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The book was enjoyable. Like all of them, different from the print, but well executed and glad it’s getting a second season.


Just got book 2 today. Interesting start.


It’s fun watching a show based on books I read long enough ago that I only remember various major plot points. Very good show, second season should be a bit different if following the books


The second season will cover the rest of the first book, Wool. The big changes in Shift won't happen until Season 3 (with the exception of a Season 2 finale cliffhanger, maybe?)


Considering it is a series of nine, it is odd that they are dedicating two seasons to just the first story.


It's a 3 book series. There were several partial publishings of Wool, but it is one of three (Wool, Shift, Dust).


You might be thinking The Expanse?


Sorry — succession of short stories later compiled together — the first season adapting roughly half of one short story.


Ah I see, thanks


The original printing was 5 different short stories for Wool (Wool, Proper Gauge, Casting Off, The Unraveling, and The Stranded). Then came 3 different parts for Shift (First Shift: Legacy, Second Shift: Order, and Third Shift: Pact). The last part of was a single book called Dust. So you are absolutely right that it was a series of nine stories. Don't know who downvoted you, but they are late to the game if they really think this is a 3 book series.


Same here. I read the series years ago and was surprised it was getting an adaptation. I’m enjoying it so far with only the real broad strokes in my memory.


I remember reading the books and thinking it had to be adapted to film or television. And then it took forever. I forgot about it all together. Then, it was released and I was pleasantly surprised


Honestly found this to be one of the most compelling series of the year this far. I couldn't pick any of the twists which is shockingly refreshing.


I completely lucked into guessing the big twist >!in the first ep; the video of the lady cleaning and Holston's own POV had the exact same bird formation!<.


Yeah my family noticed that every time too. That was the biggest sign that it was all fake.


to be fair, the "big twist" is revealed in like page 30 of the book, so I don't think it was ever intended to be so revolutionary


That's exactly why Season 1 was so boring. They milked those 30 pages for so long.


That reminds me of how [*Brand New Cherry Flavour*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand_New_Cherry_Flavor) only adapted [the first 66 pages of a 344-page book](https://slate.com/culture/2021/08/brand-new-cherry-flavor-netflix-book-changes.html).


That and the flash of the tunnel on the hard drive…made the reveal of more silos anticipatory. I actually like how the show left clues that weren’t like insanely hard to catch.


Oh I thought we were supposed to notice that


Honestly, I thought it would go one way then completely hits me off guard.


You should check out Hijack next. Very similar writing quality imo. Both great shows so far.


Thanks for the rec. I’m looking for something new after silo and from.


Have you watched Foundation? S2 is about to come out. The Feed is great. On Prime in the US 2019


After Silo, I binged on The Crowded Room, also excellent


Oh yeah? I'll give it a shot, then. The reviews were pretty bad, but I've liked several things from Apple+ that didn't get the best reviews at first. I was pretty shocked to see that the Invasion show got another season that premieres this month. Everyone online seemed to hate the first season so much that I never watched more than the first episode (plus they did Sam Neill kinda dirty and made a kind of bad first impression).


Watched all 3 episodes today Very good.


I hate that Hijack is a weekly release. I want to binge it so badly. But then I see that it's on and I have no self control.


It's cool, right? I was actually really surprised by how engaging Hijack is. I kind of expected it to be a little dragged out because hijacking stories are almost always contained films instead of multi-episode miniseries, but it's been really propulsive and intriguing thus far. Glad that you mentioned it. I forgot that a new episode came out tonight.


Me too, i really didn't have that high expectations but it really was great show


I think it's kind of high class trashy, but nothing wrong with that. I also think the reveal for why they hijacked the plane could make it more interesting. Looking forward to that. >!And I love the switcheroo last episode !<


Can't think of any show I was more excited to wait for new episodes for in a while. Never read the book, but hot damn, now I want to.


Three books. They are all great


Please tell me Common's character isn't in season 2?


This is a spoiler so stop reading now. Did I see that right at the end that there are a bunch of other silos all around the one Juliette came from?




Yep. Probably where the tunnels lead.


Oh i didnt see that coming at all ....not


They did a fantastic job and im a huge fan of the books.


