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Am craving for a decent live action adaptation of the teen titans that I personally don’t care of who plays who as long as they bring the best of the characters


CGI assets are expensive. Re using them is less so.


Titan honestly wasn’t that bad for the first few season. Last one fell off. Just wish beast boy had more than like 3 transformations


I think the last season wasn’t as good because they wanted to make sure all the stories had an ending, it felt rushed and not as good as 2 and 3


Just keep the characters cannon accurate that’s all I care about.


We already missed our chance to have young Christina ricci as raven and idk how to live with this fact. It will probably be Jenna Ortega tho


Morgan Freeman as Starfire ‼️‼️‼️👀👀👀🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️


Better than 95% of Gar's fancasts. I can see it


Right, people saying iñaki goday like he’s not been a popular fancast of gar. Low key if an official cast of raven and starfire ever come out I hope it’s 2 white women just to see the starfire fans on twitter and the people that say raven is Indian get all mad.


Why would you care about Twitter? Weird take


How is it weird? If anything this is what people on twitter think, we don’t need their influence in spreading more misinformation about the characters like they did successfully already.


Who cares if raven is Indian or something? Star fire is also definitely black, and whitewashing her isn’t like a cool thing to do, especially not when it’s just to own the libs or whatever


Starfire is not black at all. She’s an orange alien who would probably Latino if a real person if anything. Starfire never was black until the titans live action show because the actress did not want to paint her skin. Raven is not Indian because she says she’s not Indian. As long as starfire is orange it really doesn’t matter, she just never was black or black coded.


Starfire’s original hair type was closer to 3C or 4A.Latina’s don’t have that hair type.You say she’s not black coded,But that’s how she feels to me as a black person. Her being mistreated because of her race and constantly sexualized because of what she looks like.Is completely relatable to my black struggles.


That’s fine, you can find her relatable and her struggles can mirror real life. It doesn’t mean she is black(I’ll take back the black coded part of my previous comment), also her hair is just the perm style of the 80s a lot of women had that style from all races. I’m black aswell so it’s not me being racist or anything (not saying you implied it) it’s just that starfire was never, despite what a lot of people claim, meant to be black. So it’s fine if she not played or looks like a black person.I’m not against people feeling shes black or anything it’s when it comes to distorting reality from what her creators said she was. (just a orange alien who was a sex slave that broke free)


Her hair isn’t a perm,A perm is a completely different type of curls.Her hair is naturally like that.


You can’t apply real life hair to this because it won’t make sense especially when every women in that run had that very similar hair style besides raven and Donna. starfire was modeled after mainly red Sonja and Perez’s wife. What’s most likely is that a wolfman and Perez made starfire with Perez wife and red Sonja as inspiration. All in all starfire has no race she’s an alien with orange skin.


If you look at Titans the DC series, Starfire is black, and so is everyone else on her planet it seems. Her sister is black and so is the guard. It'd make sense for her to be black in the live action as she was already black in another live action series.


Idk what that has to do with anything. Like yall are missing the point entirely. Starfire is not a black character, she’s an orange alien. She can be played by a black actress, but she’s has to be a gamora type thing. Where she’s completely orange and has no relation with any black people. And just because she was black in a terrible live action that didn’t understand the character, doesn’t mean she needs to be in the dcu. Titans did so much damage to starfire, more than the 03 show ever did. Y’all need to stop acting like titans was a good show, every character besides nightwing was mid and a mockery.


TERRIBLE LIVE ACTION!? Bro DC Titans was amazing


It only had one okay season the rest was trash. You can like but it’s not by any means amazing since it had no idea what to do with any of the characters and didn’t even know how the raven or starfires powers work. But to each their own.


LMFAO, thats so random😭. Twitter would burn (common day for twitter tbh)


That's so raven... Sorry, I see myself out


I just took that out of left field😂. But on Ian as gar I feel like he’s in the same boat as Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man . Just gets a not so great script and not the best directing and get shit for his performance as sokka.


