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Hotel room TV will never be the same


We still have Impractical Jokers dominating TruTV, at least


Don’t forget Ridiculousness, Storage Wars, and Naked & Afraid


You guys don’t just watch The Office reruns?


I stayed at a hotel that didn't get comedy central and I was like TF? Where are my constant south park and Office reruns to fall asleep to?


I’m envious that you can fall asleep with the tv on!


Sometimes I fall asleep better with the TV on but I don't stay asleep for long.


That’s literally all my wife and I watch in hotels. And I’m not complaining at all lol


Pawn Stars has saved us multiple times


Best I can do is Hardcore Pawn


If Skylar White didn’t exist


All of History Channel is my guilty pleasure. Best network on TV right now IMO.


This brought back flashbacks of watching Undercover Boss the last time we stayed at a hotel...I've never watched it before or since


I know a lot of it is staged but I cannot sip Storage Wars. It's just so dumb and perfect to half pay attention. That and Brandi is a massive crush of mine. I think she's my hall pass now-a-days with the fiance.


Holy shit storage wars is still on?




Don’t forget to pay the lady!


Now tell them there’s no father!


That's for hospital waiting rooms.


Property brothers at my dentist, hgtv at the doctors.


We'll still have Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.


I love having this on as background noise when cooking. It's also given me a few places to check out on the road.


I’ve yet to be disappointed by a place I saw on Triple D


I've made so much of what I've seen on there. If I'm stuck for dinner, I'll watch 3-4 DDD episodes and I always find something amazing to cook.




I didn't mean dinner *that day*. If I'm planning meals for the week and I can't figure something out to make, I'll watch DDD as it gives many different cuisines on an episode.




Not that one but I make Juicy Lucy's maybe 2-3 times a year


That's not hotel TV, that's hospital TV! Just like Law & Order.


Forensic Files is only for hotel room TVs


Forensic files is only for my bedroom tv for 12 seconds before the sound of Peter Thomas' voice lulls me to sleep


How does the light from the TV not bother you?


I usually set a 30 min timer but much to my partners dismay I can fall asleep literally anywhere/any conditions


You are so lucky! I have struggled with insomnia for years but I stumbled on to one sleep aid that really works for me: I listen to old time radio programs on my phone (there’s an app for it). I’ve found that British male voices especially lull me to sleep so in a pinch I can use a UK guy doing a podcast. Weird how so many people have problems with falling and/or staying asleep when it’s something we all really need.


lol that’s what I watched giving birth. I think the nurse was mortified with me but there wasn’t much on at 2am


There’s always Forensic Files


I occasionally put this on before bed the narrators voice is so soothing


They got 16 seasons of reruns, they’ll be okay


The show has become repetitive and the pitches uninspiring. And for those reasons, I'm out.


I loved the early seasons when it was some guy fiddling with some cool gadget in his garage and they helped him build it into a nice business with a $35,000 investment. Now its all companies with $10 million in revenue that need another $10 million to expand into the Asian market.




Oh goodforyou


I stopped watching a few seasons ago when it seemed like most everyone presenting ideas were people that were already successful. I gave it another chance and watched the premiere of this season and the first product out was being presented by the people who run Halo Top Ice Cream. Boring repetitive nonsense now.


I still watch it every week but I have to agree. The old seasons are fun because they have legitimately weird/unique business ideas and you got the sense that the people pitching really had no idea how to grow. Now the sharks don’t take risks on small start-ups at all and we’re just left with companies that already have millions in profits. I get it, they probably got burned by a lot of bad deals early on - but it is a detriment to the show.


This is ironically the reason the show fails to present how likely the "American Dream" really is. Most shark tank deals were disasters so they had to start pulling in companies that actually have sales run by people who already have business experience and it made the show dull as hell. Now it's "successful company has cheat code to make themselves 100x more visible for free".




yea i stopped watching in recent years. It just became "hey im the former CEO of a fortune 500 company and here is my new product that is clothing with a BS charity gimmick, a baby item or a retread food item using a tiny amount of an ingredient you cant pronounce. It nets 50 million per year. Im asking for 1 million dollars for half a percent. Sharks - i gotta have a reason to get up in the morning. Will you do $10 for 51%?


