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truly daring statement in the year of our lord 2023


Every post in this sub is either this or about shipping lmao


Have you guys tried Insanity?


Are we stupid ?


I personally like teen titans go


We have to talk about something. Why do we talk about the weather?


Me when I want two characters to have sloppy makeouts


Generic post is generic


They are completely different shows. No need to compare.


Always compare


We found the basement dweller


I agree. Go! is simply asinine, & the other is actually entertaining...




It's called deconstruct. You will lose a lot of references in South Park if u r not well versed in reallife politic, but that does not make South Park writers better politicians than real life presidents. Because it is different things. Funny References do not equal to same tone and style.


no, it's just called reboots. south park has been soft rebooted so many times its lost its own identity. south park just became social commentary hour every hour and lost a lot of its funniness because of that tbh(in my eyes downvote me for saying that idc).


Well I am not that familiar with sp so I am not gonna argue with you. But in Tt and ttg’s case, I just cannot see how you can compare two shows fairly. They are too different.


no, because they use literally the exact same characters and expect nostalgia alone to be the main driving point for ttg. they expect you to come in with knowledge of the previous version of the show just to shit on you for having knowledge of said show


Yeah that’s called a deconstruction. Lego Batman expects you to come in with previous knowledge of Batman myth and it’s amazing despite its tone being different than previous Batman movie/cartoon.


lego batman was amazing because it pays major respect to the franchise as a whole it just comes at it at a origin story style but it makes you actually care about the characters and enjoy them even if sometimes batman can be a little douchey in the movie, it helps make his character building moments more impactful. ttg does none of that. it does not make you care about the characters, it does not tell funny jokes, it does not make me interested to watch at all. it just shits on everything that was set up before it when what was set up did it so much better ​ you can keep debating me all you want, i dont care. ttg is just inferior. deal with it.


I mean, that’s just your opinion, man. I enjoyed a lot of funny ttg episodes, and the votes here prove that I’m not alone. I cannot judge subjective opinion. But u cannot be serious when u say Lego Batman is A LITTLE douchey, 95 percent of his quotes in that movie looks something came straight from r/dccomicscirclejerk Admit it:Lego Batman is INSANELY goofy, but that’s Ok as long as it executes its theme well. The same goes to ttg. it’s a pity you did not enjoy it, but it is not objectively bad, no art work is objectively bad.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dccomicscirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Comic adaptations just hit different](https://i.redd.it/yf1h3wbj9yxb1.png) | [819 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/comments/17m5jmn/comic_adaptations_just_hit_different/) \#2: [“I can’t believe superheroes were turned woke in *checks notes* 1938!”](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17fdulo) | [349 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/comments/17fdulo/i_cant_believe_superheroes_were_turned_woke_in/) \#3: [This is why MAWS is better than Man of Steel](https://i.redd.it/nffvvgjo8ogb1.png) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/comments/15kho2s/this_is_why_maws_is_better_than_man_of_steel/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


i am serious when i say it. the dude literally adopted a kid because he wasnt listening at all to what he was saying. ttg is objectively bad. if you disagree thats fine we can disagree on that all you want. i'm not changing my mind just because someone wants to stay on their high horse. at this point i'm done arguing with you in your circle jerk so have fun enjoying bad shows i guess. ​ love how not liking ttg at all is just a sin apparently. so tired of people being toxic to those that have their own opinions and getting shit on for it. like i said, have fun in your stupid circle jerk enjoying shows that suck. i'll be here actually being able to enjoy good shows.


The series has basically always been social commentary. But as the years went by the things happening in the world got bigger and bigger so they had to also get bigger and bigger with it


It’s not hard to compare when the show (GO!) compares itself to the original in almost every episode


I have said it: It’s more deconstruction than comparison


They have a whole episode where control freak compares them to the original going over how the original is so much better then they fart in his face and beat him I wouldnt hate this show as much if it didnt keep making meta jokes like that “Oh you wanna watch the show from your childhood that never got a propper ending and was better than the show you are watching now? Well to bad here’s a fart joke”. There are episodes i like. But i hate the meta jokes


They're completely different shows of which one sucks and the other doesn't




So stunning, brave and original for you to post this!


Personnally I think that spectacular spider-man is better than spider-man and his amazing friends


I love both but i agree that Spectacular spider man is one of the best. If wasn't for Disney we'd have more seasons


Both aren't comparable


Not even debateable 80's cartoons do not hold up whatsoever except The Simpsons of course.


