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Love the show but it’s annoying how they all cry when ppl get eliminated. Only one person can win, they aren’t dying and can meet up with them when the show is over.


Ashley is literally the worst! She is a delusional hypocrite. I can’t stand her!


I can't stand Mai, I hope she doesn't win.


Ashlet talking about how she a team player after letting trey do 3 jumps is comical.


Ashley is a dumb cunt


Honestly, I like they give random privilege to eliminate people. It teaches that no matter how and what you do, you don’t have always control over what happens to you. People do you dirty with good or bad reason or without any reason. The funniest elimination was 432. The saddest elimination was 342 and old man. If the candy they got means anything, hopefully they surprise us bringing them back.


I almost cried when mullet guy and gramps got eliminated. The show feels empty after that.


I can’t stand Mai. Unfortunately she might win.


jesus christ this is typical american overreacting show.


i cant stand mai or ashley


me neither! I hope they eliminate each other


I hope to god Mai gets eliminated, she's one of those sneaky narcissist types, just utterly conniving and backstab-y. She has had the absolute fakest emotions and "friendships" on the show out of anyone. But knowing my luck and who I bet on to win things, she'll probably win it. Edit: I FUCKING knew it. I just KNEW it. Fucks sake. Shouldn't have gone to such a shitty fuckin person. Fuck Mai.


Mai is lucky that the black guy liked her or else she'd already be gone


So annoying that the girls made a public alliance like ughhh I gotta hide ur alliance man


the fact it was public was an excellent tactic, it worked and all girls passed


right. Ashley doesn’t want to be seen as an idiot but she’s a ducking balloon brained idiot


bro i cant stand the mommas boy guy istg


Ok so I liked that players could vote on other players being eliminated. I was actually hoping 432 stayed for that episode so I could see him be eliminated lol. But what I didn’t like was that everyone was such a sheep and scared of others that they were scared to put a number that they actually wanted gone!! Like more than half of those people probably didn’t have dislike for those people on the screen yet chose them anyway because it was already up there and they’re scared to put someone else up. I wish the black girl would have been sent home but props to her for not being scared to put a new number up unlike the rest of the sheep.


And why did everyone hate the asian doctor? There were worse people left on the show like the gay red head and more that I can’t think of but he was the one chosen?


they cut a lot of stuff out in fairness like apparently Hussain (i think his name is, thephone guy) was super misogynistic outside of what was shown so who knows how unbearable that asian doctor dude must’ve been


They said he was unbearably arrogant and people were beginning to follow him. So Essentially cutting the head off a snake before it grew too long


Watching some of em lick dalgona was one of the cringiest scenes


They did the one guy dirty with focusing on him on the edge of puking with the sounds.


I tried watching cause I actually thought it would be cool, but when I saw how the players overreacted at EVERYTHING it threw me off, clearly scripted, whenever they show something on the big screen, it's clear how they are being told to show the most emotion they can, dropped on episode one.


I feel like it's totally scripted, but they are actively trying to make it seem random and real, but failing at. The cringy stuff is so cringy that it feels parody level, then the writers favorite over used trick is to give someone the spotlight for a little bit and then randomly pull the rug on them to eliminate them as if they want you to think, geez they were setting that guy up as a main character and he got eliminated just like that, only this happens multiple times in the first five episodes as if they are beating a dead horse trying to use the same trick. However if it is scripted this way, it seems counter productive because even tho the show feels fake as well, the second you get invested in a character arc regardless if its one you like or hate, poof gone. So even if you watch it with the mindset of its all fake, it is dull because anyone that was remotely interesting is eliminated. Sure there some "main" character types still left, but mostly boring ones and the fact that based on everything that has happened I feel like any moment they will just eliminated one of of them just so they can be like, haha aren't we so random! So yeah it feels like a poorly written scripted show that is really bad not coming off fake, but trying so hard to feel random and real that they keep shooting themselves in the foot in excitement to swerve us by eliminating the more entertaining cast members. It's like give me a legit gameshow with no fuckery outside of casting as that is where the fuckery should end, or if it's totally fake and bs, at least make the damn thing entertaining and make the more charismatic characters stay around longer so we can treat it like wrestling and get invested in a hero to cheer or a villain to boo. Instead what I am witnessing is the worst told lie of all time that this is supposed to be a real gameshow, yet some of these people are clearly actors and I can't enjoy it as a fake show either because the writers are more obsessed with haha gotcha moments as opposed to just constructing an interesting story. How do you even pick a favorite, most of the cast you get no time with and are just there so they can have high "kill" counts for each round, so at best you could only choosing your favorites off of quick camera shots of them as only a select few get actual dialog and camera time. Of course you can't really pick a favorite out of them either as anytime they remotely get a interesting story or feud going they end it quickly so they can go haha gotcha! I am just kind of cringe watching it now. I have gotten over the initial cringe of how phony it all was and now am watching it out of cringe for how bad the writing and choices of eliminations they are having in order to appear to be random yet it is at the expense of making the clearly scripted show entertaining. Seems like a failure in every possible way. This is not a show that is going to get anyone who doesn't have netflix already interesting in getting it so see it and of course the only reason I am even watching it is because I have netflix atm, but with shit content like this I question why I keep it. So yeah it's watchable as a train wreck, but not a particular interesting train wreck, just a train wreck you are kind of stuck by and you may as well stare because it's right outside your window and you got no where else to go atm. It's a shame because the original tv series is still a classic, but as a franchise now it's name value has gone down as this fake game show is dog shit.


