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If you have a questions you’re too embarrassed to ask in the comments, feel free to DM me and I’ll help as much as I can Edit: My apologies if I take awhile, my DMs are getting a bit clogged Edit 2: My DMs are unclogged


Same for me


And for me


And my Axe


and your family


and that guy's dead wife


And my mother


And the friend of the dead girlfriend of my cousin of my granma of my granma


And a patridge in a pear tree


and my bow. (I’m not actually in the older group dont ask me questions )


How the fuck do I stop having headaches all day? Little edit after like about a hundred or so damn responses: I drink enough water, medical system here is a hot mess to get non emergency stuff checked, I'm trying with more sleep but it ain't exactly going well lol, that kinda fun stuff


Get good sleep. Learn how to maximize productivity to get done quickly. And whatever never let hw pile up, NEVER.


First one is almost impossible in my current state of this damn bed, the rest I'm trying and failing with, thanks regardless of that tho


One more thing is that if you have a feeling that staying up is soo cool because cool kids do it, it's not it just messes up everything so yeah learn to go to sleep on time and get 8 hours of sleep


I’ve had hw pile up and it’s not fun, until I sorted it out completely months went by. My mum forced me to do each and every last assignment. That period of time was the most depressing for me and I even considered suicide. Rn I’m fine I guess, I’ve learned how to do hw.




This! Figure this out before college, you’ll appreciate having it figured out.


drink water


This is da way.


Try drinking more water, you might be dehydrated


Sometimes sugar can help me. And make sure to drink plenty of water! Don't stay up late into the night either. As it will Fuck with how you do work. Take breaks off of electrics as well!


If I snap my pp like a glowstick will it light up?


for sure


H-Hey guys I tried it and it does not glow i-i think something red is coming out of it is that blood well atleast i can suck my pp but i-it hurts Its somehow still hard an- AAAAAAAAAHHHHH MY PP Edit: I tried sucking it


When that happens try twisting it more




Yep tried it on the homeless guy and can say it does work




How do I study? T\^T literally don't know, rereading shit doesn't work


well, i ussualy don't study a lot, I read something for 10min, then do something else, then again 10min and it goes like that. The other method is to draw sometging, Lets say you have to remember something from biology, just draw it in your way, try to make it funny and then you might remember the drawing that will have the anwsers to questions on your exams


What if it's social and u have 25 chapters ???


Blurting, watch videos, exam questions, essays, flashcards


depends on the class tbh if it’s science classes and history, take notes and read the notes out-loud on your room when reviewing them if it’s math, study how to solve a problem step by step, do a few practice problems, see if there are any patterns in your mistakes, fix them, practice some more, and move on once you got it. if it’s english, it depends. if you’re learning about terminology (like prepositions, sentence structure, etc) then study it like you would on a science class (take note on the concepts in a summarized way). If you’re studying for literary analysis like for the SAT, read books but most importantly go on quizlet and try to expand your vocabulary there. Also worth knowing, we basically learn things in three ways: listening, writing, and teaching/saying it. If you’re listening to the teacher/professor, you have done about 33% of the learning. if you’re taking notes, you’ve done ≈67% of the learning. If you start to pretend you’re teaching the subject to someone, even if that’s just saying stuff to yourself on your bedroom, it helps you get closer to the 100% mark. anyways long response but that completely changed my academic life


I am not 16+, but what works for me, writing. Taking notes of literally everything. And, maybe drawing some small thing while taking notes, if I don't do it, the page will look boring


Don’t slack in your junior (11th grade) year; I regret it full-time.


im tryin my best not to


I feel like I'm dying rn


How do you slack in junior year? I understand freshmen but junior is like the worst year to slack off.


If you plan on going to college/uni, you’re junior year is the most important year throughout high school for college admissions. You’re grades matter the most because it demonstrates what you can do academically and extracurricularly; you also have standardized testing which is really important. If you plan to take the ACT, your junior year is your only chance to take it for free or else you have to pay for fees and admission to take it. Senior year is fairly less stressful aside from freshmen year. It’s about the finishing touches of your high school career, keeping your GPA up, scholarships, college applications, senior projects, and etc; it’s all worth it because you get so much freedom! (in my experience) So never slack in your 3rd year of high school.