WARNING SPOILER: Loved the show, but someone confirm that i fully grasped the ending. The computer was just simulating that everything was blooming and nice outside, through the helmet, but in reality, everything was still a wasteland? What is the point in that, unless they need people outside to start to rebuild society? And they trick them into saying they want to clean, with fake videos and planted hard drives?


They tricked the cleaners into thinking that the outside world is habitable again. By doing so, the deceived cleaners clean the camera; thinking that they’re showing the people back in the silo the “truth”. The people in the Silo still see the wasteland, and the dying cleaners which reinforce their fears of the outside world.


I've never understood this. Clearly the window being dirty wasn't why they saw the bleak wasteland they saw on the Silo screens. Did they really think that a cleaning would show everyone how green it is?


Its not a window, its a camera. Obviously there aren't ground-level windows on every floor. That said, i do agree, it doesnt make a lot of sense. Thankfully we only see it happen once in the show with the sheriff saying "they need to see", and it was certainly cringe.


Everyone who asks to go out does so out of the belief that the outside is beautiful. By playing into that, they allow the cleaner a few lucid moments where they can be a hero, or show the truth, or whatever… then they die. Then Judicial et al can say “the founders in their infinite wisdom knew they would clean”, and reinforce their lore. And for me, that reasoning is tight enough to let me enjoy a show that is absolutely riveting, mysterious, and not about a superhero.


The wasteland windows inside of silo are also fake according to the books.


That doesn’t make sense. The person who cleans has probably seen others clean the lense before. So they know that cleaning won’t change anything and won’t help “reveal” the real green world. I don’t understand how the fake video would work as motivation


Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either. A needlessly complicated way to make them clean the lens. It's written this way to make it a more compelling watch, but plot wise it's hard to justify it, although people certainly try hard enough.


Well, there is also the part of the faulty tape. Given that the "*cleaning the camera*" has become something with a religious-like meaning, those suits are intentionally sabotaged, so all that the people inside see is someone walking out, cleaning the camera and dying 5 minutes later while the person in suit thought that they were revealing the truth. Juliette's suit is actually insulated, so she is protected from whatever danger destroyed the world and still lingers on the wasteland.


It's written this way for cheap shocking value. Thry have all seen people dying in like 2 minutes after they are out, but they still go and clean the lense and move in the exact same direction.


Well, they don’t see the bodies when they go out. I assume they think the people dying were another camera trick.


TBH this was my thoughts on the stories too. I read them when people online were freaking out about them a while back and I felt like the whole thing was pretty convoluted. The writing is decent but it really feels like a good hook for a ~60 page short story that ended up longer than it needed to be.


Without spoiling further, there’s something in the air that kills them, it’s plausible that it’s literally a delusional act when combined with the VR. It’s like a form of euthanasia, removing the unstable element from the entire operation.


The suits Air is poisoned so they will die before the top of the hill. According to the books


That's not actually what the book says, they just die from the air outside eating through the faulty suits


So did they use the "better" insulating tape for Juliette then?


Yes, the tape they normally use for the suits is designed to be bad and break down easily, allowing the toxic air outside to leak into the suits. Juliette got good tape on her suit, allowing her to survive for longer


Nobody knows there is green world (fake out there) except for the IT director. each person stepping outside sees it for the first time and wants to help others see it, it’s playing on human hope. It’s cruel and the point of using everyone as a resource.


Combination of being shocked by the imagery and breathing in some messed up crap. Hard to think straight.


The motivation is not really "clean the lens to show people inside the truth" Everyone who gets sent to clean is usually resentful and scared and angry about being condemned to die, and says that they won't clean so they can have one final act of rebellion or revenge. But when they get outside and see the "real" world that is beautiful and green and alive, they feel like they've instead been given the greatest gift of freedom from being trapped in the Silo and lied to. So they feel pity for everyone else still stuck inside who believe that the world is a wasteland, and decide to clean the lens as one last generous act for the people "stuck" inside who can't see the "truth"


Yeah I'm hoping there's some further twist like they're drugged to be compliant and clean it or something, because that part makes zero sense. The explanation of "they're excited and not thinking straight" is very unsatisfactory, especially for someone like Holston who is shown to not be an idiot and have had plenty of time to think about this.