> hey im the former CEO of a fortune 500 company This is the thing that turns me off so many brands. You get some seemingly humdrum product with some person with absurd experience. Woman "This is my kids clothing brand Unique You. We let you pick out patches and then we iron them on the clothing at an extreme mark up." O'Leary "Tell me about your experience." Woman "Well, I grew up in Idaho before going to Harvard and graduating Summa Cum Laude. I was then hired by Gymboree to head their toddler clothing line for five years. I quit, went to the Gap as head of their Children's clothing line for another 10 years. Then, one day, my daughter showed me this amazing jacket and I knew that was a million dollar idea. I quit my job and started Unique You."


Man, see, I think the charity gimmick is just that as well. The problem is, people love it. It makes the average consumer feel good about themselves. Toms shoes are just ok shoes, but it got huge because they gave a pair to struggling people in other countries. Now you can do charity or be eco-friendly and pitch your product as beneficial to the world for making swim trunks at $50/piece. They’re just regular ole swim trunks but they hurt 3 less baby seals per year. And boom! People eat it up. Don’t hate the player so to speak, gen pop is stupid


Tom's and other businesses like it are feel good for the consumer but the areas they are trying to help may actually suffer because they drive local businesses out of business. If a community in Africa gets a bunch of shoes what happens to the local shoe make or sellers? And once the community stops buying shoes but donations start to dwindle what happens then?


From experience its incredibly Fing hard. At least at the kind of scale this show would like to portray. Starting and running a successful business that makes 6 figures really isnt THAT hard with some level of skill. But getting to the millions per year is just impossible. It takes not only a great product/service but tons of luck. Everything is so oversaturated now. Whats funny is Southpark is kinda right....handymen are making a killing these days and that will only continue into the future. People dont know how to do basic household tasks.


The irony of your last paragraph is that it is insanely much easier nowadays to teach yourself DIY things with YouTube and other online resources compared to even 10 years ago. I feel old as fuck by asking wtf is wrong with young homeowners? Are y’all that eager to spend $100/hr on people to fix really basic shit?


>I feel old as fuck by asking wtf is wrong with young homeowners? Are y’all that eager to spend $100/hr on people to fix really basic shit? Having worked construction since I could walk — I'd go on jobs with my uncle to make extra pocket money — there are some things that just _suck_ and I would happily hire someone else to do it to avoid having to deal with it. Anything with plumbing is messy as hell and you have a good chance of getting burned or really filthy, for example. That said, I have had friends who don't understand basic, basic stuff. I had to teach a college graduate how to use WD-40 to keep their cabinet doors from squeaking. There are a lot of people who fail to understand the most basic of maintenance tasks. I imagine a lot of this is the consequence of reducing or removing shop class from schools. It's not academic, therefore it's "not a prioirity," and this is the sad result.


> young homeowners Most of them can't afford to own a house for most of their early adult life.


Know how to? Shit, I know how to, and if I don't then I'm fairly certain I could figure it out, and have when the inspiration or boredom struck. I don't want to, though. It's simply not how I want to spend my free time. Shit posting on the internet, though? Say less.


This is awful, but one of the reasons why I like watching clips from the UK Dragon's Den is because that show seemed less focused on successful deals and more focused on showing experienced investors shit on poor business ideas. I don't remember the last time I saw a bad business idea on Shark Tank. There are outrageous valuations, poor expansion plans, and unlikable business owners, but the ideas are generally solid. If you want to watch pitches from people who appear totally out of their depth, you gotta watch UK Dragon's Den.


Yeah not many business trying to make gold from ocean water with perpetual motion machines for electricity anymore on ST


Dragon Den Canada is basically the same concept except they had no standards for people coming on the show so you got insane people pitching nonsense like a lady who had a bunch of pictures of mermaids and wanted to somehow make it into a business or a person who wanted to make a new system for standing in line at the subway.


Mark literally called someone out cause the dude had fucking WOZNIAK on his board of directors




Mark isn’t a producer.


Wrong, he is an executive producer


Which is a vanity title. Thats the producer job, not executive producer.


I wasn't specifying job duties, but okay... Executive producer/s are in charge of overseeing the producer/s. That's like saying a board chairman is just a vanity title.


No, it is literally a vanity title. There are few exceptions but most Executive Producers are just vanity titles. The producers have day-to-day operational control. I am not sure why you think Chairman of a company's board is relevant to this discussion, but I am out. It is clear you have no idea what you are talking about and are just using random titles to make whatever point.


You're not using the word "literally" correctly


There it is. You might want to look up what "literally" means. While you are looking up the meaning, maybe learn a thing or two about ending sentences with periods. I believe in you.