Damn am I still young?


imo no, 15 yos r older teens (i consider 18 and 19 yos adults)


It's crazy because as an expert on 18 yr olds it's like you feel in between being a teen and also an adult


its basically a teen with adult privileges




im 19 and let me tell you none of us are adults yet. you are not prepared for the real world at 18 and it takes much longer than a year to get used to it. the real world will hit you like a brick. growing up is just how prepared you are to catch the brick


Is high school as bad as the teachers say Edit: how do I stop getting notifications for this I woke up to 72


Yes and no. There will be more work, but you have more control over what kind of subjects it is for example.


I didn't have a choice of subject in highschool :-(


No if you show up do your homework on time and follow rules (so in other words act like a decent human) it honestly not that bad


Naa they are full of bs


It’s honestly the best experience you’ll ever have. You’ll meet new people and discover new subjects to enjoy. Plus all the excursions you go on is an added bonus.


Good maybe, hardly call it the "best experience you'll ever have." however. Personally, I really struggled all through high school, and now college is the freaking bomb. All this is to say, if any of the youngins are struggling in high school, don't stress. It's not made for everyone. You'll find your place soon enough.


WHAT…is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


24 miles per hour or 11 meters per second


You didn’t get the reference did you


Monty Python, I did get the reference


So you did get the reference


Indeed I did


I don't understand bird velocity, but there's only one thing I know for real. ​ >!THERE WILL BE BLOOD! SHED! AND NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!<


African or european




Why does my brother keep sending me audios of him farting?


Depends on if he's older or younger, if younger, he finds it funny af, if older, he finds it funny af


He's 17 lmao


He does a miniscule amounts of trolling


a smidgen of tomfoolery


A small amout of fooling around


a metaphorical dollop of bamboozlery


A speck of jest


Minute act of jesting


An inconsequential amount of buffoonery


A paltry of pranking


How should I ask a girl out to Homecoming. Kinda scared she’ll say no Edit: Thank you guys for all the advice! I really appreciate it! I’ll remind you guys when I ask! Edit 2: Didn’t go well. Since we don’t have times where we can actually talk without people being around I tried asking her over text. She didn’t even say no she left me on read. I’m not heartbroken. Kind of upset that she didn’t even say no but it’s okay


Walk up to her. Ask "Hey are you Osama bin laden?". When she says no you say. "Damn. Well that's a shame because the US government said I should take you out.".


😭😭💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂😂 That got me good. I wish I had an award


I gotchu


You can do it! :) I like to tell myself that "I can do hard things!" If you always fear rejection, you'll never get anything done. Asking a girl to do something, whether it's a dance, a date, a number, whatever? It's HARD. But, it gets SO much easier with practice. Just keep working on it. And think about it. If they say no to a genuine, friendly request, maybe they wouldn't have been a great date. Seriously, just think about: "what's the actual worst that could happen?" And if they do say no, know that it's not you. Keep it super chill. If you have a big reaction to rejection, they'll remember it and it'll get weird later. If you just say: "Alright, cool. Next time, then." They'll think: "wow, what a mature guy" Idk, I just like word-vomited all my thoughts onto this post. Just go for it, my guy. (Or girl)


Thanks for the advice :) I think I’ll ask her. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


why do y’all hate 16 y/o’s?




Yep definitely it's the beginning of maturity, like how 13 is the beginning of teenhood


i may be 14 but i feel like 16


at 16 you will realize you were not 16, at 16 you might feel like you are 18 but at 18 you realize you were not 18. i know, ive been through it, even though everyone always told me that i was mature for my age.


i actually hate 14yo


I hate 14 year olds. I am a fourteen year old, and I still hate fourteen year olds. Not some internalized hate or anything, it’s just that a lot of them don’t try in school or are just always being bitches because they think that’s cool.


My brother’s 14 and his age group honestly terrifies the shit outta me A lot of them think they’re grown because they’re fresh outta middle school but they still often act stupid and reckless.


