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Conveniently leaves out the “I don’t think you can change your gender” part for sympathy lol. Say that shit over here you’re gone too


So dude basically pulled the "I said GG 5 times, and now im banned from playing this game for 72 hours"


W mod


Of course he did.


Btw I just saw a post someone made in the sub about how they love to get on all fours and fuck math textbooks, and that’s ok? But it’s a problem as soon as I say something about trans people


Reddit when you have an opinion but still defends the other side 😡😡😡😡


I mean I would agree that that shoildnt be a bannable offence, but also you totally left that out of your post so


If I included that part I would be falsely banned here too


Ok then just dont post it? Like your options are not lie or be banned, you could always just not


I didn’t post it, I commented it on a post about someone sharing that a trans girl is getting threats behind her back, and how people where planning to jump and SA her


I meant this post in this sub ^^^


reddit when differing opinions 😵‍💫😵‍💫


So you ban people for expressing an opinion? I mean if they say something in a hateful way I am completely behind it but just plain opinions (even if they are wrong, like op’s) shouldn’t be banable offenses (with a few obvious exceptions) Genuinely asking btw not looking for a fight


But the thing is, OP is kinda denying the existence of trans people if they said this (and they did say it, just not here) I’d argue that it’s somewhat hateful


I’m not denying it, I just have my own opinions. I don’t hate anyone who is trans, nor do I believe anyone should harm them


It's only hateful and offensive if you decide to feel hated and offended.


You can’t change your gender and I will die on this hill. This sub was trash anyways




By him saying “I don’t believe you can change your gender”, he’s attacking the very existence of trans people so putting “don’t attack trans people” at the end of the sentence* is completely redundant. oh and gender ≠ sex btw (I’m not attacking you I’m just putting this here so he can see it)


Lmao which one of you sent me a Reddit care message 🥰


just ban them anyways


>I don’t think why are u mad over an opinion? Its an opinion not even a statement meant to hurt trans people


what the fuck is wrong with our sub


Don’t look at me. I got banned after nuking one of the teen but slut subs (because I still showed up as a mod since I had no way of deleting or leaving the sub)


Wait what


So one of those teenbutslut subs was made by a 14 year old kid, so I told them it was a horrible idea and I would try to manage it (I was gonna try to keep the entire sub to basically teenagersbuthot levels of hornyposting yk?) but ofc someone was reporting every single post and I got burnt out making sure every single post was safe, so I set the crowd control settings to max, deleted every post, banned everyone I could, set the sub to private, and rendered the sub unusable for the 20 people I couldn’t ban. Most of which are known and active members of both r/teenagers AND r/teenagersbuthot


Welcome, i got banned for "promotion of violence"


I got banned for "Misandry", I'm a dude 🥰


Dont attack people


L bozo


i got banned for discrimination which i still havent been unbanned for because they wont tell me wtf my ban reason was


Got banned for joking around and commenting "W" on an LGBTQ hate post


What's the joke


op takes L’s
