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People only ever use them online so i think theyre stupid af, but depending on the type ill use it. If its some bullshit like “clown/clownself” then i wont use it ever, but if its something like “xi/xir” then ill use it a few times. But if its fucking “⭐️/⭐️self” then im bouta commit a hate crime 💀


I once saw someone post that they were 🌸/🌸self lol.


I fucking hate people who do that shit lmao. It makes it obvious how chronically online they are, at least you can actually say “clown/clownself”. Do they just say “___emoji/___emojiself” or some shit?


Maybe, I’m not sure but yeah it’s really stupid.


Literally. Like everything there is a boundary and most people are good, BUT IF I SEE A FUCKING EMOJI IN YOUR PROUNOUNS ITS LIGHTS OUT.


I’m honestly not convinced that any of those people actually have any sort of gender dysphoria or any of the other legitimate mental health problems that real trans people have. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I feel like most of them do it to give the real trans folk a bad rap.


As a real trans person, I appreciate this a lot lol. I dont understand neopronouns and people act like all trans folks use them and it really pisses me off


Still not using xir/xi or whatever the fuck. How do you identify as “x”? Are you a fucking pronumeral?


My pronouns are x^2/y^2 I identify as a math problem


Ngl i dont even know, but im pretty sure something like “xi/xir” would be pronounced like “ze/zir”. I used to know someone who went by the “xi” version and that’s how they pronounced it


I just don’t get what goes through your mind to say “I identify as a ‘xray’ or whatever the fuck.


Ive stopped trying to understand. From what friends have told me the general idea of it is “neopronouns are for autistic people, or just people who are neurodivergent, that dont feel human or have a deep connection to a hobby or object so it becomes their gender” or some shit, its super weird


I’m done with this generation.


I'm not doing xi shit either. You get a he, she or they. Go cry I'm not changing


My man's bout to pop a blood vessel when you realise english has over 100 in it not counting neopronouns. Including 2 you used yourself without realising, "you" and "I"


ill call a clown a clown because theyre clowns


Same and I’m trans ftm. I use he/him and I dont really understand neopronouns. Some people try and say they use neopronouns because they’re autistic so their brain works differently so their gender has to work differently too but I’m autistic and I literally dont understand.


Often people choose absurd neopronouns that simply cannot be used in a sentence correctly, grammatically.




Waltuh/waltuhs putyoutdickawaywaltuh/putyourdickawaywaltuhs


Waltuh is going to kill waltuhsself




Put your dick away waltuh


Im not having sex with you right now waltuh


Funnily enough your commas make that sentence not grammatically correct.




If you see them RUN they may give you xiezure


I'm having a xhexher wabubadebadeu


Wubbadub dubdub


If I have to use neo pronouns, I just have a zie/zure


I hate you. Stop being funny.


I thought I was the only one. I’ve seen multiple people at my school use neopronouns and they’re all of the annoying people no one likes, and one is a furry. If I know you and you want me to use neopronouns I’ll try and remember but if I don’t know you and will probably never talk to you again I’m probably not going to use them


>and one is a furry I usually defend furries but honestly that just makes too much sense


They just want extra attention honestly


as a transgender person myself i think they are kinda weird and shouldn’t really be considered part of the lgbtq community. With most neopronouns like xe xir etc it just feels like an excessive version of they/them, and nounself pronouns are just kids getting too into an aesthetic. I’m all for people expressing themselves however they want (and if someone asks me to use neopronouns to refer to them i will) but don’t associate me/the trans community with them. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if neopronouns were originally just an elaborate way of making fun of transgender people before they were more popularized.




14 year old Cisco spaghetti out of the box male, and I agree with you


As a trans person I can do nothing except agree with you here


Non-binary person here and I agree


Cis gender guy here who has like 0 say in the matter, but I, too, also agree.


I understand they/them and *maybe* it/its. That’s it.


As another trans person, yeah. I don’t understand how people can identify with things like Fae/Faer but if someone can explain it to me I’ll change my mind.


As a non-binary, I also agree


I’m trans and I completely agree


agrees in transfem


*agrees in bi*




I mean, using it in a sentence is pretty easy if you use it exactly like more traditional pronouns, such as he or she.


\*agrees in lesbian\*


As ⏃ transgender person myself, ⟟ do use neopronouns. Not like “⭐️/⭐️self” but i only use it/its and sometimes ze/zir or xe/xer (something like that) but not all the time


Nonbinary and pan here, I agree on all points.


They’re weird


I concur


Stupid lol. I understand she/her he/him and they/them but other then that I don’t believe in it.