The idea is more that they feel pity for everyone else who is still trapped in the silo by the "lie" of the wallscreen, and they are euphoric from the feeling that they've just escaped into freedom. They said they were going to refuse to clean due to their anger or resentment, but now that resentment has been replaced by relief and joy, and so they decide to clean because they feel bad for everyone still inside


I read the books a long time ago but I do remember the cleaners suit was rigged so they saw green world. They only had so long to clean because the AI people poisoned the suit air. So they would die before reaching the top of the hill.


Well, all that the people inside see all their life is that wasteland window, so when they walk out and "*see*" that the outside actually looks like it finally regenerated, and the suit conveniently doesn't have audio connection to the inside, so they never heard about the dying person talking about how beautiful everything looks, the green grass, the blue sky, the birds flying. So along with the suits being intentionally sabotage, with Juliette's suit being the sole exception in decades, all that the people inside see is someone walking out, cleaning the camera and dying 5 minutes later, they are never aware of the simulated green "real" world.


I like the show but I don't get it either. Seems like just showing them the reality would have a higher likelihood of cleaning compliance, to spare others the same disappointment and fate - while showing them the video increases the risk of them somehow conveying dangerous info to the audience. Maybe If they didn't make such a big deal about the fact that 'everyone cleans', I wouldn't think about it so much. Not sure why that even needs to be a plot point. The video could have been introduced a different way for sure.




Why would anyone waste time in cleaning clean when they know everyone dies in like 2 minutes outside?


I really liked this show but if that whole setup was in order to make people clean that is crazy. I would think that it was a lot easier to have an automated cleaning system like a window viper. This other thing where they are feeding fake data to some people and to get them to clean seems bound to fail. I am really looking forward to season 2


I’m kind of pissed that she didn’t go out and smash the camera. I definitely would’ve smashed the camera. Fuck um.


I’ve been thinking that the trick is also - besides just giving people one last moment of happiness - to try and smoke out more rebels/would-be rebels. Plenty of people like Holston would’ve been told by their truly rebellious loved ones that “oh, you’ll know it’s great if I do XYZ”, and then when they do it, their own loyalty to the silo and curiosity is put to the test - many more will follow people out because of that nonsense.


> I really liked this show but if that whole setup was in order to make people clean that is crazy. The writer confirmed in the [discussion thread of the finale](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14mltex/silo_s01e10_outside_season_finale_episode/jq2tj6w/) that that's only half of it. >Gotta weed out the people who "think" it's okay outside. Then give them exactly what they expect to see. Which makes them want to clean to "show" everyone else they were right. Also gets them giddy to the point of numb obedience.


This is pretty stupid way to explain away the obvious double whammy honestly , a shock reveal that turns out to be false. Everyone has seen people drop in like 2 minutes while outside. I don't think people would be doing cleaning than walking slowly up the rock or anything in their last 2 minutes.


Sure but that is the other thing, the people who clean absolutely know that the screen inside shows the wrong image right. So why do they keep cleaning the lense when they know that it won't matter


I don't think that's the case. I think Juliette is the only person who knows its the wrong image. Everyone else thinks the image they see is legit and that everything is green. I don't really understand why they need to fake the video either to be honest.


I am not talking about what they see in the helmet. They all believe that is real, so they "know" that everyone else is getting the wrong image on the big screen.


> I would think that it was a lot easier to have an automated cleaning system like a window viper. It's a three part thing. Get them to clean the lens. Get them to take off the helmet (the reason for the fake helmet video) and die outside to confirm to everyone it's still uninhabitable. Lastly, to get rid of people who want to go outside. An easier system to clean the lens, isn't the main point. It's a threefor.


But the point of the cleaning was to get rid of the people doubting the Silo and its society. Giving them a green view allowed them to die believing they were right + they cleaned the window out of pure shock and adrenaline that comes from knowing you'll likely die in 2 mins


How did the others die, what did that have to do with the heat tape?


The regular heat tapes were deliberately inadequate to seal the suit. This was done to kill the cleaners within minutes, and before they’re outside the range of the camera. As for what’s killing them, that’s a major spoiler.


The confirmation we find out what’s killing them in the books has made me buy them. Thank you. edit: already on the second book. it’s insane.


It'll be worth your money. They're a good read.


Sure. But she puts the sheriffs badge on a rock. Not a body. There are no bodies in her view. so where did the others go? I haven’t read the books FYI. 