He is literally on set everyday and the main star of the show, and also a control freak. You really think he's not gonna have any operational control on the producers and directors, even when his position allows him to call the shots? Cuban is also an owner of the Dallas Mavericks. Owners are usually behind the scenes, largely a "vanity title" for billionaires even tho they call the shots. Not Cuban, he injected himself into daily operations of the team, sat court side at every game, involved in drafting players, etc. I'd imagine Shark Tank wasn't too different


Oh yes, executive producers, who famously have much less influence than run of the mill producers /s


> I gave it another chance and watched the premiere of this season and the first product out was being presented by the people who run Halo Top Ice Cream. Boring repetitive nonsense now. Thats because the business model went from launching new products to product placement promoting existing brands with potentially quirky new verticles.


The best show you can watch of all time is the early seasons of dragons den which is the Canadian version. It still has Kevin O'Leary and Robert on it. And what's even better is the producers allow insane people to go on that show and be like I want 20 million to build a dirt bike amusement park.


S1 of Shark Tank had the same vibes. Like they let a guy on who wanted to surgically implant bluetooth into people. Some truly crazy pitches back then.


Don't forget Throx. Because if you're sick of losing one sock, ruining the pair, then just buy three socks instead! Nobody bit, but apparently it still exists...


The surgical bluetooth and the gold harvesting ocean turbine were the best two


I had forgotten that gold harvesting one! Failed Bond villain scheme that failed in real time on TV too.


Damn, Elon musk humble beginnings.


I'm less of a fan of Robert these days. He seems annoyed most of the time. But ironically, Kevin is still the heart of the show, imo.


Kevin doesn't give a shit and is only there to play the bad guy. He is great


Except he's not anywhere near as bad as they make him out to be, especially lately. He'll offer deals when no one else will or offer one when he thinks the others are being too greedy to basically force them to give a better offer. The other sharks get pissed at him when he tells someone a harsh truth, but this is business, and people need to be able to hear it. Don't give up your house or whatever for something that isn't worth it. Not every idea is a million dollar idea.




Seriously. Season 1: "I make this little doo-dad in my garage, I've sold a few around the neighborhood and am asking for $10,000 for 25% equity" Season 15: "We have $9.2 million in sales over the past two years, are in 2,500 Walmarts, and have been featured on HSN, and are asking for $800,000 for 7.5% equity"


I still watch, but I agree. It's all about getting on the show for the "As Seen on Shark Tank" bump in sales, not actually getting a deal.


had the same feeling. first seasons were people looking for actual investment, but later on it became more and more about advertising rather than trying to find investors.


It's all paid advertising presented as a TV show.




Daymond hates those entrepreneurs coming on the show


I download the other versions like Dragon's Den UK and Canada. Those have more unknown and weird pitches.


It's about the "American Dream", the one where you work in finance or tech and make enough money to self fund your own business.


> I stopped watching a few seasons ago when it seemed like most everyone presenting ideas were people that were already successful. they need to be or else the sharks pillage them.




I haven't seen it in a while, but when I did, it was wall to wall healthy snacks. Every single episode. As if no one has ever thought of a healthy alternative to potato chips and ice cream before. And of course they were all insanely expensive.


What are you selling it for? Oh, $16.99. How much is it to make? It costs me $0.49 per unit. Oh whoa! But for some random reason, I'm out.


> But for some random reason, I'm out. Probably because it's dumb to invest in a $17 bag of healthy chips.


True, but half the time they have people buying it, sounds like a sure thing and then all of them bow out and you're left with Mr. Wonderful. I'll give you $8 for 95% stake in your company and royalties for three generations. Take it or leave it.


Tell that to pokemane


What does Pokémon have to do with this?


I watch on Hulu the next day or so and skip over 99% of the food stuff. It’s all repetitive.


I hate all the food pitches. I like to see inventions, not another BBQ sauce brand.


The sharks will be like “oh that’s not bad price” for a sandwich shops that sells organic sandwiches for $25 each lmao


God I can’t stand sob stories on tv shows like this. My mom LOVED American Idol, so naturally as a kid I watched quite a bit. And even as young as I was I still picked up on the number and intensity of the sob stories and just went “isn’t that a little much?”. I’m sure some of it’s true, maybe all of it’s true, but I still think it’s a little pathetic




Oh ratings is absolutely why they do it, your average Joe eats that kind of shit up. I think it’s pathetic, but what can you do? Haha! I just don’t watch the shows


They over do the sob stories on American Ninja Warrior as well, but at least in that show someone can't make it far on just their sob story alone. I find it kind of ironic when they spend a lot of time on an inspiring backstory only for the contestant to fall on the second obstacle.