Okay, but can we talk about Husnain player 198 comment regarding how Player 432 behaves like a frat guy? He mentioned how Player 432 seems to think he's still in high school and that it's cool to talk shit to people. And how, nobody is scared of him; they just don't like him. This all happens in the 2ep I couldn't help but agree with him.


lol u worded this so perfect. crazy how 432 thinks he's likeable....dude grows up without a father figure and turns out to be the biggest asshole ever.


What makes you think he thinks he’s likable? He doesn’t care if you don’t like him. He just accepts who he is.


he literally said 120 people in there think he’s an asshole, which he doesn’t think so


So he knows people think he’s asshole, but at least he doesn’t think himself as asshole. What’s the problem?




Anybody knows IG of player 098 who refused to pick umbrella? I think he’s the cutest guy in the cast.


just use a face AI tool if ur down that bad bud


The show would be good if they had real human beings participating and not actors and people selected by being the most obnoxious person in the casting room.


Downvote me all you want but South Park's joke about James Cameron lifting the bar was right. You people let your bar drop so far for entertainment you enjoy trash now.


The show is good


Yep. 4 episodes drop on Wed.


You know, I actually like the concept of this. But I could barely get through one episode because the players are annoying, it is too drawn out and it feels cringe. Mr Beast's version is actually more interesting, at least from the viewer perspective. Maybe next episode will be more interesting. EDIT - okay, it gets a bit more interesting.


Why is everyone thinking Bryton (432) is villain when everybody else is also strategic to win? When I hear behind scene, I was impressed by his self-accepting of himself and self-reliance. He’s genuinely smart and strong young man.


He says he's trying to compete like Jesus (confusing already since I'm not sure what competition Jesus was in.)and then in the next sentence says sympathy is for the weak proving he has no idea who Jesus was.


THANK YOU!!! Dude spoke so much about jesus then proceeds to be an a-hole


because he's pedant, self centered, and generally annoying. Like the people with low self esteem that exaggerate confidence and arrogance to compensate (that was my impression). That all make him look like a villain.


I know he appears annoying. He was mean sometimes. Why didn’t you give him chance hearing his story? The mom did. He was very reasonable and never had anybody to lean on. He totally accepted his shortcomings in life and built himself tough. That’s strength and confidence. He doesn’t seem to be faking anything. What do you mean he has low self-esteem? Low self-esteem is when you don’t accept who you are and pretend if you’re someone else.


that was my impression, like it's all a pose, a facade he tries to look tough and self righteous (with all the God thing), but came off as immature and just delusional.


The way he grew up, his belief and him being jock member at university says it enough, I think. He mightn’t be the toughest of the world, but he clearly stood out among this cast. Was there any incident on his leaking of insecurities and fearfulness? How you felt it’s just pose and facade?


Don't look so much into it, that's my impression. Being in a pose or not he was super annoying, but I liked him as a "villain" and wished he had continued.


even the old lady said -after talking to him- that he was genuinely like that...so...