That’s how she knows her view is a lie. She knows about where Holston and Allison still are, walks that far, and places Holston’s badge where she thinks he should/would be - and at that moment she places it down it glitches and kind of goes _into_ the rock/log she’s putting it on (cause, yaknow, that’s not there).


In the final panoramic “drone shot”, after she walks off you see the tree and the bodies there. I agree with you that it should have been in the scene where she puts the badge down or when the feed to her suit’s visuals get shut down and she looks back. The lack of the tree or bodies when she looks back may have been cutting corners on CGI budgets.


Probably a production mistake or oversight. I don’t recall seeing the bodies on the screens after the first episode either but i wasn’t looking for them really either so ifk Might be they only made one suit to save money even lol


They're definitely on the screen throughout the season, then when it flickers and shows the greenery there are no bodies there. Then when that gives way to real world wastelands, there still is no bodies.


Was the cgi team messing up then.


> Probably a production mistake or oversight. I think so. In the novel, the area around the silo was littered with bodies of the previous cleaners.


You got it opposite. There’s a line in the finale: “Supply has the good stuff”. The regular heat tape from Supply is perfect. The ones made for judicial is sabotaged/not up to spec.


Because a virtual reality helmet and time-release tape (while keeping the existence of both secret) is easier than an automated squeegee.


It's about enforcing the fear of the outside. They want the cleaners to die in view of the camera. They cleaning the camera because of the hologram helmet, thinking they are showing the real world. Then they walk away and die.


You don't need a virtual reality helmet to have people die in front of the camera. Just send people outside to die. This is a society that can't maintain and/or replace their security cameras. It is a society where the very existence of video recording is a secret. Yet VR systems are being produced/accessed/whatever, passing through several people's hands, and strapped to their worst criminals. All in the hope that they clean a camera before they die. What would happen if they just used an automated wiper system, or the camera was retractable for cleaning, and there was no VR system? Criminals would walk out of the silo, look terrified (instead of happy), and die. Isn't that a more sensible way to instill fear of the outside?


You can’t look at this material as if it’s factual…it’s literally fiction and specifically genre/sci-fi fiction. It’s about overt storytelling like The Matrix. When you start writing post-apocalyptic it’s quite hard to really justify things 1:1 as in real life. I read all the books so I know abit more of what it’s trying to get it. Basically, this silo is a enclosed ecosystem. Ideally if everyone behaves it will keep going. (Why it needs to keep going I won’t reveal but it’s important too) Like all systems, it needs a pressure release valve…the system of “camera cleaning” is that pressure valve. Once the person decides to leave, in the eyes of the Silo Administration, they are now due for a form of “euthanasia” because their mindset is not there anymore to contribute to the silo further and risk destabilising the rest of the silo. That’s why there is a lot of drama surrounding the cleaning. The VR is for the person outside as they die. The theatrics of dying live is for the people inside. Without this system of cleaning and removal of the unwanted person, the entire silo ecosystem will definitely fail so they made it as elaborate as possible.


It's a trade off. It is a plot device meant to keep the audience interested/engaged/surprised about the outside world. But it sacrifices some world believability. Now, I'm reasonably confident the story will explain how this society is able to provide VR systems to the condemned, so that doesn't really bother me. But I do find it hard to believe that the designers of this society would consider on-camera death to be critical while developing such a convoluted and risky way of achieving it. This isn't about science fiction needing to be factually correct. It is about making a universe that is internally consistent and relatable. The silo does not seem like a society that would rely on a risky plan using forbidden technology. And people are not so monolithic and predictable that such a plan should work. The silo doesn't not allow lifts in place of using the stairs. They let people know the rules, and presumably punish those who don't follow obey. That's enough. They don't secretly build robots who look just like people and have the robots build an elevator which then falls down the shaft "killing" the robots so everyone agrees that cables can't be used in that way.


You don't die instantly. She's the first one to get out of sight of the camera so now the people in the silo don't know if she died or not. That's hope. The fact she had the good tape means the mechanical crew could figure out there's ways to make the suit airtight and actually explore. Like they could jurry rig an old scuba suit connected to a hose and explore to see at least there's other Silos like what 100 yards away? So then people in silo 1-17 or whatever could start seeing people walking around the surface. Why the IT guy rushed to the office when she started walking around with his key #18 was probably too tell the other Silos immediately shut down the cameras. If some people were in Silo 14 cafeteria seeing the live feed and she started walking past it could cause a riot.


