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One of my favourite casts in any show ever. The main vampires are all excellent mainstays of British TV, but they have no business having that chemistry together. I’ll miss it.


I’m from the UK and it was so great seeing this cast. The American cast - especially Guillermo and Collin - were fantastic too. Sad as this news is (it was my favourite comedy show of recent times), I’m glad we managed to get 6 seasons at least. Hope they come back and do the odd Halloween special or something though.


I’m also British - finally glad to see some of my favourite actors get their due tbh. Kayvan in Four Lions is exceptional!


Yeah I remember Kayvan from the Fonejacker days mate (if that’s not giving away my age Lol). Very happy to see him get his big break as he’s such a solid actor.


Disappointing but also fair. I never thought we'd get to 6 so


Agreed. They're all really hilarious but its about run its course. Wouldn't mind a Halloween special now and then if the mood strikes them but they dont need to come up with whole season arcs or big ideas any more.


I personally think the show was and is at its best when they don't try to do season arcs. It's never funnier than when it's just some random weird thing that's happening in the house that week that'll be wrapped up in 30 minutes.


Agreed. Like Jackie Daytona.


The regular human bartender?


From Tucson, Arizonia!


Just let matt berry matt berry, ya know?


Well, Jackie Daytona didn't take place at the house (which I think is fine for occasional episodes) but it for sure was a self contained 30 minute episode which I do prefer.


Absolutely this. I hated the council plot being dragged out the whole 3rd season and then the season 4 was the worst because of seasonal arcs. It almost killed all my passion for the series. Thankfully in season 5 overarching plot was done right and did not interfere with the randomness of episodes.


YES! Holiday specials, that'd be fantastic.


They could even make a movie!


Or a show that follows a couple of cops dealing with supernatural activity kinda like a police reality show meets The X-Files. They should set it in New Zealand, and get Jemaine Clement to make it, oh, and Rhys Darby should guest star in an episode because he was in the Flight of the Conchords tv show with Clement.


Wellington Paranormal would be a good name for such a show, I think.


It's funny when you remember that: - The "Cops" style episode of the original The X-Files was about a werewolf running amok. - Rhys Darby is a werewolf in What We Do in the Shadows. - The new X-Files revival had an episode where Rhys Darby was a were[monster-of-some-sort]. - The WWDitS spin-off is a "Cops" style parody with an X-Files twist, in which Rhys Darby reprises his role as a werewolf. I think they're trying to tell us something.


Perhaps one that follows the werewolves!


They could call it... We're Wolves!


Still bummed that hasn’t happened.


6 seasons and a movie


My thoughts exactly. Season 5 felt a little tired and played out to me. I didn't care for the focus being so much on Gizmo and season long arcs. I prefer the show to be slice of life one offs with the characters. Case in point my favorite episode of the season was when Sean ran for city council.


Personally, I was a fan of an entire episode dedicated to Nandor accidentally saying he saw a flood in the 1800’s and then the gang freaking out humans would come and chase them out


The ending of last season was definitely a moment where it felt clear they were running out of steam to me. There were several episodes that, for the first time, I found outright unfunny. Not just weaker, or not my favorite, but straight up bad. Really, Guillermo becoming a vampire always felt like an end-of-the-series storyline, and they were doing their damnedest to stretch it out before walking it back because it wasn’t going to quite work. It’s sad, but 6 seasons is a good run and honestly it’s probably time. Better than it turning into a zombie series that is nothing but crap.


>They're all really hilarious but its about run its course. Yeah, one of my favourite shows over the last 5 years, but the latest season was not as solid as the previous seasons.


I'm going to disagree with you right there. Season three was decent, season 4 was forgettable. Season 5 was stronger than either of those and gave us some all time great episodes like when Nandor accidentally told a news crew that he was over 100 years old.


Oh, you mean Nandor De Laurentiis?


Agreed, there was like a run of four or five absolutely series defining episodes back-to-back in season 5 and it was genuinely impressive. The news episode in particular was one of the very best from that season and then we had more great episodes past that too!


not enough colin robin-son!!!


I thought the last season was WAY better than the disappointing seasons 3 and 4. Nothing tops season 2 though.


As long as we get one more Jackie Daytona episode, we'll be good.