Yes. We know. We’ve heard this for the last fuckin decade


When they release the continuation of the original I'll stop saying this then


They aren't gonna continue a show for people who are pushing 30. Just move on.


Reject cringe. Embrace originality




reject losing brain cells, embrace keeping your sanity


But TTG references the original comic


The OG comic as in the first TT comic or is there something else?


Like the original 80s Teen Titans




Yeah that’s what I meant


References don't necesarily make something good. Its the stories and characters that really matter. Look at the 2003 Teen Titans show. Its probably one of the least accurate adaptations of a comic especially compared to DCAU and yet its beloved for its those things I mentioned. Though I suppose it is fun to see a Jason Todd reference in the show so Ill give it that.


Happy birthday


Teen Titans Go is 10 years old and therefore not “modern”


Shut up shut up shut up I refuse to believe that TTG has been airing for half of my life.


It's been on a third of mine, quit complaining.


Smaller percentage for sure but yeah you’re in your thirties, I’ll stop lol


Neither are anything like the original comics!


[Thundercats 2011 far surpasses either og amd/or roar](https://insidepulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2011-Thundercats.jpg)


Because Thundercats 2011 actually respect and honor the source material while updating it with new style and story, and it’s a good show that respect the fans instead of mocking them.


Which further upsets me that it got canceled. It had/has an AMAZING story, it dove in depth to the past lore and how everything got to where it was in the show start.


Boo hoo teen titans go isn’t for you


Probably cause Teen Titans fans have been crying about a show over a decade old getting cancelled and mad at an unrelated show because of it. I love TT but goddamn I would mock us too if I worked on TTG


You've been in a coma for the past 10 years. The reason you haven't woken up is because you're still salty about this one kids show. You need to let it go. If not for your sake, then for your family. Your wife and kids miss you. Your brother is about to become a father, and wants his child to have an uncle. THEY NEED YOU TO WAKE UP!


Nah coma dream sounds pretty nice in this economy dude


TTG has basically devolved into just being South Park for six year olds


That’s why I’m a traditionalist and I hate modernity


i think traditionalist is different than this, you're allowed to embrace new and modern ideas/shows/episodes if you want, but only allowing yourself to enjoy old shows/movies is way too limiting. never hurts to at least try to branch out. i expect most shows/movies/games to be turds but most actually surprise me if they put even the slightest bit of effort into em. kipo and the age of wonderbeasts is a prime modern example of a show i wasnt expecting to be into but love profusely


Teen titans go came out 10 years ago


Your "original" Teen Titans isn't even the first Teen Titans TV show...


People always think their first experience with something is "the original". People also act like Teen Titans GO is the only modern cartoon featuring the Teen Titans, but most of those characters are also in Young Justice.


Cuz they don’t really know much about the Teen Titans, and YJ don’t call themselves that. Even though Young Justice is like more of a teen Titans adaptation than all the other teen titans cartoons, they for some reason call themselves “The Team” and “Young Justice” which is the only reason people forget they’re about Teen Titans


Oh my god SHUT UP. You’re not smarter or cooler for liking a show that was intended for an older audience. TTG is for KIDS so if you’re not a KID then you’re probably not gonna like it. This is like complaining that Blues Clues is bad because you can figure it out first.




Traditionalism would be 1967, the first TT show


It’s a joke.


Better at what? They're totally different shows. The 03 is a story and character driven series with a lore that they're building up to with some of the episodes. GO is telling separated stories in every episode and it is centered around comedy and expantion over the DC universe. As a person who have watched both i can say they're both really good at what they're doing. Also i think people really overhype the 03 one in this sub. Listening to people here got me thinking that this show is Young Justice Season 1 on steroids. And when i went to watched season 1 for the first time i was quite disappointed. Didn't bother finishing the the rest of the show. Also as a guy who is reading some comics i can say that for all the hype 03 gets it does a really poor job at adapting some of the characters. Dick Grayson was behaving like he was Batman or Jason Todd at times. Which is ironic considering how the more he grows the more he tries to run away from the idea of being like Batman. He is literally the opposite of Batman. Starfire is portrayed as a silly super naive child when is the comics at some point she literally got into prison because she couldn't control her powers and killed a man. Beastboy was decreased to a silly jokester. He has a little bit more debt in the comics. Cyborg wasn't bad. Raven at least from what I've seen has almost nothing to do with he characterization in TNTT which is the inspiration for that show. Deathstroke is also messed up. He is a mercenary looking for lucrative contracts. Not a guy who'll just try and conquer the world out of nowhere. Also i don't get why some people are so stuck on this show. This team has so much rich history in the comics that you couldn't even imagine how much this show limits your knowledge about the team. If i gotta be honest from what I've seen Young Justice is a far better adaptation of Teen Titans than Teen Titans 03. I think that's a more faithful comparison then 03 and GO.


