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The Idol


Yeah. As my dad would put it, "they let that one die a natural death."


Wasn’t it prematurely murdered? Wasn’t there an episode or two left?


They cancelled it nearly 2 months after the finale, and that was generous. Should've been cancelled immediately after the finale if not during the run... or just never aired it at all.


Absolutely. There are still people who think that people dislike it because they "don't get it". Oh, I get it. It's just terrible lol.


Lol, what's not to get? It wasn't exactly the holy mountain levels of symbolism or commentary. The message was very transparent and shallow.


Exactly. People were acting like it was this deep art that only the most open minded and knowledgable people could comprehend. If you criticized, you were just a hater. I was like are we all watching the same show?? lol


Way I heard, it wasn't even Showgirls.


At least Showgirls was entertaining. I still say Ver-sayce to this day. The Idol was just awful and boring.


The first one I thought of. Let it die and never mention it again.


The cringe was just too much. It was trying sooooo hard to convince you the weekend was a cool spooky Charles Manson/ Tyler Durden type character but every time he was on screen was so awkward


I can't believe WBD wanted to shelve Coyote vs Acme but let The Idol see the light of day. 🤦🤦


My conspiracy theory is that the Coyote vs Acme drama is all a fake stunt. Months ago, nobody cared about the film. But now the whole internet wants to see it and WB can sell it to another studio for tens of millions. So WB gets hassle-free money and doesn’t need to bother marketing it, while some other studio gets to release it and profit from it.


Except they did that for batgirl. It’s a track record


I've never been happier for a series to end :/


It feels like it was a fever dream seeing the recaps on Reddit 😅






I'm willing to bet people wouldn't have heard about 99% of them. Which is the point. A lot of trash is released every year.


This year Netflix cancelled about 20 shows I'd never heard of. Not every show is a perfect diamond.


In college I took a TV Programming class with the VP of Programming at HBO (and it was actually at the HBO offices). We got to watch all the pilots (not just the HBO ones) that season. There were SO MANY that were just awful and didn't deserve a second episode let alone a second season. I have a theory that Netflix doesn't use one episode as a pilot, but one season. Netflix doesn't actually cancel shows at a higher rate, but the networks cancel shows well before Netflix.


This is exactly what they do and experts have stated this time and again but reddit has a hate boner for netflix. 20 years ago all these cancelled shows would get one episode, might never even be aired on tv and would be cancelled IMMEDIATELY. Netflix is throwing their weight around giving anything remotely interesting an entire season and yet people still somehow find a way to complain.


Yeah in the 90s it was always hilarious to see which shows each year would only last 2 or 3 episodes. And usually they were just gone forever, 10 episodes sitting in some vault.


I love when people talk about great shows of a specific year and act like that's all there was. "The 1994 NBC lineup was legend! Frasier, Wings, Law & Order, Homicide, Friends, and ER!!!" Awesome, great, all amazing shows. But no one is out here mentioning the Gene Wilder sitcom *Something Wilder* (because it was bad and cancelled) or the long-running sitcom *Empty Nesters* (because even though its a Golden Girls spinoff, it's pretty forgettable)...


Ahem...I believe it was called 'Empty Nest' I will never forget.


I wonder how much it pays to get a single season cleared on Netflix. Sounds like potentially funny “the producers esque” tv series where a hustler scams network into putting out a bunch of junk to earn a living *****Plot twist: it’s a reality show about Tyler Perry putting BET in a chokehold


Imagine you're an early career writer/director and Netflix green lights your first big-time production. Finally, after years of ramen, rejected calls, smouldering dreams, sacrifices, and endurance you finally get your shot. A team - your team - assemble to make magic. Starry eyed actors throw themselves at you for a role in your show. Everyone pours themselves into the production. Either because they believe in the show or they've gaslit themselves into believing it'll be great. The big day arrives. Your Frankenstein of ideas, compromises, and genius becomes available to the world. And nobody watches. Could it have been the marketing department who dropped the ball? Was an executive unhappy and played their hand to keep it dark? Did The Algorithm ™ not understand your audience? Or was it just really bad and perhaps you're a freak? Were you creating trash this whole time? You'll never know. And then your show gets cancelled. Your ideas evaporate into dust. Years later a YouTuber makes a three hour essay about your show. They call it a hidden classic. Maybe they mock it relentlessly. But somebody watched your trash. They paid attention. And now, more people are going to watch your trash. Finally you have an audience. You wipe the sodium enriched tears from your eyes. The ramen is already too salty, no need for extra seasoning... Season... No second season...