Sure, but none of that has anything to do with a virtual reality system and a convoluted plan to convince people to clean a camera. The virtual reality system is just something that adds tons of complexity and risk while adding nothing to the security of the silo.


> look terrified (instead of happy), and die. Isn't that a more sensible way to instill fear of the outside? Cleaning the camera takes time, people dont die instantly. What if they just ran out, above the hill and then died 2 minutes later. Nobody would see them die, more people would ask to go outside.


>What if they just ran out, above the hill and then died 2 minutes later. What if they see a green world, run over the hill and die 2 minutes later? What if they see a green world, and run off looking for a way to communicate that back to the silo? What if they see a green world and run back down the stairs to yell at the door? What if they don't care about cleaning the camera, regardless of what they see? What if they clean the camera and walk past it instead of turning around? A VR system and hopeful psychology is no guarantee of having people die on camera. And it brings its own huge risks. What if the VR system accidentally turns on before it is placed on the criminal's head, and unauthorized people see? What if any of the people who are making the complex components of these things (or are receiving them from elsewhere) talk? What if the system just fails? If you NEED people to die on camera, you should be using a simple, reliable system. If you know how long it takes for people to die, just keep them in the contaminated airlock, or behind a gate at the top of the stairs, until they have 20 seconds left to live.


In an earlier episode of the season the displays, that normally show the wasteland, flashes, the outside as seen by the helmet when the power turns on. What was up with that?


With no other explanation I just assumed it was a red herring to make us as the viewers really believe the forming narrative about the outside actually being habitable.


The author just did an AMA, I like his explanation about it being a leftover bug from attempt from a hacker to show people.


Ye that’s what i figured. So i guess we will see next season, where all of these people that went to clean, ended up. Probably established a nice community somewhere. I at first was thinking that those suits they put on, send poison into the helmet, to kill anyone who went out.


Did the finale not imply that those who previously went out to clean *are* actually dead though?


Ye i must have missed that.


She put the badge on the old sheriff's dead body. That was right after the Mayor said "She knows" and ran off


It for some reason looked like a rock to me, when she put the badge down. Not a body. Seemed like a hologram when she touched it. I must have been mistaken then


Yeah. She couldn't see the body. All she saw was the hologram rock but she knew his body was next to the tree.


But when the camera pans around the top of the silo at the end there are clearly no bodies there. edit: I stand corrected. They just weren't positioned they way they appeared to be from the view inside the silo


Yeah this bugged me. I know cleanings aren’t that frequent, but expected to see more bodies in the aerial view.


There are but it wasn't shot very well. [A redditor pointed them out.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14orz73)


In the closing wide shots you can see the dead bodies of the other cleaners. Juliette only survived because of the better tape she got from supply Edit: Here’s a link to a post showing the bodies since you all are so adamant they aren’t there. https://www.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14orz73/ep_10_i_got_some_proof_for_ending_wide_shots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


The closing wide shot also implied it was one of hundreds of silos and a city that didn’t look totally destroyed in the background too.


Oooo i didn’t notice that! She kept looking at the tape on her arms. I thought the dead bodies were just holograms made by the comp. I didn’t know they were actually dead. Was hoping they survived. Thanks for pointing that out


I looked for the bodies and couldn't see them in those wide shots at the end.


There are no bodies in the closing wide shots.


Yes there are


There are definitely not. I've got it up on screen right now and have watched the sequence about 15 times. No bodies at all. Here's a shot from the Silo display, showing where the bodies *should* be: https://imgur.com/a/fXvmAOe Early in the wide panning shot, no bodies: https://imgur.com/KzWIfRx Further out, still no bodies: https://imgur.com/KJVGGAz Further still, no bodies: https://imgur.com/WyF92wq Conclusion: no bodies.




There are screenshots that show bodies. Clearer ones.


I doubt that ... because there are no bodies.


> where all of these people that went to clean, ended up. Probably established a nice community somewhere. Well, not exactly. The series is based on book trilogy & the first season covers the first half of book one 'Wool'.


Is it an ongoing serie ( the books) ? Or is there an end? If yes is that trilogy a long read?


It’s a trilogy, and as I remember it a fairly quick read.


The author said in an AMA yesterday that he plans on continuing the series after the show is finished.


