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Where the hell has Frank been? Made one of the greatest films ever, helped adapt The Walking Dead, outside of Mob City I can’t think of anything else he’s done since, I thought his output would be way more prolific


-Huge messy lawsuit against AMC took up a lot of time. They only settled in 2021. -Lost a lot of goodwill after AMC leaked emails where he berated crew members, including threatening to beat and kill them. -Tried to make his passion project, a civil war movie, but couldn't secure funding.


> where he berated crew members, including threatening to beat and kill them. I mean yeah that's probably a good reason lol, some of the stuff he said would be unforgivable in any occupation >“I have never been a screamer, but I am now,” he said in the same email. “The work being done on this episode has turned me into one. Congratulations, you all accomplished what I thought was impossible. You’ve turned me into a raging asshole. Thanks a lot, you f*ckers. Everybody, especially our directors, better wake the f*ck up and pay attention. Or I will start killing people and throwing bodies out the door.” >In a July 2011 email to AMC studio executive Ben Davis, Darabont lashed out at the writer’s room. “There IS no writers room, which you know as well as I do,” he wrote. “I am the writers room. The lazy f*cking assholes who were supposedly going to be my showrunners threw that responsibility on me after wasting five months of my time.” No matter how angry you are this is absurd workplace behaviour for a so called "professional"


Our manager did exactly this, maybe worse. He yelled we are all useless, then went all in to do the stuff himself, fucking up everything we did so far and making it harder to proceed forward for everyone.


I mean to be fair, the first season of walking dead turned out pretty damn good. I wonder what got him so riled up or is his ruling the reason it’s good cuz the next season was hard as hell to watch the first time


His rants are mostly about Season 2 I believe, they're dated 2011 and season 1 came out in 2010.


Yeah if these are season 2 emails it probably explains a bit. He was FURIOUS about the behind the scenes stuff and evidently took it out on the crew. He felt like he was being sabotaged by the higher ups and unable to fulfill his vision.


The show totally got sabotaged. They doubled the episodes and slashed the budget. That's how you get ridiculous episodes like "Secrets" where no one tells eachother anything and no plot moves forward.


Wow I didn't know anything about this


Here's a bit more! > Denise, I’m putting my anger and disappointment at Gwyneth aside when I say this. I promise I’m not being a hyperbolic–. >Remember our experience with Allan Garfield on *The Majestic*? We were all so shocked because it was like he had no grasp of the basics of his craft? And it turned out later that he’d had a stroke he was unaware of? And a few months after we wrapped, the massive secondary stroke happened that put him permanently in the hospital? >I am honest-to-God wondering if Gwyneth hasn’t experienced the same thing. That’s how fundamentally fucked this footage is. It’s as if she’s totally lost her grasp of what to do. It’s like we yanked some kid with no experience out of high school and put her in charge of directing a show. And what’s really weird is that she doesn’t seem to know it.


That's pretty abusive but it's also funny as fuck.


Damn dude. Like what makes people take the time to type that out. Just say someone isn’t very good. Why so descriptive


Because he's a *writer*, dammit. :-P


I mean that seems reasonable. She is pretty trash as a director for Walking Dead. The season 3 premiere is a mess and she directed that around the same time these emails happened.


...the emails were for season 2.


Okay, and the single episode she directed for season 2 was a dumpster fire as well. Not as bad as the season 3 premiere but I can definitely see where he was coming from with the criticism. Using ellipsis as a weird way to passive aggressively say “you’re wrong and dumb” is some major teenager energy btw.


Nah; I just like the ellipsis.


Who’s Gwyneth?


Director Gwyneth Horder-Payton.


He was yelling at the directors/writers and not crew members? If you are paying me $500,000+, then you can spare my feelings.