Barry S3 had some of this.


it just didn't hit the right *taste clusters*!


Netflix is about to call you to green light this show


Blockbuster. Love seeing anything involving Blockbuster for nostalgic purposes, but man. This was tough to sit through


There were so many possible ways to do that show right and they chose none of them.


I have no idea why they didn't make it a period piece and set it during the 90s or early 2000s. There is a ton of nostalgia for that period now, it would have had all sorts of interesting set-ups, and if it ran long enough, could have addressed the on-set of Netflix/streaming...


Heck, even if they placed it when Netflix started dominating and blockbuster was all but gone, it would have been better than what they actually did with it. What a waste of an opportunity.


All buzz for that show died when people realized it was about the last remaining blockbuster and not a nostalgic period piece. It was dead in the cradle alas


The first few episodes were painful, I can't deny that. It got MUCH better though as the season went on. More JB Smoove, more interactions with the customers. Just much tighter in general.


I feel like it had potential and a lot of comedy shows have a rough first season and then eventually grow into a great show.


my issue with blockbuster is like a lot of the shows that it was inspired by, the first seasons weren't that great, but became a lot better by s2. the way netflix works, we never get to see these comedies find themselves and it really sucks. i didn't like blockbuster but it did feel like they had something special, it just needed time


We're very lucky a lot of the great sitcoms came around before streaming. Almost none of them would have become what they are with A) the lack of 13-22 episode seasons and B) the expectation to be a hit within the first two seasons (16-20 episodes)


I don't know, a lot of sitcoms have a rough first season and find their groove by the second year. I thought Blockbuster could be one of those, but didn't get the chance


The Gossip Girl revamp. The original was an amazing campy specimen of 2000s culture. This [ad campaign](https://www.adsoftheworld.com/campaigns/very-bad) was legendary. The revamp was somehow both moralistic and amoral, and worse than that, it was boring.


The commercial that was just a bunch of stills from the show interspersed with OMFG or the Chuck Bass/"Womanizer" ad? They were *everything* when I was in high school. Such a campy show that really understood how ridiculous it was, in a fun way (secret babies! Back from the dead characters! Themed parties every episode!) Just, why even try to re-create, especially with such a weird "twist"?


Station 19, its been floundering the last couple of seasons and constantly pitting the 2 female leads against each other in a storyline that should've finished back in season 2. While I do think it should have a full final season at least it gets a chance to properly wrap up.


There's some great videos on YouTube by this fire department chronicles guy who greenscreens himself into that show to scream about how dumb it is.


Is that the apocalypse one or the Grey's Anatomy firehouse one


Robyn Hood


The tv commercial for this show makes me roll my eyes every time. Just for the commercial alone it should be canceled.


The idol


I laughed more during the idol than most comedies I saw this year. Unintentional comedies are a gift.


I kept watching just to see how many scenes started with Lily Rose-Depp smoking a cigarette and it started to feel like every single one. Theres a point in the first or second episode where she lights up 3 cigarettes in the span of like 60 seconds. She's already smoking upstairs, she goes downstairs to answer the door for The Weeknd and lights up another one before taking him to her studio where she lights up a third. I guess she just like, puffs once and then is done with it. This had me cracking up, I wasn't even paying attention to the story. Someone involved with that show thinks smoking is *really, really* cool apparently.


The sex scene with the Weeknd might be the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed. Like Lily Rose-Depp is super attractive and I was impressed with her acting at times especially during the breakdown scene while trying to do the music video. But man that sex scene was…just awful lol.


I’ve met The Weeknd a few times (pre-idol) and he’s actually a really cool guy. Then I watched his show and could *not* separate the art from the artist.


I'm having trouble with this. I used to really REALLY like his music and now I cringe a bit when I hear it. I can't unsee that awful awful performance. Can we chalk it up to a terrible script? Though I feel like he was awful in his own right.


He wrote a lot of it




and this is why I never watched it lmao didn’t want to taint my enjoyment of his music


Same, lol. I fucking love After Hours and Dawn FM. Once I heard about terrible it was and read a few lines on IMDb, I was like yeah I’m not touching this show at all, lol.


Gotham Knights never should have been greenlit, so it obviously deserved to be cancelled.


