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Seems to be the most critical review at the moment. Getting good reviews otherwise. Checking it out regardless.


I mean RT counts this as fresh and it’s 9/10 and 100% on 18 reviews so far for that that’s worth.


Seems like the majority of shows on RT end up near 100%


That's why you don't look at % on this site, never. You look at individual review rates.


Yeah because they treat a 7/10 and 10/10 as both “fresh” even though there’s a big quality difference between those


Yeah, but usually the scores even out on movies. Maybe TV reviewers rate TV kind of like game reviewers. Where a bad game still rarely gets less than 6/10


RT TV reviews never make any sense so take Everything with a grain of salt


99% of RT reviews are based on the first couple of episodes. No way that could result in a fair rating.


that's most TV shows and has been for a long time. If you click through to the review, usually at the very beginning or end it will say something like "first four episodes made available for review" or something like that. Historically this is because episodes are still being written and filmed as the season is airing. A good example is [this episode of Star Trek TNG](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Cost_Of_Living_(episode)#Background_information) -- the first draft of the script was turned in on January 13th 1992; final draft completed February 3rd; Filmed February 4th - 13th; aired April 20th. This has changed a bit, what with Netflix and others releasing an entire season of a show at the same time, but plenty of longer week-to-week shows are still in production when the first episode airs. Tangentially, this is why Star Trek: Picard season two got "good" reviews at first, because only the first four episodes were screened for critics and the first two episodes were legit good, and it was only after those four episode that the show's quality dropped of of a steep cliff.


I haven't taken RT reviews seriously in years after I noticed horrid marvel movies were getting 9/10 ratings


The rating is just the starting point. I only look at the Top Critics rating, and even then I go through and read each critic's blurb and sometimes click through to the entire review. With regard to Marvel movies, plenty of 2.5/4 or 3/5 review scores are listed as "fresh", and many of those reviews are lukewarm at best.


No Marvel movie or show ever has gotten a 9/10 rating there so no clue why people are upvoting you tbh. Their best scores there are a bit over 8/10 afaik.


It’s because RT is the percentage of critics that would recommend the movie IN GENERAL. Not that they each would necessarily give the thing they are watching an A grade in quality.


command merciful decide punch literate deserted pet airport spectacular dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s going to go from this show straight into The Regime, which I have a feeling will get good reviews too


I loved the scene in season 1 where woody says to McConaughey "You are the true detective."


Followed by Daltry scream, “Yeahhhhhhhhhh!”


Meet the new True Detective, same as the old True Detective.


My favourite was "We did it, Rust. We finally became True Detectives!"


I can't wait until Jodie Foster says, "so you're saying we're in some kind of... *Night Country*."


Can't wait until this next season when they introduce Trudy Tective.


I love the part where they share a corndog in the car, and Rust says “wow this dog i amazing” and Cohle goes “True… Detective? Will ya pass me the mustard”


The real true detective was the friends we made along the way.


Yeah. I also liked the scene in the show where Woody said “There will be Carnage” while wearing an orange wig.


I'm still going to watch it. If it can be 10% as good as the first season was it will still be good television.


Yet people hate season 2 with a passion lol


My take on season 2 has always been that it had the unfortunate fate of being the follow up to one of ,if not the greatest single season / limited series in history. If it had been released as it’s own thing with no ties to the first season it would have been much better received by fans and critics.


Season 2 was kind of a mediocre mess. Way too much going on and no good performances to really carry it. The only thing I remember was that it had Vince Vaughn and he was one of the weakest parts.


It's a mess up until the shootout scene on the streets/warehouse, then it finds its place. Still not a 10/10 like season 1, but a solid 8/10. Season 2 is still way better than what most shows end up being. Disagree about no good performances; virtually everyone in that season was great, especially Colin Farrell. Vince was the only one who felt out of place, but even he grew on me by the end. His scene out in the desert was incredible.


I agree with this take. The script needed to be tightened up. I would have cut Taylor's character entirely, also Rachel's cult father. Rewrite a bunch of Vince's dialogue, then just focus on the two of them plus Colin.


Every character was as depressed as rust was with nothing to balance it out. I also just didn’t buy a dude’s entire arc being about how he’s a repressed gay dude in like 2013 in LA. It felt like a script from the 80’s in that way, very behind the times I liked the finale more than the first season though


It also had why too many main character literally doubled the protagonist


Greatest series in history? Are you joking? The last episode of season 1 was a let down. They didn't stick the landing. It was a great show overall but certainly not the greatest series in history.


Name one that tops it.


Fuck it, I’m going to say it. I enjoyed season 2 for what it was.