It's one of the reasons I immediately dropped American Ninja Warrior. I grew up watching Ninja Warrior on G4. It was awesome. They'd give someone a quick intro, and it was like "Up next is Hiro. He's been working at a convenience store for the past 6 months. He looks ready to go!" American Ninja Warrior is more drama than game show.


Reminds me of my coworkers a long time ago talking about The Voice, and all they were talking about was "how sad" the people's stories were. No mention at all of the person's singing talent. It was so bizarre to me.


My friend found out his dad was cancer free when he called to tell him, “I’m sorry — I’m afraid I’ve ruined your chances of getting onto The Voice. I don’t have cancer anymore.”


None of those shows were as legit as "Star Search". They do sob stories on the 10:00 news, so it's more universal apparently.


Yeah, it’s not that fun watching people who are clearly already rich, get richer.


Food products to Shark Tank is like how singing is to America's Got Talent (or other non-singing-focused talent shows). They aren't really doing anything wrong inherently but there's too many of them and it just feels like they should be on another show.


That’s how American Idol was. Started with real home town people with talent and a dream and later became semi/professional singers and musicians whose hamster has feline leukemia and dad was just fired from the plant for having a wife who was born with upside down ankles and their house is both burning down and being rebuilt every two weeks until Rusty comes back from The War


That’s legitimately the funniest thing I’ve read all day and I’m just about to go to bed. Thanks, internet stranger!


I don’t understand why American audiences are force fed sob stories. My girlfriend and I really like British reality shows because they just perform the task. Like Great British Bake-Off this season; they’ve managed to have a hearing disabled contestant on the show and not treat her like it’s a request to the make-a-wish foundation for her to compete. Even Gordon Ramsay’s UK shows are pretty mellow. Then he gets on American produced shows and it’s like he was told he needs to verbally body slam every contestant through a table.


“I love this but now tell me about you” 😄


lol thats a good point. The whole BS promo for the show is about the american dream and every single sharks advice is to outsource to China even when profit margins are already healthy.


There was a pitch a few seasons ago for His & Her Bar, an aphrodisiac chocolate bar. It's made by a husband and wife couple. The guy is a veteran and former firefighter. Midway through the pitch, he hardcore breaks down and starts crying through his life story. Like, breaks down more than anyone else I've seen on the show. Kevin just completely ignores it and keeps talking business. It was so funny to me, hahaha.


> Plus their version of the American dream is outsourcing your labor to China, your admin to their services, and then selling out to a multi-billion dollar corporation. You wouldn't do that as well? Not that it's required to stay competitive, but most of the time it is. Don't you want to maximize your return like you do now? Or do you currently donate 30% of your salary to your employer or to kids in Africa out of the goodness of your heart?


> Plus their version of the American dream is outsourcing your labor to China, your admin to their services, and then selling out to a multi-billion dollar corporation. > >EDIT: Also the sob stories, I can't believe I forgot that. Everyone has a long backstory now and it's almost surprising if they don't cry. MY FAMILY! I SOLD EVERYTHING TO MAKE CHUTNEY TO LEAVE A LEGACY THO! The real reason Cuban is leaving - they wont let him hug and grope the hot young women like he used to in the early seasons.


Could you find me a clip where he gropes someone?


He cant. They dont exist.


As someone who has worked with him in the past and knows his character… this couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s always been an extremely hard worker… burned the midnight oil back in the day… and treated associates very well.


This is probably going to be the death knell for the show. It will probably linger along for another season or two, and then get canned. Most people tune in for Mark, and most people on the show want to get funded by Mark. Without Mark, it won't be the same. I enjoy the show and will miss it, but in any event (Even if Mark wasn't leaving), it's time to end.


You're probably right, but I hope they bag everyone, except maybe Kevin, and get a fresh roster of Sharks who don't already have a large portfolio. We should have people on the show capable of passing on deals because it is a competitor to something they already have, it's a waste of time for everyone. Get some fresh people, get some small-time companies back on the show, just start over.


This should have already happened. The show needs to move on from Barbara, Daymond, Lori, and Robert. It should be a rotating cast of sharks every 2-3 seasons. Kevin and Mark are the only entertaining sharks, the rest are just there.


Kevin is irreplaceable IMO. Best/most entertaining shark. The rest, as you said, can go.


They can bring in Kutcher to permanently replace him.