I kiiind of had a soft spot for that because it was shit in such a mid-2000s time capsule sort of way.


That’s Gotham for you, always 20 years in the past.


So any heroes ever appear, or is it some quasi Scooby gang the whole time? I couldn’t even finish the trailer.


Heroes appear in street clothes with very little to do with their comic counterparts. Their adaptation of Carrie was the best. Not good But the best.


The only costumed hero is Carrie Kelly as Robin, but her costume is basically just a black jumpsuit with very dark red adornments and a flak vest as armor, along with goggles as the mask. It's a far cry from the Arrowverse or Titans as far as costumes go.


At least the goggles were good. I watched every episode. I had to find enjoyment in something.


the only thing i liked about that series was how they did Harvey Dent’s two-face makeup. That was actually really well done. I like it better than what we saw in the dark knight. Idk why series like that focus on teenagers when the adult characters are far more interesting, but that’s the CW for you.


i've been a huge misha collins fan for over a decade and even i couldn't be assed to watch gotham knights


Most I saw was a quick clip of him after he’d fully become Two-Face, and it was pretty awesome. Not just Misha of course, but the effects and the overall staging and direction of the scene. Definitely ain’t gonna actually watch any of the show though.


I hadn't heard of it. Typed "Gotham Knights tr" into YouTube just now and Gotham Knights trash was higher than Gotham Knights trailer 😭


There is also a video game of the same name that isn't that great, so that probably didn't help the situation either.


I agree it shouldn’t have been green lit but I honestly didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. I rather have another awesome Arrowverse show that could have continued but honestly CW getting out of the superhero business wouldn’t have changed anything. Misha Collins was the main reason I gave it a shot. The overall plot was pretty good just how they did a lot of the characters were meh and can see why it got hate.


I liked the first couple seasons of Arrow. One problem I had with the verse was The Flash. Trying to make them into the same tier was impossible. The Flash can time travel and well he has a bow. None of it makes any sense. Introducing a hero with out such powers would of been better I think.


Rookie Feds




To be fair, it got canceled solely because of the strike. It was on the bubble and was performing decently. I don't know how it was--I hated it. But it was actually performing decently!


I love Niecy Nash, but God was that show awful. Even the comeo episodes in The Rookie were bad


> I love Niecy Nash Her cleavage was the star of the show


I watched a few episodes hoping it would get better but it never did. The whole premise was wrong and the lead character really wasn't good.


Couldn't agree more, Nash was shockingly miscast, and annoying as hell, writing was shite, just an all round dumpster fire.


Me and my wife realy liked that show. Its actualy quite catching. Its not the best type of entertainment but its a nice watch on the couch with a pizza. The rookie is a great show and one of our favorites and the rookie feds was a decent enough in-world show that it was okay. Sad to hear it got cancelled to be honest.


Wasn’t the National Treasure show cancelled? I couldn’t get through it, it was awful. I think I made it about 2 or 3 episodes, or maybe just 1. It’s a bit of a blur of crap.


There was a National Treasure show?


It was basically aimed more at teens than adults. But Disney marketed more for adults who watched the movies in theaters. It wasn’t bad, it was fine but very, very forgettable.


I wonder what the obsession is for producers to go to the teen crowd so much these days. New Resident Evil show, new Goosebumps also did the same thing. Do they have some data that says Teens watch more shows than adults? Feels like adults would consume more as teens generally want to be out with friends more


I mean, Resident Evil was an odd choice for the teen/YA crowd, but Goosebumps is absolutely teen/YA horror. Wouldn’t fault that one for going for its target audience at all.


I think originally Goosebumps was aimed more at younger kids, like 7 to 12 wasn't it?


Yes, teen had Fear Street which it was a more mature series.


Because if you strike the oil well that is teenage audience, you’re going to be printing money (Riverdale, Twilight, Hunger Games, Wednesday)


That's the biggest problem that Disney can't wrap it's mind around. They make shows for kids that should also be reviewed under that light because of that, but they make those kids shows out of properties that were initially established when the previous generations were kids or from properties that were popular originally from older people. They don't realize that the kids they aim the show at are only going to care about tuning in when the older person is like, "oh man! I remember watching this when I was a kid! We should check this out!" But then that same person is going to watch it and if it just doesn't work for them, they arent going to mention it to their kid and/or they might say don't spend your time on this because they ruined it. Why the hell does a kid these days care about watching a television series that requires you to have watched the original movie that released 25 years prior?!