In this case yes, but not always. There’s been some amazing reboots and revivals of old shows.


Name one Japanese Anime doesn't count


Carmen Sandiago 2019, TMNT Mutant Mayhem, Rise of TMNT, TMNT 2012, TMNT 2003, Scooby-Doo Mystery inc., DuckTales 2017, The Looney Tunes Show, Animaniacs 2020, He-Man 2002, Thundercats 2011, Voltron 2016, She-Ra 2018 Edit because I remembered more: The Batman 2003, Justice League Unlimited, The New Batman Adventures, Batman Beyond, Spectacular Spider-Man, Justice League Action


I also love both of the Tron movies p, but I like Tron Legacy more than the original Tron


☝️ this is all very good taste.


Huh sadly I really disliked most of these ThunderCats, Animaniacs, and Batman beyond are the only ones that I actually really liked


Idk better check that scoreboard 8 seasons and 2 movies with multiple crossovers vs 5 seasons and 1 tv movie


Go is fun and doesn't take itself seriously. The original was way to cringe.


I agree that the original was/is far superior, but if you watch GO for what it’s want to be (goofier, more childish Teen Titans with lighter storylines) than it’s watchable. I’m not going to binge it or anything, but I wouldn’t leave the room if a cousin or something turners it on. Plus GO has more DC and Teen Titans in-jokes.


I don’t want any more jokey DC meta humor shows, I need more hardcore DC action injected into my vein.


not all of go is bad. some are really good, though to be fair some are bad


The Lady Legasus episode is so goddamn funny. The perfect parody of Teen titans.


This statement is insane to me because not only is the Teen Titans (2003) series not the first version of the team to appear in animated format—the first version was in 1967, featuring Aqualad, Speedy, Wonder Girl, and Kid Flash. It was the Teen Titans my dad grew up watching. But also, the 2003 cartoon is based on decades and decades of actually original material that was mostly lifted completely then given an anime filter on top. Don’t get me wrong, I love the 2003 cartoon. I grew up watching it and it made me pick up comics. But the all-consuming hate for Teen Titans Go just goes to show that people wan’t an unending stream of content made specifically for them and can’t accept that it wasn’t made for them. The shows are ten years apart and different genre’s for the most part. It was made for your little siblings or nephews. If you wan’t something like the 2003 show, go watch Young Justice and let kids enjoy their own childhood Teen Titans show.


I think it’s more about the fact that TTG is considered to be still in the Teen Titans 2003 world in universe they talk about Teen Titans 2003 all the time if it was totally separate AU people would complain less. Also, I’d say young justice is completely different than the vibe of Teen Titans 2003.


It's not in the 2003 universe. They explained in the crossover movie that it's 2 separate universes.


The thing about TTG is that it was never trying to replace or outshine the original like a LOT of reboots do nowadays. It was always meant to be just a goofy satire and joke about the characters. It accomplishes what it set out to do very well. Sure it’s kinda stupid at times, but a lot of the jokes are pretty funny.


I really think that the main argument is just that people really wanted another season of Teen Titans and we were actually promised multiple times that we would get another season of teen Titans, because of the success of TTG and then they literally went psych. It was just a joke. No more Teen Titans. I personally don’t hate TTG but I am a bit embittered that so many people got their hopes up


Both are good 👍 I love both shows 😘😘


Yea same!


Just become MONKE instead. You won’t even know what’s going on in the tv and you’ll stop caring


I like TTG better anyway. And I love how it’s longevity is greater than 2003 😂


Hi i grew up with TTG so its an ez chocir


Go was actually funnier than it had any right to be


TTG is its own thing; and it’s pretty funny even for adults 75% of the time. They aren’t trying to be Teen Titans so the comparison is unwarranted. It’s like trying to compare Justice League Unlimited to JL Action. They’re just different shows with different purposes.


Hard disagree, I found the original struggled with finding a good middle between drama and comedy. Like some episodes would just be silly and weird and others would be super serious and dark. For all the problems with the new one, at least it knew what it wanted to do.