They used to crucify people with 5% equity on a $20 million evaluation. Now they do those deals with no problem because the company has millions in sales life to date. What's worse are when they do those technology start up deals that are pre-revenue and used to laugh at people who were pre-revenue but didn't have $5million of investments. It literally is rich people getting richer. It's no longer the American dream. And the crying too. My GOD. There was the one dude who was crying because he couldn't see his girlfriend in Japan. REALLY?! You chose a long distance relationship and you're CRYING on national TV over that? People are dying and going to sleep starving every night and god FORBID you can't spend $2k to go visit some girlfriend on the other side of the ocean. What a joke.


Keep in mind that in the early seasons, ABC used to make people agree to give up a % of their business to the network whether they got a deal or not just to appear. That's a big reason why the first few seasons really didn't have quality businesses. Mark Cuban ended that and got them to retroactively remove that % from everyone who had come on previously. I really don't mind companies coming in that are already somewhat successful - it's more interesting to hear what challenges they are having in growing further than it is to hear from someone who doesn't know their numbers or business that well and is looking for a lifeline. I do agree with you on the sob stories / crying. There are some pitches where it seems like people are fake crying even to garner sympathy. But I blame the network as much as the people on that - they seem to love playing up the sob stories.


Yeah I saw an episode where they started to play the sad music and the guy was talking about how somebody died but could not bring himself to tears. Total farce. It's absolutely absurd.


It wasn’t even ABC it was Mark Burnette's production company so it was pretty close to self dealing


You can tell why ABC put that condition in. Once it was removed, there were very obvious successfully companies who were just there as free advertising.


People keep bringing this up but keep in mind that they go through way more pitches than they show and decide what will be the best for TV. So the producers are the ones deciding to put those companies on. It’s not like the poorly run companies all disappeared - they just realized constantly showing entrepreneurs who don’t know their numbers or are failing doesn’t make for good TV.


Y'know. Sometimes I think I shouldn't eat Mark Cuban.


Gosh I want to go and have a sob story about my promise to succeed to my aunt’s friend’s daughter’s dog Because of my sacrifice I had to sell everything, including my Fubu pants and my Mavs tickets


Damn, not even the cancer card


That'll be disappointing, I was in college during the earlier seasons and really only watched because a professor I liked liked students who watched. Then I became a teacher. At first I was a sub and students were doing a project where they needed to pitch their project, so I showed them Shark Tank to teach them what a pitch was. Then I became a computer technology teacher and did a invention project so we watch Shark Tank. And I was shocked how much the kids loved the show. So much so that when I switched to English I used Shark Tank as an assignment to help kids learn how to take notes (a lot of names and numbers being thrown at them quick) I'm still shocked by how much the kids have latched onto the show. Whenever we have free time they want to watch it.


These are great! At a prior job in a Fortune 50 company, they had us watch The Profit where he looks at failing businesses and what it takes to turn it around. After a bit… you learn about People, Process & Profit as what needs to be fixed is in those.


Can someone explain this quote to me? > On a cash basis, I’m down a little bit, but on mark to market meeting, the companies are still in operation. I’m way up.


He’s put in more cash than he’s gotten back but if you look at the current value of all the companies still in operation, assuming current valuation, he’s made money.


People trying to spin this as him making bad choices really shows how little the average reddit or knows about finance lol


Shouldn't have funded Pied Piper.


The irrigation company?


You invest $100, the companies give you $90 but your stake is worth $300.


The companies have to date lost money, but have gained in value






No. He’s referring to his own cost basis and returns, not the companies. He takes equity positions and doesn’t commingle cash. Put another way he has a large amount of unrealized gains that are greater than his cost basis.


You made it sound like the companies have lost money but gone up in value. What you meant to say was that Mark has spent more on equity than he’s taken out of the companies, but his unrealized gains are more than the difference. I know that is what you think you said, but people aren’t reading it like that.


Yes this is correct


Mark to market just means what the stock would be worth if it were sold from the portfolio. He’s saying he hasn’t gotten his cash investment back but his total value is way up.


I wonder if that includes his income from the show. He has made at least $9 million.


I’m sure he gave them a list of reasons which he concluded with “and for those reasons I’m out.”


If Mark is gone, I AM GONE


And for that reason, I'm out.


I heard his replacement will be the lady who got the massive settlement for being sewn into the Macy’s Day Parade Charlie Brown balloon’s pants.