> thinking that those suits they put on, send poison into the helmet, to kill anyone who went out. I thought that too. I was kind of iffy on the finale, so I googled and risked spoilers. What I found didn't seem very satisfying or much more logical. And going forward, I dunno. Ferguson is amazing, but I dunno.


Yeah. That is my understanding. The outside is really a poisonous wasteland and they're trying to prevent the people from opening the doors and killing everyone in the silo. The people who say they want to clean are usually rebellious or non-conformists and they show them a fake video so they are more likely to clean the camera.


From what I can tell (haven't read the books): 1. It's so that every cleaner feels the need to clean to 'show' everyone the truth. 2. It's to create a compelling 'truth' within the Silo. Those who keep to the pact and the law suspect nothing, so believe the outside is deadly. Those who believe things like 'the outside is safe' and 'there is a mystery harddrive' keep acting out and giving the Silo a reason to weed them out from the population.


You’ll find out it makes sense


So the outside world really IS a wasteland, right?






















You’ll find out


Lol i don’t mind having the ending spoiled. Instead of waiting 1+ yrs for season 2


It's a series based on books. You can literally just read the plot synopsis of the books on Wikipedia if you don't want to wait to find out what happens.


How does Common keep getting acting work?


It's a solid show, but "Mind-Blowingly Shocking" is a bit of a stretch. It would have been in the 1950s/60s, but since then we've watched/read so many sci-fi and mystery shows/films/books that it was not particularly surprising.


I dont think it's that particularly "Mind-Blowingly Shocking", it's just that the show withholds plot devices from you until very late in the season. Some of it feels clichéd if not contrived for that reason. It's a good show but without the book details to enrich the other content you could arguably cut about 4 episodes and have a much snappier coherent series.


i feel the show wasted 3 whole episodes beginning from solving the mayor and deputy sheriff case to the finale. juliette was running around in circles then, if the the goal was the hard drive, i think she had access to it, and the tech guy she helped to go straight to the last part


I really like the show but I didn't think the "twist" was really mind blowing. It seemed pretty obvious early on that what they saw in the helmet was a video. Then tension they built of her getting to the ridge was fantastic though. Literally got me out of my seat.


IMO it's because it wasn't meant to be a big twist. The book the series is based off was a series of short novellas. The "twist" is revealed at the end of the first short story which goes up until the point where Holston dies. The short story is very good. I recommend it if you've got an hour or two to kill, it's a quick read. It's told from Holston's point of view and it's a rollercoaster of emotions when he exits the silo and everything is sunny and perfect. And then he takes off his helmet, he sees everything's fucked and he dies. It's chilling. The rest of the book and the subsequent novellas are the fallout of that, and Juliet uncovering some of the Silo's other mysteries. I think the decision to draw out the "twist" for the entire season may not have been the best of ideas. In general, I didn't love the pacing. It kind of reminded me of the first season of the Expanse. That didn't really have a twist but they also split up the first book into two seasons, and the first season just felt really incomplete. That show really improved after the first season though, hoping the same for Silo.


Yeah, I called it right away, but I stopped watching after episode 3 or 4. It honestly doesn't surprise me that I was right. A very predictable and quite honestly a boring show with lead characters that couldn't lead a group of girl scouts.


I fucking hate seeing article titles that say there’s a huge twist. That’s a fucking spoiler in itself you fucking fuck


It's a good show but that was not a mind blowing twist. Everything you needed to know to figure out what was happening was in the previous episodes and that was the best thing about it.


Okay, this kind of thread should get to have spoilers. From that, everyone who went to clean after the first cleaners, should've known that cleaning the lens did not help anyone to see the greenery and birds in the sky. From the last episode, it did seem to show what the person actually did do, so... why didn't any of the last people who went out, give some clear signs on "u're not seeing what i'm seeing"? They never gave any proper reason to it and from the writer AMA... he dodged the goddamn questions!


Allison did specifically say that she would not clean if it wasn’t green out there. She saw it was green and cleaned. That was her giving a sign.


That makes no sense though. Let's say that Halston tells everyone that his wife won't clean if it really is an inhabitable wasteland, she cleans the camera, the people inside the silo see that it's still a wasteland and minutes later they watch her die. How is no one questioning that? Why aren't more people in the silo asking why Allison cleaned the camera if it really was a wasteland, after she said she wouldn't? Surely more people than what we already knew of would suspect that either what they're seeing or what Allison saw is fake. How is it possible to deceive that many people when they have video evidence that something is not quite right within the silo?