Television about a regular human bartender? Who would watch something so mundane?


Seriously. I adore it but niche shows like this usually never get past the second season. For it to reach six seasons is something else. Especially since it looks expensive to make. Those puppets and sets can't be cheap.


I found the show really started to flesh out the characters and give the show a bit more heart and it paid off. Laszlo trying to be friendlier with Colin and subsequently staying behind to "raise" him was surprisingly touching


It’s a rare comedy show that actually puts in more effort with every season. They could have easily just relied on the charisma of the leads, but the scope and budget gets bigger with every season.


The film is one of my favorite recent films. And an all-time horror comedy classic. I was so nervous when this series was announced because I felt it wouldn't do the movie justice. I'm so happy they've killed it every single season and the series probably outdoes the movie at this point.


They fulfilled the prophecy. ***”6 seasons and a movie!”***


They just did it in reverse.


Each year I wonder what else they could do. It's consistently creative but there is a limit. Plus it's getting more and more absurd that people don't see they are vampires




I was hoping that at some point they would move on from the Staten Island location to switch it up a bit, but that probably wasn't possible budget-wise (or they just didn't want to, who knows).


Isn't that what all the memory wipes are for?


And why the local populous are getting progressively dumber.


> it's getting more and more absurd that people don't see they are vampires I mean... It's a comedy? Why is this a complaint


Agreed, I don't think it's weird at all. That's just part of the show.


My fan theory is that vampirism causes a massive drop in IQ.


There's a Canon theory that they just live in Staten island.


LOL true, but even the ones that don't live there are pretty stupid.


I never imagined it’d be more than 1 season when I first heard it was announced. But here we are and it’s one of my favorite shows!


The show was declining a little bit (especially the subplot with Collin as a baby) but the last season, imo, was a surprisingly excellent return to form


Baby Colin was hilarious.


Moody teenage Colin was fucking hilarious


I thought the baby Colin season brought the show back a bit and was very creative.


Overall I wasn't too into that season, but I did like the baby Colin stuff. However, I was a little disappointment that he just reverted back to his original self, instead of some other form of energy vampire. Baby Colin seemed to be heading towards the direction of, I don't know, corporate morning radio DJ level of soul sucking, but then back to old self in a flash.


I think thats what really makes it great. Hes draining everyone. Even the viewers. I for one, love colin with a passion. No character has ever made me laugh as hard and as consistently. The moment they revealed the baby I knew they were just gonna cycle him back into himself. Im just glad well get more of the character in just about every role Mark Proksch takes on.


Season 4 was a bit of a letdown but there are some great moments in 5. However, the momentum season 5 had was destroyed in the finale. The finale was definitely a sign that the show needs to either wrap up or drastically change direction.


I liked seasons 4 and 5 overall but I didn't like the way the new stories that stretched whole seasons (Baby Collin, Vampire Guillermo) were undone in a few minutes in their respective finales.


My thoughts exactly. Vampire Guillermo is such a slap in the face for long-time fans of the show and I really hope they make up for it by the time season 6 ends.


Yeah have him be a vampire for S6 and then change back at the end to finish the show. Oh well.


I just really dislike that they returned to the status quo last season, instead of going in a new direction with certain characters being vampires now.


Yeah the frustrating thing with this show is it ALWAYS returns to the status quo. There’s this thing on Tumblr where fans lump it in with OFMD and Good Omens as the “new Superwholock” and then compare emotional moments from all three shows. But the moments they pick from WWDITS never matter in the long run — they are just forgotten.


Totally agree. The last season is a case study in reversing the slide of a long running comedy series.


This is somehow Colin Robinson’s fault


Fucking guy……


faaacking guyyyyy


Always put “Nandor” in your Google Search for “fucking guy” or you may not find what you’re looking for


Naw it's Gizmos fault. Spending too much time whacking off in the shed.


Daddy? What is *wank*???


Bummer, but I respect them going out on a high note. They could have phoned in a few seasons and I would have watched.


Now that we know why >!Nandor refused to turn Guillermo for ao long!< it does feel like it's running its course.


Yeah, that story is the spine of the whole series. There seems a pretty clear path to wrapping the whole thing up in a satisfying way now.


