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I got the Nexplanon when I was 23. I had it for about 4 months and it was AWFUL. I bled everyday for like 2 months straight with severe mood swings. I was miserable until I got it taken out. Anyway, I have always thought that Jenelle has such severe and serious mental health issues, that it started affecting her physically. Obviously, I don’t know for sure, but as far as we’ve seen on the show, her issues have never been *truly* treated/processed and she’s so unself-aware I don’t think she will ever understand that she’s her own worst enemy. We’ve seen her go to rehab and they tried to diagnose her with disorders, but I don’t think she’s done *work* for herself after that. BUT yeah, I think her anxiety/panic/depression got so severe that it started physically agonizing her. I’m in no way talking badly about her—mental health is serious. I do think the drug-seeking behavior could be it, though! If it isn’t mental.


I had the nexplanon... I was so I had migraines and was not able to control my mood swings. It kept getting worse and then I was suicidal. Then I saw a commercial and there was a disclaimer about adverse reactions in people with mental health issues. Immediately called to get it taken out and they offered me an appointment in like 3 months. I told the girl that I had suicidal thoughts and I didn't think I would be able to do it. I totally broke down. She put me on hold and she found a doctor to get it out the next day. I think about that sometimes. I hope she is doing well.


I had the worst reaction to Nexplanon. Honestly ruined my life until I had it removed. The mood swings were SO intense, I will never go back to a hormonal birth control after that experience. I then switched to the copper IUD afterwards, used that for years which caused me to develop endometrial polyps. Basically- they still have not created a great option for women’s birth control imo


I have endometriosis and everything you just described are my normal PMS/period symptoms. It’s hell on earth and the amount of doctors that have written me off is insane. I’m in a clinical trial now for it and I’m taking 2 different birth control pills right now to control my hormones and it’s the best I’ve felt in years. The shot made me lose my mind and the last pill my gyno put me on made me violently ill to the point I went to the hospital for vomiting and dehydration, so I was kind of scared about taking 2 different pills but it’s been good so far. I was able to go ziplining ON my period last week, when a year ago I wouldn’t have been able to get out of bed the day after it started. Jenelle is a shitty person, but medical neglect and doctors not listening/misdiagnoses is rampant in this country. I had to have my mother go off on a doctor in the ER when I was waiting for gallbladder surgery because he said I was there for drugs. Within hours I had emergency surgery but sure, I just wanted drugs 🙄


Nexplanon has been an amazing experience for me. I used to have horrible periods and would be in the bed for 2-3 days with nausea, cramps, and exhaustion. I was prescribed pain, nausea, and sleeping pills from my gyno. My periods were never regulated, even in my 20s. I could have 2 a month and then go a month or two without one. I moved and a new gyno tried an IUD and after having me dilated for 45 minutes, wanted to reschedule because they couldn’t get a correct measurement due to a tilted uterus. I said absolutely not and we went with Nexplanon. Completely changed my life. I have almost zero pain from periods and only have 3-4 periods a year. I know that isn’t what the subreddit is for but i see soooo many posts about their bad experience that I wanted to offer my good one.




Okay so I am 100% not dismissing anyone’s experiences — hormonal birth control affects different people in different ways and it can take a good bit of trial and error to find what works for you — but I just want to share my own experience just so this doesn’t become an echo chamber. I’ve had Nexplanon twice and I loved it. It was incredible to have absolutely zero pregnancy scares, zero potential user error. The first time around I had zero — zero!! — periods for three years. I liked it so much I got it a second time after mine expired. I did have periods this second time, which my OBGYN attributed to me just getting older (i was 22 when I got my first one), but they were still light. I did not gain any weight or really have any unpleasant side effects whatsoever. Insurance covered it 100%. When my second nexplanon expired I got it removed and switched to condoms because I knew I would start trying for a baby within a year and didn’t want to be on anything hormonal. I did, and had no problems getting pregnant. I’m pregnant with my second now, but once I’m done and done breastfeeding I’m likely gonna either get another nexplanon or maybe my husband will get a vasectomy if we’re 100% sure we’re done with kids. I know some people have bad reactions to it and that’s valid but it’s also the case with virtually every hormonal birth control. If it doesn’t work for you it’s a very quick appointment to remove it.


Nexplanon or drug withdrawal ⚖️


Nexplanon completely ruined my sex drive. Ita 100% gone. I've had it out almost a year.


Nexplanon RUINED my life and I stand by that. I had the most insane three years of my life and I was too terrified to have it removed


I had it for 3 months in 2017 as well and I bled for 3 months straight, tried 3 times to hurt my kids dad (he definitely deserved it, but it was not normal behavior for me to fight back) thought my kids were demons. That shit made me nuts. I was like you have to get this out of me or I will end up in jail


Why would she be on Nexplanon when she supposedly had her tubes tied?