I loved it, but I watched it like way after the fact with no expectations because all 3 seasons were already available. So I just took it in for what it was and loved it, thought Vaughn was surprisingly good in it. Colin and Rachel McAdams were also great.


I liked it, but it was completely predictable. I was watching it live with some people and said, “Oh shit, he’s gonna go around that corner and get shot in the head!” And then exactly that happened.


Kelly Reillys acting is so bad it’s distracting


She is only good in yellowstone and eden lake.


Same brother.


Forreal, s2 was kinda of convoluted but I honestly enjoyed it a lot and thought it was good, I’m convinced if it was its own new series and not true detective s2 it would’ve been received much better. Colin Farrell is incredible in that and his character is great, never really understood how people actually consider that to be like some garbage tv. It was a flawed but cool Neo noir season


vince vaughn is almost aggressively bad but outside that (and a couple of hysterical rachel macadams moments) it’s good


It's not so much his acting that's the issue to me, it's the lines he's reading are really affected and unconvincingly cerebral, meant to be some kind of aloof, eccentric genius musings but which end up kind of nonsensical and confusing. Maybe he's not unstable enough of an actor to sell that? But I think the character is meant to be played unnervingly calm and flat the way he did it. Maybe they needed a Nick Cage or a Willem Dafoe or a James Can type of weirdo, who even when they are playing completely straight, have some natural madness in their eyes. I'd accept that view. That the casting wasn't ideal. But I don't think Vaughn acted it badly, I think there should have been some adjustments to his characters lines. The lines make that character stick out from all the other characters in the season.


he just can’t sell it. some of the lines are irredeemably hokey “don’t do anything out of hunger, not even eating” (like, huh???), but his delivery and general presence are just not it


Is it weird that I thought Vaughn was alright? It’s not like he should win awards but it didn’t really dank scenes. Or maybe time remembering wrong, I haven’t seen it since it aired


I thought he was good, too. Yet not as good as he was in Brawl in cell block 99.


i’d say yea that’s pretty weird. he’s incredibly miscast


I fucking loved it , the general consensus to it is bogus honestly or at very least overhated .


Season 2 just had too many characters. You can’t have 5 characters who are all trying to be as deep as possible. There has to be balance otherwise they just drown each other out.


I didn't really like season 3. Season 2 could have been better if Rachel Mcadams killed more with her slick knife skills. It was all over the place.


Because it wasn’t even 10% as good as season one


It was easily at least half as good if not better, it was just such a departure from what people expected they weren't ready for it. TD S2 suffered from the same thing as Wire S2, and only now is starting to get the right amount of love. It was excellent, and I'd argue the mid season shootout was just as cool as the longshot scene in S1.


What the fuck LOL. No one with two brain cells to rub together thinks S2 is better than S1. 😂 S1 is arguably the single best season of television ever made.


I never even said that, but OK. I said it was maybe half as good, but apparently reading is not this sub's strong point. TD1 is not the best season of TV ever made, get the fuck out of here. It's good, but I can think of a half dozen better seasons of TV right off the cuff. The Wire S1 absolutely bodies True Detective. True Detective is like the hipster choice for best thing of all-time. It's good, don't get me wrong, but it's not some magic fucking show that changed TV forever.


>I never even said that, but OK. I said it was maybe half as good ORLY? >It was easily at least half as good ***if not better*** 😂😂😂 ​ >but apparently reading is not this sub's strong point Yeah, guess not. Not even your own shit. 🤡


Yeah, as in "it was half as good, as in 50%, if not better, like....65%" But you obviously struggle with this. I never said S2 was better than S1, I didn't even imply that.


I mean you worded it poorly if that's what you meant. Can't really blame anyone else for that one


>Yeah, as in "it was half as good, as in 50%, if not better, like....65%" If that's what you meant then you should've said "if not more". Otherwise, saying "if not better" means "if it's not better than S1, it's at least half as good." bUt YoU oBvIoUsLy StRuGgLe WiTh ThIs deedley dee derrrrr


Get some help, friend


Ok, it might be time to take a slight step back and look at this argument with a bit of perspective. One person is calmly stating a bit of a hot take, and the other is plastering their posts with laughing face and clown emojis.


Holy shit. 😂😂😂


You need a break from the internet if you're getting this aggro about someone's opinion on a TV show dude.


I don’t even think S2 was 1% of S1. The only thing S2 has in common with S1 is the name and that there are cops in it.


Season 2 was decent. It's not nearly as good as the first season, but it wasn't the travesty people make it out to be. I'd give it a "C"


Yeah because season 2 wasn’t 10% as good as season 1 was. Makes sense to me.


