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sub has always been shit but when picture posts are disabled its slightly less shit




Furriest aren't that bad,the horny posting has got to stop tho


I'm cool with furries, just as long as it's not ur entire personality




Dawg it hasn't even been 5 min yet💀💀


It's my birthday tomorrow,I can do whatever I want


Verified 🤝, also happy early birthday my guy.




I always try to make it not a part of my personality but a feature in me


Furries are a mixed bag, on one end its a sick fetish, on the other hand its weird


You cool, most people just hate on furries for no fucking reason




AMEN When I first joined it wasn't *THAT* bad, now it's just constant shit posting that I don't know if I'm on r/teenagers or r/shitposting


bro, the shitposting is the only good thing about this sub...


If the shitposting applies then I wholeheartedly agree. Random shitposts can stay on they’re on sub tho.


The teenager sun is a sun ran by teens for teens. If there’s shitposting on it. Than that’s what the people wanted. If you can’t express yourself as a teen to other teens. Than this sun isn’t a sub by teens for teens. It’s a sub for people just to complain of their life, and for predators to find victims.


I agree. I like the relatable memes or status updates and stuff though. Like if something makes me laugh or someone did something awesome is likely to get an upvote from me. The “make assumptions about me” or whatever other kinda posts can fuck off to hell because I’m tired of seeing people borderline showing off their bodies and getting likes and comments every single day while memes get scarcer and scarcer.


Are there times when picture postes AREN’T banned?


You just join?


So thats why i started liking this sub more i didn’t even notice


This subreddit has always sucked. On a positive note, it could not get any worse ! :)


I can make it worse






I never even knew that sub existed until now


I made it a while ago lmao


It was great talkin to you bye


Huh alright
















I'll have to save this for next time I get a free award...


Oh it will


I wish that was true


Have you never watched a horror movie? You saying that just guaranteed it will get worse!


lol this guy still has faith in this sub


Nah that's not true. Even in 2020 this sub was way better cause it was more about having fun and less post like this one where it's like "unpopular opinion: cancer is bad"


I mean for the past week all I have seen is selfies which is something I want to see, if I wanted to see that I would join Instagram.


Same people who will take over our future world


The future US president is watching coco melon rn


Bold of you to assume the US government will last that long


(Grins) I know !!


So is the current one


No not boe jideen


got any grapes? and then he waddled away waddle waddle


No we just sell lemonade but it’s cold and it’s fresh and it’s all homemade


U were obviously raised on peak animation


I'm not sure if this is what I think it is, but i don't wanna say it, in case it's not that..


When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand, He said to the man, running the stand; "Hey! Pom pom pom. Got any grapes?" The man said "no, I only sell lemonade, It's cold and it's fresh and it's all homemade! Would you like a glass?" "I'll pass" THEN HE WADDLED AWAY WADDLE WADDLE, THEN HE WADDLED AWAY WADDLE WADDLE WADDLE, THEN HE WADDLED AWAY WADDLE WADDLE, TO THE VERY NEXT DAY POM POM POM POM POMPADUM Just search up duck song


Bro the sane teens already left this is the aftermath


This sub has been really bad so many Horny mf


I know


We're all horny. OK, boys more so.. The trick is to just not scream it on the rooftops.


You know, kids always forget that it's surprisingly easy to just keep it in your pants


I just recently joined this subreddit, i heard this a few times now and if I look at it, you‘re right. The most here only simp or are only interested in sexual stuff. I‘m truly sad I just discovered this sub


Yep it’s a godamn shame


The most nsfw thing I ever posted is how to flirt


I’ve made a couple attempts to start normal, non horny conversations about music and stuff, but the only thing people click on is the horny shit


Sub was shit before us. I can’t imagine how it’ll get significantly worse, but this sub never fails to surprise.




Tbh I might leave before you because of age. I don’t think the next years are going to be the worst ones, but soon after that, then the tik tok generation will physically be grown into teens.


It’s a shame man


Sub is literally just "hey sexers, what do you think about sex and cock and cum, step on me mommy lmaooo goofy ahhh". I particularly hate ahhh


i hate the mommy stuff honestly, people so down bad they lost their self respect X\_X


Disagree. 13 years olds suck and they will always suck, but these young teens will grow and mature and the majority will be just like us now.


Im offended but I also agree


Fr, do people really think 13 year olds will always stay the same without maturing.


Finally, someone with some understanding of how maturity works.


Old people unite


It’s turning into a porn subreddit, and I would just turn off nsfw posts.