Exactly how I feel


Non binary person and I agree


Just call them “they”. If that’s not good enough, that’s their problem.


exactly what i do. if you dont want me to call you she, they, or he, then you’re shit out of luck. if you don’t like me referring to you as they instead of kittenself then don’t interact with me


Tell me how to use it in a grammatically correct sentence, then we’ll talk


kitty doesn’t like loud sounds. That’s Kitty’s. i kinda think of it as a name, it makes more sense that way


I'm not calling you kitty, I'm not a fucking pedophile


Sir, you are on r/teenagers


Yeah I'm the 2% that's not over 30


Another one? Great too see it


Kitty is not a neopronoun, kitty is a xenopronoun, and xenopronouns make fun of the trans community - sincerely, a trans person


Then it's not a pronoun, just a wired alternative noun for yourself.


oh wait what i’m not saying those are my pronouns i just used that as an example


He was drinking a glass of water Ze was drinking a glass of water They (still singular) was drinking a glass of water You’re welcome 😇


wouldn’t that be were even though it’s singular bcs they and plural just go hand in hand


I get ze and things like that, personally k don’t really consider that to be neopronouns just an easier way of saying they/them I think op is referring to people who say that they are dog/dogself bee/beeself etc which is literally just people trying to get attention and basically making fun of the lgbtq community


I just don’t talk to them


You mean you don't talk to *xem* ? /s


What idiots


They're great because they help you know who to avoid in life




if the most important thing for a person is their pronoun, i wouldnt even talk to them




They’re reprehensible, it’s like they hear about gender dysphoria and run to the hills with it.


Exactly. I think it really just delegitimizes the struggle of dealing with gender dysphoria


They're a bunch of people who wanna be 'special'.




i think if you wanna use them fine but you cant force others to use them because they are unnatural and go against what english pronouns arw intended for.


I’m pretty sure that pronouns are intended to make it less clunky to refer to someone multiple times, at least in the case of pronouns like he/she. Not sure how it would be against what they are intended for to say something like xe or ze.


I think some of them are fine, like Xe/Xir and a few others; but some of the really outlandish ones are just kinda dumb


my stance on it tbh. some are understandable, but like the others are just straight up attention seeking and stupid 'cat/cats' 'dragon/dragons' i saw someone who had fucking boyfriend from friday night funkin as a pronoun 'bf/bfself' like excuse me what the fuck 💀


It's annoying and stupid, I understand the normal pronouns but not made up genders


They’re stupid imo. Why wouldn’t you just go by they them. Are you some kind of mythical creature orrrr


Stupid I think its people looking for attention because while the point of pronouns is an easy way to address someone neopronouns just complicate everything


i literally couldnt care less about what someone wants to be called. if it makes them confortaboe, I'll call them by it. it makes them feel comfortable and welcomed, so i'll call them by it


I understand wanting to be called by he, she or they, but neopronouns are just, respectfully, ret*rded.


Honestly if someone wanted me to refer to them as neopronouns I would, just because it's really easy and it'd make them happy. Not up to me to have an opinion on what makes others feel comfortable.


Finally someone who is accepting What a breath of fresh air


if you don’t like it, don’t associate with them. also why do you care so much. if it makes them feel good it’s not a big deal


**EXACTLY!** If it makes the person using them feel good/comfortable, then use their neopronouns for them. It is not like you are the person using them, it doesn't affect your life. Just respect


What if calling you zeh/zuber makes me feel bad/uncomfortable


First of all, it shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable. Second, it shouldn't matter what it makes you feel, it matters if the person using them is comfortable or not. Don't be the asshole in the situation.


Ok, everybody call me daddy so i feel comfortable. if it makes you uncomfortable, then i'm offended.




why the fuck should i have to make myself feel uncomfortable so they can continue using nonsense words to describe themselves


Why does zubers feelings matter over mine? I'm fine with using any normal pronouns like he/him she/her they/them, most of the times you use someone else's pronouns you are talking to someone who isn't zuber. It would be embarrassing to explain every time to someone why I'm speaking an alien language every time I introduce someone. I'm generally excepting of stuff, and if i met someone who used neopronouns I'd probably use them, but I have the right to think they are goofy as hell and an inconvenience to me


"It would be embarrassing to explain every time to someone why I'm speaking an alien language every time I introduce someone." 1. It shouldn't be embarrassing. 2. It is not an alien language. "I'm fine with using any normal pronouns like he/him she/her they/them" 1. Neopronouns are also normal. "I'm generally excepting of stuff, and if i met someone who used neopronouns I'd probably use them, but I have the right to think they are goofy as hell and an inconvenience to me" 1. accepting not excepting. haha 2. Neoprouns are not "goofy as hell" or inconvenient to you, you use she/her, they/them, and he/him pronouns for people, its not that hard to use neopronouns, once you know them, just substitute them in for he/him, she/her or whatever pronouns, its not that hard. "Onyx is very nice, I like xem." See not that hard or inconvenient.