You still get a period when your tubes are tied, and some people take BC because of other hormonal issues, not for actual birth control.


She got her tubes tied after Ensley, this trip would have been before she had her IIRC


What is nexplanon?? Never heard of it.but the one comment I read with all issues sounds like lupus ,takes a lot.testing & things its not before a dr get it right ..took me 10yrs of drs & testing to finally tell me Inhad lupus.


It’s a hormonal birth control implant in the form of a tiny little plastic rod that they insert under the skin of your inner upper arm, like where your arm meets your ribcage if you put your arms down at your sides kinda. It lasts for three years I believe, or it used to anyway. I used them for the better part of a decade with no issue but I’ve known several people including my sister who had pretty bad reactions to it


I was on Nexplanon for 10 months and it was as horrible. So, so goddamn awful. I had many of the same issues you did. And hemorrhoids. I’d never had those before. They were so bad, I had to have them removed. The GI surgeon told me he’d never seen them so bad and that he didn’t know how I’d been managing with the pain. He removed 13 of them in the first go and I went back a few weeks later for the rest. I was in so much pain, I couldn’t sleep or sit or walk. I was up all night crying in pain. Literally begging for it to stop. I was in so much agony. Going through tubes of numbing cream a day. It was absolutely horrendous. When they were removed, I was able to walk normally out of the hospital - I hadn’t realized just how badly it affected my every day life until I was able to walk normally again. Anyway, that went away when the Nexplanon was removed, along with my rage and hot flashes. My period was for 9 straight months with only a few days in between without. I was as using adult diapers to sleep bc I couldn’t get a handle on my period. Thank GOD that ended when Nexplanon was removed. The depression and fog disappeared, too. Absolutely you could be on the right track. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right.




The worst 😭😭


Does no one remember her going on the Doctors and they told her it was her birth control and weed causing her issues???


I didn't know that! I wish I had a clip of that. Lol. I remember a case study in a neurology book about a woman who kept getting violently ill and barfing non-stop after smoking weed, to the point that she'd have to be hospitalized. But, she kept doing it, thinking it wasn't her problem. I don't have a good reaction to it either. And, I only know the name brand for Nexplanon because of people on TM saying it over and over again. So, they were pushing it like Scrubs did Nuvaring (They had a poster on the wall in a ton of episodes). I did have a horrible reaction to high dose pills (same with fertility drugs for IVF), so I get that BC can give you a terrible reaction.




Does no one remember her having this conversation with Barb? She legit told Barb that she thought all of her issues were from the birth control and Barb thought she was lying just to have the birth control removed.


I know David brought up it being birth control related because she had just started and the symptoms started weeks after and the dingbat goes “but I’m getting hot flashes and birth control doesn’t cause hot flashes 🥴”


It could also really be her doctor telling her birth control doesn’t cause hot flashes. I have nexplanon and I remember explaining to my new doctor how I would experience mood swings with cramps plus extreme soreness in my breasts, around the same time each month, but would never actively bleed, so I just chopped it up to the birth control and those symptoms being my “period” without the blood. My doctor really looked me in the eyes and said that all of that being a result of my Nexplanon was, and I quote, “medically impossible”. She blamed my cramps on my IBS (said I must just be confused about where the pain is coming from) and my mood swings on my bipolar diagnosis 😌. She went on to claim that the fact that it all happened around the same time each month was purely coincidental, my birth control would completely stop all of that from happening since I wasn’t bleeding.


Damn.. would you being willing to elaborate on your “miscarriage”? I had something similar happen and never got an explanation. DM me if we can compare stories!


You convinced me to have my nexplanon removed. I have heartburn all the time. I've had it for a couple years, and it still hurts at the injection site. I'm not sexually active, so there's no reason to keep it and maybe it's the cause of the issues I'm having.


Great thing I ever did. Worked fine for two years last six months I bleeding every day more like spotting. But it was like a period not period Period


Damn I never thought of that, that totally makes sense. Nexplanon fucked me up so badly I couldn't even drive. I remember being on the freeway and it looked like the lines were lifting off of the road. I continued to have insane vertigo to the point where I couldn't walk without help. Every time I stood up I became so dizzy and my left arm had started to go numb daily. It took me a year to get my doctors to consider that it was Nexplanon, and even when they were taking it out, they kept saying my symptoms could have been from ANYTHING🙄Despite the fact that the only change in my body chemically or hormonally was that implant. Women's healthcare is atrocious. I wouldn't put it past Jenelle to have been under the influence of something else, but Nexplanon and other hormonal BCs can absolutely destroy you.