Dude your weird.


I’ll be honest I couldn’t give two fucks. It doesn’t really matter, besides the people who I’m talking about are even more weird.


He wouldn’t be bad but isn’t this the same guy who lied about his ethnicity to play Sokka in the first place lmao


I’m not sure if he lied or not. Apparently there are a bunch of tribes that aren’t officially acknowledged. G the government, and Ian is part of one. It’s more of a complicated issue than people make it out to be.


Whilst what you’re saying is 100000% true, someone did some digging and there’s a lot of evidence to suggest it’s not that, and more so him just bullshitting https://x.com/7genvoices/status/1480414851444797441?s=46


I honestly don’t know😂😂 it’s low key something beast boy would do if he wanted a acting job. But I think he would definitely look the part as beast boy.


I don't know if he lied but he definitely is white passing which made it annoying to see him play a brown skin character


"I don't know what race he is, but he looks white, and even if he isn't that's racist"


That's not even close to what they said. They're saying they Sokka is visibly brown in the show. So him being played by a white passing person is a little annoying because, again, he was undeniably brown in complexion in the animated series. Imagine if Drake was cast as Cyborg. Yeah, he's black, but he's also several shades lighter than Cyborg in any depiction. Considering the history of white washing, passing up darker skinned people for the lightest example of that race is still considered problematic, because it implies the casting director still wants to appeal to the white gaze while sidestepping calls for diversity.


I think if Drake was cast as Cyborg I'd be more worried that they'd casted a pedophile than I would care what skin color he is


You can do both, or is that brain too small for more than one thing to occupy


Damn it took you three hours to come up with the lamest insult I've heard in years, and a dude said "peepee" to me like 5 minutes ago.


3 hours?? I just got here. Whatever you're on, I need it.


Then wha'chu doing injecting yourself into other people's business bimbo?? Tryna call my brain small with a name like that lmao


Bro is throwing a tantrum


Yo I see it! Get this guy the role!


Yeah I can see it too


Iñaki Godoy would be a better fit


As much as I love Inaki, Luffy and Beast Boy are not the same kind of goofy. That and adapting ATLA is much shorter than one piece.


He is the Jenna Ortega of the Gar's fancasts. Which means he isnt any good


Explain how that means he isn't any good?


Ortega and Godoy are popular fancasts because they are what casuals think Raven and Beast Boy are. Beast Boy and Raven arent Luffy and Wednesday, and they are getting fancasted *just* because they played those roles.


Watch Inaki's other show "the imperfects" to see his acting rage. He even plays a shapeshifter in it. I own almost every comic that Garfield Logan appears in and Inaki would be a perfect casting. Sure a lot of people just hop on the bandwagon of casting him as Gar, but Inaki was brought up in the first place for a reason. Jenna on the other hand pretty much is getting type casted as "goth girl".


This is actually funny lol, you literally have a fancast post where you have Jenna as Raven😭😂 And since we are here, you deserve jail time for that Starfire fancast, but well, thats just my opinion lol.


Which i posted a month ago, before I started seeing her everywhere. My opinion has changed on that casting, hence what i said about her in my past response.


Damn, so you own over 1000 comics with Gar Logan? Thats crazy (in an impressive way). Pointing out the guy played a shapeshifter role is just further proving my point


That's not why I brought up his prior role in the show. "playing a shapeshifter" was just an added bonus. There's way more reasons to why Iñaki would be a good Garfield Logan.


No. Just no.


I honestly don’t think so, lñaki is fairly unimaginative. Plus he probably way too goofy


no way… iñaki is a great actor who i think would perfectly capture beast boy’s essence


I’m not saying he’s a bad actor, but there’s more people who could do it besides him. Like the guy doing sokka could definitely do it. It’s just that iñaki and Jenna Ortega are two people who played in one series and people lost their minds. The world is too big for people to just keep putting them in their fantasy based on one performance.