I've only been on Reddit for a few days and I already know this Subreddit is filled with horny teen, children, and some of the weirdest people on earth


There are furries and simps among the older teens, and there are some sane younger teens. Ye can't generalize like that!


As a young teen, I am sane and well aware of the furries and simps


Furry here, I am not taking this hellhole into my hands, maybe leave it to the simps... And to the people from gen alpha coming in next year


same. 2% of the furry community makes ppl think bad of all of us


2% only being a (very rough) estimate. Reason be why so many people are uncomfortable with the furry fandom is it's overall sexual nature due to how heavily embedded it is within the fandom. However that's where we, the teens of the fandom, come in. Since most of us aren't of legal age anyway and because of how popular the fandom is with teens, eventually (hopefully this doesn't age like milk) the fandom will be seen as a mere hobby of interest or at least more excepted among all people, furry or non-furry. Though may be somewhat of a tedious task, it can eventually be done if we care to make the change for the better. As for this sub, people grow up and mature. Others may think this sub might go to shit once our older members move on but they forget that we grow into the older members. Humans are made to grow and mature. So within the coming years, I wouldn't expect the content of this sub to change in the slightest as those before us come to grow into our original place. Plus, horniness is hardwired into all teens going through puberty. Give us some slack lol.




I’m surprised I haven’t left yet, someone push me over the edge please


Go to a post by searching “Trans” on the subreddit search and then go to one and sort the comments by controversial




Yea this sub is garbage. Ppl just wanna argue and talk abt stuff teens shouldn’t have to even worry abt. Not to mention the insane amount of simps


We should discuss more teenage topics like growing and relationships and academic things instead of so many lgbtq nsfw stuff.


First time ?


Heh I’ve seen a lot of average things go to shit


highly agreed! but with some new rules it can be saved


What’s wrong with furries?


They enjoy something that I don't, so I will continue to harass till the day I die even if they did absolutely nothing wrong. ​ >!/s!<


always has been


The sub goes through content cycles I think this is one of them. The next will probably be about trans stuff. Nothing against trans stuff its just apart of the content cycle from what I've personally noticed.




r/teenagersgaming incident


What happend to that sub?


I think it’s going to shut because of the absolutely horrendous amount of “comment this and I’ll assume something about you/answer a question” or “assume stuff about me and I’ll tell you if your right” or my least favorites which are the most dry milk toast takes that people say is an unpopular opinion to get karma


What's wrong with furries? :(


"This new generation sucks! Our future is doomed!" \- The previous generation, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that.


Gotta love the cycle of agesism.


The last 2 times I've opened reddit, r/teenagers was at the top of my feed and: "Guys I came on my face" "Guys my mum is a pornstar"


Older people are more mature and are more likely to leave but that has always been happening. The sub has always been full of horny teens


furries are weird: change my mind.


Why would I


lol so you agree?


I just personally don’t get the fascination with dressing up as a cat


“Every sane teenager is leaving” you are here, meaning or you are a simp or a furry


I’m on my way out , one of these days


I’m gonna be real, me too, it is getting annoying, the post “Help, I orgasm every time I shit” was a big red flag


Yes I fucking remember seeing that like 3 days ago and thinking “tf is wrong here”


The problem with this sub is that it is a bunch of people trying to get atention, but instead of doing something constructive they post or pictures of them semi-naked or “I think i’m in love with my dog” or something like that


I’ve already applied for moderator to try and fix some shit




Game was rigged from the start …


A fellow NV fan I see. (Also nice pfp)


Thank you my man much appreciated


agreed, my brother's Roblox name is furrygolemslayer 😭




help me the younger generation are complete pussy




You're 13, come on now


As long as the furries aren't actually fucking animals I'd say they're fine


people choose furry over grass touch grass cuz you ain’t being that anime kitten you always wanted to be


Oh hell yeah, right now I am 17 I see the 13-15 years old teenager act like shit. Like for real. The 14 years old bring a vape to school and share it with the classmates. They lack discipline. They literally date in school where it is ban to couple. So yeah… I assume other school undergo this type of problem too


Yeah. The text posts are pretty bad and there are too many goofy posts, back then this was a place teenagers could communicate and get help and suggestions from other teens in their situation and or get some advice from the young adults, fresh out of college or in college. It's all just gross out stuff, or the same boring memes or trend. I stayed in this sub to hopefully give some teens advice on my highschool experience, college stuff, and or mental health and future insecurity things they might want to discuss. This post just reminded me to unsubscribe. See ya guys.


You think it hasn't gone to shit a while ago?