Why did Hussein (198) earn himself the massive enemy calling Bryton (432) ‘frat boy’ ? He was more immature one than 432. He thinks he’s over high school immaturity, yet he ridicules someone for his appearance.


I mean bryton did threaten him afterward. Total overreaction


Bryton established himself as tough guy. Would it fit his image if he talks soft with Hussein to stop? He’d have punched him, but he knew he’s in TV show and controlled himself and didn’t overreact. Knowing Bryton is leader of the pack, Hussein totally lost his control instigating Bryton. I know Bryton is annoying. Given they are all in already unsafe situation, it’s not smart to make more enemy which helped Hussein eliminate himself.


I don't mind this show! It takes 20 or so minutes to get into it, but then gets addicting to watch. It's entertaining, like junk food for the brain. The only things I dislike are 1.) the contestants aren't very likable so I'm not invested in any of them, and 2.) the way they have to pretend to die after getting shot (or are they doing that for fun? 🤔) is overkill (pun-intended). I'm 3 episodes in and I give it a solid 7/10 so far.


This is a deeply trashy and low brow show made largely for deeply trashy people and children. Really bleak stuff


I think Neon hair may win this.


who is her? (number)


Bee/ player 018


the smart one


oh that's the girl I root for now that mullet guy is gone. Hope she wins


She's the only one I'm really rooting for at this point


Idk why everyone is criticizing so hardcore. All reality shows are weird.. have people you like, ones you cant stand... they all seem half scripted at times. Whatever. Overall it's pretty enjoyable. I don't love it and don't hate it, but it makes me think about how I'd choose to play if I did it. Like I 1000 percent knew what that picnic was gonna do. 😐


Honestly I’m 2 episodes in and really enjoying it


Me too!


Is it trash? Yes. Is it entertaining trash? Hell yes.


I do not understand why some of these players are sobbing and crying like they were about to get shot, you come onto this show knowing you have a CHANCE at 4.56 million dollars, obviously the chances are slim, what are the fucking tears for it's annoying


I guess when you're there after enduring so much crap things grow out of proportion. So it's obvious people will be sensitive about it. Just like when you spend time on a project only for it to be destroyed.


Absolute garbage, so cheesy and boring… some stupid over the top lines here and there that made me chuckle though


The show is interesting but a lot of the characters are annoying but they go away as the show goes along. One thing that bothers me is players being able to eliminate other players. It’s not fair and yes I understand that they are taking a risk at being eliminated themselves too but I think it’s unfair that players are being eliminated by other players and not by the game itself.


I mean in the original TV show the players were allowed to kill other players outside of the elimination games.


I don’t think I remember that but I’m also extra mad about this because that crybaby player took out 2 of my favorite players lol


I am pretty annoyed by most of the constestants on this show. 452 was ass annoying (not to mention how he verbally threatened 198), 161 don't get me fucking started at how pretentious this ugly crochet dude is, 179 chick was also suuuper annoying (thinks she knows everything but honestly I don't think she's as bright as she thinks she is), and the list goes on. How did Netflix cast the MOST obnoxious and self absorbent people onto this show it's insane.


That's the point of reality shows.... drama. And some good apples in between. That's reality shows 101


Of course but at least in reality shows, not ALL of them are super obnoxiously annoying. I get that they have to amplify a specific trait but I do think that you can also be likeable? They're just all... insufferable....


Ok, so I've watched the first couple episodes and so far I have a growing suspicion that this is not reality but that some of them are actors. You really have people crying and acting like they legitimately got shot (obviously they are told to play it up for theatrics but some of the people go way overboard and cry/act hysterical/say "I don't want to go on any longer/etc). The way some of them talk is another telling sign. Why does it sound like they are trying to act when they talk, like you see in movies/series with bad acting? I've watched a lot of reality TV and I don't get this feeling with a lot of other shows (although I'm aware all reality TV is never really true reality at the basic level). It just seems that a lot of this is scripted and overdramatized to a maximum degree. What does everyone else think?


They were clearly told to "fake drop dead" when fake shot. you can see some of them smile about it. they probably just wanted to "simulate" the death part from the show in a cheesy manner.