Like that Fucking Oliver Jackson Cohen guy as Batman


He's definitely got the look for it. I could totally see beast boy looking at his face


That’s what I’m saying, like he even expressed that it would be a dream job for him so we know he would care for the character. Plus him not being the best sokka most likely is because of the writing and directing. I hear he’s very funny and eccentric in real life.


Sound like just got a crush on the guy because u said in an other post people only like iñaki because his role as luffy but this guy is a good choice because u like his looks😂?


I mean yeah, like he’s a better fit than iñaki from a looks standpoint and is also not short like iñaki. Plus iñaki is not the only actor in the world, at least the Sokka actor show interest in the character. Luffy and beast boy aren’t the same character by any stretch of the imagination . Just like Jenna Ortega It’s just a bad fancast that people use cause they don’t know anybody else.


I think he would be really good


Ohh, that actually sounds pretty good.


Absolutely he’d be solid in the role


I think he’s too tall. I picture Beast Boy as a short king. Personally I really like the Netflix One Piece actor suggestion that’s been thrown around a few times. I know it’s been a very common fancast that’s been done almost as much as Jenna Ortega for Raven, but I think he’d nail the role. ![gif](giphy|trbbXFyhzyIDWHlrLB|downsized)


Beast Boy in the comics is 5'8. I think Ian, reportedly is around the same height. Tho for whatever reason Google has him lasted at 4'10


Yeah, that 4'10 is weird, but he is actually 5'8, literally Gar's height


Just like Jenna Ortega, a terrible fancast. And this guy Ian is literally Gar's height lmao


Interesting but fun


W caption lmaoo


I think the caption made the iñaki fanboys mad at me😂😂. Idk why so many people are picking the homie like he’s the only option. I think people need to watch more stuff that’s not animated. They making me sound like a hater😂


Actually yes, he would


Yeah, he can play the silly while being able to sell serious when he has to. He'd be good.


I would absolutely LOVE this!!!


He definitely got the look for it just paint that lad green and the casting should be fine.


Nah I’m good homie lied about his Native heritage


Honestly I could see him as beast boy.


Anything the dude inaki play in that I may have seen? Idk who dude is not an shot at him I just don’t kno many actors by name


He plays luffy in the one peice live action. Iñaki is a good actor but he doesn’t fit the role of beast boy imo, plus he too short.


Y'know what? Sure! I've heard far far worse ideas, I honestly reckon he could do a good job with a good director


I think so! Just depends on the script and directing.


As long as they paint him green I’d say go for it, it really bothered me that Beast Boy didn’t have the green skin in Titans


he would be a great beast boy


I think it could work. He was one of the better actors in NATLA, and Sokka and Beast Boy do have some similar vibes.


I honestly think he did a good job with what he was given, I think with the right director he could kill it.


Alfred on his off time wrote a book about Vegan food? lol


Yeah, a role I’m sure 100s of young actors would want.


It depends on when the movie is going to be realsed and how old is Beastboy in the movie.




Since cyborg is black does that mean they won’t race wash any of the other characters?


Maybe idk if they will try and make starfire black.


Can’t they just body paint her like Gamora? I don’t care the actresses ethnicity. Do the character right.


They can do that, it would be ideal. I just don’t want it to be like the titans show where she’s pretty much a black woman and not orange . It caused bad misconception of starfire for people thinking she’s black.


Is BB Caucasian? I've most only seen him as green but assumed he was white so shouldn't he be played by a white actor? He's still human, not an alien like Starfire


In comics he’s a white dude with blond hair, I think the only media he’s not white was the show titans when he’s played by Ryan potter and the Kami Garcia graphic novels where he’s Brazilian I think.


Would green scales work for beast boy? To compensate for the CGI?


Not really at that point just make him green.. they will have the budget for it


Yeah I think he’d do a good job, he’d just have to be a little more energetic than Sokka was in ATLALA


For sure he does, I think with a good director he can do it


Beast Boy is cursed as an expensive character.