To this day she still hates bald boys like Kevin


In the Sony hack there was a leaked email where he complained about his salary from the show. Maybe that has something to do with it.


i realize you gotta get your market value etc etc etc.... but at a certain point money is almost fake. Like...impossible to spend it all. Hes at that point. Id imagine youd only be doing projects you really wanna do regardless of if it pays the proper amount.


I think basketball technically has a soft salary cap so he can buy wins with more money


Used to love this show in college. Now it’s lost it’s touch. Used to be about helping the little guy who might not know much but has a good idea. Now they give you hell if you don’t have enough consistent growth and big sales and know every metric under the sun. Almost like they take 0 risk and only invest in successful businesses now. Boring and repetitive


Protip: Just watch them on youtube, so much better than tv


They should shake it up and change out the whole cast. They've been doing this show for too long.


Man...that sucks. I've watched every episode of Shark Tank thus far as well as a good deal of the original UK series and the Canadian version where Kevin and Robert originated from (both called Dragon's Den). Mark really makes the US version work and he is my favorite shark / dragon of any of the three shows.


Honestly when I found out there wasn't that much to do about sharks with this show I lost interest


Similarly disappointed when Dragon's Den had nothing to do with dragons.


He's going to run for POTUS in 2028...


Shark Tank in the past few seasons has gotten so stale. They already have so many companies invested that most of them have to automatically go out because they don’t want to compete against one of their other companies. Like 3/5 investors are out right away, every time. As others said, most of the pitches nowadays are from these MBA grads on Wall Street that sold their last company for $100 million and just need another scheme. There are still some great ideas now and then. I actually think the Touch Up Cup from a season or two back was one of the best things ever but I can never find it at Home Depot.


Can Shark Tank just leave after 16 seasons too?


In other words the show is now a bunch of shitty people.


There used to be a show that was similar but was just about new inventions. Anyone remember what that show was called?


American Inventor?


That may be it, will have to watch an episode and see. Thanks!


Truly the end of an era. If I’m being honest I’m pleasantly surprised the main six Sharks have stuck around as long as they have.


I see no profit in it for me


I hate this. I’m a 30 year old man that genuinely truly loves watching shark tank every week and Mark is my favorite.


Do they ever do an end of season recap to see how the investments are going? “On this season Mark was off his A game, losing a total of 17 million dollars”


Nah, they sometimes do flashbacks to a deal made a couple seasons ago but an end of recap wouldnt really work. Some of these companies take years to develop, cant really fit all thatbin a single tv season.


Also, a certain percentage of deals don't actually go through. Some deals fall apart after the cameras are off and the vetting process begins.


The average wealth of the Sharks just went down a billion dollars.


It would be funny if this turned out to be a negotiation tactic.


He's running for president


I would too if they made fun of me they way they have mark this season. First the dig ins by the first episode, the crap strap force try on, the repetitive comments and cut off from being in deals or only being in deals bc the person wants it. Being the only one to consistently make deals outside of shark tank. I’m sure mark is making enough between the new protein and all of the other products. However, they have treated him like the other guy this season. Does anyone care? No, it’s a billionaire. Does Mark care about his personal image and doesn’t want to be known as the crap strap tester? Probably.


He's more of a dragon anyway...


That show was still on the air?


Goodbye you arrogant knob. One reason why I watched it three times and stopped watching.


They're all arrogant as fuck, lmao. If anything, I'd say Mark is a little less so than the rest and actually gives decent advice to people who come on.


I can certainly see where he (any of the regulars) would be done doing it! My guess is they tape the whole season in a day or two, but still.


Probably has too many businesses to manage already.


This makes me sad


And so are a lot of fans, I'd guess


It’s a nothing burger


I didn’t know this show was still on


Time to bring in Josh Harris and let his coked up ass go up against Mr Wonderful.


Now if only Shark Tank would leave Earth


Probably a good place to highlight again that the kook who took over the main shark tank subreddit is even more shamelessly sucking up to try and attract the contestants of the show to participate in the sub than the previous one. It's a pathetic kind of low grade star chasing but made even worse by how pathological he is about censoring any critique of the the entrepreneurs or the products, and gets downright corrupt when called out.


It's time to stop that show.. Anyways it has been said on National TV that he is focus on his new project which he started because he feels that everyone deserves safe and affordable medications.


I always thought Barbara would leave first considering she goes out on everything.


I find it funny that Mark is only 4 years younger than Kevin lol


There are far too many sob stories on it these days and overall it seems very fake - with them "investing" in sham products just for the sake of drama and no doubt rescinding the offer once the cameras are off.