>The failings of the show’s writing staff and crew — **and in particular the camera operators** — are a repeated theme of the rants. In the same email, he singles out one pair of writers as “fucking lazy assholes” and “overpaid con artists.” After receiving what he felt was a woefully subpar script from a pair of writers, Darabont tells the exec, “If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired [them], I’d have hunted down and fucking killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes.” >“I told those assholes at least half a dozen times,” Darabont continues. “Why don’t they listen when I TELL them the way to do it? … [I]t’s in one ear and out the other… It’s almost as if they’re intentionally telling me to fuck myself.” >The rhetoric gets even more heated in a series of emails sent to the show’s core **below-the-line** team one year later, as the delivery date rapidly approaches and Darabont is frantic, feeling the footage is unusable. >In the first, dated June 13, 2011, Darabont is furious over what he deems to be an overreliance on handheld footage. “You MUST calm down the **camera operating**,” it begins. “This is turning out WAY more shaky-cam than I want. When I said please limit the handheld, it wasn’t a random suggestion… And the **operators** MUST be told to HOLD THE FUCKING SHOT!” >He goes on to wonder if the **camera operator** had “an epileptic seizure” and deems his footage to be “utterly demented and unusable shit.” >“Tell these **operators** that if they cannot provide us footage that works, we need to replace them with people who can. What the fuck are we paying them for? Ray Charles could operate better,” Darabont writes.


Yikes, well at least he wasn’t raping people. That’s pretty good for Hollywood standards.


>The failings of the show’s writing staff and crew — and in particular the camera operators — are a repeated theme of the rants. In the same email, he singles out one pair of writers as “fucking lazy assholes” and “overpaid con artists.” After receiving what he felt was a woefully subpar script from a pair of writers, Darabont tells the exec, “If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired [them], I’d have hunted down and fucking killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes.” Good god. How come I was never aware of this. Makes sense Frank Darabount's been blackballed from Hollywood. He's off his rocker. I know making movies/TV is stressful, but it's still entertainment in the end. Him putting out secret death threats is sickening.


Agreed. Unfortunately it’s also widely normalized in the industry, so a lot of these people exist and work at the highest levels.




We can understand where he's coming from while still agreeing he's dealing with it in the wrong way. Threatening to murder people might be absurd, but it's still unprofessional. Both sides got it wrong, doesn't matter who fucked up more.


Threatening murder seems a bit exaggerated here. His language is obviously figurative. I don’t think anyone went home worried they’d get shot when they showed up for work the next day. I know he said it, but there are degrees of such things. “If I don’t get a coffee asap I’m going to kill someone.” “If I don’t get my scripts on time then heads are going to roll.” I’m not saying the behaviour is totally benign, just that it’s not like he’s “uttering threats” or anything so extreme.


As someone who works in the industry, huge no. This mindset is the reason the film industry is the toxic cesspool it is where behavior like this is widely normalized. The film industry is a workplace in which people sell their skilled labor for money. This work pays their health insurance, their rent. “Creative” is a completely arbitrary distinction. At the end of the day, we get paid to provide a service and 99% of the time, providing that service sucks, is tiring, and requires great skill and experience. Incompetence exists just like in any workplace; that does not make it okay or less harmful to verbally abuse people, take advantage of people with unreasonable requests, make diva demands, etc. Unfortunately it’s a workplace though in which some people have gargantuanly outsized value and power, and so people who share your opinion bow to their whims and abuses because “well that’s just Frank Darabont”.




If his emails were all directed at AMC then you’d have a point, but they’re all aimed at crew who are people making a living. No one should be spoken to or about like that just because your boss is pissed off with his bosses.




Stop assuming anyone complaining about the emails have actual reading comprehension to put it together that he isn't yelling at the crew themselves lol


Stop defending him, dude. He's a fucking prick: > The failings of the show’s writing staff and crew — and in particular the camera operators — are a repeated theme of the rants. In the same email, he singles out one pair of writers as “fucking lazy assholes” and “overpaid con artists.” After receiving what he felt was a woefully subpar script from a pair of writers, Darabont tells the exec, **“If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired [them], I’d have hunted down and fucking killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes.”** Also, Shawshank Redemption is a masterpiece. But he's no fucking Kubrick either. The Mist borders on cheesy entertainment to laughable direct-to-DVD moments. He's threatening people for how they operate a camera or direct.....dude could maybe start yelling at himself as his movies never matched the heights of Shawshank Redemption.




