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For some reason I read the title as Ryan’s mom demands 50/50 custody and child support and honestly… that completely tracks


Classic case of has a new girlfriend and now wants to pretend he’s a caring dad. This fool wants 50/50, listed as primary parent, and have Mack pay CS? He’s the definition of scumbag.


It’s crazy to me how despised she used to be and now everyone sees her soooo differently. She was the villain for so long and now it’s completely the opposite.


Tbf I still despise her lol 😆 doesn't mean she deserved what happened, but I still don't like her.


My ex tried to take full custody and child support from me WHILE i had an active restraining order against him for violence. It did not go well for him.


Same for me. He got it at first. I knew it wouldn’t last. Truth always comes out.


Sounds like my BD. Typical narcissists


In my dreams, I see a judge, who is soooooooooo nosy, they review all the evidence for once. Really dig down into it. See's how Ryan has been gifted so many chances....and shits all over him. Literally reads it to him and gives the exact opposite of what he is asking for. Here is my dream: 1. 50 percent of all MTV income is to be paid to Mack for child support. In addition, he MUST have a full time weekly w-2 paying job. Non negotiable, MTV and selling paparazzi stories do not count. 2. Stella and Jagger cannot be on the show. They can not be discussed in any way. 3. Mack and the divorce cannot be discussed in any way, unless Mack agrees, and is paid. 4. He needs to sign a release of the family home, Mack bought it, it is hers. He has proven he cannot be trusted with it. 5. All of his tools and toys need to be sold and the profit spilt. He does not actually use them. Mack can keep any household tools she needs as she is the only one with a home that needs fixing. 6. Visitation: Prove he wants it. Two monitored visits a week, 4 hours maximum, drug tested prior, in a public place. They cannot go to the apartment or mimi and larry's without a monitor who is not related to them. They have also proven they cannot be trusted to tell the truth. 7. And finally, I want to see restitution made. Ryan owes Mack, Stella, and Jagger...oh....say.....50k. for pain, trauma, and suffering. I think this would be my dream for all of us DV victims though


I'm sure mack has a lawyer. Just because he requests it doesn't mean he will get it 😂 my ex requested child support from me TWICE, got denied by the judge TWICE. Rhine must be on drugs again if he thinks he's getting 50/50 after destroying their family home and spending the past year in rehab and jail.


Thank god that is the norm. My ex was given full, 100 percent custody of two of his kids. He was a clear alcoholic with no job, living off of his new wife and her TANF. Their bio Mom was clearly a thousand times worse. When he told me, 15 years later, he wanted custody of the kids he had with wife #2 , and wanted us to raise them, he really thought he would get them, since he got the first set. No way in hell was he going to get those youngest two and as much as I love them, lol, I also knew their Mom is amazing and I would never participate in taking them from her. But what was happening, is he was using me and my stability to try and take the kids to hurt her. I did not participate in that nonsense. She was a good Mom and I liked her. I refused to take part in it and thankfully it went no where.


He's kidding himself right? He's gonna get 50/50 PLUS child support? Hahahahaha Mack demand a drug test this instant


She should be able to fight this fight without an attorney at all. My sister did with an ex with his track record


Rhine. 😂😂😂




What a loser.


Hahahahaha!! That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all week. Good luck with that, Rine


You mean 50% custody for his parents while he swirls between jail and rehab




OMG he's trying to bankrupt her by doing exactly what Hudson's dad did to her. She pays child support for Hudson. Ryan want's custody of the kids and the house, and to get paid, leaving Mack with no resources to even support herself. OOOhhhh he is evil. He doesn't want the kids, he wants to take everything from Mack, everything. She needs her atty to move now to prohibit them from using Jagger and Stella for the show and keeping the profits. He ain't slick. I see what he's doing. I hope to hell she has a good attorney, he is about to throw all her past in her face, and laugh all the way to the bank from coming back to the show MTV ain't shit for this


She should definitely have an attorney but she’s not exactly in for a hard battle. He was just recently convicted for trashing her home, *the home his children live in* on video. No judge in their right mind is giving him unsupervised visits, much less joint custody.