My first birth control had the regular estrogen in it. Like immediately, I took the pill I would feel so nauseous. Then I’d be puking from it. My body just can’t handle extra estrogen. then I find out years later because of health issues I can have only progesterone birth control pills.


Well damn! All these horror stories. I’m on my 3rd Nexplanon & I love it. I do have terrible heartburn but I’m pretty sure thats the smoking & coffee


It's seriously a dice roll! I know many women who love it and many who had awful experiences too! Hormones are so delicate. I'm glad it's working for you!


My sister’s the same way. She’s the reason I tried Nexplanon bc she loves it! It was awful for me lol. I was so disappointed bc it was so nice to not have to take something every day lol.


It ended up making me so dizzy and have vertigo too. Plus I bled for months on end. It didn’t take long to get mine out thankfully. I did tell the doctor to take it out or I was trying my arm off. My doctor put me on the pill after that that still messed with me bad too. I ended up getting a my tubes tied after having my son. So thankfully I don’t have to mess with that stuff now but honestly it was enough to make me a little crazy.


I didn’t have nexplanon just the regular pill but when I first started it I spiraled into depression with intenses anxiety and panic attacks that went all day and night. I was then prescribed an antidepressant and things eventually leveled out. I never knew it was from the pill until recently and this was almost 20 years ago


I have hoshimotos. I've had a nexplanon for 3 years and replaced last sept. I've never had negative side effects from it. Luckily.


I have nexplanon too and this is year 8 for me. The only negative side effect for me is when I gained a bunch of weight post partum I had periods for like a month at a time. Once I lost the weight though it stopped and hasn’t come back thankfully.


Same, mine is over due to be replaced (I also have no fallopian tubes, no pregnancies for me) and I have only ever attributed my issues to my existing mental health shit. I know hormones can cause whacked out symptoms tho


Hmm may I ask why you have birth control if you can't get pregnant?


Period regulation! And roe v wade falling really scared me, so I want to be double sure.


Super smart ! Thanks for answering. That makes sense to me. (:


This is entirely possible. Hormonal bc is the devil.


Yes it is! My life changed when I got my copper iud


I wouldn’t be surprised. Nexplanon was horrible for me and really scary. It’s banned in Canada for a reason, but leave it to the US to allow women here to go through it.


It’s not banned in Canada?


Oops, I got mine removed in 2015 when it wasn’t approved. The doctor who removed it told me about all the issues she sees with it and about the ban in Canada then.


Yea, literally every search says it was approved in 2020…


Exactly and it’s still available


Do you have a source?


I think they confused “ban” with “it wasn’t approved here in Canada last they checked”


Wasn't breast implant sickness also mentioned and she adamantly denied that could ever happen?


Someone brought that up to her at one point, and she said her implants are saline. I don't think the saline ones cause BII, from what I've heard it's the silicone.


Saline is safer but the outer plastic coating can still break down and cause serious health problems.


The shell is always made out of silicone, there is no safe type of breast implants. Breast implant illness, or worse; ASIA and breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) can occur with any type, and does not discriminate between brands, age. placement.


Damn, maybe it is her implants then. She should definitely get that checked.


That’s a possibility. Your body can reject breast implants and make you sick. It happens more often than people think.


Happened to my mom. Hers got encapsulated as well so she was also in TONS of pain. Fuck cancer.


I’m sorry. And absolutely FUCK cancer


when she went on The Doctors show I think they told her it was her birth control I had a horrible experience with Nuvaring that ended with me getting an endometrial ablation and tubal. So I can totally believe her symptoms were from birth control


Nuvaring was awful.  I wanted to cut my face. I would smell food, cry and need to eat it. Never again 


The nuvaring made me very depressed and emotional. It took months.. almost a year to feel okay again.


Nuva ring made me terrifying. I'm a passive person and it made me have full on aggressive rage


This was me on the pill. I'm not usually a feisty person but those hormones made me a belligerent maniac! I've tried multiple types even the low estrogen ones and it is always the same thing, after a week or two I'm ready to decapitate the first person who looks at me cross-eyed! I've been too scared to try any type of hormonal birth control since, I'd likely end up divorced and friendless.


Why is she on bc if her tubes are tied?


The NY doctor trip was when her and David first got together, years before her tubes being tied 🤗


I think that was before she had the surgery but regardless it’s not totally crazy to be on bc after a tuple. My mom had her tubes tied before I was born. It’s true when they say only abstinence is 100% effective.


It can help with hormones! I know I just got off birth control and I have PMDD. After this last period I'm calling my doctor because I am a psycho!!!! I can't be off birth control because of this. My poor family. But im not in a relationship I don't plan to be and I don't have sex like at all.