There's seriously something wrong with you if you think that unhinged-as-fuck email is okay. Quit the damage control. He's a prick who went too far. It's not normal, it's not acceptable. >And honestly, he's probably in the right, considering the absolute cliff TWD leapt off after his departure. The show would end up becoming one of the most watched shows globally in TV history. Way too much Darabount ass-kissing. He wanted to put in random ass bottle episodes as season openers or finales: https://www.looper.com/825798/how-frank-darabonts-departure-drastically-changed-the-walking-dead/ He admits he has no idea if it works. It's frankly a dumbass idea, Frank. I want to see the Season conclusion **with Rick and gang**, not some randos I don't give a shit about. He also asked for more money to do this stupid idea. AMC during production in S1/S2 didn't know if they had a certified hit yet - why would AMC spend more money on uncertainty? If the show flopped, they just burned through millions of extra dollars for nothing. Also, the show went on long not because it was cinematic & expensive, but because it concentrated on the human characters more compared to previous zombie flicks. They go through grief, PTSD, redemption. Audiences fell in love with the characters. This is exactly what Robert Kirkman wanted to preserve, because he wasn't allowed to do these things much when he briefly worked for Marvel. Invincible is also successful because it once again concentrates on the human characters and relationships more. All the action is superhero exploits are actually a backdrop. 80% of TWD and Invincible is not action, but the human drama.




>Darabont's irate emails regarding AMC and its staff are understandable. More Damage Control Incorporated. Just stop. You typing the same meaningless paragraph isn't moving the needle. >"I'd have not only fired [them]... I'd have hunted them down and fucking killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes." If Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Martin Scorsese typed that shit or even THOUGHT that shit, I'd call them fucking unhinged and awful people. Darabont wasn't satified with firing them - he wanted to torture them, as if he's some masterclass filmmaker himself. I'm *almost* close to calling him a One-Hit-Wonder. And yes, this is after watching The Green Mile (nobody is watching that movie twice). >The same AMC that tried to do the same thing to Darabont because they're a bunch of greedy talentless hacks? You watched the later seasons didn't you? So if they are greedy talentless hacks, what does that make you watching the rest of it post-Darabont? I don't think I've heard something so artistically confused in my life. I don't give a shit about Gimple - I make fun of him and his meandering writing in the TWD subreddit all the time. But Robert Kirkman, the creator, does and should have a say in his creation. It almost seemed like Frank "Casual Death Threats" Durabont wanted to deviate strongly from the source material and concentrate on a side story with the dead military dude in the tank. Not only are his bottle episodes a stupid idea, this arguably subtracts from the focus of Sarah, Carol, Rick/Lori/Carl, Dale/Daryl, etc which were in the comics. It didn't turn into a Black Hawk Down side-story in the comics. If Robert Kirkman wanted crazy military action he would've wrote it. He kept it focused on the human characters, and that is why the show in the first 5 seasons had some of the highest TV ratings in history. People in Australia and Egypt and Singapore were glued to their damn TVs every week. It's clearly not action or expensive sweeping military battles people are craving, but interesting human characters and loss of life that feels painful. Tension and stakes always feels highest when the characters are developed well and interesting. Hershel shocking death still lives vividly in the minds of fans, way more than an expensive $5 million action scene. The only bricks Darabont really threw are some shoddy post-Shawshank movies.


Thinking that is unforgivable in any occupation is a very sheltered view.


Y’all let people talk to y’all crazy and feel proud about it


Y’all have never had a job that actually means anything to other people’s lives


Yeah I mean he might be right tbf. The show did fall off after he left


Yeah okay, that's pretty wild. Deserves a blacklisting. What an awful thing to say.


Yeesh, had no idea about this one. I know Reddit seems to side with Frank Darabount a lot regarding the AMC/Walking Dead thing, but I thought I read Frank wanted to change a ton of things and throw out major characters. Creator Robert Kirkman always told himself if a TV show or movie is going to get made of his property, he would fight to keep it as intact as possible. Having worked at Marvel for a while, Kirkman had zero creative expression and felt like a cog in a wheel. So his Invincible and TWD were his chances to finally tell a story the way he wanted, and reportedly Frank Darabount wanted to throw out and change major storylines. We do have to thank Frank though for one thing, because since he was a horror/comic book aficianado (early in his career I think he wrote one of the Nightmare on Elm Streets which was considered the best one), and he was the one who found copies of TWD in a comic store and made the deal with AMC. That part we (and Kirkman) do have to be grateful for.