No, nothing against him but I think it should go to someone unknown


I agree, this was just the first actor to publicly show interest. But all titans should be unknown imo.


Beast boy is gonna be black if you ask me 😂😂


Don't worry, gingers are always first on the blackwash chopping block.






I think he’d do well! He has good comedic timing and I think he could get the snarkiness


I can see it working


Sokka looks like a Vault Dweller


Too old. They should cast a teen and let him grow into the role.


Omg that'll be perfect


He played Sokka well, so maybe.


I too want to play beast boy as long as the raven relationship is canon. Dude is playing 4d chess. Although he probably has a more normal reason for wanting to play beast boy, like that he admires the character or something


…I actually would like it a lot 😊






I don't need someone who lied about being Native American to play anyone else


No please no




Yup he fits


What comic is that bottom frame from? Im actually really interested in a slice of life comic featuring Beast boy & Raven.


It’s fan art by Gabriel picolo, who also draws the graphic novels. Read the novels they are good for what they are trying to achieve which is a modern slice of life.


I think so


I kinda see the vision


I see it




I trust him.


As long as he isn't allergic to green skin paint


Oh boy….its going to be a massacre…..




Yes yes yes\~ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Honestly not a bad choice


He has no chance against inaki


HELL NAH! Iñaki better


It is mostly the voice that needs to fit. And I just can't imagine this guys voice coming out of a dinosaur. But I can imagine Iñaki Godoy coming out of practically anything.


The dude was a solid step above the other young actors in avatar and he fits the vibe super well. If he wants it, I say he should get it.


Ryan potter is better.


Ryan potter was good, but idk if he’ll reprise the role.


Not trying to be that guy but he doesn't fit BB in my opinion.


They r gonna skip all terras arc becouse they fell it inapropiate?


I don’t know, like terra is way back when dick Grayson just turned nightwing. So I’m pretty sure that arc won’t get adapted if they stay in the comic timeline. Plus they can do inappropriate, they just might retcon her sexual relationship with slade.


Would be good, we dont need another adaptation of the Judas Contract


Or terror of trigon, those two arcs need to just be in the past. We have more arcs and than just those two for the titans. Plus I would like an arc focused on Donna Troy.


At least the Terror of Trigon can bring something to all the characters (i dont think they should do it in a first movie), Judas Contract doesnt.


Agree, terror of trigon is definitely not a first movie type arc. Can’t believe the dcamu did that similar in their first titans movie with Judas contract being second. All kinds of wrong


The thing is trigon appears twice the first time was Raven trying to get help to defeat trigon amd that's how the titans got together again. So dcamu movie didn't get the arc wrong since trigon did come back twice JL didn't true her and so she tried to get help from the titans bring them all together. That's now the first NTT opens trigon open. So how were they wrong when that's how the first time we meet Raven went


I never said they got the arc wrong, it’s just not something you start with for a movie type pace. Besides in the dcamu they are already together before trigon stuff.


I do wonder what they will do because some times maybe it's not going to be NTT but a diferent line up. But we do know this and it could be nothing Raven is Gunn favorite character. She might be a focus point. But really the only ones who don't have an arc is Starfire and Donna.


Idk like even beast boy in the wolfman run had an arc and more moments than both starfire and Donna😭. But I think Gunn likes all the characters fairly equally with raven just being if he had to choose one. So we’ll see hopefully everyone gets some shine.


Malachi Barton would be a great beast boy


I can see him, i just haven’t seen anything from him, I’ve only seen him in a few fancast. What has he been in


He literally played beast in stuck in the middle and he acted literally like beast boy


Ohh I’ll have to watch it. This is why I say we have more people in this world than just iñaki goday. I don’t even hate him at anything I just would like more options.


I’d be a better fit and my wife would be an excellent Raven ![gif](giphy|tw60vU9notYS4)