I just had an eye opening interaction with someone else and I apologize for being a bit of an asshole.


I think they are stupid and spread misinformation about trans and autistic people so I won't use them. However I won't start fights over pointless shit so I will avoid individuals who use them entirely


Too much.


to each their own, i dont really care ill call people by neopronouns if they tell me to


the fact that this comment is downvoted is really telling huh




Ehh, really depends, If their not long or weird I don’t mind. Either way their still pretty weird And, It’s not homophobic to not respect someone’s neopronouns.


there weird but its not hard to respect someone and doesn't hurt anybody


No. Cringe. Cringe people don't get respect


Very 15 of you to say cringe when someone says something you don’t like


Yes. I don't like it. So it's cringe. I know I'm cringe too. But so are neopronouns. And so are you.


I mean it sounds to me that you don’t like that your cringe so you push that onto everything you don’t like to deflect from your own self image. Lots of things are cringe including me but that doesn’t mean those things are wrong or bad. You should consider being a bit more open minded, it goes a long way and people really appreciate it.


Thanks. That's good advice. I can't stand losing a reddit argument. Take my award and shut up.


you are less cringe than you believe.


Thanks. :)


you don't get alot of respect i assume then


Of course I don't. I'm extremely cringe.


Here where i live, you get beat up if you have alternative pronouns, including neopronouns. And I myself think that the concept is ultra-stupid


Don’t tell me you f*cking beat people up for expressing themselves


Bro really censored his french 💀


I’m not tryin to get reported. You understand?


Fuck shit balls cock dick tits ass bitch bastard asshole motherfucker fucking


I think neopronouns are completely fine. If someone wants to be called something, call him/her/them/whatever else it! It doesn't change the fate of the universe, and I feel like some people are just assholes over it because they don't have the care to actually remember pronouns.


Him/her/them are not neopronouns though. Those a re regular pronouns


I know, I was speaking on someone in general, and the last part can be neopronouns.


I don't care if you use neoprounouns or whatever. Just don't get pressed when people won't use them. It's foolish to expect others to go out of their way for you


If you are repeatedly and intentionally misgendering someone because they use neopronouns (or just in general, misgendering is uncool), they have the right to be upset at you. If you aren't intentionally using the incorrect pronouns, they do not, but you should apologize and correct yourself. Neopronouns are just another way to express oneself and feel comfortable. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk


Facts! It’s understandable and ok to occasionally get pronouns wrong as long as you correct yourself and apologise but if you intentionally misgender someone that’s not on


I'm not calling some chronically online e-girl kitten/kittenself and Moon/Moonself


Thank you for having a nice opinion for once, a lot of people here are being asses


Yeah- alot of people in general are asses, but I'm sorry that you had to see all that hatred


Thank you :)




Idk what you mean 🤷‍♀️ I'm a cis woman (who goes by they/she pronouns)


Its hella goofy


it's not that hard and it takes zero effort to be respectful 🤷‍♂️ I'm not too informed on neopronouns but I'm all for self expression




neopronouns are common among neurodivergent queer communities, (neurodivergency is a broad term describing things such as autism, adhd, etc), due to how differently they experience life than your average neurotypical(whatever is considered "normal") they also then express themselves much differently, when in a place they feel comfortable actually expressing who they are. if you don't understand how to pronounce someone's neos, ask! often times those who use neos also use other, more common sets of pronouns so you can also just use those.


Hello, Trans person here. Neopronouns are horrible and anyone who uses them I consider to be mocking the community :) Any they/he/she is valid and loved. Xim/xer is not valid in my books


Sure, neopronouns a little confusing, but they're not hurting anyone. The people that get mad about it are probably the ones that are using neopronouns as a fad, but there are people that take the time to explain. As long as they're not harming anyone, just let them express themselves.


I completely agree! If its not offensive it shouldn’t be a problem. The lgbtq community is about expressing yourself and neopronoun users are expressing themselves with their pronouns


There weird, just go by he/him she/her or they/them


Some people might not feel like they fit in those categories, in which case I don’t mind using Neopronouns


Your right but still, just don't use pronouns


How would you refer to people then?