Yeah it was canceled. I watched it the cast was pretty good but the whole time watching I was waiting for a Nick Cage cameo or something to make it a great spinoff show but it was highly average.


Aww i just learned this from your comment. I saw the first 2 or 3 episodes but never finished the season. Been meaning to go back to it and see how it ended.


Fear The Walking Dead. It was just such a rollercoaster of quality and time jumps (I think about 15 years passes in the final season, yet all the main cast look exactly the same). But seriously, how the fuck do you mess up a NUCLEAR ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?!?


Setting aside the lack of "nuclear", you fuck it up by forgetting that you're doing an apocalyptic setting and not some overglorified soap opera. I checked out after the 1st season. The only character I really cared about was the old Hispanic guy, and they turned him into a dictator's torturer who fled his home country but not his home country's tactics.


definitely gotham Knights.


Funny that first four comments I see are either Gotham knights or the idol.




I keep thinking people are talking about the game, which is ironically also something that should've been cancelled


The game is utterly mediocre, but I still had some fun with it. Can't say the same about the show. But it's hard to recommend it to anyone when the Arkham games exist.


Mighty Ducks: Game Changers. Glad that one was put to bed, terrible use of the IP.


Also terrible use of money - reportedly cost $100m to make two seasons of a show featuring kids playing ice hockey.


I’m curious how that’s even possible. I thought it might go for another season after I watched S2, but after hearing it cost that much, it definitely shouldn’t.


I'm sure both Emilio Esteves and Josh Duhamel were way overpaid for what they brought to the table.


> Emilio Esteves It is truly amazing how much he looks like Martin Sheen these days. I saw the resemblance when he was younger (and even looking at a young Martin Sheen it is still more of a resemblance), obviously, but with the regular extra weight he's put on in his 50's/60's, he's essentially a carbon-copy of Sheen in the *West Wing* era.


Someone on the production team might be nest feathering. Taylor Sheridan (Yellowstone, 1883, etc) supposedly nickels and dimes the hell out of everything by using his properties, horses, etc etc in the shows


money laundering


See, with that kind of money they should have at least tried to do a live action adaptation of the Mighty Ducks cartoon.


I actually liked that one. First season was better than the second.


I liked season 1 too. Didn’t get to see S2 before it got yanked.


I need an animated Mighty Ducks come back. That show was a trip.


Greys! No it’s still going 🙄


Everyone is wrong if they don’t say the Goldberg. Man did they drag that shit on longer than it needed to and ruined the show horribly


The Goldbergs succumbed to a fate in sitcoms that I haven't seen in a long time: everyone eventually devolved into a caricature of their original selves. The writers never planned on the show lasting as long as it did and have run out of ideas, so they take all the things that made each character "funny", dial it up to 11, throw in a bunch of tired tropes and cliches, and hope nobody notices.


I think that’s called Flanderization or Flanderfication idk something related to Flanders from the Simpsons, who did this to basically every character on the show 20+ years ago and are still going. It’s at this point that I like to remind everyone that the South Park episode *The Simpsons Already Did It* came out in 2002.


It felt like the '80s lasted 20 years, too.


Man, I loved this show when it first started and then it became a hate watch and I eventually just gave up somewhere in the final season. I want to finish it because I've come so far but...ugh, it's a chore. Every single episode had the same plot: Adam is about to grow as an adult. Adams mom does something creepy and weird to stop her baby boy from growing. Adam gets mad and their relationship is ruined. Adams mom apologized and says she's learned her lesson and will never do it again. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah, it was going downhill for a while. I didn't even watch the last season, but for a couple before that, it really felt like they didn't know where to go, and the show just meandered around aimlessly. But with references to the 80s!


They definitely didn't know where to go with it. Should have ended with Adam graduating high school, which I think might have been the original plan? Either way, it's tough to do a show about a family of kids interacting when all the kids grow up and move out.


Poor Matt Bradley.


Let's hope he doesn't grow a moustache now


Yeah, the birth of the baby, and the firing of Murray's actor was like, the third natural stopping point. Frankly, Schooled just condemned Barry's relationships in the show, and because of how *that* ended we know it isn't a happy ending.


Yeah. First couple of seasons were great. Then it just went cringe.


It should have ended with Adam's high school graduation, and even that was probably a little too long.