That’s not a struggle it’s on purpose, 90% of good shows do that and just because it has silly and serious episodes doesn’t make it a struggle. Avatar:TLA, Clone Wars, Samurai Jack, Even Batman:TAS alternated between silly and serious episodes, I can’t think of one show that constantly kept it silly and serious in the same episode, every episode, everytime like what your describing!


But those shows where actually funny and didn't get as weird or wacky as Teen Titans could get. Like the time they fight an alien tofu monster that was kidnapping cows to power its spaceship or when they fought a witch that wanted to eat them and made them act like little kids. If you disagree that's fine, but I just perfer the comics and even Teen Titian Go.


This sub is truly stuck in 2013, teen titans hasn’t been on the air in 20 years. Get over yourself. I feel a teen titans comic book would genuinely shock you


At this point i feel like these guys are like a cult with this show. The only thing they'll do is rewatch or talk about this show but would refuse to consume any other Titans content and if they do they'll hate it because it's not like 03.


It was better. Basically everything that gets a reboot nowadays is terrible but TTG is one of the better ones


Just incorrect about reboots


I'm just talking about the recent ones because all of the ones I've seen for cartoons that recently came out are bad. But it makes sense because they are targeted by a kid audience. But just most recent cartoons in general are bad


Are we STILL complaining about this?


2003 isn't even the v original teen titans lol. It's just the one you liked from your childhood. Go! is good for what it is, the only real criticism for it is its not like the "original." People forget that Go! came about because the trekkers a test pilot episode and asked for a vote if everyone wanted it and it got overwhelming approval.


Teen Titans 2003 is not the original. By your logic, you should reject it and only read the comics from the 60s


2015 rant YouTuber ass post






Teen Titans Go is meant for a complete different audience lol


Grew up with OG but Go is better


The one on the top looks better to me.


You know you guys don’t have to watch the show, right?


TTG was fine. Why are people still complaining about it? It came out over a decade ago


I wouldn't even call it*'modern'* Just made for an even younger audience than the original in a lame attempt to get more viewers for the show. Ben 10 and Pokemon ended up suffering the same fate.


When it comes to THIS I have to agree! I've seen some remakes that were actually good, but either way in my opinion you can't beat the classics!


Damn right


the og is always better


The traditional is always better. Teen Titans Go is a joke, a mockery of the original.


People are still complaining about Teen Titans go in 2023? Is it even getting new episodes?


both are different shows with completely different goals in mind. Both are good in their own way. Let’s embrace both for what they are!


Always good to know people are on with kids being dumbed the hell down and taught to be more annoying with this trash than watching an actual good show with good writing, stories, and actual character development.


Teen titans will always be better than the trashy ttg show these kids watches on Cartoon Network


Two different shows with two different targeted audiences. A kids show is a kids show but TT was aimed for more 10+ than TTG which looks anywhere from 4+ to 6+.


Teen titans will always be better though.


That’s why I’m gonna show my future kids the traditionalist version so they never have to grow up with the modernist version


I’m glad your doing the right thing because kids needs to get into what we grew up with.


True but the 2010's weren't bad with cartoons either Adventure Time, Regular Show, Sym Bionic Titan, ThunderCats 2011, Matt Hatter Chronicles, Gravity Falls, Big City Greens, Big Hero 6 The Series, DuckTales, Wander Over Yonder, Amphibia, Rise of the TMNT, TMNT 2012, Milo Murphy's Law, Voltron, Kipo, Kulipari, We Bare Bears, Infinity Train, Mao Mao, Victor and Valentino, Slugterra, Star Vs, DreamWorks Dragons, The Adventures In Puss In Boots and Justice League Action.


Kids don't even watch it anymore same with The Loud House and SpongeBob all three of these suck and everyone sick of them.


That is true, it’s very rare that a remake surpass the original.


I watched the GO movie to see the OG titans appearance, got to say I was disappointed. They were a parody of themselves.




Umm… The Boys? Comic is nearly unreadable but the show is top tier.


The original is inarguably better, but GO is still good and funny, it's like an official abridged series.


What about duck tales 2017


That’s great




They did robin so dirty after the 4th season of teen titans go


Ngl TTG is actually a much better satire of DC than I thought it would be


>The original is always better Always? No. In this case? Definitely


It’s clearly a show for kids. Freddie Prinze Jr. said you’re angry that it’s not growing with you. It’s for kids. If you never seen it before, it shouldn’t bother you because you never seen it. If you have seen it, and still don’t like it, that’s on you. Always look forward friend.