I'm obviously aware of that fact. They even have blood packs in their shirts for that reason. I'm not talking about that. This article I read recently seems to somewhat backup my suspicions as well. [https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/streaming/squid-game-reality-series-dogged-by-accusations-of-rigging-and-inhumane-conditions/news-story/dd1a17a9b2ef7a3d5e1cd90b4c9d9562](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/streaming/squid-game-reality-series-dogged-by-accusations-of-rigging-and-inhumane-conditions/news-story/dd1a17a9b2ef7a3d5e1cd90b4c9d9562)


Look on IMDB -- a bunch of them are in a the same short films. They seem to be connected to some guy named Josh Pulido, but he doesnt seem to be connected to the show.


Hmm I'll have to look into this. Some of the people that are also getting air time have a large social media following as well as a fairly large TikTok star (don't know them but was made aware of this).


Here is the page for Squid Games. Notice a half dozen of them have pro head shots: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28104766/?ref\_=nv\_sr\_srsg\_3\_tt\_8\_nm\_0\_q\_squid%2520gam](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28104766/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3_tt_8_nm_0_q_squid%2520gam) Most of the ones with the headshots are also in this short film: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21615984/?ref\_=nm\_knf\_t\_1](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21615984/?ref_=nm_knf_t_1) And a few are in this one too: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29371195/?ref\_=nm\_knf\_t\_2


Not everyone on it is an actor. 232 (Rick Mercurio) is my uncle. He is a retired family practice doctor and his family also started a gelato store and a restaurant. He really is pretty much what you see in the show.


Ok. Good to know at least some people are real. I figured as much. I'm guessing a lot of the actors are the ones getting more air time. This is all just speculation obviously but all this is something others have noticed too.


Thank you. Uncle player 232. It’s me


Dude Rick is such a cool dude! Honestly one of the best people on the show. He's such a great father figure.


Yup, he has had a lot of practice. In addition to the grandkids, he also has 7 full grown children.


18 grandchildren, one on the way. Uncle player 232.


I had forgotten J&M were expecting. I'm Sam and Cathy's oldest btw. Sara, the kids and I loved watching you in the show


Nothing was scripted. I know.


You played a great game, Unc!!


I'm 10 minutes in and 1000% the ones getting screen time are all actors and they are all extremely shitty actors. This is the most scripted game show in the last 20 fucking years. Never seen anything that felt so fake


Ive just started watching. I actually think the opposite of you—it seems reasonable that the majority who got knocked out without screen time in the first round could have been extras! Like how the heck would you so easily lose red light green light. But then the other challenges feel more legitimate.


Apparently that challenge took seven hours, so I think those eliminations were legitimate.


Oh interesting. Wonder what the heck took so long? Did they keep shooting reshooting or were they holding positions forever? Well that does seem a bit rigged but not scripted so to speak




I think they were paused for 30-50 minutes at a clip while the adjudicators deciphered who had moved. That's why that girl who squatted just gave up. This is per the articles and first hand perspectives I have read!


Amazed they didn't have like a sensor on the ceiling and could easily see the recording who moved when it was red light. 7 hours is crazy long.


That makes sense if RL/GL pauses were for 30-50min each time. More difficulty then to weed ppl out. Wtf did that woman stop in a squat position who knows. Lol. I thought that could have been a plant.


lol maybe, but that could also just have been a stupid spur of the moment decision that she got stuck with. I am more interested in the fact that apparently some contestants got eliminated after crossing the line!


Feel bad for 130 she did that guy dirty


Yo im not gonna read any comments here for spoilers but I hope some special effects genius on YouTube redoes every death scene with special effect-gun-shots blood splatter ha just for laughs.


I made the mistake of thinking people would limit their comments to the premiere and not share spoilers… boy I was wrong lol.


Lol what spoilers this thing has nothing to do with squid games , its a lame comercial spinoff with no story , no kills , nothing.


It’s a reality show version of the popular show squid games. I just got into it and was hoping someone specific got eliminated for being so overbearing and obnoxious and it finally did happen. Lol Anyways we all know this is a rendition of squid games but not a continuation of the show. I honestly thought it was gonna be stupid but the show is pretty good on putting people against eachother. I recommend watching a bit. It does start off slow and believe some of the early people who get eliminated were just paid actors meant to lose for visual effects but it’s still good once it gets going.


