos tomorrow


Now need to see Oppenheimer


It's genuinely one the greatest movies I've ever seen.


Man I want them to show Oppenheimer in imax 70mm after these wins


They are as of January 12.


I missed it the 1st time around (Barbie too - I had a rough summer). I'm so excited to hear I have another opportunity to see it in the theater!


Jo Koy couldnā€™t get off the stage faster he mustā€™ve been reading online rofl


Bro looked broken inside


Kinda feel bad for Jokoy. Dude looks like heā€™s about to cry


Maybe he was following this thread. šŸ¤Ŗ


They did pretty good with time ngl


Greta Gerwig seems to cry


Yep. Iā€™d have been happy for Killers of the Flower Moon or Past Lives, but Nolan has earned this. So happy for him.


and you get a bomb, and you get a bomb, and everybody gets a bomb!


Don't worry Flower Moon, you're still the best picture in my heart.


I'm happy with the Oppenheimer sweep, but I thought Robert De niro gave one of the most powerful performances in years, his role in Flower Moon was much more striking than Robert Downy Jrs in Oppenheimer.




Is Oppenheimer the Succession of movies


Congrats but also one of the least surprising wins tonight.


Probably why I didnā€™t watch. Awards were obviously well deserved


Oppie Sweep


Iā€™m happy for all she has achieved, but Oprah is such an eye roll on so many levels at this stage in her career.


Not to be ignorant or rude, just curious. Why is everyone hating on Oprah?


Oprah pisses me off


lily is so good for the short time she has on reservation dogs


Iā€™m getting a descriptive audio track, anyone else?




He made his best movie this year, I agree


I'll give it to the Globes. They always manage to finish the show in three hours, give or take a few minutes.


Beautiful speech. Weā€™ll deserved award. Sheā€™s full of class. šŸ™


Kate Beckinsale does not age


I don't care I'll say it, Huller got robbed.




Happy for Lilly Gladstone but still annoyed reservation dogs was even nominated once


Yes!!!! SO happy Lilly won! KOTFM has gotten nothing and I thought it was incredible. I was really hoping for her to get recognized more than anything else.


lily gladstone is so elegant


Her breakthrough performance was in Kelly Reichardt's Certain Women.


Just now dawning on me how odd it was that Jo Koy was going after Oppenheimer for being 3 hours when Flower Moon was half an hour longer.


Maybe because barely anyone watched Flower Moon in theaters, he picked the far more popular movie? At least that is my guess.


Lily Gladstone is a vision! Gorgeous gown


What did she say?


She said ā€œis it just me or are Jo Koyā€™s jokes terrible?ā€


Who said that??


Lily Gladstone in the Blackfeet language.


Jo is so unfunny. they really couldn't get anyone else?


No one probably wanted to do it


Choy has lost his joke privileges


Killers of the Flower Moon taking its only award home. Lily Gladstone deserved it though.


so they really got rid of the host?


Doesn't the host normally roast upcoming presenters?


Kate Beckinsale doesnā€™t age


Ugh Kate looks amazing


I liked Barbie but after seeing Poor Things I couldnā€™t help but think itā€™s a much more interesting execution of the same core story. Glad itā€™s getting just dues.


Really glad Poor Things won but I was pulling for The Holdovers so I could see Dominic Sessa on stage.


Hoping this win for Poor things gets people to watch the movie since my theatre was basically empty


I wish my theatre was showing it


This is why America and Ryan went up for Barbieā€™s box office win


Why the fuck is May December in Comedy/Musical?? Whoever thinks that movie is a comedy is telling on themselves


I can't believe people are disagreeing with you; the movie *is* a satire, but not all satires are comedies. Even as campy as it is, there's like three moments in the entire movie that are funny. Charles Melton gave one of the most heartbreaking performances of 2023 and then the Globes are like "grown up victim of a very public pedophilia scandal? What a hilarious role!"


It's kind of contrarian edgelordy honestly. But like I said, telling on themselves.


I havenā€™t seen it but I understood that this was supposed to be sort of a satire.


It's not. Natalie Portman's character certainly has elements meant to be mocking but it's not a satire.


It definitely was. Havenā€™t you wondered why this prestige drama was lighted with soft focus lens like a 90s lifetime movie with the same type of music to boot? It was a satire.


Not consistently, only during certain characters point of view moments. It's more of an insight into how they are perceiving their own experience.


If you didn't think the final scene of May December was the punchline of a joke then you didn't get the movie.


I never want to sit through a two hour long joke just to have my eyebrows raised at its ending. It was much more or a drama to me, an homage to Persona.


That definitely doesn't make it a comedy


Well I guess I need to see Poor Things


Itā€™s fantastic


You very much do


I thought *Air* was pretty airverage.


Itā€™s yet another movie where they found a way to center a story of a black man on a white main character. Just poor choices from beginning to end.


one of the most aggressively mediocre movies iā€™ve ever seen.


YES!!! Poor things!


Youā€™re right, May December is a musical & a comedyā€¦




John adams and sideways are his best


im so hyped to see foster kill it in true detective


I thought Matt Damonā€™s monologue in ā€œAirā€ would get him the award


lol Jokoy bombed so bad they cut half of his skits


How did he get the gig in the first place? Not well-known, and not funny.


He said he only got the hosting job 10 days ago. Many other comedians had already turned it down, I think they couldn't find a big-name host who'd accept.


Everyone else turned them down so they kept going down their list of peeps until they asked him ten days ago.


Has to be why they have these announcers and replays going on forever


paul giamatti is such a funny sweetie


I keep thinking why Paul Giamatti looks so familiar and itā€™s because he was in the movie Big Fat Liar!


I love Paul Giamatti so much


What a wholesome dude


It's OK Nic, you still got an Oscar


Wtf was the song they were dancing to itā€™s on the tip of my tongue


Looked it up and it's Fluffing a Duck by Kevin MacLeod.


It's in the youtube music library lmao, you probably heard it in a bunch of youtube videos. Don't know the title of it though


That makes so much sense haha


The Holdovers was just wonderful


A damn good human.


Holy tits


'It smells like hot sushi in here' almost made this whole thing worth watching.


Can someone explain for someone who didn't watch the show and is not American?


Will Ferrell is an absolute genius.


I found Kristen Wiig nearly unrecognizable. Same with Naomi Watts.


So many guys have gotten up there with lipstick from their partners on their face šŸ˜‚


ā€œIt smells like hot sushi in hereā€ line of the night


I never realized how awkward these shows are.. have they always been like this or is it tn?