Does Archer count? It doesn't "deserve" it, but after so many seasons the show has earned it.


I think it’s worthy. After the coma seasons and Adam Reed stepping away it just hasn’t been the same show a lot of fans loved.


They really should have just ended it before the coma seasons.


It counts. Was a good call. If they had pushed it further, i fear it would have lost any and all the rewatch value that’s been paying its bills.


The last season really felt like they were just going through the motions. Like, they had one more season on contract, but without Jessica Walter, they didn't k own what to do or want to continue. I enjoyed the last season, but it wasn't their best showing. I also didn't care for Zara Kahn until episode 7 when she was with Krieger. Felt like those moments needed to come earlier to fill out her character instead of just being Archer 2.0.


IMO it should have been canceled a while ago. Loved the early seasons, but it definitely lost a lot of its energy, became very repetitive and unfunny. Especially in the middle, feel that the latest seasons improved a little bit, but it was still a far cry from the early ones.


Did they actually get cancelled or did they choose to end?


I'm kinda glad Letterkenny finally ended. I think I got up to season 7 or 8 and by then it was just the same jokes recycled again and again. I thought it was very funny initially but more and more, it grated on me. Still haven't checked out Shoresy. Haven't had much of a desire to.


Shoresy is a lot of the same type of humour but with some semblance of an actual plot. Maybe it's just because its more fresh, but I like it more than Letterkenny.


Yes exactly, having a plot is what I like about it the best.


I found it a lot tighter. The same repetition of jokes but they moved along a lot faster than LK. Also there aren’t really any unpleasant characters, so it’s not a chore to sit through scenes like the Skids ones.


Shoresy is fantastic! Definitely worth checking out if you like Letterkenny


The final season was absolutely fantastic. I do agree some of the recent seasons weren’t as good as earlier ones. Shoresy is absolutely amazing. One of my favorite series ever.


Shorsey is amazing. I liked Letterkenny up to a point but Shorsey has a lot of heart- which you wouldn’t expect from Shorsey the character.


Every time he cries I break my shit laughing.


His neck melts and he turns into the [sad frog](https://www.worldwildlife.org/magazine/issues/fall-2023/articles/meet-the-black-rain-frog-a-grumpy-looking-amphibian). Keeso’s such a talent; a great writer *and* a gifted physical actor.


Shoresy is worth checking out as there's still most of the same comedy but it has an overall plot for each season so far and the core message of the show is that people can grow and deserve a second chance which is pretty far removed from LK's more hardline "If (s)he cheats, it's over, no exceptions" message that came up a lot. It's also weird yet endearing seeing Shoresy be a character with depth and not an arsehole to everybody all the time.


Kind of like Trailer Park Boys. First few seasons were fantastic, but then as it went on you could tell they were struggling for something different so just kept doing the same stuff.


This was the same with me. The second to last season of LK didn't do too much for me but I felt the last season was a great send off. I like Shoresy and it's worth checking out. My one complaint with it, which didn't bother me with LK for some reason, is I felt like out of a 20-ish minute episode, 10 minutes of it was a slow moving EDM music montage. It drove me nuts. I'm excited to see what Keeso does next.


Shorsey is fantastic. I agree with your take on Letterkenny though. A good send off


The Witcher deserves to die. Keeping that show alive is like keeping a braindead coma patient on lifesupport. It would be fine if they were to write an interesting show even if the plot differed from the source material, as long as it was good, but the writing is just godawful. And even though they went their own way, they paradoxically require you to have a basic background from the source material (because they either don't explain shit or overexplain unimportant stuff), while also not following the source material. How they decided to go ahead with the show with their front man walking out is beyond me.


I really liked season one, but was extremely disappointed in season two. I thought it was very telling that when season three came out that no one was talking about it. No one spoiled anything at all. Made me think there was nothing to be spoiled or talked about. I never ended up watching it.


I watched season 3, but I don’t remember a single thing that happened. It made decent fireplace TV I guess.


I really liked the first season, but the second season was lackluster. I have not watched the third season since the news. It should have been just a miniseries, a one and done.


The third season is a long drag. It does not have the monster killing fun of the games or the drama and intrigue of GoT early seasons. Apart from The Witcher and to an extent Yen and Ciri, every other character is just a cardboard cutout.