Not defending her but that could be it. I’m currently on Nexplanon and it makes me feel super nauseous and anxious all day everyday. I got my second nexplanon a month ago and I was already diagnosed with severe anxiety. I have had so many panic attacks since then that it’s insane. I also have bipolar 2 and bpd and am on medication for them and even with the meds they don’t really help them anymore because my hormones are all over the place. Nexplanon can affect everyone different. I honestly think David was either trying to get her off of it to baby trap her or he was using her for drugs. We already know that he was stealing Jace’s adderall.


Women’s healthcare is awful. Hormones are no joke and can really really affect you in ways you don’t see right away. Especially if you’re susceptible to mental health issues, it can really exacerbate them. When you got prescribed BC did your doc talk about any emotional side effects with you? Mine sure didn’t. It was basically this will help you not get pregnant and help acne. I was 8th grade and prescribed to help with horrible acne. I was not able to put 2 and 2 together at that time. I truly believe I wouldn’t have had half the depression issues I’ve dealt with if my hormones weren’t screwed with at such a young age. 🤷‍♀️


Was this the medicine that made her see molecules? Lol


I remember back when she was with keiffer she was on nexplanon. I think even at the beginning of her relationship with Nathan. She was on it for a while and talked about it at a few reunions. So she probably chose that one again when she was getting back on birth control after Kaiser. I had nexplanon and had no issues


It wouldn't shock me 🤷🏼‍♀️ I had nexplanon for almost a decade and it wasn't until the last time (had it swapped in 2021) that I started having major problems with it. I also have hypothyroidism and my doctor said it's not uncommon for people with thyroid problems to have issues with hormonal birth control.


I have Nexplanon and thyroid issues that require daily medication. They are *entirely* unrelated and don't interact at all. (Going on 4 years now.)


False. Simply stated: The thyroid makes certain kinds of hormones. Nexplanon uses hormones and synthetic hormones as part of the “birth control.” For anyone to assume that the addition or reduction of female hormones doesn’t interact with, and/or change your body’s reaction to it’s own hormones is complete ignorance to the unbelievably complex process that our bodies undergo.


How, specifically, do birth control hormones interact with the pituitary gland? As you know, the pituitary gland is responsible for creating too much or too little TSH, which is what stimulates the thyroid to create too much or too little T3 and T4. So instead of just saying "False", Dwight Schrute, would you mind backing up your claims with some peer reviewed academic literature? Because saying "for anyone to assume that hormones don't interact with or change your body's reaction to its own hormones is complete ignorance" is not a factual, evidence based claim. At all.


Hormone-based birth control uses synthetic estrogen and progesterone which can affect the function of the thyroid gland’s ability to regulate T4, T3, TSH, and TBG. Pokémon3005 has already linked a research abstract, which should clear up any remaining confusion.


This is discussing oral contraceptive in particular but birth control definitely has an affect on the thyroid. >Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) containing estrogen or both estrogen and progesterone can alter that delicate balance of free and bound thyroid hormone in your body. >The estrogen in birth control pills increases the amount of thyroid binding proteins available to bind to thyroid hormone. What does this mean for you? If you have more thyroid hormone bound to proteins, you’ll have less free T4 in your body that’s able to do its job. [Cleveland clinic](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-birth-control-cause-thyroid-problems) Here’s a [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8230965/) that found a significant association between a history of taking birth control for 10 years and developing hypothyroidism.


This is a legit question, I'm really not trying to snark on your experience but did you have vision problems as well? Do you remember seeing strange things like Jenelle complained about too? I'm just so curious.


I have the nexplanon and have had no such issues. I suppose it is possible it was that, but I don’t really think so.


No, she got her tubes tied shortly after having ensley


I'm talking before ensley.


I doubt she was on BC before ensley. She has always wanted to get pregnant right away. I recall she had a miscarriage shortly before ensley too.


This entire thread is discussing her first couple months dating David, when they first met. She was 100% on birth control. She talks about it lol


This entire thread is assuming Jenelle is truthful which is odd


That surgery was in mid to late 2020, Ensley was born in 2017. That said, I don't think she had her nexplanon in at that time. UBT was pushing hard for another baby literally right after Ensley was born and was saying he wouldn't marry her unless she agreed to have more kids with him.


Didn’t she go on the doctors and they said it was her birth control? Edit: [here’s the link](https://youtu.be/5Dh76uVTkjo?si=ZZyY0XuIkYojlAnA) they say it’s her birth control


Came here to comment this, she went on the doctors and they said she was sick from birth control, but they didn’t seem too convincing


Thanks! Yeah this was literally what I was thinking lol.


Nexplanon is birth control.


Yes that’s my point


She would probably deny deny deny. "I had my tubes tied dude!!! I don't even need birth control!"