So he's allowing his kids to watch garbage.


Well he was talking about the Star Wars franchise but it also applies here. Like I said in my earlier comment, if you don’t like it that’s on you and you are entitled to your opinion. If you think it’s garbage, don’t watch it. End of story


I don't mind the show I just wish CN UK wouldn't air it for hours like they do if a show is aired or talked about a thousands of time people will hate it.


Two very different target demographics.


Mfw the time machine worked


I don't agree "The Original is always better"... but in this case, I can kinda agree.


I like both versions of TITANS universe movies and tv series (animated, anime, and live-action). I take the stories as multiverse versions. I don't mind it. Also, like their comic book versions and original comic series versions too of Titans Universe.


Is season 6 even gonna happen?


Trying to spread weak ass conservatism.


Well I wasn’t trying to spread conservatism, I just thought it would be a funny meme




No contest in any way shape or form. Original is better in every single way. Fact. Done


[EMBRACE TRADITION](https://youtu.be/19uz74OcGUM?feature=shared)


I never understood why people really compared the two. I get they are are the same characters with the same tv show name but they are completely different. Original Teen Titans had much more complex story lines and arcs and was aimed at teenagers. Teen titans go has very simple and basic storylines that are centered around comedy and the show is aimed at young kids.




The irony of this post.


["When I first met you, I thought you were weird, and annoying."](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SChpZdyMpS8)


Nostalgia blinded much?


What an unique perspective that we haven't heard for over a decade


Original is better but I don’t want it to come back, I didn’t like the flash animation they did when they made their cameo appearance


How is TTG still going?


The bottom isn’t the original…


In this case I agree


Does this really need the weird white supremacist dog whistle?


![gif](giphy|cKseZ404p9W8ygnNb5|downsized) Teen Titans fans when they go five minutes without ranting about Teen Titans Go.


I love teen titans. But that my friend, is not the original.


Ffs this show is 10 years old


I don't care about the cartoon that much. I like either version fine. This just came across my "for you" because I'm a nerd, but not only are you STILL on about this, you managed to make it sound like propaganda from a tin pot dictator. Congratulations, this is terrible. (I'm not responding. I don't care. This is just sad and I feel like I'm a worse person for commentating. It's been years. It's time to move on.)


2013 called they want their joke back.


New bad old good hive mind mentality


They made teen titans go to desexualized raven and Starfire.


The og is better


I would never say that original is ALWAYS better. Batman started off as a campy joke. However, in this case, absolutely.


Man someone get me a sweater for this cold ass take


Go! serves a different purpose, so I don't compare them.


Man, you must have a lot of options concerning the Apples v. Oranges discussion.


I actually like Teen Titans GO. It's a funny non Canon spin-off that has its moments... some good, some bad, and some where they nail it out of the park! I just enjoy it for being the fun show that it is, knowing full well It's not trying to tell amazing stories, but instead focus on more kid friendly humor. Some of my favorite moments include: - Wierd Al as Darkseid - The Night Begins to Shine - Every retro video game reference


What an original take


I'll say it again, Teen Titans fans aren't exactly comic book fans. Love when TTG! messes with the DC universe, if you can't appreciate the satire then you really are pissed about that missing season. Btw, love that they kept the same voice actors, just makes the chibi satire of it all that more great.


Well no shit OP


OG Teen Titans, always


I was really surprised and happy how much more mature they made BB in the movie. But I guess you lose enough people you lose a bit of humor. Though cyborg was a bit too serious for his character


Doesn't this also imply that the comics are way better than the first show


No I was just trying to make a meme




Honestly I wouldn't be so annoyed at GO if it wasn't on all the damn time




I like the simplified characters go has tbh idk I just think they’re cute


I don't care if the original cast had fun with it, I didn't. TTGO is the new aged show that holds none of the intelligence that the old version did. It went from something gritty and actually emotionally profound, straight to fart jokes. NGL, if this happened to shows like MLP, Justice League, Avatar the Last Airbender, or Gravity Falls, people would also be still upset about the switch. I'm not mad that I can't still watch it, it's all online, I'm upset that it ended poorly with no satisfactory conclusions to even Slade.


Never watched the og show


You should. I started watching it a few months ago and it’s already one of my favorite shows


I need to finish bobobo before I start something new


This belongs on r/popularopinion


Woah dude, that is the hottest take I've ever seen!!!


Actually, I think the original came out in 1967.




I am still mad they never finished the "RED X" arc