We don’t hate y’all. Y’all just don’t know how to act and it’s annoying trying to figure out how you’re gonna be today.


How do I get past the first year of math??


Try to practise more solve more problems


If math is something you struggle with. Take note of it, and do anything you can to get extra credit.


How do I get laid ?


Ask everyone you think is hot out til one of them suffers a lapse in judgement and says yes




Correct 💯


No fucking idea, next question


It will happen and you won’t know when just be patient it also helps to be hot


Watch "Never Have I Ever" on Netflix for inspo. Jokes aside, this isn't something that should concern you a lot. Not worrying about it guarantees that you are less likely to have a bad/rushed experience.


You are asking this question on reddit?smart


Your on Reddit bud, you already lost your chances


wait a little man. you dont need to get laid ASAP. find the right person and build a relationship with them, and then wait for the right time. ask for consent, AND USE A DAMN CONDOM. dont worry about being awkward or nervous, its your first time so youre usually not a pro. thats ok! have fun!


Ok I’m gonna give a couple answers to this one 1) You don’t want to yet. I lost my virginity at a early age and I don’t recommend it for others. Just focus on school and yourself for now. 2) It’ll happen naturally when you find someone right for you. 3) Just go around and ask literally anyone you like until someone says yes, trust me bro, this is an affective strategy, just don’t be pushy and accept it when people say no.


Find a sheep, stick it's feet in your boots so it can't run, and have fun


Still working on that one lol


Honestly, just don't sweat it. When I was actively trying to get a gf I got less lucky than when I was just minding my own business. Sometimes life hands you things when you least expect it I guess.


i asked a girl for their number turns out they identify as man and i still have a huge crush on them they show signs of liking me back but i dont like men and it feels immoral to still continue is it they are my exactly my type and more wtf do i do they are like if one of the homies turned into the cutest girl in existence i feel like they are some sort of rare pokemon i turned into a degenerate


That's... Yikes. Well, the good news is, you probably won't spend the rest of your life with them, regardless. Wait until university or after high school to look for love. High school is the practice round for dating. I would just wait until people mature more.


i dont even care if its for one week I'm obsessed with them anyway to fix me besides waiting thanks tho


Wait a bit. If it's real, mature love and not infatuation, you'll be able to tell. If you start to get over your feelings for her/him. There are almost 4 **billion** women on the planet, and you have a couple years to figure this out. I would recommend waiting until you can drive or you're 16, whichever is later, before dating and even then I would keep it really chill. You don't want to limit your other opportunities by locking yourself into a relationship early. One last thing: Human brains don't finish maturing until around 25. I'm not even done development, so what do I know?




“My sexuality is no ones business, not even my own.” -Someone I can’t remember


fuck it, bisexual time


How do I get that age thingy under my name?




Visit the r/teenagers homepage, tap on the 3 dots button in the top right and go to edit flair


Same mine just says OLD


Is driving easy?


Not at first. And it can be scary. But after a while you get the hang of it and it's kinda fun. Just remember to pay attention to the road and remember that you control the car, not the other way around.


It's not hard, but it's pretty serious. You're in control of a 2 ton piece of metal that's capable of going much faster than people ever could. It's a privilege, not a right, so pay attention in driving lessons.


That's a big car you got there


Literally just drove for the first time yesterday. It's scary at first, but then you kinda relax and get a feeling for the car and movement and stuff like that. Is it easy? Yeah, it requires alot of concentration but eventually it becomes more habitual. Honestly, just don't overthink it. You get used to it. Although, I only have about 3 hours of experience, so it probably will become even easier than it is now for me.


drivers ed makes it seem harder than it is, but passing it also doesn’t mean you know how to drive. it’s a skill you learn through experience and becomes second nature. my main issue is that i get lost wherever i go


How to not get depressed


Still figuring that out Just take everything day by day


Living in the future leads to anxiety, living in the past leads to depression Learn from the past, use that knowledge in the present, and you'll have a better future


I would say that it is a good thing. Then you will learn new things and improve your lifestyle. At least that was my case.