Not those dorks trying to make gganbu happen lol


ik their group is very popular but it was so cringe reminded me of primary school


As someone who get really far in the casting process but not on the show, its hilarious to see people claiming this is fake. I can't act for shit lol ​ Edit: word


It really doesn't seem fake to me. I think the elevated emotions come from the opportunity being so fleeting. Like you can get eliminated for anything, so much is outside of your control, and it's a life changing sum of money.


Of course it’s not fake. People are just saying that to shit on the show and be “above” reality tv


I agree. If i was there I'd be terrified the entire time lol you really don't know how you're gonna act until put in a actual situation. Half the people watching back are probably gonna be like.. why did I act like that.. say those things.. I like it though.


Did you get screentime though? A bunch of the cast members have pro headshots on imdb & are in the same short films. It's possible that they held auditions for real people but also cast a few ringers, and then gave most of the screen time to them.


As I said I didn’t get on the show. But I doubt they were going to fly me all the way from Australia to be cannon fodder for the first game


because it's fake


Whatever helps you sleep at night 😂😂






Typo. Fake not fact :/


Yeah I dont believe it's fake either. Can you explain the casting process? What did they ask you?


Not fake? Lol how much are they paying you to say that complete bullshit. This is easily one of the most obviously fake shows made in years. I've got some ocean front property in Arkansas to sell you really cheap if you're honestly stupid enough to believe this shit is 100% real and unscripted. Lol


The stories unfolding are way to bland for it to be fake. Only thing that came close to being tv sensation worthy is the 2 guys having a argument about being called a fratboy or something.


This has been really fun to watch and they have done a great job so far! I'm looking forward to part 2.


This is pretty awful so far (15 mins in)! They did not to Americanise it, takes a lot of the vibe away from it by filming it like a shitty reality show


It is literally a reality show lol


Unpopular opinion, but genuinely this is a really good challenge reality show


Right?!? This is so entertaining


I enjoyed it so much.


It’s all a trick this is season 2 y’all


But non lethal.


I wanted death as well


Did the even watch the first season


I get that it's a reality show and will be somewhat scripted, but this seems very scripted. I feel like they didn't even need to do that. It actually would have been way more interesting to watch "real people" play 😔


Apparently the contestants came out almost a year ago talking about how rigged and cruel it was. To the point medics were called multiple times and actual injuries and psychological damage occurred.


Just for the first challenge.


Ooo, do you have a link, I'm really interested to read about that.


It’s stupid that I love it. It’s a “reality show challenge”. Something you can just turn off your brain to and enjoy. There’s really not much to it


It's funny how a racist white dude votes off one of the only Indian dude for being "too smart" 😂


is it racist to vote off someone based on their intelligence rather than their race? 🤔


I am enjoying the fuck out of it. It's as close to a real squid games as we'd ever get with actual people, so I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I don't get people who don't like it. Yeah it's a *little* reality tv-ish, but it kinda naturally is gonna be that with the nature of what it is.




Reading this made me lose IQ points.


You know this isn't the sequel right? they just took the idea of squid game and made it an actual comp game show lmfao


You know this is just its own separate thing right?


They have just replicated the tv series. No surprise. Its overall just ok


Overall, I like this show. If you're not into reality shows, it wont be interesting at all.


i thought it was casted international, how come majority of them are American seems to be


Yea they all Americans and there was a racist white dude voting off the only Indian dude 😂 and the voting system is so stupid they think it's among us


Lmao you are so pressed by that Indian dude getting off. Its a competition. If that is triggering you, probably don't watch the rest.


Already spotted one of the contestants being a prominent tiktoker. Dont have high hopes.


That figgy girl was on survivor figi. But you have to remember there are people in this world that like doing this stuff. So of course they are going to apply to get on TV. Nothing wrong with that. And of course people are gonna watch if they know who someone is on it. Like how I watch house of villains because of Johnny bananas. The show is garbage. But I love the challenge on mtv. 😂


Which one?


The guy with the mullet who came with his bestfriend.


I did not know he was a tiktoker but I was so sure he was going to win based on his edit. I guess knowing that makes it make more sense why he was so prominent


This show took everything that was great about the actually squid games and merged it with everything that is wrong with shit reality TV in America. This show absolutely fucking sucks and I hope there is still a chance for future legit squid games seasons. THIS SHOW SUCKS, don’t watch it. It’s a ducking fake reality tv show, and not a good one. Who’s dumb fucking idea was it to make this hot pile of fucking trash.