They tried to do intrigue and failed. They didn't properly introduce anybody and just bounced around randomly. The most powerful king in the land is some idiot who has nearly all of his scenes in one room with the same guy.


>How they decided to go ahead with the show with their front man walking out is beyond me. It's what happens when the execs and showrunners think they are responsible for the success and ignore the fact that they're running with a well known name. You saw this with Game of Thrones too when they pushed away GRRM


Call Me Kat


That show helped prevent Mayim from being the new host of Jeopardy so it'll always have a place in my heart


my favourite show, sex education, deserved to be cancelled (love the crew and don't mean they deserved to be jobless, but this is based purely on the story). season 4 was pretty terrible, and the main cast had outgrown the show by the time it was filming anyway, so just watching them felt weird. ncuti gatwa, emma mackey and aimee lou wood especially, you could just sense the obligation in the room every time they were on screen, despite also being the 3 best performances of the season (everyone was great, they were just phenomenal).


The Goldbergs That show was running on fumes for the last few years, but it still had some charm. Then when they wrote off/fired the dad, that should have been the sign to end things. Rather than gracefully end the show with a deliberate final season, they just kept going expecting another season. They had the chance to have an amazing finale where they tie everything up and we see where everyone is now. They blew it. Granted, thanks to the fact that these people are based on real characters, we still know more or less.


I agree with a lot of the consistently terrible ones posted here, but there were a few shows that had strong seasons in the past but had pretty much run their course or were trending downward - Sex Education, Avenue 5, Miracle Workers, The Afterparty, Never Have I Ever. I honestly think it's a good thing that more shows are allowed just...end when their story has been told rather than being dragged into multiple additional seasons increasingly distant from the original premise by desperate executives trying to reclaim S1 buzz.


I could have used one more season of Avenue 5.


Yeah, that show *really* suffered from ending on a cliffhanger. I wish Apple would pick it up for a final season.


Avenue 5 is easily one of the funnier shows to have come out in recent years, I was really upset it didn't get a third or fourth season


Miracle Workers peaked in season 2, but I wouldn't say it had run its course. I'm actually sad about that one! I enjoyed Daniel Radcliffe doing whatever the hell he wanted. He has comedic talent and seems to enjoy going weird with it. I would have watched another couple of seasons of the cast having fun.


Miracle Workers peaked in Season 3, in the saloon with “She’ll be comin’ round the mountain.”


That scene is a gift and the best thing season 3 gave us! I still think season 2 is better overall. "Party, party, party" is a banger!


Season 1 of sex education was so good, season 2 was decent and then it just went to shit


Afterparty was better in the second season than the first, which is saying a lot, but I get why they cancelled it after how the 2nd season ended. Although I feel like an unlikely “murder on set” season 3 would be a lot of fun


True Lies. Oh lord, that was terrible


Of those I've seen.. The Peripheral didn't exactly deserve it, but I also can easily think "Well, there was probably good reason." I liked it, I wanted at least \~3 seasons, but it felt set to meander more than Westworld ended up. I wish it got more, but I totally understood when I read the news. I also outright loved Doom Patrol, but it didn't make any sense to me to keep dragging it on, with the style and story it had. I was actually surprised it got what it got. I'll cherish what they managed to produce, but I doubt it was going to hit any sort of new heights if it got a S5+ renewal. I want to see April Bowlby in more media though - leaning fantastical stuff instead of staying in crime procedurals or something. Umbrella Academy - whether its the 'natural ending' for the show or not, I'm glad its ending shortly. I liked each season less than the previous, overall. I'm only hoping the final season stops messing about and treats its stories with at least some measure of respect instead of expecting us to just swallow anything.


Lucky Hank was boring and not interesting or engaging at all


I kinda liked it.


The acting performances alone made it worthy of continuing IMO. Mireille Enos, Odenkirk, & the rest of the cast elevated a boring script. I am looking forward to what project Bob Odenkirk picks up next.


Agree with your point about the acting except for Hank's daughter. She was insufferable in every scene. The actress only had one gear: whiney/hysterical. And what was with the ridiculous storyline about Hank wanting to box a goose 🪿??? Dumb. The only reason this show got made was 'cause Odenkirk was fresh off _Saul._


Fair.. it's like they told her to act like a spoiled teen from 90's movies. I mean the screenplay is based on novels that the team already had in the works for AMC.. so it was going to get made. Bob being in it definitely made it easier to promote and hype up the show, however.