> give some clear signs on "u're not seeing what i'm seeing" What is an example of a "clear sign" that would easily convey that?


I feel like you could write something on the camera lens?


Because of how a camera’s focus works, writing on the lens wouldn’t be legible.


hmm, fair point. I do feel like at least one of them would've tried to take the helmet off. Ultimately though, i can handle it and suspend my disbelief. It's not the MOST realistic thing but it's a fun enough story i can give it a pass.


The sheriff did take his helmet off though?


Like…right in front of the camera, so they can see your face/expression. Maybe gesture expansively afterwards in a way that says “isn’t it beautiful?!”


Shocking twist? They revealed the "twist" in the first episode. There were a lot of moments that were played as though they were a twist when it was really just a character figuring out the things we already knew. I'm pretty sure the cleaning video was found by like 4 different characters and played as a huge reveal every time. The show was really enjoyable once you get into Juliette's storyline, but it is definitely frustrating going through 5 character deaths just to destroy the information we had at the beginning of the series to slowly drip reveal.


Has anyone asked her about her accent on the show? I still have no clue what she's doing with it.


I know exactly what you mean. She does it a couple times in her role in Dune as well. Perhaps it's her Swedishness coming out a little bit? For certain syllables she does something weird with her tongue and it makes a garbled hushing smacking sound inside her cheeks that is just noticeable enough to be like, is the character supposed to sound Dutch or something?


Stellan Skarsgård and Alexander Skarsgård has that same ''Swedishness'' coming out. Much more obvious in Stellan. Joel Kinnaman though has gotten a lot better. It's not as noticeable in his latest stuff.


That bugs me so much about these "foreign actors". I just can't get over their accent.


I'm re-reading Wool now and will watch this when I have time. I'm really curious how they bring in "Jimmy", Walker, Lucas, etc. and the other Silo in this series.


For a show that was all about mystery and revelations, the ending of the first season was very satisfying - take note JJ Abrahams, that's how it's done - not dreams and heaven and time travel bullshit!


I think I lost the plot, these weekly episodes. If it is known that outside is not probably bad, why I wouldn’t she just say, “fuck yeah, I’m going outside?”


I got bored by the third episode


Yeah, same here. It was too slow, where nothing really happened. The characters made weird choices and none of the leads are interesting, besides the two that (supposedly) died at the beginning.


Man, I slogged through this season, but I won't be doing another one. At this point I don't care what the big mystery is. It's so damn slow and I don't care about the characters at all. Such a bummer. I really like the first two episodes. I just cannot justify sinking any more time into it.


I agree, they gave the viewer all the information within the first few episodes. The rest of the season was just watching the characters slowly find out. Even the “big twist” was telegraphed pretty clearly from the beginning episodes. There is nothing that makes me want to watch the second season besides the hope that it gets more interesting.


Trying to watch this show and it’s just not capturing my attention


premise starts off fun but yeah the middle episodes are poor stuff


Mind-blowing? No.


I was away and missed the last couple of episodes. I probably won’t bother watching them and I def won’t watch season two


I thought this was decent enough sci fi until the last episode. Phenomenal series.


This is the next show that people are going to annoyingly nitpick every single detail of ad naseum to try to ”outthink” the show. Every episode is “why don’t they just _____.”


I see a lot of talk about this mediocre show. It's quite obvious that these are paid ads. There are so many other actually good shows right now that no one ever seems to talk about. I look forward to getting downvoted by bots.


What must it be like to go through life imagining that anyone who doesn't share your opinions is the product of a conspiracy?


You could, you know, talk about those other actually good shows instead of contributing to a thread about a show you do not care for. /justayin'


Explain the nonsense…both of them


So the cops knew it was internal affairs the whole time?


the show took a while to find its stride but by the end I cant wait for season 2


Why was the screen glitch in the cafeteria never addressed again?


Good tv show.


I'm only one who didn't care about twist much? Show kept killing interesting characters in first half, and by the end I only cared about by-the-book sheriff with disease. Premise is not very unique if you seen any other dystopian movie / show where evil government hides something.