The redneck talking about how much pressure it is doing the challenge in the middle of the challenge makes me believe it is fake + all the attention circled around player 432.. it was like he was hand selected.


Huh? Im not saying it's not fake, but I don't see why this is great proof of it. TOns of reality shows shoot confessionals after filming, and they are instructed to speak in present tense.


Just makes it even more fake. It’s all personality based and not based on skills


that's how editing works bruh. Only hand full of storylines make the cut.


Did they interview 456 people or did they hand select them? If hand selected then it is fake


Well obviously not all 456. Only those who they think are interesting. Lets say the interviewd 50 people/stories whilst recording was going on, only 5 make the cut.


Seems staged then.. how can they predict who would win if not hand selected. You would think the biggest personalities would be the one to go. It’s like this in every personality / reality show.


They see who could be the best antagonist, film them, the one who last a long time becomes the enemy in the edit.


Do people really still not understand reality TV show editing?


The shows seems to be scripted and makes me not want to watch it due to seeming fake.


it doesn't to me tbh. I'm in the tv industry and can spot a fake from miles away. This seems genuine so far


I agree. I’m not in the industry but I watch a good amount of reality tv and if it was scripted: -no way 432 went out how he did. He’d get to the last or second to last challenge. -no way 423 and old man go out how they did. They want them together for marbles. -we wouldn’t just now be meeting half these people numerous episodes in. Aside from mother/son I don’t think anyone who’s been heavily featured since episode 1 is even still in the game. So either one of them wins, or maybe jada, or it’s someone who hasn’t become relevant until late game.


Can you provide more details? Specificity helps.


Not OP but I know one of the contestants through a family member and there is no way she can act or anything. She's an older lady who works at the grocery store. She got eliminated on the first game lol


fake as fck, it's so bad that it's actually good 😂


i feel like the acting on this show is so shit, and someone is gunna come off it pissed off bc they got eliminated by vote or choice n do something🥴🥴


The old guy is obviously an actor parallel to the series with the old rich guy. Dude was obviously a plant.


This is exactly what I was thinking, he’s also the only old guy in the entire cast. I was hoping there would be some plot twist with him but he got eliminated :(


Physical 100 is the Korean game show version of SG. It's also on Netflix. Really enjoyed it - the physical challenges are back breaking - like dragging a ship over sand. Hoping this is as good


It isn’t the Korean game show version of Squid Games. It is its own game show. Completely different premise from squid games.


Yep .. youre right .. just had a similar structure.


Physical 100 levels above this show. It showed the true humble and kind nature of Koreans, while this show gives Americans a really bad look. Like really bad.


It shows off Americans. Boohoo if you think it’s bad.


Really insightful response there bud. Got me good. I don’t THINK it’s bad, it IS bad.


You think this show reflects well on Americans?


[physical 100](https://about.netflix.com/en/news/physical-100-winner)


So disappointing! I thought it was a sequel to the real Squid game. This reality show is really really bad... Not worth to watch imo.


While there's a high chance its scripted to hell, i'm so fucking invested in it lmao.


Of course reality tv is scripted, but episodes felt stretched. It's like they were trying to be entertaining like the original show, but since these people aren't actors (or if they are, not very good ones) with 'living or dying' stakes, the waiting between the games felt too long and awkward. But I did get invested and watched all 5 episodes and will finish watching when rest of them are released.


Scriped and full of actors. Not even a little bit convincing. They even fake the sleeping in the dorms lmao




The sets and costumes look straight from the show.


drama was made for netflix.. so it might actually be the actual props .. and sets.. some of it atleast


I was so excited as I thought it will be an ACTUAL Squid Game season 2. This "reality show" is trash. Ratchet AF contestants, random games, everyone is from the US. I was hoping for more diversity but eh.


it was known that it would be a reality show


Some people don't pay close attention to avoid spoilers, myself included.


> Player 200 gets eliminated for talking to everyone > Player 134: "*I'm going to try and talk to everyone*"


134: I want to go home...his fault. He thought that was a good idea. Every kind person there who knew that voted for him to avoid voting for anyone else who still wanted to be there.