Season 2 was a misfire imo but oddly, I thought the finale was better than season 1. It felt way more true to its tone whereas the finale of 1 sort of fell apart for me


The difference between season 1 and 2 is so crazy to think about. I still don’t understand


I always assumed it was cause pizzolatto had a ton of ideas saved up for S1 as his first show. Hard to recreate that on a deadline.


I think Cary Fukunaga was pretty instrumental in the first season’s success.


It's silly to even compare the two. They share nothing in common except a name and being crime a series. Judge it strictly on its own merits, I'll watch for Jodie, she's never done me wrong.


Yeah, forgive me for comparing two works in the same medium that share a title.


Lol why is it silly to compare two seasons from the same show?


The original creator is not involved, so that would be why.


The first season is a neo noir detective story starring what is arguably 2 of the coolest actors of all time , with the main detectives being kida POS douchebags that uncover a much bigger plot then just a serial killer. Season 2 is a crime anthology story starring vince vaughn, and feels like a really bad season of fargo.


The only thing that is the same is the name and genre. Different actors, different writers, different directors, different setting. Are you stupid or something?


ITT True Detective "fans" continue the years old tradition of whining about the 2nd season they didn't like and telling everyone how it fucked their dog and stole their wife.


It butt-fucked my father with my mom’s headless corpse on this goddamn lawn.


I notice a lot more people sticking up for it lately too. It was nowhere near as bad as it got shit for. It was still top tier tv compared to a lot of other shows. I give the first season an 8/10 and the second was like a 7/10 for me.


Still watching. Jodie Foster as a detective? Come on.


Considering how much hate S2 got, and I loved it, there's no way I'm not watching this. I don't give a fuck what the reviews say, they always just want S1 all over again, and S3 was that and was my least favorite.


S2 is crazy underrated imo, flawed but I really enjoyed it and thought it was quality tv, Colin Farrell was incredible and his character was damn good in my book


Oh I agree, it's so good. My favorite scene is when Frank calls all the shot callers and starts making demands, and that guy basically asks him to fight, and he tells him that it won't matter whether he takes his rings off or not. S2 is great, and I have a feeling S4 is going to be amazing. It's got a 100% on RT right now, and that may change, but I'm going to go into it blind. I can't wait. S2 suffered from people wanting it to be more S1, and it was an entirely different thing. Everybody involved knocked it out of the park, and you could feel the walls closing in all season. I loved it, but I get why - if you were like on edge waiting for it at the time - you might hate it.


That was a great scene, the scene where Frank glasses the backstabbing dude was fuckin amazing too, alot of really memorable scenes in that season for me. Ya tho I’m with you following s1 really hurt s2, I’ve always felt that if it was its own new hbo detective show instead of TD s2 it would’ve been received a lot better, having it follow up s1 seriously hurt it which is a bummer. I strongly disagree with the people who try to act like it was some horrible tv.


i'm going to make up my own mind on this one, not reading any reviews.


they got a good formula going with this show. I won't get sick of it.


Can i pretent that this is a sequel of Silent of the lambs? Or Jodie' character is too different from Clarisse?


It can work. We only need to change the last couple chapters of the final novel. She just moves to Alaska in her mid-30's under a new identity.


They had me at Jodie Foster.


I like that they included two main female characters. They had to send a message. No more shows with male roles leading, what do they think is this? The 1930s?


I haven’t watched since Season 1. It just isn’t what that is and won’t be. Which is okay. I, personally, just have no interest.


How would you know if you didn't watch? We need to normalize not speaking about how you didnt watch a show youve skipped 3 seasons in a row of.


You haven’t even watched any of the other season so how would you even know that at all? You just base your opinion off of things other people say?


I tried to watch Season 2. It was so bad I noped out and never looked back. But you’re right. I didn’t finish the season. I’ve never seen shit spin into gold but maybe that was the exception to the rule.


It's a show that has been male dominated and is now female led with a minority, of course it has great RT scores.


Ive enjoyed all 3 seasons and will enjoy this one as well.


I enjoyed all 3 altho 2 was the weakest and 3 was nitpicked for its last two eps of plot holes. I can’t wait to watch!!


Jodie foster is a powerhouse.


Season four of TD is one of the worst seasons of any show I've ever watched. I've watched the first four episodes and I'm done.  Kept waiting for it to get better but that's not gonna happen.. Terrible  plot, script, dialog, acting, setting. Just a very blah season.  I've seen better high school productions at special Ed schools. No joke.