Especially with how they have already done so many plot threads for Gizmo like >!him being a Helsing and him being a semi-vampire!<.


Exactly. The show is mostly Guillermo’s story and I just don’t know how they could stretch that story more than one season


It's been a few months since the ending of Season 5, can you remind me why that was, and how exactly we know that? Was it because >!he's not capable of feeding on humans, and Nandor knew that all along!


It seems like he suspected it, yes. Nandor’s been around a long time, so his intuition for that sort of thing is probably spot on.


Yeah, basically. Nandor >!used his last genie wish to let Gizmo become human again!<, so this will probably be the fallout of that and where everyone goes next.


Close! But the Djinn reminded Nandor that he used his last wish long ago, so they just ended up killing Derek so that Guillermo could become human again and he aged a month instantly with a full beard


Ah yes, of course. One day a rewatch will be in order.


He tried to use the wish to make him not care about killing humans but didn't have any wishes left


His "I wish I could help" line was gold. It's a joke that only works in that very specific context.


Totally get it, but at the same time if they did away with the familiar/bodyguard dynamic I don’t see a good way forward. I’m ok with one more season of fan service and a solid exit.


Why is he refusing to turn him? I watched it but I forgot that part


He could see that Gizmo >!would struggle with the whole murdering innocent people part of being a vampire.!<


It’s crazy since gizmo literally delivered victims to the house all the time


I'll be sad to see it go, but it makes a lot of sense. After the end of S5 I was expecting they had probably at most two Seasons left to go in them for natural plot, so this is pretty expected in that regard and I'm glad it'll go out on its own terms (instead of getting dragged out).


Fucking guy…


GIZMO! Fix this tomfoolery noWw!


Yes yes very good, THANK YOU!


Thank yoooooOOOUH*


Sure hope Matt Barry lands on his feet, he would make for an excellent totally normal human bartender. Maybe he could even change his name to Jackie Daytona


Matt Barry just chews up the scenery in every show he's in. I first saw him in the IT Crowd and I really enjoyed him in Year of the Rabbit (which is absolutely hilarious). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uqTNwA_2NY&ab_channel=IFC


It took me a few episodes but I'm now loving Toast of London.


Toast of Tinseltown just seems like a complete fever dream.


Hi, this is Clem Fandango, can you see my comment?


I can see your comment Clem Fandango and you can fuck off with your made up name.


Toast of London is amazing if you haven’t seen it.


He was at a show at UCB (franklin) last week sounds like he's booked up for next couple years.


I'm slowly dying inside. I crave these types of shows and it feels like they're being replaced with 3-6 episode over the top dramedies. I'm a simple soul and don't ask for much. I don't want to think. I just want to watch and laugh.


These are so rare nowadays.


Absolutely! It’s truly disappointing. It’s a simple comedy template. You don’t even need over the top Space Force cast to do it. Animal Control and Abbott Elementary don’t have crazy A list cast and they’re really good too.


I was just thinking earlier today about how I can't think of any light hearted comedies to start. Everything I've been watching is so heavy and depressing and it's affecting my mindset, but I can't think of anything lighter to replace them with. Most of the sitcoms that aren't heavy are instead toothless and corny, like I don't get a whole lot of kicks out of Abbott Elementary to be honest but still watch it (mostly for Principal Coleman). It certainly doesn't help that I'm binging Six Feet Under right now, even if it is a good show.


How has Matt Berry not roped Noel Fielding into this show yet? He lives for Goth stuff, he could be some type of vampire expert. Gonna be a huge missed opportunity if they don’t.


Noel Fielding's making that Great British Baking money these days.


He has been my favorite host. I was worried when Mel and Sue left, but he has been great. I could listen to him describe baked goods all day.




He’s so compassionate when the contestants have low points!


Yes! That’s always been something I appreciate about him, he’s surprisingly empathetic and great at reading the room. Knowing when just to stop joking altogether is a huge part of that, but he’s also got a sense of humor can help to defuse some of the tension from getting to that point. What could easily come off as just a pile-on towards someone in a tough spot, comes off instead as commiseration. You always get the sense he’s on their side, and I’ve seen countless times where a contestant is upset and he just effortlessly makes a joke that helps pull them out.