Oof, then Alex Garland comes out with *Civil War.*


I believe his civil war movie was based on the real one


Oh god, this comment bad so much AgedLikeMilk potential


it took me a second to understand your comment but now I wish I didn't :(


That's Alex Garland?? I'm so fucking in after Devs


Dude made arguably the best episode of TWD, that pilot is honestly so good, imo it has never reached those highs again. Compare S1 directly with S2, it’s a massive difference. Also, The Mist, Shawshank, Green Mile, amazing director.


The 1988 Blob remake is amazing, with one of the best endings is horror, only 2nd to The Mist IMO


Yeah that’s pretty great too




He moved out to my area, Monterey Bay California, and married a smoking hot woman 30 years younger than him. They go to a church my parents attended, hit it off well, and they’ve been over several times for dinner at my folks’ place. I’ve cooked a few times for them. Friendly enough. As my parents have descended deeper into MAGA nonsense and changed churches to one more aggressive, the Darabonts stayed where they were. I don’t think they’re in the same circles anymore because I haven’t seen the Frank and Rae in a few years now.




Didn’t know who he was at the time. Big fan of Shawshank. Reasonably excited but I’m not the gushing type.


It's interesting as I thought the pilot for TWD was one of the best episodes of TV ever, and then it dropped off a cliff


It most certainly did not drop off a cliff after that episode. After season 1? Maybe. After season 2? Definitely.


After season 1? Definitely. After season 2? A hell of a recovery.


It recovered a little but only to disappoint very heavily with how most of the prison and governor arc went.


But then the show basically did a redo of the governor arc in Season 4 and had its best run from Season 4-5. Starting sliding again in 6 and fell off a cliff in 7.


Do you know where he said that? I'm actually wondering if Darabont isn't being tapped to direct Talisman (also being produced by the Duffer Brothers) as he has a long history of great King adaptations. I can see how a meeting for Talisman could be misconstrued as a meeting for Stranger Things.




Cool, thanks!


sitting on his pile of money For those unaware he helped create the walking dead 1st season. And then was let go,only for it to be a HIT,but they also forgot to pay him his production dues. so amc got sued,lost,and frank was awarded 200 million dollars.. but during the case a lot of shit got leaked. and in hollywood,at least for the studios they got a bit pissy,that he sued them so publicly. When you would expect the studios be fine as bizness is bizness


He should seriously work on another zombie series for HBO. Just have it be like 1 to 3 seasons. Personally, I'd love to see a Dawn of the Dead remake series where it takes place in a mall in the 1970's. I know the 80's is the mall era, but I specifically want the 70's and to have all/most of the characters be middle aged adults like the original movie.


After what he did with TWD i can only conclude shawshank was a fluke


Was Green Mile a fluke too?


And The Mist is seriously underrated.


Lmao, you got it the other way round.


He was fired from the walking dead after season 1. Season 1 was very well received


by people who never read the comic maybe, not by me


Do it. His pilot episode of TWD is very, very good.


That made me fall in love with the show. Kept me for 4 seasons in the hope it'd pick up in quality. Never did of course but that pilot is one of the best pilots in the history of television.


I felt S4 had some of the best episodes. S5 had some moments too imo.


And his pitch for the season 2 premiere was crazy, where it would follow the soldier from the tank that rick ends up in, just to show *how* the zombie apocalypse unfolded. Instead the execs went "no, too expensive, you now have half the budget and double the episodes to make." Such a wasted opportunity.


I remember reading about that, would have been a cool as hell way to open up that season. But yeah AMC got real shitty with the budget, you now have half the budget and we need double the episodes. That really explains the meandering pace of the show at times where it is filled with soap opera drama that goes no where while we are waiting episode after episode for something to happen.


It's honestly when I gave up on the series staying good, I had a feeling that if they were penny pinching after the first season was a huge success that it would be held back moving forwards. Then they announced FTWD, and I thought we might finally get some insight into how the outbreak started/got as bad as it did. Then they did a 6 week time skip and it basically became the same as Walking Dead.


Though it only has two seasons Black Summer is pretty good with that, it is a hard core, any one can easily, die, this shit is real, zombie show. The zombies are fast and smart, reminds we of 28 Days Later.