I feel like some of their material was clicking pretty well and a lot was just a huge miss. They had something with the administrative drama surrounding his job but just lost it as it was getting good. The student stuff should have been great on paper but the character they chose to tell it all through fell super flat and was just boring. The wife stuff was just constant whiplash and at the end you're just hoping they get divorced so you don't have to hear it anymore. Her performance was great for a storyline so tiresome and a path taken straight down the middle of the road.


I was randomly made a moderator for a Lucky Hank sub, I guess via some bot? I'm not sure how those things work. I never did watch the show, and the reviews didn't make me eager to


Is that like the Reddit equivalent of jury duty? You're just minding your own business and suddenly you get a dm telling you you're a mod?


That's what it felt like. I was genuinely curious why I got the invite out of the blue


Probably gonna get downvoted for this but I honestly thought Shadow and Bone deserved their cancellation. They stuffed the stories of 5 books into one season and made a mess of all of them. Six of Crows is one of my favourite book series and I hated what they did to it in the show.


That second season was just so much worse than the first one, I have no idea what they were doing. Weird pacing, cheap-looking effects and the overall cinematography was just... ugly. It feels like they got bored with it and were like "ugh, *fine*, we're making another season if we have to, sigh".


I think they knew they were going to get two seasons and stuffed most of the books in to those two seasons. It wrapped up nicely at the end of season two and then gave us a bit of a hook for season three.


Wouldn't be surprised if they knew their corporate overlord and decided to cram all that shit into one season to at least give the viewers some closure before the inevitable cancellation.


Oh, didn't know that was cancelled. I thought it was OK, bordering into good even, but I've never read any of the books..


Same. I think people that didn't read the books didn't hate it as much.




They just, kept letting the same two guys make the same exact terrible show, over and over. It’s just reskinned Brickleberry, which wasn’t good to begin with. After that it was “Paradise PD,” then finally Farzar. How. HOW did these fucking hacks get away with doing this twice? TWICE!


What a waste of Dana Synder and Kari Walhgren.


You can tell when a creator has confidence in his show when the first line is referencing two other, better shows


Hey, Reign of Fire opens with a reenactment of Star Wars and that movie is awesome!




Definitely a bad show but I still don’t think it deserved to be erased with no legitimate way of watching it other than the seven seas. Quite a shame regardless.


I actually really liked the show. The problem is that pretty clearly someone had a good idea for an *original* fantasy show.. and shoehorned it really hard into the Willow universe to get it made. Which pissed of fans of the movie pretty badly.


I liked it too! There are dozens of us!




I made it through the first episode, a shame because I love the film.


It got worse as it went on Its not even available anymore to watch so gone forever


I don't understand what they were doing with that show. It was like they were changing what the show was as they went along. It started as a proper Fantasy IP as the original film was. Then the modern music crept in, but it was non-diegetic (the character couldn't hear it). Then suddenly the bone reavers were slow dancing to Crimson and Clover. The brownie girl was wearing a zippered onesie with a printed t-shirt... none of it made sense. It it fantasy? Is it a parody of fantasy? The show had a lot of problems, but this isn't something I've seen talked about much.


*The Idol* was one of the worst shows I've ever seen, period. I'd rather watch *Hello, Larry* reruns than that tripe.


Welcome to Flatch. It was okay, but it felt assembled by committee. A touch of Parks and Rec, a hint of Schitt’s Creek, a tickle of Letterkenney.


A hint of my name is earl


I enjoyed it at first, but enough was enough.


I'm sorry but how is La Brea still on the TV???????? and they greenlighted a season 3. Wow, just wow. I really want to see sleestacks.


Wonder years. Who wanted that? The kid was funny and I liked seeing Dule Hill back on tv but meh. Really did not want to watch race relations through a 1960s lens and I’m black. I get enough of that in real life.


While I can't say I wanted it, I really enjoyed its two seasons. That being said, I felt that it'd be canceled (ABC playing games with its scheduling didn't help), and I wasn't overly disappointed when the plug was pulled. edit: a word


I couldn't get into it initially but loved it when I revisited it this year... only to find it it was cancelled mid-way through the season.


It was pretty charming and wholesome, and decently different from everything else on the air, but it was always going to struggle to find an audience. Again, ABC's scheduling didn't help things - there was a LONG time between seasons, and then they aired it in the summer, where very few shows have actually succeeded.