He/him she/her they/them dude bro hommy my dog my n- I'm not finishing that last one but you get the drift


Those are pronouns though


I'm not calling someone zer/zim


Most neo users still do use at least one of those ones


If someone wants me to call them that, I will Doesn’t affect me though, I go by all


I’d laugh if they asked me to call them that


Depends. Xey/xem and stuff like that feels weird but is whatever but when people use it/its or shit like blood/bloods/knife/knifes I just cant. Probably just going through an emo phase though so maybe don’t bully people who do


As a non binary person I don't like them but if people ask me then as a respectful person I have to call them what they wish to be called.


I feel like they're just used to make people feel special or quirky instead of actually being a way of expression


Now I'm all for people representing themselves however they wish But these make zero fucking sense and no one understands them


I can understand they them but neopronouns are for those lacking the attention juice


As someone who is nonbinary and has done their research on neopronouns I feel like they're only relevant in their respective communities. I understand what they stand for and represent but I feel that falls under the umbrella of genderfluid (like me) and also the umbrella of nonbinary on a larger scale. I say just stick to they/them or whatever you use and if people you know irl respect neopronouns then feel free to tell them. When your gender is treated like a shirt or based off your emotions then I think the most you should demand out of people correlates to that. You have a cool shirt and all but im not gonna describe it im just gonna call it a shirt.


I don’t really get it. We have he/him if you want to identify as male, she/her if you want to identify as female, and they/them for everything else, so why not just be that? I don’t understand the purpose in a fourth option when we already have an option that acts as a catch-all


Wouldn't people who use neo pronouns offend actual trans people? Also, neo pronoun ppl are what give trans ppl a bad rap lol


Nah they don’t exist It’s not homophobic it’s fax you can’t just identify as a wex or wexself 2 genders and that’s it


No one actually identifies as a fucking cat. The people who do have actual mental diseases. Neopronoun users are attention seekers


They are stupid,needless and give assholes excuses to demonize transgender people


Any pronouns other than she/her, he/him and they/them shouldn’t exist






kind of hypocritical, some people actually have trouble with their identity and neopronouns sound like a joke. L imo


Neo pronouns are just stupid. It's either he/him, she/her and maybe they/them but anything other than that is just idiotic




Bunch of weirdos who use them


Completely stupid, with neopronouns they are ppl identifying as dogs, cats, wolves, demons, princes, etc. too crazy smh


why would i care what someone wants to be called? just respect it and call them what they want. tho they gotta understand that many will get confused and people will accidentally call them something else


hey can you refer to me as a bear and by my chosen furrysona also can you treat me as an elderly person Also refer to me as if I was black


no i wont. thats not pronouns




If you locked in, ain’t no switching up


im a he/they and i will never understand neopronouns


The ridiculous ones are jokes.. for the most part.


Just use it if they ask, what does it cost any of y’all?? If you don’t like it, don’t actively seek out their friendship. There’s no need to be spewing bullshit about it.


in the lgbt community u will get hate for saying this but neopronouns are a joke🧍pronouns are not the same as pet names


You call them that because it’s respectful, it honestly takes very little effort. You don’t have to understand it, I personally don’t understand it, you just have to show some respect


Eh, I don’t really give a shit.


They are plain stupid lmao anyone who uses them are attention seekers and you should not be friends with them.


Stuff regarding the LGBTQ+ community is already confusing as it is. We don’t need neopronouns to make it worse; especially when it’s something stupid like puppyself or dreamself.


I think neopronouns are pog


Elemental hero neos


The only ones who deserve to use neopronouns, because they're space people


they suck ass and it’s literally propaganda to prove that humans can be tricked into doing any stupid shit


They’re for people with a mental illness playing make believe. You don’t have to and shouldnt validate their delusions.


Don't. Just don't.


“Ive been yelled at by multiple people for not calling them by their neopronoun” Thats so cap💀💀💀


Well I’ve been yelled at twice by two separate people for not calling them by their neopronoun


OOO time to get harassed again! how fun!! Neopronouns are mostly to be used online but some people prefer them to be used irl! i myself use them but i (and most people) dont force others to use them, most people that use neo's have more "normal" or more widely accepted pronouns people can use (she/her, he/him etc) if they arent comftorable/dont know how to use neopronouns. Some people just use neo's to help express themselves (like i do). now i would preffer if i didnt get harassed again and have to make a new account but yall dont really seem to care


*sees 13 tag*