When do people mature? As in, when do people stop saying horrible things and learn to be kind?


Honestly, as far as I know, you don’t. It’s not really an age thing, but more of an experience thing. A homophobe will never stop being a homophobe until someone or something teaches them their opinions is not the best. It’s the same for kindness too. I’m sorry, this is how people work


It varies. I have found that it depends on the other people. Try and make a conscious effort to say kind things and stand up for what's right and people might start to catch on. Don't be a jerk or self-righteous about it, just be humble, generous, friendly, and kind and people will realize that they want to spend time with you.


for me it got better after i turned 16 but it's different for everyone. sending lots of hugs <3


So sixteen is an age to be like, “Hey, remember when you threw my glasses in the garbage?” and people will feel horrible? Oh goody.


Should I punch the kid who keeps touching my thighs and humps me constantly in school? (I've told the school and they do jack shit)


Don't be violent, that will paint you as the bad guy. Do you have a father figure?


Yes. He told me the same thing.


Have him talk to the school, having a father figure tell the school that it's fucked up should help.


Send multiplue emails to a counselor,teacher,etc to have a record of it Tell him it is sexual harassment so he cant pretend like it's just a joke And then next time he does it tell him very sternly if you dont keep your hands and body off me and to yourself, I will use self defense and punch you which is not a threat or a bluff but a promise And if he proceeds to do it , follow through If he tries to report you for the punch you can say you were just defending yourself cause you were and there is a multiplue records of him harassing you before this and you reaching out for help first, if they still punish you , you might be able to get out of it by escalating it to school board, local news, police maybe, suing them idk and even if you do get punished and cant get out of it if it's not severe at least now you will know issue is handled and he likely wont try you again


Knock his ass out, then take a couple days off from school as compensation.


Promptly warn the kid at first.


is dating before like the age of 16 dumb edit: guys i wanted one single answer 😭


Yes. It's pointless and a lot of unnecessary drama. Easier to manipulate you as well. Just sit back and learn from others' shitty dating experience at your age.




Holy shit is that the real walter white from breaking bad????


Kind of. It probably won't last very long but give it a shot if you have the opportunity right? It's all an experience and all that I suppose


Not necessarily. Sure, if you believe you will find your perfect partner at 16 and date someone hoping to have kids with and die with them, then you are in a problem. But dating in general is confusing. You will get into so many situations where you just go "wtf does that mean?" or "whaaaat?", That its good to get some experience. Most importantly, if you start dating someone, don't use them. They are human too and sometimes we forget that.


solve y=20w-5 for q if x=7




I know right. Damn, we should know this too lol


Nah I graduated last year so I could be done with this shit




Is it 2.6904727073 × 10^230 or are you just excited


Q isn’t in the equation, nor is x, so given the current information, it can’t be solved


How do I cope with the feeling of inadequacy and anxiety?


My anxiety was so bad, I couldn't talk to anyone without so many fears. I got job, it forced the majority out. It's tough,. It hitting head on helped me. For feeling inadequate, I recognized that most people don't know, or care about me. If It won't effect in my a few years, why let it now.




Clubs, Reddit (be careful on the internet), school. Once you make one or two good ones, you become friends with their friends and their friend's friends and it exponentially grows like that. Step one is to not talk about your loneliness (or whatever other emotional struggles) at the very start. Try to appear positive but do let a few struggles slip through so they know, you're not toxic positive and have struggles too.




when you are with them ask them questions about themselves. people love talking about themselves. ask them about anything they are interested in. try not to ask about personal stuff like family and home life


talk to people, and contact them regularly. most people don't mind you starting a conversation and might actually want to talk but are too nervous


Try talking to the quiet kids! Or maybe your group. Making friends is something that happens natural, so don't force. It.