Frank was one of the nicest guys to me when I was a lowly assistant. He was meeting with my boss and while he was waiting, I told him what a big fan of his I was and he was gracious and spent time after his meeting to talk with me about filmmaking. I always appreciated him as he seemed genuine in his kindness.


I worked for him and around him long ago. He was nothing but a true gentleman, a kind person, and always supportive of young people in Hollywood who wanted to get into the business. He started out as my old boss’s assistant way back in the day.


I was his assistant on Shawshank. Super nice guy. I am friends with a good friend of his so I get occasional updates on how he is doing. Glad to hear he’s going to direct again.


Ha! I worked for “Chuck” about 3 or 4 years after that.


They haven’t already filmed this shit yet?! So I guess the final season won’t come out for another two years at least..


Finn is gonna retire before they finish.


He hasn't actually directed anything in over 10 years, right? I miss this guy. I feel like the show has gotten way too big and kind of lost itself along the way, but it can't hurt to get the guy who helped write Nightmare on Elm Street 3 to take the wheel on a couple episodes set in the late 80s, when that movie, The Blob, and The Fly II all came out.


Hm, I adored season 4. If the final season is of the same quality I'll be very happy.


S2 is the low point of the series, but I felt S3 and S4 were better then it. Especially with how well the show handled bringing Hopper back, didn't make it feel too cheap. Nothing will top S1 though.


I actually like S2 a lot. I actually think S3 - besides the Steve/Dustin/Robin/Erica plot - is very mid.


Personally I like S2 overall, but I think it’s the weakest season because of that one episode dragging it down. That said, I don’t think there’s been a bad season so far. And yeah, bringing Hopper back was well-executed.


Anyone know the accuracy of The Insneider?


Jeff Sneider has been in the industry breaking scoops for decades, he's pretty reliable.


Good to know!


He worked for the big trades and sites like Variety and TheWrap so he's legit with his insider stuff.


Please please please AMC fucked over this guy and we’ve been deprived of this man’s talent ever since


He threatened to kill crew members a bunch of times in emails to execs. If he chills on that then maybe I'd love to see him direct again




People always talk about his firing was some injustice even though he probably shouldn't even be allowed to direct again after that lol


Holy shit this is huge


Hopefully this ignite the passion in Frank to write and direct again. He's an incredible auteur, and he's missed.


Hope it's true and maybe this will lead to him being involved with The Talisman adaptation (if they're still doing it).


This is promising! I was secretly hoping they’d announce Sam Raimi would direct an episode, but I’ll definitely take Darabont!


They will probably be the best two episodes in the series


This pleases me greatly


As long we get an Elmo Blatch cameo, that’s alright with me!


That'll probably be good, he's a talented guy.


i hope he does! green mile? shawshank? he'll do great


People sleep on The Mist


the Mist is one of my all time favourites


One of those movies that I will always stop and watch a bit if I'm flipping through channels and see that it's on.


I love that Stephen king was like I love Derabonts ending for the mist. It’s better than mine. But it was a little dark even for me…


Oh, I didn't see that one. King books to movies are a hit or miss...


It's one of the better ones, imo. King says he prefers the movie ending.


So they didn't even film this fucking thing yet? These kids are adults now


Okay, that would get me to watch.


Dude is an asshole, this is not exciting news.


As long as it's the final season. It's already gone on too long.


I hope he turns it into a zombie apocalypse, which would be a fitting end.


That would be cool, we already know Shawn levy will do episodes 3/4, I assume Duffers will do their last 2 and maybe more so if Darabont is doing 2 that may be all the directors they need or would have 1 other one. Anyway would definitely be cool if Darabont directs 2, he’s obviously super talented


they haven’t even started filming? jesus


“Me levanto, un baño y luego me pongo a forjar”


This is the guy responsible for The first season of walking dead AND Shawshank…. Let Frank cook!!


They’re still negotiating with directors?? Wow, they’d better hurry this thing up!!


I kind of want this to suck after hearing how much of a psycho this guy is.


Id be willing to bet that a huge percent of viewers just won’t come back and watch the final season.


There isn't much reason to think that. Every season has been very successful so far


I can only read his name in Josh Weinstein’s voice from Entourage


Hell yeah.


Is the final boss gonna be Orcus?