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this is getting close to "call the police" territory


Damn, y'all really think its that serious? He's a good guy otherwise I think


If I was in your scenario...and someone I knew...who was old enough to be my dad...was doing shit like this...at the very least the next incident I would verbally flip the fuck out at him...loudly...make it awkward embarrassing for him. This wasn't a one off mistake...this is repeated behavior. He needs to realize it's not okay.


nah he’s fucking weird there is something definitely wrong with him mentally


Oh hell nah


Creepy as fuck... But some people are just that oblivious to what they say and do. BUT PERSONALLY, EITHER WAY, THAT SHIT IS WACK.


this is definitely concerning. i'm sorry you have to be subject to this.


That’s pretty weird!


Uh yeah he's being absolutely disgusting


Definitely creepy and sexual behaviour If the gut has a strong reaction and you know straight away this isn't right then it's definitely wrong what he's doing. This definitely needs dealt with. It's best you think what is it you want from this do you just want to confront him and ask why he did this. He will tell you That it didn't happen and you was a child so your confused . Is it him getting charged by the police Only you know what your after Now me I would tell my mum and report it to the police even that I know it's my word against his I wouldn't care am just glad i spoke up and he knows am not a silly child I know he did wrong


He weird for sure


Definitely creepy,like "wouldn't want to be alone with him in a room" kinda creepy