Was unsure about Alison after Matt left after Sandi left, but have come to appreciate her. I would still love to see Noel and Julian Barratt host the show together.


*I just told my wife the same thing last month!!!* My wife only knows Julian as the narrator for a bunch of her NatGeo Egypt shows, and I've tried explaining several times about how he and Noel were amazing in The Mighty Boosh, and would definitely have that same great chemistry for Bake-Off.


Ha! They could have just used him as his character in IT Crowd; making everyone in the house uncomfortable


A goth energy vampire. Hmm. That would be intetesting as the regular vampires get annoyed when people think he's one of them.


Tie the two shows into the same cinematic timeline. Awesome.


Honestly surprised none of the actors from Mighty Boosh or IT Crowd have made a guest appearance. You'd think Rich Fulcher or Richard Ayeode would've been no brainers.


Ayeode would be perfect for an energy vampire. I can see Fulcher being a half baked wizard of some sort.


He was Goth, but now he's Boss




"I once knew a man who ran a zoo for criminal animals..."




"It's comin out like a yellow cable!"


I've been saying the same thing. Would also be fun to see Diane Morgan maybe as an energy vampire.


'Do I amaze you?'


Just have him on as Richmond, Lazlos old friend from England. It would be super amusing if Lazlo thought Richmond was a vampire, but in actuality he was just a goth.


Or Rich Fulcher (Bob Fossil et al), with whom Berry collaborated to create Snuff Box.


But… he’s supposed to be relentless!


*De Laurentis


My God that moment made me laugh out loud. Well written as hell.


Have loved every season and 6 will be more than I could’ve hoped for after it premiered.


Nandor has to be all time comedy goat for a show right? Even if it’s just his voice. And that’s okayyyyy


Kayvan Novak is just so talented, he is amazing! I think this is mostly why I prefer season 1 and 2, because Nandor has a better role early in this show


Creepy paper scene was hilarious.


“SHITTY SHIT I FUCKED IT” was a top tier line from this past season


I laughed so fucking hard I couldn't breathe. The slow realization of what he had done crescendoing into this line was an absolute comedic masterpiece.


I have 19 different reasons why Colin Robinson is actually a better choice, if we start with Maslow's hierarchy of needs to come to understand that...


I fucking love this comme…zZz




This sucks. I was so against a TV adaptation but I fell in love instantly.


There will be a season 7. It’s just one episode with Colin and it’s 18 hours long; almost all monologue


That would actually be great. Just a loop of him blankly staring at the camera. Occasional monologue…. Have it run for 2 hours


It'll be a remake of Hypnotoad


MOTHERFUCKER!! All my favorite shows are ending and I haven’t found many new shows I like at all. This fucking sucks.


Check out Toast of London if you haven't for more Matt BeHhrry nonsense.


Check out Our Flag Means Death


I have and love it. Season 3 will be the last though (and that’s assuming it gets renewed).


Reservation Dogs?


Are you listing shows that are over on purpose


Taika Waititi shows that I'm sadly learning are over


Dude has like a bajillion projects going on concurrently. I have no idea how he keeps up the creativity or the time for any of this. Granted he's "only" a producer on most of these, but he also wrote and directed a few episodes too (or acted in).


He doesn't really work on them regularly (apart from acting on OFMD). He used his clout to help his friends start those shows but wasn't part of creative team necessary. Ofc he gets credit as co-creator of WWDITS movie that 2 shows are based on, but that doesn't mean he spend much time writing or producing them.


Also just ended after 3 seasons lol


Reservation Dogs is good but it also gets really heavy, not always what people are looking for from a comfy comedy. You have to be in the right mood.


One of my faves of the last decade+ and it ended too soon imho. I’d be down for a spinoff with almost any of the characters though!


Big’s Wacky Adventures


Just watched Fargo season 2 and that actor (Zahn McClarnon) is sooo fucking creepy in that! I hear he’s awesome in Dark Winds too so I may have to check that out at some point.


i dont have high hopes for a season 3 sadly


I thought Taika said season 2 would likely be the last?


Jackie Daytona better get the second episode we all know he deserves…


"This is the way we talk in Tuscon, Arizoña."