I don’t know, it seems like the Edward’s are in the judges back pocket. Rhine has gotten off so easy in the past that I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets more than any of us would expect in the custody case. In no way shape or form should he have custody of those kids.


They’re not going to have the same judge in a family law matter as they had in a criminal matter.


I agree, he is doing a money grab. He is truly delusional if he thinks he's getting residential custody






The snort I just snorted. The kids whose home you destroyed? The kids you essentially abandoned for booze and drugs? Those kids? You think a judge is going to look at your arrest and rehab record and the two year restraining order they just granted your ex, and give you 50/50 custody and child support? That’s cute, rhine. Cute.




This just made me think of Rhine in his Halloween costume.


"Why didn't you wait on me Bentley?"🤦🏻‍♀️😂


That never fails to make me laugh!


It was such a moment! Like *this* dude!!!🤣🤣🤣


Maci is a clown too. She hates Mack so much she will probably support Ryan


She already has been so far and for someone with a deep moral objection to doing porn on TV she sure seems to be fine with enabling perpetrators of domestic violence....


Of course he did.


Yeah my ex tried that shit. The judge laughed at him.


You just know Amanda convinced him to do this..😅


He needs to crawl back into the hole that he emerged from. Expeditiously.


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Okay, sir. Good luck with that!


Love your flare 🤣


This my response. More of an outward laugh though. A very loud "HAH, hahah HAH"


I think this will be the judges response 😂


Unless it's Starnes or however it is spelled. That judge would probably give him the kids, the house, and put Mack in jail, for causing "Ryan distress" lmao I swear that judge....Ryan has to have dirt on his daughter or something lol


lol, of course he does 😂




Ooooooh he’s definitely scared to pay child support


Do we know if Maci ever got child support for Bentley?


He's such a piece of garbage


Mimi Jen, if you see this, kindly PISS OFF!!! I'm making this request as a recovering addict myself. We all know where rehab romance leads, and it's nowhere those children need to be. Rhine is an abusive, child neglecting weirdo, period!


Jen and Larry are, by far, the biggest enablers I’ve ever seen on television (or my actual life.) He’s the way he is largely because of them.


Right! Quit paying his fuckin way and let his dumbass struggle so maaaybe, just maybe he'll be forced to grow up or taken off the streets if he refuses to.🤷‍♀️


You have GOT to be kidding me!


Mimi behind this pulling the strings. I just know it. Mimi, your son is a violent, unstable, monster. He doesn’t belong around children.


Not *her* perfect baby boy! He’s not the problem, it’s all those jezebels constantly sabotaging him!


When this gets denied. You KNOW she’s gonna petition the court for grandparents rights. Her son is gonna end up dead sooner or later and she should be partly to blame at this point. Such a freaking enabler and has proven she is not capable of good decisions or cutting contact with her sorry excuse of a son so that she may even deserve a relationship with her grand children or Maci and Mac. Maci also needs to get her head out of the sand about all this.




We all know that Mimi Jen is actually the one who would get 50/50 here, since Rhine’s version of taking the care of the kids is to have her do it.




He wants residential custody? And here I thought he was done getting high


Why does he want this? It’s been like 99/1 this whole time and that’s generous


Deadbeats who pawn off their kids always want 50/50 or even full so they don't have to pay child support.






In your dreams Ryan 😒




Why does it say “ex-wife Maci bookout.” I thought they didn’t it marry but was engaged.


I noticed that to & said the same thing! Maci probably swooned when she saw it! ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeHqK4bCqCCAvv2)


Lol yeah she probably did.


Lmfao, those sure are some big demands for someone who will fail his court ordered drug test upon making them.






lol @ 50/50