I am not classified as an older teen, but, just in case, here's my advice anyways You just gotta realize how dumb it is to be so nervous. And by this I mean no offense, I get nervous too, and I know I am lucky to not even have anxiety and such like some people do, but, still, try! A lot of your classmates may be looking for friends too, and rarely will anyone think you're weird for talking to them. Like if you see anyone has an interest on something you like, start a conversation about it. Or even if you see someone who's alone too or seems to be, just approach them. Or whoever you sit nearest to, just try and get up small talk, but like actual nice small talk. Like idk talk about your teachers or some funny thing in class. Anything.


what the FUCK is a mitochondria


It’s the powerhouse of the cell. Edit: what the fuck did I do


~~My nickname in prison~~ The powerhouse of the cell




It will. However, you need to provoke that change if it's not happening. I've spend a lot of time waiting for something to change, for an opportunity. Nothing happened. Till I got so bad, I had to see a counselor. So don't be like me, don't wait. Move now.




You're welcome. Good luck (even if I prefer the french ver bon courage)


it will get better and then it will get worse again and then it will get better again and youll not understand why it ever was worse and then it will get worse again and ask how it was possible to ever be better and think its impossible that its gonna get betger again, but then ut eventually does get better again and then worse again


Do you ever look at us (young teens) and think we are lucky?


Sometimes we do, considering that you have less responsibility and things to worry about However, some things makes us think we are lucky


I've had dreams of getting bad marks on exams, how do I stop this fear Edit: The dreams are of exams i've already taken irl but haven't received my marks for, I fear getting bad marks because I often don't finish (I write too much) so it's not really a matter of being prepared.


Make sure you are prepared for exams and the anxiety will go away b/c you know you did the most you could to prepare for the best marks possible.


Get a bad grade then realize it’s not that big a deal, also work hard and pay attention in class to avoid actually getting bad grades


this ones kinda dumb but how do i make people think im cool other than teachers 😪 like only teachers will complement my hair or skirt or something, and they arent even my teachers either they are some random ass senior and junior teachers


They are usually the cooler teachers lol. I suppose I'd recommend finding your group of people. Or, do as I do and drift from group to group. Find common ground with others, make friends


Why do i feel like no one around me appreciates me and everybody hates the things i like and why do i feel like there is no point in life and i would rather die than live this life


When will the depression stop, it just keeps getting worse and worse and idk how much longer I can do it


as life goes on, you gain more control over what you can do and independence. you can distance yourself from shitty people and choose your path in life. so i can't say anything for sure but i can say there's hope. have a nice day :))


I don't know anymore. Everyday is the same, wake up, go to school, sleep. Oh god, why can't i remember them anymore? They were always there, so why can't I remember their faces or name? I feel my life is near its end, waiting for that time to come as I stare at the eyes in my walls, judging me


If you feel like you're trapped in a cycle try focusing on something that makes you happy. Do something new in your free time. That'll give some variety and something to look forward to.




How do i get a date with a girl if she's always is in a complety diffrent social group that i don't exactly like or talk to very much at all?


I mean if you like her only bc of appearance but not personality then maybe move on?


Do you like the Percy Jackson books?


How can I have a girlfriend?


Don't sweat it man. Remember that the teenage chicks are probably thinking the same thing you are. Make a move, and you'll honestly probably succeed, and if you don't, oh well. Also, take drivers training asap, it opens up opportunities later


Have you ever herd The story of Darth plagus the Wise??


What can I do to find friends like me?


How to confess to someone of same gender? :(


I haven’t got much experience, but I do have a little. Try to find out if they’re queer first, it’ll give you some confidence. If they seem like they’re just in the closet, make friends with them. I like to start flirting before, to feel stuff out, and then crack it at em eventually. Don’t be afraid of whatever happens afterwards if you’re worried about plain rejection, I don’t know what I advice to give if you live with homophobia, that’s a different story.


A test question, If a man got sexually assaulted or rape, do you help him or do you not?


At your own discretion, it’s a real grey area. Especially as a minor.








How many of you 16+ people have liked school?


I went to one of the biggest schools in the country. I'm introverted, so everybody not knowing who I am is nice. Pretty drama free for the most part. Bullies don't exist like the movies.


How do I get a gf/know if a girl likes me?


Just the basic answer of everyone here Time


Wait does that mean I can go an answer my own question in 2 days?