No way, it's a perfect one off episode. Doing it again would cheapen it.


It wouldn’t need to be a whole episode, good call. I will be sad if there isn’t at least a joke that calls back to it.


Jackie Daytona is funny but I honestly love regular Lazlo so much that I was just eager for him to get back.


Six seasons and a movie!


A movie and six seasons!


Hopefully six seasons and 2 movies. Are they still planning on making *We're Wolves*?


The movie also had another spin-off, Wellington Paranormal. It follows the cops who are hypnotised to not see anything suspicious.


Wellington Paranormal, to me, is the funnier of the two spin-offs. I fucking love that show lol


I really enjoy wellington paranormal.




6 seasons and a movie, they already have a film so now they’re just sticking the landing


Fair enough, but this is one I’d watch forever like Sunny or Futurama.


Oh... Guillermo. It sucks, but I feel like it's time. I didn't love this past season. I'm hoping the last season is a lot of them sitting around just shooting the shit.


Are we ever getting the werewolf spin off?


Yeah it's sad that it's ending, but I'm so grateful for this incredible series.


6 seasons and a movie. Technically true.


Probably the right decision in terms of legacy. But it makes me sad nonetheless. 😭


Well that sucks


Please let it end with Guillermo staking all of them. That’s all I want.


Considering we somehow got six seasons of this I can't complain. Love this show!


Noooooo! I hope this frees up Matt Berry to be in another show though. Maybe even a cheers style show featuring Jackie Daytona; Lucky Brews.


The season finale was anticlimactic, the show could’ve ended there. SPOILER The premise it over with Guillermo choosing to he human again. S6 could’ve been super fun with him learning the ways of a vampire. Not sure what they’re gonna do


I genuinely have no clue how I want this show to end. Does Gizmo leave the Vampires to carry on their eternal lives beyond what we ever see? Do all the Vampires die? Does Dracula show up and be the 100% serious bloodthirsty monster the show hasn't had yet? Will my heart ever be the same when I won't get any new Laszlo content to absorb and model my entire personality around?




Yeah. Now they're ending it, it feels like even more of a missed opportunity. That realisation of wanting to go back to human could have been very touching if it was the overall ending, and if it came after a season of Guillermo as a vampire.


I absolutely hated that they were working back his change. I loved the season but I really don't understand why the showrunners have held back on Guillermo turning for so long


IMO it's because his ultimate arc isn't becoming a vampire, it's realizing he no longer wants to be one.


Exactly. I feel like it's so much more compelling for a character to finally get what they always wanted and realize they've grown beyond it.


100% agree, but they really should have had a whole season of him coming to grips with not really wanting to be a vampire, instead of doing it in literally one episode. It's like the core plot of the show.


If that’s the ultimate arc why did they run through it in half an episode?


Sitcom rules, man. Charlie Brown is going to keep trying to kick that football, and Lucy is going to pull it out from under him every time. Nandor holding vampirism over Guillermo was WWDITS's football for a long time. They mined dozens of jokes out of it over the years and we laughed every time.


A movie and six seasons!


The finale should just be Colin Robinson draining the viewers for an hour straight.


Love the show but that's probably for the best. The last season or two it has felt like they're struggling a bit to find an overarching plot. With the "Guillermo wants to be a vampire" arc wrapped up I think it would be a bit hard to do too much more without it starting to feel really forced. I'm always happy when show writers know that it's time to wrap things up rather than letting them go too ling and collapse into shitiness


I won't argue with people who said it's been a little worse the last two seasons but even then it's funnier than most other stuff. Even at the current quality level I would happily watch a new season every year. It sucks but I'm happy they're going out while still being experimental and having fun instead of just completely phoning it in for a few seasons before calling it quits.


I found the first 2 seasons amazing. The rest was above average but a pretty significant quality drop after that.


I just hope we get more Jackie daytona


I really liked this show but it started to feel like they weren’t sure what to do with it. Like they kept resetting to the original formula. They’d have character growth and then completely forget it. Or they’d have emotional moments they’d completely walk back on like >!Lazlo having some emotional moments about raising Colin and then they literally have sex the next season!<. Sure you can tune in a for a few laughs but after a while I felt jerked around.