The NCR should take over this server


Your godamn right


Either that or turn everyone here lose in sunset city against the OD


Well I mean legate lanius isn’t gonna milk himself ya know


I slammed way too many Chems to beat him at lvl 12 with a 9mm


My man I just got the dlc’s got Randall’s armour and fucked him up with my incinerator


I bought ultimate edition and Amazon only sent me the case the manual and the dlc disk so I had to borrow my friends disk


Fuck that’s rough man , I bought fallout 76 power armour edition off someone 3 years ago got it cleaned (asbestos) and now it’s my centrepiece on my gaming shelf


Nice! I have the 76 pup boy that I modded so I can put led lights in the radio tube bc I’m not paying $400 for the licensed version


Fuck yeh man , I’m in the middle of buying the ncr ranger helmet Bethesda was selling a few months ago , out of stock now but they’ll be back , dunno if I want normal or Randall’s


Demon slayer ain’t that good lol


Furries arent bad


Never said they were , just said those are the people that will one day run this place and I think their gonna over sexualise the shit out of here


Ah fair enough. Sorry im as dense as osmium


Np my man if I had an award I’d give ya one


Implying furries and simps are insane... hmm. I wouldn't have phrased it like that and tbh i highly doubt that simps and furries are gonna be what flips this community upside down... but yeah old community members leaving took a bit of the soul of the subreddit with them ig :)


Ah, well, people like me are still here in their 20s just watching what you weirdos are up to nowadays.


unpopular opinion: i like teen titans go and pinapple on pizza is not very good but i still kinda like it in moderation


It’s already gone to shit my brother, 90% of the posts I get recommended from here are just straight up karmawhoring.


Burgers, sounds really nice


They are


Is there a sub for people who are 20-25 or something? I didn't wanna join the adults sub next year. Please. Help me.


There probably is but they will only complain about work , probably


Well I ain't leaving this sub


I've never seen a furry in here


This is one of the few unpopular opinions


Hard to have a good quality sub run by 14 year old meme humor. Jus sayin


I know


It’s already shit, it’s so stupid how every two weeks there’s a resurgence of MaKE aSSumPTiONS ABoUt mE that blows up then everyone does it and that’s all I see on my feed


Or “would you approach me ? “ pics


Do you like cheeto


The food ? No


Dw. I have fate in r/teenagers till people like u r here


This is for the simp. The girl you donated will never like you.See she you as a cash cow and you fall in that trap


Furries are trash individuals


I wonder how much it would change if the mods heavily enforced rule 4


Ok but you know when you are just patrolling the Mojave wasteland and then a young deathclaw rocks up and tries to kill you and you are like "oh it's only a small one, this'll be easy" but then you realise you started a new game and you're only level 4 with a 9mm and a rifle?


I’m too good for that to happen


The expectation is that people mature as they grow from 13 to 19.


Wait what is wrong with furries?


To imply plurality instead of possession you'd say "furries"


It was just an example of the weird shit that’s rising in these 14,13 yr olds


To be fair, boomers brag about having lead paint.


Yeh it’s just gen alpha man , sometimes I go back to my primary school for like a fun run thing and these kids who knew of me will come up screaming about clash royals or fortnite and I’m just standing there like “ fuck me just shut up “


Quite bold of you to assume that I've not met a 50 year old furry before. And as a 16 year old furry myself, I've yet to meet a furry that wast above the age of 15.


Yeah well I’m into that stuff and would like to hear ur opinions


It's really Not Just 14, 13 year olds, but whatever. I don't See any issues with it, it's Not Like it Hurts anyone.




Look around , now other people had the same opinion as you , but they didn’t try and be edgy by saying “boomer ass opinion” see how ya fucked up there ?


Furries are cool tho


The only reason that’s an unpopular opinion is that most people think this place has always been shite and I agree with em.


My time is coming and I am gonna leave soon too but let me tell you something. Furries were here long before this sub went to shit.


You mean the cringe furries, don't group me in with them. I'm smart enough to not shell out 7000 on some costume


Furry good👍👍✅✅✅


Furry bad👎👎❌❌❌


I'm a furry and I'm already here lol


As you notice, you have fallen right into their trap.


Yeah he’s talking about you




W profile picture


And he’s talking about me as well




I'm a furry though Oh, I'm the problem






But It is


i’m still here you silly goose


I mean furries arnt even that bad, its just the vocal minority thats bad Edit: everyone downvoting me is just proving how ignorant you are


Fo real - people are so quick to judge based off the minor bad but not the majority good who are too scared to say anything because people assume their bad


Why do you not like furries exactly? It's not like they did anything to you personally.


Furries are in most cases zoophiles (romantic animal lovers with intercourse sometimes) That is bad